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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9156348 No.9156348 [Reply] [Original]

Post cosplays with well done colorful skin and share tips about altering skin color for cosplay.
Image is Nadya Sonika.

>> No.9156354
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>> No.9156362
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>> No.9156372
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>> No.9156579

Armsocks are your friends. Seal your paint. Look in the Homestuck thread for resources regarding painting yourself for cosplay.

>> No.9157172

Yeah armsocks are amazing. There are etsy sellers for them too if you're shit at sewing.
They are a must if you're showing armpit because no matter how well you seal your body paint it always starts peeling at the arm pit.
Arm socks with fake fingernails look great. The ones made out of nylon stockings are completely seamless too.

As for face paint which do you prefer? Ben Nye or Mehron?

>> No.9157220

Definitely Mehron. The creamblend sticks are fantastic, and I use the Paradise AQ line for my Blue Pearl cosplay. You still gotta be sure to seal, though.

>> No.9157374

thanks for the creamblend sticks recommendation. I'll be sure to try it out. I use the ben nye powder and the mehron sealing spray together and my makeup stays on for hours even in the heat.

>> No.9157986

Does anyone have a favorite tutorial for armsocks? I've seen a few and they differ on some minor things. I want to try to make a pair for my next colorful-bod cosplay.

>> No.9158016

>naked beauty
>she's wearing clothing

>> No.9158070

I've made at least seven pairs and combine a few techniques, but this is the one that has most of them.

Some personal notes on things I've learned
>Yes, you CAN use a sewing machine. I hand-sewed the first three armsocks (8-10 hours for a pair) because I thought it would be neater and less of a hassle than sewing; then I needed a rush job my fourth time and threw it under a sewing machine. It came out really neat, really clean, and a lot faster.
>Take the time to keep track of which hand is which and on what side of your body you're working on! I once had to chop off and re-make a thumb because between all the flipping inside-out and turning around of the hands, the thumb ended up on the outside of my hand.
>Hot glue can melt and warp fake nails. After I plug the glue gun in, I immediately begin gluing down nails once the glue is soft enough to come out easily. When it starts giving off the "hot" glue smell, I unplug and stop gluing for a while, let the glue cool down, and then keep gluing.
>After putting a bead of hot glue on the base of a nail (you don't need that much! it will spread!), fan it back and forth (like after putting glue on fake eyelashes). Slapping hot glue nails right on top of your nails, even with a thin layer of tights between them, hurts.

>> No.9158324

Any tip on using body paint on a bare shoulder dress?

>> No.9158409

I'm planning a Starfire cosplay soon and I'm light skinned but currently a bit tan from the summer sun. She's moderately orange skinned but do you think I can get away with some light tinting? Like mix some foundation with moisturizer and seal it?

>> No.9158422

Again, armsocks are your friends. My Blue Pearl cosplay actually has the armsocks sewn into the leotard so it only looks like it's sleeveless.

>> No.9158498

Wouldn't recommend for a strapless dress, though. Or one with very thin straps. PAX is a good option.

>> No.9158508

Just get body paint, Starfire is clearly bright orange. Human beings are almost never bright orange.

>> No.9158519
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You sure about that anon?

>> No.9158528

I bought a cream blend stick cause I need to paint my face and chest but I have oily skin and I've hear cream makeup isn't great for that.

Just powder the shit out if myself or...

>> No.9158678

Starfire cosplayers who dont paint themselves orange always look like crap. It's just lazy.

>> No.9159052

Yes. Powder the shit out of yourself.

>> No.9159066
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>> No.9161315
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For my next cosplay I need to tan or paint myself with bodypaint/makeup (better for me) in a brown shade, anyone know products for this? I'm thinking to buy a brown foundation because bodypaint can look a little fake maybe? And I want it to look as much natural as it can. Any advice?

I don't want to cosplay Aisha with my pale skin color. Also I'll cosplay as Road Kamelot next month and I need it to for her~

(no blackface intent here)

>> No.9161352

I'm just going to let you know right off the bat, if you're painting yourself brown, you're still going to be seen as blackfacing. Straight up, just don't do it. It looks awful no matter how """natural""" you make it look, and you will be dragged. Hard.

>> No.9161353

> character with realistic darker skintone
> pale person wants to go full-coverage and accurate

This is generally a very bad idea. At the best, you're going to get allegations of brownface and probably look mediocre still, at the worst you're going to look like a steaming pile of streaky shit. (Both in regard to color and overall quality.)

What I'd instead do is focus on getting your skintone one of two shades darker than usual, akin to a natural suntan.

Ideally, trying a self-tanner would be best. I've had success with the Jergens brand, especially the foaming one applied with a microfiber applicator. It typically fades within two weeks after application, if you're worried about it effecting later con plans.

I'd also advise going *at the most* two shades darker than your normal foundation (depending on how many shades the kind you use has), and not full-coverage/super matte kinds, which will just look like you're painting over yourself. When applying bronzer, go for more light layers, rather than caking it on.

If you're really pale, you're not going to get the exact skin tone, but you'll ideally look slightly less awkward in the color scheme.

>> No.9161371

Road's grey, anon.
Or, in human form, pale as fuck.

>> No.9161391 [DELETED] 

Actually they're brown now

>> No.9161396
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Actually they're brown now

>> No.9161399

You will be accused of blackface. Just get a tan or cosplay her with your natural skin.

>> No.9161400

Well, that's what I envisioned when I was reading the manga, so that's nice.

Still, I wouldn't go brown. With all the brownfacing allegations you'll get, just stick with grey or not tanning/no makeup/human Road unless you do what >>9161353 says and go a couple natural shades.

>> No.9161402

Also, if you decide to go the makeup route, good luck getting it off the white dress.

>> No.9161404
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>> No.9161407
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>> No.9161411
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>> No.9161526

I jumped a bit when she started moving lol.
Also, jesus, those boobs

>> No.9161833

He specified "Human beings".

>> No.9161888

that was so cute holy shit

>> No.9163329

>baby rohan is not amused

>> No.9163353

You should get yourself a tan if you want to be darker than pale, but don't paint yourself. Aisha is coveted by a lot of PoC and attack anyone who even tries cosplaying her most of the time which is really sad. I fucking love Aisha and Outlaw Star, but nope.

>> No.9163377

Naked =/= Nude

>> No.9163385

I just want to know what the song is.

>> No.9163388

I have Ben Nye's Final Seal which always work good but got setting powder also.

My stupid question is, how am I supposed to use the powder?

The one time I tried using it, I dusted the make up after apply and it all it did was make the make up lighter.

Is the powder a primer and not a sealer?

>> No.9163389

Get a tan
Someone cosplayed Kida and did super pro spray paint and even though it was evenly coated it still looked super bad because her facial structure didn't meet her skin tone at all.

It was like a fleshgait trying to fit in.

>> No.9163415
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would like to see some more grey/white skin.

>> No.9163430
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>> No.9163487

All that effort and he was too lazy to use actual nail polish.

>> No.9163490

Ow ow ow, this makes my boobs ache just watching it.

>> No.9163576
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>> No.9163586

why would you post that in the same thread as this >>9163415

The one you posted has no body paint and the skin is just photoshopped.

>> No.9163605
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>> No.9163607
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>> No.9163627

What could you do to get a full body paint (nether and all) and have it stay on?

>> No.9163645

same but its still really cute

>> No.9163808

I use it as a sealer, though it does work better when used in tandem with the final seal. How are you applying it? And what kind of powder are you using?

>> No.9163823

If you want to see grey skinned cosplays, I'm once again going to direct you to the Homestuck thread.

>> No.9163935

I cover my brush in powder, tap it off onto the skin, brush it out and brush off any excess, then I take a fluffier brush and brush off the last excess powder.

You can also use a powder puff to really dab the powder into your paint before brushing it off.

Don't. Use body paint for your face and neck, as well as jointed areas, pax for flat surfaces on arms, shoulders, chest, belly etc., and rely on photoshop for the rest. If you can, use tights.

>> No.9164040


>> No.9164160

Get a light tan and focus more on construction. You'll get dragged for blackfacing even if it's not the intent. You won't look natural either. You're biggest selling points will be construction and wig and ear prosthetics.

>> No.9164164

What's the best way to keep body paint on during hot weather and your joints that move a lot (wrist, neck, elbow areas)?

>> No.9164168
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Been looking at doing a Monster High cosplay, and have pretty much resolved myself to making arm socks, but any idea how to do the legs? Since Lagoona-pic attached-she wears open toed shoes and I'd rather not have to pain my whole leg and feet and toes if I could get away with it. Any suggestions?

>> No.9164175

Just sew toes for your tights, just like you would for armsocks

>> No.9164211

You don't even beed to sew them separate, just add a seam between each toe and add nails.

>> No.9164221

In relation to this, how do I make myself look a bit more tan if I only want it to last for the con? I don't really want to do a faux tan because it will just look weird with my natural ginger, but I look too pale in some of my darker wigs /:

Using pax where you can get away with it and frequent touchups, namely repowdering every now and then.