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9183288 No.9183288 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going camping and throwing a pagan themed party in the woods this Halloween.
I want it to be very old Nordic/European.

Can anyone suggest costume ideas?

I really want to do something like pic related, but I'm not really capable of making a mask like those.
Does anyone know where I could purchase one similar?
I don't have a ton of money to spend, but it doesn't have to be amazing quality either.

Feel free to suggest other types of masks that fit the theme also?

>> No.9183328
File: 159 KB, 817x881, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swede here, and I might just be terribly uneducated (I wouldn't think I am) or missing your point, but "Nordic" and "Halloween" or even "All Hallows Eve" really brings me nothing. It's just not a Thing, historically, here. We don't really have any traditions not imported from the US, only thing I can think of is lighting candles for the dead as a vaguely important thing.

You'll be better off a) looking into celtic or anglosaxan traditions, though there might be some interesting traditions to draw from from latin or slav countries. Looking into the traditional depictions of death or disease or whatever, or, b), just completely derive from fantasy. Your OP strikes me as kinda Where The Wild Things Are, but if you're still set on nordic, look into folk lore. It's not neccessarily halloween, but a lot of our mythological creatures are pretty creepy.

John Bauer is a Swedish artist with some serious influence around here, his art might be useful for inspiration.

>> No.9183372

That's krampus, op. He's from Christmas, not Halloween. Most of the cool, spooky European shit is.

>> No.9186078

correct. And also not north European, but middle.

>> No.9186298

When you want to have a good idea about a european 'Halloween' why you don't just check out the REAL 'halloween' calles Samhain? It is celtic/irish and origin of your american Halloween.

or just check out some origin creature from european fairytales. Like wolpertinger ;P