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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9180566 No.9180566 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is Lolita dying off? Seems like there are less and less people, second hand stuff is getting cheaper and cheaper too. For example, things used to be worth so much more, now some pieces are barely worth even half of what they used to be worth. I remember the good old days of Egl-comm-sales years ago and it's just not the same.

I know lots of Lolitas who left but I always assumed new girls would take their place. But it somehow just feels like we won't even be around in another one or two years. Anyone else feel that way?

>> No.9180569

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9180573

Lolita is larger than it has ever before. Second hand stuff is cheaper because there's more of it, and comms have more members than ever. Lacemarket is more active than the EGL sales com ever was. Everyone on there seemed to be doing leaving lolita sales all the time anyway.

>> No.9180619

It definitely is dying. Bitches are in denial.

>> No.9180648

My comm has a ton of new members and they all wear only brand.
Is lolita becoming the next big thing in the US?

>> No.9180652

Also b8

>> No.9180663

lol, what are you talking about? where's your comm?

>> No.9184302

It's been dead in Japan for like 5 years, you get openly laughed at for wearing it now

>> No.9184319

Who cares about Japan? As long as the brands continue producing I'm happy.
And yeah, it's not as popular as before in Japan, but still far from dying. With Tokyo's fast changing fashions and crazes about the next big street fashion thing, it is rather amazing how long lolita managed to survive.

>> No.9184322

The fact that is getting cheaper is due to it getting bigger. There are so many indie and taobao brands and it is much easier to get brand out of Japan. Brands have either rereleased or released similar versions so some prices have dropped only because there is more of it now.

>> No.9184325

You always did though.

>> No.9184326

You got openly laughed at for wearing it before too, that's nothing new.

>> No.9184328

We have always had threads like these
made by newfags who don't actually understand Lolita fashion. Report and ignore.

>> No.9184330

wait really? I figured it was just treated as a regular fashion in japan.

>> No.9184336

>u guyz just don't get fashoooon

>> No.9184343

>what is alternative fashion

>> No.9184346

Newfag found.

You really don't understand it if you genuinely think it's dying right now. It's bigger than ever before.

>> No.9184362

Lolita is one of the longest surviving jfashions. Others die fast, and it will continue this way.

>> No.9184449

Is just the conlita vs lifestyle is different now. Almost every lolita in my comm only wears it to meets and con's, and a lot of them sell their main pieces after wearing it a couple of times. But my local comm has more members than ever.

>> No.9184469

By tourists or in the inaka, maybe

>> No.9184472

They are just more clique and avoid the big public according to Tokyo Fashion.

>> No.9184479

Yeah, if you never leave 4chan it would feel that way

>> No.9184480
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>tfw keep hearing this
>tfw finally sticking my actual foot into lolita

>> No.9184481

It's not dying, it's newfags who don't know what they're talking about saying it is. Lolita is bigger than it's ever been, especially in foreign markets.

>> No.9184564

I was thinking this same thing back in 2009 and I waited forever to get into it because of that. I hate to think of all the cool stuff I could've gotten back then

>> No.9184574

Don't worry about it anon it's not dying. It's bigger than ever if anything. The ""golden"" era (Livejournal and all the shiznit) might be over to some people but that doesnt mean anything. I live in Belgium which is a small (kinda unpopular) country and know quite a lot of lolitas and even converted two friends who are doing well. We are not dying.

Really?? I am so reassured. A friend of mine went to Japan this year and told me lolita was totally dead over there like gyaru,decora,fairy kei,fruits...and the fashions i grew up hearing about in general. Lots of Larme and Minimalism though. It made me feel so sad to hear that.

>> No.9184602


I saw plenty of lolitas in Japan though. They were hanging out more in Shinjuku and other places than Harajuku though. None of the throngs of sweet lolita that tourist companies love to advertisel, but it's enough. Mostly friends and groups who are socializing. And this sounds cheesy but it made me feel less alone in lolita.

>> No.9184622

What's the equivalent for guys? What would you want a man accompanying you to wear?

>> No.9184625

As long as Chinese shopping services can throw down $100,000 in orders for an AP MTO, I can rest assured lolita is not dying yet

>> No.9184627

>>9094080 >>9094080 >>9094080

>> No.9184635

>What would you want a man accompanying you to wear?
Ngl anon this is pretty pathetic. Do your research and look for a style that suits your tastes and expresses your personality, assuming you have one.

>> No.9184640


My bad, I was just interested. Never heard of lolita before.

>> No.9184652

See >Tourism

>> No.9184664

Literally anything that looks put together and I'm good to go, but my heart goes thumpthump for a guy in a tux standing next to me in my pastelvomit sweet.

>> No.9184670

We had a whole thread about this already good lord.

>> No.9184690

Its just you. Trends change and so does 2nd hand market value but there is no sign it is dying. There are more people in it than ever. There are more people talking about it here than ever, cgl used to be a lot more cosplay that it is now. Fb groups are more active than lj ever was. There are lolita cons, and big events that draw people from all over the world.

Basically nothing you think is happening is actually happening.

>> No.9184797


I've worn Lolita in Japan small handful of times. Previously I do get gawked at, or just attract attention. But ever since that one tv show where they showed a lot of gaijin liked Lolita and had an international Lolita day, now I'm getting Japanese locals smiling at me while I buy random stuff in Lolita. So, if anything, attitude towards Lolita has improved once the Japanese realise it's a thing they're marketing to tourists, I guess.