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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9207724 No.9207724 [Reply] [Original]

Old One: >>9195291

For cosplays, game inspired casual wear, and discussion of Otome games.

>> No.9207729
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>> No.9207731
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>> No.9207971
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If Yoosung says I'm like Rike once more I'm gonna ditch him for Seven

>> No.9207988
File: 474 KB, 570x449, 1406230144668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I accidentally got Yoosung's route.
>can't be actively mean to him because he reminds me a lot of myself

Seriously, can my boyfriend stop comparing me to his cousin?

>> No.9207997

I told gamergrub to go shower once rather than picking the nice option and still got a heart out of it. That boy is so desperate it's hard to beat him down.
I can't remember if this was before or after he called me asking me how to clean his room because it smelled so bad, but I'm pretty sure it was after.

>> No.9208002

You get hearts regardless. Not all hearts (after day 4) are good hearts though.

>> No.9208006

I thought you get the heartbreak icon for bad answers? I was trying to be mean to him.

>> No.9208016

Sometimes you do but if that answer is one that leads to a bad end, they're indistinguishable from normal hearts.
(That may have been the correct answer though, its been a bit since I've been in Yoosung's route.)

Like for Zen (no spoilers, they're not verbatim)
"Wow! Is so-and-so is your fan?" - gives a heart
"Why are you even talking to some other girl?" - also gives a heart
The second answer is def. gonna help you get that bad end.

>> No.9208019

Heartbreak is only for really bad answers, with Seven for example you can say some pretty shitty things to trigger his bad ends but they still give you those cute red hearts.

Basically what >>9208016 said

>> No.9208020

I wasn't even in Yoosung's route, the boy is just thirsty.
But thanks, I see what you mean now!

>> No.9208050

He IS pretty damn thirsty. He's kinda cute though.
"Will you feed me and put me to bed? Please adopt me!"
God. My heart. Now if only you could bypass the 7 or 8 days of him wanting you to be fucking Rika.

>> No.9208053

God damn it, Yoosung is so cute but the Rika thing is a bit over the top. They could have toned it down a little. But at least it's fun to imagine him getting that obsessive over MC in the future.
Also, that Seven could be so much better if they didn't do that stupid makeup. Eyes aside, why do people think that the concealer-on-lips thing is good for cosplaying male character? I understand wanting to make them thinner perhaps, but erasing them completely looks so weird

>> No.9208073

I think they all compare you to something. I hate Zen, Yoosung is an annoying shota, Jumin is fucking batshit crazy, Kang I like, but she bitches a lot. Then you have 7 which I was annoyed with at first, but playing on into more days on Jumin's route, I like him more and more.

In the end, the only tolerable one is basically 7 I think. But I haven't played his route yet.

>> No.9208078
File: 973 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mv7iyaKElP1sqlg4ko1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Jumin but I know once MM tumblr cosplays hit critical mass he's going to be reduced to those awful "kink" gifs that some scrawny kid made.

Pic related, but at least this guy got mocked so much he deleted.

>> No.9208082

Mocked? For his shitty way of undressing? Thats understandable. Jumin would never be so gross and hasty.

>> No.9208084

Tumblr has already reduced his character to just memes and ignore what happened in his route entirely.

>tfw Unknown gets reduced to being 2edgy4me
I will never forgive them

>> No.9208089

Different anon but he was one of those 50 Shades types right along with the idiot who made a gif of himself smacking his hand with his belt.. while wearing a belt.

>> No.9208091

no the image was some kid pretending to be a dom and he posted a series of these really pitiful gifs

>> No.9208092

I love Zen, his conversations actually made me gggle at times because I love that kind of cheesy stuff. Once I gor past his "I am too handsome for this world" attitude I just really loved him. I like Kang when you're not in Zen's route, she's way to clingy there, but otherwise she's resonable and sweet. Haven't played Jumin or Seven yet, but Jumin is a bit too formal for me though I am looking forward to his route. Same with Seven but being silly and not formal

>> No.9208098
File: 931 KB, 500x280, 35eeab8a0cf9065f66986c498ebfba3c1bcd1916_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoosung called me asking about cleaning even when I was on Zen's route. Boy is thirsty as fuck because he'll try to get love from me while Zen's already imagining what our babies will look like.

At first I thought I'd skip Yoosung entirely and go play Jumin and Seven to finish off everyone but now I just want to dominate the fuck out of Yoosung because he seems like he'd love it with how he responds to things.

>> No.9208100

>Day 9 of Seven's route
>Aiming for 100% on every day
>Forgot to save after the 17:45 chat
>Pick a wrong answer in the next chat
>Reload so I can redo it
>Because I didn't save after the previous chat, it now says I missed it

Kill me. I might be a bad person, but I wish the time cheat was still a thing.

>> No.9208114
File: 644 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_oefx70nrhG1tekmupo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Jumin's route was going ok, and then he had to lock his goddamn cat up in a cage just so he would feel better. I've been spoiled for his route so I know that that's foreshadowing, but...dude needs some serious therapy.

>> No.9208115

Every time I see something like this, in movies or described in books, I think about how it doesn't happen in real life and it makes me laugh because he HAS to get back off the bed to take off his pants unless he plans to roll over and 1) have the girl remove his pants or 2) flop like a fish on top of her to get them off. PLUS HE'S WEARING SHOES.

Dude must clearly be a virgin.

>> No.9208123

Makes me think of Toma as soon as I saw he said I could come over and before that when he said he was locking Elly up. So now I am just choosing what I think is right vs what would be give 100% because I don't mind bad ends and I REALLY don't want his fucking good end either. Just like I didn't want anything involving Toma. I just wanted to complete his in order to get to Ukyo's route.

>> No.9208137

Looks like he stole his dad's shirt too. Just look how baggy it is on his scrawny frame.

>> No.9208205

Jaw and eyes seem pretty heavily edited

>> No.9208218

Is anyone else having trouble getting chat notifications since the ios10 update? I keep missing chats because there aren't any notices.

Also what is Cheritz's thing for you going obsessive or yandere for the bad ends? You can go all out yandere in Yoosung's route and looks like being creepy obsessive is a thing in Zen's route too.

>> No.9208231

Im at a point where I am in the route I want to be in, but I am now choosing logical options vs what would get me in someone's pants because all these guys are fucking horrible the more I get to know them.

>> No.9208233

I think you need everyone's good ends to get the secret story sadly...But yeah, like I did with Yoosung, I'm gritting my teeth through this one.

At least Yoosung got better by the end...

>> No.9208245

anon.......you never heard of foreplay? how fat are you that removing your pants on a bed or having a woman do it for you is so difficult?

>> No.9208254

I'm Android and chat notifications are spotty for me. I think it's because I'll get an alert for an email reply and if I'm busy I'll ignore it and then hours later wonder why I never got a chat alert. I've missed two chats today that way.

>> No.9208265

I dont care about a secret end for MM, but I certainly have it for Amnesia.

Im talking about this gif.

>> No.9208274

yeah he only removed his belt. It's implied that spanking would happen instead of immediate sex. I take it you dont do kinky stuff often.

>> No.9208277

Some people honestly don't like spanking, just like others prefer rough sex to sensual sex. Its what you prefer.

>> No.9208279

I'm not getting notices for emails, chats, texts, or anything else. Not even the "hi we exist" notices I was getting. I'm double checking my settings, but I might email Cheritz once the holiday is over.

>> No.9208591

At first I thought Jumin was an asshole, but finally playing through his route I'm finally realizing he truly just... doesn't get it, and it's becoming more charming lol. I really do love these characters. But I'm loving Seven the more I play and I'm so ready to get to his route!

>> No.9208600

I can't stand him. I wanted him because of cats, but its clear he's batshit. The whole "Im rich and I don't know any better' thing is annoying. Maybe its because I'm not a teenager, but holy shit. He's just such a bad character. Im on Day 10. I highly doubt it gets better.

>> No.9208668
File: 663 KB, 906x678, jumin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started off really hating Jumin going directly from Jaehee's route to his, but the farther I get into Jumin's route the more charming he becomes. You're right, he really just doesn't get it.

The other thing I noticed is that on Zen's route, I found Jumin incredibly annoying and self absorbed for not understanding Zen. But on Jumin's route... I'm finding Zen incredibly annoying and self absorbed instead, haha.

>> No.9208776

I just seriously told him off that I'mnot Rika and was agreeing with Zen that it was a little weird... im on thin ice now.

Hey MC being more alike an ex wouldn't even be weird, because you're not supposed to want to fuck your cousin Yoosung!!

>> No.9208814
File: 329 KB, 1024x1280, fev8bcZS1ss1tr3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now I just want to dominate the fuck out of Yoosung
Same anon, same. That little squeal he did when he said he'd like to be my maid killed me.

>> No.9208827
File: 89 KB, 801x1200, CqOiI1bUMAAGK3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen has reached the husbando levels of Alistair from Dragon Age and and Steve Rogers (Captain America)

I am genuinely sad that no one will love me as much as Zen does. Probably.

Fuck this is how fujioshi are born arent they? I need to start dating again.

>> No.9208839


i'm feeling the same right now. I loved zen and thought that jumin was an ass in his route. On day 6 of jumin's route and there's some shit going on with jumin's life but zen's all "can we talk about my new role and how amazing i am??"

I'm starting to warm up to jumin though. I find his gap moe cute but from what i've heard i'm preparing myself for whatever comes next

>> No.9208841
File: 2.59 MB, 350x280, 1444030625188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only warmed up towards Jumin towards the end of Zen's route, when he was an actual friend and acted like a decent person for ten minutes.

>> No.9208880

No that's not true, anon. I've never touched Jaehee's. You just need to finish Seven's with a good end!

>> No.9208882

>I think you need everyone's good ends to get the secret story sadly...

Nope, just get the good ending for Seven

>> No.9208918

>is this how fujoshi are born?
If you start picturing Zen with Jumin for some Grade A hate sex then yes.

>> No.9208937

>tfw trying for jumins bad end because im a kinky bitch
>have to force myself to choose the bad choices

dunno why, but spoiled adults really squick me the fuck out. having to say shit like "take me on a shopping spree ~ <3 !!" makes my stomach churn.

>> No.9208972

I'm surprised there's not more genderbend MM cosplay.
A lot of the girls I've seen cosplaying from it look a bit *too* feminine for me to even see them as male if that makes sense?

>> No.9208982
File: 48 KB, 720x1087, FB_IMG_1475567546598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mm facebook group is hell but hey have a jumin

>> No.9208989

best one i've seen hands down, bless

nitpicks would be
>wig could be better
>shirt wrong color
>no shoes
>probably not into girls
>probably not rich
>no cat to be seen

>> No.9209007

gotcha, I stand corrected!

I don't understand, I went into this thinking Zen was gonna be the bland/mildly annoying option and now he's my favorite. I've kept calling him the entire time I've been stuck in Jumin's apartment and every phone call is priceless.

>> No.9209111

Not a fan of his face - theres something off about it - and seconded every nitpick >>9208989 said. Put on some damn shoes at the very least.

>> No.9209268
File: 106 KB, 801x1200, CqOiHZaUkAAGqsT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I wasnt before.... but nah Im still mostly a fan of dreaming after a singular guy instead of singular guy having sex with some one else.

Yaoi has never really appealed to me.

I know. I'm trying for Yoosungs route now and it is so hard to not flirt with Zen and just go back onto his route again. His voice when he reads you to sleep man....

>> No.9209277

Then you're alright, you're not headed towards being a rotten girl.

But yeah I'm on Jumin's route now and Zen keeps calling me and flirting and it's so hard to side with Jumin but I want them endings unlocked, damn it!

>> No.9209287

As someone who is on Yoosung's route just after Zen's i can tell you it's not gonna get easier. Especially when Zen is talking to Yoosung about his Rika problems because you really do agree with Zen there

>> No.9209404

So much shoop. No one has a mouth like that

>> No.9209763
File: 339 KB, 987x1378, UWydWHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some oc

>> No.9209767

Am I the only one who is incredibly angry every time I see bad Jaehee cosplays. You can't just slap on any suit, a brown wig and glasses and be like, this is Jaehee teehee. True, there's variations to her outfits in the CGs, but most of these girls aren't wearing ANY of them. FML.

That said. I also want to cosplay her though. I'm just afraid that I'll end up pissing myself off.

>> No.9209771

Man, Zen's route just made Jumin my ultimate husband even more. I still really liked Zen, but I felt that Jumin was more or less right all the time. After talking about this with someone else, I think it's because I do the same thing. I say things that sound harsh but make sense to me but I try to make up for it by actually be sincere when it counts.

>> No.9209821

Yes! That is annoying as fuck. Also, everyone wants to make up outfits for every character but this time when you can actually reasonably come up with something, they just default to their mother's leftover office dress suits. I'd love to see someone do some from her CGs.

And since I saw the one with her and the cat, I was hoping for someone to start cosplaying with their kittens...

>> No.9210125

Can you give me an example of a bad Jaehee cosplay so I know what to avoid? I feel like I'm already disadvantaged by being short and round-faced, so I really want to do this right

>> No.9210191

I'd be concerned for this route since I'm trying for him and Seven currently but I just spent the past half month in a dog kennel via Amnesia: Memories and at least Jumin's rich enough to get you a good one while Toma couldn't even buy you a goddamn mat to sleep on in there.

>tfw I escaped and then got shoved into a well by Ukyo
Thank you for ending my suffering, psycho taxi driver.

>> No.9210192

V and Unknown Routes when? Especially V. I haven't finished all the routes yet so I might be missing something important but damn it seems like they have a great opportunity with a plot by getting him not to vanish by loving him more than his ex-fiance.

>> No.9210375

I'm dying for an Unknown route, and I just keep telling myself that Cheritz might be working on it already (since they'd have to write + VA work + cg work) and it just takes time

>> No.9210390

I didn't get put in a kennel. Good thing too. I fucking hated Toma in Amnesia, so I just kind of played it by sight on what I should say to Jumin to keep me on his 'good side'. He's just batshit.

..I was in it for the cats too, anon. No cats. ..Elly ran off. Poor thing.

>> No.9210397

>Elly ran off
Shhhh say no more. I'm only on day three so far and only knew about the kennel thing from a spoiler posted here before which is why I didn't feel bad about posting it since everyone is pretty much the same.

Oddly enough I liked Toma's routes, especially the bad end for his. Not the one where he poisons you so the three of you can be together forever (threesome when?) but where you're imprisoned forever. I was telling a friend last night that it was worth the $2.99 for all the psycho bad ends.

>select all squares with business signs
>G-Spot Gentleman's Club
Okay then, recaptcha.

>> No.9210435

I wouldn't mind a platonic route with V as long as you can help him from vanishing. Just finished Seven/Secret routes and now doing Jumin's route is awkward as hell. God knows how annoyed I'll be with Yoosung's route.

>> No.9210449

>Day 10
>Hey MC, I know you and a few other members of the group are dealing with serious emotional bullshit and almost died/exploded/got kidnapped multiple times the past day or so but this party is REEEEEALLY IMPORTANT so like, should we invite this random group of cat lovers or some shit?
>....Fuck it. Sure Jumin.

>> No.9210454

it's even better when you're the one who gets to go "we should invite these people" in those situations because Yoosung got annoyed with me for doing so

>> No.9210557

I think Rika is Unknown.

>> No.9210564

That's inaccurate.

>> No.9210613

Anyone else really want to try honey butter chips now? I mean I love me some honey butter spread on bread already so it must be delicious on chips.

>> No.9210669
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>> No.9210710

Honey butter chips sound good. Also I thought that whole thing about them being hard to get was just a weird joke, like they were just some brand name thing, and then I googled them and found like six pages of articles about how it was this crazy fad in Korea when they came out and they were actually hard to purchase. I want to order some.

>> No.9210914

>tfw cosplayed jaehee but ordered the wrong wig and had no time to do much of anything with it other than cut it and hope for the best

i tried to nail the details of her outfit because it was so basic, but i've definitely seen what you're talking about fairly often

>> No.9210928

Ended up finding some locally and love em now.

>> No.9210951

Got Jumin good end. Not sure how. I only ever got hearts from his stuff while at his place, so that he doesn't go crazy.

I guess hearts don't matter TOO much.

>> No.9210966

They do; you just chose well apparently. Good job getting the good ending!

>> No.9210977

They're sooo good. My friend and I managed to find the exact brand at an Asian market and we buy them all the time now. Mostly to hoard them since even around here, they seem to be super popular and sell out like crazy.

>> No.9211146

Of all the theories you could come up with, you went with that?

I mean really the actual nature of Unknown isn't even that hard to figure out anon.

>> No.9211156

desu honey butter chips are easy to find if you look up shiawase butter chips on j-snack sites or at Asian markets/mitsuwa if there's one in your city. They're the same flavor just with Japanese packaging so you don't have to shell out trying to find the Korean brands(unless you need them for a Seven or Seven route MC cosplay).I fell in love with Jagabee's shiawase butter crisps when a friend of mine from Japan sent me a bunch last year, they changed my life.

>> No.9211227

If you google jaehee cosplay, all of them are pretty bad.

The most important thing is to get the details right like her haircut, (the amount of bad typical animu main guy character wigs kills me), glasses, suit and make up style right. I mean, for example, she has thin eyebrows but I see so many people drawing bushy caterpillar brows, and it's like WHY?

>> No.9211406

>on day 8, everything is very intense and exciting
>3-4 hours between chats

I'm going crazy, been waiting so long for the next chat!

>> No.9211613

So I'm off to a Con this weekend, and I have a sweater just like MCs though it's dusty pink and not beige. Thought of going as her for casual sunday cosplay but don't know if people would be bothered with my sweater being the wrong color

>> No.9211627

You might as well. If someone recognizes you it's nice but if they don't then it doesn't really matter because MCs outfit looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.9211637

Describe the flavor to me pls kind anons.
Let me love vicariously through you.

>> No.9211731

I actually found a high-neck beige sweater in one of my drawers (yay for freezing easily) so now I'm totally going as MC

>> No.9211838

>No Saeran route

Please just let me romance the small angry potato already, Cheritz.


>> No.9211946

Weird, kind of. Reminds me a little of kettle corn but with a more buttery flavor? Ever so slightly salty.

I don't think they're like, amazing or anything, but they're fucking addictive.

>> No.9212067
File: 255 KB, 355x202, Tumblr_lgkks1vptd1qdc388o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear sweet jesus, Yoosung.

>What in the world is a M?
>I started crying and apologizing to my group mates and they were harsh to me but I told them to just tell me when I did something wrong.
>They called me a M and said I should meet a S. Is that someone sexy?
>I have to defeat the LOLOL whip dungeon monster today.
>They say that no one can defeat a person who enjoys pain, right? I'm gonna enjoy it a bit today!

You sweet naive easily dominated boy. If I weren't on Deep Story mode right now..

>> No.9212256
File: 74 KB, 750x837, IMG_1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's Gucci

>> No.9212285

I mean, it's Seven. Are you surprised?

>> No.9212304

>mfw I got rid of my maid outfit and missed cosplaying Mary Vanderwood 3rd

>> No.9212308

The only reasonable thing to do now is to buy another maid outfit.

>> No.9212318

So how many gross preteen cosplay couples can we expect to see in dirty suits they found at goodwill as Jumin with sloppy cat ear headband Elizabeth 3rd's on leashes?

>> No.9212325

A lot. Don't forget the majority of the gross Jumin's won't chestbind.

>> No.9212613
File: 76 KB, 208x202, IMG_3055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just reached day 5

The fuck kinda security is this?

>> No.9212637
File: 112 KB, 1004x1576, FB_IMG_1475842824117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9212646

There is one...

>> No.9212648

Had them when I lived in Korea. I found them odd but if you like kettle corn it's vaguely similar in flavour so you might be into it.

>> No.9212657

Seven managed to find the ugliest brand glasses he could.

I'm impressed.

>> No.9212698
File: 847 KB, 1088x833, ss (2016-07-21 at 07.08.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9212703

IDK if you have a Meijer by you but they actually make Meijer brand Honey Butter chips and they're super good. Perfect buttery, salty/sweet taste. Plus it's a huge ass family bag.

>> No.9212737

>if you like kettle corn
Oh so that's what they taste like! I figured it would be like honey butter spread but a kettle corn-ish flavor sounds pretty good too. I'll have to check the big Asian market in the city next time I go.

>> No.9212793

It reminded me of honey butter spread. Like the Country Crock ones? I wouldnt really compare it to the kettle corn in my area, but the taste is super sweet. My whole family hated it besides 2 of em haha. I think if you like honey bbq chips you'd like these too.
On what coast are you? If it's FL, I can tell you where they are here.

>> No.9212803

I'm just a few states above you in the Carolinas.

>> No.9212815

Not American so kettle corn is very possibly different here. Found them similar in flavour but obviously totally different in texture. Quite sweet with a mild salty aftertaste. Honestly not my fave but addicting anyway. Totally a "why am I still eating this?" for me, yet there is was. Still eating it.

>> No.9212822
File: 607 KB, 674x383, dande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played Dandelion? It looks nice and it's by Cheritz too, but the demo seemed kind of complicated and directionless. I don't wanna sink $30 into it when I may not even like it.

>> No.9212834

I think it's generally agreed on that the plot is still great but the mechanics/statraising is kind of bothersome. If you do get it, I recommend using a walkthrough if you're a person like me who thinks any kind of statraising is a chore.

>> No.9212843

I'm central Florida. There's a few Asian markets near me I'm going to swing by after hurricane madness to see if anyone carries them.

>> No.9213034
File: 23 KB, 467x700, 1475864603563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to get close to Seven like

I just want to be loveydovey with you like with Zen and Yoosung~

>> No.9213154
File: 28 KB, 297x321, jumin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Jumin's afterstory and he gets a really meh haircut in the end and ends up looking (tried to crop and filter to get rid of spoilers)

this is how I'm rewarded? I had to win the game with him then pay 20 hourglasses for this shit?
He seriously decreased in attractiveness

>all that shoop but no pocket square

>> No.9213159

I bought it after I watched Dodger get Jiwoo in this game. Oooomfg. Best character desu. I totally recommend watching her and Cry play it. Their voice overs for the characters and just the whole opening for the store about Seoul and Busan just makes me fucking laugh.

>> No.9213162

forgot to add i'm also pretty salty that for the good ending you see this really awkward side view. the artists cant draw that at all. Jumin ended up looking like an Bird who pecks at the MC, and the MC just ends up looking like a damn mouth breathing retard

>> No.9213164

Oops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZzl7wwsrdE

>> No.9213251

Spoil me. What happened and why the weird hair?

>> No.9213258

Got married to him. This is the good end. He's basically jelled back his hair from being on a business trip.

>> No.9213285
File: 206 KB, 804x276, Woooow!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still looks hot! No hate, anon!

Would ruin in a heartbeat.
Would cage up.
10/10 Ellys

>> No.9213309

I actually really liked his hair like this too. Everyone has that same 'fwoosh' haircut and seeing him have his jelled back made him standout more and sexier.

>> No.9213450

shit taste, he looks normie as fug,

>> No.9213460

he looks older, which i appreciate given how boyish he looks for a 27 y.o throughout his route

>> No.9213461

If thats a normie, tell me where I can get him because he looks fine. The men in this game are just good looking - even Zen with his little rat tail.

And Jaehee in all forms is hot as well!

>> No.9213615

>Jumin day 10
>flirts with me in front of a nagging zen

Okay this is really cute and i love you, but please send me the fuck home

>> No.9213831
File: 326 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-10-08-08-33-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen please.

>> No.9213854

i laughed

>> No.9214120

I thought he looked pretty normal for a 27 year old? Then again, I'm used to youtubers like PDR being 31 and looking 'young'.

>> No.9214125

This is exactly why I find Yoosung unappealing, I prefer my men to be S (like Zen and Jumin).

>> No.9214298
File: 1.34 MB, 990x990, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I explain why I'm getting these to my husband or just let him enjoy it regardless

>> No.9214351

You disgust me

>> No.9214358

I thought the plots couldn't bother me but goddam is Glam Choi and Sarah pissing me off. Not even Tits McGee from Seven's route made me so mad and I'm only on Day 5.

>> No.9214379

I'm so tired of seeing Mystic Messenger everywhere
there are so many other otome games out there please

>> No.9214397
File: 362 KB, 1024x1536, code_realize___rebirth_by_akabarayashiki-d9jcs49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish it had been Code:Realize that exploded this way because I want more stuff that lets me date historical men.

>> No.9214406

Suggest some because i like mystic messager but i cant do the chats when i have too so the rl timer is fucking me up.

>> No.9214407

Mystic messenger got popular because it's on an easy to access platform (mobile) and its probably the best game on that platform currently. Pc games are less popular and then psp is the bottom of the list due to hardware requirements.

Companies should either focus on mobile games or try to port their current lineup to mobile.

>> No.9214411

> focus on mobage

ha ha no.

>> No.9214413

Uhg I hate the payment structure of mobage, but you're right that the format of MM is incredibly accessible.

The Vita was a good investment for me as a huge VN fan, but it's always been really damn expensive for having a lack of mainstream titles.

>> No.9214435

Seconding the request for you to suggest some. I liked Mystic Messenger more than I thought I would, and I'd never played an otome game before.

>> No.9214463

>tag otome game
>language English (you probable pleb)

hell no companies should focus on mobile, it's just a cheap way to get more money out of people by charging for individual routes or random items to get more story.

>> No.9214468

Yeah seriously. If MM's schtick wasn't that everything was done on a phone I don't think I'd play it. Like points for creativity but bad platform.
I'm really tempted to pick up some of these PC games but I'm never home.

>> No.9214498

Seriously, why be a cunt about it? Yeah, I can essentially google a list of games, but I was asking for specific recommendations from someone who clearly knows the genre better than I do. Glad you can feel so smug about dating so many more fake people than this pleb.

>> No.9214506

If you know how many games are out there you should realize it's useless to give recommendations with no restrictions.
Who knows what language you understand, what systems you can play on, or what kind of settings you like.
+ it's 4chan, I can be a bitch if I want to.

>> No.9214518

I obviously speak English, and you know of at least one title I enjoyed. It's not a lot, but surely that could narrow it down a bit to even just things that you would highly recommend. I'm genuinely wanting to know more about these games and will go ahead and search for myself, and you're more than free to be an asshole anonymously to a stranger, but I certainly hope my interactions with otome game fans in the future won't be so needlessly hostile. There's seriously no reason to be a dick to someone who's just trying to learn, anon, but carry on, my salty son.

>> No.9214522

There are so many flavors of otome games anon, it's not even funny. I'm not the salty anon, but it would be a good idea to post more information if you want a serious response.

For example:
>like astrology?
>starry sky, the boys are based on the zodiac signs
>handheld platforms
>Japanese language

>> No.9214534

See, that sounds pretty cute. As I said to begin with, MM was my first game, and I genuinely didn't realize how huge this genre is, which I know now was pretty naive. As for genuine recs beyond what's popular, I can understand English, Japanese, French, and Spanish well enough to play games, handheld and mobile platforms, and if there are any good games involving mythology (particularly Greek or Celtic) or history, I'd love to hear them, but I was genuinely also curious about what people who like otome games would recommend to a newbie or to hear some favorites to check out.

>> No.9214537

And to add, I will be searching for myself. I'm not trying to be spoonfed or anything, though I can see how it sounds that way and do apologize for that.

>> No.9214568

I don't see otome getting popular in English any other way. Face it, otome games are casual games and casual gamers want their games to be portable and available at all times--so mobile. For many people MM is their first otome game, they wouldn't sought it out in their own like they would have to with pc games or other platforms.

MM is the only mobile otome I've paid money for because of the quality and value (hourglasses are pretty cheap). If other companies upped their quality then it could very well be viable. The problem right now is that no one is giving their mobile games the care that cheritz gave MM. even if you're sick of it, it's a pretty good game all things considered. Most mobile otome make me want to pull my hair out so I don't bother.

I could also see companies porting their already finished games to mobile. It's potentially another avenue for revenue. Visual novels like Higurashi have been ported to mobile.

>> No.9214633
File: 56 KB, 669x1024, CuLSdKPUsAAL1gR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face it, otome games are casual games
I'll agree with you on most points, but not this. Visual Novels in general are niche, and otome games are niche within a niche. Any heavily story based otome game is going to require a couple hours of play time at a time to really get into it, and that's not a recipe for casual gaming.

Mobage can tap into the casual marketplace because they're specifically designed to be digestible in five to ten minute chunks, but that isn't the best way to tell most stories - pushing mobage means distancing otome games from more in depth story telling, which I'm not in favor of. Mobage have their place, but I would never want it to be the central focus of the otome marketplace because of the platform's limiting factors.

That said - I fucking love MM.

>> No.9214635

these two look really good, at least compared to a lot of other MM cosplayers. The subtle makeup is so much better

>> No.9214652
File: 60 KB, 500x751, CuSniLNUEAAE1rN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem right now is that no one is giving their mobile games the care that cheritz gave MM

This x1000. No matter what you may think of the story, they really did put out a great quality game. Nothing hurt quite as much as the English mobile release of Alice in the Country of Hearts which came out a couple of years ago. I really love the series and was looking forward to the official release of the game, but it was as though they put everything through google translate and just shat it out. It was downright unreadable.

On a side note, does anyone recommend the Shall We Date games? I've really curious since they've gotten more otomate games lately.

>> No.9214657

How much do they charge for those anyway, the games are some I'm interested in playing eventually, but they cut all the voices for the mobile releases so there goes all my interest in those.

>> No.9214660

I feel like they keep really trying with Alice, but can seem to bring it true justice.
The manga releases still have a steady following and a decent translation imo... when will they actually give us a decent port of one of the games ;_;

>> No.9214679
File: 886 KB, 1088x433, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for an entry tier title that's super easily accessible in English + mobile, Hakuoki is always a good choice. You have to pay for the whole thing ($25? or you can pay by route) but it's worth it and I really prefer that over the explosion of crappy IAP otome titles that litter the app store. It's ported on a bunch of consoles too (3DS, PSP, PS2/3, etc) and pretty much all otome fans have played it and given it a good rating. Has a bunch of qt historical samurai boys but it might be a bit of history overload if you're not into it. High quality translation + decent music as well. You can look it up for a more in-depth plot explanation.

Probably the next course to go if you can't read Japanese/don't have a console is to play Amnesia:Memories. It's pretty dark so it might not be your style, but the ending was really great. Reminiscent of steins;gate, perhaps? I recommend you go down the recommended line on this one instead of jumping around. Both are popular enough to have their own animes.

I can suggest some Japanese titles if you'd like, but lately most of them have been Otomate releases. Really interested in Capcom's captive-handsome-prison-boy dating mobile game though LOL

MM is quite nice but I had so much trouble keeping up with the time-specific thing. I'm the type to want to explore EVERY SINGLE DETAIL in a game but I hate IAP so I got really irked. Cheritz really did put a lot of effort into it. I am Korean so it was a bit weird to hear all the voices though

>pic related, hakuoki and amnesia routes

>> No.9214680
File: 309 KB, 1188x640, hakuoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these errors in the text

image is also hakuoki, these designs might be more your style

>> No.9214691

I'm inclined to agree with you anon, I remember wanting to play otome games before but being an idiot with computers made the steps of downloading and installing (usually only half-finished) translation patches wasn't exactly my thing.

MM on the other hand is so easy to just install and get going. The story and especially the characters are written nicely and I don't get that creepy vibe I feel with a lot of other otome game characters (I'm looking at you amnesia; you're not bad but your guys just are too much for me)

Also the care Cheritz puts into MM is amazing. Just look at how often they update, the fact they seem responsive to what fans want, cheap price of HG and even then they give out more then enough for someone to get into the deep routes without any effort.

>> No.9214715

I play the shall we dates (I'm on DN2+, Wizardess+, and BloodRoses+ right now - thats how they appear on your homescreen not the full names)

Blood is the only one of the 3 where you can get anywhere without paying. The other two are fun and have hot guys but...it becomes apparent when an event happens - BonBon and gem collecting right now. Good luck getting anything without payin because you get like 10 of whatever for logging in and doing your stuff and if you want more you can pay money or use their in game currency (IGC) to buy the stuff. Right now its like 1500 IGC to buy ONE. Fucking. BonBon. You need a minimum of 50o to start getting the outfits in there and you can't buy more room with the IGC, all the dressers and shit cost real money or you have to wait until you get lucky enough to get it as a login prize. Blood doesn't do that. You get things and they throw a bunch of dressers at you as well. It sucks to miss out on the pictures as you only get them in the paid premium stories but you can always go back later.

TL;DR, get Blood in Roses and the rest of Shall We Date games if you have patience or some expendable income.

>> No.9214717

Not to mention how they handled all the cheating. They had proof that most folks they banned were doing it and literally stealing their hard work and they still unbanned everyone, put a lot more work into it, AND handed out like 50 more hourglasses. They truly are amazing and I hope they get more games on the market. And get that unknown and v route~

>> No.9214726

if you're husband isn't jumin material you're a foul disgusting creature

>> No.9214770

Cheritz has been amazing so far. I mean the VIP package has full English translations! Sometimes it's hard to realize that the entire team was only 28 people which I'm pretty sure included the voice actors.

And I hope they'll be able to do more work! Especially that Unknown route I'm so thirsty for.

>> No.9214789

This. A lot of japanese visual novels are 40+ hours (of constant reading, not having to wait) and evns (by people not doing it as a cashgrab) are heading that way.

You aren't getting me to spend that much time reading on a phone, and I'm even less inclined to spend a lot of space in a heavy vn (which most stuff with voices and effects is).

>> No.9214795

Is the VIP package worth the money? I'm still doubting if I should get it when it's being restocked..

>> No.9214797

Didn't it get restocked a few days ago? I really want it but I'm too broke.

There's unboxings and all that neat stuff online if you want to see what's inside. Personally I think it's worth the price.

>> No.9214805

Getting real tired of every guy that's the tiniest dom being called daddy. Don't ruin Jumin's image.

Not that anon, but casual games don't have anything to do with niche. A game is either categorized as casual or hardcore. I guess otome games do fall into casual as other anon said, because otome games have simple game play and low production compared to hardcore games. I guess only the commitment part makes it debatable.

>> No.9214854

Have there been any decent Jaehee cosplays? I was thinking of cosplaying her now that my hair's short, and she doesn't seem too difficult to mess up.

>> No.9214856

Ha, I meant "too easy to mess up" or "too difficult to cosplay". Thanks, Freud.

>> No.9215523

According to >>9209767 and others there hasn't been many good cosplays of her. Which is totally unfortunate.

>> No.9215535

Fitted clothes are an absolute must. Too big or too tight and the cosplay will look sloppy.
This is why so many cosplays involving suits look like garbage.

>> No.9215920

I'm the opposite. The idea of sitting at a computer reading all that makes me wince, but I can get through quite a bit (just looking at my ereader and kindle habits) on my phone in smaller chunks. So it's different for everyone.

Plus the storage capacity of smartphones is getting larger and larger so the download requirements of VNs isn't going to be a huge issue in the long run.

>> No.9215936
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Those fucking lower lashes, jfc

>> No.9216002
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Any other Hustle Cat fans? Selfposting my Finley from yesterday at NYCC. In b4 shitty non-matching socks, I thought I'd packed my loafer socks but couldn't find them.

>> No.9216035

The Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side games are a lot of fun; more like a stat builder, but you can go on dates and actually touch the boys for reactions.

Dandelion - Wishes Brought to You is a Korean otome game that they have on Steam.

Yo-Jin-Bo ~Unmei no Freude is a Feudal-type otome game

Nameless ~ The One Thing You Must Recall ~ is another Cheritz game you can get off of Steam.

OZMAFIA is on Steam

Dot Kareshi - 8bit Lovers, Starry Sky ~ In Spring ~ are both fan translated and pretty easy to download.

Girlish Love Revolution is another stat builder, but you need to lose weight to gain affection

>> No.9216059

Her makeup is just fucking atrocious. She even gave herself a fake eyelid with eyeshadow. I don't understand how she thought she looked okay.

>> No.9216125

Why do people think putting lower lashes like that looks good?! It looks horrible..

>> No.9216181
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>> No.9216299

>You're not trying to make me your replacement pet are you, Jumin?
Fuck the good ending, make me a pet!

>> No.9216359

I hate false lashes that aren't demi. They always look SO bad. I don't care WHO wears them.

>> No.9216409

I was actually thinking of cosplaying her when she stays at Zen's house, when she wears a loose jersey-shirt thing. Only problem is that I don't know what pants she wears with it. Or if she wears pants with it. She also takes off her glasses, I believe (but I'll probably wear some anyways because if I don't then I'll just be "lesbian in a jersey"). And the glasses themselves are oval no-frames, if I remember correctly.

But I totally understand the whole well-fitting thing with suits. I work in a professional setting, and I hate hate hate baggy-ass suits. The only time I'll ever appreciated an ill-fitting suit is when the cute receptionist in the office below mine wears his too-tight slacks.

Either way, the wig is going to be probably the most important part. I have chin-length hair, but I'm not willing to cut and dye it. Is Ardra still a good wig-maker?

>> No.9216501
File: 52 KB, 600x400, 60511834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon who said to call Zen when you're in Jumin's apartment.. thank you. This is the best use of hourglasses I've ever had.

>mfw Zen is losing his mind over me being with Jumin

>> No.9216506

For the hell of it I called Jumin too.

>There is no wall standing between us. You are in front of my eyes and I am in front of yours. But you call me and smile? Are you playing with me? This is fun.

>> No.9216522


the way she drew on her eyelids, sweet lord

>> No.9216555

You're welcome, anon. Both sets of conversations are pretty amazing.

I think Jumin's an ass but his voice during that phone call is so hot I don't even care

>> No.9216582

Haha, I can only photoshop so much

>> No.9216592

Oh my god I just did this and agreed with everything Zen said for the hell of it, this is my second favorite phone call after the one where Yoosung is literally crying about dying.
Zen is so damn cute when he's flustered and talking fast.

>> No.9216614
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1473028178457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one where Yoosung is literally crying about dying.
Tell me more, what route is this and when?

>> No.9216624

I got it on the Zen route after Seven told him drinking coffee was going to kill him if he didn't drink chocolate milk. You have to call him but he bawls on the phone and it's adorable.

>> No.9216671

>when she wears a loose jersey-shirt thing
this is way too obscure to be recognizable, if you want anyone to know what you're cosplaying

>> No.9216790

Yeah, I was thinking so, too. I'll go with the suit then.

>> No.9217332

Cheritz just gifted a ton of hourglasses.

>> No.9217469


>> No.9217523

Thanks! I updated when I saw your post and you weren't kidding when you said a ton. I'm gonna waste these so damn fast~

>> No.9217564
File: 133 KB, 1200x604, CsglXMlW8AQ2Iji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheritz has been so generous. I bought 1000 hour glasses when I started the game, but because of the freebies I'm still at like 960. And I'm not even being conservative with them - I make phone calls and have to re-unlock several chats a day, usually.

>> No.9217636

Same-- I'm glad I supported the game (the cost of 1000 HGs is what I'd expect the cost of an otome game that size to be), but I still have a shitton left.

Thanks dude!

>> No.9217920
File: 61 KB, 800x800, IMG_20161011_181527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumin would be into it.

>> No.9217927

Same. I loved Zen during his route but I'm on Jumin's now and he finally starts opening up and we have this sentimental chat together and Zen calls me right after to laugh and make fun of it. It was super dickish and there's no context in Jumin's route as to why Zen doesn't like him other than "he's rich". The guy won't shut up about that and how gorgeous he is and how that's soooo hard for him. It's awful. Jumin is not the nicest person but he isn't a spoiled brat who doesn't work for his inheritance/company.

>> No.9217973

Bless them. I haven't had to purchase anything while playing but it makes me want to support them, they're really good to their users. The VIP package is really tempting...Maybe if I pick up some extra shifts I can justify getting it. Anyway time to spend all those hourglasses calling my husbando!

>> No.9218047

Anon you said what I was thinking. I got that chat last night but didn't think to post the cap.

>tfw I've used 100 hourglasses to unlock Day 10 and 11
Damn it, I think Jumin's going to propose. I wanted the bad petplay ending. I'll just google it since I don't want to backtrack and play again.

>> No.9218196

What day is this on? I'm on his route but I hope I haven't missed it yet...

>> No.9218209

Day 8 after the 19:00 chat

>> No.9218221

I'm currently on his route and just tried this. I feel like I now need to go take a cold shower after what he just said to me. I've never crushed this hard on a fictional character before, god damn it.

>> No.9218226

Cheritz just dumped another 30 hourglasses after an update. They're crazy. I love them.

>> No.9218231
File: 399 KB, 400x253, oprah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheritz, the Oprah of Otome games.

>> No.9218235

If they had a Zen type mixed with a bit of Jumin's crazy then I'd love it. Just someone that can spout romantic lines and be overly dramatic on phone calls like Zen while also offering to hand feed you dinner while you're handcuffed to a chair.

>> No.9218239

Truer words never spoken.

>> No.9218810

>tfw update didn't fix the data you lost with old update
>tfw you lost the will to play especially since you had bought the calling cards

>> No.9218863

How much data could you have lost? This is why I save my game every day.

>> No.9218872

I lost everything. I had save files too but the update wiped everything. 200 hourglasses aren't enough to make it up since I spent way more than that in my old game.

>> No.9218909

I gave up on it because this bespetacled boy from your school kept on forcefully making himself my BF.

>> No.9218910

you ment famous fictional men from classics right ?

C:R have been doing well enough to get a sequel.
Hopefully Van Helsing won't be forever cock-blocked in this one.

>> No.9218924

Holy crap.

>> No.9218941

The new update is supposed to rollback the data but it didn't do anything. Honestly I appreciate that Cheritz is trying their best with everything but this is a huge problem and I can't believe they didn't spot this bug before applying the 1.4.7 update.

>> No.9219067

That, but also actual historical figures. I'd play the shit out of an otome version of the fate series.

>> No.9219127
File: 35 KB, 564x375, rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight up I'd play the shit out of Fate if there was an official release. I've been cursed, I've tried installing it & patches like three times, years apart, and I've never been able to get it to work.

...not that my favorite character from the franchise is even in the game, sadly.

>> No.9219245

Tfw a real guy thinks you're smiling at him but you're really smiling about Mystic Messenger...

>> No.9219316
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 51nY0suFfQL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever play Date Warp?

I'm still fucking salty about this damn game. fuck this game.

>> No.9219325
File: 59 KB, 500x139, tumblr_m8t9q2PkNB1qelodb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date Warp was the first otome game I really loved, and I still have a huge soft spot in my heart for it. The 'true end' is bullshit, tho.

>> No.9219358
File: 249 KB, 800x600, re_alistair_rlease_by_tooaya[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember at the time Date warp was one of the only english otome games out there for PC. It was great gameplay wise as the rest were just stat building.

every end is bullshit, is it possible to get a happy ending in that game?

>> No.9219385

Nothing but bittersweet as far as the eye can see, but I love that kind of stuff. Probably why I loved No Thank You!!! (BL game) so much.

It really is only in the last few years that otome games have gotten any substantial english releases. It still kind of boggles my mind that I can now choose which otome games I'm going to buy, because there are multiple options.

>> No.9219419

Dumb question, but does MM run in real time for every route? I'm on day three and I really like the game, but I can't play five route in real time. (And if that is how it works, how the hell does anyone finish this game?)

>> No.9219427

Thank you both! I'll definitely be checking several of these out.

>> No.9219433

Yes it does. You either buy a bunch of days in a row so you can go through it fast or check the game every 2 hours.

>> No.9219488


jfc. Nevermind. I cannot check a game every two hours for 55 days in a row. That's insane. And I will not do microtransactions on principle, so I guess I'm going to give up on this one. Too bad. It's one of the more enjoyable ones I've tried.

>> No.9219527

Cheritz gives out hourglasses like candy so it's easy enough to buy 24 hours worth of chats given that you only need 20 hourglasses to unlock the after endings.

Personally, what I do is I'll just ignore chats that don't have my route guy in the preview and only play for the chats I need.

>> No.9219555

I'm really happy Mystic Messenger has gotten such popularity. Hopefully there will be more effort into english otome game realeases, and better gameplay/more content in the future because of this

>> No.9219557

Is there a discord server or anything for mm? I need to discuss my intense love of Jumin Han.

>> No.9219567

YOU get more hourglasses! And YOU get more hourglasses! EVERYONE HERE GETS MORE HOURGLASSES!!!

>> No.9219569
File: 82 KB, 681x356, Jumin.route.in.a.nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9219572

Jumin route is best because Zen is so protective of you that you basically get 2 boyfriends.

>> No.9219584

Buy 1, Get 1 Whether You Like It Or Not.

>> No.9219636
File: 151 KB, 900x1200, CujDe7VW8AAlQT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wrapping up Zen's route atm and I'm even more pumped for Jumin's now.

>> No.9219675

If you have Zen's calling card, every time Jumin says one thing but does another, call Zen. He defends you with all his heart and I love it.

>> No.9219752


Fate would be a great franchise to make an otome game with.

Maybe someday...

Unless they fear pandering to girls and only girls for one game is going to annoy their long lasting otaku fanbase, a bit like kyoani fag has been buttblasted by "Free".

>> No.9219838

Yoooo, what was wrong with Date Warp? I loved Date Warp

>> No.9219844

I-I would be up for starting a /cgl/ otome game Discord. Mostly I have neither irl lolita friends, nor irl people to talk to about otome games.

>> No.9219853

Man anon I'd be down for that shit. I love talking about this game.

Same. Zens my husbando right now, I'm kinda suffering through the Yousung route. I'm looking forward to Jaehee because I love her, and 7 for the plot stuff, and of course Jumin for the Zen and Jumin stuff, but so far Yousung is such a slog... I wished I had done him first and gotten him out of the way. He's a great supporting character, but not my type at all.

>> No.9219885

do iiiiit

>> No.9219888


>> No.9219966

What I do is raise enough hearts to be able to go down any of the possible characters' routes, save at the end of day 3, and then I can load there so I only have to do 1 day before going onto the character's specific route. That way you only do most of the common route twice (one casual, one deep).

I know you don't do microtransactions on principle or whatever, but consider that Cheritz has basically given you a full otome game's worth of material for free. I felt guilty not giving them any money honestly.

>> No.9219973

This. After everything thing they've done, the least I could do was buy the calling cards (and I also got the VIP package). They've given so many HGs just through basic maintainance that I really didn't need to buy any and it would have eaten away at me if I didn't throw even a tiny bit of my money at them.

The way the cheating scandal thing was handled settled it for me. They could have said fuck everyone but they didn't. I hope they come out with more stuff because its anything like their other games, I'm diving headfirst into them.

>> No.9219981

Oh good to know! I bought his calling card since I heard he had some great calls. I'll be sure to do that.

>> No.9219992

You could save after every day and reload the game when you have a day off. That way you won't be spending nearly as many hourglasses.

Or you could stop being a little bitch and actually pay for the game

>> No.9220001

Be like me and only do your favorite character's route, and watch the rest on youtube.

A fucking otome game is the last thing I'd ever give my money to.

>> No.9220083

Joined! Never used Discord before but I'm all for chatting with other anons.

>> No.9220109

How do you know you've raised enough hearts? I just saved early on day 4 and I've generally been trying to get as many hearts as possible but without a counter I have no idea who's in the lead.

Like I said, I won't on do microtransactions on principle because the format is the cancer of gaming. I will buy Cheritz's other titles and would be very happy to just buy this as a fully functional game, but they haven't given me the option.

>> No.9220120

I just try to keep my hearts balanced across all 2 or 3 characters-- there's no tally or anything, but at least with 707 and Jumin, if I got a lot of hearts for 1 of them during a chat, I'd try to get hearts for the other during the next chat. Stuff like that.

>> No.9220123
File: 1.23 MB, 444x250, 147745-weird-al-yankovic-sipping-tea-GdeO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cancer of gaming
For fucks sakes they give out free currency like it's nothing, just suck it up or quit playing if you're going to continue to bitch about it. You can just watch walkthroughs on Youtube if you're that desperate.

>mfw I'm buying a calling card just out of spite for this anon

>> No.9220153

Please get over yourself. You either want to support the game or you don't, don't act like you're on some holy mission to change the future of gaming.

>> No.9220164
File: 233 KB, 2048x1536, mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate micro transactions, stick to your principals and don't play the game.
If you love the game, man up and support the creators working to bring it to you.

I respect your desire to not fund a game format you find heinous - but bitching about a game to a thread full of people who love it isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.9220171
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>> No.9220174
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>> No.9220180
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>> No.9220186
File: 245 KB, 1200x1200, CuncfA8WcAA_Z-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there was talk about MC being difficult to cosplay because she's so generic, but I actually think she's fairly recognizable because of the duo-toned sleeves.

>> No.9220190
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>> No.9220196
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>> No.9220200
File: 94 KB, 801x1199, Ctb-2nBUMAA7A4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that... a fake cat?

>> No.9220201
File: 132 KB, 1199x819, CtTaCT0XEAEeqzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, this fake cat takes the cake.

>> No.9220204
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>> No.9220207
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>> No.9220212
File: 50 KB, 480x640, CtsTun0WIAAYEdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on MC wigs that cover the eyes?

>> No.9220213

>that badly smudging tattoo

>> No.9220214
File: 119 KB, 800x1200, Ctg4cznW8AA-iT_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And ending the dump with more of this guy because I really liked them.

>> No.9220217
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>> No.9220218

10/10 would daily wear

>> No.9220220

>fake cat
How dare you! That's an officially licensed Elisabeth 3rd plushie, thank you very much.

>> No.9220222
File: 136 KB, 1199x814, CtTaBUoWIAAOnqw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sincerest apologies, Mr. Han! I will be sure not to make the mistake again!

>> No.9220224
File: 100 KB, 724x666, CtOV610WYAASuPh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, I do really like props to make MM cosplays more recognizable, I just wish they were executed a little better.

>> No.9220229

I actually prefer it this way. Makes the whole thing feel more like the MC rather than a generic character.

>> No.9220239

Jumin's face what the fuck

>> No.9220244

That MC should not open-mouth smile, yikes...and wear some makeup.

I think this crosses over into "so bad it's good" territory. That ill-fitted jacket and pants though...Mr. Han would be ashamed. So many poorly-fitting suits, it's just kinda sad

>> No.9220254

Why would anyone think to take a photo like that. It's probably the most unflattering angle ever.

>> No.9220324

I think this outfit of MC is the most recognizable.

>> No.9220351

You're cute, anon. I'm jealous of your legs.

>> No.9220420

How many of you guys on Jumin's dick played Jaehee's route? Does he do a total 180 between the two? Because I thought he was bad in Zen's, but he's a total pick in hers, and I cannot image any amount of kinky daddy romantic nonsense making him appealing.

>> No.9220424

Prick not pick, don't tell me what I know phone

>> No.9220447

Hey, this is actually a decent Jaehee. The face looks a bit like tunamelt-chan's though.

>> No.9220462

Yeah, during best girl's route he was a huge cockgobbler. He treated Jaehee like a slave (like, an actual slave, not a sexy slave). Didn't understand emotions, avoided his own feelings, didn't care about others at all, thought money meant everything (to himself and others). His whole deal was that he could work Jae to death as long as he paid her, that she wasn't an actual person, and "why is she complaining? She gets a good salary."

And when Jaehee actually starts showing independence and respect for herself, he gets increasingly pissed.

Basically, he was a cunt.

>> No.9220498

Jumin's a creepy dick in his own route (which is what I was angling for, not the good route) but in Jaehee's he's just an uncaring dick. He basically tries to undo all your attempts at making Jaehee like herself and be happy by running her into the ground with work while fucking off to enjoy his cat projects and trips.

Truthfully, I think the only redeeming part of Jumin's route was the borderline hostage "I want to own you" psycho angle to it all. If that hadn't been a factor along with Zen's phone calls/chats making it bearable I wouldn't have even played the route. I just love me some dark love/obsession routes.

>> No.9220511

I never liked emos.

>> No.9220581
File: 363 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-10-13-19-28-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you didn't act like one...

>> No.9220611

what is going on with proportions here?

>> No.9220624

It's the mirror, anon.

>> No.9220751

Where can I get a good dress for the mc of mystic messenger? I've been looking, but the dresses I've seen have either had the wrong sleeves or the wrong pattern. Am I going to need to just settle for a dress that's not accurate?

>> No.9220765

Check poshmark but expect to do minor modifications, like sleeve alteration.

>> No.9220784


I make my own purchasing decisions and really could not care less about yours. I'm not on a crusade to get people to stop paying for this format of game or MM specifically. I like MM and I am not bitching about the content at all, just disappointed with the way they have chosen to market that content.

>> No.9220798

you should be more disappointed in how much I love my pocket boyfriends than that

>> No.9220812
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>> No.9221100
File: 410 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_of13eaBPvA1vg0voco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's an Unknown that doesn't look that bad

>> No.9221125

Then stop bitching. You are artificially creating a problem where none exists. Again, either pay for the game or don't, but don't bitch because the free option doesn't fit your lifestyle.

>> No.9221261

I liked him in Zen's route. I get his character Jaehee's. His own route is the worst actually.

I also felt that his good end and normal end should be switched. The normal end felt like a much better end than the good one and what the whole plot was developing towards with you teaching him how to be a better more responsive person.

>> No.9221266
File: 2.62 MB, 300x166, wahhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

707's route is the worst best worst. One of the few times I truly felt bad for Yoosung is when I called him after Seven said some truly callous shit and he was just bawling and confused and hurt. Poor kid.

>> No.9221321

I'm on Day 7 of Seven's route so far.

>Yoosung bawling
Good. I like to see him in misery.

>> No.9221323

Double post but

Yoosung: I need to contact Jumin about the security system being hacked? Okay.. but my mom's here. Let me just hide my snacks and contact Jumin when I have time.

Oh please god let this little bitch be smacked down after this. I'm about to die and he's trying to smuggle snacks under his bed so mommy doesn't scold him.

>> No.9221339
File: 39 KB, 480x600, tumblr_odpdyvnR961trd30xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This conversation is on day 9 after the 10AM chatroom. It's the one time I feel bad for him while he's complaining about how his mom won't let him play video games late into the night...

>> No.9221344

That wig/face/glasses is terirble but props to them for having an actual cat.

>> No.9221370

the only character where eyeliner is acceptable because he actually wears it.

Looks good, I like how they didn't go overboard with the pink tips.

>> No.9221472

Honestly I mostly chose that photo because the cat's expression is priceless.

>> No.9221493

Just finished my first route and decided to skrew with Unknown before starting another route. Can I just say that I wish that what happens would turn into an alternate route with them?

>> No.9221494

*screw, jfc

>> No.9221532

I still need to redo day one and refuse to go to the apartment and stuff.

>> No.9221596

Did anyone else think 707's friend Tom was going to be a random neighborhood cat? Until I got into the Deep Story, every time he mentioned Tom I thought "He's not going to be real and Mary Vanderwood is totally just Seven in a maid outfit isn't she?".

>> No.9221605

I thought the same thing.

>> No.9221622

I wish this too... It would be interesting, at the very least. Some people have asked for an unknown route and hat would be a logical place to start it if they ever did one.

>> No.9221813

I want a route with V. Only I don't want any more "you remind me of Rika" bullshit.

>> No.9221830

Rika always said that...

>> No.9221877

i like the idea of the pink tips actually being the remains of really stubborn red hair, like he kept bleaching it but the red won't come out 100%

>> No.9221878

wait - who the hell was Tom then? lmao

>> No.9221895

just some random normie who lives near Seven.

>> No.9222063

>tfw just started 9th day of Seven route
V is a great big bag of dicks and I stand by this until proven wrong. Unless Rika is the true bag of dicks in all this. Either way it's ruining my chances at good ending because Seven yells at me now if I try to be lovey.

>> No.9222552

Rika a cunt

>> No.9222553

This. You can invite him as a party guest and he's like a random little normie kid.

>> No.9222672

(also spoilers)
Please anon, I already love him so much and that just sounds adorable.
I wished I could romance him so badly after finishing the secret endings. Too bad most of the fandom only seems interested in how he is before that..

>> No.9222674


>> No.9222771

I just bought $3 worth of hourglasses to marathon this since I'm sick with a cold and I just got to Seven's after ending.

>It's the new groom Saeyoung. I never imagined he'd ask her to marry him as soon as everything was solved. It took less than a month to convince Saeran to marry.

It's a typo but now I can't help but think I'm married to both of them.

>> No.9222777

Ahaha.. ha.. oh that's just cruel, game. Just ignore this post now, I've had my heart ripped out.

>> No.9222791

Haha you got tricked too

Enjoy the hell called secret endings and a whole new way of suffering

>> No.9222792

Spent all my hourglasses unlocking 24 hours worth of chats so I've just used my last ten getting the first part of the secret ending. Oh well, time to toss some more money Cheritz's way and romance the hell out of Zen again if I need to bulk up on them after that.

>> No.9222796

The secret endings are pretty long, so the total of 140 hourglasses are more then worth it.

I hope you'll enjoy them!

>> No.9222807
File: 342 KB, 394x394, 1473555616741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy them
I'm going through Rika and V's backstory currently.. no enjoyment here.

>> No.9222810

Yeah I forgot to mention there won't be a single moment of actual enjoyment until the very end.

have fun

>> No.9222811

Am I the only one who was disappointed by the secret endings?

I just expected something better than (SPOILERS) Rika being a psycho and starting her own crazy cult where she literally drugs and brainwashes people.

>> No.9222816

I thought they were neat, especially the second one. Then again my fav is Saeran so yeah.

>> No.9222824

Yeah I just got to that and Rika is batshit crazy and rocking those church choir robes. I got to the line about how hurting herself made her feel better and did V want to see and I just went "Whoah hold up crazy bitch".

>> No.9223023

Okay so this is still baffling me. With Mint Eye I get the name for that (spoiler-It's V's eye color-spoiler) but they also bring in Magenta and I can't figure out what that's named after.

>> No.9223034

Idk the bleached hair is kind of magenta at the tips. That's so dumb but it's the only thing that comes to mind.

>> No.9223064

I'm thinking it's a play on words/accent. Like Engrish? Mint = Magen Eye = Ta
It's the only thing I can think of that sort of makes sense since they refer to Mint Eye as Magenta in a few pieces of dialogue.

>tfw only three secret ending parts left
This is the best $7 I've spent all month.

>> No.9223070

The whole thing felt way to ridiculous desu, and I was expecting so much more than.. whatever it was supposed to be.

At least Saeran is cute.

>> No.9223084
File: 959 KB, 480x270, tumblr_n0u7vdYPm31szj8x1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just finished MM in its entirety minus Yoosung's route. It's.. sort of bittersweet? I hope they make a sequel or expand it to include routes for V and Saeran even though they'd have to play with the timelines to do that for both of them.

I'm a bit sad that its ended though because now I have nothing to do and I got really attached to the characters over these past two months. I hope Cheritz takes the success from this and makes more mobile games.

>> No.9223101

>I got really attached to the characters over these past two months
Fucking this. Having the game be in real time has made me connect more with the characters than I normally do in other games. I...I want secret club friends and cutie boyfriends who ask me whether I've eaten yet...A-anon hold me.

>> No.9223103
File: 582 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-10-15-23-05-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon who mentioned the easter egg in the intro. It was worth going back to.

>> No.9223105

You know, it would just be nice to have a daily app where cute characters wake you up (alarm), remind you of important events (calendar), and just ask you how your day went and remind you to eat/sleep/whatever.

I mean they have fitness apps with anime boys/girls, why not a daily companion angle as well?

>tfw I just remembered dialogue about deleting app and Yoosung not wanting me to forget them
I'm not crying, anon. I'm not considering leaving the app on my phone just reply old calls when I'm lonely either.

>> No.9223166
File: 321 KB, 800x800, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this on Taobao. The images and reviews don't seem bad.

>> No.9223451
File: 549 KB, 525x788, toma x heroine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it, anon. I would be all over that shit.

I honestly doubt many people would recognise the outfit, since it's from an unlocalised sequel, but it does look nice.

>> No.9223993

What are the times to call Jumin when you're in his house? I have a bunch of HG to burn but I'd prefer not to get his answering machine all the time.

>> No.9225047

Did anyone just get hit by a new update? Any theories on what the spaceship and lil' RFA member prompts could be?

>> No.9225166
File: 629 KB, 2048x1359, 14633438_1259950090735777_8726902656376108318_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Zen and MC cosplay popped up on my facebook feed a little while ago. The heart icon was a pretty cute touch.

>> No.9225175

MM formally banned now

>> No.9225179

>realta nua
>tiger colosseum

>> No.9225181

>Don't ruin Jumin's image.

They're fucking fake characters

>> No.9225252

What's there to theorize about? It's right here.


>> No.9225268

Not sure what you're trying to imply here. Extra is a dungeon crawler, Tiger Colosseum is a japanese-only fighting game, and Realta Nua, like the main Fate/Stay game, is only available through a fan patch that I have never gotten to work. None of those games are visual novels that I can legally and officially purchase in english. Thank you for the suggestions, but they're not really what I'm looking for.

>> No.9225269

Meant to quote >>9225179

>> No.9225339


>> No.9225346

Did they draw on the shirt front holy shit

>> No.9225392

new thread >>9225391