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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9182818 No.9182818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So Eirtakon announced on their Facebook page that their next convention would be the last. Extemely sad to see Ireland's first and most popular convention go, especially after we've just lost Nom Con and Arcade Con.

>> No.9182825

>no more whiskey tasting
>no more cringe blind date
>no more Eirtakon shitposting on /cgl/

It hurts

>> No.9182829

So what cons are left? Are we just down to shitty MCM?

>> No.9182847

Ik anon, it's heartbreaking.

Just MCM and DCC.

>> No.9182849

And Akuma con, Kaizoku con and Q con outside of Dublin.

>> No.9182852
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>outside of Dublin

Who the fuck do you think we are

>> No.9182862

Are MCM and DCC behind this? I find the conventions shutting down over the course of a yer pretty suspicious.

>> No.9182909

It's the last year for Eirtakon!!

For those on the scene, you'll know why this is happening for everyone else I'll sum it up: the committee are arseholes.

With the end of Nomcon and Arcadecon, the father of them all, Eirtakon had to follow suit right?
Not really. This is being orchestrated by the old committee.

So the question is 'why?'

Is it money? Nope, Eirtakon has a lot of cash, attendee numbers by ticket price = €€€.

Maybe it's the arrogance of the committee, their senior committee members look down on attendees and its own staff.
There was even almost a staff walk out a few years back due to this attitude, Due to the quick thinking of Amanda, the situation was saved.
But they do not learn, they never do. And now Amanda is has left too.

The good committee have all left due to the old committee members bullying them.

So if you really want to know who to blame, look at which committee are still there after all this years, desperately trying to cling to something that was built by everyone, attendees, volunteers, and the old committee that was driven out.

Thanks dickheads, you could have at least told us.

>> No.9182910

It's the last year for Eirtakon!!

For those on the scene, you'll know why this is happening for everyone else I'll sum it up: the committee are *****.

With the end of Nomcon and Arcadecon, the father of them all, Eirtakon had to follow suit right?
Not really. This is being orchestrated by the old committee.

So the question is 'why?'

Is it money? Nope, Eirtakon has a lot of cash, attendee numbers by ticket price = €€€.

Maybe it's the arrogance of the committee, their senior committee members look down on attendees and its own staff.
There was even almost a staff walk out a few years back due to this attitude, Due to the quick thinking of Amanda, the situation was saved.
But they do not learn, they never do. And now Amanda is has left too.

The good committee have all left due to the old committee members bullying them.

So if you really want to know who to blame, look at which committee are still there after all this years, desperately trying to cling to something that was built by everyone, attendees, volunteers, and the old committee that was driven out.

Thanks d**kheads, you could have at least told us.

>> No.9182913

Who the fuck is Amanda?

>> No.9182917


Hi rana thanks for the kind words xxxx


>> No.9182918

If you are going to jack off to yourself, can you do it in private please

>> No.9182919

If the senior committee members are desperately trying to cling on to Eirtakon then why are they ending it? This post is hilarious.

>> No.9182926

Who's Amanda lads? Is she a ride?

>> No.9182930

Sad Cosplayer seems to think so. Did ya manage to get in her pants so? Certainly far enough up her arse already amirite

>> No.9182951

As long as her name isn't Maeve, because we all know Maeve is a fat bird name. Amanda sounds like the type of moth you'd take for a jant around the flats no bother.

>> No.9182954

So back on topic, now that there's a gap in the market for an anime convention, will any new conventions emerge?

>> No.9182956

I hope Otakucon come back, we really need Nathan to save the day

>> No.9182959

>inb4 you're banned for using his name even though everyone knows who he is

>> No.9182961

A full explanation will come soon

>> No.9182963

Also, we'd just like to take this opportunity to tell you that Howth will be running the country's next iteration of Eirtakon. Only under NatCuck leadership will this country's dwindling otaku and cosplay scene be saved from the brink of stagnation and brought into an exciting and new prosperous era.

Thanks for your time.

>> No.9182964

Did this shitbag from the Arcade con rape incident ever go to court again? Can't find anything other than this article from Dec http://www.herald.ie/news/courts/man-27-charged-with-rape-at-city-hotel-34306364.html

>> No.9182976

Awhh man, totally depressed, it doesn't make sense, unless there are too big for croker?

>> No.9182985


plus croker is a terrible location.
You either clog the stairs with sweaty weebs.

Or you have sweaty weebs walking miles back and forth for everything

>> No.9182986

Croker's a shite venue for it anyway. While it sucks that it's the con's last year, I won't miss traipsing up and down those poxy halls across the different floors for ages just to get to something

>> No.9182990

they're always crying out for committee applications, reckon they couldn't find enough victims?

>> No.9182996

Come on lads, get some Eirtakon horror stories on the go now that it's going to end.

>> No.9183005

that's what I mean. croker can't deal with the numbers of people moving between levels.

remeber the lift fiascos?

>> No.9183009
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Thinking of starting SeshCon, lads.

6 can minimum at the door, and you can't enter if you're not in cosplay. VIP status will grant you access to dealers readily available to supply the finest yokes, ket, coke and acid Dublin has to offer.

Lizard Lady and AK to headlines as guests.

>> No.9183012
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Our Cosplay Queen leaves and the Con scene is falling apart.

>> No.9183013


I didn't wash my hands for the maid cafe last year, and I won't this year.

>> No.9183015

Is that Amanda? Thank god she left.

>> No.9183020

>I hope Otakucon come back, we really need Nathan to save the day

WTF is Otakucon?? Was it big? I've never heard of it.

>> No.9183042

much like Eirtakon, this thread is dead

>> No.9183044

Otakucon was a shitshow run by someone who had and still has no idea of how to run a convention but thought he could do it because he was in a trade hall once or twice. One guest pulled out, another was brought in through skype because of some bullshit reason and they had about fifty people over all, though i think they claimed it was 400. The director also came onto cgl to argue with people when they asked genuine questions like how the con was going to be able to pay for things. He then claimed he was going to sue these anonymous people for 'deformation'. And that's just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.9183046

The thread's had more activity in the last hour than the last Irish general did all of last month.

>> No.9183047
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Never forget

>> No.9183051

Cause shit has gone down rather than just bitching at each other like we usually do

>> No.9183060

It's over for the same reason the other cons are dead or dying. It takes more work to run a con then most people are willing to do. Most people on the committees are only in it for some kind of circle jerk nerd glory and don't want to do the work, the people stuck with the work eventually quit.

>> No.9183061

When you look at it that way, it's kinda fucking amazing they managed to last as long as they did. People are lazy shits.

>> No.9183066

They do have high committee turnover. Ironically a lot of the committee left to form Nomcom.

>> No.9183069

didn't a lot of that committee then leave to make arcadecon?

>> No.9183074


>> No.9183075

Arcadecon was made out of spite by someone else afaik

>> No.9183077

Was anyone at the Akumakon closing ceremony for this year? It was a live bukkake show where the con heads just jizzed on everyone. There are too many egos running cons and not enough people who know how to deal with events. The few that can usually leave it seems.

>> No.9183081

The one convention i never see shit about is that one in cork. Is it any good?

>> No.9183087

Was there this year. Every year is the same committee thank each other for about 30 minutes and then forget everyone else

>> No.9183093

Kaizouku con? Never been but I've only heard good things about it. I'd go but getting to Cork is a nightmare if you don't own a car.

>> No.9183094

It's like 15 quid and 3 hours on the Aircoach from Dublin, or even faster on the train from Heuston. Wouldn't exactly call it a nightmare. Unless you live in Ballybackinthebog

>> No.9183097

I've been to all of them and the bus isn't too bad. 2 hours down from Dublin and about 10 minutes on a city bus and you are at the con. It takes me longer to get home from work some days.

>> No.9183099

That's if you live in Dublin, anywhere else thats not the capital or in munster costs a bomb and takes more than 4 hours each way.

>> No.9183102

Been to kaizoku. Was pretty grand and the con ticket was cheap. That panel with the guy swinging the lights was good craic.

>> No.9183105

>people unironically choosing to live outside of Dublin

Explain this

>> No.9183106

I go to college outside of Dublin
Not to mention, living in Dublin is expensive as fuck

>> No.9183107

Some people get jobs or are born outside of dublin.
These are called the chosen few as Dublin is a piece of shit city with shitty people.

TLDR: Dublin is a piece of shit

>> No.9183111

Mucksavage who only ever makes the pilgrimage to the Big Schmoke once a year for the GAA detected

Dublin is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, and I'll stab any cunt who says otherwise

>> No.9183114

Nah, I agree with the above. Couldn't pay me to live in Dublin. And beautiful? Have you never seen another city or something?

>> No.9183115

I went to Limerick once, I'm not scared of you.

>> No.9183117

so what cons are actually left now that aren't mcm or dcc? one in cork and one in galway? are all non expo dublin cons gone?

>> No.9183120

There's one in Limerick too which is cheap enough to go just to have bants.

>> No.9183121

There is Gaelcon but that is really a RPG con.

>> No.9183122

Khaos Con 5eva!

>> No.9183124
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I've been to many other major cities, including cities like London and Paris which people romanticize to fuck even though they're full of cunts and Muslims.

Dublin is a beautiful city and any bogger cunt who says otherwise probably couldn't handle the banter on the Luas one day and thought they were going to get stabbed even though somebody was probably just trying to ask them for the time.

>> No.9183125


>implying Dublin isn't full of Muslims and radical clerics

Topkek. You sure are blind to your own faults.

>> No.9183128
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>Dublin's full of radical Muslims because I saw one of the cunts preaching outside the GPO with the rest of the religious fanatics that one time I was in Dublin while my ma was changing my nappy

lmao @ ur life mucksavage

>> No.9183131

Are you for real? Dublin is like every other capital city in the world.
Full of people who don't give a shit and people who have a complex about living in the biggest city in their country.

I've lived in Dublin, attended college in Dublin and honest to god it's the biggest piece of shit city i've ever been to......

>> No.9183137


If you're going to go the xenophobic route at least own up to it and don't change your tune. I'm very happy you people are finally getting a taste of your own medicine. It's delightful to see some culchie rant about immigrants when in reality they're probably doing more for your country than your own people.

>> No.9183139

Essentially the problem with dubliners in a nutshell. They tend to forget Dublin's not a country, just a shitty city with nothing going for it but bad chinese food and shite cons :P

>> No.9183150
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Any bogger faggot in this thread whose hometown probably consists of a post office, 2 pubs and a newsagents are welcome to come to Dublin tomorrow night, meet me and see if their savior Allah will stop my broken glass entering their windpipe unhindered

>> No.9183151

Lads, I know I'm wasting my breath but can we stay on the topic of our long overdue stagnation of our con scene rather than a pissing contest between the counties.

>> No.9183154


These oversaturated photos aren't doing Dublin any favors. Sorry your photography taste is as shite as your taste in places to live.

>> No.9183155

thread is dead, just like Eirtakon

>> No.9183156

Go back to wanking into a Dublin Bus route map.

Anyone got any more gossip about the yearly shit fest that was Eirta?

>> No.9183157

How the fuck did this thread descend into the chaos this quickly? Anyway, back to the con scene, are many going to this year's eirtakon? I was going to skip it but now that it's the last I'm not so sure

>> No.9183158

I want what this guy wants. Con horror stories. That's what local threads are for

>> No.9183159
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See how far you get in your tractor here in Dublin saying that, Padraig. I'll dance on your face you ginger spastic

>> No.9183165

The autism is strong in this one. Prepare to be deformed

>> No.9183170

Irish threads in particular have this tendency to get derailed in the most spectacular of ways. Irish just can't seem to resist the bait.

>> No.9183171

>boggers just can't seem to resist the bait


>> No.9183174
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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Get curb stomped cunt

>> No.9183176
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When will she return :'(

>> No.9183184

A few of us were seriously considering skipping it.
Why announce now it's the last year if you planned it from the start? Something has gone wrong, I think the committee walked out or the money has all been spent or the guests have cancelled or legal action?
Either way do I want the flames? Yes!!! I'm going and bringing my popcorn.

>> No.9183188

Maybe the university shut them down? If something happened the uni's name is on it, might finally be chopping off a diseased limb.

>> No.9183192

Could be some kind of clash between the anime soc committee and the Eirta one?

>> No.9183202

While it's tragic and all from a nostalgic pov, with flights to the UK so cheap, does it matter that much that our cons suck?

>> No.9183211


Anime soc is different from eirta? I never looked too much into the politics only that every year there seems to be more and more clash about the division of work.

>> No.9183219
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Just want her back lads

>> No.9183225

There are separate committees for all the college cons which are overseen by the committees of the anime socs. They don't always get along.

>> No.9183227
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>> No.9183254

Eirtakon will be back, this is just a disagreement within the committee.

>> No.9183270

why you do this to me

>> No.9183272
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>> No.9183300

Did it eat the child?

>> No.9183303
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>> No.9183305
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>sits on Tumblr and TheJournal.ie all day trying to defend against 'Islamophobia' even though if he ever set foot in a Muslim majority country he'd be fucked off a building for being a tranny

>> No.9183312
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>> No.9183314
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>> No.9183315
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>> No.9183318
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>> No.9183321
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>> No.9183329

Does Eirtakon have any form of after party? Kinda upset I put off going the last two years to only go on its last breath. If so any e's lads?

>> No.9183334
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There's an overpriced pub downstairs in Croker that hosts a shit ball on the Saturday night every year. You're better off getting your fellow weebs and pissing off into town instead

>> No.9183338

I've been in beforehand and the whole of Croker is an overpriced shithole. Had a funny idea to go to the ball yoked off my head dressed as Jared Leto Jokester and see if it'd be banter, good idea or nah?

>> No.9183347

You'd get more brownie/meme points if you show up as Potsy

>> No.9183350


>> No.9183358
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>> No.9183364

tbf snowflakes would whine about
>muh transphobia

>> No.9183458

Lads I genuinely don't think this is the end of Eirta, it's just too big to fail. They probably said this is the final year to drive up ticket sales, then a week after the con, or maybe even on the Sunday, they'll announce that they'll give it a go for another year. There's been murmurs that this con has been on its last legs for years now, and with anime/nerd culture being at its most popular, I just don't think this announcement is realistic.