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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9223268 No.9223268 [Reply] [Original]

I know the con is still going on but does anyone have any stories about the con yet?

>> No.9223485

This is like riding the Titanic.

>> No.9223494

I feel like the masquerade is getting less cringey every year. There were more walk one the skits and only a couple if the skits were terrible. My opinion at least.

>> No.9223767

One of my friends told me that someone was forcibly removed from the con.

>> No.9224091

I heard they found some girl bound and gagged in the backseat of her car at a hotel parking lot nearby.

>> No.9224097

I agree and most of the skits/walk ons were on the shorter side too.

Did anyone else see the Princess Peach walk on who was bawling about not winning anything? There was a huge group of people surrounding her next to the bathroom.

>> No.9224208

Was she the one that started the rumor the Cyber Love Live girl bought her cosplay?

>> No.9224349

>Did anyone else see the Princess Peach walk on who was bawling about not winning anything?

No but I wanna hear more.

>> No.9224561

Same here, I had a friend be adamant someone cheated. All the while saying how upset another friend of theirs was they'd not won anything. So I'm curious if it's one in the same person.

>> No.9224751

The masq was honestly tolerable this year. The fight and the pokemon go one I actually enjoyed a lot, the mario one I was getting ready to cringe when I heard the title and ended up laughing my ass off.

I saw her, it was super hilarious watching her meltdown. Her dress looked thrifted and I noticed there was a big rip between the bodice and skirt in the back, no big shocker she didn't win anything.

>> No.9224774

yeah honestly looked like a modified 80s wedding dress. she won best novice a couple years ago and I think that inflated her expectations a little.
was this the guy who got escorted out of dating game by police? apparently he violated a restraining order.

>> No.9224964
File: 68 KB, 494x642, quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was the former head of Alternicon, who then admitted to being an idiot all over a public fb group

bonus comments by eugene

>> No.9224968

So he's being hounded by those that were at the con?

>> No.9225000

No? Sounds to me like the guy had a restraining order against him, and showed up to the con anyway despite knowing that the person with the order was there. It doesn't matter that the judge dismissed it after the con, he knowingly violated the order by being within however many feet of her.

>it was the former head of Alternicon
Somehow not surprised. Drama follows that guy wherever he goes.

>> No.9225374

Between this and last year's coke head shrugging off police tasers with crazy retard strength, AAC is just the perfect microcosm of NH, which is really just an episode of Jerry Springer masquerading as a state.

>> No.9225474

Was the Mario one done by the same guy who did "Snake goes to an anime con" last year?

>> No.9225543

Say what you want about this show
And trust me I do
The photography ops are amazing

>> No.9225707

Yeah. The park venue was gorgeous.

I saw none of the photographers taking advantage of it though.

>> No.9225933

I got a few good shots at the park but sadly I didn't really have much time due to staffing duties

>> No.9230860

I never understood how a con this small can have so much drama. I've heard way too much shit happening at this con.

>> No.9230981

Such as?

>> No.9232201

>cokehead shrugging off police with tasers at rave last year
>man forcibly removed from con
>rumors of cheating/pity-partys from losers at masq
>rude staffers, especially at reg line
>crazy hotel policies put into place preventing anyone staying at the con hotel from having a good time
Between all this and the fact that the attendance count is small and most of the attendees are teenagers, I'm not surprised there's a fuckton of drama that goes on at this con.