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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 432 KB, 1159x390, Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 9.00.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9180244 No.9180244 [Reply] [Original]

last one died
the hell? am I missing something? is this dress really going for this much damn money?

>> No.9180248

Yes, anon. That price for that dress is completely normal.

>> No.9180253


That exact print and cut is my DD :(

>> No.9180261
File: 107 KB, 645x430, il_fullxfull.752669874_hkg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sewing isn't bad or anything, but the print screams 'ita as fuck' to me

>> No.9180312

Someone tries to sell a holy lantern op in black for 400$. Is it really going for that much even after ap made a rerelease???

>> No.9180314

Oh jeez I thought those were baby bottled until i saw the print name

>> No.9180317

Eh that's not crazy enough to be a WTF sale. sounds more like you bitching about not getting it cheaper.

>> No.9180322

Is there a price check thread? Better to ask there.

>> No.9180329

I'm just new to this, sorry. I was just confused, since I didn't know that it'd still go for this much even after the re release. Not interested in this dress at all though

>> No.9180380

A girl in the german comm is trying to sell the bxw highwaist jsk for over 400 euro. That's wtf worthy.

>> No.9180422

Oh I guess that's the one which I meant. I'm not too familiar with all this Lolita stuff, just half assed knowledge. I thought this would go for around 250-300€ as second hand

>> No.9180556

The going rate for this is about $320. I think price hikes are due to halloween approaching and people thinking that warrants a higher price.

>> No.9180565

Lurk more newfag.

>> No.9180589
File: 38 KB, 500x281, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many newfags, somebody tell them Summer is over.

>> No.9181017

Thanks, that sou d reasonable.

I'm not that much into AP shit, too much print for my taste sorry m8

>> No.9185960

Not worth it imo

>> No.9186442
File: 206 KB, 653x598, Screenshot (167).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts stock photo that isn't even the same item
>actual photo is potato quality
come on

>> No.9186450
File: 411 KB, 586x472, H3CeW1y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9186597

>I'm not too familiar with all this lolita stuff
>just half assed knowledge
>it must be a wtf sale since it's too high for my budget!

>> No.9186701

maybe if its the blackxblack, since that didnt get the MTO

>> No.9186925

lol at that backpedaling

>> No.9187102

I own a good amount of brand pieces, but I'm also a sales hunter and if someone is selling their shit second hand I at least expect them to go off 30% of the original priece, that's it.

>> No.9187301
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>> No.9187819
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>> No.9187996
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>> No.9188000
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>> No.9188161
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>> No.9188171

You're obviously new, but if a dress is super expensive then it's probably a super popular/sought after dress so it usually warrants that price. Sellers usually know what they're talking about

>> No.9188174

One day it won't be like this

>> No.9188183

As if every newfag doesn't say that shit every time they're called out on it. No matter what brand you like, if you've been on lacemarket or any second hand site enough to think that you own a good amount of brand pieces then you'll probably have absorbed a little bit about AP, especially with all of the holy lantern rerelease shit that's been going on. Come back when you know a little more and stop backpedaling.

>> No.9188185
File: 278 KB, 1441x909, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still up. And this isn't a mistake, by the way, it's been up at this price for a year now.

>> No.9188858

I think it's not even for sale, just a new trend of people wanting to show off their dresses (not that Cinema Doll is THAT impressive). Annoying.

>> No.9188954

>buy shoes on LM
>seller says they're new and only tried on once
>they get here and outwardly there's no damage
>but on the inside there is just TONS of cat hair stuck in them
>like you can build a whole new cat with the amount of cat hair
>really confused as to how the fuck these shoes are so new but have this much cat hair on the inside

They aren't damaged at all, but what the fuck?

>> No.9188961

Maybe a really furry cat slept on them?
Or she tried them on with socks that were really hairy?

>> No.9188962

If the cat slept on them there would be hair on the outside too, right? And I'm not exaggerating when I say it's a lot of cat hair, once I cleaned them out the amount of fur balled up to a size about half of my fist.

>> No.9188963

shit, I think the seller have the same type of cat as I have, when he find one of mine clothing/wig he start to sleep on it the whole day during one week .

>> No.9189027

Maybe she had them sitting near where the cat sleeps? Cat fur gets everywhere even if the cat doesn't touch something.

>> No.9189741

If only you had pics of it

>> No.9189748

I knew I recognized that seller! They're the one who wanted 80k for the Twinkle Journey OP in bordeaux (they did eventually lower the price and it sold though). It was up for years

>> No.9192757

Cats like their owner's feet stink. They will stick their face in there and snuggle, then sleep as curled up inside a shoe as they can. My cats hide toys as presents in my shoes occasionally too. Hopefully next time the seller lint rolls her shoes before she sells them.

>> No.9193050
File: 117 KB, 337x600, ahi_jo-img337x600-14740595111474059511.5186293297mnwyd29329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first i thought the pockets were puff sleeves and i was like "What kind of midget ass motherfucker did BPN make this for?"

>> No.9193127

I thought this was for a child or something

>> No.9193135

I thought it was a mangled bolero

>> No.9193142
File: 925 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-20-13-53-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not super WTF but I bought a bonnet off of Wunderwelt that was labeled as Angelic Pretty even though the tag was intact and very clearly said Alice and the Pirates, pic related.
My best guess as to why is because AATP is commonly referred to as "AP" in Japan

>> No.9193147

>My best guess as to why is because AATP is commonly referred to as "AP" in Japan
But it's not?

>> No.9193152

Not the first time they do a mistake. A while ago I bought a bolero off them that was labelled as Aatp and when I received it I saw it had the IW tag on it. I didn't mind it, because finding out it was IW was actually an upgrade to me. But I can see how it might bother some people. Buying second hand always has a certain risk to it, even if it's the well established shops.

>> No.9193159
File: 1.97 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160920-200603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is. Pic related is btssb's website.

>> No.9193164

>baby isn't trying to show up angelic pretty with this

If you ask any lolita about "AP" they're going to think you're talking about Angelic Pretty.

>> No.9193165

Actually I've seen aatp referred as A/P a few times.

>> No.9193166

i thought a/p was atelier pierrot?

>> No.9193167

Once again, if you take a poll of what people think of when you say "AP", it's going to be Angelic Pretty. Nice try baby shills.

>> No.9193172

Baby pls.

>> No.9193181

In the early days it actually was sometimes referred to as A/P or A&P, but because of the confusion with actual AP, Aatp is the term that established itself in the end. Nobody uses the other anymore, that's why they are irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.9193182

Well there was nothing wrong with it, so I didnt really mind the mis-labeling. Almost all the lolita I've bought has been secondhand and I've had one bad experience, and it was an older Baby skirt being too short on me because I didn't compare the measurements on myself before grabbing it

>> No.9193198

I still see it as AP, A/P and A&P on JP auctions all the time with A&P probably the most commonly seen of the three.

>> No.9193436

Chill, I agree with you, but it doesn't mean something outdated won't appear anymore. Just a possible explanation for wunderwelts fuck-up.

>> No.9193982

Echoing what the other anons said, this isn't super surprising although it's lazy that she didn't clean them first. Some kinds of cat hair just get everywhere, especially if your cat loves sticking its face in your shoes.

I sold a wool (cosplay) coat recently, and even though it'd only been worn twice and lived in a storage bin, it still took me 15 minutes to lint roll all the damn cat hair off.

>> No.9195652
File: 506 KB, 1044x506, gr8k8b8m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"professionally styled" oh....oh no

>> No.9195657

I knew I recognized her ratty style and checked on LM; I was right. Maybe it was once professionally styled, but after a few hours on her head it looks like a nice nest.

>> No.9195664

>newfags complaining about prices: the thread
Maybe one day they'll go away...

>> No.9195690

professionally styled with lip gloss

>> No.9195763

Swimmer makes wig heads? That's amazing.

>> No.9196098
File: 1.07 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is someone's waist bigger than the bust. How?

And also good luck. Not the replica thing but the dress in general

>> No.9196102

>what is being fat?

>> No.9196109

If you want a serious answer, I imagine from that picture that the dress is tight around the chest, but does not tighten around the waist, instead the fabric flows freely down and makes the triangle shape you see in the picture. Thus if you measure the fabric of the dress, the length around the bust is shorter than the length around the waist area.

>> No.9196122

I know it's a replica for a fatty chan but how new are you

>what is a sack dress

Even if you took the real dress the measurements are gonna be similar in regards to the waist being larger than the bust because it's "free size", like that's the nature of sack dresses/a-line dresses like this.

>> No.9196185

Anon, look at the picture. It's a sack dress, it works like a triangle.

>> No.9196204

10/10 file name
Honestly who the fuck would buy it? It's dirty and tangled looking and you'll just look like a wannabe.

>> No.9196821

>just sold a pair of shoes on LM
>only tried them on once, outwardly no damage
>have a super furry shedding cat
>cat is almost never near my items (I keep him away from all my items for this reason) but am now terrified poor anon found my cat's fur in those shoes

I really hope not but I am sorry if it is

>> No.9196842

The side bang, parted that far, gives me scene vibes honestly

>> No.9196860


just wait for another rerelease

>> No.9200303
File: 158 KB, 1069x585, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this her aunt's dress from the early 90's or something?

>> No.9200308

It's a trapeze style dress so the waist is bigger. It's probably the measurements of the dress, not of the person wearing it.

>> No.9200314
File: 49 KB, 400x500, 1442003422665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything with flowers is loliable

>> No.9200316

This is Jane Marple. .__. From like, two months ago. It's uggo, but that's what JM sells for. How new are you?

>> No.9200321

I checked the site and I just found my new least-favorite brand.

God that's unsightly.

>> No.9200326

Burando or not, who the hell would buy this? Even my Gran wouldn't wear something that looks like this.

>> No.9200337

Rose Madras is always an eyesore. And yet they release it every year in the spring.

>> No.9200355

That dress is ugly, but on a whole it's lovely

>> No.9200446
File: 69 KB, 640x424, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are they real butterfly wings or not?

>> No.9200511

Maybe they were taken from butterflies that were already dead?

>> No.9200526

Sounds like they're real but they weren't killed for their wings, they just died naturally.

>> No.9200793

schrodinger's butterfly

>> No.9200796


no fucking sir

>> No.9200958

I suspect they come from breeders and butterfly farms who sell the butterflies which die naturally (very short lived) to collectors and artists.
My friend is a taxidermist and gets canaries and budgies that die of natural causes sold to her by breeders all the time. She's usually got a couple in the freezer.

>> No.9201068

>usually got a couple in the freezer
At least it's not like that crazy werewolf chick with her kidnapped dog's head.