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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9218176 No.9218176 [Reply] [Original]

I'm relatively new to lolita, and the comm where I live is pretty dead. Of course this won't stop me from wearing what I love, but occasionally I feel a sense of FOMO seeing other comms and their meets on the internet.

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?

>> No.9218276

I'm one of those.
There is a comm where I live and another really big one in the next state but, I'm just not really interested in hanging out with strangers just because we wear the same fashion. I dunno, I find it weird even if we can have more in common other than a fashion, I guess I am not interested in meeting people that way. However, I do wanna attend at least one meet just so I can see what it's like.

I don't wear lolita every day. I wear it any time I feel up to dolling up and when the weather allows it.

My mom thinks it's stupid and refuses to be seen with me when I wear it. My friends and boyfriend don't mind at all, they think it's cute.

Just enjoy your clothes, anon. Wear what makes you happy and don't make "onlooking to meets" too much of a habit because you might start feeling extra lonely in your frills.

>> No.9218309

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
It's mostly because I've got kinda bad social anxiety and being around people that I'm not close to is tiring to me. Sometime I want to try and go to a meetup but it probably won't be soon.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I try to wear it whenever I go out and sometimes I wear it around the house. I'm pretty close to being a lifestyler.

>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My family and fiance all really love it. My fiance has sometimes dressed to match my coords. None of my friends are normies and they've all at least heard of the fashion before. At worst they're shocked that I spend so much on clothes but they don't judge me for it.

>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
There's no shame in being a lone lolita if it's what you enjoy. Don't feel pressured to go to meets if you don't want to.

>> No.9218329
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>what are your reasons for being lonelita?
I have a huge comm near me, but I'm just not interested. I'm also sick a lot so I think that I'd just hold back the other girls if I suddenly became fatigued/dizzy. I really hate leaving my house and being around too many people.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I wear if two to three times a week now, mostly when I leave my house. I think I'll have enough pieces to wear lolita every day by the end of next year or so. Ideally, I want to be a lifestyler.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
I don't really have any normie friends, but my friends think it's adorable and really suits me. My family is supportive and happy to have somebody to dress up and flaunt. My mother puts extra effort into understanding jfashion and it's really cute. Everybody treats me like a dress-up doll and some people would find that belittling but I'm just flattered.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Take a cue from Momoko and immerse yourself in your hobbies.

>> No.9218338

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
My comm just never does anything. One or two meetups a year, so I just consider myself a lone lolita.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I try to wear lolita at least once or twice a month and special occasions. It's way too hot and humid all year round (and other reasons) to wear lolita every day.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My mom adores lolita, dad and husband just make fun of me but w/e. My normie friends don't really know that I wear lolita because I try to keep it separate from my daily routines.

>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Enjoy your clothes however you want and with who you want, you don't have to be in a community to enjoy lolita or any other j-fashion. And wear it whenever you feel like it! You aren't any less of a lolita if you wear it only for special occasions.

>> No.9218367


>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I have a local comm and another one that I visit but after I took a break from wearing the fashion and now that I feel like wearing it more again, I only want to attend a few special meets with good lolita friends and no longer be 'part of the comm'.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
It varies but I'm wearing it more, several times a week and my wardrobe is suitable to be a lifestyler. I like and wear several other fashions as well though, especially in summer.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
They are all really positive and say the style suits me very well. I can wear lolita out with them and not worry at all that they won't like it or would be uncomfortable. A few actually look forward to what I'll wear and dress up a bit more when we go out because I'm wearing lolita, which is fun.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Dont be afraid to do your lolita however you like it best. Try some meets, some cons, or just wearing it for special occasions or in your everyday. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy lolita fashion. But it is best to follow the generally accepted lolita rules to post your coords online if you want to use the lolita tag.

>> No.9218385

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest comm is about 2 hours away by car.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I try to wear it on weekends or when I just feel like dressing up.

>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My dad thinks I look silly, and is embarrassed by it. My mother loves it and has been supportive, even bought me a dress. My boyfriend was wary at first but has gotten used to it.

>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Nothing different from what everyone else has said.

>> No.9218870

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
the closet comm to me is about a 2 hour, $30 ferry ride away so going to see them is either a long af day trip or a hotel for the night. so it's very expensive, which is why i've never gone.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
i'm pretty sporadic with how often i wear. my partner gets anxiety if i try to wear it out with him (something i got over a long ass time ago) and i work a lot (in retail, with a very non-kawaii uniform). so if i'm wearing it, it's usually just for a shopping trip or for local events.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
i don't wear it a lot around my normie friends bc it just feels weird. they all know me as the pink girl, as everything else i own is frilly and/or adorable. don't wear around family either kinda for the same reasons. i wear sweet, so it's harder to be taken seriously when you're all dolled up. i've worn casual to events with my mom & once wore sweet to Pride. my partner doesn't have strong feelings about it aside from not liking the attention it draws & the amount of money i put into it.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
just do you. don't worry about being a perfect lolita bc you don't need a comm to be a lolita. follow your passion & have fun with your fashion!

>> No.9218885

> You aren't any less of a lolita if you wear it only for special occasions.

This. I'm seeing the term 'conlita' or 'con lolita' being used as a dismissive phrase by some lolitas and I don't like it much. I'm a frequent wearer and so I often get told how much of a big highlight this is for some lolitas (who for whatever reason can't really manage to wear their frills more often) and how much fun they have at cons. That's a valid lolita experience too.

>> No.9218950

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I am American and have been living in Germany, but I don't speak the language at all. Plus, it's really hard to find the German comms for some reason. I was kind of lazy, and then 4 years passed and I'm moving away soon so there's no point in continuing to look.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
Special occasions, mostly. For example I wore an all pink coord to a breast cancer marathon thing.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My parents were the ones that pushed me outside in weeb clothing as a dumb kid, and they're nerds themselves, so they don't care. Sometimes family comes to visit. They get over it surprisingly quickly,cause they already know that our sector of the family is strange. My friends already know exactly what to expect from me. They consider me a crazy fashionista.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
...Live vicariously through Deerstalkerpictures' videos from back when they were good and cry on /cgl/ with me?

>> No.9218996

>>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I was never active in my comm but I've been to two meet-ups. I already didn't have a very positive view of it before attending. I thought it was weird to meet up with a group of strangers only because you wear the same clothing style, and I thought people would treat us like a human zoo. But I was curious and thought my opinion might change if I went to a meet. At one of the meets I went to there were over 30 people but most of them just talked about weeb stuff (I've never been into anime or manga). Nobody seemed interested in discussing new releases. There were a lot of awkward people, a couple of people hugged me goodbye which is very uncommon in my country and made me uncomfortable. I don't see any reason to be part of a comm.
>>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I wear a suit at work and usually I don't go anywhere after work so I wear my PJs at home, otherwise I wear lolita. In the weekend I wear lolita.
>>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
They are used to it. Some of them don't like it and some of them do, none of them have strong opinions about it.
>>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Wear lolita if you like the style, make it your own style, and if you want to talk about lolita with anyone else you can do it online.

I do actually have two friends who wear lolita as well, but they live far away so we rarely meet. They're lone lolita's as well.

>> No.9219006

How can you live in a country for 4 years and not speak the language at all? That's just rude

>> No.9219165
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Not that anon, but there's no reason to assume people aren't learning the language because of laziness or unwillingness. I've been living 3 years in a country I don't speak the language of, but I'm trying (about A2 level now). Strangers often give me shit for not being fluent yet (it's fucking annoying), but they don't realize I'm doing my best with what I can (having major depression and ADD).

I look forward to being fluent though so I can enjoy meets and cons, and make friends.

>reasons for being lonelita
see above (also live in middle of nowhere)
>how often do you wear lolita?
not at all anymore, because of above
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
family doesn't know (abroad), husband doesn't care
only buy new pieces if you've worn every piece you own at least once
don't end up like me with a wardrobe full of unworn pieces

>> No.9219213

I prefer being a mostly lone lolita. I love wearing lolita when I go out with my boyfriend and do something a bit more special, or with 1-2 other friends who I am close with. It's nice when I am with my boyfriend because he is tall and looks intimidating so no one bothers me. Whenever I wear it with friends we get a lot of questions and attention which I hate, although I am polite to people who treat us like, well, people.

I have done the big comm meets quite a few times since my city has a giant comm and each time it was incredibly awkward. The attention we got felt like we were in the circus and the things we did were not worth the opportunity to force small talk with a bunch of people who had little in common except for clothes. Restaurants were the worst by far.

The whole comm thing to me was really appealing at first because I desperately wanted to meet people who "get" me but I found it really wasn't for me in the end. I probably sound super salty but a lot of the friends I made were really superficial and just casual fb friends to talk about lolita with, which gets a bit boring when all you do is talk about the new dresses coming out and hear them constantly whine or complain about what they want/what they are too broke to buy. They were also the ones who talked the most shit about other people, which put me off as well. (Maybe I just had shitty luck?)

So tldr; I just wear it for myself and am happiest when I wear it with my boyfriend or close friends since at this point they are just cute clothes to me.

>> No.9219256

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?

my closest comm is very big with alot of members and I know none of them. I know no other lolitas so if i wanted to go to a meetup it would just be awkward and that makes not want to go. I would like to go to a meetup one day

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?

whenever i feel like it, usally going to visit nice places like museums and gallerys etc.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?

Family dosent care, they think im wasting money but thats all. i often compare it to the stupid amount of useless designer bags my aunt wastes her money on and that shuts them up. My friends dont care what i dress like, I would never be friends with people that are bothered by the way i look, besides i dress goth anyway so simple gothic coords are not that crazy different from my normal apperance so its not a shocking change
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Keep your chin up! You dont need to have a comm to enjoy wearing clothes, buts theres nothing wrong in connecting with people with the same intrests as you

>> No.9219257 [DELETED] 

>muh depression
You're just lazy and disrespectful.

>> No.9219281

>>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I just prefer it. Never felt the need to be friends with someone just because we wear the same clothing.
>>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
Most weekeends.
>>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
They have no problem with it.
>>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
I have nothing to add, others gave some good tips already.

>> No.9219326

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?

no comm near by. closest one being like 6 hours away and theyre all a bunch of semi-ita moms who bring toddlers to meets
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?

Pretty often. I find it more enjoyable to wear for everyday activity than for special events. i love just spending a day shopping and getting coffee alone or with friends in my frills
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?

family doesnt care and like to show off on facebook "look how quirky my kid is!!!"
friends are super sweet about it and the ones closer to my size have tried on my clothes before and loved it. I think i annoy them by talking about it so much but i put up with them so they put up with me
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?

if youre feeling lonely immerse yourself in the online/social media aspect. its not a great replacement but i've never been to a meet so i guess i dont feel like im missing out. even having one close friend to gush about prints with is better than a comm of people who dont share your other hobbies and interests

>> No.9219334 [DELETED] 
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I am a lone Jfashion wearer so I'll still fill it out
>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I dress fairy kei and there are sadly no active community near me. The online FB group only gets like one post every few months and there are never really any meetups.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I dress fairy kei basically every day
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My friends think it is awesome and always tell me I am dressed really cute, my parents are somewhat supportive but are sometimes embarassed
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Wear what you want because you like it! Not for anyone else. My fashion can alienate me from some people but from how I see it if they won't associate with me just because I don't dress normally, they wouldn't have been good friends anyways.

>> No.9219338
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I am a lone Jfashion wearer so I'll still fill it out
>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I dress fairy kei and there is sadly no active community near me. The FB group only gets like one post every few months and there are never really any meetups.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I dress fairy kei basically every day
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My friends think it is awesome and always tell me I am dressed really cute, my parents are somewhat supportive but are sometimes embarassed
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Wear what you want because you like it! Not for anyone else. My fashion can alienate me from some people but from how I see it if they won't associate with me just because I don't dress normally, they wouldn't have been good friends anyways.

>> No.9219340

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I'm literally the only lolita in my fucking country.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
Whenever I go out.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My SO prefers me dressed sexier but he likes and supports lolita since he noticed it makes me happy. Other friends generally like it or don't care what I wear. I don't have a family.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
I try to soothe the pain by uploading coord pics online and try to attract girls who are into it but not brave enough to wear. If I can encourage them we may form a comm maybe?

>> No.9219355

>>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
None near me. I miss being able to dress up, though.

>>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
Special occasions now, which are few and far between. I wish I could try and establish a bigger "branch" of our state-wide community on my side of the state, but the interest just isn't there.

>>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My parents think it's a fantasy. My friends are supportive, but the "normies" would judge me, I know. However, I'm friends with a lot of older women as part of the community theater scene and they think it's interesting.

>>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Don't be shy to "test the waters" in making events for your comm near you, if you really want to. I think most of us want excuses to wear lolita together!

>> No.9219357

PS - Incidentally, would anyone be interested in penpals?

>> No.9219361

yes! i'm >>9218329 if it matters. i'm always looking for chill lolitas to relate to since i don't really get out.

>> No.9219365

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I live in a completely different region of the state and all the meetups are to me an hour drive to and from. And I'm a lonelita in an entire region.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I only wear them during meetups, cons, and Tea parties.

>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
I don't even have normie friends where I live and my entire family lives across the country so I'm very lonely in more ways than one.

>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Keep in touch with your comm with the wonderful world of the internet

>> No.9219367
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>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
My comm is absolutely dead, there's about one or two meets a year and the closest major city is four hours away. I live in a fairly large city and use the bus system. Sooo.... all of the above.

>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I normally wear it when I'm not a work, which isn't as often as I'd like. I always wear it when going out with friends, even though they don't wear the fashion themselves, they love it so it's the next best thing.

>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
As above, my friends really like it! Two wear lolita, but once in a blue moon. My family took a while to come around, but my mom has bought me lolita things these last two christmas holidays!

>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Just because you wear the same type of clothes doesn't even mean you'd get along with other lolitas. Value your friends, even if you don't share hobbies with you. Value your love of your own hobby, it makes you happy so do it.

>> No.9219390

I would absolutely be open to Lolita penpals too! I'm >>9218309. The idea of Lolita penpals sounds so great to me.

>> No.9219404
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>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I'm not a true lonelita because I do have a comm near me its just they have meets so infrequently and on dates that I'm busy that I haven't been to a meet in almost a year now (last one I went to was on Halloween last year) so I practically am one at this point.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I like to wear it once or twice a week and I tend to just wear it whenever I feel like dressing up. I wear it to class a lot and my boyfriend likes it so I wear it on dates too.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My friends and family are all really supportive of it! None of them seem to mind it if I wear it when we go out places and some even really like it. The only time anyone has ever asked me not to wear it was when I visited New York with my dad. I wanted to wear lolita to the Baby store but he didn't want us to attract a bunch of attention or something. I dunno we're from a small town he thinks the big city is dangerous or something haha. That's the only time he's ever cared though.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Just wear it. It's clothes. I know when I first started wearing it casually like to class and stuff I was scared that people we're going to think I was cosplaying and that it was cringey or something since I was just by myself but I eventually just stopped caring. I spend way too much on these clothes for them to just sit in my closet.

>> No.9219412

>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
Not strictly a lone lolita, I have a friend who dresses in lolita. Our issue is our comm is older, very well strung together and all in the same city. We live on the outskirts, dont have the same access to the venues/clothes they do so feel like the lone duo outside. The comm is good but mass meets are rarely organised.
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it every day, or just for special occasions?
I used to wear it any chance I got but now for days out/bdays and thats if I can be bothered.
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
My mother finds it embarrassing but finds anything not normie clothes strange. She's got more used to it over the years however and has asked why I dont wear it as often as I did. My dad doesnt care, I have a hobby. Rest of family just see it as me getting friends. Normie friends...very eh. Some support it, some dont.
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
Find a friend. If you wanna go it alone, go you. However wear muted styles to uni/school if you can, you DO stick out.
good luck and rock on. Your making the world a less dull place.

>> No.9219542

Yes! I'm the OP of this thread and would love a penpal

>> No.9219560


This is >>9218276 again. I put an email address thing in the name space here in case y'all are serious about the penpal thing.

>> No.9219562

I would love a lolita penpal!

>> No.9219565
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>what are your reasons for being lonelita? did you leave your comm, or do you not have one near you?
I'm actually in a comm but i don't have any friends and no one talks to me... I'm too shy to talk to anyone too
>how often do you wear lolita? do you wear it
every day, or just for special occasions?
not often, since i feel weird wearing it in my city esp. since my city has a bunch of creepy homeless fucks
>how do your normie friends and family members feel about it?
my family is ok with it the fashion because they think is cut,e but my father for some reason pesters me about making friends, i guess that parental instinct of wanting your daughter to have friends lasts through adulthood too
>do you have any tips for other lone lolitas?
id say even if you don't have any one to wear it with, wear it out because it builds self confidence

>> No.9219581

I live in the high desert, its a few hours from LA and Vegas, so I'm sure I could find a comm, but I'm broke af so traveling isn't a priority. Besides a comm, I have no reason to dress up, and weather here is either hotter then hell, or dirt storms, so its been forever since I busted out my dresses. I always feel like I'm missing out, I've never been to a meet, and they look fun.

>> No.9219929

When I've gone to a meet-up the forced smalltalk felt very awkward and most of the girls seemed to be there solely to take pictures. I also don't understand the mindset that you need a lolita meet-up as an excuse to wear it. Normies treated us significantly worse than when I wear lolita by myself.

Being A2 level and not speaking the language at all is a huge difference. Keep it up anon.

>I only wear them during meetups, cons, and Tea parties
Can you really consider yourself a lone lolita if you don't wear it on your own at all?