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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9197424 No.9197424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

keep it board related

>> No.9197437

I lied about making a cosplay when I was 15.

>> No.9197456

A significant portion of the reason I want to lose weight is my desire to crossplay.

>> No.9197459

I'm secretly male, but I don't tell anyone here.

>> No.9197540

I want to cut my hair short for convenience but keep it long for lolita because I have a big head and hate wigs
I'm dysphoric about my breasts and this greatly limits the j-fashion I wear and I want to remove them
I am not any less of a woman for being so because I fit the definition of woman which is adult human female
I'm growing out my body hair for political reasons but would never tell anyone about it or wear clothing that exposes it. I don't want people thinking I'm obnoxious or gross or mixing politics and jfash.
I spend too much money on clothing and then never wear most of it because I lack the confidence.
There's a girl in my comm who I hate but only because her Facebook posts are annoying. I have no other real reason to dislike her
Many of the girls in my comm dress badly. I am sometimes embarrassed to be seen with them in public
I resent having to share this board with cosplayers

>> No.9197541

Same. I am currently a total fatty with body dysmorphia so even cosplaying chubby characters is out of the question for me. I just want to hide under a blanket until I'm skinny/not completely disgusting.

>> No.9197553

I want to fuck a random girl at an anime convention just once in my cosplaying time.

>> No.9197560

Oh yea. I was inspired when someone on this board said something like, if you can't be with your waifu, then be your waifu.

>> No.9197570

the only bearable community in jfash is the gyaru one, because no one is an uppity cunt. I automatically hate lolitas because i've never come across one that wasn't a total bitch.

>> No.9197574
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>I'm growing out my body hair for political reasons


>> No.9197578

She's probably straight but only fucks women for political reasons too.

Feminists these days are laughable.

>> No.9197579

Here's another example

>hurrdurr we're mostly women but having rights is bad must hack off muh unsightly natural body hair because someone told me it was unsightly

Most girls in cosplay or jfash perpetuate shitty societal norms for chicks.

>oh dear you MUST shave if you're in lolita or the earth shall combust
>what do you mean body hair is natural

>> No.9197580
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I thought everyone was scared of the gyaru comm because of how mean they are

>> No.9197584

Ditto. I've hooked up at cons once in a blue moon, but never with a cosplayer. (I know, I know, sex in cosplay is a bad idea, but one can dream...)

Given that lolitas usually show almost no skin, it's odd that they'd be the ones saying YOU MUST SHAVE

>> No.9197593

I think that's just a perpetuated lie. I'd rather go to a gyaru meetup than be lowered into the starving piranha tank that is a lolita meet.

Dont you know that their desire to look like a twelve year old means they need to remove all signs of puberty?

>> No.9197597

Just because they call it "lolita" doesn't mean they want to look 12.

I don't know any 12 year olds who are into petticoats and lace.

(Then again, I don't know many 12 year olds any more. Who knows with kids these days...)

>> No.9197600

I meant physically. They want to dress appropriately for that age range, and have that body type. People are free to dress as demurely as they like, but there's something childish about wanting to look like a doll.

>> No.9197601

Piranha tank of social anxiety maybe

>> No.9197608

Does social anxiety make you a derisive cunt? Because it just makes me shy, and a bit weepy and shaky.

>> No.9197609

>wanting to look like a doll.

I always thought it was a desire to look like someone out of a Victorian romance novel.

At least that's why I find it appealing.

>> No.9197612

>thinking a bunch of grumpy autistic girls are vicious

You really must have a bad case of social anxiety.

>> No.9197615
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Sometimes I buy/collect the same dresses and accessoires in two colors and tell myself it's because I love the item. But the truth is, I really hope to find a lolita bff one day who likes to twin.

I also hug my dress form sometimes and it feels nice.

>> No.9197620

Protip: No one in Victorian times wore skirts that short or poofy. Queen Victoria was a symbol of fashion in that era, and she was an austere woman who dressed conservatively, with no makeup. Her mother was a fan of flamboyant French fashions, and when she was growing up, her mother treated her like shit. There were plans her mother and her.... associate [funny word for man she was fucking after Victoria's father died] made to have Victoria declared unfit for the throne so that they could rule by proxy. Victoria grew to resent such "vulgar" displays of fashion and was a very simple and clean woman. The more you know.

Someone sounds salty

>> No.9197621

this is really gay of you but in a sweet way.

>> No.9197625
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>someone points out lolitas are just a bunch of fussy autists and that anyone who thinks they're vicious has bad social anxiety

>> No.9197627

12 year old girls shave too

>> No.9197629

>Many of the girls in my comm dress badly. I am sometimes embarrassed to be seen with them in public
>I resent having to share this board with cosplayers
Whoops, that's me.

>> No.9197631

>points out that lolitas are cruel, even to one another

That's some projecting there, matey. Sure did prove your own point at least by half though. Cruelty and autism aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9197633

>plsssssh... nothin... personnel... kid....

>> No.9197635 [DELETED] 

If you want to shave, shave. But don't shame others into doing it. I shave everything because I pick if I don't.

Ding ding, we have a winner here folks. Self-absorbed twat thinks her frilly clothes are better than other peoples frilly clothes.

>> No.9197636
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>> No.9197637

>on /cgl/
>believes frilly clothes have no hierarchy of quality
OK m8

>> No.9197638

Not that anon but you're kinda proving her right by being this big of an autist over her post.

>> No.9197640

The only reason lolitas are on this board is they were voted off the /fa/ island for looking like autists. This was a cosplay board first, and you guys should remember that.

>> No.9197651

That's both really sad and really sweet at the same time.

>> No.9197652

>too autistic for /fa/




>> No.9197654

>large population of individuals uses guys as a general term for a group of people

>> No.9197656

Only person REEing here is you.

>> No.9197672

I am a homosexual misandrist, permanently single because men are gross or annoying and women do nothing for me.

I like men as friends. In theory, the male gender is fine. But something happens to men in this culture that makes them psychologically ugly to me. Even among other gay cosplayers or EGL wearers, where there are more weirdoes who are less susceptible to social pressure, there are certain macho attitudes or beliefs that every guy but me seems to have. The shit they do and say turns me off every time, even if they're physically above average.

Weirdly, there are people in my comm, or in online comms, that are physically female that I really get along with. I get completely unsexual crushes on these people, and they keep turning out to be closet FtMs. Even here on /cgl/ I've been drawn to people who turn out to be closet or pre-transition FtM. Transtrenders tend to fly below my radar but this weird pattern has emerged, of emotionally crushing on a woman who eventually confesses feelings of dysphoria or plans to transition. There have even been a couple times where I kept thinking of someone as male, despite them obviously being female, and then it turns out they do identify as male and just don't tell most people.

Maybe someday, I might ask one of the dysphoric-but-not-telling-everyone lolitas or cosplayers I know out. The problem is it would just be a mental romance and I don't know if that would work for either of us. But even if it was asexual, the idea of dating someone who enjoys the same hobbies I do and has a masculine mind, without the cultural baggage those raised as male tend to have... I don't know, maybe it could work. Or maybe it would be insulting to ask someone out when I'm not physically attracted to them.

Also, I don't want to be that asshole who uses his comm to find dates. There is no reason to wreck a friendly meetup with my thirst.

>> No.9197676

>This was a cosplay board first, and you guys should remember that.
CGL was created as a combined cosplay and EGL board, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.9197678

You sound pretentious and you shouldn't use 4chan as a blog, even in the confession thread, but I just wanted to say that I'm gay and have had exactly the same experience with having one "straight" crush who came out as trans a couple of years later.

>> No.9197689

I kinda want to crossplay but can't be arsed to shave/wax everything

>> No.9197692

This is 4chan, we can all REEEE together.

>> No.9197695
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>> No.9197707

I once saw a lolita who looked super cute at a con and I asked if I could take her picture and she told me ok but was extremelt snotty about it like I had ruined her day and now everytime I see any lolita at a con I cant get over thinkinv theyre all self absorbed cunts.

I hate wearing wigs for cosplays that would look at least ok with my normal hair but I get a wig anyway purely because of this place.

I think guys in really nice accurate cosplays who bother to wear foundation and whatever makeup their character needs are crazy hot.

>> No.9197708
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I'm basically a hikki NEET that stays at home all the time. Because of this I wear pajamas and comfy clothes 90% of the time. Even when I have to go out of the house (grocery shopping, errands, etc) I still wear pajamas. When I'm normie me I dont care about impressing anyone or dressing up. But I really love lolita and do try to present myself well when I do wear it.
Its just when I'm by myself so often its hard to motivate myself to wear fancy clothes, I dont want to soil them and instead "save" them for fancy occasions or meet ups only.

Maybe one day I'll get a dress form and mess around with my wardrobe more on it, who knows
>i cant be the only hikki neet here... r..right?

>> No.9197711

How do you sustain yourself, anon? I may become a NEET soon and I want advice.

>> No.9197719

>I'm growing out my body hair for political reasons
That is the worst possible reason to justify a personal grooming decision. If you don't like shaving, just don't shave. If you like the feeling of being shaved but refuse it because "society" tells you to do it that's dumb.

>> No.9197724


Honestly my situation is pretty niche so I dont know how much advice I can give to you...? But if you are creative at all I definitely recommend trying to gain some spending money that way. I work on my business at home and go to AAs in the summer. I'm thinking about submitting tshirts the some of those daily tshirt websites where they pay the artists a small royalty per shirt.

I live with my husband in our in-laws basement suite. My in-laws are very generous and probably rank upper middle class. My husband and I have no bills to pay including rent, groceries, phones, care insurance, and any other unexpected pills like maybe dental costs. I'm honestly very grateful for all of this (I came from a low income family) and I never ask for anything. Housing prices and rent is really ridiculous where I live so they are really helping us out and we are trying to save enough so we can get our own home eventually. My husband has a well paying job although work can be sporadic. Both my in-laws are extremely busy with work and eat fast food for pretty much every meal. Last December they asked me to start cooking/making them lunches for work which I would have gladly done for free. But they wanted to help us out even more and pay me $20 per day, 5 days a week. I use this money to invest in artist alley stuff as well as just my own spending money. My husband doesn't like to spend too much money, he likes to save. But he will occasionally buy me gifts and he always gets me something really fantastic for my Birthday + Christmas. He also lets me choose my gift since I think I did that the first year? I wanted him to choose this year but he straight up told me he didnt want to have that stress lmao. So I usually use the opportunity to get a new dress, new or used.
>tl;dr i'm a huge mooch and thats the key to the hikki NEET life my friend

>> No.9197762
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i want to make friends with other lolitas and get involved with comms but i'm afraid that the rumors of everyone being uppity cunts will be true. i think i prefer to be alone anyway

i feel like i have a disconnect with most people involved in jfashion because i'm half japanese and once others know that, they treat me strangely. as if i intimidate them? or as if they don't like me? i don't treat it like a status symbol, but i end up feeling alienated. as if i'm trying to one-up people by being from glorious nippon or something.

i get dressed up just to sit in my room by myself and do classwork because i rarely see anybody in person and it keeps me sane

>> No.9197772

Your post convinces me that nuclear family living is becoming a thing of the past. You and your relatives seem much better off living together than you would be living separately.

>> No.9197787

I hope you find them one day anon

My confession: I enjoy trying to spot how many people from my comm post here. I see you girls. I see you.

>> No.9197803

I like working on cosplay with my friends because it secretly motivates me to look better than them.

>> No.9197859

>nuclear family living is becoming a thing of the past
more like a thing of a very specific time frame in the 1900s.

>> No.9197860

>two girls in our comm got into a fight
>somehow the ita fattychan got to stay in our comm and is trying to befriend everyone even though its known she disliked majority of us
>the other girl is now a *~*Lone lolita*~*
>lonelita is a bit cuter and she can actually fit all her brand but still makes questionable fashion choices

>why cant they alternate meets at least?
>i'm incredibly sandy
>half of the sand is from not knowing the drama

>> No.9197863

True, but that's our immediate past.

Extended families worked for most of history and still are the norm in most countries for a reason.

>> No.9197876

One of my friends fancies himself a photographer but I think his work is terrible (lighting badly edited, shots always way too close up, acne not touched up at all, weird unflattering angles, etc) even though he's had formal training/education in photography. Any time he offers to shoot me, I always pretend I'm really busy or not feeling well, because every time in the past I've posed for him, the pictures made me want to stop cosplaying forever.

>> No.9197885


Somewhat same here. Not for crossplay though, but for Lolita.

>tfw you learn for the first time what it means to fight for every inch

>> No.9197886

I've been really into classic lolita for years but the guy I like (who's only a friend right now) is really into 80's throwback fashion. We hang out a lot and it makes me want to match his aesthetic. I know realistically he won't like me more if I start wearing oversized sweatshirts and color blocking but…

>> No.9197889

the cool thing about clothes is you can change them. multiple times a day, even.

>> No.9197891

What's the worst you get out of it, some new outfits? Sounds like a win-win even if he doesn't fall for you.

>> No.9197899

I sold a dress that had cum on it

>> No.9197909

Monica, is that you?

>> No.9197917

Name that shit. I don't want to work with someone like that.

>> No.9197939

If you're close enough to consider him a friend, can't you mention it?

It's not like you can't dress in more than one style. I find it fun to match friends' aesthetics too.

>> No.9197960

I got a large hiring bonus and got CoolSculpting two days ago (love handles, beer belly, inner thighs) and it feels hilariously weird but I can't talk to anyone about it because it's stupidly vain and stupidly expensive and the funny feeling is all my fault anyway. Basically I'm in the slight-swelling phase and it feels like the pain of stretch marks mixed with my love handles feel like they're asleep. Doesn't stop me from doing things, just an unusual feeling.

I probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger except that I'm doing a group cosplay in the spring that will show my stomach.

Also the doctor drew on me in Sharpie and it still hasn't come off.

Thanks for being here in my hour of secret feels.

>> No.9197970

I know how that girl feels. I had to alternate parties cause my friends need to be friends with a douche that tried to molest my friend. So now I just don't go to their parties cause fuck them.

>> No.9197991


what's that?

>> No.9197995

gulls have sex in their dresses?

>> No.9197998

An elective/vanity procedure for reducing persistent/protruding fat pockets.

>> No.9198029

This girl in my comm is awful. She has square nails. She is obsessed with another girl in my comm/obsessed with becoming a brandwhore. She is an ita. Please pray for her.

>> No.9198034

You've described a lot of girls in my comm. can you please expand on this.

>> No.9198041

Maybe it is one of those girls!!! Who the fuck has square nails!!! She also brought a plushie to a meet once.

>> No.9198055

I'm not gonna name names, but whenever he advertises that he's doing shoots, the pictures he uses for advertisement make me cringe; if you know what you're looking for in a photographer, you'd never book him in the first place. Alternatively, just stay out of Florida.

I've tried to gently mention it before; I do a little bit of con photography too, but he's more technically knowledgeable than me, so it seems like he thinks I'm asking him questions about what he's doing instead of asking WHY he would do what he did on PURPOSE
eg. "Oh, wow, this photo is really closely cropped... like you can't see much of my costume..."
"Oh, yeah, anon, I had to do that because the background had people walking by" or "well it felt more intimate to crop this photo (so that all you can really see is the left side of your torso and face)."
If I thought an honest critique would go over well, I would try, but he's so damn proud of his work, it kills me.

>> No.9198075
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I used to think Rilakkuma was stupid after seeing him posted all over /cgl/. Then I went to an Asian candy store in my town and there was a whole shelf of him. I noticed he has a nice roomy compartment on his back so I bought him.

I've been storing and mailing weed to people halfway across the country for a couple months now by taking advantage of his little pouch. I used to use regular stuffed animals by cutting them open and sewing them back up but now that I have Rilakkuma it would be a waste of effort.

>> No.9198099

I rubbed my period blood on an enemy's dress so you're not alone.

>> No.9198105

I have a huge on a leading figure of Lolita fashion in my country. When it comes to looks she is the cream of the crop. However she will not acknowledge me because I used to be a heavy smoker, I am now a vaper but she still won't pay me any heed. My self esteem has taken a huge knock ever since I asked her out on a date and she flat out refused citing my yellow fingernails as the reason. Stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.

>> No.9198111

Since having my daughter this year I've pretty much lost all motivation and confidence to cosplay due to my weight gain and stretch marks from pregnancy. But on the bright side my tits are huge now?

>> No.9198112 [DELETED] 
File: 535 KB, 1278x1831, bookshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that artist, she's one of my favourite h-manga artists.

That's my confession.

>> No.9198114

I have never finished a cosplay because I'm too much of a perfectionist, but I have helped my friends finish theirs.

>> No.9198115

>the only reason to shave or cut body hair is muh oppression
Let's also stop showering.

>> No.9198119

>implying shaving is more hygienic than aesthetic

>> No.9198122

>implying enjoying one aesthetic over another is bad
>ignoring personal comfort as a factor for shaving or not.

Also some people just have preferences and that's allowed. I think hairy guys are gross too.

>> No.9198123

Seriously though, I just wear long sleeves and thicker socks and nobody can tell that I'm actually the Abominable Snowman because I couldn't be bothered to shave.

>> No.9198128

Body odor is also natural. Stop letting society tell you to use deodorant.

>> No.9198134

>lolicon on the lolita board
What does it mean?

>> No.9198136

Why are women so disgusting?

>> No.9198144

I'm a dude and I shave every hair on my body because I find body hair gross.
I'll never forget the experience of shaving my balls for the first time that shit was intense.

>> No.9198149

Feels cold doesn't it

>> No.9198162

>Your post convinces me that nuclear family living is becoming a thing of the past.
It was only really a thing of the present in north america and europe, like anon said, in the 1900s. In most other places like south america and asia it's always been normal to live with extended family/husband's family until marriage or like you, saving enough for your own home. There's also the natural follow on that you then take care of your parents/in-laws as they get old instead of throwing them in a nursing home.

You're also helping out around the house, so you're hardly the average mooch. I'm assuming of course that you're not doing anything shady you're not telling us like stealing stuff here and there.

>> No.9198163 [DELETED] 

I'm a 27 year old woman and want to hook up with a qt barely legal girl at a con.

>> No.9198167

What do you look like?

>> No.9198169

Nah I live in kangaroo land it's always too hot here.

>> No.9198174

>The greatest doujinshi plot setup that has never been put into practice

>> No.9198175

Cosplay one of the many sexy mommy characters?