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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9205591 No.9205591 [Reply] [Original]

>Have no friends
>Parents urging me to 'go out more'
>Are forcing me to go to a 'comic con' in my home town because 'you love comic books anon'

The problem is it is one of the worst lineups I can imagine. Link related


This whole thing is literal nobodies. I don't have the slightest clue who any of these people are yet my parents are threatening to triple my rent to £30 a month if I don't get at least 10 pictures with 'celebrities'.

How the fuck do I deal with this shit? I have bad social anxiety at the best of times so approaching random failed celebrities from 80's British TV shows and modern day shit daytime Dave TV is not going to go down well. I was thinking of buying a Spiderman costume to look like I am excited by the prospect, then I can find pictures on the website after of the various people who will probably go dressed as Spiderman posing with the 'celebrities' and pretend it is me.

Look at that lineup, it is rubbish. I have never been to a con before, which is why I need advise. I have already purchased the DVD of 'Storage Wars' and intend to forge a few signatures onto it as a backup plan in case my current plan fails.

>> No.9205593

Literally all you have to do is not go

>> No.9205595

£30 a month rent? How old are you?

>> No.9205598

This is either bait or underage because holy shit son

>> No.9205602

I'm 24, fuck off, I only work part time

and triple my rent?

>> No.9205605

Clearly your choices are either enjoy the con or pay a whopping $38 in rent a month.
My Internet bill costs that much.

>> No.9205607

Grow a pair of balls anon. If you don't want to do what your parents say move out. This is of course if you are actually 24 and not 13 like you sound.

>> No.9205608

So you're 24, live with your parents, pay less than £30 a month rent and you're mad your parents want you out of the house more?
I don't blame them desu.

>> No.9205629

Just move out
You're an adult now

>> No.9205638

B-but then anon would have to interact with other humans and pay more than £30 in rent ;_;

>> No.9205714

This is a really fucking weird thread.

>> No.9205746

Yeah, I actually can't decide if this is bait or not

>> No.9205781

What a faggot

>> No.9205814

>$38 amonth rent
>Only works part time
>Lives with his parents

Its too late, kys

>> No.9205821

Make a deal with them. Go out, but go somewhere else. Maybe join a weekly class in something.

>> No.9205850

I don't understand the problem, anon. Cons have shitty celeb lineups sometimes so who gives a fuck. Never head of anyone being so upset about it. Severe autism?

>> No.9205933

I think the problem is that he has no social skills and his parents want proof he was there in the form of photos of himself and other people

>> No.9208876

Clearly a bait post, but I'll bite. If it's not, dam son! You need to look at your life and start acting like a growed (SIC) up.

Your parents are trying to teach you how to even, they are doing it in a way that's actually a sign that they really know you and care. Don't dis them dude, just do as they ask, then look long and hard at your life. I mean really look at it. You're 24 and still live at home working part time and complaining because your £10/month rent may go up to £30/month. I used to pay £775/month and that was cheap rent where I was living. I've worked hard and saved up and I'm now paying a mortgage. Before you ask, no, my family are soup kitchen poor, I've worked for this and I too have huge anxiety issues and depression, but I've worked out the source, fixed it and I get on with shit. Sort you life out, it's too fucking short to complain about £20 on 4chan!

>> No.9209035
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Go to the con. If you hate the guest list that much, tell them that you don't really know the people in the guest line up, and ask if you can take selfies with cosplayers or at specific panels instead. I've found that even nobody-no-name guests can have really fun or interesting panels because they know their industry well. Have fun at a social event drinking in the nerd atmosphere.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo and they're threatening to triple your rent to £300 a month. It sounds like they're really trying to push you to stop being such a NEET in literally the nicest, most supportive way possible. You have great parents.

>> No.9209053


Im local and that con is pretty naff, but its usually down to the people im with and their attitude on whether or not I have a good time. If people are trying to force you they've probably tried everything else, have you tried to get treatment and seen someone professional about it? If you did that maybe they'd get off your back because you're actively trying to do something about it.
Also if you're into Pokemon go then try the meet ups in Hanley, people keep to themselves enough but are willing to dip in and out of conversations - I say this as someone with social anxiety myself so dont write yourself off or use it as a crutch. Give it a go, and if it gets bad have an escape plan where you can sit out and calm down for a while before trying again.

>> No.9209119

>get alcohol
>shit con becomes instantly better

>> No.9209147

This is so fucking stupid and full of autism.

>> No.9209148

>not knowing magenta

>> No.9209149

>lives at home
>pays "rent" which is a third of the cost of just one of my utility bills
>muh anxiety

You're in no position to decline acts of kindness. Leave your basement dungeon and socialize at the "shitty" con if it makes your parents feel a bit more at ease that they weren't abject failures at raising you. Try dealing with anxiety and a full time job working with the "public" and having a real rent bill and expenses to pay w/o mum and daddy's help. Jfc, and you sound like a europoor too so it's not like you even have to worry as much about healthcare like the standard american does.

>> No.9209182

IDK I'd go just to see the Red Dwarf guys(cat especially)
and the dude from knightmare.

When you experience a lot of shit you will realise. Life is 99% shit, the key to enjoying it is picking the nuggets out of it.

If you don't smell too bad I'd go with you.
Also THIS >>9209119

I used to hate flying on planes till I learned to drink like 5 mixers before boarding.

>> No.9209188

Their house, their rules. If you don't want to do what your parents tell you to do, then move out.

>> No.9209205
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>£30 a month

That's it? I WISH my parents had my rent that cheap when I still lived with them.
>mfw my parents jacked up my rent to $600 a month and told me I was lucky I wasn't being charged half the mortgage(1100+ a month) to live in a filthy hoarder house.

>> No.9209209


>I don't have the slightest clue who any of these people are yet my parents are threatening to triple my rent to £30 a month if I don't get at least 10 pictures with 'celebrities'.

Listen, I know I'm lucky because I have parents who have my back and swear they would never have me pay rent, but that rent is fucking peanuts - that's my grocery bill sometimes if I splurge. Do you even work?

Also why the fuck do you think you have to socialize with 'nobody celebrities'? The whole point of a con is to meet people like you, not try to go up the totem pole of an industry.

Your parents are trying to make you a socially functioning human being and you're whining about it and pisses me off as a fellow human who also gets anxious but mans the fuck up.

>> No.9209211


Also to clarify, I live by my lonesome right now so I do pay rent along with my sometimes exorbitant (by /cgl/ standards) grocery bills.

>> No.9209215
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It helps if you have one con in your country per year

>> No.9209221

Well, theres the red dwarf guys... but they tend to go to every con.

And gee, theres nip-slip-twi-lik

>> No.9209222

>Tripple my rent.
>30 bucks.
>24 Years old.

Ohaha shit Anon, my sides. Tears of laughter Nigel, tears of laughter old chap.
The best part was when you implied that you aren't able to pay 30 bucks THIRTEE. Because you are only working "part time".
What are you earning? 50 a month? Even with the shittiest Job imaginable and ony 20/h a Week you should at least earn about 500-600. Where is this money going?

>> No.9209271

Homebody here. Going outside is overrated
I wish I could neet all day

>> No.9209315

Why not say you are going to the con then spend the whole time at a hotel?

>> No.9209321

That's why his parents are asking for photographs as proof he actually went inside and did stuff

>> No.9210142

This fucking thread.
OP, thanks for cheering me up, I needed the laughs and the reality check that no matter how shit I think life is going, at least I've got it going better than someone else.

>> No.9210146

Go. If you can't manage this real life is gonna be rough for you. There are plenty of threads on what to take with you to the con. There will probably be lines for the celebrity guests so you won't need to feel weird about getting the pictures, then find an outlet to sit near and browse cgl. Done.

>> No.9210159

What are you talking about? The guy only pays £10/month rent, he doesn't have it bad. Also his parents are being super cools and trying to get him out of his mouth breathing rut by gently introducing him to shit he's interested in that helps get over his spergy problems. If you think that's a shit life, fuck me! Seriously you're worse than the OP here. Get a fucking job and rent somewhere.

>> No.9210165

You dipshit, I meant that they're (hopefully not) seriously sperging out over having to go out once and complaining over 30 britbux a month and that's a horribly detached way of thinking about life. I fucking know that that situation would be heaven for most of us. The good "at least I'm not OP" part of this is that I don't have this mentality and that there legitimately are people so miserable out there.

>> No.9210167

This. The dvd and costume for your stupid plans MUST have cost close to 30 pound already.

Holy shit, I've been paying $160p/m for rent since I turned 18 and don't even have a damn income.

>> No.9213798

>$600 a month
At that stage would it not have been cheaper to find a real place to rent?

>> No.9213808

Go to the con!

You don't go because of the guests at the con, you go to mingle and meet other con goers.

Heck this sounds like it would be a good first-time con for you to go to.

>> No.9214250

> I have bad social anxiety

Not a thing

>> No.9214265

wait where do you get the money then? are they just making a tab?

>> No.9214467

Are they paying for your hotel and ticket? Sounds like a good deal lad. I doubt they are gonna hold you to 10 pictures number, you can probably get away with 2 or 3 and then hang out in your hotel and neet out. They just want you to get out there.

>> No.9214563

I'd never go to a con alone so uhh good luck

>> No.9214621

If that comes with food and utilities then he's still doing alright.

>> No.9214653


In the same boat as you, anon. No matter how bad shit gets for me I'd like to think I have the resourcefulness to fix it, and the social skills to not be an outcast.

Not matter how awesome OP's life gets though, he's always going to be miserable thanks to living in his own head. No idea how one gets like that, but I'm so glad to be me and not him, too.

polite sage, I'm not convinced this isn't a troll thread...

>> No.9214673

I guess there's also a chance their parents need their contribution to actually pay the mortgage if it's that high... (It is high right? Seems like a lot if I've got the conversion rate right).
I have a friend who can't buy a house with his girlfriend even though they could just about afford it, because his mum wouldn't be able to afford her rent without him paying half... She'd have to move into a bedsit if he left and he feels too guilty.

>> No.9216563

Wait people go to cons sober?

Like how and why?

>> No.9217299

God, $600 is the absolute cheapest rent in my town due to disgusting wineos and their damn drought-inducing vineyards. Actually, I found one that was $455, but it was actually in the ghetto. Not, "ew brown people" in-the-ghetto, but actually on the side of a highway crawling with tweakers and transients, and your neighbors are legitimate drug dealers and prostitutes in-the-ghetto.

$600 doesn't get you much more, come to think of it. Maybe a steel security door.