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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9226468 No.9226468 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone group seems to have their own special rules when it comes to travel and hotel. How much luggage are you allowed to bring? How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds? Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?

When I was younger (been doing cons for about 15 years now) it was all about getting there and those kinds of details didn't matter. Now I'm the one booking hotel rooms and coming up with the travel plans for groups of 6-12 people. I used to stay up drinking till god knows when and had roommates that I hadn't met before the convention, but now we have strict lights-out policies and in some rooms, no drinking policies and don't room with people we don't know.

The list of rules that me and my friends came up with over the years was due to a lot of bad incidents that we wanted to avoid in the future. So I was curious if you have any special rules and maybe the story about why the rule came up!

>> No.9226479

Anything goes in the rooms, but no strangers. If the group hasn't met them before sundown, they stay out of the room.

Luggage is really as much as you need. I'm generally the driver and I strip out my third row (still seat 6) to make room for more luggage. When I travel alone I have enough room to put in a twin sized mattress.

Drinking is more of a BYOB type deal but generally someone will be charitable and donate a bottle to anyone who's forgotten or is down on their luck.

>> No.9226616

we don't have set specific rules we've duscussed but my group does have a few unspoken agreed-upon rules. we've never had issue with anyone in the current group but we've had some in the past.

one suitcase and one box or bag is preferrable, if only because my car isn't huge. if you have too much stuff it's going in your lap on the ride there. everyone typically keeps their stuff fairly far apart so things dont get mixed up.

alcohol is typically fair game if you're staying in the room as the ones who drink the most are usually providing. our usual roommates ask, though. food is a similar deal, if it's left out you can generally assume it's room food and no one will take more than their share, but ask if you aren't sure. anything specifically to you goes with your stuff.

no strangers, friends can hang out or, if they're just doing a daytrip, change or leave a bag in our room though.

there's no curfew but if you come in and lights are out then be quiet. we don't have a real party room, but occasionally friends do just hang out and have a beer and chat normally.

some people always get claim to the bed for reasons everyone knows. our room numbers (and guests, lol) have been small enough that we can fit 3 to a bed comfortably, but a few of our regulars will volunteer for the floor if they kick or something in their sleep. couples don't get a bed to themselves unless we're somehow down to 4 or less people a night (it's happened once, ever)

>> No.9226633

Grow up. Room with SO, often at a quieter hotel nearby. Unlimited luggage. No noise or disturbances. Long baths and room service.

>> No.9226649

Get up when you want. Shower when you want. Go to con when you want. Eat what you want. Come back when you want. Have a door key each.
No risk of getting kicked out.


>> No.9226658

This. SO and I did a group trip once. Never ever again, not even close to being worth the money we saved. Most we'll ever consider is rooming with another couple, and only if we know them well, but even then money would have to be tight as hell.

>> No.9226679

How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
As much as you feel you need and can handle (and bring in the car). If you bring too much and everyone hates on you for it, not my problem. In my experience I've had cosplayers who bring a lot because they need to have their regular luggage in addition to cosplay stuff and some repair materials, but are courteous, keep everything confined to a small area, and clean up instantly. Then I've had people who bring ONE bag and in a matter of hours its exploded all over the fucking room.

How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
Depends on the floor space. 2 people per bed, 2 people on the floor in normal sized rooms. At Colossal where there's multiple rooms and a balcony, I've actually bad people camping on side balconies and up to 6 people on the floor in the main room.

Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
If they pay for it or have a medical reason for needing it. I usually charge a lower price for floor space.

Really aside from that there's no set rules other than being mindful and respectful. The money put in for the room goes towards booze+food which is open for everyone to take. If you use up the toilet paper call roomservice to get more, label your personal food and don't take others', and don't leave wet towels everywhere or a huge mess by the sink.

Fortunately I've usually only roomed with friends, so no "special rules" are needed. I guess a special rule I could apply to another group I roomed with is "If your do your man-scaping in the shower, clean it the fuck up."

>> No.9226685

This. I room with one of my brothers. We're about a year apart and are on the same sleep schedule. I won't have to worry about him leaving without paying. I won't have to worry about him stealing from me. All of the things I'd have to worry about when I'm rooming with 5-10 other people: gone. It's understandable to have a small village going on up until your early twenties, I'd say, but after that, grow up.

>> No.9226912

This. And if we do room with anyone else, it's with another couple we're good friends with or a really good friend who is very sensible. I've never understood sleeping more people than there are beds or rooming with strangers, even when I was younger and poorer, it seems so uncomfortable, the worst situation I've stayed in for a con was when I was still at high school and in a backpackers, but at least everyone had their own beds and was respectful, even if they were strangers who thought the con thing was a bit weird.

>> No.9226917

My group and I usually rotate beds to be fair. Food and drink is usually bring whatever you want but everyone shares. I'm not crazy about luggage but the general rule is pack smart. Don't have a million and one bags or let someone know if your giant prop is going to take up half of the backseat.

I always room with the same group of 4-8 people but that's going to change next year so I know I'm going to have some horror stories.

>> No.9226919

I used to not care who I roomed with as long as I got to the con and had fun but now that I'm older (but none the more richer) I've tightened my standards a bit and let me tell you, if you can't afford a room then having a designated room person is a godsend.

>go to cons that designated go-to room owner goes to
>designated room owner has their own rules
>lays out room share prices per person months in advance
>has strict cut off policy of six people
>is super nice and brings bottled water and snacks for roomies
>strict rule over eating, sleeping, and bathing each day
>zero tolerance for drama

Since I travel alone I tend to op for sleeping under the desk in a nest of blankets so I have a designated Me Area with my luggage acting as a divider between me and everything else (also blocks out the light) and I'd sooner sleep on the floor/in a chair than share a bed with someone I don't know anyway.

So far this has been a brilliant strategy until someone who has their head so far up their own idol cosplay butt decided to ignore all the unspoken rules and strew their cosplays all over her bed, the desk, the TV table, and the floor. Her shit was everywhere all weekend and took away space from everyone else.

I also had one autism dude decide to sit in the desk chair inches from my face and eat his breakfast at the desk above me at 7am while seeming to not realize I was even there until he almost ran over my hand and just looked at me when I got mad and continued ranting with mouthfuls of food about the latest episode of MLP. I hate rooming with ponylovers.

>> No.9226955

I do the same thing now.

I am super solitary, and mostly go with just my b/f and sometimes his friend who is also very solitary. No more rooming with 6+ people for me. I like the peace and quiet of the room so I can appreciate the convention more.

Definitely 10/10.

>> No.9226961

I group roomed at all cons until after college. At that point you should have enough spare cash to enjoy the extra space and if you don't then you shouldn't be spending that money on cons.

>> No.9226962

If you do still do group rooms I usually go by these rules

>Person who is taking care of the reservation gets bed priority
>Establish early on what the bed rotation will be if any
>Pack a pop-up hamper or something to try to keep all your shit in one place
>Figure out who needs to be at what meets and events the earliest and need bathroom priorities
>If you have a makeup heavy costume bring your own towel(s) so the room doesn't have to eat the extra cleaning fee.

>> No.9226972

European anon here:
Do hotels in the US normally allow to have 6+ people in a 2 bed room? In all hotels/hostels/bnbs during my travels around Europe this would have been heavily frowned upon. You could sneak people in, if you are, well, sneaky, but I'm pretty sure you would get thrown out if the hotel found out about you housing a small village in your room.

>> No.9226987

It's not normally accepted depending on the room. Some hotels have rooms that can fit up to 8, but they're super pricey. At a con putting 6 in a room for 3 is the norm, you just have to be organized. I.E. don't be super rowdy and make it obvious

>> No.9227007

Most hotels during US conventions turn a blind eye at room stuffing because it would be more effort than it's worth. Some cons have tried to mitigate this by making it so people have to show a con badge at the hotel door and make sure everyone booked to a room has a registration but you can imagine how well that goes.

>> No.9227018

Definitely worth spending more for. I've been going with the group of friends for the past few years and it's either one or two of their relatives comes, sometimes with a baby, or they spread their stuff out all over the room and leave the washroom a mess with their makeup. I love my friends to bits but we differ when it comes to shared space and tidiness, and I'd rather not make the friendship suffer over something like that. My bf also needs his downtime (especially since our group is mostly females who cosplay) so it's nice for him to have a place to go to and be alone for a bit like >>9226955

>> No.9227024

My rule is generally friends only or close friends of friends. Even then you'll run into issue. Had a girl try to claim she was almost murdered leaving a restaurant and that's why she was struggling to pay her portion. I knew her only through my best friend, and that was the last straw for her even. Turned out she had a history of holding her hotel portion hostage to force room holders to pay more just to get her part.

But in etiquette I have a couple of air mattresses for those on the floor. Makes for less arguing of bed placement and everyone feels comfortable-ish. Plus no need to ask the hotel for a cot. I bought an old microwave from Savers for con food as Hotels always run out of theirs during. Plus it's only ever used for cons and washed thoroughly. And mini fridge for the hotels that opt out of including in the room (Looking at you Sheraton) As well as a little counter top burner Sure it's more things to bring up, but does it ever make a difference compared to when I first started hotel staying for cons. Now rather than dealing with screaming people, creepers/autists, morons destroying the bathroom, taking up more room. It's just me and friends, and if drama should occur like above, we're not as frazzled by it because the stay is more comfortable.

>> No.9227136

Went to a con and roomed with a few friends, left not being as close lol. Whatever you do don't be a dick and get ready in the bathroom, don't invite friends over without asking anyone, and don't take the only real bed when you're name isn't on the room bill!

>> No.9227178

Only as much to carry as I can handle myself, as I usually go by train. So one bag, my day-backpack, and usually one thing in my free hand (prop, box for wig head etc.).

If I staff I do sleeping halls, since the staff halls tend to be super chill. If I go alone I'm probably not going to spend that kind of money on a hotel room and instead just be smart about picking the right sleeping hall/bringing earplugs and an eye mask. If we're 3-6 people, a hotel room is a nice option. I don't bring big cosplays to cons I go to on my own anyway.

I can't imagine having to pay out my ass for a hotel room and still have to sleep on the floor. Since I know I can get someplace decent and close to the con to sleep for <15 euro, my budget for a hotel room is max 80 euro once split. If I had had to pay that kinda money for a hotel room to stuff with friends and strangers when I was 16... well, no wonder so many con horror stories start with "so there was this person we were rooming with who I didn't know that well and was kinda weird".

>> No.9227183

>Grow up

I'm rooming with SO and another couple we know very well. But it has nothing to do with adulthood or whatever bs. It's just convenient and lots of fun. But whatever makes you feel mature buddy.

>> No.9227371

I was describing my own experience.

Be me
Grow up
Do things differently.

Not implying anyone else's way is wrong, just not for me.

>> No.9227388

Room with friends only. No strangers, or friends of friends, or that one person I've met once before. People can bring as much luggage as they want, but I refuse to do room stuffing. Room has to be 4 people max or less, and every gets a bed.

And no parties or strangers in the room because I don't want the room messed up or the possibility of something being stolen.

>> No.9227513

I reserve rooms for my anime club friends.
Never group people who had or have beef with each others. Saves a lot of headaches. Make sure things are clearly laid out or summarize in written word in case problems happen. Always get all the cash upfront and make sure to factor in tip so you can tip everyday and not just at the end.

>> No.9227517

Oh and make sure you put the names of the responsible ones on the room, or the group leader. That way if someone in their party loses a card, they can just get another one at the front desk.

Call ahead to find out what the parking is like and make sure that you or someone who's name is on the room is able to check in if they arrive first.

I think I'm also at that point where I'm financially secure enough to not room stuff. So you save a lot of trouble if you don't have to manage 5+ ppl.

>> No.9227519

Luggage wise, it depends on how many in the room are cosplaying.

I would put 6 people to a double queen room or a king + sofa bed, 8 if I have to push it. I always bring foam mattresses and call to ask for extra blankets. Look up online at the hotel website to get a look of the room.

Some people like to charge extra amount to get the bed space but I've been lucky in my group to have some that are willing to sleep on the foam mattresses. For the cons that we drive to, the drivers get priority on the bed. If anyone has a medical reason, they get the bed, etc.

The earlier you arrive, the better your chances are of getting the room you reserved if the convention fucks. At Fanime this year, my second room didn't get the double bed they were promised, luckily we had a spare foam mattress.

And for god sakes, don't forget to tip the maids each day. Wrangling tips out of young college kids who don't know the value of things is so frustrating.

>> No.9227530
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You could also try asking about what they they want to get up to get ready or when they are setting the alarm, so they don't disturb the others.

Of course you also def need to sort people into party rooms and non party rooms.

If they want to be gender separated, by all means let them. Some are more comfortable with it, some don't care.

Bring a power strip and chip in for packs of water bottles.

This is what I send out to my roommates. It's a tad overkill but clears up any inconsistencies.

>> No.9227610

4 people on the same schedule sharing a bathroom can spell bad news. After one of my friends introduced me to poo-pourri,, it has become a convention necessity. I half-jokingly tell people that if they forget to use it, they can't room with me again.

I drink at cons, but I never understood the people who went to cons to get shitfaced drunk at room parties. I've been told stories of people REALLY pissing off their roomates by stumbling back to the room at 4am, turning on the lights and being loud and obnoxious on sunday when the group planned to be checked out at 11am. That's why we have the rule that the lights out policy on Saturday is set by the driver. Friday night, lights out is usually around 2am. I personally hate driving. So when someone else is driving to the con, I cover their gas and parking, we do valet whenever available. Usually everyone else follows suit and chips in.

If the con is less than 6 hours away, I really don't see the need to have the hotel from Thursday to Monday. My general routine on arrival is check in to the hotel, unload the vehicle, go get my badge, return to the room to put on my costume then do stuff at the convention. Most of my friends have this routine which makes the bathroom schedule VERY important especially since you have 4 people that have just traveled most the morning. That's why we ask roommates that are not wearing a costume and feel they need a shower to do so after unpacking the vehicle (and everyone has had their necessary bathroom breaks) but before picking up their badge while cosplayers shower 2nd and get all their costume crap out after the non-cosplayers are out of the room. We also ask that everybody cleans up the crap before doing any con stuff.

>> No.9227697

>not staying at the con hotel
Fucking why bother then? Enjoy your cross city travel in the elements.

>> No.9227701

Hotel nearby.
What is a taxi?
No parking hassles either.

I'm not saying it's for everyone but some of us like doing it this way.

>> No.9227716

The only time I haven't had room issues is when I randomly decided to stay with a group of strangers for a con no one I knew was going to. Everyone was friendly and I have a new group of con friends.

My close friends are always at least good for their money, but they are generally really bad roommates. I've had my shit stolen, nights without sleep because of their loud partying, and strangers in the room when they know that it makes me uncomfortable.

A good rule of thumb is to talk beforehand. Make sure you know about the place you're staying, who you're staying with, and probably get money upfront.

>> No.9227729

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
That largely depends on the hotel that is booked. If we get the nice con hotel about 3 large bags a person is fair. If we have to get some tiny hotel down the street from the con obviously limit what you pack.
>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
My average is 5 people, no more than 7 unless we have a suite. This balances economics and price. I also personally like having my cos senpai all together in the same room.
>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
Short answer is no. Long answer couples and people with medical conditions get priority when it comes to beds. If youre fat you get the floor. Like it is just a question of space. I also dont believe in bed rotations because they just start fights.
>party rules
As most of my friends are cosplayers we never have really consisdered being a party room. Too many thing that can break and we are too messy. Worse case we get too excited and noise level goes up too much and we have to sshh each other. As we have got older the drinking has slowed down. Which I'm ok with.
My basic rule is youre responsible for anyone you bring into the room. So if a roomie brings some people back and they swipe something yeah im going to be pissed at them but im going to be more pissed at my roomie. I ask for a basic level of character judgment. I completely frown on con sex. At least not in my room. They likely have a room too. Go over there. I'll walk in on ya. I dont give a fuck. I have a photo shoot to get to.

>> No.9227818

Aye, with the core group of 3 we don't stuff.

However, for sdcc the hotel prices are so patently ridiculous that it's really got us questioning. For the price of airfare and 4 nights (in a downtown hotel ) to SD during con week we could go to fucking Hawaii

>> No.9227824

Honestly, I've had worse experiences in con hotels than area hotels. I'd rather shuttle/taxi/public transport and be able to leave the con crazy behind every night than be stuck in the same sweaty, loud place I've been all day.

>> No.9227827

How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
I'm almost always flying, so obviously what I can afford limits me more than my roommates.

How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
the most I've had is 9. after that we initiated a 5 person limit... it was just too much.

Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
eh, if they want to. sometime we have someone who would rather sleep on the floor than share a bed.

>> No.9228166
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When it comes to luggage, at most for me it'll be a 1 large suitcase, 1 backpack and 1 carry on. But if you don't cosplay, just a large suitcase with enough room for merch will be good.

As for beds, it somehow became a rule with my group that girls and couples get first dibs on beds (2 people per bed). Luckily for the one or two people who had to sleep on floor, it was apparently comfortable.

The only strict rule is that there's no smoking of literally any kind.

As the "room owner" I honestly haven't had any trouble. Not even when a friend of mine brought his drunk friend to stay with us. He ended up being friends with the rest of us, and it was a great night.

>> No.9228185

I think a lot of people realize this and don't do the big expensive cons as much, unless superfan of a guest or band that year. Once you've been to Dragon or SDCC, other options can seem more fun. I'm looking into more niche events.

>> No.9228195
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>But if you don't cosplay, just a large suitcase with enough room for merch will be good.
>if you don't cosplay

>> No.9228203

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
The friends I room with don't typically cosplay and we usually roll up in 2 cars, so however much luggage we think we need. This ends up being a large duffle or a rolling suitcase and backpack/messengerbag/etc. At least 1 of them brings a giant military type bag with a pillow and blanket so he's prepared to sleep on the floor (and alcohol cushioned in between it all)
>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
6-10. It's a small village, but we have never had problems. Everyone's respectful, had a designated spot for their stuff and showers daily. The worst we've had is mixing up or losing chargers. More recently we've gone down to 6, and I don't think we'll be going any higher unless it's someone coming in for 1 night.
>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
No, we rotate nightly, with 2 people per bed, sometimes 3 if they're cool with it. If someone has somewhere to be in the morning (a panel, cosplay gathering, whatever), they'll get dibs for the night before. Sometimes people get really comfortable in their floor spot or assemble a bed with the big chairs and will forfeit their bed time and so there's no need for rotation. Last con I went to, there was a queen bed and pull out couch and 6 of us. The couple that booked got the bed, two friends got the pull out, and boyfriend and I slept on the couch cushions on the floor, which was really comfortable, so we were okay without rotation.

I don't think we really have rules since we're not the types to bring in randoms, just other friends for a quick break and if we want to party, we'll go to other people's rooms. And if someone comes back to the room when it's lights out, they know to keep quiet and not turn on the light.

>> No.9228205

A two bed room hosts 4 people, and I would stuff at most one more person in (on sofa bed). No sleeping on the floor. I usually only room with family or close friends, so there isn't any issue with bedsharing.

Luggage depends on how much we can carry in the car. I prefer to keep it at 1 suitcase and 1 bag for each person. But as long as it isn't so excessive that others can't fit in their stuff, it's fine.

>> No.9228385

first time poster on /cgl/, i don't cosplay but i want to get into the community, how do I not cosplay and still don't be a weird dude out of place

>> No.9228397

Bring a camera?

>> No.9228484

How do you deal with the medical issue? I have a friend that always wants the bed and pulls the "I feel so nauseous and my back will be unbearable if I sleep on the floor wah". I know she is just exaggerating. We just drove 5 hours we all feel like shit.

>> No.9228533

Air Mattress then they have no excuse. I actually have a medical issue, but am fine on that or a couch. Most time it's just someone too self centered. The only time I needed a bed was when I had leg surgery and even then I took as little room as possible to fit 3

>> No.9228539

One large bag per person and a backpack is what I usually do with my two friends(guy and girl).

Our room is typically a double so unless I bring a girlfriend or my friend brings his boyfriend then we sleep wherever we want.
If it's a king bed we sleep with my guy friend in the middle since he wouldn't do anything to my female friend obviously.

When I went to my first con I was excited to be in room with a bunch of people but after the 2nd night I had enough and decided never to room with strangers again.

Nowadays I stick to my trusty two con friends since we do a lot of road trips and traveling other countries throughout the past years together.

>> No.9228554

I laughed.

I've never met a man who truly cleaned up after shaving, beard or elsewhere.

>> No.9228563

Where the hell are you from that you think it's mandatory to tip housekeeping? Unless you're going to a con on a cruise ship you only tip housekeeping if they did a seriously amazing job. They make at least minimum wage, they aren't servers ffs

>> No.9228588

the thing is that SDCC is the 'home' con for my group, who has been going since the early 2000s.

we go to other cons, but everyone has always made time to go unless it's absolutely impossible. disappointing that it's gotten so much more expensive that we are starting to collectively question the value.

>> No.9228604


Must be nice having a significant other to go to conventions with. I'm not a hot 10/10 asian guy, so most girls here that are even remotely interested in anime are psychopaths from the art college.

Can't really help magically appearing a SO by "growing up". Some of us just aren't lucky to find anyone we mesh with.

>> No.9228608

Every time I go to a convention, because I'm a poorfag, I have to split the cost among several handfuls of friends. Unfortunately, none of them seem to have much any respect for personal space, hygiene or simple common sense. They stay up until all hours of the night, try to bring girls back to the room when we actually need to use it and always expect me to spend time with them 24/7 just because we rode together. Worst yet is when one particular friend dicked around and didn't answer their phone, so we had to wait several hours for them to eventually show up so we could finally leave.

>> No.9228640

Not that Anon, but where are you from that you're so opposed to tipping housekeeping? Everyone I've roomed with tips housekeeping.

Yeah they make at least minimum wage, but they often don't get paid enough for the shit they have to deal with, and cons often mean packed hotel and lots of parties and messy weeb kids. Tipping is just a courtesy, especially if your room is relatively messy or you've got a lot of extra linens to be washed.

>> No.9231692

if I wanted to room with a bunch of people and party i would renlist and fuck that. i don't understand how nerds go for the fucking 'junior enlisted suite' and cosplay it legit seems digusting. I would rather pay for a cab and commute then deal with the fucking slave/college frathouse room.

>> No.9232442

Some of us have friends that we don't mind being around and sharing the con experience with friends makes a good time even better.

When the commute to the con is 6+ hours, carpooling cuts down on gas/parking costs and makes the long trip more bearable. Having a room at the hotel makes it easier for your group to split up and regroup when people want to do different things.

I can understand where you're coming from if I were to attend cons by myself, something I have never done.

>> No.9232547

>dear journal

>> No.9232598

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
As much as you want, just leave the room tidy after you're done. Then again I travel by train so I never bring that much stuff anyway.

>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
Rooms with 2 beds are pretty much always 2 single beds here, so just 2 people. If one brings over anyone else (SO, one-night stand, stranded friend etc) and gets caught, they have to pay the fine. Hotels over here are pretty strict with these kind of things and one convention hotel actually swept all the rooms this year for "fire safety reasons".

>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
One bed each, and my bed is my bed. Also the first to get up in the morning has to open the window to let the stank out.

>Party rules
Don't bring any strangers, respect in the people next to us, and take the party downstairs after midnight. Our cons go on until 3am/all night and allow people to bring their own booze inside anyway.

If one of us wants some privacy, just text each other and the room is all yours for an hour. Do note that you have buy a six pack of beer for the one who gave up the room during that time.

>Other rules
Leave the bathroom clean and only take a dump after both of us have showered. Other than that, use your common sense.

>> No.9232675

Where do you con, anon? Germany?

>> No.9232731

Close, the Netherlands.

>> No.9237535

Speaking as someone whose mother was a housekeeper, min wage doesn't even begin to cover the toil of working as a house keeper. >>9228640 is partly right. If it is just me in the hotel during a non-convention period and knowing that I'm pretty clean, I won't tip too crazily. But during a convention with stacked guests, then tipping does become mandatory. It is just rude to do it, and I won't room again with someone who doesn't contribute or consider our housekeeper.

>> No.9237607

Do any of you use AirBnB for con travel? I used it a lot for a trip this summer and booked an entire apartment with some of my friends for a con this spring for a lot less then a hotel would have been (And this is with a full kitchen and laundry machines)
I love using it and have found most people running them to be really friendly and was wondering if it was a common thing for anyone else

>> No.9240086


I've had maids take money out of my suitcase that I had hidden away, so I"m not really down to tip the housekeepers unless they do something to really deserve it. Bit of a shitty attitude maybe, but once bitten twice shy.

>> No.9240095


I tip but that fucking video where the maid tries to get into someone's personal computer has me all paranoid now. People be people, but people be shitty.

>> No.9240106

Personally, air mattresses hurt my back. I'd rather sleep on the floor.

>> No.9240514

Cons for some people are tight budgeted to begin with and they just wanna get away from their own shitty ass minimum wage jobs for one weekend. Most minimum wage jobs suck, but it doesn't mean they deserve tip.
Do you tip the other back of the house people that sanitize your plates or the ones that cook your food when you go out to eat during cons? Do you tip the people that maintain the building you sleep in so it doesn't collapse on itself? Probably not, but these people go into making your con experience just as much as the house keepers do if not more.
Hopefully you didn't kick anyone out of your room because they didn't agree with your mommy-obsessed morality.

>> No.9243782

I've been con-mom for quite a few years now, but I don't figure I'm all that strict.

>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
My room stuffing limit is 'so long as everyone gets a bed'. I don't like people on the floor unless its an air-mattress, which I'm the one supplying. Mine's pretty comfy, and folds up very small so I can travel with it easily.
I'll room with anyone who seems drama-free at least once. Everyone gets a chance, and unless they fuck up, I'm usually game to room with them again.

You can bring friends in, but its preferable that they're mutual friends. And always ask first. I don't want to come back to people i dont know sitting on my bed, when i've been out shooting all day and would like to strip off my cosplay.

>Party rules
Drinking is encouraged, but be responsible about it. No one wants the next morning's cosplay smelling like what they had the night before.

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
If we're traveling by car, it's luggage tetris, and as much as we can comfortably fit. But if we're busing somewhere, you're responsible for your own shit.

>Other rules
I'm not fussy about exploding suitcases, so long as people stick to their own little areas. Bathroom schedules can be made loosely, but when there are 4 nerds coming back at 3am to wash off their body paint, its usually preferable that everyone else showers before then, or in the mornings. But you WILL shower, and I will not be subtle about telling you that you need to.
And keep the bathroom clean- I shouldnt have to clean up after you just to have room to put on falsies.

No housekeeping ever- too many delicate props and wigs that are very tempting to pick up and mess with. But I'm still tipping them a little at the end of the weekend when we check out if i've got spare cash- other rooms wont tip, and those poor housekeepers are going to be dealing with plenty of awful messes ):

>> No.9244636

I just follow the rules, don't drink alcohol and sleep in a corner with all my things unless it's a bed then I put my things in a corner near my bed

>> No.9245542

always book a nice hotel room or apartment for me and my friend. never thought of staying with more ppl. we love privacy kek

>> No.9245544

It's less stressful so the extra money you'll spend on the room is absolutely worth it.

>> No.9246513

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
Throw it in we'll make it fit

>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
Depends on how much floor space there is to setup cots

>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
Rock paper scissors it unless some guy has a bad back or something. On the last day the driver gets a bed. Also unless it's morning DO NOT WAKE THE DRIVER.

Booze, food, whatever bring it and go nuts. My crew geeks out for one weekend all year we might as well make it a big one.

>> No.9249221

I knew it! I recognised this behaviour! Fellow Dutch person here.

I usually only share a room with my SO or with other really close friends. We sometimes have to travel in bigger groups due to being volunteers, but we always go by car and find a cheap place nearby then.As we are part of an organisation we make some rules beforehand. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean some of our volunteers aren't being dicks. Buying huge swords while the car is already filled with people and luggage. Showing up late. That one autistic person who cannot get over you being exactly on time instead of an hour early. Some people forgetting that others have medical issues. Autistic person running off mad because he did not get any attention.. Mostly it is the autistic person acting up which annoys the whole group, but we don't want to listen to him as that would give him more power which he doesn't deserve.

>> No.9249242

You forgot to mention the most important part anon: dirty weeb cosplay fuggin how you want when you want

>> No.9249285

That entire description makes me feel like I know you. My group too sticks to rooming with friends and partners, has a lot of gophers/stewards in it, and we too have (or had) a whiny autist. Only he constantly whines about his non-existing love life and follows you around like a lost puppy. I'm kinda glad he stopped going to cons, what a buzz kill he was...

>> No.9249517

Kinda hard to do that without an SO

>> No.9252642

I usually pack tampons, pads and a clean pair of panties for me or any other girl I room with. A rando roommate had the misfortune of shark week co-inciding with the con and bleeding all over the sofa bed.

I also pack plastic bags or trash bags to save on mess.

>> No.9253091

General rules for groups of people I know.

Don't bring randoms in if they seem like trouble/do illegal shit.
Don't give minors room alcohol (group alcohol).
1 person sleeps on the floor max.
King size beds fit 3 reasonably.
Host of the room gets a bed always(because I'mean always the host and I'm a shitter)
You break it, you pay.
If two rooms, one shower is used for ice to hold cold beverages, the other to shower.
Everyone has to shower, but we've never had to yell at any of our group about this.
You're responsible for who you bring in the room.
Clean up after yourself.
You are responsible for yourself (i.e. no one will babysit your drunk ass)

>> No.9253128

How the hell can people stand stuffing rooms? I guess maybe it's because I look at cons as a vacation, but I've always been the type to eat well, buy some stuff at the dealer hall, and enjoy my weekend instead of eating like shit while being crammed in a room of 8 meant for 4 and blowing my extra money all on the dealer hall/AA. I fucking die laughing every time I see an idiot counting their change worriedly after they walk out of the dealer hall or talk to their friends proudly about how they have to eat Raman for the rest of the weekend because they bought the cool 300 $ madoka figure they couldn't afford.

>> No.9254176

Long-time lurker and ex-housekeeper/laundry attendant posting!

Worked for a major hotel company that owns mid-tier to luxury hotels for just under a year.

On the topic of how many people to cram into a 2 bed room:
Policy at my workplace was 4 adults maximum in a room with 2 beds, unless there was a sofa-bed (pull-out couch) or a cot, then it was an extra 1 person per sofa-bed and/or cot. This is to adhere to fire safety regulations. However, most staff don't care as long as you keep the room relatively neat.

> Keep your room neat
It's difficult to vacuum, dust, etc. when it looks like your luggage exploded all over the room
> Don't be afraid to ask for more towels, pillows, sheets, toiletries, etc.
We don't care unless the hotel is overbooked
> Try to keep quiet after 8pm
It's just common courtesy
> If you want new bedding or towels, put them on the floor
> Most hotels will offer dry cleaning services
At your cost unless you're staying at a fancy hotel
> If you can afford it, leave a tip at the end of your visit, especially if you've stayed for a long period of time
Something as little as $5 can make their day
> If you have time at the end of your visit, pile up all the bedding and towels on the mattress
It makes the housekeepers job SO much easier

> Front desk is a great resource if you need information on food, transportation, entertainment, etc.
> Joining a hotel chain membership is worth it, especially if you travel a lot
> If you leave a tip, leave it on the notepad with a clear sign saying "TIP"
> All eggs served at any mid-tier or lower hotel are powdered and usually taste like shit

A 5-star rating does not guarantee that the hotel will be good or that the staff will be friendly. It measures value, amenities and potential satisfaction. My hotel wasn't great, but had 4 stars b/c it offered hot breakfast, had a small conference room and a shitty hot tub and a pool with a slide (that almost killed a staff member).

>> No.9254510

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
My primary group has no rule restricting it but its generally one large bag/suitcase and one smaller one. Since I'm the cosplayer in the group that does more than 1 cosplay, an extra bag to store things that won't fit.

>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
Can't remember if we have a max limit, but it might be 7-8 for a room with either 1 or 2 beds.

>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
Generally dibs on the bed. Some exceptions do occur like if they're doing a large amount of planning or they have a medical condition like pain issues that didn't go away before con.

If we have any rules, they're unwritten and we all trust each other to not let any mishaps happen since we all want to enjoy the weekend.

>> No.9260179
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At first my group didn't have rules but overtime we have had to impose them, either from outside people being dicks or newbies taking advantage of the situation.

>bring your own money (besides for hotel and food)
>hotel money will be received by organizer at or before entering hotel.
>bed situation comes by first come first serve. Anyone exceeding the original 4 (2 beds) to 6 (2 beds and pullout sofa) will get the floor unless personal trades are made. Period.
>we only take extras after 0 hour in absolute emergencies. Period.
>no room service unless unanimously agreed upon.
>no randos in the room. Period.
>your stuff stays in your bag/area. You are responsible for the cleanliness of that area.
>if mixed sex room the opposite gender will excuse themselves either outside or to the bathroom while the other is undressing.
>if fikki fikki must occur a warning text will be sent out and it will not be done on shared bed (unless the bed belongs to the couple). If shit happens on a shared bed you will contact housekeeping for clean sheets (unless its the couple bed). If attempting to do it at a high traffic time your request will probably be ignored.
>BYOB unless otherwise planned with other roomies. If you puke you clean it. You will be cut off if you cross the limit.
>As far as drugs go, if I dont see it then its not my problem and not my business. If drugs are shared same rule applies. If it becomes my problem you will be kick from the room.
>we will agree on a morning alarm, evening lights out, and shower rotation. Exceptions can be made for extenuating circumstances, but otherwise tough shit.
>If I catch you stealing you're gone.
>if something breaks and you are at fault, you pay for it.
>I understand drama happens and sometimes it follows you (creeps, jellies, crazies), as room organizer I will do my best to keep it from following you to the room. I will kick you if you are the problem though.

This isn't just your room, its everyones room. Act like it.

>> No.9261209

>needing to have any of these rules put into place in the first place

What the fuck kind of autistic fuckheads do you people hotel with? Do none of them have any understanding of social etiquette?

>> No.9261395

These are "people are shit" rules, common sense is a superpower, see the horror thread mark MMXL for why

>> No.9261889
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>I hate rooming with ponylovers.

This year's Dragoncon, we ended up with someone who one of our friends 'endorsed' who paid for floor space.

- He never EVER attended any events; all he did was sit on one of our beds and watch CN.
- He wouldn't shut up about how his lost his job and why it was so unfair.
- He took a lot of pills. We never knew what exactly they were for.
- He carried a Princess Luna toy with him......everywhere. Even when he needed to take a dump.
- We never ever saw him change clothes. He even slept wearing his cat ears and tail, which led some of us to think he was actually homeless.

By the Monday when we were all packing to go, we found out that he actually went to prison for identity theft; only the person who endorsed him was the only one who weren't losing their shit.

>> No.9261909

Luggage will vary depending on event and transportation method.

I will usually bring two cases/bags for longer events or special instances (Colossalcon for example) but most of the time I try to bring at least one set of extra clothes. If we can fit the luggage, friends are welcome to pack it.

Whoever booked the room gets first bed choice, or they may defer it to their SO. However it's an unspoken rule that we try to at least make the beds before we leave even if they have to do it anyway.

For bathrooms only general use make-up can be left out (nothing special that you got for a costume like paint or colored eyeliner). It's not uncommon for my friends and i to share it for costumes and or just to go out. No towels on the floor. Period.

Food is a special case. I usually try to bring a small cooler of dishes i make at home, and enact an "everyone for themselves" policy unless we agree on having a pitch-in or go out. Also if you don't shower, you don't eat. There's one person i know who has a habit of not bathing when they are on vacation, and is the sole reason this rule is in place.

Common area/TV use is usually a free affair. However I insist that everyone label what video games or anime they bring so nobody takes something that isn't theirs by mistake.

>> No.9262097

I only room with my bf and a couple close friends. We only do four to a room so everyone gets bed space. If the room is large we'll bump up the limit to five or six and use an air mattress.
General rules are don't leave your shit everywhere and clean up as you go. Luggage must be stored out of the way.
We never really have a lights out time since most of us are in by midnight or 1 anyways.
I always bring a couple of garbage bags because those tiny trash cans get full fast.

>> No.9262118

I have a few things that I do that have ensured I never get screwed over on my room.

>You don't have a spot until you pay the deposit.
The deposit is your portion of the first night stay.

>You must pay for the room two weeks ahead of time.
This saves from scrambling from trying to raise money before check in or trying to hunt down people after check in. This gives me time to pre-pay my credit card.

>Room is non refundable after that two weeks. No matter what.
This ensure that the people going are serious and not going to flake out because they over spent and now can't afford the convention.

>Everyone brings a pillow case, a towel, and a garbage bag.
No stained pillow cases from makeup, no one gets stuck with no towels, and everyone puts their trash in their trash bag.

>Whoever is driving brings an air mattress.
Anyone who stays out super late can crash on the air mattress without waking everyone up.

A lot of why this works, I think, is because I work with friends who aren't flakes, but every once in a while someone wants to room with us and we tell them the rules up front.

When I host a party room, I only have a couple of good, close friends stay with me.

>> No.9266581

Had a trip with my boyfriend and me along with 10 other girls and that ended with one of my "friends" in a room with a random guy she just met. Also that meant dragging me along because she "would only go if I went". I thought why not because I was in a two bed hotel room with 11 other people all sleeping cramped on the floor. A bunch of drama happened.

Never again.

>> No.9267148

I have a group of friends I usually room with for cons even though I could afford a room to myself. It kind of depends on if everyone goes the max we've had in a room is 8 people for two beds? There's no real rule for who gets the bed but typically couples get the beds and every brings some sort of bedding to donate to those on the floor. I'm one of those people who don't like sleeping in hotel beds so it works out fairly well.

There not luggage rule because two of them have a AA table so it's kind of like whatever can fit? Typically I do the garmet bag thing for cosplays that can like fit in tighter places in the car and one suitcase.

There's a no drinking policy in the room but no one really minds it if you come back to the room at 3am cause your drunk ether. Rule of thumb for the room is that room food is left in a pile in the kitchen area typically and food in the fridge belongs to someone.

>> No.9267203

Flush when you're done. I've shared with a few people who don't flush after shitting and it's horrific.

All girls too, funnily.

>> No.9267363

>almost killed a staff member.

>> No.9268170

>>if mixed sex room the opposite gender will excuse themselves either outside or to the bathroom while the other is undressing.

Shouldn't the people who are changing be the ones going into the bathroom?

>> No.9268451
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i am in LOVE with the pillow case/towel/garbage bag idea. i would room with you based on those rules anon

>> No.9268601

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?
I didn't used to have a rule for this but after rooming with mostly cosplayers and one troublemaker in particular I ask that everyone be reasonable and not bring every goddamn costume they own, maybe two bags and if you need a dressbag you can neatly hang in the closet. Also, you carry what you bring, I had to help a friend who was a lolita and cosplayer for several years because she brought way more than she could reasonably unload and bring up to the room by herself, it was fucking ridiculous. She always offered to help me with my stuff but I had like two bags and I could carry those by myself. Please be courteous on this, it's super annoying to have someone bring way too much shit, want help getting it to the room and then leave her cords all over the bed for half the day because she was "laying everything out".
>Space in the room
Everyone gets a designated corner or area in the room for their bags and props, keep your shit in your area. If you leave it anywhere else and it gets damaged, it's your fault. Food and booze are fine but bring your own stuff because no one is obligated to share (but most of us do anyway). No pets, no babies. Everyone is reminded to pick up their shit at the beginning of the con. (I didn't used to have to do this but lolitachan fucked it for everyone)
>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?
Never more than 4, again everyone I room with are serious cosplayers and with the need for space for props and stuff, as well as bathroom time for makeup and changing, I can't handle anymore than that.
>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
Yes. No guests after 7pm and if you want to bring someone to the room during the day, ask. You have sex in the room and you're gone, no refunds, no one wants juices on their cosplays.
>room payment
Due upfront the day of the con as soon as you get there or you dont get a room for the night.

>> No.9268602

Whoops didnt mean to quote you, sorry.

>> No.9269264

Someone else who agrees with me. I usually room with my SO and maybe a friend and his SO but usually not, and make it a vacation. Sometimes i eat cheap but hey cheap food is tasty too. I get plenty of nice room snacks and always at least one good meal (usually to a place you need at least a touch of effort for). Usually i don't buy much of anything in the dealer's hall but that's just me not usually finding much i actually want. It's about doing stuff and meeting people, not buying stuff.

>> No.9269277

Let's say you have three boys, and three girls. Are all three girls going to shove themselves into one bathroom, while the boys get the entire room? Especially if we all have to be at a panel in 15? (assuming genders, of course)

In our rooms, we only take people we know, so we don't give a fuck. We don't bring strangers, so if my bff sees a boob, it's not the end of the world. And if he makes it awkward, we don't bring it up. Are people this uncomfortable with their bodies?

>> No.9275551

>How much luggage are you allowed to bring?

Enough for three days

>How many people do you put in a hotel room with 2 beds?

2 per bed, like 5 on floor is the most I've done

>Does everyone get to sleep in a bed every night?
Nope, but my friends are chill enough to know that some just aren't going to get a bed. The women usually get priority of the bed though.

We drink excessively till 3am and put anyone who is clearly about to black out in time-out. "Stay in the room for 30 minutes and you can come down after". They never come back down. Only happened once out of 7 cons though.

>> No.9275573

>all these strict rules

Do you guys room with randos or people you don't know that well or something?

>> No.9275591

I cant speak for everyone here but I only room with people Ive been friends with for a year or more and you'd be surprised what people think is acceptable because you're friends. It's like some people immediatly forget common sense and manners and where the line is.
Hell I've had some of the stupidest shit done in my room by friends I've known for 4+ years.

>> No.9275593

cons bring out the worst in people and it usually follows them back to the room

>> No.9275620

I often wind up with friends of friends, and while they are good people laying out rules helps. desu I usually have the least trouble with people I barely know... it's the close friends who tend to give less of a shit and thus wind up being assholes sometimes

>> No.9275702

Got any stories you'd care to share?

>> No.9277399

My simple rules: No alcohol, no drugs, no parties. I get my money on the day you arrive.

>> No.9277420

I only room with good friends that I trust. The reason for the rules is so that we have a playbook, basically, and no one gets lax and screws someone over either by carelessness or by forgetfulness.

>> No.9277431

I room by myself since I don't have any friends and don't even get spoken to at cons, nonetheless discuss rooming arrangements.

>> No.9277454
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>> No.9278230

>Getting up when you want
>Not having to deal with occupied bathrooms
>Can take a shit without feeling self-conscious about it
>Not having to worry about waking anyone up as you get back piss drunk
I don't see any downsides to your room situation.

>> No.9278750

Oh, yeah, the rooming is great.
Life is pretty mediocre though.

>> No.9279907

>Enjoy your cross city travel in the elements.
not a problem if you're not a frail pussy

>> No.9280083

This. Fucking men.

>> No.9280085

This is why the do not disturb sign goes up and stays up until checkout. It isn't hard to keep a room clean for a couple days.

>> No.9280232

For the love of god, figure out if you snore BEFORE the con. If you do, it's your responsibility to take precautions (breath strips, handing out earplugs) and warn everyone. I've had two different bad experiences at con because of this:

>Staffing convention. Friend and I are assigned to room with two fellow staffers. Both staffers have severe sleep apnea. One shows up with a c-pap machine, one does not.
>The one without the machine is ridiculously loud. Buy earplugs first night.
>On the last night, the c-pap machine guy just decides to stop using his machine for whatever reason.
>Even earplugs don't help.

Story 2:
>Room with same group of friends every year at con.
>One roommate is a snorer, but nothing we can't tolerate.
>Over the past year her snoring took a severe turn for the worst because it's the loudest, most disruptive sleep apnea anyone has ever heard.
>Wakes every single person in the room up at least once every few hours for two days straight.
>Constantly waking her up to get her to shift positions but it only helps for 15 minutes or so. In the morning tell her about how bad her sleeping has gotten and suggest breathing strips.
>She doesn't buy any. Storing from the devil continues for nights 2 and 3.
>At one point someone goes and sleeps in the bathtub to get away from the noise.
>Everyone is exhausted and miserable all weekend.

>> No.9284075

do you even have fun?

>> No.9284125

My friends and I do occasionally if we are in a larger group and need like 4 beds. Works really well also for making sure there is enough space to get ready and ensuring people eat since there are kitchens.

>> No.9284146

I got used to this when I had a cosplayer SO and it pretty much ruined cons for me after we broke up.

I'm too damn old to pack into a hotel room, share a bed with a random person or sleep on the floor, and just generally have no privacy for the duration of the con. I'm pretty much done going to cons except when I know I can room with one or two other close friends and have my own bed, or on the rare occasions that rooms are cheap enough to stay on my own. (Which is getting harder and harder at the big cons lately, it's hard to justify AX or Fanime when I could go to Japan or Europe for not much more money...)

>> No.9284236

>and a pool with a slide (that almost killed a staff member)
You can't say that and not tell the story

>> No.9284306

Omg this sounds so awesome to me right now!
I just recently started watching anime again and I want to do my first cosplay (without help) soon. So I don't have any friends in the community right now, but I'm totally hyped for this kind of "party weekend fun" thing!
Anyone in Germany looking to meet people to go to a con with? I'm 20y/o college girl (so not totally intimidating)

>> No.9284988

Moderately related to this thread, romantically clueless anon here.
I, 21/m was invited to an out of state by a girl, 19/f who I've known for 2.5 years now. We've been to several cons together, and even roomed together once, but always with other friends.
Well this time, I asked her if she was bringing any friends, and the first time she completely dodged the question, which I thought was weird, and then the second time said her friend had bailed, so it would only be the two of us. Alone. I think she's into me, but I have all the romantic knack of... A frequent /cgl/ user.
Tl;dr what do I do to avoid spilling copious amounts of spaghetti?

And remind me tomorrow, I have a rooming horror story of Mexican tuna fish lady from ACEN that must be told

>> No.9285008

Without context on the question dodging, it could be the friends were being flighty in the first place on the room so she didn't want to give you a real answer either way on if other people would be sharing the room, and then it turned out indeed that they would not be coming.

Honestly you know her better than /cgl/, depends on what kind of person she is. Does that seem like something she would do? I'll just say if it were me (21/F here) it probably wouldn't mean too much and if it was an attempt at romance it would be way more akward and be really obvious on day one. But then again I'm a boyfriendless frequent /cgl/ user as well so who knows what use that is.

>> No.9285015
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Well I don't know, neither of us have really talked much of IRL stuff while we're conning, it's kind of taboo to bring mundanities of college, work, etc into what's a getaway weekend.
The more I think of it though the more I think she's my type,and as bad as an idea I may think it is, its better than letting it go to waste. I guess I'll tentatively ask her this weekend at the con, but man if I'm wrong that's gonna be a real fuckin awkward drive home

>> No.9285455

Who's booking the room? If she is, the number of beds should be a dead give away of if it's a just friends thing or something more. Unless she books late and one bed rooms are all that's available. If you're booking, just ask her if you should get one or two beds.

>> No.9285844

to quote directly from messages...

>I was gonna ask, how many beds did you get?
>just 1, I was planning on sleeping under the desk
I guess just wait until we get there and try to change her mind? I'm no good at these subtleties.

With that said, it is now story time of crazy Mexican tuna fish lady from ACEN. This may take a comment or 2, so let's get going.

>ACEN 2016
>I've never been to a bigger con than Ohayo, a different friend had invited me to ACEN and I'd heard nothing but good about how big it was, the crazy guests, and the whole 9 yards.
>I get off work at 10pm, pack up my car, drive through the night and make it through to some parking garage for one of the Con's attached hotels at about 5am
>Grab a quick 3 hr nap and head in at 745~, registration didnt even open until 8, lines were already biiig
>con stuff happens and I'm sleep deprived and parking garage was loud due to planes flying in every 3 minutes, so when friend heard that I was carsleeping she offered me a floor spot
>I say sure, we go to meet her roommies, and then the nightmare begins, in true greentext form, in the next comment.

>> No.9285851

noice dubs.
>Friend opens door, first thing I notice is a cold breeze carrying the scent of stale pizza along with some unidentified slowly decaying food object, later found out it was lo mein hidden tactically under the couch for a late night snack session, lost to the ages
>Second thing I notice is "wow, this room is fucking cold".
>Finally I get to meet the inhabitants, I think there were 7 of us sharing the room. Me, my friend, 2 unimportant Homestuck lesbians, another unimportant friend, and then the couple from hell
>couple from hell is a slightly pudgy mexican dude whose clearly had better days, he's sitting in recliner with ice bag over his eyes, felt bad he had to remove it to greet me
>After the story was over, I just felt bad for him in general
>The last person is the true piece of work. It's the crazy mexican tuna fish lady
She was...
>20/30 lbs overweight and in denial with her outfits
>greeted me in nothing but her T shirt and panties, did the same for when she paid for the pizza dinner that night
>I know the stereotypes and memes but she genuinely had some bad hygienic issues down there, dat pussy stank. That is why I call her tuna fish lady
>mental issues out the wazoo, and acted like it was a badge of courage that she had them and was so open about them
>in casual conversation, "yeah, that sounds like something I wouldve done if my dad didnt molest me with my uncle as a kid."
>I wasnt feeling good, Im glad (lesbians) hid the razor from me last night

>> No.9285858

Basically, a complete piece of work and then some. I wouldn't even be surprised if she browsed on here.
>Friend who invited me to room with this couple from hell had used me because tuna fish lady was trying to make her into her body pillow Fri night, this does come back into play
>It's late at night, now 1am or so, I'm starting to lose feeling in my face since I'm so low on sleep, so I go back to the room
>knock knock
no answer
no answer
>wait outside for 5 minutes, one of the lesbians comes up and opens it w/ keycard, we enter
>tuna fish lady has mounted mexi man on the pullout couch, I pity the springs, and thankfully the only light was the TV, it was bad enough to see as is
>we make awkward eye contact, it's still fucking freezing, and scurry into second room where our stuff is
>I get out my purchases for the day and use it as insulation against the arctic winter, and snuggle in for hibernation
>as I'm drifting off to sleep, I hear squeaking springs in the first room signaling the return to action
>wake up in the morning
>dust off the snow from my under-desk bunker, pack supplies and venture in search of water
>pack car, go back when friend wakes up, tuna fish and mexi man are still out, she's naked ofc
>grab a quick shower, offer friend ride because lolnopass Sunday, she accepts
>we leave, find out from mutuals that tuna fish lady was having intimate thoughts about my friend and very vocal about those as well
Rambly but...ew

>> No.9285878
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>taking turns doesn't exist
>planning doesn't exist

>> No.9285929
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Quick question, as a guy who has no cosplay friends/has lost a bit of contact with the one friend who cosplays, i need to ask how do i room with a group going to a con.

>> No.9285970

Join the cons facebook or forum group and politely ask if anyone has room (and that you'll pay).

>> No.9286018

Oh god. The mens dorm at one of the LARPs I go to can be heard from god damn space. There's at least 5 heavy snorers in there and they shake the doors. I have no idea how any of the other guys get any sleep.

>> No.9286022


The trick is to go to sleep before everyone else

>> No.9286723

I'm pretty relaxed about my rooms, but I do have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to drama. I've actually cut an entire group of friends off because of their behavior at cons over the past few years.

Now I book my own rooms and have my own rules. While I won't have so many horror stories, it's nice not having to worry about so much bullshit.

I don't have limits on luggage unless somebody is being unreasonable with the amount they have. I trust people to use common sense, but I have known people in the past who will take up an entire car trunk by themselves, and carry stuff on their lap AND expect other people to help carry things - which is just ridiculous.

Usually I put 2 people per bed per room, but for bigger/more expensive cons (like Colossal) I'm fine with cramming 2 or 3 people on the floor, but I don't like to do it in excess.

Beds are first come, first serve, unless somebody has a medical condition. If somebody has to sleep on the floor, I usually cut them a discount.

Other rules:
>drinking is fine, but BYOB if you're going to drink a lot
>no smoking in the rooms, but edibles are fine
>pick up after yourself
>don't eat other people's food
>bath every day
>room must be paid at least 2 months in advance
>no randos in the room
>no dramabullshit

>> No.9293076


Man, my husband snores, and he's the kind of person that pretty much falls asleep as soon as he hits the bed. Meanwhile, I'm over here taking like half an hour to finally fall asleep...

>> No.9299283


Okay, but I'm curious as to why he had an ice bag over his eyes.

>> No.9299355

I room by myself.I have friends.I used room with 3 to 5 other people.Only first had any problems.Rarely go to cons anymore that is not local.If i do go to a con that i need a room i do it by myself mainly cause do not go to the same con as me.

>> No.9299358

Meant to say only first time con i went to with friends had a problem.

>> No.9304282

She sounds like an autistic girl with a crush, anon, and the crush is you. Go for it. If you're wrong amd don't make a big deal out of it, then nothing lost.

>> No.9304299

Not really, no.

>> No.9304333

> No alcohol
> Claim a corner of the room, keep all your shit there. Don't let it spread.
> Food on the table is fair game. Food in your claimed corner is safe.
> No more than 6 people in a 2 bed room
> If you're not one of my 6 people, you are not allowed in the room unsupervised. Period.
> If you're not one of my 6 people, you're not sleeping in the room. Period.
> Beds go to ye who paid first
> Except for my brother, who always pays first and always sleeps on the floor because he hates sharing a bed
> No room service.
> Everyone tips the poor housekeeper who gets our room afterwards.
> When someone turns the lights off for the night, they stay off. Use your phone flash light to find your bed if you're stumbling in at 2AM.
> Don't unplug someone else's electronics. There are plenty of outlets. Find your own.

I don't have a specific rule about bathing or hygiene, because I only room with friends, and I would never room with someone who I had to actually SAY that to. Luggage isn't a big deal because I borrow a friend's mini van for road tripping, but it's an unspoken rule that my artist alley table stuff takes priority over anyone's cosplay (duh).

>> No.9305119

>no room service

Why, out of curiosity?

Or does room service at your hotels put it on the bill for the room and not have you pre-order and pay online?

>> No.9305122

Bring a little bottle of lysol wipes (Like 1.98) and leave them in the bathroom, tell everyone rooming to wipe the counter down once they are done putting on their makeup/showering/whatever say you. Raise hell if a mess is found.

>> No.9305124

Most hotels will foot you the bill for room service upon leaving. Worse, many don't actually advertise the room service actually costs extra. The bill gets footed to whoever put the room in their name. I've never heard of pre-ordering for room service online or it even being an option.

>> No.9305129

It's a precaution against getting turned in for room stuffing - I usually only pay for 2 or 3 people in the room. The sleeping bags are a dead giveaway.

My first job I worked as a housekeeper for a hotel that offered incentives for turning in that kind of thing, so I figure better safe than sorry.

>> No.9305130

This, too.

>> No.9305132

Oh hell, and here I was thinking of getting an unwanted bill. I didn't think of that. Then again, when I travel, I'm selfish and hoard a whole room to myself. No roomies for me.

>> No.9305274

You say selfish, I say wise. Nothing beats being able to get a good night sleep when and how you want it. Roomies, especially multiple, are only a nuisance. Keeping you up late with their talking or loud entrance, waking you early with loud alarms, delaying your plans because "I'm not done yet!", not giving me a minute by myself so I can recharge my introverted mind after being social all day...

>> No.9309847

Same, what's the point of spending all that time and money to go to a con when you're only going to be exhausted every day because of disruptive roommates

>> No.9309854

>pay if you're staying
>don't invite weirdos or people that will get us kicked out
>the booze is free game and if you bring any it will be drank
>smoke in the shower stall and spray after every toke, always use a sploof
>everyone goes to bed when everyone goes to bed
>text ahead if you're gonna get some and if somebody is gonna score you MUST vacate the room so they can have some privacy, this is punishable with crushed Ramen in your bed

Had zero problems so far.

>> No.9310233

Must be a room full of virgins

>> No.9310393

Your room sounds like pure hell.

>> No.9314027

Cons are ususally our weekend to just let loose so the only real rule we have is strangers which most the time we never follow.

>> No.9314031


Legally and depending on the room size it's about 4-6 adults. As others said hotels generally turn their heads since it's going to happen anyway and frankly with the amount of money they make from the weekend who cares.

For Youmacon the only percautions they have is that you need to have a hotel key, wrist band or be with someone who has them so that way they don't get a bunch of fuck wits trolling for parties on the already over crouded elevators.

>> No.9314042

At most two bags + carry on per person. Everyone sleeps in their own bed. Every hotel checked against bedbugregistry and similar sites; if there's a report in the last two years then the hotel is disqualified. No smoking, drinking, or drugs in the hotel room. No opening the room door between 2 and 6am.

>> No.9314454
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Sometimes it's worth spending the full price of a room for yourself rather than splitting a room with 5 other people for a cheaper price, especially if you know the 6 person room is going to be a party room.

>> No.9315093

I usually am the one reserving the room but I forego the bed priority because it'll mean sharing and I prefer to sleep by my self.on my air mattress.

Me and my roomate con together and we both have 3 air mattresses between us so usually no one is actually sleeping on the floor

>> No.9315135

It's chill as fuck actually. 99% of the time it's nice and peaceful, we don't actually have loud parties there (we generally get toasted and then go back downstairs to be loud), and everyone is generally in bed by 1 or 2AM. The great thing about my crew is that everyone is a pretty decent person (with one sole exception- see below) and respects eachothers needs. For this reason, we've never actually had to discuss rules (again, one sole exception) and it's more of an unspoken code. Sometimes we have people over for a good time up in the room, but it's never gotten out of hand and we've never been kicked out of a room.

Only a couple of us are. The Ramen thing is due to precedent. We have one guy among us who is kind of a douche at times, and at one point, ended up cock blocking my best friend by showing up at the room at the worst possible time and not taking the hint to leave. He also said there would be a microwave. There was not one. So, that night, when he drags some slag in from the con (who promptly gets in his bed and passes out), he gets into bed and is greeted by the feeling of three packages of Ramen crushed under his covers. It gets funnier from there because he can kind of be a beta at times but I'll spare him the embarrassment because I know he'll see this.

>> No.9315179

Does anyone charge a flat rate inside of dividing the room total by the number of people staying?

Thinking about doing this, since people like to change their mind repeatedly, it'll be nice not to have to worry as much. (Flat rate would be about $50-60 btw) Thoughts?

>> No.9315235

That might not work. What would be easier is asking for deposits, whoever drops out doesn't get their money back.
If you ask for a flat rate, that might not be enough to cover the room if you don't get enough people, and if you get more people than expected and end up profiting, it'll be seen as unfair.

And always get hotel money from people right at the beginning of the stay, ideally in exchange for keycards.

>> No.9316343

> if you get more people than expected and end up profiting, it'll be seen as unfair.
This is what I was afraid of, although I'd just use the extra money on gas/food/bevs but not everyone would be okay with that.

I'll try out the desposit method then. Especially because I have a couple of friends who bail out on the last minute and maybe it'll prevent that (That or I'll just get to keep their $20)

>> No.9316364

THIS. these are perfect rules, my man. Kudos.

>> No.9316366

I don't do exactly this but since most of my group is 'grown' now, we spend the money on more than one room so that everyone can be comfy

>> No.9316368
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Oh looks it's the poor people shouldn't have fun trope

>> No.9316375

Try rooming with randos, some anon earlier in the thread said they only ever have good rooming experience with random people.

>> No.9316383

>getting ready 15 mins before a panel

>> No.9316398
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Hotel that is hosting a con has first come first serve parking. Already have a room for day 1 and day 2, but I wonder if I can park on day 0 and sleep in the car without anyone noticing.

>> No.9316412

I have a pal who...for some fucking reason...feels the need to shave his whole beard and face every year at con.
Clogs the sink drain, doesn't fully clean up...

Some people I swear

>> No.9316418

Just go!! She clearly wants the d. It's a win win.

Also waiting on the tuna chan story

>> No.9316422

>makes awkward joke about sleeping under the desk
She was fishing for you to offer bed sharing, don't be a pussy just do it anon, and report back.

>> No.9316426

>no alcohol

>> No.9316437

>Have to shave
>Lay small paper towel over the drain to catch the hair and keep it from slipping down the drain and clogging it
>Lay a small cloth towel with one half in the sink and one half out (dry half for drying face, wet half for wiping up the rest of the sink because it's easier for hair to stick to a wet towel)
>Don't shave like an absolute madman
>Wipe up the floor with slightly damp toilet paper to catch any falling stray hairs

It's not really that hard but I could see con-spergs fucking it up. Honestly when it comes to getting hair fucking everywhere I've had more bad experiences with women.

>> No.9318003

So I have a question since most of you seem to be the room heads. I have a few people flying in for a con (at least 6) and a few more driving up. We're all meeting at my place before we go, but my only issue is that I have no idea how to get 10+ people to the con, plus all their luggage. It's about two hours away, and I only have a normal sized car.

I plan on asking at least one of the people driving up if they could help me drive, and maybe also asking my parents if they could use their truck to haul luggage. I'm not sure what to do if they both refuse, however,

>> No.9318072

Are these rules for like, friends or semi-strangers you set up large rooms with? I can't imagine how meticulous some of these lists are for you and your bros just hanging at a convention.

>> No.9318118

Piggybacking on this with a story of what not to do.

>Driving to con 2 hours away. Acquaintance/friend asks for a ride. Tell him sure and pick him up.
>15 minutes into the ride, friend whips out his electric razor and stars shaving in the back seat of my car, obviously with no cloth down.
>Have no idea wtf to say to this. Watch through the rear view mirror as he gets hair all over my back seat.

>> No.9318150

10 people plus luggage is going to be at least 3 normal sized vehicles. I wouldn't ask someone who isn't attending to make 2 round trips (8 hours total) in a single weekend. Hopefully you have at least two rooms so the hotel should be fine with parking a 3rd vehicle, but arrive early to make sure everyone can find a spot.

Just be blunt with the other people that are driving. Know which 3 people you're taking with you and have the others work it out on their own. If they can't work with each other well enough to get that taken care of, you're probably going to be in for some room drama. If anyone has oversized luggage put them in the vehicle that has an open seat, but plan on taking four people yourself.

>> No.9318175

I often see people posting in con groups about how they have n number of spots open for strangers...maybe these rules are for those types. I'd never let anyone I'm not cool with in my room. My rules are extremely relaxed because I know my friends aren't assholes.

All I know is I'm glad none of my friends are like people in this thread.

>> No.9318552

That's kind of interesting, I've never seen any posts like that. Thanks for the info anon!

>> No.9318561

Speaking as a former bellman, please don't forget to tip. Cons are reviled in the service industry because of how poor they tip. With 6 people in a room, it isn't hard to cough up a buck a person

>> No.9318740

Tried suggesting for the 10+ people to pitch in for gas money for whoever they'd be riding with if the driver agrees to help them get to the con? It could be maybe a few dollars or a suggested tip-thing for the drivers. You'd have to figure out a reasonable yourself though.

Some might not like the sudden extra cost for travel but if it suggested/optional, some might actually do it, even its only a few dollars.

>> No.9318763

For everyone who stuffs rooms, can I ask why?
Are hotel rooms enormous where you live, or are the rooms just really expensive?
A hotel room with breakfast is between £60-100 at most cons depending on if you're in a single, twin or double. If you split with one other person for 3-4 nights that's more than affordable. Why are you putting up with such discomfort?

>> No.9318792

I wish my group of friends had some sort of rules for when we go to a con together.

>have a couple friends that aren't too good at saving money but when it comes to cons one of them budgets and the other doesn't
>both have trouble when it comes to spontaneous spending, especially the second
>I don't have any vices so I save pretty easily
>go to a con together
>both friends go on shopping frenzies, but one has the budget for it and the other doesn't but doesn't want to feel left out so spends up (even though
>complains every night about being broke but her bag is full of con shit and her room back home is so full of stuff I don't know where she even puts the stuff she gets at cons
>go somewhere fancy one night for dinner and she complains the entire time she can't afford anything there and then tries to make us feel bad by only ordering garlic bread and no meal
>has guilt-tripped us every other night before this into eating at shitty places (that made me sick due to a recurring illness I have)
>friend runs out of money on the last day but we decided before the trip our last stop would be at a mall since we don't have many nice shops where we come from
>go in and buy a few things I usually have a hard time getting
>go into a stationary store and friend comes with me
>buy a few things I need and friend falls in love with some pens
>friend tries to buy pens but has totally run out of money at that point so me and my other friends stand around feeling second-hand embarrassed as she transfers money to buy some silly pens
>she's totally out by that point and we've yet to have lunch
>she sits around mournfully looking at everyone's food so give in and get her some fries
>end up spending more than I mean to just to cover for my friend who can't save for shit

Moral of the story: don't fucking go to cons if you can't afford more than just the room!

>> No.9318803

I don't necessarily think that cons have to be that expensive, but if you DO go to a con on a shoe string budget, stay the fuck out of the dealers hall!

>> No.9319696

I did this it was when I was younger and didn't have as much disposable income. We were used to going to our friends places and 4 of us sleeping on a floor and that left use more money for food and the vendor hall. Still my upper limit for a room was 6. I've seen rooms at cons range from $80 to $250 a night. I always get a room onsite because I cosplay.

I've done offsite hotels before as well because I could get them as low as $40 a night. This meant I had to deal with parking and everyone had to come and go at the same time because we only took one vehicle for the trip. Now that we have more money it's MUCH easier to have a room onsite where we can do costume changes and shower and everyone can come and go as they please. If someone wants to stay out at the rave then go to a room party, as long as they know where they're sleeping it's fine. If someone wants to crash out at 10 they can. If someone needs a nap mid day then they can.

>> No.9321014
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Because bankrupting yourself for anime is something you should do.

>> No.9325534


Yeah, I'm with you. You can go and enjoy the con even if you bring your own food and don't buy anything if you don't have the money for it, but I don't get these people who don't have money for anything beyond the room and lose their minds in the dealer hall.

>> No.9330840
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>Generally the first person in my group to look into hotels
>Con this year has several hotels that are pretty cheap and a mere walk from the con
>Trying my best to figure out ways to save money for all of us
>Start listing off prices and details to friend to give him an idea
>Just gives short replies, doesn't seem too into it, but its typical of him
>Find something good, close, and with free breakfast and a parking fee that doesn't rape your wallet
>Super cheap if we all split 2 rooms 7-way
>Tell him and decide to get the gang all together to settle down a plan
>Week later, see our schedules sync up so that we have a day off to discuss plans
>Message him about it
>"Yeah no we already reserved a room at this hotel"
>Hotel charges extra for breakfast, wifi, and has a high parking fee, overall super expensive as shit

I really don't want to be angry with my friends but they did the same thing last year. Then complained that they wasted so much money.

>> No.9330875

If you go the urban camping route, just make sure to bring coverings for your windows. Shade coverings for the front & back, and then you can pin up or tack up some plain fabric over the side windows if they're not tinted. Even if someone suspects there's a person in there, in order to DO anything they have to actually see you. Windows covered? Can't see you. Take a sleeping bag and a good pillow.

I wouldn't do it in a regular car for a whole weekend, but for one night you should be fine.

>> No.9330901

See, I always go for Off con hotels, and I have become used to public transit, then again I am used to giant cities, and some cities (I really enjoyed taking the bus to Colossalcon, it was like "oh my god the public transit in this town is literally a tool to get the workers to the resort, jesus christ I feel like a Vice gawker)

>> No.9332147

They said nearby hotel and sometimes the con hotels have obnoxious shits running up and down bedroom floor corridors screaming like toddlers on too much sugar

>> No.9333857

I have literally never stayed at a con hotel that was $75 a night after tax. And that includes the insaneo cheap rate we got once when a roomate had an employee discount. Hotels in the US are pricey to start with, and then they also jack the prices up during con weekends so that the substantial con rate discount you get is often more than what the rate will be next weekend. On the more expensive side, Dragoncon rates after tax are in the $270/night ish range, while booking off con rate can run you around $400/night. I agree that room stuffing is no fun, but I understand why broke high school or college kids can't afford paying $200 each for three nights.

>> No.9335737

>Still living with family
>It's cheaper because of college and all
>Share bathroom with younger brother
>Clean it
>Not an hour later he shaves his beared and leaves hair all over the sink

For fuck's sake

>> No.9336668 [DELETED] 

>Always go to cons alone because no friends
>Never have to worry about money
>Never have to worry about food
>Never have to worry about booze
>Never have to worry about noise

Doesn't make for very good stories, though.

>> No.9336672

>Always go to cons alone because no friends
>Never have to worry about money
>Never have to worry about food
>Never have to worry about booze
>Never have to worry about noise

Doesn't make for very good stories, though.

>> No.9336676

No shame, anon. There is absolutely no reason to not go for your own hotel room if you can afford it.

>> No.9340151

Set up a password, set up a camera autowatch, extort the hotel when you have the footage. Baby level stuff.

>> No.9340660

Slam the brakes, turn to him and ask what the fuck he thinks he is doing.

>> No.9340721

Its about to get a lot easier during my con season because I quit cosplay a year ago after my cons.

>> No.9340943

Wow. Reading this thread has made me feel useless.

My group's Con Rules/Travel Etiquette

>Same 4 or 5 people who always go
>Pile about a suitcase each into one friend's big-ass truck
>he's always the driver, this never changes
>I'm the guy who searches/books hotels
>2 Queen beds or 1 king
>Share one room, everyone puts their shit in one spot
>Liquor is bring your own, beer is a group item
>Food is generally pizza ordered from whatever chain is near the hotel

That's it. We're a pretty average group of dudes and we seldom make friends, and almost never have anyone "brought back to the room" so there's no worries there.

>> No.9340979

I've never roomstuffed before so we've never really needed to set out rules like this. When I was in high school I always only shared the room with my sister (we would go to the con with all our siblings and friends though but they were all boys and had to deal with their own room because can't have them genders together when mom is driving us) and now I just go to cons with my boyfriend and maybe one other friend. One year when I was in high school though I brought one of my female friends and she was so clingy it was ridiculous. She got really upset that I didn't want to spend every second of the day with her even though we have completely different interests and would have been bored at the panels eachother wanted to go to.

>> No.9343993

I stopped group rooming with folks in hotels after somebody jacked my stuff when I was at Otakon back in '03. That and walking in on one of my roommates getting his back blown out by another dude.

I've been rooming it alone ever since.

>> No.9346274

>don't be a weird dude

>> No.9347021

>So, since it's usually close friends (talking 7-10 years of friendship) we can usually fit 2-3 people if we can those sweet big ass beds. Otherwise, someone brings a blow up mattress and we will rotate. Sometimes it's just 4 of us so we end up spending more, but the bed situation is less complicated. It's all good either way.

>I'd say about 2 bags (like a suitcase and duffel or backpack) is best unless the 3rd or 4th item is something like a cooler, blow up mattress, some extra small bag. As long as each person cleans up after themselves and keeps their things separate, it's good. I've roomed with people where their shit is just fucking everywhere and it's like war zone. I personally like to pick a drawer and put all my things away and hang my stuff up and put my shoes in the closet to keep it organized.
>We all bring foods and snacks and drinks and establish what is for everyone to eat with no limit, and what is off limits personal items.
>We all check up on each other to make sure we have been drinking water and eating.
>We rotate taking showers and stuff depending on who takes the longest.
>We try to be considerate of whoever is sleeping and we usually agree on a time of when to set an alarm so we can all get up to get dressed and eat.
>Don't leave strangers in the room and warn people if you are bringing a guest over and for how long

It's pretty simple. I think if you room with trustworthy mature people, it can be a fun and comfortable experience for everyone no matter the amount of people in a room (unless it's like 10 people. like no. I'm not 16 years old anymore).

>> No.9347030

Oh my god...sorry for the title by the way. I am the worst.
But also I wanted to add about payment.
We do payments about a week or two before con. Some people, however pay in cash depending on the circumstance.
For travel, if we're driving, we all pitch in for gas and if it's a long way then we will rotate driving sometimes. Be on time otherwise we all hate you for the day.

>> No.9348429

>extort the hotel when you have the footage
This. It's all about getting leverage, and any amount, even if really miniscule, can have them caught with their pants down.

>> No.9348452

I mean there's now way you can have 1 car for 10 people so I'd say chose your passengers and let everyone else figure it out, you aren't their babaysitter.

>> No.9349707

Everyone gets their own bed unless they're a couple. End of story.

If possible, everyone gets their own bedroom, too. That way you keep your shit on your side and I don't have to concern myself with the half dead naked horsemasked guy on your bed.
That shit ain't none of my business and you better keep it that way.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

>> No.9349710

You've almost missed the point of rooming together. At that rate, you might as well go whole hog and each get your own room too.

>> No.9349724

>booked room is cheaper with multiple people
>quick access to friends/conmates if you need it

Isn't that the point?

>> No.9349727

But you don't each need your own bed. 2 people to each would make it even cheaper and is hardly crowded.

>> No.9349766


Some hotels ask if you want a double bed in your room, or two single beds. I assume other anon is going for two single beds in every room so that each person in their groups gets a bed. You'd still end up with two people splitting the cost of one room.

Some serviced apartments have room configurations like 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchenette and living area, last one I was in my group of three people ended up taking one bedroom each. The hotel would have been cheaper if they allowed us three people to a room, but they had some weird rule about max two to a room, so the rented apartment ended up cheaper than two hotel rooms.

At least, that's how the whole thing made sense to me. Could just as easily have said "we adhere to room occupancy and don't stuff rooms" though.

>> No.9349769

>Tfw everyone thinks it's a terrible time unless you waste tons of money staying at the con hotels

Who gives a shit if you gotta drive 5 minutes

>> No.9349774

Okay, you're not American and I was dumb for assuming.
Over here, your standard options are rooms with one king bed or two queens.
I was going off the assumption everyone was getting a queen bed to themselves.

>> No.9349782


>>9349766 here. Oddly enough, the one time I was in America for a holiday our hotel rooms all had two King sized beds. Would not have guessed that double beds were unusual instead of the norm.

>> No.9349856

- Room stuffing
- They might steal your shit

>> No.9349875

>finding somewhere to park
>having to pay to park
had to lend a guy SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS for day parking at a con once

>> No.9349882

Housekeeping is not going to steal anything, unless you're staying in a sub-40 bucks a night super-cheapo motel.

>> No.9353704

What is a taxi?

>> No.9355738


I think you're forgetting groups where everyone wants to drink. It's not fun being forced to stop so you can drive tired back to the hotel at 2am. On top of that, going to your room to get a drink so you don't have to pay crazy prices for it at the con. Pack booze only lasts so long and drinking out of the car can be hell, especially if it's warm out.

Had a day trip to ACEN once and the group drank out of the car to avoid over-the-top liquor prices. 90 degree rum and cokes are pretty fucking bad it turns out and all but killed our spirit half way through the day.

>> No.9355997

I room stuff all the time. I dont think ive ever had an issue because the people i room with are generally really mature about things.

We all decide who is showering when before we set out for the first day, we are all ok woth getting to sleep on time and up early enough for everyone to get ready (6am for the early risers)

Those who get up earlier will eat breakfast and bring stuff up for thise who are still getting ready.

We have a buddy sytem with the keys, because most of us pair off anyway.

The worst experience i had was staying at someones house 20 minutes away and she wouldnt get up till 11am and we'd only get to the con at 1.

I also generally kip on a small couch thats in the room, leaving 2 people per bed and then 2 on an air mattress.

I dont know if its just because im lucky or what.

>> No.9356028

WHen I room with randoms I always make sure that we are all the same sex. There hasn't been a time where someone of the opposite gender hasn't tried sleeping with me

>> No.9356036

You sound really sexy.

>> No.9357274

Also Dutch.

As much as is needed

>how many to a room with two beds
Two. We're not animals. Everybody sleeps in a bed every night, and everybody has their own bed, couples get a 2 person bed.

Even when I still went to cons with groups we'd make sure of this, only time we didn't was the first time, in some nasty rental place where the beds advertised were a futon that didn't make it into the 2p bed that was promised and the pull out bed was a mattress on the floor.

>be considerate
>be responsible
>be hygienic
>pay ahead of time
>don't show up wasted
>no drugs
>no "guests"

These days I mostly just room with my boyfriend, and close friends when travelling abroad. Saves everybody from having a bad time, and it works.

>> No.9357729

special rules and maybe the story about why the rule came up:

>replace towels daily.
One of us will take all the towels out and a fresh stack in, room service usually will trade you right at the door. This keeps the humidity down with 4-5 showering friends, and no one accidentally uses someone else's dirty towel the next day, also keeps things tidier looking since we only do roomservice and tip the final day (there are usually cosplays on the bed, etc, they can't make it anyway and there's no need).

>platonic +1 or SO only, nothing in between. no matter how well we know them.
Cuts down on potential drama while people are in that "budding feels" stage, get it together beforehand or bring a friend.

>hotels only, no motel, airbnb, or friend/relative's house
Cancellations, guilt trips, unexpected livng conditions that you can't just ask staff nicely to fix, and creeps. 'Nough said.

>> No.9358011

>no drugs
so we can't even double the dutch?

>> No.9363986

Any good stories?

>> No.9365721
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>There hasn't been a time where someone of the opposite gender hasn't tried sleeping with me

I do not fucking understand people sometimes

>> No.9370033


I know a lot of people go to cons to try to hook up, but jesus.

>> No.9374974


What are the normal tipping guidelines for bellmen and housekeeping?

>> No.9374991

Anyone know how shady you have to be to put more people in a room?
>hotel is bought up by the con
>only way to get rooms is pre register and go through site
>they only have rooms for max 3 people, probably to sell more
>we have a party of 5 total

It's a single king bed. Was going to bring a self inflating matress we can deflate in the morning and hid, but never really broke the room limit before. I mean, if asked I can just say it was friends stopping by the room, right?

>> No.9379547

>No towels on the floor. Period.

But towels on the floor indicates to housekeeping that they should be replaced/exchanged. If wearing extensive makeup, or you sweated a lot, I hope you don't reuse the towel.

>> No.9379553

Is this your first convention? It's absolutely normal that people overstuff rooms for a convention. Don't worry.

>> No.9381485

I duno about where you live but putting the towels you want replaced in the shower or the bath is the standard procedure. Leaving them on the floor is rude.

>> No.9381690

That sounds so boring!

Like half the fun of going to a con is getting to spend all that time with your con friends and going to random room parties.

>> No.9382199

Yeah you'll be fine newfriend lol

>> No.9385275

If you're gonna be slobby you have a dedicated pile near your crash space.
All rubbish is cleaned into a pile when we leave using whatever bags we can to make the cleaners life easier.
If we get pizza, we share.

Travel wise, we have a dedicated role in each group for times relevant to the hotel. If someone needs a blanket or another key me or a mate goes down because in the past someones blurted out there's six people in the bed.
Den mother books all the rooms.
Smokers innocently let others into the building.

Travel etiquette is "guitar bag for weapons."

>> No.9385287

Do I tip housekeeping just like $5 or is it supposed to be a percentage of the room cost? I'm paying more for the infrastructure of the hotel system than for clean towels on day 2 here..

>> No.9385427

>> If you have time at the end of your visit, pile up all the bedding and towels on the mattress
My friend did this once (and I wasn't aware about it) went back to the room and almost had a heart attack as the pile was made like someone was sitting under the bedsheets at the end of the bed - truly looked like someone sitting crosslegged under the blanket as I turned the light and walkd in....and yeah he told me he does that on purpose lol..ugh..frick

>> No.9387780

Every decient hotel I've stayed in has had signs specifically saying to leave them on the floor... Unless it's some place like days in, and then, they usually get piled on the counter

>> No.9387801

>Housekeeping is not going to steal anything
Whatever you say Consuela

>> No.9387815

Maybe it varies by region or hotel chain? I'm in US and have always been in places with signs saying leave the towel on the floor to have them replaced.

>> No.9387889

>Housekeeping is not going to steal anything
unless they themselves are otaku house keepers. my mom is the only person I noticed on trips that always had clothes taken - figuring the housekeepers are her stature and well..old fogies clothing appeal to them.

>> No.9387983

In the UK the sign always specifies to put them in the shower or bath if dirty, hang up if happy to use again

>> No.9394421


I'd be interested to hear from people inside the system so to speak- like I know housekeepers are notoriously underpaid and rushed, but how many of them actually steal?

>> No.9394583

From what I understand most cleaning people don't steal anything since there's always paranoid middle aged white ladies pointing fingers at you anyway. Better just to not have anything on you that might be suspicious if you get searched.

>> No.9395791

If the hotel is pricey, im room stuffing that bitch up. Ive had 10+ in rooms I've hosted. (Im usually the one that books). I make sure i know everyone in the room if im booking. ( i dont care too much if im rooming with a friend and dont know everyone.) But i love booking it myself, because i make the rules, which are pretty lenient since i usually have party rooms (nothing too crazy though.) Tips and tricks: if it's a two bedroom room, push the beds together so you can fit more people in there hell i dont care. I had 8 people on two beds before and just 2 on the floor, but just in general, move the furniture around so you have more space, but make sure to put it all back when you leave and CLEAN. Been doing this for years, always a good time with friends.

>> No.9397576

Used to work in housekeeping, and it never happened, neither me nor the colleagues I was friends with (and yes, the majority were 2nd/3rd generation immigrant women). May depend on the country though, as this was in Europe in the early 00s.

>> No.9402966


I figured this was the case, but it's nice to hear it from people with experience in the industry. Thanks!

>> No.9402980

Did you just turn 19?

>> No.9403020
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I know someone that books multiple rooms for cons all over the country that she has no interest/ability in attending, then scalps them over Facebook. This is a hobby that could get her in trouble right?

>> No.9403581

Our group is pretty well organized, and we've been doing conventions together since 2004 or so. (Been attending cons for longer, but didn't do hotels until college). Over the years we've pruned down a bit. We used to room stuff with like 8-12 people spread through 2 rooms attached. But now we pretty much do 4 people max, no matter what. Our basic rules haven't really changed, however.

>Payment for room is due the day before or the day of the convention so the booker can pay off their credit card.
(heard a horror story from my buddy from Comic Con...two of our other friends we've never roomed with didn't tell our friend they weren't going to pay for the room before the con, but spent all their money on stuff at con and didn't pay him back till a month later....we made sure to not invite them to our rooms after that)

>We designate who brings extra materials: Trash bags, bottled water, ect. You are responsible for any mess you make.

This is so we can help keep the room tidy. We usually bring a bit of our own food and drinks, but the trash cans in the hotel rooms are like wastebaskets, so they fill up fast with waste from 4 people. Cleaning up the trash before room service comes and having it all ready for disposal hopefully makes their jobs easier.

>No room parties, strangers/new friends can be invited up to the room to relax for a bit, but not to spend the night. You are responsible for them or anything that happens.
>If you make-a-the-sex, you are required to get the bed sheets changed out by room service as a common courtesy.
>Be respectful of lights out. There is no set time, but if the lights are already out and people are snoring, it's time to keep it quiet.

Past that, we haven't really had to make any new rules since we're all good friends already.

I have never in all my 20 years of convention going stayed with complete strangers, so I don't have any advice on that....except "don't".

>> No.9403609

What the fuuuuuuck? Report her ass to the conventions she does this to.

>> No.9403622

I hate cunts like this desu.

>> No.9403657

This fucks over attendees that want to go, staff that are planning a large event, and hotel's business when they offer room blocks or con rates for these events. Fuck everything about this.

>> No.9403691

Name and shame, PLEASE.

>> No.9403706

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to ask this in...

I'll be flying to a convention in a few months when I'd normally drive. I usually buy a few prints and normally it'd be easy to transport them home. Not quite sure how to go about transporting prints on a plane tho.

>> No.9403853

It's probably better to set aside a budget to ship said items home instead.

Most hotels or conventions have a Fedex location inside the hotel for their business minded customers.

>> No.9405534

This is why you don't allow more than one booking per person baka

Although my group ended up with four rooms for Fanime this year despite how competitive housing is. We aren't scalping them, all are being used, but some people who didn't get rooms are pretty pissed

>> No.9405544

This >>9403853 is something that never crossed my mind. Good thinking, anon! What I do is store my prints in clear files inside of a zip-up binder. They'll be fine in your suitcase that way.

>> No.9405800

Out of curiosity, why does the driver bring the air mattress? I understand bringing an air mattress in general, but why do you have the driver be the one to bring one?

Also I second >>9268451, 10/10 would love if my friends were like you for rooming

>> No.9407544

I bring a tube with me. You'd be able to pick one up at any UPS or Post office store, and then as you go around the con, just roll up your art and slip it in. Less chance of damage while you're walking around the con space too.

Then mail or pack depending on what space you have.

>> No.9411664


Maybe it has to do with space issues in the car?

>> No.9411862

This is like several months after you posted this, but I'm looking into an airbnb for ColossalCon. It looks like we'll be able to get a whole cute cottage right on the lake for cheaper than the shittiest hotels in Sandusky for that weekend. I'm pretty excited!

>> No.9418208


Oooo! Do you have a picture, anon?

>> No.9418310 [DELETED] 

As a middle-aged man, what's the best way to contact girls attending a con to get them to whore for money?

Craigslist doesn't seem to work very well, but I have to believe that paying for several hundred dollars of travel expenses would be appealing to some.

NY Comic Con very much included.

>> No.9418957

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9424831



>> No.9425638

What the fuck? Where I live I have to show my passport/driving license to the hotel that matches my name when I go there to stop that sort of stuff

>> No.9425640

send me 100k via paypal and i'll whore for u daddy

>> No.9429747


I'm still wondering about this myself. Wonder if we can get someone who worked in housekeeping again to answer.

>> No.9434582

I'm super solitary and never done a group/party room before, but I'm starting to think that maybe it could be fun to do something like Rufflecon with a couple of lolita friends and make it a lowkey party kind of thing. Has anyone done this kind of thing on the lolita end instead of the cosplay end?

>> No.9434633

Cardboard tube always works

>> No.9439833

>con had a dance at the end of the day
>need a con badge
>two people go in, one comes out with both badges
>rinse repeat

>> No.9439844

I've never tipped house keeping.
Besides resetting the room.
Aka vacuum, replaces towels and sheets, they don't do anything for me, I keep the do not disturb sign on the door my whole stay. I make it easy for them by keeping the room clean as all hell. That's their tip, all they need to do is what they do after anyone leaves.

>> No.9439854

You're a human trash can. They still have to clean all of the linen and wipe down all of the surfaces after you've been there. Someone who brings you food deserves a tip but someone who has to clean your toilet doesn't? I put up do not disturb and keep clean too but I always leave a tip when I depart because someone has to clean up after me, no matter how clean I leave it. They're people, asshole.

>> No.9440103

Dragoncon host hotels charge 1-2 nights non refundable deposit at the time of booking to counter room scalpers with no name changes or exchanges allowed on the room you get.

>> No.9440126

Person who booked the room gets bed space. No exceptions.

>> No.9444810


There's still a lot they have to do, they have a lot of rooms to clean in very little time, and they make very little money for all the work they have to do.

>> No.9450111


I'm now imagining like a Papers Please Con Edition.

>> No.9454642

Someone should turn it into a mod.

>> No.9454645


What if others pay more?

>> No.9454646

Have you never been in a hotel? The person who booked is responsible for any damages, losses, etc. YES, they still get the bed even if others paid more.

>> No.9459617


Sorry, good point.

>> No.9466192


Glory to Constotzka!

>> No.9468368

Yeah, and what about the people who made the vacuum and the bleach? Do they need my money too?
What about the man who actually made the food? Does he get a tip?

I tip my delivery guys because I'd rather have them in my good graces then someone with housekeeping
Ex, faster delivery, no shaken soda
The person is doing their job, why should I give them more money? Why don't they talk to or form a union if they're getting paid so poorly? Servers I can understand since their pay IS tips, but I'm not going to tip someone making a pay check already.

"Hey thanks, you really did your job after I left and didn't care if you did your job"
Who's to even say that they do their job WELL after I leave?

Jesus anon, you don't need to be such a prick about it, everyone has their own way of thinking. It's not like I took a shit on the floor and made them clean it with their tongue.
They still make a pay check and that is their job.
They don't provide ME a service I believe I should tip for.
I don't even see them. Should I tip the telephone repair guy who goes up the poles if he fixes one connected to me?

>> No.9473526


They may be making a pay check, but it's pretty much minimum wage, and it's still a service job. They're still cleaning your toilet, the sheets you slept in, and even if you don't see them, they're getting paid a lot less than the telephone repair guy I can guarantee you. From everything I've heard, housekeeping is an incredibly stressful job. If you don't want to tip, anon, that's your decision, but it's not just an easy peasy job they show up for and get paid well for. I'm not particularly well informed enough to answer the union question, but if I had to make a stab at it, I'd guess employment politics and the fact that a lot of the workers in the housekeeping industry are foreign might have something to do with it.

>> No.9473592

So they should work somewhere else.

>the fact that a lot of the workers in the housekeeping industry are foreign might have something to do with it.
Don't sugarcoat it. My family is foreign. My family immigrated to a better country- LEGALLY. These people are illegal and that's why they're stuck in a shitty housekeeping job. I'm not going to be rewarding them for doing their job.

>> No.9473609

Usually I try to keep it to the bare essentials: bathroom bag, one suitcase, and one garment bag. If I'm on a stuffed room I add one air mattress and place my things on it all weekend or use them to prop it up to save space.
Also have a don't be a dick policy that has been working for years.

>> No.9473682

Do you enter your accommodation on the day of the con or 1 day before?

Con is fri-sta-sun starting noon.

Do you book your accommodation on thursday and rest?

or do you go there on the day itself?

for example I take a bus ride 7:30-12noon on the day of the convention.

spend 30 mins going to my hostel and prepping, probably an hour.

Feels kind of a waste going there on a thursday when there's jack shit to do, and a waste of money.

but then again it might be a bit tiring to take a long bus ride beforehand ( though ill prolly sleep anyway).

>> No.9473706

It depends on the con. Some cons have a Day 0 on Thursday where there are still some things going on, so I'll go on Thursday for those ones. Otherwise, Friday. It's a waste of money to buy an extra night at a hotel when you're just going to be sleeping that night.

>> No.9478740


Oh the classic Don't Be A Dick rule.

>> No.9479883

It really depends on the con and how I'm traveling. If it's under 4 hours away then it isn't worth booking Thursday if nothing is going on. I normally don't book Sunday night if we plan on leaving Sunday either. However when we have a group that's flying, it's cheaper to book the hotel for the extra days since plane tickets are cheaper on Thursday and Monday than they are on Friday and Sunday.

>> No.9484322

For me when it comes to fanime and ax, I need day 0 to get the badge and a good rest without the anxiety of missing on anything from the day of the actual con.

>> No.9484606

Here's a good tip.

If the person who's card is on the room, cannot be there when the rest of the party is. Call up the hotel and ask for the credit card authorization form and they can be authorized to check in with out you.

>> No.9487632

7 months huh

>> No.9492767


I'm kind of curious to see how long it can keep going myself.

>> No.9499535


Thanks for the tip! I know it's a little paranoid, but that doesn't give them any other privileges does it? somehow I get this bad feeling like something could go terribly wrong doing that if you don't really trust your group.

>> No.9499672

On my particular form, it specified what the card could be spent on. I only check the box for room cost and did not check the box for incidentals and room service.

>> No.9500351

I'm glad someone agrees with me.
As for the whole illegal immigrant thing, I purposely avoided that and tried to call out housekeeping as a whole, but yeah, a lot of housekeeping (In the south especially) has illegal immigrants working in motels and shit. But hotels at cons normally have legal workers.

People get rewards for being astounding, not just doing their job that they've decided to work.
People exempt from this are waiters who work for tips, and food delivery. Really, the food industry as a whole, since they're handling what you eat, and it's always best to have them happy. To take the sugar coating away, it's pretty much a bribe to not fuck with you or your shit.

>> No.9505774


Good to know! Thank you.

>> No.9505788

>not tipping the people who have full access to you and your roommates' belongings while you're out of the room
Ok retard.

>> No.9510388

Staying over at your grandma's place is the best.

>> No.9510560

I stayed with a group for the first time in many many years. It was terrible.
The only plus was I met a lot of cool people in my room that I wouldn't have otherwise.
We had 70+ people across 3 suites. But the person organizing literally didn't give a shit. People were very inconsiderate of others. We had a specific party suite, but it didn't matter.

>> No.9510580

Either the hotels will do room transfer fees OR they will start demanding ID and only the people on the booking sheet will be allowed to check in.

>> No.9515309


How the hell did you cram over 70+ people into 3 suites?!

>> No.9520529


Yeah I pretty much see tipping food workers who are handling what you eat as pretty close to tipping housekeeping workers who are alone with your stuff too.

>> No.9528343


Do you have any crazy stories from that anon? That seems like it could get real bad real quick.

>> No.9536822

The con horror thread is in autosage, anybody got any horror stories for this thread while this one's still alive?

>> No.9547479
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>> No.9554892
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>> No.9561840
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>> No.9562407

It's nice living in a big city where I'm 5 minutes away from the convention center. I would hate to room with anyone, so fucking uncomfortable sounding

>> No.9563008

fucking lmao

>> No.9563011

tfw i will never be cheated on

why is it always the people who want to get cucked who cant' get cucked?

>> No.9566587

9 months

>> No.9567262

If you want your boyfriend to cheat on you, you need to have a boyfriend first.

>> No.9568456
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>> No.9572138
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We've never really discussed *actual* rules, but the rule of thumb is that all bags must fit into the trunk of the car we drive, couples get a bed together, keep your area neat, one towel/person (unless more towels are brought in), I usually take two armchairs and situate them end-to-end so someone else can have a bed, but that's just because I'm a doormat. We always make a trip to Walmart before unpacking for food, drinks and any toiletries we forgot to pack.

Always have a room key, always be respectful, and always pay for your share.

>> No.9572631


Well, it lasted around 280 days/a little over 9 months. This thread is in autosage now, so I guess my watch has finally ended.