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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9207799 No.9207799 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is on sage >>9097211

Useful Links (that are still active):
>Fairy Kei Forum - http://fairykei.proboards.com/
>Fairy Kei Help - http://fairy-tips.tumblr.com/
>What is Yumekawaii (feat. Spank!)- http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/yume-kawaii-girls-20150855504.html

Don't forget to check Twitter's ゆめかわいい hashtag in case you are in search for the latest japanese brand releases and/or inspo.

>> No.9207926

Oh jesus I really want >>9207786
The hair is giving me Creamy Mami vibes and I love it

>> No.9207931

Someone last thread mentioned how they miss CCK but not so much the trend of people hauling everything from the shop.
I agree. I found the artist when I was a few years younger and remember telling myself I'd grab something, but never managed to before they sold out. Then I saw YT videos with chicks showing off like a million CCK items and it's like.
Ah. There you are.

>> No.9207935

Me too! I know anon didn't enjoy the art style so much but honestly I kind of find it refreshing
I have a thing for simple-cute art styles, I like the curvy lines and expression

>> No.9207937

I think another issue is that the owner pretty much dumped the western fans once she started to sell her goods in Japan.

>> No.9207951

Wait, really? What the hell?
Color me salty..

>> No.9208012
File: 46 KB, 549x495, b17b8a44fcb4de5defd919db93b5bfef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From that amount of money you might as well buy the much prettier official Creamy Mami fashion collabs, like the one with Galaxxxy.

>> No.9208081
File: 63 KB, 500x698, 1459009613728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always wondering what's big for fairy kei/yumekawaii in japan. Lolita gets the GLB and plenty of online Kera scans, larme is literally a trendy magazine, etc. What about fairy kei? Who's doing well, who's doing not-so-well? What trends are taking shape and which are dying out?

>> No.9208107

Why do brands seem to be emulating some kind of F21 bullshit as of late? Like with the tumblr heart banners and cartoony sparkles and shit

>> No.9208109
File: 190 KB, 808x1200, CtF3eKIUMAAIEny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kera has been featuring Yumekawaii for like over a year already, they always stalk whoever goes to Candye Syrup. The icon of Yumekawaii would be Rinahamu who also made a band named "Strawberry Syndrome" with all the popular Yumekawaii girls earlier this year.

Also you seem to confuse Yumekawaii for a fashion style which it is not, it's an aesthetic that can be applied to most styles including lolita.

>> No.9208117

>heart banners and cartoony sparkles
>implying it hasn't been a fairy kei thing forever
Are you new to this fashion?

>> No.9208118

Anyone else kind of disappointed with the newest Listen Flavor stuff?

>> No.9208124
File: 225 KB, 1200x900, Co7FIxmUMAANI08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frickle Wish seems to get really popular ever since they opened in summer.

>> No.9208126

The only thing disappointing is the catgirl drawing, the rest is just what defines their style ever since and the designer is still busy with the Suicide Squad collab.

>> No.9208128
File: 103 KB, 896x896, 1505455_1051026381637433_8475734284128779933_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make some cute shirts to sell!
I already have some designs I want to do but was wondering, what kind of designs would you ideally want to see in a shirt?

>> No.9208129
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>> No.9208131
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>> No.9208152

No. I'm talking about something really particular, but I forgot what brand released it. Probably LF.

>> No.9208154


>Suicide Squad Collab
fucking Chrrriiiiisssst NOOOO

>> No.9208162

If you mean the "Offensive Kawaii" stuff, that's been only on one Menhera-chan armwarmer so far but nothing Listen Flavor made.

>> No.9208168

The teens in Harajuku are all over it, they aren't the only brand with a collab either.

>> No.9208257

I already know about them and I've been hunting for them. I still like the bad cat girl

>> No.9208557
File: 111 KB, 480x360, tumblr_l943x2xz7L1qzf91vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love something more than prints in a shirt. Like a teddy bear print with three bears, one would be made of felt, one would have ribbons sewn into the shirt and one with two buttons. That's the main thing with western fairy kei brands, they don't have those extra touches.

Other ideas:
> patterned backgrounds with a main image instead of flat pastels
> detachable collar/pins w/ shirt
> Frilled sleeves, maybe dotted transparent fabric for contrast
> colorful tulle/lace accents
> colorful buttons, especially shaped ones

So stuff I would make could be:
> strawberry printed on shirt. green or white lace around collar. Felt white flower on top of center strawberry.
> colorful tulle ribbon making a heart shape along the shirt. Flowy sleeves. Comes with a heart shape pin.
> Sailor bunny print. Have sailor collar and three buttons with bunnies on them. puff sleeve with ribbon.

Basically more texture/playful stuff that's not just prints

>> No.9208560
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>> No.9208563
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>> No.9208565
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>> No.9208566
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>> No.9208570
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And if you have detachable bows like this along the collar of your shirt or something that would be amazing

>> No.9208606
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>> No.9208613
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>> No.9208683

How would I make something like this?

>> No.9208687

puffy paint and fabric glue. channel the 90s.

>> No.9209372

Thanks senpai.

>> No.9209407

>Candye Syrup

Do they have a website at all?

>> No.9209427

ugh dammit I meant Frickle wish not candy syrup

>> No.9209511
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, 2016-10-05 11.30.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My LF jacket came in and I'm over the fucking moon ae

>> No.9209603

Looking good anon! I'm lusting over a ton of LFs new items, this included.

>> No.9209622
File: 13 KB, 236x314, ca551bccff4d37c837af852c37fb6d40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will consider it!! I have been thinking of that too.
My only problem with this idea is that it will make each piece more time consuming to make and I am not sure how many people would be willing to spend the amount of money it would take to create more elaborate shirts like this and from a brand that is not well established.
I will try to figure something out. Thank you for the pics for inspiration!

>> No.9209626

Super cute, anon!! And I am loving that dress. I have been considering getting it

>> No.9209657

It's the same store that is also in LA's Japantown but their Osaka location.

>> No.9209667

oh my god jealous

also what's that patchy jacket behind?

>> No.9209744

I had no idea this was a shop in japan! which is the original, LA or jp?

>> No.9209745

mint is so gross and her "fairy boy" coord is a joke, far right girl is a qt though

>> No.9209784

Diff anon but I think its Galaxxxy

>> No.9209809

Heads up I had to extend the straps on it - there's a lot of rolled up fabric on the back but if you're bustier than an A-cup you'll need to modify it
It's a Galaxxxy Strawberry Dream jacket

>> No.9209918

Sauce on dress?

>> No.9210026

Not that anon but it's 6%dokidoki

>> No.9210051
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Thank you!

>> No.9210070

Does anyone else find miss alphabet's clothes extremely ugly and unflattering? She sure charges an arm and a leg for her ugly failures...

>> No.9210082
File: 119 KB, 640x854, 1468512454177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, literally the only thing in her shop right now that I think would be cute to wear is the teddy bear skater skirt

>> No.9210088

Her accessories are pretty cute though.

>> No.9210305
File: 119 KB, 640x640, 1_000000001027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah this jumper is adorable. Too bad it's going into summer here.

>> No.9210324

The LA one opened first.

>> No.9210342
File: 230 KB, 1200x1200, Ct_nFiAUAAA_CrN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen Flavor got a special for halloween with Fancy Surprise too.

>> No.9210353

Oh my Goodness, is that jumper the halloween collab ?? I need it in my life NOW.

>> No.9210514

fuck me i need all of this rn

>> No.9210742

If anybody is interested, Milklim has 3000 and 5000 yen lucky packs on their website right now. I ordered 2 of the bigger ones through Tenshi that arrived today, and I got way more than I expected. I got a headband, a keychain, 5 tops, a dress set, a skirt, and 2 sweaters!

>> No.9210761

It sounds nice! I was just worried about getting duplicates if I bought more than one pack.
The headband, keychain, 5 tops, dress set, skirt, and 2 sweaters were all from 2 packs and not just one right?

>> No.9210781

No duplicates! The items were all from the two packs combined. Everything came in one big bag, so it looks like they just picked out an assortment of things to match the suggested number of items for the pack. A couple of the items I got didn't appear to be on their website from what I could see, so it was a nice surprise!

I'll go spread everything out and try to get a good picture now! I don't have the most floor space at the minute.

>> No.9210795


Listen Flavor has been selling the goods of other brands for ages, just like how they are the official store for Milklim now, they sell Fancy Surprise goods too and as halloween special you get the bag and button when purchasing their stuff from Listen Flavor.

>> No.9210820

Fuck. So that sweater isn't new then. Bummer, that's all I was fucking interested in.

>> No.9210849
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Sorry about the strange angle, I had to stand on my bed to take the photo.

I'm probably going to end up selling a bunch of the items, since some of Milklim's one-size items are waaaay too big an unlattering on me, but I'm really excited about the things I got. Especially the conversation heart sweater and the good night skirt!

>> No.9211117

Super cute!! I'm glad you didn't end up with any duplicates. I got a lot of great stuff in the lucky bag I got last time so I think I will get this one too

>> No.9211118

Oh I forgot to ask, where will you be selling some of them? I am interested

>> No.9211234

Once I update my sales album, I'll post it on the fairy kei sales group on Facebook. I've got a few midterms to get through first before I update it though.

>> No.9213232

Got my TOM Listen Flavor lucky pack, loved all of it surprisingly though only 2 things are really fairy kei-able. Didn't get any DR stuff despite TOM still having a bunch in stock, do they usually avoid putting collab stuff in things like that?

>> No.9213428

Could you post a picture of what you got? I am curious!

>> No.9213489

Has to do with license stuff for why they can't put them in.

>> No.9213535

Sorry if this is a stupid question. Where can I get these or where was this originally posted? Reverse image search gave me nothing.

>> No.9213540

It's all Listen Flavor.

>> No.9213909
File: 36 KB, 350x350, 08f6662b859d425b86b03052e3ec0c8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas for coording this skirt?

>> No.9213919
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>> No.9213921
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>> No.9213923
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>> No.9213945

I'm in love with her holographic hot pants but that's about it

>> No.9213991

Sorry, should have been more specific. I want to see some simpler, non OTT coords with it.

>> No.9214013

>thinking this is OTT
Are you new to this fashion? Those are basic af.

>> No.9214023
File: 336 KB, 1220x1018, image2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for bad pics, purple is a sweatshirt and super comfy. I''m really happy with everything I got!

>> No.9214024

Oh, forgot to mention the pink jacket is something I bought separate from the lucky pack. The material is more like a tshirt, I was really surprised.

>> No.9214097

I've got the pink jacket in blue and yeah, the material threw me off too, but I think it came out closer to summer/spring? I would've liked it more if it had a bit more structure, given the collar

>> No.9214165

I'd say try to find a cheaper printing company. Some places like HTT sell printed dresses for ~$100, while other places like chibibunny can sell them for less than $40. The additional pieces can be hand done and in smaller quantities. Maybe you can sell printed shirts for like $20, then add $5 in increments for the more details added on.

Just take inspo from the colors/accessories used. Tone down the first coord by taking away the huge necklace and belt, no wig, and maybe just short socks and sneakers.

Looks great, nice haul anon!

>> No.9215305
File: 116 KB, 600x899, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see that huge post fairy kei tips just made? Opinions?

>> No.9215422

People who are dropping thst much on a sweater are just as at fault. Scalpers hsve responsibility but so does the buyer. All you have to do is not buy it at that price. I see where she's coming from but yeah. Plus I doubt it's entirely the fairy kei community doing this, both buying and selling

>> No.9215428

Almost got this sweater, actually. But people know how much fairies will pay for it so they always go up to a ridiculously large price. I've witnesses people extend bids and then advertise their sweaters to the fairy kei comm just bc they know it will reel em to to buy.
I've dropped about 80 on a sweater before, back when I was thirsty as fuck. But not I just wait and stay patient, I guess. For someone to post an auction / sale that isn't completely abusing the popularity of the sweater. For instance, I got a Heartworks dalmatian cardigan just a few weeks ago for 15 dollars.
I'm salty and that post she made is salty but I understand the saltiness. It's no one's fault per say, it's just annoying to deal with as a buyer, is all. And something to be bitter about. Shrug.

>> No.9215532

Isn't FT European? It's harder to find those sweaters here, maybe that's why people are paying so much for them.

>> No.9215534
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>> No.9216001
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>> No.9216007

>It's harder to find those sweaters here, maybe that's why people are paying so much for them.
Not true, that kind of pastel sweater can be found in european H&M pretty much every winter collection, it's much more of an US thing.

>> No.9216098

Wait really?
What do they look like? Dafuc?

>> No.9216104

I've never seen one of those specific sweaters pop up. Have you ever been to a European H&M?

>> No.9216113

You guys really are new considering that H&M got a G1 MLP collection for adults every winter.

>> No.9216115

What's specific at random pastel "ugly christmas sweaters"? You can get them like everywhere.

>> No.9216130
File: 87 KB, 350x500, 3dcdbd1fe21ee2b81dbd74cc2449acf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even modcloth stocks them all the time for like 30 bucks.

>> No.9216133
File: 56 KB, 427x610, 35315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And learning to knit them yourself isn't hard either if you have patience.

>> No.9216135

nigga i live in the USA

>> No.9216139

And knitting software makes it much easier these days.

>> No.9216145

You keep claiming this but I check it regularly in the sweater section and have yet to see one in stock.
They're extremely hard to come by.

>> No.9216310
File: 671 KB, 1932x1932, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i get this dirt stain out of my hello cavities sweater what the fuck i loved this sweater why God

>> No.9216320

I'm very meticulous about washing my laundry.

This may call for some soaking. Pour some lukewarm water with some shampoo or soap of choice and let it soak for awhile.

If that doesn't get it out, apply nothing more strong then dawn directly to the spot, soak, and scrub. It should come out. I find shampoo works for most things though.

>> No.9216363

You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.9216634

What's sizing on everything like?

>> No.9216764
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>> No.9217257
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Strange question, but does anyone know where/how to find fabric like pic related? I look up things like "vintage baby sheets," since I often see FK sellers using various prints with pastel hearts, confetti, and 80s motifs as a backdrop. I see them in various stores that don't share stock so I know they must be a thing, ya know.

>> No.9217558
File: 16 KB, 300x300, pretty-parakeet-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first guess would be a lucky find at a local fabric supplier.

Otherwise, it's imported. Fabricworm, Hartsfabric, Fabric Tales, and Maigo are all suppliers with cute fabric designs. Etsy itself has suppliers as well.

Picture related is fabricworm. Parakeets, ribbons, and general cute stuff on this sample.

>> No.9217561

Saging but adding to what I posted.

Pinkcastlefabrics is also a good thing to watch.

>> No.9217754
File: 41 KB, 500x816, 6a06710cf639084af25f39e335c534ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nile Perch is adorable.

>> No.9217757

I don't know.. Their sales pix always get me hype but when I see the actual clothing I can tell they saturate the photos. Kinda nitpicky, their stuff is adorable but I wish they had more colour, or stayed true to the sale pix colour

>> No.9218057

I agree. Those new fluffy items look so snug.

>> No.9218119

>saturate the photos
Shops that sell colorful clothes shouldn't do that in the first place, baka

>> No.9218433

Not them but even though they shouldn't they do it anyways

>> No.9218544

I'm deeply considering buying this, but I wonder if they will still be around when I go on my Japan trip and I could just buy them there
Decisions decisions

>> No.9220506
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>> No.9220527
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>> No.9220752
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>> No.9221031
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Was hoping there was an indie thread or something up but I guess I'll post this here. Oceaninspace shop is back open. Has some cute stuff

I really like the fuwa fuwa fruits shirt but its something I would have loved as a 13 year old into "decora" (I still like decora now, but the flashback of myself are absolutely cringey)
So I dont know, its kind of dissuading me from grabbing it.

>> No.9221063

The tunic would be really cute layered over a cutsew and tutu.

>> No.9221879

I remember asking where they got these made and I got a really snotty answer, so even though I like them I'm turned off by their rude response.

>> No.9221937

That's not rude at all. It's actually very rude to ask a company who supplies their merchandise. In the world of business, you don't just give out your manufacturers.

Competition reasons.

>> No.9221950

I'm a male /k/ browser and I'd shamelessly wear the Nyan! Nono shirt.

>> No.9221958

I thought everyone already knew where she got them made lol.

>> No.9221961

Mulling over anon's statement.

While it is rude to ask a company such information, it's not rude at all to ask the internet.

>> No.9221991

Where does she get her shirts made?

>> No.9222208

except it's not? I talk to other indie makers/shop owners ect all the time, who are usually working at a far larger scale that I am, and get pretty in depth responses. As long as you're not asking for a step by step how to I replicate exactly what you're doing, it's perfectly fine.

>> No.9222295
File: 29 KB, 350x350, 9a1ae52dfaf04ce6a2ff81eeccc6a07f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To me honestly as a creator I hate getting asked where I get my supplies/manufacturers/etc. I'll share this knowledge with close friends or acquaintances. But absolutely coming out of the blue being like "Where did you get x?" is very annoying. Especially since its not a one time thing, but you have tons of people asking the same shit.
/sorry for the rant but this specific issues has been bugging me a lot recently

Her snotty response is very uncalled for though, you should always be professional with your business. For me personally I'll just ignore them or try to word myself politely.

>> No.9222333
File: 74 KB, 500x437, NEOAPP-41453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about LF,
Are most of their shirts on the thin kind of see-through side? I first bought two unisex tshirts which were awesome, nice thick cotton. But on my second order I got the menhera shirt plus one other in a similar oversize style. And I find them much thinner and pretty see through. I can clearly see my bra through them and with no bra I can see my nips (areola and all, and my nipples arent particularly dark in color)

So like??? What the hell do you do? wear a slip under these things or what?

>> No.9222342


>> No.9222343

Wear a camisole underneath

>> No.9222425
File: 139 KB, 1273x936, ss+(2016-10-15+at+05.06.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff anon but huh.
I'm pretty familiar with artsmoo stuff but I thought their quality wasnt fantastic. Surprised she hasnt tried to find a different source since their prices are quite steep for chinese shit.

Anyways I went to go check out to see if they carried the tunic shape since its a bit more distinctive and wouldnt you know

>> No.9222502
File: 113 KB, 680x951, Cuzo24DVIAAkF0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9222679

if its a question you get often maybe put up a FAQ that says where you get stuff made, and link it when someone asks?

like >>9222208 said. It's like being snotty about using PAOM or something.

>> No.9222702

I'm absolutely in love with the feel of Hello Cavities sweaters. Where do they get their stuff manufactured ?

>> No.9222726

Not particularly without really looking closely, but... huh, I guess you are right.

I always wear shorts and a t-shirt bra so... I guess I never really noticed.

>> No.9222728

>>9222295 likely wouldn't want an FAQ since they only share the knowledge with close friends or acquaintances.

Yeah, I suppose so. I wouldn't give anyone snide responses. If it was just an outright 'I can't tell you that.' I don't really see that as 'snotty' though.

>> No.9222755

I have quite a few tees from them including the Menhera-chan one in black and they aren't any less thin than other shirts I have.

>> No.9222866

What is Nile Perch's quality like?

>> No.9223054
File: 90 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these red dates mean
Updates? Inactivity?

On another note does anyone have any Fancy Surprise / Phooey stuff theyre trying to get rid of

>> No.9223066

...that's weekends and public holidays.

>> No.9223080
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I'm retarded

>> No.9223894
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anons, please help

This sweater is so perfect, but I can't decide on a color...I like how the print is faded on the blue colorway, but I think white would fit more with my wardrobe...

>> No.9223911

You always could change the ribbons of the blue one to whatever colors the other items of your wardrobe have.

>> No.9223924

I was planning to wear either with a white AA skirt...so actually, the blue one would match that better, now that I think about it, since I don't have too much lavender.

to wash this, I should remove the ribbons, right? think the washing machine would fuck them up.

>> No.9223950

Considering they are satin, they likely would fray.

>> No.9223981

i would get the white, you could always carefully dye it later if you find another colour would suit your other clothing items more, considering it's probably made from a jersey cotton mix.

as for washing: a fine wash setting with little rotations shouldn't normally harm the ribbons. it if you want to be extra careful, hand washing it is always an option.

>> No.9224398
File: 661 KB, 640x387, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons help where do i find the fabric to make a cute ass skirt like this holy shit?? when i look at this skirt i feel like god is real

>> No.9225460

Thanks anon!!
Do you know any better places to make custom fully printed shirts?

>> No.9225495
File: 31 KB, 600x461, ChskE-_VEAEAfA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9225499

Or, you know, just math and graph paper.

>> No.9226440

>these days
Get off 4chan, grandma

>> No.9226442


>> No.9226606

Seems like you are new to this fashion because MLP is a staple series for it.

>> No.9228198

Are the Listen Flavor lucky packs from Tokyo Otaku mode any good?


>> No.9228204


>> No.9228354

Mine should be here in a few days, I'll post pics when it comes in.

>> No.9229187
File: 356 KB, 600x1022, art4113_4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9229794

Where is this from? Galaxxxy?

>> No.9229906


>> No.9230335

I love Gundam Tanaka so much but of the two LF shirts that have been released, one has had "BREEDER" across the front and one features what most people would see as a star of David. I just want to be kawaii desu and show love for my husbando while looking relatively socially acceptable to normies, is that really so much to ask

>> No.9230434

Nobody who doesn't know you is going to look that close at your top though, just get it.

>> No.9232238
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>> No.9233568
File: 116 KB, 1199x800, CvnThPpVUAAC8fT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the new collection, LF also got a collab with Dempagumi Inc.

>> No.9233753
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 65518c4c1b89f99bb6e303cb95a30958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered from Idol before?


I want to get a shirt from them but I'm not sure about the quality

>> No.9233809

I got one of their summer lucky packs, everything is printed on Gildan clothes so it is pretty high quality but I cold-wash them either way.

>> No.9233814

It's good, my friend owns one and it's a really soft, apparently it's easy to wash too.

>> No.9234513

I've never ordered from them before, but the holographic material is high temperature vinyl.

Repeated drying can eventually destroy the luster of the design and cause peeling/wrinkling. That doesn't mean the quality is bad though.

>> No.9234552

aww this store is really cute! thanks for posting.

>> No.9235662
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>> No.9236217
File: 175 KB, 1200x900, CvxjzZ6UkAAydP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LF stocks the goods of Magical now, should sell out less quick than on their own site.

>> No.9236252

Thank GOD
I love Magical but I can never get anything I want before it sells out.

>> No.9236886
File: 297 KB, 700x875, tumblr_nft4usflI81tykkceo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered this scarf and I'm desperate for it, but it's been long gone from their taobao store.
Is there any place I'd even have a chance of nabbing it?
Or something similar?

>> No.9236901

>tfw new komaeda with the nice ass tshirt sold out because you were worried about the ass

>> No.9237162

This makes me so happy.

>> No.9237174
File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, Cv1lT7gUsAA223z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more Milklim stuff at LF.

>> No.9237350
File: 58 KB, 570x579, il_570xN.841985358_cr4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right? so adorable.
It doesnt look that hard to make or comission someone to make it
This person on etsy has one similar but I believe its knitted

So if you had your heart set on the fleece type material, I'm sure you could find someone to make it.

>> No.9237352
File: 51 KB, 570x579, il_570xN.931256619_35zl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have this cute cowl I want to get one day

>> No.9237854
File: 42 KB, 334x445, b5f5c6c52d0da57f51f74d493f24e2d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered this necklace!

>> No.9238071

Did you order that from the original Magical shop ? As in off their own online shop

>> No.9238385


>> No.9238570
File: 127 KB, 576x1024, CXHdywEU0AAX0wE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I can't decide if I want this in blue or pink.

>> No.9238571

I like the pink one more because I love pink.

However, you can match 3 different colors with the blue one which is quite nice.

>> No.9238931

pink is safer but i like the contrast of yellow and blue on the other one

>> No.9239371

The blue and yellow one is nice because it is less common to find things that aren't pink or lavender in fairy kei that look so good.
I have the pink version and the blue version and I love both but the blue one is my favorite

>> No.9239956
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>> No.9241426
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>> No.9241456

I'm assuming this is from Claire's Japan?

>> No.9242018
File: 61 KB, 960x960, 14666217_10209921616009767_7839313506513581020_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I got in mine

>> No.9242020

Yes but you can get that kind of stuff at almost every Claire's worldwide but making them yourself is cheaper in most cases unless you want to pay 20 bucks for a satin lace ribbon with wings and cross beads on them..

>> No.9242058

Oh she's adorable. Who is the model?

>> No.9242093
File: 79 KB, 1024x769, CwML_E9VUAA9wGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another LF collection is coming out next week's friday.

>> No.9242100

It's https://twitter.com/risa_memesama

>> No.9242181

They are all pretty cute! I own that jumper and I love it, it is so comfy and warm

>> No.9243014
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>> No.9244027
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>> No.9244028 [DELETED] 
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In case somebody doesn't understand it:
Listen Flavor was one of the brands in the Yumekawaii special of AkiCul (Akihabara Culture) which is a freebie magazine for stylish otaku.

>> No.9244029

It is probably made out of old bedsheets. Look online for vintage fabrics and bedsheets and you should be able to find fabric like this.

>> No.9244393

That yellow is harsh

>> No.9244566
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>> No.9244741

When do stores like Milklim and Nile Perch release their lucky packs?

>> No.9245607

Summer and new year, same as most lolita brands.

>> No.9246370
File: 22 KB, 668x593, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on with my Listen Flavor order
>order went to France
>got stuck in France customs?
>is back in Japan
>in customs again?
>mfw am in America
>why did it go to France in the first place
>paid over $30USD for ems shipping, too

hoping it's a case of they gave me the wrong tracking number, but it's been 2 weeks since I ordered...

>> No.9246371

You should probably call USPS or email LF at this point, something weird is going on. EMS usually doesn't take more than a week if it doesn't get held up by customs.

>> No.9246538

It's never taken longer than 3-4 days and that's including like, a Sunday. No idea what's going on...wanted the order before I went out of town Wednesday, but looks like that's not happening, sigh

>> No.9248243
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>> No.9248273
File: 1.04 MB, 800x1200, TB19XHlKpXXXXbLXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got really cute fuzzy stuff that some people here may like.

>> No.9249286
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>> No.9249427
File: 30 KB, 453x256, Screen Shot 2016-11-08 at 12.16.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to order from Idol, but I can't figure out how to pay. I tried to use a credit card but apparently only Japanese ones work. I obviously can't use the convenience store pay but that leaves the bank transfer option.

But I'm not sure how to do a bank transfer. I went to my bank today, and they said it would cost $45. I'm thinking of trying Western Union, but I'm afraid it won't work properly.

Here is the information they gave me to send the money to:

>■Name of Bank : 三井住友銀行
>■Branch name : アオイ支店
>■Type of account : 普通
>■Name of the account holder : ベイス(カ
>■Account number : [redacted] This bank account is for this purchase only.

>■Name : Enter ”3040 [my name]

I've looked through all of the archives on how to do a bank transfer and I'm still totally lost.

>> No.9249453

I have no clue what you do wrong but you can pay with credit cards just fine as long as the card is still valid, that's the only payment option for international orders.

>> No.9249471
File: 21 KB, 746x54, Screen Shot 2016-11-08 at 12.55.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried both a debit and credit card, but I got this message

>> No.9249893


Ok I think I finally found a site where I can do bank transfers to a business. Apparently Western Union isn't one of them. The only problem is that it needs the shop's address, and the only address listed on the website is the city and prefecture. So I'm afraid the money will get rejected.

Anyways the money is due about a week from now, but with the money transfer site having to check my identity and then it taking another couple of days on top of that, I guess it isn't possible for me to make the order on time.

>> No.9250212
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, ydVwiGjeet0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup from Russia

>> No.9250301
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>> No.9251236
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>> No.9251903
File: 165 KB, 640x640, 5_000000001123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Listen Flavor x PPG collaboration.

>> No.9251922
File: 192 KB, 899x982, Cw9UmwaVIAA0nvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9251953

RIP me. I just went there and bought a huge haul. Now this comes out.

>> No.9252491

Cute stuff!! Thanks anon

>> No.9252574

Oh god no

>> No.9252674

On the fymenhera blog they said they contacted this shop and because of a problem with organizing overseas shipping they were not accepting overseas payments. If you contact them directly you might be able to sort this out.

>> No.9253835

I'm sick to death of seeing people on Facebook buying Milklim or Nile Perch clothes in bulk from Mercari or FRIL and then scalping people by selling them at 3x the price or more. Bitch some used tshirt is not worth $35 what are you smoking.

>> No.9253887

I know exactly who you're talking about lol

>> No.9253898

Milky Parade? They were asking $85 for a used milklim sweater, it's insane.

>> No.9253969

Oh God, *her.*

>> No.9254149


>> No.9254152

They are one of a few. More recently I've seen someone on Depop doing this, adding ¥2000 on top of every item, at least. They had a tshirt I really wanted but for quite a high price.

Once I figured out what they were doing, I searched around and found the original item on FRIL at a fraction of the price and bought it through an SS from there. Still feeling a bit smug about it.

>> No.9254157

This used to happen a lot in lolita fashion before there was as much advice on pricing and shopping services.

>> No.9254328

I've seen someone reselling stuff at reasonable prices on FB, she's pretty clear that she's a reseller though. People like MP are ridiculous though, nobody wants your overpriced worn brand.

>> No.9255419

How should noobies work out what sort of price we should be getting things at? It seems pretty tough to judge and I don't want to be ripped off.

>> No.9255438

With searching for the original store price, maybe?

>> No.9255439

Milklim sweatshirts are 3500 - 5000 yen retail max. Nile Perch is on the higher end, but only sought items. Anyone selling their cheaper items like sweatshirts for more than that is overpricing. I was going to make a mercari and fril guide because I'm tired of this underhanded manipulation that's going on right now. The only items that should be bought overseas is vintage sweaters, because japanese resellers buy from spank and then raise the price a little higher.

>> No.9255445

Anon, if you make a guide to apps then all the good deals will be snapped up... You've seen how Y!A has bidding wars between shopping services.
I can understand them raising the prices slightly since overseas shipping costs, but not by more than ¥2000 unless it's super rare. That's just unfair.

>> No.9255447

Which is why I decided against it. I just wish people were more apparent when it comes to reselling, it's just better business practice.

>> No.9255513

Especially Milky Planet, she tries the stuff on for pictures. Why would you even do that, no wonder nobody is buying.

>> No.9255516

Milky Parade ffs
>sage because I'm an idiot

>> No.9255521

Wish it had the old PPG designs.

>> No.9255733

What brands would you guys say are the best? Generally I only see Magical in terms of jewelry here and then mostly LF/Milklim fans in the west, whatever happened to other brands?

>> No.9255749

>whatever happened to other brands
There weren't many brands to begin with rather than remake shops like Spank! Taobao brands have become very popular in Japan in the past two years due to the low prices even with SS fees in comparison to brand (japanese resellers would be Qun.to and Sucredoll), you see To Alice and Star's Rainbow pieces quite often in streetsnaps.

>> No.9255838
File: 161 KB, 1007x794, evolution_of_the_powerpuff_girls_by_3d4d-d5omkkq.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish it had the old PPG designs.
Be happy that they didn't do this for the 2014 one.

>> No.9255842

What the fuck is that 2012 abomination?

>> No.9255847

It's from Cartoon Network's "2 Broke Powerpuff Girls" MAD episode.

>> No.9255878

I was wondering if anyone knew of a manufacturer that could do all over prints with custom sleeves like this? I've heard many negative things regarding Artsmoo so I would rather avoid them at all costs. Any and all help would be appreciated!

>> No.9255928

Does anyone know if it's worth it to buy some pieces off of fril? I'm tempted but obv you need a shopping service. What are your experiences with shopping service fees and such?

>> No.9256117

thanks anon, I didn't know it before but now I want this scarf too

it's not bad but the fleece one seems cuter. your awesome for finding this though

>> No.9256152

I will never understand the wearing-skirt-over-bust thing.

>> No.9256506

But exactly this is their manufacturer.

>> No.9256508

Anon, those aren't skirts but ruffle tops...

>> No.9256525
File: 48 KB, 640x640, 12534543_1104868812891338_1737369891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh that's interesting. Didn't people used to say that Japan stores resold taobao stuff at jacked up prices?

>> No.9256536
File: 194 KB, 600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, those are skirts.

>> No.9257179
File: 162 KB, 640x640, 10_000000001023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got this jacket and was surprised by how large it is, I'm aware that Listen Flavor tends to have a larger fit to their clothing but for this jacket I thought it would fit more normally but it's very baggy and swallows me when I wear it.

>> No.9257465

skirts or not, they look silly on their bust

>> No.9257471
File: 490 KB, 1000x1500, 20160406DSC9554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are decent brands for bottoms that are not shorts or skirts? Stuff like pic (which I know are Milklim)

>> No.9257620

Has anyone ever ordered off of Listen Flavor's Rakuten before? I paid my shipping/fee/balance, and its approaching a week since I paid it. I got a confirmation e-mail that I paid last Friday, and haven't heard anything since? I e-mailed them, they haven't responded.

Does it normally take a while for them to ship? I've ordered from Rakuten before, but the shop was a bit more responsive and quick.

>> No.9257776

I heard a few people didn't get their stuff when they ordered through LF rakuten store.

>> No.9257777
File: 72 KB, 662x732, IMG_8303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people tag things like this as 'yumekawaii'? It looks really normie?

>> No.9257801

Last time I ordered from them they shipped within two days

>> No.9257830

Because yumekawaii is an aesthethics and not a fashion, everything girly pastel can be counted as yumekawaii.

>> No.9257833

Plus i wouldn't say this looks really normy. It's toned down sure, but the colors and accessories make it obvious it leans towards j fash.

>> No.9259748
File: 186 KB, 1200x1200, CxOqO0XUsAA10hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9260572

i bought two lucky packs off of Milklim on the same day. one of them arrived at my SS already, but the other hasn't arrived yet. Should I be worried? I guess I was lucky enough to put insurance on the latter package though.

>> No.9260735

It's not uncommon in this time of the year.

>> No.9260923
File: 17 KB, 350x350, d8e695f66a364eeda9cd1b24c7851471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this jacket.

>> No.9260953
File: 191 KB, 712x983, IMG_8359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit is cute but she could have done so much more with her makeup...her face doesn't look very cute

>> No.9260985
File: 202 KB, 800x566, kera1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried copying the outfit of the model? Those type of extra baggy jackets pretty much work with full pants/skirts or shorter than hem skirt/shorts. If not then they look pretty awkward.

They're not specifically shirts or skirts. It was a trend thing a year or two ago for brands to come out with 2 way skirt/shirts. They are intended to just be a wide band of elastic with ruffles so that they can be worn over the bust or the hips.

Vintage is your best bet anon. Those pants are basically pajamas so if you're not concerned about wearing pajamas in public I would suggest taobao roomwear stores to try out.

>> No.9260992

Probably because she has been sick a lot for a while already.

>> No.9261422

She isn't going to win...

>> No.9261460

Is this fairy kei tips? I don't think it's that bad, she's kind of cute.

>> No.9261606

Even if she had the best selfie in the world, considering people like mahouprince are on there doesn't help.

>> No.9261692

There's 3 winners and only one is picked by social media votes, so she might have a chance.

>> No.9261772
File: 3.10 MB, 3044x1643, 20161120_123119-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some socks last night that I'm thinking of using for fairy kei.
I'm short enough for them to go over my knee, which I like but I hate how vibrant the main pattern is on the sides.
How stupid would it be to wear the unicorn on the INSIDE of my legs and the stars on the outside?

Pic related

>> No.9261773

is this unicorn pooping a sparkling rainbow?

>> No.9262844
File: 199 KB, 1200x900, CxeQYJ_UkAAm9E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9264122

I think a lot of it is also about the photo composition. People with amazing backgrounds and lighting always seem to get more votes.

>> No.9264278

I love the tights. Anyone know this brand?

>> No.9264290

They are by http://a-li-e.shop-pro.jp/ and not sold anymore it seems.

>> No.9264383
File: 252 KB, 1200x1200, CxwFNOzUUAA_jJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spinns got a restock of their G1 MLP stuff again.

>> No.9264969

Anyone got some more 80s looking stuff? Zebra print and so on?

>> No.9265097

That would be neither fairy kei nor yumekawaii.

>> No.9265135

Not anon, but I disagree. By itself, maybe, but I don't think of it as too different than pairing white polka dotted raglan tees with pastel cardigans or other tops in Spank! for instance. A little different since it's, you know, zebra. But I think it could maybe work..

>> No.9265446

I'm >>9246370
I placed the order closer to this date on >>9223894
I just received my package yesterday, a month later. For some reason my package went to France, got stuck in customs, and then returned. I sent an email asking what was going on, got 0 response. A week later, they sent me an email apologizing, it was their mistake that it mailed to the wrong place, and sent it out again.

The sweater is very cute, and the sax is so light it's barely sax and could be lavender, even. Even the print is more purple-y. I like it better than if it was more blue, so if anyone was thinking about purchasing it in sax, know that it's more pale than the stock photos of it.

>> No.9265448
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, Cx9Yc3GUsAQzlOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder for black friday, their new pieces will be lucky pack exclusive.

>> No.9265607

when do the lucky packs go on sale?

>> No.9265625
File: 72 KB, 640x640, Cx9YA2DUkAA4pK3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday 7pm Japan time.

>> No.9265650
File: 914 KB, 1467x1467, Dobutsu+No+Mori+Flat+Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with Suckered Apparel?

I have an order with them that they haven't shipped and they won't answer my emails.

Going to go to my bank next week and do a charge back. A lot of people on their insta complaining about lost/unsent orders and no communication too. Just be weary, their stuff is cute tho..

>> No.9265661

What did you expect of a store full of products with stolen art?

>> No.9265769

Does anyone know how quick these sell out? I'm trying for the first time this year and want to know if I need to stay up till 3 in the morning to snag one or if it can wait till I wake up.

>> No.9265779

Depends on the timing, considering lots of stores have sales that day they probably won't be sold out within the next few days.

>> No.9265798

comes up secondhand for a little under retail semi-regularly, anon. there's a few on fril/mercari atm.

>> No.9265861
File: 1.69 MB, 1500x1500, Cry+Baby+T-Shirt+2016+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya ya I know anon. Still salty about it though, seen a few people with their cute shirts and I wanted one too. Guess that's what I get heh, lesson learned

>> No.9265971
File: 185 KB, 1200x1200, Cx8cnGcVQAAf4ZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9266910

I put in an order for a Listen Flavor lucky pack on From Japan. Hope it comes through!

>> No.9266968
File: 167 KB, 1199x848, CyGVo_BUQAEdTYF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9266984
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>> No.9267373
File: 1.65 MB, 800x1200, 4356235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9267816

Any alternatives to buying a tulle skirt from Listen Flavor? Any good Taobao suggestions?

>> No.9267837
File: 247 KB, 700x700, pan048-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Bodyline got some like that.

>> No.9267887

Just ordered the new Listen Flavor lucky pack! When I get it, I can show what I got if anyone's interested.

>> No.9267889

I own both, the quality of the Bodyline tutu isn't as good as the Listen Flavor.

>> No.9267892

I buy my skirts from Amazon. They don't come in multi-colors though.

>> No.9269080
File: 139 KB, 1280x960, mmexport1480274367518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 5000 yen lucky pack from Milklim came yesterday. It was about $100 total including EMS shipping. I got nine tops in total. Too bad I didn't get any bottoms or accessories.

Here's the first set of items.

>> No.9269082
File: 159 KB, 1280x960, mmexport1480274357465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the second set

>> No.9269480

any recommendations?

>> No.9269481 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 797x1200, CyOhXYTVQAAnCin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9269634
File: 112 KB, 360x480, tumblr_linkrtymPh1qzf91vo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the general opinion on NerdyLittleSecrets? She's having a pretty decent Black Friday sale and I'm considering just picking up a necklace and lucky bag, but unsure about quality.

Nice haul! I especially adore the bottom polka dot sleeve tee shirts, especially the mintxpink one. It sucks it added up to be so much considering that it's just shirts.

>> No.9270487
File: 107 KB, 1200x900, CyWqmkrVQAAz-Ma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LF's designer is posting sneakpeaks for the upcoming yamikawaii/yumekawaii twin outfits collection.

>> No.9270806

DO NOT DO IT I hope you didnt do it anon. If you go through the archive for NLS or nerdylittlesecrets you'll find why shes bad. Basically
>takes forever FOREVER to make and send your stuff
>it arrives dirty and/or smelling of cigarettes
>bad resin bubbles

>> No.9270857

How much was shipping? Did you get it off of Rakuten?

>> No.9270861

I am interested, please post when you get it!

>> No.9271218


I bought it off of Rakuten. I haven't paid for shipping yet. I'm not sure how that works.


I'll definitely post some pics.

>> No.9271544

I have a lot of Listen Flavor items some new and unworn from Tokyo Rebel, where should I sell them and how do I price it? Some are quite popular like the pink/lav syringe sweatshirt and collab items

>> No.9271556
File: 49 KB, 350x350, candycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have this shirt out of curiosity?

>> No.9271568

Post here first and then maybe try fairykei sales on fb?
Id personally be interested in some older LF releases. I wont try to fight for the syringe/menhera stuff but there are still some other designs I missed out on that I'd like

>> No.9271584
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 15241425_1363232353695131_8102560025761910313_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"retro DOKI" vibes

Okay but in what fucking world does this look even remotely good?

>> No.9271615
File: 3.49 MB, 2896x1944, 581de8b0befc8-sashpastelain2copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone vote for the kawaii int contest? There were quite a few fairy kei styled entries.

Yeesh, not that anon but wow that sounds bad. Doesn't she have a pretty good rep too? Wow. The cigarette smell is the worst though.

yeesh, so close yet so far. Little things needed here, mostly silhouette and color balance. Would look way better just by having the camisole be plain and moving up the jacket (or just forgoing it) so that they have a defined waist instead of awkward lumps. There's other problems obviously but those are the easiest to drastically improve the outfit.

>> No.9271628

I think by Retro Doki they meant they're using a lot of retro and 6% items? It's not fairy kei though.
We discussed one or two up thread, but nobody dumped the others.

>> No.9271639

It just feels like there's so much piled on there that it doesn't even look like an outfit anymore. Just looks like somebody blindly threw darts into a wardrobe.

It was posted in the fairy kei/decora facebook group. As far as I can tell, it's neither of those things.

>> No.9271684

Had to fight with the website a little but just ordered the Lucky Pack + a couple of tops praise be to coupons

>> No.9271705


thanks! I don't have that particular piece, but I'm looking to offload the menhara sweater in pink/lav, kobayashi rocket sweater in white and melty heart chocolate thing in black and maybe lav

i collect their sailor collar items, this year makes me really sad because the fabric quality seems to have fallen tremendeously. i tried the coffin OP and it's really thin compared to the flappin' sailor cutsew OPs.

i compared the nightmare sailor summer dolman with the unicorn dolman (2014) and last year's nightmare dolman (2015) and it's really much thinner

anyway i buy them directly from cdjapan or tokyo rebel so i'm happy to sell the unworn at cost price or discounted based on wear. i'll join both groups, thank you

>> No.9271897
File: 186 KB, 1200x1200, CybxalgUkAIlCJH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another lf sneakpeak, pretty sure it's pettis.

>> No.9271900
File: 176 KB, 1200x900, CwQ_la7VMAEwzIf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271904
File: 265 KB, 1200x799, Cxdzcs_VQAAxa70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271905

And I should note that the designer says that the upcoming release is already part of the spring/summer collection so don't expect anything suitable for cold weather.

>> No.9272109

I second posting here anon!

>> No.9272425
File: 178 KB, 899x772, CyevPVmUUAAKU8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272771
File: 90 KB, 800x563, CygZQAEUcAARNqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9272898
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>> No.9274357
File: 82 KB, 600x900, CylA14jVIAAy7w6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Galaxxxy made a pastel Dragonball collection.

>> No.9274773
File: 190 KB, 640x960, lbss16_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can buy the shoes in the pic?

>> No.9275109

probably swankiss or tokyo bopper maybe?

also, new thread?