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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 350x518, Anime1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9219907 No.9219907 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so we have 3 upcoming shit-stained cons upcoming(-ish).

NärCon Gävle
Comic Con Stockholm (R.I.P Gamex)
NärCon Vinter 2017

I've probably forgotten some. Hopefully one that's less shitty than these.

What are you looking forward to etc.

>> No.9219948

Sweden yes

>> No.9219953
File: 299 KB, 717x1024, captain sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to etc.

[Insert Captain Sweden joke here]

>> No.9220025

Hey this is a real question, please don't judge
But why everytime there's an specific country thread, everyone uses characters from hetalia? I thought everyone hated that show

>> No.9220041

>What are you looking forward to etc.

For it to be over. I have my misgivings about NärCon Gävle. CCS lost their one interesting guest. RIP all the people who bought tickets, hotel and transport to meet Evana Lynch. How do you even "lose" a guest just a month before due to double-booking? Unprofessional from her agent's side or the CCS side.

NärCon Vinter will probably be just like always.

>> No.9220195

I'm amused that hardly anyone has signed up for the SM-prelims at Närcon Gävle... BIG SURPRISE...

Any costumes to look forward to at CCS though? I haven't seen that much progress from like anyone.

>> No.9220272

OP here. Don't get me wrong, I hate the freaking show, but it was between that, a boring flag, or a map over this dick-shaped mess.

So I chose the animu. Sorry.

>> No.9220328
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>mfw between I prepared a nordics thread and posted it this thread was posted

Whereare sweanons spending halloween? Preferrably actual monday the 31th.

Also, thoughts on pic related (or specifically the post that goes along with it, which you've all probably seen by now)?

>> No.9220348
File: 285 KB, 537x497, OutsidersBeingOutsiders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should post the text that goes with it too (tl;dr: Outsiders doing their thing again)

>> No.9220423

>Whereare sweanons spending halloween?
No idea what I'm doing on the 31st but my friends and I are having a party somewhere around that and I'll be bartending at my uni's party too. Might also go to Liseberg if I have enough time.

>> No.9220480

Translate plz

>> No.9220959

Dear cosplay community
Are you a cosplayer? Do you know someone who cosplay? Maybe you're thinking of starting?

Today I'm here to tell you something, I was contacted by the tv show "outsiders" to be a part of their "documentary". They didn't present themselves as "outsiders" until they said I didn't qualify as the cosplayer they wanted. They wanted someone who "lives as the character" , who cosplays every day and also has some kind of personality disorder. I'm not the only person they have contacted, they are looking for an easily manipulated person who they can twist and turn as they like for their show. DON'T BE THIS PERSON

Know that if you agree to do as they say you won't only ridicule yourself, but the whole community. They are not interested in making a "documentary". If you've ever watched 'outsiders' you'll know they turn everything into a freakshow.

Think about how everyone will be affected if someone decides to sell us out. Do we really need to be pushed down into the box again? We don't need any more bad rumors about us, we have fought to show positivity and passion. We don't need anything pulling us down again.

I don't want to feel more insecure in cosplay when you for example buy food , walk to the convention from the hotel and such. Because I'm not a freakshow, I'm a creator of costumes based on my passion.

>> No.9221132

I feel as if the photo attached really kinda undermined the message.

>> No.9221152

Because Hetalia, despite being shit, manages to do national characters WITH UNIFORMS somewhat correct.
For elaborate Yaoi porn, its pretty good

>> No.9221164

Thanks for the translation!

I can see why they're worried.

>> No.9221589

I agree with the general point, but the huuuge wave of comments and the twitter hashtag smells vaguely like offerkofta to me.

>> No.9221672

Especially once Närcon jumped on it...

>> No.9221689
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>no one is talking about sci-fi mässan in Helsingborg

Okay... I'll just leave...

>> No.9221695


Someone please translate? Google tells me it means a cardigan sweater?

>> No.9221699
File: 20 KB, 320x180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing Swedish in a Swedish thread

You have to go back

>> No.9221704

Sweden wouldn't take me anyway, I'm white.

>> No.9221727

It sucks in Göteborg, so why would it be good in tiny Helsingborg

>> No.9221731

It means that they see themselves as victims, basically.

>> No.9221803

A victim sweater.

You put it on and suddenly you are simply a victim of the situation! Everyone is so mean to you, you haven't done anything wrong, it's so unfair...!

Anyway, I too think it's a shitty thing, but 1) it's reality TV and 2) the episode doesn't even exist yet. Outsiders are generally pretty shitty, but the closest match might be the episode they did on furries which was surprisingly kind and decent. They conflated furries with an otherkin girl, but aside from that it was pretty okay.

So a lot of the people crying about it seem like they were bullied as kids and now have a ridiculous kneejerk reaction to anything that might even hypothetically point at them and say "this person is in some ways different from most people". And anyway it would be a good opportunity to entirely call out the modern day freakshow (which it is), instead people are just getting overly defensive about their hobby.

>> No.9222242
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>> No.9222287

Exactly, it feels like Närcon saw it as an opportunity to get attention and be a ~*totally fair and righteous*~ business and taking the attention away from the person who started it.
Närcon's involvement feels REALLY fake and attentionhungry.

>> No.9222379

Närcon Gävle, flop of the year y/n?

>> No.9222385

Kinda scared/dismayed of going to cons ever since I got out of my libtard phase - how would I enjoy a (((swedish))) con without being a complete libtard et.c. ?

>might go to Kultcon, if there's gonna be one, as I live in Jönköping

>> No.9222387
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Vi har en vinnare

>> No.9222395

The Tumblr style crazy isn't too bad if you hang out with people who are more moderate and avoid the clearly SJW-type panels (Fatphobia in cosplay, discrimination this or that etc.).

>> No.9222399

It just feels like it's everywhere, anywhere you look. :< I'm pretty sure I saw something along the lines of "better than cis"-pins at last NärCon I was at.

And how would I hang out with moderate people? I'm shy as fuck and 99% of the only social people are hyper-totally-on-sugar-tumblrinas.

>> No.9222415

AA may not be the best place to look for non-Tumblr people...

I met most of my friends while cosplaying from the same or a similar series, or occasionally in the gaming and karaoke rooms. And honestly, you don't have to totally agree with people to hang out with them, you just have to be able to talk about stuff that's not political. This doesn't work with people who are so deep into it that everything is politics (left or right wing) but as long as someone can at least somewhat separate interests from politics you should be able to hang out with them anyway.

And try to approach people. These are cons and almost everyone is a giant damn nerd so most will be pretty happy if you strike up a conversation re their Zelda shirt or Skyrim cosplay or w/e as long as you don't come of as a massive creep. If you are a massive creep you should work on that first.

>> No.9222433
File: 202 KB, 503x433, Fullskärmsinfångning 2016-10-15 142708.bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overreaction saga, part ?.

>> No.9222440

> :/ efter nämnandet av bronies.
There's yet hope.

>> No.9222460

Kultcon is shit.

Dunno, hopefully it'll be chill and pretty solid. All these people whining about Kawaiicon... kawaiicon really isn't a very good con either.

>> No.9222561

Going to Comiccon due to proximity, last time was in a football arena, now it's back to an earlier locale.

As for last year, I wish they had used the dead space around the arena for the Artists' Alley rather than cram the poor souls in the middle of the porridge.

>> No.9222590
File: 2.35 MB, 853x480, Kuma_&amp;_Tama_Anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the lolita community in Stockholm?
I've gotten into lolita a while ago, and I kinda wanna join a community, but I haven't heard anything about them..

>> No.9222629

I guess not hearing anything is a good sign in that case. I know some of them and they are all pretty cool.

>> No.9222643

They're nice, we had a meetup today where we visited Drottningholm and it went well

>> No.9222644

OT but it's anyone else having issues with Com Hem and 4chan? It seems like there's an ISP ban atm...

>> No.9222664

Thanks for the info!
I know this is probably a stupid question, but how would I go about joining? Does the com have a fb page or something? Should I just message them there?
I know it sounds like I'm completely new to lolita, and I'm not, I'm just kinda stupid when it comes to how coms work and such...

>> No.9222876
File: 265 KB, 1304x734, IMG_4589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to comparein similar situation the homosexual can just as well have been portrayed with mentally ill or pedophiles.or muslims, as terrorists. It mediate lies and creates negative picture to the world.

>> No.9222935

That lass is a freaking trainwreck all togheter.

She puts herself up on such a high pedistal (spelling?) and tries way to hard to look "better" than others by bashing on people in a "discreet" way all the time. (Like saying that long wigs never look good, putting up pictures on her embroidery and saying that to make "the best", you have to put in most care into everything than most. Ugh.

>> No.9223039

Its pedestal! It just gets said so fast it sounds like pedistal

>> No.9223548

Just look for "lolita i stockholm" on fb, join the group, introduce yourself and attend the next meet. I guess you wouldn't even have to introduce yourself, just showing up to the meet would work as well.

>> No.9223650

Thank you anon!

>> No.9225514

Why are Swedish cosplayers the most sensitive people in the world?

>> No.9225816

You tell me, honestly.

>> No.9227753
File: 2.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-15-11-27-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever done the dirty at a con?
The dopp in the gryta

>> No.9228760

Comic Con Stockholm doesn't have Bethesda, Bioware, Dice, Marvel (comics or studios), DC, Image, IDW, Dark Horse, Blizzard or any individual comic book writers/artists according to their website. How are they supposed to be a /comic/ or even gaming con with absolutely no big name guests or activities...

And their "comic village" is just a regular artist alley.

>> No.9229268

When will this guy stop beign such a creepy thirsty whore

>> No.9229402

He seemed quite fun and nice when I met him
Weird tho

>> No.9229755

Lol Really? And I was almost planning on going there

>> No.9229830

Not worth it.
Every year there is less and less game related stuff, and not enough comic things or big names to give it a boost.

Nice place though if you want to enjoy Playstation VR

>> No.9229913

I heard it's like a bad version of Sci-Fi mässan nowadays, which is sad

>> No.9229916

and Sci-fi mässan is only really fun for collectors.
Are there any other cons like Närcon with that openhearted feeling in Sweden?

>> No.9229917

I got a guys number once
so lewd

>> No.9230094

Closest I can think of would be Nordic Fuzzcon with 750 people booked now and probably 1K when it starts.

But yeah, furries.

>> No.9230117

Totally not worth it, the whole thing is 100% shit. Like, Dice's office is located 23 minutes away from the venue and they won't have a booth there, that's how shit it is.

>> No.9230963

Don't be so salty he seems nice
that fucking dialect, though

>> No.9235967
File: 463 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ask me, this is honestly better than Evanna. Evanna's a sweetheart but Isaacs more of a legitimate actor.

>> No.9236138

But I don't want to bang Jason Isaacs; only Luna

>> No.9236331

Well I mean they both got long blonde hair and some odd ways to look at the world.

>> No.9237586

Report from NCG:

It is tiny. Not cozy, just tiny. Info doesn't know anything.

>> No.9237722

Bless you brave anon

>> No.9238630

I was at Närcon this summer and at Artist Alley there was this one booth that had drawings with "cis scum" and "destroy the patriarcy" and other sjw shit written on them, featuring some effeminate faggot iirc. Anyone know where I could find more of their stuff? It was what I expected of Sweden and Sweden delivered. There was this other great booth which had Zootopia characters as a black cop and a muslim cop, that was pretty funny too.

>> No.9238666

Why is NCG so shitty....

I did not pay over 300 SEK for this...

>> No.9238686

Because Närcon are bad at what they do and Swedish cons suck in general?

>> No.9239244

What the fuck if going on with the SM-prelim at NCG?

>> No.9239305

There were people dropping out so they only had two contestants in the end, both of them got a new chance to compete at NCV.

>> No.9240244

There were three people left from what I heard, due to dropouts. They got entrance to NärCon Vinter next year, places in Master there, and golden tickets for SM.

Heck, maybe I should have applied at last minute after all, lol. So much freebies.

Seems like everybody think golden tickets = a place in SM, which is not the case last time I checked, yet ignorant fucks are celebrating their "place at SM", jeez.

>> No.9240337

I know one of the contestants, the person is well aware of what a golden ticket means but still celebrates bc who wouldn't celebrate a shot at SM.

>> No.9240354

alla idt ombeds hänga sig-

>> No.9240466


>> No.9240567

Usch, Sture, vad du är tarvlig.

>> No.9241474

Who are the svenska cosplayeliten? Linnea Karlsson, Kanke, Kim Synnerbom, Vendetta?

>> No.9241477

I don't think Vändetta counts anymore because it's been quite a while since they actually did something noteworthy.

>> No.9241836

comic con is just around the corner, how shit will it be this year? worth going or not

>> No.9242704

I have. Närcon2016
Cosplayers are total sluts. Both male and female

>> No.9242797

Why is Kim considered elite? What has he done that is noteworthy? Isn't he just an attention whore who is good at marketing himself

>> No.9242889

Cosplayeliten isn't necessarily the most skilled people, cosplayeliten is the top layer of cosplayers in sweden in terms of influence, skill and presence.

And anyway I think WCS and Norrländsk Cosplayfront are both pretty noteworthy. Norrländsk Cosplayfront isn't nearly as impressive today, but it was a big deal once upon a time.

>> No.9243703

Yeah I've hardly seen anything. I just hope more people compete in the Wcs-prelim than last year, I want it to be a good goddamn show! I just want us to send someone good, even though I know Sweden would never win.

>> No.9244269

>That moment when you've seen at least two of the WCS team drop the comp so far

But yeah, more teams would be nice for a change.

>> No.9244289

I know at least 5 teams still competing

>> No.9244442

Any good ones?

>> No.9245781

Anyone at comic con? How shit? Any funny drama?

>> No.9246069

I enjoyed today. Over all good programming. Not a lot of cool cosplay. Queue for the cosplay competition was ridiculous. A fair number of interesting shops, actually! Though obviously not as interesting for those of us who're only lukewarm on Marvel/DCs main lineup.

>> No.9246877

Queue system needs a desperate fix.

>> No.9246912

pls responde

>> No.9246958

Bad fishermen catch no fish.

>> No.9247006

I don't follow.

>> No.9247913

Get better bait.

Anyhow, anyone here saw the wcs-kval? What are your thoughts? Kinda moronic they didn't pause the entire competition from the start when the screen didn't work if you ask me. Over all good quality on the costumes and performances, though.

>> No.9247945

It really made it unfair that only the last two contestants got their video. The issue didn't even seem too hard to fix

>> No.9248426

What bait, I'm just asking if anyone knows the artist. You mean the "It was what I expected of Sweden and Sweden delivered"? That's called banter, chap.

>> No.9248509

Not super cgl related, but could any gulls in the Stockholm area recommend any hairdressers?
Doesn't have to be in Stockholm, just close by.
Preferably not super expensive either

>> No.9249207

Any photos of the contestant and winners?

>> No.9252029

Why does some chick keep posting photos of her kids in store bought or badly made costumes in Sweden Cosplay?

>> No.9252611
File: 155 KB, 1200x897, ^7D613C74F30B521420DF657DEB2007FE9F2E11CF1E07F53E9A^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic con was interesting

>> No.9255162

Do Swedish seagulls like Bladee?

>> No.9255180

they're trying to tell you to go and fucking search instead of just whining on the thread here. no one will know one random artist out of tens of them who were at the con, and nobody cares enough about your issue
you also seem very aggressive in return to someone bantering with you in return

>> No.9255190

>thought it was two separate photos in a collage from looking at the thumbnail
>nope, they're right next to each other

>> No.9255196

Because everyone likes kids and if you can't make high quality cosplays enough for personal fame based on that...

IDK. I'm not gonna tell any parents they're doing it wrong because I'm not one, but I am a bit unsettled by parents plastering photos iof their kids all over the internet.

>> No.9255542

Best part is that there was only one charity stand and one nsfw stand on the entire floor.

>> No.9258605

I mean Fifth Legion exist but alright.

Anything else happening this winter?
Also, how do y'all feel about SM getting it's own event?

>> No.9258613

I don't think enough people will attend if it's not at a con. Any information on where it's going to be? I know it's going to be in Stockholm but not where

>> No.9259519

Not even we whom are going to be a part of the middle act know atm, but I would say that a venue-name would be great right about now since I need to book my hotel soon.

>> No.9259901

>I mean Fifth Legion exist but alright.

Didn't notice them, or maybe I just don't remember.

>> No.9264799
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>> No.9267050

Fucking nice. You can buy your porn and do charity at the same time. I don't know why anyone would complain.

>> No.9267940

I'm not whining, I'm just asking if someone recognized who I meant, because their work should have stood out as the most cancerous tumblr shit there.
Not aggressive at all, pal.

>> No.9267947

How was the Scandinavian/Northern thread? Why was the idea ditched?

>> No.9268263

Because the finns were whiny wankers as per usual?

but yeah, not a lot more happening in sweden for the rest of the year anyway. Or until NCV.