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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 303 KB, 1539x3168, liahona-greenwood-nebkonlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9240033 No.9240033 [Reply] [Original]

Location: La Vista Hotel & Conference Center

Four days until Nebkon!
Who's all going?
Any events, panels, groupshoots,etc you're interested in?
Cool things to do while in Omaha?
Seagull meet-up?


>> No.9240064

Are there any good restaurants near by?
I'd prefer not to drive to Omaha every time to eat

>> No.9240130

Looking forward to Chii Sakurabi, #1 idol.

>> No.9240323
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I've seen her mentioned on here quite a bit for having 4k followers on twitter...

>> No.9240382

Is anyone willing to have a meetup? We can also do a line or discord group chat to plan things out and get to know each other beforehand. I'm visiting from out of state so I don't want to host the actual meet up, but I can set stuff up.

If you search on the Nebraskon facebook group, there was a post with tons of recommendations for where to eat.

>> No.9240481

Is Runza actually good or is it just a meme?
We have one inLawrence but I've never actually been

>> No.9240688

I'm down to meetup! I haven't been to one before.

>> No.9240842


>> No.9240877

Is there a list of all of the photoshoots?

>> No.9240904

Here m8

>> No.9240928

Runza is fucking disgusting, do not eat there

>> No.9240949

What exactly is it?

>> No.9241337

Message tsunderelolita on the line app if you really want a cgl meetup! For now I'll say the meetup would probably be sometime Friday.

>> No.9241411
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I only been last year but as for good places to eat all of them seem to be in bellevue or downtown omaha

We can actually have meetup then all go to a sushi place called Tokyo Sushi downtown, all you can eat and only $20

>> No.9241520

We can recreate the Sakura-con commercial

>> No.9242264

b u m p

>> No.9242289

this is pretty out of the way that i don't expect us meeting up there, but holy shit we need to bring back Girugamesh

>> No.9242307

It's a hollowed out dinner roll type bread shell stuffed with ground beef and onions

Essentially a sock full of substandard meat

>> No.9242477

Any update/luck on the meetup?
I'll only be there on Saturday so I'll probably just post my pic like i did for Naka-kon

>> No.9242485

Eat shit and die

>> No.9242926

Sorry, I already said I don't eat Runza, can't really follow through on that one

>> No.9243091

Hit me up! ill be the doom guy and some other cosplays there!

>> No.9243097

You two, it'd be best to install the line app and add the user tsunderelolita. There's a nebraskon chat group on there.

We can do Saturday night instead for the meet-up, especially since the layout of the con is completely new this year which gives us Friday to get used to it.

>> No.9243098
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I'll be wandering around as this guy again taking photos. Say hi if you see me.

>> No.9243115

Just added you m8

>> No.9243135

extremely anxious that despite the con grounds is going to be bigger for the crowd but the BO game will be strong and crowded anyways.
tis my fate

>> No.9243333
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How about this then

>> No.9243366
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>> No.9243517
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>> No.9243560
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>tfw the con is in 24 hours and two costumes still aren't done
this is fine.

>> No.9243567

What's your line-up?

>> No.9243584

I'm doing Felicia from Fire Emblem and Daiya Higashikata from JJBA! I have to make my Felicia cosplay twice since I'm making my friend's Flora cosplay too lmao.

>> No.9243606

Is this Duwangchew?

>> No.9243625

Haha, nah. I'm just some random uggo.

>> No.9243739

>tfw kind of want to go but I work tonight and tomorrow, and Saturday is my birthday with family

I just wanna meet cool people from cons, my once a year trip to AX isn't enough....

>> No.9243740

Pre-reg update

>> No.9244502

Here's the schedule

>> No.9244767
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Anyone here?

>> No.9244931

Jesus christ

>> No.9245057


Runza's amazing, don't listen to the jealous non-NE fag above.

Damn good burgers.

>> No.9245058


Who the fuck are you that you know Tre?

>> No.9245061

piccolo's steak house

>> No.9245066

>245061 ▶
o nearby.. fuck it stil go its awesome

>> No.9245716

lining up right where people leave the dealer room is pretty annoying

>> No.9245725

Shhh not important

Also who ever wants to join the meetup, get in the line chat

>> No.9245829


The dealer's room layout was fucking retarded this year

That dead end leading down to the dealer with the second-hand figs is something I would design if I intentionally wanted to cause congestion

And why funnel everyone out through that tiny-ass hallway? There are perfectly good open doors that lead out into the main hall.

This center was a poor choice in general. Despite it's size, it feels even more congested than Coco Cay was because of the layout where everyone needs to be in the same hallway all the time. And it doesn't seem all that bigger either.

I feel sorry for anyone who actually wants to shop at Cabella's, too--their lot is entirely owned by con goers right now.

>> No.9245878

Asuka grill in Evangelion panel qt af

>> No.9245891

I can't tell if she's looking at me and it's bugging me

>> No.9245905

just came from next door concert. whole band is cringey off. you werent joking about the qt3.14 asuka though

>> No.9245910


>> No.9246158

you shit talkin, Trae?

>> No.9246208
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>> No.9246503

Agreeing with this. I only went for merch and the hall made me so upset that I left without really buying anything.

I didn't see really ANYONE I wanted to take pictures of, and everything was just really mediocre. I spent like 4 hours there today and left.

>> No.9246771

sucks for anyone who parked at costco while in the cosplay contest line

>> No.9246808
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>> No.9246809
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epic maymays

>> No.9246812
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also is there a story with chii sakurabi? why do I always see her at these midwest cons?

>> No.9246813

What happened?

>> No.9246822

via facebook
>------IMPORTANT NOTICE-------
>If you are parked in the Costco parking lot. You need to move your vehicle IMMEDIATELY! If it is not moved your vehicle will be towed at YOUR expense. You have 10 minutes to move your vehicle. Anime NebrasKon is not responsible for towing of vehicles.

>> No.9246950


Guest relations for nebkon is uncreative and keeps inviting the same geusts

>> No.9247002
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Tfw your job isn't traveling to exploit weebs

>> No.9247116 [DELETED] 
File: 798 KB, 2048x1152, 20161105_154925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved the evangelion analysis panel and the mgs panel. I know you're here but I'm glad to see you we're solid snake again!

>> No.9247204
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Great con guys I had a great time!

>> No.9247725
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Got this plushie in a mystery grab bag
It's not cute enough so I gave it to my dog

>> No.9247852
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The guy was super freaking nice, too!
I wanna befriend him so badly.

>> No.9247971
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Con was not ran well at all. I want to blame it on the new convention center but holt shit staff was so off page with each other. Everything was ran like it was slapped together a week before the event.

>> No.9248109
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>tfw spent most of the con trying to find a parking spot
Parking Con 2016 was great you guys, I loved my 2004 Hyundai Elantra cosplay.

>> No.9248154

Seriously dude
There was chaos behind Cabella's

>> No.9248307

I just parked at the hotel across the street and walked through the field. It wasn't too bad, it was ridiculous though.

>> No.9251135

What are the chances that they'll move back to the Ramada?

>> No.9251162

Slim to none. They're locked into a contract with this new place for a couple years I think, and the con is too big for the Ramada anyway unless they start imposing a cap which never goes over well with anyone.

>> No.9251180


Basically zero

>> No.9252624

There's a new con called Kanpai con happening there in Feb

>> No.9253001

That's really unfortunate. The new venue is garbage.

Going to check out kanpai. Hopefully it's not awful.

>> No.9257846

if there isnt a big name guest, i doubt it will be that good. sausomecon was ok for a first con because of vic mangina, but the second year, not so much

>> No.9257864


I'm having trouble imagining Vic Mignogna's presence improving anything

>> No.9258903


The guy who runs Kanpai is rather notorious around here

I'd reccomend driving down to Nakakon in Feb. instead. You'll have a much better time. Kanpai might be fun if you're part of the raver crowd, I guess.

>> No.9259258

i agree, but it was sure funny as hell watching him in person unintentionally confirm all the rumors about him while asking everyone to whiteknight him on the internet.

>> No.9259327

I was actually there at Sausomecon
I was VVVEEERRRYYYY disappointed
Naka-kon was the second convention I've been to, I've yet to goto another con I enjoyed. I think I'd enjoy shitty cons if I actually had weeb friends in Lawrence/KC i could go with

>> No.9259370

Holy fucking shit, did anyone go to the rave on Saturday? The music was literally so awful. Why would they play normie-trap bullshit at an anime convention?

Also how did that /cgl/ meetup turn out?

>> No.9259371

the eva panel was ok but it would have been better if the autistic asuka cosplayer didnt force us to listen to them talk about how "asuka is just like SOOO misunderstood" for 15 minutes

>> No.9259412

Theres not much of a meetup if people don't attempt to meet up unfortunately

>> No.9262501

The way she pronounced Kaworu gave me an aneurysm

>> No.9264544

I thought the eva panel was really disappointing. They didn't even talk about Kaji or Gendo at all. and I thought asuka cosplayer was super annoying

>> No.9265606

eh, at least i got some yogurt

>> No.9266688

i got slightly miffed about skipping gendo but his character is pretty self explanatory.

>> No.9266690

shes actually a friend of mine i know. shes pretty chill.

>> No.9269262

what's so notorious about the kanpai organizer? i'm on the edge of deciding whether or not to go.

>> No.9271981
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>> No.9271993
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Apparently they gutted the zen garden inside the hotel, really interested if it turns into something new

>> No.9275494

well shit. that really was the only thing good about the old location.

>> No.9275545

>Going to a hick town for an anime convention.
No thanks.

>> No.9277869

We need somewhere to weeb out in the Midwest
Go away