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9214976 No.9214976 [Reply] [Original]

Behold- the new generation of "I was a lolita since I was born" has just arrived.

>> No.9214981
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Now for some relevant questions

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
>Would you take them to meets?
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

>> No.9214984
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>> No.9214989
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>> No.9215042

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Yep. I've wanted kids since I was a kid and a plan to be a mother by my late 20s if all goes well.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I've had a weird fascination with pregnancy probably since I got the pregnant barbie doll. I already know I want all-natural homebirth.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
2-3. I'd prefer girls because I'm one of three sisters so I've never experienced young boys. I want to give my kids pretty normal names, but not christian in origin for personal reasons.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Small children should wear comfortable and practical clothes, but I'll probably include cute motifs. Honestly once they're old enough I'll let them wear whatever they like. If they want to wear lolita that's cool, and if not that's cool too.
>Would you take them to meets?
To tea parties? No. Kids are full of energy and will get bored if they have to sit down and behave. A picnic in a park? If I can let the kids run around and play they won't get on everyone's nerves.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
Again, if they want to I'll let them. If they want to be part of some other subculture I'll let them. If they want to be normies I'll (begrudgingly) let them.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
In day-to-day life probably not (kids are messy) but if I'm still into the fashion then I'll still be wearing it to meets and such.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
I'm quite petite and I believe my mother didn't start showing until late in her pregnancy with me so I'll keep wearing whatever I like until I start to pop. I'm not going to try stuffing a bump under petticoats though.

>> No.9215045
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>> No.9215052
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>> No.9215054
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>> No.9215056

Time to make that 18+ rule for any comm that can. I don't care what they wear, I don't want mommy's little snotbags at meets.

>> No.9215058

>>Do you plan to get married and have children?
>>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Pregnant. The one charm in it for me is to create something as a union of me and the person I love most.
>>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
No more than one. I'd prefer a boy. I like unusual/uncommon names but not to a ridiculous degree. Eden is a name I really like.
>>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I'm not gonna force a kid to wear something past the age where they can decide for themselves. I'd like to dress them more cutely than the average parent though, I'd like to think.
>>Would you take them to meets?
Never. It's not a place for kids.
>>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I'm not particularly bothered either way. I'd like if I could get my kid interested in at least one of my hobbies, but there's a lot to choose from.
>>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
If I'm still interested in it, definitely.
>>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Eh, depends on if it fits, doesn't it? Probably not.

>> No.9215070
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>> No.9215071
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>> No.9215072
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>> No.9215073
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>> No.9215074
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>> No.9215077
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>> No.9215080
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>> No.9215083
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>> No.9215097

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Married, probably. Children, not sure yet.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Pregnancy absolutely disgusts me, so I would more than likely adopt or go without children.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
In the event that I /did/ one way or another raise children, I don't give a shit about the gender, but no more than two. Idk, I have a lot of names in mind because I like naming shit.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I don't think I would ever dress them in lolita. If there were more places that sold lolita for children, I just can't imagine spending a lot of money on something they will get dirty and quickly grow out of. If they really liked it though and were old enough to properly care for it, maybe.
>Would you take them to meets?
Hell no. I hope no one brings them to our meets either.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I don't care. If they want to and can fund it themselves when they are old enough, sure.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
I don't plan on getting pregnant, at least not by choice.

>> No.9215113

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Yep. I'm married with 1 child.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I'm not planning to have more. Naybe we'll adopt if we're in a good financial situation for it.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
one kid. Male. He has his dad's name and is the 4th in the line with the name(not juniors though)
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Nah. Even if I had a girl I wouldn't dress the kid 24/7. Kids are messy, they want to run around, have fun, get dirty. Wouldn't be fair to expect them to be stuck in frills when they want to rough house.
>Would you take them to meets?
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Still do. Though not often.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
I did. You couldn't really tell by the way the dress and petticoat sat. I wore flats though cause my feet hurt to much for heels.

>> No.9215117

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
I'm not sure.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I'm a lesbian, and I'd rather adopt than spend thousands on IVF. I wouldn't mind getting pregnant via a sperm donation from a close friend, but I don't think any of them would agree.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I have not planned this. Honestly, I'd rather have girls because I grew up without brothers and would have no idea how to raise a son. 1 or 3 children is best, I think.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I wouldn't. Kids are way too messy.
>Would you take them to meets?
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I'd like them to make their own choices.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
I'd probably cut down a lot, since kids are expensive and it'd be selfish to spend a lot on a luxury fashion and leave practical stuff or children in need, but I wouldn't quit.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Depends how hard the pregnancy hits me. If I feel sick and uncomfortable all the time I probably wouldn't.

>> No.9215136

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
I do want to get married one day. Not so sure about children.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Adopt. I make a point of it to rescue dogs and cats when I want a pet, why wouldn't a rescue a human being when I want a child?

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
Any children might I adopt will already be old enough to come with their own names (somewhere between 4 - 7). I'd choose them based on their personality, not their gender.

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?

>Would you take them to meets?
No, Unless my comm hosted a meet specifically for mums and their children to get together.

I hate it when people inflict their children on unwilling company.

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I couldn't care less. If they want to that's great, if they don't want to that's also great.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

>> No.9215151

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
I am married but still unsure about children. My husband wants them but I still want my freedom to travel and do whatever without that responsibility. Plus, I dont want my nice body getting ruined, I'm terrified of that.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I wouldn't mind adopting. I don't really want to add to the overpopulation problem.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
If I do have kids I think my max would be 3. I would like having girls to dress up. I've always liked the name Mei.

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I would dress them in cute frilly dresses often as long as I find cheap ones. I'm against spending a shit ton of money for a kid who will grow out of it in a month.

>Would you take them to meets?
Absolutely not.

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I would love it. I think it would be so much fun to take a my grown child to Japan and shop with them and help them coord.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
I'm not sure. I think at an older age I'll still be dressing in Jfash but more casual stuff.

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

>> No.9215399

Children in Lolita makes me cringe desu

>> No.9215408

>1 maximum, male
>depends, maybe Eli or John
>If he wanted to
>probably not, getting too manly to do it even now

>> No.9215417

Meant >>9214981

>> No.9215419

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Getting married soonish, and we both want kids.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I have this weird obsession for passing on my genes and contributing to human evolution, but I'm not opposed to adopting at all given I have my own genetic offspring and we have the funds for more kids.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I want two, and I'd like both a boy and a girl. My kids will probably have unique, fantasy-esque names desu...

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I will probably dress them up when theyre infants, but when that pesky free will stuff starts showing up I won't force it on them.

>Would you take them to meets?
No. Not unless it's a kid friendly meet and everyone in the comm is 100% okay with it. Parents who think their kids belong everywhere drive me fucking nuts

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
That'd be pretty great and I sure as hell wouldn't complain but if they're not into it that's totally okay.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
I will be wearing Lolita until the day I die, hopefully.

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
See above. Unless it doesn't fit me then.

>> No.9215424
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>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Currently married but neither of us want children

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
If years from now I was financially stable and really wanted someone to take care of, I would adopt. I would consider adopting an older child as they get adopted less and would want to help out as much as I could.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
Not many, max 2 but I'm sure 1 human being would be enough for me. I dont know if I really have a preference on gender

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
If they were interested in it I would maybe try to help them out in the fashion. But I really would just want them to have their own interests and individuality and not force them into anything.

>Would you take them to meets?
No never. Even if they are extremely well behaved I think this could make a lot of girls uncomfortable. If someone brought a kid to a meet up I would be extremely uncomfortable desu. So I wouldnt want to torture anyone

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
They would definitely be exposed to it but I think I'd be indifferent whether they were interested or not. Its weird because lolita is a huge part of my life but I think I would be more excited to share other hobbies with my theoretical child. Mainly I really hope they would be into video games and that could be something we share.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Yes, I'm wearing lolita to my death bed

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
In theory if I was pregnant I'd probably be super uncomfortable and hot and irritated, so no probably not.

>> No.9215425

I just made a bet with a friend about whether or not someone would make a bitchy post about how kids ruin their livelihoods for no god damned reason.

Thanks anon, I just made $5

>> No.9215431

This thread has my ovaries tingling.

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Already have the first part down, and the second will happen later down the line most likely.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Get pregnant. Can't wait for all that unprotected sex followed by vomiting and peeing myself.
>How many children? Male or female?
1 or 2.
What would be their names?
I don't know yet.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Until she can dress herself 24/7 babby frills. If it's a boy my husband likes baseball so he will probably be sporting tiny baseball uniforms pretty often. Once they can dress themselves I'm not really going to force anything on them that they don't like.
>Would you take them to meets?
No. I think it's inappropriate.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I would love to have a daughter who I could twin with, but if there is a style that makes her happy that isn't Lolita she should wear it.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Probably, I've loved it for a very long time and can't see it changing.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

>> No.9215433

holy fuck this is adorable

>> No.9215436


>Do you plan to get married and have children?
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Both, if my finances allow it.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
Maybe 2, gender doesn't matter to me. I really like the names Lucille and Amelia. I never thought of boy names, I'd probably leave it up to my husband.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I think it'd be a lot of fun to dress up like that on certain occasions! As long as my kid wants to I mean.
>Would you take them to meets?
Probably not, I'd want some time to my myself.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
Sure, if they want to!
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Yes! I'm fairly petite and young looking, so I'm gonna dress in lolita till I look too old lol.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Probably not. Maybe in the early months.

>> No.9215482
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>Do you plan to get married and have children?
yes. very much yes. having my own functional family has been my dream since I was really young.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I definitely want a mix of male and female kids. I like some arguably dorky names, so future partner may weigh in lol (Cyril, Virgil, Gwendolyn, Annika, Birch...)
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
special occasions, as well as every once in a while for fun
>Would you take them to meets?
probably not. I've only ever been a lone lolita, but I think if I ever did live near an active comm, and I had a family, I'd let the kids go out with their dad/grandparents/aunt & it would be me time for sure.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
only if they want. this hobby isn't fun unless you like it.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
hell yes
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
as much as I could. I'd incorporate more empire waists and flats though. might get frustrating but I'd try!

I'm 25 and my body is starting to let me know how ready it is for babies lol the rakuten store Cathering Cottage has some cute stuff if any lolita parents out there are looking (pic related)
especially there lace otks

>> No.9215497

I might also add that kids grow really quickly...so I may invest in learning how to handmade lolita so I don't spend too much money dressing my kids up at every stage of their development

>> No.9215508

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Plan on getting married but even in my mid 20's im very iffy about having children, I work with them, love them to death, but dont really want one.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Adopting is the only way I would ever consider having a child
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
1, I use to lean more to male, but now-a-days I feel more towards female. Id be ok with adopting 2 kids, a male and a female.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Id dress them in lolita up until the point they really can tell me what they actually enjoy wearing. Id let the little shits dress themselves even if it looked butt ugly.
>Would you take them to meets?
Not unless it was a specifically kid friendly thing
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
Who the fuck cares
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
If I could fit comfortably

>> No.9215670

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Yes, eventually. Ideally before I turn 35 because of fertility, prolapse, and Down Syndrome issues.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Pregnant, unless circumstances prevent it.
>How many children? Male or female?
Ideally 2, with at least one girl. 3 if I don't get a girl on the first 2 tries. 2 is better because you don't need a people mover for when they're still in carseats, plus you can stack stuff in the middle seat to separate them on longer journeys if they're fighting.
>What would be their names?
No bloody clue but they aren't getting unique names like Apple or Calico.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7?
No. My children are getting dressed in all manner of adorable machine-washable baby costume onesies because they get no say in it. Also because they are likely to puke and poop and need clothes changed all the time.
>Would you take them to meets?
NO. Meets are likely to be one of the times I get to go out without my spawn. If I want to drag my crotchfruit along that's what Mummy Coffee Group is for.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
No, I want them to grow up to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, or go into the finance and business sectors. Computer programming is also acceptable if they have no social skills, but you don't make networks that way. It is the Asian Parent Way.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
If I have the time and inclination. Sadly, small children are disgusting repositories of body fluid waiting to explode and they catch EVERYTHING. I wait with bated breath for the day when I can just immunise them for all known childhood viral infections, but I suspect I will have children before such a day arrives.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Yes. I have a list of cotton Putumayo and ETC dresses that have cuts that already make me look pregnant, but have prints I like. By the time I get knocked up, they should be very cheap on the second hand market.

>> No.9216004

>>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Well, at least children with a responsible father someday.

>>Would you adopt or get pregnant?

>>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?

I'll see. They'd probably be named after characters who meant important things to me, like Sapphire or Golgo. inb4 any 'don't give your child a dumb-ass snowflake name', my parents gave me and my siblings snowflake names by naming us after a famous nerdy piece of media that I will not name for anon sake, but was basically the 70's equivalent of an animu name(I was born in the 90's, though.)

>>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?

I'd probably do homemade clothes as in dresses for both boys and girls, and then homemade shorts+shirts+jacket+kneesocks. Or natural-kei dresses if they're so inclined. Sailor clothing for all the special occasions.

Until the inevitable day when they ask to dress like everyone else. That day, I will get 'normie' clothes for them.

>>Would you take them to meets?

>>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?

Nah, kids are their own people and it's up to them what they wanna be.

>>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Maybe. I think I might like to graduate to mori or natural-kei once I'm a mom, since it's a housewife-fashion.

>>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

>> No.9216261

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Done and done. Have a lil toddler daughter.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
See above.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
Maybe two, three at the most, for practicality's sake. My husband wouldn't mind having a bajillion kids, so I think we'll compromise somewhere in between. I wouldn't mind a son, but I do want more girls. Next daughter's name will probably be Emilia; it's pretty and similar to my daughter's name already.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
HAHAHA fuck no. Laundry is suffering as it is. I do dress her up in cute dresses when I can though.
>Would you take them to meets?
I do take her quite often. Probably going to rustle many jimmies here, but my comm is honestly one in a million. They're super supportive and love kids. About 95% of the regulars love my daughter and actively ask me if she's coming with, and the other 5% are like "I don't like kids, but yours is ok". I'm seriously going to miss them if I move cause I'm never gonna find a comm like this again, lol.
There are meets I will not bring my kid to: high tea, fondue, etc. anywhere that's not kid friendly. A lot of our meets are low key at bubble tea places, family restaurants, picnics, each others' houses, so it works out ok for me. Of course, as she gets older and her needs/behaviour changes, so may the places I bring her. She was, desu, a lot easier to handle as a newborn. Slept a lot and didn't cause a ruckus.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
She can be what she wants to be.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Won't stop anytime soon (though I've stopped buying for now and will restart when I can afford it). Low fuss burando and bl in dark colours makes it easy.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Easily doable. Put the petti above your bump. I even squeezed into a Meta dress at 8 months (but the bodice rode up lol).

>> No.9216285

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
I am married and I have one child.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
I got pregnant.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I have one boy, and that's enough. His name is Sebastian.

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I've never dressed him up. I might get a matching F+F set for us one day.

>Would you take them to meets?
I only take him to specific family friendly meets like the zoo. And then I bring my husband to help out.

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
He can do what he wants.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
I wear lolita like 3 times a week even now.

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
I did not. I was hot so much of the time.

>> No.9216392

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Yes and yes... ideally I'd like to start having children now (I'm 26), but it looks like I won't have a stable income/job until I hit my early 30s. Hopefully I won't be infertile by then...
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Getting pregnant, unless I carry some hereditary disease. In that case I rather not reproduce.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
3-4, I prefer boys since they are less of a struggle to deal with. I'd like to give them some traditional names of my country.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
No, not at all. It's too expensive and impractical. I'd dress them normally (that's the socially and economically most sane way I guess)
>Would you take them to meets?
Nope, unless it's a specific meet for mothers like a picnic or something.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I want them to develop their own interests. If they show interest in the fashion fine. But I don't want to live through my kids.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Yes. Not daily. But for the weekends for sure.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Sure, I actually own a couple of empire waist shirred dresses that might be perfect for that purpose.

>> No.9216399

>>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
>Yes. I have a list of cotton Putumayo and ETC dresses that have cuts that already make me look pregnant, but have prints I like. By the time I get knocked up, they should be very cheap on the second hand market.

This is the best!

>> No.9216447

>pregnant lolitas
Why am I absolutely sure some sicko must be fapping to this thread?

>> No.9216523

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Married? Maybe. Children? Eh.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Definitely adopt.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
1 or 2. Lowkey want twins. Gender doesn't matter. Have no idea what the names would be though.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Probably not.
>Would you take them to meets?
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
Only if they want to.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Just in special occasions. I only dress for holiday meets now so it'll probably be the same.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Probably not.

>> No.9217251

>Dressing your kids in weeb garbage outside of cons
You want to give them a rough childhood and no friends?

>> No.9221296

I dont agree with the weeb garbage bit but your right it wouldn't be fair on the kids obviously on a baby/toddler girl it would be adorable but you cant force a child into your substyle its hard enough trying to fit in and make friends at that age without being dressed in some obscure style and no doubt a child would be snooty and weird about it "its called lolita actually and its from japan and my mommy wears it too and we go to tea parties and meet lots of randos off the internet and talk about dresses and eat cake and pose outside of museums in our dresses and its not weird at all stop bullying me" that kid is in for a rough ride

Also isnt wearing the same style of clothes as your kid weird anyway aren't we trying to steer away from possible age play allegations this will make things worse wont it im picturing mommy baby twinning *shudders*

>> No.9221310

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Married, don't plan on having children. I like having money. I like vacations. I like collecting shit that children would probably destroy.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Either not have children at all or surprise bitch, you got knocked up.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I'd like just one kid, preferably a girl. No idea on names.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I probably wouldn't dress them in lolita. I'd make them cute af halloween or cosplay costumes though until they got old enough to protest. I'm not a fan of very young children and babies at those events, too many germs.
>Would you take them to meets?
Lolita meets are not a place I'd be comfortable being at with babies around. I wouldn't drag mine to them.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
Nah they can get into their own interests and I will support them.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
I'll still wear it, sure.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Yeah, probably not much in the first trimester or toward the end of the 3rd.

>> No.9221353

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
i love kids! i really want them. the problem is i dont see myself with a husband/man/whatever but i guess i just have to fall in love, that hasnt happened yet and im 26 lol

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
adoption is quite problematic, i have adopted friends who struggle a lot because of the adoption industry. i dont know a lot about it but i think its important to question it.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
i dont care about genders i just want my kids to be fabulous

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
omg i would never dress them in lolita! kids should have clothes they can play in, that can get dirty, that allows them to explore the world. if they really wanted to then sure, i would love it, but i mostly just want them to express their identity the way they like it.
>Would you take them to meets?
if they can behave so i guess that depends on how old they are. and on the meet, if its a casual one with friends then i would just ask them. maybe in the future we will all have kids and we can have a lolita meet for us and a playdate for the kids. it all depends on the occasion and the meet right?
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
i want them to grow up and be themselves and if it means dressing like their mum sure, but propably they wont haha, i sure dont want to dress like my mum so
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
ott sweet til i die

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
i dont know what pregnancy is like but i guess i would dress up sometimes because it makes me happy, and if my hormones and body make me want to die during pregnancy, it would be nice to wear it and feel cute for a change.

>> No.9221360

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Already married, unsure about having children.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Unsure yet.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
If I do want kids, I'd want to have a boy. I've always liked Dane for some reason
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
If he/she wants to, I would never force my children to wear clothes they don't want to wear.

>Would you take them to meets?
Never. I hate other people's kids so I would imagine they would hate mine too lol.

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
If they want to.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Probably not, but I'd most likely wear some other J-fashion that's more casual.

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
If I ever get pregnant, probably. Though later on I'd step away from it since I'd be too big to fit into my burando.

>> No.9223308

>Do you plan to get married and have children?

Married, will definitely have children.

>Would you adopt or get pregnant?

Would consider both.

>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?

One of each would be ideal. I like old fashioned names.

>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?

I would dress them in what they want to be dressed in.

>Would you take them to meets?

No unless it's specifically child-friendly meet. Too many militant childfree people in my comm.

>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?

If they want.

>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?

Yes, but I already wear very toned down classic. I would not want to embarrass my children so I would stop if they are uncomfortable.

>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?

I'll probably get a few custom made comfy dress from Taobao.

>> No.9227213
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>> No.9227303

>Now for some relevant questions
>>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Done and working on it
>>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Already pregnant
>>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
I'm trying to keep it to one at a time. Have one, then decide on more afterwards. Names are already picked out but we don't know the gender. I won't say what names we've picked out but they are very classic/normal names that are common in my family and my husband's family.
>>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
Jesus fucking Christ no, I don't even plan on them having clothes on half the time before the age of 6. Kids are filthy and I hate doing laundry.
>>Would you take them to meets?
Maybe. If my baby is generally easy to handle I might, but if I know.my kid can't handle it then nah. Also depends on how well i know the other people at the meet and the activity.
>>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
If they want, I'm not going to force them to dress a certain way.
>>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Yep, deal with it kids. Mommy has been embarrassing her family for a lot longer than you've been alive and won't be stopping just for you.
>>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
Already done it. High waisted jsks/ops and a cage skirt instead of petticoats made it pretty easy to deal with. Also those crop top blouses are great.

>> No.9227347

My younger sister used to look up to the local comm (which I had a falling out with) which made shit a bit awkward for me. seeing this 8 year old beg me to talk to these girls which she admired and my ass swallowing my pride and doing so to make her happy.
I bought her a couple coordinates, and we'd wear bodyline's matching coords to family friendly conventions.

i can tell you, its really difficult to get a kid to wear a petticoat.

>> No.9227566

>someone would make a bitchy post about how kids ruin their livelihoods for no god damned reason.
>no reason

Oh there's a reason

>> No.9227567

Kind of off topic but

>be me
>day of the wedding
>two flowergirls, 5 and 7
>mom comes up to me saying 7yo dress is itching her
>dig through my dresser to pull out wifebeater tank
>put tank on and then dress
>flowergirl walks out with hidden emo band bullshit tanktop and cute dress

Sometimes layering can help to make it more comfortable but every situation is different, I would only think of loosening the petti waistband?

>about to walk down the aisle
>mom comes up to me
>looking awkward
>"they...don't want to wear shoes"
>"okay don't make them wear shoes"
>as long as they go down the aisle
>ended up being better anway

>> No.9227568

Leave your crotch fruit at home and don't bring them to any meets. Fucking hate kids lmao

>> No.9227573

ugh my ovaries

>Do you plan to get married and have children?
Yes and yes, as soon as we can afford it.
>Would you adopt or get pregnant?
Try pregnancy first, adopt if that doesn’t work out.
>How many children? Male or female? What would be their names?
Two, preferably one boy and one girl but we’ll see how that works out. For names I’d want to go with something classic, not too boring but not too crazy.
>Would you dress them in lolita 24/7? Or just in certain occasions?
I don’t even wear lolita 24/7! Kids can be messy and fidgety so having them wear fussy clothes all the time is definitely out, but I would like to have them wear at least nice outfits most of the time. Washable ones, ofc. I’ll probably end up making most of it myself.
>Would you take them to meets?
No. Unless there will be more mothers in my comm by that time and we can have mother/baby meetups, which sounds fun in theory but is probably awful in practice.
>Do you want them to grow up to be a lolita as well?
I’d like them to grow up to appreciate beauty, quality and detailing in everything but as long as they’ll be happy and well-adjusted, I’m happy. I’d probably be a bit disappointed if they ended up being ultra-normie, though.
>Would you still dress in lolita yourself?
Yes, definitely. Not 24/7 and I’d at least try to not be too much of an embarrassment once they’re old enough for that, but I’m not going to completely drop my favourite hobby.
>Would you dress in lolita while pregnant?
I have several comfy stretchy empire-waist dresses, so yes. Again probably not all the time, but when I feel like dressing up I will be able to.

>> No.9227574

Oh grow up. Practically everyone ITT said they wouldn't take a child to meetups unless the other participants were 100% okay with it.

>> No.9228737
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>> No.9228738
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>> No.9228741
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>> No.9228744
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