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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 600x450, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9153434 No.9153434 [Reply] [Original]

Because the other thread is saging >>9132153

My friends and I are building a harem of cat boys for Anime California, does anyone have suggestions on where we can find tails that will attach well to boxers and preferably don't use pins?

>> No.9153440

Anybody know anything about voice modulators? I want one for the Reaper cosplay im trying to start, but ive never dealt with electronics

>> No.9153445

I would use a ribbon waist tie. Just make the ribbon cute so that it looks like it 's part of the outfit.

>> No.9153479
File: 70 KB, 564x846, e983da0fbf030fa72f3553dab3840425[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice/tutorials for sewing off the shoulder puff sleeves like this? I'm wondering how I should place them against the bodice for maximum comfort/mobility since it's for a project I'll likely be wearing all day at a renfest.

>> No.9153520
File: 1.68 MB, 2880x1800, dangigottamakeabackkeyholetoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use some suggestions for fabrics for Asajj Ventress, sith apprentice mode.

The 501st reference guide says to use navy* crushed velvet for the skirt, but that looks tacky as sin. I think that's the primary suggestion because it's a simple solution to the painted textures of Clone Wars, but it just looks so damn bad IRL. What are some other fabrics that have a texture evocative of the source material?

*Plus, in this shot in neutral lighting, it doesn't even look navy.

(Coming here with questions first because the 501st forum is private and you need to submit a completed costume in order to join. Rebel Legion's forum is public, but I didn't want to deal with the potential hassle of them getting weird about asking for help for a darkside character.)

>> No.9153693

Use a wedding dress pattern. I have one from the 80s like this, and the sleeves are super comfy.

I'd use a faux moleskin, suede or short pile velveteen rather than crushed velvet.

>> No.9153697

Try padawansguide, I had a quick look and they have a few tcw characters (though they're the comic versions instead of the animated versions).
I find the tutorials they have go into a fair bit of detail

>> No.9153807

I'll answer here, because old thread a sagin, but yes, you'll regret trying to make anything out of regular styrofoam. It's a bitch and a half to cut without looking like ass.

>> No.9153809
File: 45 KB, 450x300, 14718177323230905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9153811

that looks super

>> No.9153937

IDK where else to ask about this, I'm having a hard time finding anything on google. I have a pretty standard brother sewing machine that's a few years old. I used it a week or two ago to fix a hole in some lightweight harem pants and it worked great as always.

Went to use again yesterday and as soon as I plug it in the needle and hand wheel are going like if I was full throttle on the pedal. Boyfriend checked out and thinks it might be pedal so were gonna see if we can replace it tonight, Just wondering if anyone has ever had this happen and has any pointers.

>> No.9153974
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, linkle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Linkle costume for Halloween. I'm thinking of using microsuede for the capelet, are there any other fabrics I should consider that are better? My nearest Joann's is like an hour+ away so I can't see my options irl.

>> No.9153991

Also on this note, what material would be best for reapers coat? Vinyl?

>> No.9154096

I would personally make it in either wool or linen, because that makes the most sense to me that she would wear

>> No.9154099

I am cosplaying a character ith very light pink skin. I would like to not use face-paint since all cosplayers I've seen do that just looks bad.
Is there any good way of using powder make-up like Rouge to tint the skin?

>> No.9154117

I'd probably blend liquid foundation with liquid blush. If you're refusing to use face paint you're going to want to use something that's designed to be put on your skin and worn all day.

>> No.9154123

It's just that the character is almost white with a touch of pink so most people look splotchy with face paibt so light. Also my dress is going to be in velvet and I'd rather not ruin it with facepaint.

Maybe waterbased color will be better in that case? I'm only using it for an afternoon

>> No.9154177
File: 118 KB, 900x1200, gorgeous-floor-length-a-line-sweetheart-low-back-sweep-train-with-embroidery-button-wedding-dresses-wdresses01040_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have information on making a detachable under-lining for the train on a dress? I saw a tutorial once, but didn't save it, and Google isn't helping beyond sale links. The thing I have in mind is a removable piece that protects the lining/fashion fabric of your dress when it's getting dragged all over the ground.

>> No.9154216

J.Hart Design has a post on it on his FB. It won't let me post the link but search his page for "balayeuse"

>> No.9154291

You're a fucking *lifesaver*, anon, thank you so much. This was the exact thing I'd originally seen and couldn't remember the name. Hope you have a great day!

>> No.9154295
File: 217 KB, 736x1050, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the measurements for the red jsk pictured? I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.9154332

A friend bought one of those masks with a voice modulator, and the main problem is that his voice comes through over the modulator, you have to make sure the modulator is much louder than yourself.

If you've never done diy electronics, then either buy a pre-made modulator, or follow any tutorial that uses an arduino. Take a look at https://learn.adafruit.com/wave-shield-voice-changer/building-it (a lot of the parts could be substituted for cheaper alternatives if you're on a budget)

>> No.9154361

Very much appreciated

>> No.9154370

I think you might be confused about what "face paint" is.

You could use any make-up you like, including eyeshadow, blush, foundation, or body paint (probably what you'd refer to as face paint). The blotchiness you've seen in other cosplayers is probably poor application or product. So to get your final product looking better, practice beforehand, get good make-up, and set and seal your make-up, whatever you decide to use.

>> No.9154579
File: 123 KB, 180x359, BulmaBunnyEp09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay this outfit of Bulma's and the harem pants/romper are really plain so I was thinking of making the jacket out of a neat brocade for contrast. Is this a good idea or dumb, I don't know enough to tell.

>> No.9154592
File: 38 KB, 233x451, Marle_default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it isn't "Chinese" brocade or anything stupid shiny you're fine.

Also Christ Toriyama this is basically Marle with different accessories

>> No.9154607
File: 74 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.673961972_kndn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no I was looking more at florals. Maybe pic related but it's kind of dark. Most of these fabrics are super hideous though.
Also Toriyama doesn't give a shit.

>> No.9154633



>> No.9154719
File: 1.20 MB, 1592x2480, nyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to help a friend with a nyx cosplay, first off, what are those horizontal lines on his coat called? The ones that look like the ones on marching band uniforms?

>> No.9154725 [DELETED] 

How in the fuck do I start this mask? Ideally I'd use light up leds or something but I'd be ok with a static image too. Not sure how to go about either.

>> No.9154726

Whats your favorite product to fill in big gaps in EVA foam props? A lot of the suggestions I've seen are for something that requires flex, can't be sanded, or requires 20+ coats. So far I'm thinking gesso is the best. It's for a large fantasy bow and I plan on sanding it a lot, and I don't need it to be flexible.

>> No.9154727
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, wrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the fuck do I start this mask? Ideally I'd use light up leds or something but I'd be ok with a static image too. Not sure how to go about either.

>> No.9154747

Buy a paintball mask and then build off of it. Theyll generally have that same meshy looks for the eyes and will have that same face shape. Wrap leather around the mouth part and put the spikes on.

Hell you might be able to find a leather face mask thatll fit right over it that you can just superglue on after sizing it down to fit.

>> No.9154922
File: 77 KB, 400x400, Seq-528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get yellow sequins? I seem to be only finding gold when I'm particularly looking for a pure yellow color instead.

>> No.9154931

I don't think I've ever seen sequins that look particularly yellow, as metallic yellow tends to read as gold. What do you need it for?

>> No.9154933

Had an idea for a character who's main color scheme is yellow. So I'm not too sure whether or not gold would work. Same color scale I guess, but association is just purely yellow.

>> No.9154943
File: 19 KB, 500x375, yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just "cording". Might have a different more official name, but that's what I always hear.

If you don't need flex, go with Bondo/car filler. It's made for gap filling and being sandable. Gesso is good for tiny pinholes.

Something like pic related? I think the problem with yellow is that, when the sequins are transparent and iridescent it'll look closer to gold, even when it's not. Found these at

>> No.9155057

Thank you so much for the advice! I just tried some wood filler earlier, and it didn't work well. Will go buy Bondo now.

>> No.9155117
File: 16 KB, 219x355, _20160820_170616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be retarded but I cant figure out how to make these pauldrons. Already searched for hours but I'm unable to find more/better images of them to try and make a template

>> No.9155126
File: 24 KB, 338x435, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! So am really womdering, i am planning to do a Marie Antoinette from FGO for a coming event, thr thing that really puzzles me is her gigantic hat... I don't know hot to make a gigantic hat and make it stay round and not flat...so please any advise???

>> No.9155128

Would interfacing work?

>> No.9155147

You could make it like a plush with stuffing and a space for your head.

>> No.9155152
File: 9 KB, 489x235, pauldron thingies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and apply it as smoothly as possible though, sanding is not fun.
These look like two moon shapes glued at an angle, with some spikes glues on top. See shitty MSPaint for what I mean. Try out some stuff on cardboard, see if it works. You might have to cut your foam or whatever material you'll use at an angle, though.

>> No.9155156

Forgot to add, glue the red sides together.
Also looking at it again, that exact shape will probably not be perfect. You'll have to play around with the amount of curvature on the shapes, but I think keeping the unglued side of the moon shape straight might be better (or even curving slightly outward)/

>> No.9155173
File: 139 KB, 311x631, male_team_skull_grunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How quickly and with what budget can i pull this off in eastern europe?

never been into cosplay, but i always wanted to do something from pokemon and this guy is just my body type and looks simple enough for first cosplay

Advice is appretiated

>> No.9155248


Ooooh, interfacing and stuffing, might try combining those ideas and see what i'll get! Thank you

>> No.9155890

Aaaah thank you
After playing around a bit I managed to get the right size

>> No.9155962
File: 346 KB, 888x255, pop6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea where i could get these shoes or something similar without the need for a shopping service?

>> No.9155980
File: 754 KB, 479x826, Weather_report_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make this hat but due to my machine breaking and the cost of shipping faux white fur to my country (nowhere sells it locally) I'm tempted to just buy a white russian hat and stick horns on it. Any tips?

>> No.9155988

what is with the demon horns?

>> No.9156024

This suits Bulma, I love when cosplay adds more dimension to a character dince they wouldnt give this vest a pattern in the show but it might look like this irl...if your set is spot on otherwise, then to me those types of changes make a good cosplay into a great one

>> No.9156084
File: 319 KB, 625x434, Chugging-Liquor-Texas-DWI-Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on going as Jim Lahey for Halloween this year. Everything seems pretty self-explanatory on him except for the hair. I have a full head of hair and quite honestly it's not something I want to shave my head for. What would be a good idea to make it look like I'm balding like him? A wig cap?

>> No.9156467

No problem, and good luck anon.
Is this MH, by the way? Always wanted to play the games, never really did.

Bump for this, these are cute.

>> No.9156528

Its the male blademaster lagiacrus armor
One of the easier designs that still look good

>> No.9156567
File: 1000 KB, 431x405, tumblr_mvxvt8vVRy1qzvtljo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long story short, I'm gonna be able to work with wood in a place that has a lot of tools and shit. I really wanna make some cosplay props, but I can't think of anything that's easy and/or interesting

Eventually, I want to make Kindreds bow from league of legends, but I feel like it's a bit complex to start of with.

Could I get some suggestions? It can be anything, I just wanna get some practice to begin with. Preferably not just "basic sword"

>> No.9156597

I think it's mandatory for every cosplay woodworker to start by making Cloud's Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII. It's a striking design (with lots of variations to choose from), fairly basic but with nice details, and because it's popular you could sell it on eBay afterwards.

>> No.9156625
File: 29 KB, 233x230, Jetnyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dont know where to start in making jetnyans hat. I was hoping to buy something premade but that dream died. All i can think is stacking eva foam and craving it but i'm worried that will be super heavy. Any advice is welcomed!

>> No.9156632

How about upholstery foam? It's light and squishy.

>> No.9156691
File: 2.92 MB, 2500x2182, Tristana_Render_VU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making pic realted and I need some contouring tips. I already have a round face, and I want to keep the round looking face when i contour my face over the body paint. I only find contouring to make round faces look more sharp, and I need to keep the round face look

>> No.9156694

The point of Eva foam is its bulky but light

>> No.9156767

Thanks for the tip! It looks like it could be a fun project
>you could sell it on eBay afterwards
I was gonna say that it'll hardly be good enough that I could sell it, but, I've seen what people try to sell on the internet (and get sold), so who knows!
If it turns out semi decent I might try to sell it (cheap)

>> No.9156863
File: 152 KB, 2198x3066, Greg_PantsCut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, new to cosplay here and I am attempting to do Greg Universe, I already have a plan for the sunburns but i was wondering if anyone had advice for the wig, if i should try to combine a baldcap and a wig or if there are pre made ones i should look at. Sorry for the stupid question.

>> No.9156976

Use a bald cap

>> No.9157242
File: 28 KB, 225x350, gomorin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've offered to help my friend make a Gomorin mascot costume - is there anything in particular I should keep in mind? Mostly I'm apprehensive about the head, since it's so large. What would be the best way of making sure it's proportional and yet not so heavy my friend wouldn't be able to walk around a con in? I've looked up some mascot costume tutorials but the majority seem to be relatively smaller, and rounder rather than being wide enough to hang over the shoulders so much.

>> No.9157454

oooh, bump for these

>> No.9157486

Thanks, anon. I think we're just going to go with pins. The ribbon draws too much attention, since they're only wearing boxers.

>> No.9157948
File: 974 KB, 1600x2487, Ryo-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have ideas on what material would be best for the garnet? (skirt, top, and legging part) I was thinking of latex, but I want something a little easier to put together.

>> No.9158289
File: 297 KB, 800x1160, HTB12QgiHXXXXXbKapXXq6xXFXXXa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going absolutely bananas trying to find this cosplay shop and I keep coming up with nothing. I can find all the other girls, but not Hanayo.

Has anyone seen this or her other two pajama sets?

>> No.9158323

Any recommendation on what weight grade of interfacing to use on an obi?

>> No.9158430
File: 17 KB, 242x561, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a material to use for the base of a sword that's going to be shaped like this

I was thinking PVC, but I don't think there are any connectors to put the sides at the angle I need and I don't think duct tape or glue would hold them in place curved like that, they would flop all around

>> No.9158442

>I don't think there are any connectors to put the sides at the angle I need
Get this. Attach all the pieces with contact cement. When they dry, fill with sand, and then heat up the joints with a heat gun, and bend them to shape. The sand will prevent the pipe from folding in on itself as you shape it.

>> No.9158444
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 1WJW1_AS01d378070bed45471d8dcf671c6ec681d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, sorry.

>> No.9158451
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, charlotte jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a jacket that is in the last stage of completion. its a PMMM letterman styled after charlotte. interior is lined in bubblegum pink satin, outside is 3 colors of wool. I'm attaching patches of letters and a massive face that I hand embroidered. I attached heat n bond on the embroideries already and I'm not sure if that just fucked everything up. Using an iron to attach them what heat setting do I use?

Also should I go get a black fabric marker to color the edge of the face so its not white?

>> No.9158761
File: 53 KB, 874x452, dustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be cosplaying Dustin from Netflix's Stranger things.

Anyone know how much length of hair you need to have that curly hair effect (gonna be using my own natural hair) to get that kinda hairstyle and do I need to get a perm for it or should I just resort to getting a wig for that. Also, gonna keep the teeth, unless someone has ideas for that.

>> No.9158768

get a wig and there is blackening stuff you can get for your teeth, but I can't recall any specific brands right now

>> No.9158784

What is this called? Where can I order a couple?

>> No.9158797

Its a double wye pvc connector Google them most common hardware stores don't have them

>> No.9158827

As hot as the wool can manage. So I guess medium heat with a pressing cloth would be my preference.

Definitely not latex. Cloth backed PU or PVC is much easier to work with.

>> No.9158877

Who is a good commissioner that is open at the moment? Looking for a seamstress mostly, if they can do small armor pieces that is a plus.

>> No.9158883

Here's a fun tip.
Don't start a thing if you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
This entire thread is pain

>> No.9158893

Look for a cosplay commission group of FB

>> No.9158901

I know what I am doing Anon, I'm a reasonable person, I promise. I tried making my own things in the past, my lower back/shoulders/wrists are just too frail to do any work for extended time and the pain isn't worth it for me. I have disposable income and I want something of quality, hence the question.

Thank you for the concern, however.

Good idea, cosplay on Facebook is just kind of scary territory I feel like. I'll check it out though!

>> No.9158940

>don't ever try things unless you can predict every single element you might struggle with or have questions about
>stay inside your comfort zone forever; it's better than having to learn new skills and acquire information as you work

What the fuck. This thread exists so people who don't have other information resources (namely, cosplay friends with specific experience) can manage to not look like ass. It also prevents the board from getting cluttered with two-reply threads of "what wig do I use for [x]" and "how do I sew this one particular piece."

>> No.9159272

Hey guys, first time on this board and I don't know if this is the right place to ask. I have a costume party on the 3rd of September and I'm completely out of ideas for simple costumes that are able to work with regular clothing.

Two ideas I've had were:
- The Man With No Name (Clint Eastwood); but this one proved to be quite complicated since I don't have anything aside from the hat.
- Naked/Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid, but I can't find a cheap military camo overall anywhere.

If you could suggest me simple but iconic costumes that I can pull off I'd really appreciate it.

I'm 5'9" (1.76m) tall and have an slightly athletic build. I have short (not very short) dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes. Currently sporting a light stubble, so I wouldn't be able to grow a very large beard for the party if a costume needed it.

>> No.9159276

Not the wrong place to post but you should try the suggestion thread as well

>> No.9159393

I recently made Sokka's boomerang (avatar: the last airbender) as my first wood prop and it was a really fun project. Easy, but still required a variety of tools and techniques.

>> No.9159399

Try highlighting instead of contouring, I've find that it works better for a softer/younger look while still adding dimension to the face. Or alternatively, if you contoru, don't contour your cheekbones.

>> No.9159750

Ooh that's a great idea! I actually love Avatar, so it could be something that I'll actually cosplay as well

>> No.9159785

Need help with Lolita!

My comm decided to do a halloween meet. I'm still a newfag and only own one coord, the best of which is a checkered gingham black and white country dress and a nice-enough black cardigan. I was also interested in going to AWA's tea party.

For Halloween, I was thinking either generic "goth" or something cute such as black-cat themed, but I don't want to go too costumey. On the other hand Halloween is the time of year to go costumey anyway...

For AWA I was thinking to save money I would get a Meta skirt and just wear a blouse I thrifted and modified (i give it a 6/10 for lolita its ok) but I'm scared that I'll just look like a lumpy loaf. I've never sewn much before besides, pajamas, so I don't know if it's worth it to try and learn and make a nicer bolero or skirt before the tea party comes. Any help is appreciate.

>> No.9159829
File: 220 KB, 512x720, Hanamaru_smile_ur974_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are terms I can use to search for these shoes? I want to try to find some used shoes that are relatively close to what they look like, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

>> No.9159830

That being said, any ideas for how I can easily modify existing shoes if possible?

>> No.9159834

shin-high gladiators? My guess is you are either going to have to scour the images for a long time, but thats what I can think of

>> No.9159857

A year or so ago I asked a question on ironing a JSK in order to fix the bow, but someone warned me that I could ruin the print if I did.
I'm coming back now to ask the same thing, if I iron a wonky bow on a low heat is there any chance it could ruin the print?

>> No.9159906

test on garbage portion of the dress

>> No.9160030

Does anyone have experience using flex foam-it for casting props?

>> No.9160069
File: 907 KB, 1172x653, Sigma shirt emblems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Sigma from Zero Time Dilemma, what would be the best way to go about making the emblem on his right breast?

I normally do props so this is fairly new to me

>> No.9160122

Embroidery would be best, but if you're new to sewing and you have an EXTREMELY steady hand from painting props, then you can get away with matte fabric paint. Do some test runs on scrap fabric to get a feel for how brushes and paint interact with fabric.

>> No.9160152
File: 3.26 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20160826_163201836_BURST001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently found this in a goodwill near my house for $20 and I'm wondering if it is worth buying. I've tried to do some research but can't really find anything useful.

>> No.9160853 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 320x480, Cosplay-Wig-Stevie-Warm-Light-Brown-CL-069-1-320x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the Arda Stevie wig look okay straightened?
I'm not super keen on cutting wigs and it's the only one that would be about the right length, but I'd have to straighten it.
I only ask because I bought a super curly, short, monroe style wig and it was a pain to straighten. It also didn't turn out as straight as I wanted when I straightened it, but I just used a flat iron, not the hot water method. I think the waviness of this wig would be easier to straighten than curls....rite....

>> No.9161107

Is it a bad idea to post your cosplays on Imgur? I don't use Instagram or Amino, and it's hard to get your stuff out there with Facebook and Deviantart.

>> No.9161122

You can post wherever you want to, but if you're tying for e-fame, which your comment on "getting your stuff out there" seems to imply, then no. Imgur will not make you cosfamous.

>> No.9161161
File: 75 KB, 658x987, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably pretty unrealistic to have these wings at a con, huh? Would it be doable to make a folding mechanism to open them up for pictures? I've never done anything like that before.

>> No.9161268

Can you or know someone who can machine gears, anon?

And yes, a friend was whacked on the back of the head when a cosplayer wearing a similarly huge costume turned around. Everyone laughed, but you could really risk damaging it.

>> No.9161422

Hmm...my friend's dad used to make furniture so he might know...would it be possible to make a mechanism out of more or less only wood? I know he can definitely do that.

>> No.9161435


>> No.9161468
File: 24 KB, 214x101, 20160827_213832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea of some lenses I could use?

>> No.9161692
File: 340 KB, 848x532, ging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could find a white zip up as the base for ging's shirt? all I see online is hoodies.

>> No.9162069

No thanks to efame. I want to share my stuff with other cosplayers who might like the same unpopular shows, but with facebook and DA it generally isn't going to show up anywhere.

>> No.9162512
File: 34 KB, 445x600, 4ab953cb849e5ec4dc1a0a6124f07ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering what to do for the robes of pic related. I guess the closest thing would be à monk robe, and I've been searching for patterns, but the most elaborate stuff I could find is just a front and a back that widen towards the bottom, plus sleeves, so only 4 pieces in total. Is it really that simple ? Or should make a "top" part from shoulder to waist and a kind of circle/half circle skirt as a "bottom" part, with both parts joined at the waist ?

Also, how do I get the bottom to be full like in the picture, with a petticoat ?

>> No.9162543

search for a sleeveless hoodie or vest? or just buy a hoodie and cut the arms off

>> No.9162695
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1457916070999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using a Brother LX2375 for 4-5 years, and I'd like to upgrade to something better. This may or may not have something to do with me misplacing the pedal after moving recently. I would just rather get a new machine, than buy a new foot for the old one that I have now.

Does anyone have any recommendations for sewing machines?

>> No.9162762

It wood certainly be possible, you wouldn't need it to support much weight.

I was thinking something like this:

A bit harder to hide, but this design is similar to an umbrella arm and is a lot easier to make:

>> No.9163175
File: 23 KB, 254x191, 254px-Red-and-Gold-Asian-Textile-Pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this pattern have a specific name or time period it's associated with? I need to find a fabric with this type of pattern but in different colors.

>> No.9163530

Maybe use something like these for a reference:

>> No.9163563

If you can find something similar enough maybe do the fake leather method to add details to the top and around the shin? Its just the craft foam + shoe leather polish a lot of people do. It probably wouldnt be too hard.

>> No.9163575
File: 46 KB, 641x480, darien[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a shitty thread about this but got directed here. I'm cosplaying Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon (the fabulous bastard in my pic related) and need a little help. First off, can I get away with just buying a plain white masquerade mask? His mask is a real bitch to make, and I have no clue where to start. Also, so I need to wear an actual tuxedo, or would a regular suit and white shirt with a bow tie be "close enough"?

I guess I'm wondering how far I can pretty a costume before it's unrecognizable and shit.

It's my first cosplay, by the way, and it's at a local bar, so it doesn't need to be con level, but I would like to get it at least decent the first time around.

>> No.9163606

>His mask is a real bitch to make
Literally just white craft foam will do

>would a regular suit and white shirt with a bow tie be "close enough"
With the mask and cape, people will get it, but it will look shitty. It's "Tuxedo" Mask, not "Black jacket and dress pants" Mask. And please, get something fitted. Tuxedo Mask cosplays are very common and very few ever actual get the damn suit fitted at all.

Also, even though you didn't ask, black running shoes and black boots are not the same as black dress shoes.

>> No.9163611

Dude literally the only things notable about Tuxedo Mask, are the fucking TUXEDO and MASK, and you're actually wondering if you just just wear a suit and domino mask? what the fuck? If you don't want to put in any effort, just go to party city and buy a shitty vampire costume, leave out the fangs and call it a day. fucking lazy ass

>> No.9163758
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend wants to cosplay Emily from Dishonored. This may be an extremely stupid question. But the embroidery on the edges, how would I do that? All the things I've seen people do have some fabric still poking through. Is this something I can do, or should I just stick to applique on this?

>> No.9163819

If you want it to be embroidered, you're gonna have to do it by hand. Any sort of machine stitch you use will likely have at least some point where the fabric underneath shows through. The only way I can think of to get it that tight and on an edge like that, is to do it by hand.

>> No.9163989
File: 24 KB, 680x383, Fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to do and Oshino Ougi cosplay, but I'm very inexperienced with makeup. I figured the pale face and neck would be easier to pull off since it's a single tone, but I still would like some tips on what to purchase and application and such.

>> No.9164024

There have definitely been discussions of sewing machines in the past, check the archives for things people recommended.

>> No.9164035
File: 297 KB, 480x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all! I really appreciate it.

One more question because I'm an idiot lmao. What would be the best way to add all of the black detailing? I'm not very fond of fabric paint because I've never really seen it done well, but I could be wrong and it can actually be done wonderfully. I've used heat n bond with detailings like this before, but it got this odd fuzzy looking fraying on the edges. I'm not sure if that was a user error or if the fabric I used was bad or that's just something that happens.

>> No.9164064
File: 687 KB, 600x900, adekan_yoshiwara_shiro_by_velvetroseclare-d56tt90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me find the ref for this cosplay? Cant seem to find it anywhere

>> No.9164246

The pattern is a form of greek key, if that helps.

>> No.9164287
File: 27 KB, 236x292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, Im just curious, whats the name of this style of jean? With the padded knees? I need it for Captain Boomerang, but general terms arent bringing anything up.

>> No.9164291

They look like they're based off motor cycle pants and jeans

>> No.9164323

Fyi Arcane put up a pretty detailed cosplay guide for her and corvo

>> No.9164744


>> No.9165352

Maybe make the head itself normal size, and sew a cover using fabric+pillow stuffing to achieve that shape? I've never tried anything similar, but I think that balance at least will be a bit easier.

>> No.9165548

Hey gulls. I'm interested in buying the Princess Cat OP in red for myself, since I love it, but I've recently been at a lot of conventions (and bought pretty things in the last AP sale) and I haven't exactly budgeted for it. That being said, I'm scared the price is going to skyrocket once it's no longer available, because cats. What do you think? Should I get it now or wait? It's not an investment piece, I just want to be covered in cats. :P

>> No.9165812
File: 205 KB, 730x1094, ahritails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Was wondering if anyone knew a cheaper source for buying faux fur for tails? From what I've seen, most sell for $20+/yard (and the plan was 9 tails) and I was hoping someone knew any alternatives or cheaper places to buy. I was looking for a type similar to pic related but beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.9165832

Anyone have any suggestions for a Pepakura commission artist? I can make props and pep just fine but I'm shit at 3d models.

Google only leads me to 5 year old posts on forums that are horribly outdated.

>> No.9165878
File: 47 KB, 600x337, 72fd2b91cb6372b0988a0008ca22a1421385568878_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with working with acrylic sheets? Specifically in bending them. I'm planning to to build Koto's hammer.

>> No.9165883

You can make pretty decent faux fur from yarn if you look for the right tutorials.

>> No.9165901

I'll tell you right now that acrylic sheet is stupid-expensive, and that's going to run you like $400 in materials alone. It's also not really practical, any acrylic strong enough to support its own weight at that size is going to be thick enough that your hammer will be enormously heavy. Like, impossible-to-carry-around heavy.

Look online for one of those inflatable squeaky hammers like you'd get at the fairground, just google 'inflatable hammer' and you'll see what I mean. Might take a bit of digging but you can probably find one that's clear and add polkadots to it.

In theory, you could make the inflatable part yourself...I've seen people post here before that they were gonna try. But it probably would take expensive specialized tools to do.

>> No.9165909
File: 307 KB, 1200x1360, 7976566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint. Freezer paper templates ironed to the fabric, and stipple it on with a sponge. Use the (pic related) wedge-shaped ones, you can get them at most hobby places, Joanns, etc. They work much nicer than brushes for this kind of thing. Just keep stippling until it's a solid color, you may need to stop halfway and let it dry a little depending in how it behaves. The freezer paper shouldn't bleed unless you load it up with a ton of paint at once.

Somone I know did this method for that very cosplay, I remember because I had to ask her how she got the detailing SO clean.

>> No.9166747

Oh, wow! I've never heard about this before. Some of them look really good! Thanks a ton!

>> No.9166768

Brushed satin?

>> No.9167440

does anyone know where i can find otome+sewing books and issues of glb with lolita patterns etc? one of my online friends' birthday is coming up and i know she'd die if i sent her some
also, does anyone have any mags with lolita patterns they'd be willing to sell? it's ok if not. sorry for newfaggotry i can't sew so i've never been interested

>> No.9167452
File: 30 KB, 422x672, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if It's a dumb question, but would be plausible to dye this color wig to indigo?

>> No.9167631

I'm trying to put together a Rose Quartz cosplay but having trouble with finding good fabric, particularly for the purple/lilac at the bottom of her dress. Everything is either £10+ p/m which is a bit above my budget or US-based and will hit me with big shipping and customs fees. Any suggestions for fabric types or sellers would be much appreciated.

>> No.9167755
File: 32 KB, 335x500, s-l500V9F2CXMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, So I ordered a wig for my launch cosplay, but it isn't gonna work because the bangs show the wig cap liner so bad when you bull them back or try to style them any other way.

I'm guessing a lace front would work much better? I should be able to part it and style it without the tracks showing as bad right? I found one with a volume/texture/color I am pleased with. BUUUUT it's most likely not going to make it in time for the con if I order it. Either way I like it and would like to complete my Launch cosplay.

Here is a pic of the wig, can post a link if you need. Also is this a good Idea? I'm a noob to heavy wig styling so any help is good!

>> No.9167900
File: 40 KB, 303x693, machine man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can anyone tell me if this style of coat has a name? It seems to be half way between an overcoat and a trench coat, but I haven't been able to find anything on the internet with those side ribs.

>> No.9167935

lacemarket sometimes has them, you might also check the b/s/t thread.

>> No.9168029

I don't know this character but try searching greatcoat for 3/4 length and military influenced styles.

>> No.9168568

im a little overweight (im 5'8 and 175 lbs) is this too big for cosplaying?

>> No.9168587
File: 282 KB, 1085x1657, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what dress this is?

>> No.9168609

Not even close anon, just don't choose characters with unflattering outfits and no one will even bat an eye.

>> No.9168875
File: 202 KB, 602x425, Judal_Body_Design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup anons

I'm late to the party but I finally watched Magi and Judal is perfect for my pasty skin, thin build, and edgy shitlord attitude, so I want to cosplay him. I've fotost of this figured out, but I can't come up with a good way to make his jewelry. Would worbla work? If I leave a gap would it be flexible enough for me to bend it and put it on without it breaking? Are there cheaper alternatives that won't look like ass?

>> No.9169016

i'm a couple pounds lighter and a couple inches shorter than you and i've never had any issues except when i'm ordering cosplays from china and they don't run quite large enough. nobody's ever mentioned my weight irt cosplay. don't worry about it anon.

>> No.9169020


>> No.9169115

Is it possible to use the burnout method on red velvet and then somehow color the etched parts black? I would like to do that but I'm not sure how to go about it.

>> No.9169151
File: 163 KB, 712x1136, Idate_character_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've surprised i havent found a good tutorial yet. Im not sure how to attach the fin. I was thinking of splitting the wig and putting the fin underneath but that might make it fall apart. A headband over the top would look goofy. Button staps might make the fin not,flush againsy head... Im really not sure what to try...

>> No.9169378

Maybe try attaching magnets inside the cap and then on the bottom of the fin?

>> No.9169397

I actually did an Idate cosplay! You can have my fin & tail if you'd like.
I made my head fin out of soft fabric, and put the base piece on a curve. It's attached to another piece of fabric under the wig using multiple button snaps, so it lays flush.

>> No.9169440
File: 516 KB, 600x800, 1472156790768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some links/suggestions for a wig like Hecatia's?

>> No.9169453
File: 89 KB, 700x700, purple_gothic_corset_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the costumes chief for a local theater production. It's a goth-themed musical, so I have cheesy corsets and bustiers on the brain.

I have very little corset experience and even less experience making things for theater. Can any techies give me tips on making a fuckload of corsets, or any way I can modify a traditional corset to make it easier to sing and dance in? For example, can I make a corset out of something stretchy, like heavy spandex? I'm also accepting the reply "just buy them from ebay, you're in over your head."

>> No.9169673
File: 106 KB, 580x842, Fremy_anime_design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Fremy Speeddraw cosplay from Rokka no Yuusha and need help choosing fabric. I'm unsure which fabric would look best for her cloak, eye patch / headband, and her top. I was thinking fake leather for the headband and top, and I can't decide on the eye patch fabric. But I'm unsure about the how the texture will look once it's all put together. For the cloak I'm considering black gabardine fabric.

>> No.9169677

Just use cheap plastic boned ebay ones, heaps of theatre people do this then reinforce the inside (particularly around the lacing and others will put some steels in) so that they'll last through performances

>> No.9169681

I would suggest making everything but the cloak out of the same type of fabric, and then make the cloak out of a nice, thick poly/cotton blend to keep your cost down, or if you wanna go hard, use a high quality fleece or felt fabric?

Alternatively, maybe dye some gauze black for your eyepatch.

>> No.9169985
File: 238 KB, 700x353, nurrnurj .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a nurse joy coord/ lolita nurse joy using this dress and I have a half apron already I could use, but I was going to model it more off of the old nurse joy as that was the one I watched as a kid, and she has a full apron. Should I make a full one or will that look frumpy with the bodice, the front bow is unremovable. I suppose I'm not taking it super seriously, just a fun inspired outfit for a con.

>> No.9170009
File: 422 KB, 8333x4171, 1472337686546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good site to get a custom image put on a shirt?
>Image I want on the shirt.

>> No.9170049

Are there any techniques that mimic flocking on fabric? I love the look but doing it yourself is very messy and it doesn't stay for long.

>> No.9170382
File: 94 KB, 728x768, lenore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HH12/32L cup breasts. Want to cosplay flat chested character. Please help. Pic related.

>> No.9170403
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, Boosted_Gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any suggestions for the gem on the arm piece?

I ideally want a bowl shaped bit of green clear plastic that I can shine LED's through

however I cannot find anything suitable for the job online

>> No.9170462

Glass however

>> No.9170958

Alright, so this is kind of a weird request, but does anyone know of any good ways to hide scars in cosplay? The cosplay I'm planning has bare legs, but my legs have darker scars on them that aren't attractive or hidden with pantyhose. Anyone know of a way to cover them without changing the entire cosplay?

>> No.9171197
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much if a bad idea would be cosplaying McCree if I never made armour before?

>> No.9171209

Dermablend leg and body cover is a lifesaver. I have gross dark keloid scars on my legs and it covers them great. I usually put pantyhose on over them just to smooth out my legs, but that's not really necessary if you don't want to.

>> No.9171215
File: 39 KB, 500x500, s-l500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get one of those plastic fillable Christmas ornaments, and cut down one of the sides so it's not a full semicircle. Glass stains/paints are good for tinting clear plastic, you could get some in green and just coat the inside.

>> No.9171216

It shouldnt be too bad besides the arm

>> No.9171266

Arts moo is what I use

>> No.9171307
File: 40 KB, 480x640, Jolyne_ASB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to make the white stripes on this so they're even and crisp? I'm using a 4-way stretch 94% polyester material, if that helps

>> No.9171548
File: 1.86 MB, 1366x768, altmile6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody tell me what the thing that hangs between his legs is called or how to make one

>> No.9171572
File: 25 KB, 236x770, pidgevoltron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping to make Pidge from the new Voltron reboot but how would I go about making the top? I'm torn between splitting up each colour and sewing it separately or making a white base and adding everything on top

>> No.9171650
File: 106 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about doing arcade ahri's orb? It looks very 2D so I'm not sure how to go about it. Can I maybe draw it out on two pieces of very sturdy paper and attach it together in like a cross shape? I'll upload another picture

>> No.9171651
File: 13 KB, 300x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like pic related

>> No.9171677

The more layers of fabric you have the more you'll suffer during con

>> No.9171680

Maybe silver flat elastic sewn down with a zigzag stitch with silver thread?

>> No.9171687

Before making something look around for a hollow green toy ball made with sorta hard rubber. You might find something at party stores or toy stores.

>> No.9171691

A penis.

>> No.9171717
File: 1.16 MB, 1021x820, glue man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas as to how you could pull off Glue Man's head from the Jerma Rumble videos? pic related is from the most recent live action one, so I know it can be done, but how do you reckon they did it?

>> No.9171718
File: 23 KB, 305x374, glue man ingame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how he looks in the other videos, if it makes things easier

>> No.9171789

Don't really know where else to ask this, dunno if I'll have much luck on /fa/.

My mom (lives far away) bought me a dress and it arrived in the mail today. Went to try it on and the zipper refuses to go all the way up because my ribcage is slightly too big. I'm guessing the dress needs to zip all the way up to sit in my body correctly, and a cardigan won't be enough to cover up the problem? I never wear dresses so I have no idea what I'm doing. I'd ask my mom but she's asleep right now.

>> No.9171802

The easiest route is definitely just returning the dress and going a size up. Making a garment bigger is a pain in the ass. If you have any pudge, losing that will probably fix it too. You can safety pin the top of the zipper together and try to force the zipper up or wear a long cardigan to cover the unzipped parts.

>> No.9171897

Thank you!

>> No.9171906
File: 290 KB, 1215x717, Sona_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying pic related. I have average sized boobs but my wide shoulders make them look a bit small in the strapless dress. Besides contouring and chicken cutlet stacking, does anyone have any tips on how to make my boobs, more specifically cleavage, look big? Thanks!

>> No.9171941

push up bra?

>> No.9172337
File: 211 KB, 800x600, 393931-11857-2015-06-14677379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this type of collar is called? I'm looking for a pattern or tutorial for sewing one but I can't really find the name for it

>> No.9172364
File: 27 KB, 305x244, No Zaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any guides to eva foam about making helmets? i know of the evil guy on youtube but i dont have a mannequin head and the only ones i can find are small girl sized Styrofoam ones.

wanting to either make a Sans head or start on a Zaku II cosplay but the head seems to scare me more then the body

>> No.9172488

Tape them! Also make the costume with space for boob padding or build in some support and uplift.

>> No.9172530
File: 29 KB, 1247x449, shirt thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could maybe even buy/make a witch hat,i made one for halloween last year out of some velvet and a hanger for for the brim of the hat.
heres a quick drawing of what i did with a mens buttonup i thrifted,red lines are darts and the green lines are cuts.i ended up using chiffon for my sleeves but you could cut the sleeves in half and put them side to side to add more 'poofiness' same with the bottom of the shirt,just gather it(dont cut off top half of button piece) i also cut off the outer collar to make a new one but decided it looked fine without one.and a piece of elastic on the sleeve to make the frill at the end of sleeve.im also going to awa maybe ill say hi if i see you,still debating on the tea party tho.

>> No.9172553
File: 94 KB, 671x671, tumblr_obvz0ea2dz1uhkw3uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick question about armsocks, I'm making green armsocks for a peridot cosplay, but I'm afriad i won't find any tights in the right color for a cheap price. Can I dye the tights? If so, should I dye them before or after turning them into armsocks? Thank you in advance!

>> No.9172564

It is difficult to dye tights. Look at some places like we love colors. They have every color know to man in tights for under $20.

>> No.9172572
File: 11 KB, 330x330, ae235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Zaku helmet out of eva foam as one of my first cosplay, and actually, it was relatively easy
I followed roughly this guide found in the sticky:
I however found the tubing method to be sub-par
So how i recommend doing it, is to find yourself some of this, washing machine tubing.
Costs nothing, has a nice looking texture, easy to work with and bend, and just about the right size
Then wrap individual eva segments around the piping the way it shows
Also, as a tip, the front exhaust is really great if you open that up connecting to the inner face, when you're going around the con, the easy breathing hole is a life saver
Shape and then cut each of the side windows first
Also important: Make sure you know your head size when building

>> No.9172661

Aw sorry i haven't checked back until now. That's really sweet anon. Do you have an email i could contact you with??

>> No.9173321
File: 38 KB, 564x488, diane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a good bodysuit pattern for pic related?

>> No.9173532
File: 140 KB, 640x480, IMG_3697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I add better dirt to my mask? I've dyed it in tea, put some eye shadow and makeup powder on but I feel it's lacking somthing.

>> No.9173544

Washes of watered-down acrylic? You can thin it down to an inky consistency and then spray it on with a spraybottle, it'll soak in and spread around. It looks dusty but but not grimey. Also some of the texture on the originals comes from the way the strips are twisted or folded as they're wrapped around, so that might be why it looks flat.

>> No.9173546


Acrylic paint? I'll try it. I'm just trying to make it look dusty and grimey and old.

>> No.9174126
File: 319 KB, 773x1033, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've never made s prop before, but I want to start. I want to make pic related' sword, and have no idea where to start. Are there any tutorials online? What materials should I get? Tools?

>> No.9174142

There are like a billion tutorials, start by just googling 'cosplay sword tutorial'. Seriously. You best material choices are probably wood (if you can get access to woodworking tools) or rigid insulation foam. There are practically infinite methods of making a sword, though. I'd give you more detailed instructions/some good tuts if I wasn't on my phone.

Just, for the love of god, don't use foil or silver tape as your final finish. Yes, it's metallic, but it also looks like complete shit.

>> No.9174151

>Are there any tutorials online
For this basic of a sword, plenty. Just Google "Trunks sword prop tutorial", hell, Google "sword prop tutorial" and adapt it. There's nothing outlandish about the design of Trunks' sword so a basic tutorial will be fine.

>> No.9174156

Thank you
Quick rev image search gave me an Amazon link

>> No.9174172

What about the scabbard?

>> No.9174247
File: 40 KB, 700x700, a0455743857_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to do this while still seeing at least a little through?

>> No.9174281
File: 145 KB, 960x960, 11220859_883077155113361_7789620822231829459_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two pieces of foam glued together.
pic related.

>> No.9174284
File: 71 KB, 700x954, Mermaid dress reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to go about drafting a mermaid dress/skirt pattern similar to this? I haven't really found any that have the poof I want without 50 million seams..

>> No.9174327
File: 33 KB, 564x564, ce58327c092a77d0afcfe7c86b8c3d64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with the two styled strands in the middle? Not talking about the ahoges or the bangs but those weird higher sidestrands? Lots of old skool anime has characters with these kind of hairstyles. I know there used to be a tutorial for them but google doesnt really help me

>> No.9174335 [DELETED] 
File: 1.69 MB, 1104x1400, Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 1.47.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas how to make a hood+capelet out of just one fabric piece? I could make them as separate pieces of a hood and capelet, but in official art it looks like it's all just one single piece of fabric and I'm not sure how to go about it. I've never made my own sewing patterns from complete scratch so it's kinda hard for me to visualize.

>> No.9174338

Just add gores to a regular pattern if you don't think the bottom of the skirt is full enough.

>> No.9174350
File: 369 KB, 725x3056, gravity_defying_bangs_tutorial_by_cattypatra[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174385
File: 686 KB, 815x540, contacts belladonna yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what kind of contact lenses these are specifically? I asked the cosplayer and she said "Belladonna Yellow" and I've googled the shit out of it and can't even find that brand anywhere. I dont want to ask her again admitting I couldn't find them based on her vague-ish answer. plus im just dumb >.> help plz

>> No.9174733
File: 15 KB, 586x251, WaxEyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest part of this is that it's supposed to be wax, so it should be fairly smooth and shiny. Honestly what I'd do would be try and make something like paper mache (or whatever material, paper mache is just easily done in a weird shape like that) 'masks' in the shape of the wax that went over your eyes, cut holes in them to see through, and then stretch some kind of fabric over it. You could probably find fabric (similar to pantyhose?) that had a bit of sheen to it to give that waxy look, but was open/thin enough to see through. If you painted the paper mache or whatever underneath the fabric the right color it wouldn't matter if it was kinda transparent.

Alternatively, you could just cut an eyehole in the paper mache bit, just straight-up paint the paper mache to look like wax, and attach fabric you can see through to the -back- of it so it's only over the eyehole. You'd just have to do your best matching the color/sheen of the eyehole fabric to the painted parts. Probably easier but the eyeholes will be pretty obvious.

I feel like I've made this more confusing than it needs to be, so see image. Paper mache->eyehole->covered in fabric, with the eyehole hidden. I'm not really sure how you'd attach them to your face, spirit gum or something.

>> No.9175057
File: 20 KB, 200x400, cornett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to figure out her hat and her top.
It looks like a red tanktop over a white dress with a belt, but some pictures show the white belt as part of the dress and the red being only in the front and I'm not sure how to connect that down.
The hat is shown slightly pointy in some art, but like a beret in others.

>> No.9175155


i need deets on these lenses as well. it seems she has light coloured eyes like me and these look great and pop much more than the yellow contacts i bought

>> No.9175324
File: 20 KB, 640x480, Freakazoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any patterns for a near-seamless bodysuit? I'm looking for something that has little to no seams in the front (I really don't want crotch seams) but whatever I Google just keeps pulling up Yaya's pattern. I bought some of her stretch fabric (I wanted to try some better quality fabric) so I don't want to fuck up and waste it by not using a proper pattern. I'll make a mock up of course but some pattern recommendations would be super appreciated. Cosplaying pic related.

>> No.9175330

Justget it embroidered, senpai. It'll look pro AF and cost you ten maybe twenty bucks. Free if there's an old lady in your family with an embroidery machine.

>> No.9175339

Only way to get as few seam as possible is two big flat pieces like you're sewing a flat doll together. Or get the Yaya pattern and try fusing pieces together

Also hope you didn't spend much on that spandex you can get the same stuff as Spandex House for less

>> No.9175342

Just pick whatever version you prefer or think you could make better. It's so obscure no one will care or notice.

>> No.9175349

> two big flat pieces like you're sewing a flat doll together
Is that the method people use where they have someone trace around their entire body?

Luckily I had a fat coupon so I didn't spend too much on the fabric.

>> No.9175351

I got way too much immature enjoyment out of everything being dicks here. That's actually a pretty nice-looking sheath for being so simple, though.

>> No.9175520

Duct tape your body and make your own. That's what I would do

>> No.9175574
File: 221 KB, 318x394, 35437457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about doing eye makeup for a character that has blonde eyelashes? The eyeliner especially. I don't think black or brown eyeliner would work, the contrast with the lashes would be too harsh. Would really light brown work?
I'm also having a hard time finding good looking blonde eyelashes, does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.9176115

It would be cheapest/easiest for you to just use faux fur. Look for stuff online it might be cheaper than in stores

>> No.9176117

Use ink, you can find probably the exact color you're looking for, but at that rate you might as well be getting a white or blonde wig as the base.

>> No.9176118

Craft foam, mod podge, gold spray paint.

>> No.9176120
File: 417 KB, 625x1200, female_team_skull_grunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to do the shorts here? Should I just buy a pair of white shorts and cut them to have the rough edge, or is there a way I could sew/alter them to get the flare on the ends?

>> No.9176123
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make it so i can see from these things??

>> No.9176515

>Please explain something notable about the costume(s) or cosplayer(s).

What do most people put here? I don't have a clue.

>> No.9176525

Thin fabric (cheese cloth or very thin muslin). If you can make it work, cut a hole for your eyes and only use one layer of fabric over that part.

>> No.9176559

Do silicone bras stick to each other? I'm lacking in the titty department so much so that strapless bras don't stay on me and I want a little something extra in my bust. I was thinking that maybe I could stick some on and then throw on a couple more to get more volume, but I don't know if they stick to themselves. Can someone who has sticky chicken cutlets confirm?

>> No.9176600

Context is needed.

>> No.9176603

I'd probably go sticky bra>cutlets>pushup bra for maximum effect. I don't see why they wouldn't stick to each other though.

>> No.9176768

Does anybody have any idea of how I could sew a planchette shaped purse? I've been trying to find tutorials for the shaped bags like AP's but I'm having some trouble.

>> No.9176769

i meant how i could see with what im currently wearing.

>> No.9176895

Is charcoal good for making things look dirty and grimey? I fucked up and put some powdered stuff on the fabric already so I can't use water-based things, although I dyed it in tea beforehand as well.

>> No.9176997

They're just distressed shorts. There are a lot of tutorials for fraying the edges of your shorts.

>> No.9177034
File: 201 KB, 256x406, donteatdrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I make a big OBJECTION sign for Phoenix Wright? I thought maybe get the graphic printed huge at Kinko's or something, then mount it to a piece of foam board. Also, what would be a sensible size for it?

>> No.9177055

Just draw out a stencil and use some painters tape and an exacto knife to keep the edges clean, then paint it. Or, you could print off each letter really large on a full sheet of paper then cut/mount them.

>> No.9177057
File: 85 KB, 985x657, Miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally silicone bonds to silicone, but those type of bras have a protective layer over them, don't they? I wouldn't trust just two of them to hold together and would wear a bra over the setup like >>9176603 suggested.

Sewing your own purses is a lot harder than regular sewing. You'll have to sew through several layers of thick material. If you don't have a heavy duty industrial type of sewing machine I'd just forget it. There's a reason you can't really find tutorials for it, I'm afraid.

You don't. Start over with a thinner fabric like other anon suggested. Look for holey fabrics!
Adapting what you have to something that is see-through is going to involve cutting and putting new fabric in place anyway, so why not make the entire thing from the new fabric, right?

If you're going for pic related, I guess? Grimey, but maybe too black.

Sensible would be your body width. Big enough to be seen, not big enough to annoy other people with.

>> No.9177068

Frogtape with opaque jacquard white fabric paint. Normal masking tape bleeds but when I was working on my jolyne I got Frogtape halfway through and that shit made my lines so crisp. Just make sure you really press the tape into the fabric to prevent bleeding and do multiple coats before removing it. A method I used for making sure the lines were lined up on the top was chalk. First draw the spider Web with that cause you can erase it if you fuck up, then use it as a guide for the tape. It's a time suck but a real life saver. Good luck with your jolyne, anon, she's really fun to cosplay.
This seems like it'll bunch up the fabric but I guess it leaves room for error cause you can seam rip. Worth a try maybe

>> No.9177070
File: 735 KB, 654x918, aef506c4-099b-46ef-bc49-df546c71439d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best method to make teru's wig? Foam core middle with wefts glued on to infinity? I have an idea to buy like 8 of the same wig, stuff seven of them and sew them together to get the height. But I'm afraid it'll look super lumpy that way.
I hate working with wefts and never used foam.
I guess my question is, how much better will it look to use a foam core and wefts rather than sewing stuffed wigs together? Which one would be lighter?
I absolutely love teru I don't want to fuck him up

>> No.9177136
File: 842 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-09-08-06-09-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you might be adding on to an existing gladiators. I would use fake leather like >>9163563 said.
Another shoe question. I want to use these shoes and make them green for a poison ivy I'm doing. My question is should I paint them black first and then green so I can get rid of the print or just go green?

>> No.9177139

Use ebay. I had to do a Victorian play last year and corsets are a bitch to make by hand in a short amount of time. Cheap ones off ebay are made of plastic and won't hurt the artist. Check the material you might be able to get away with dyeing them yourself, she shipper because you can get a discount, and the country for a decent timeline and sizing (one of the girls was a bit on the hefty side and her US 14 was a 3x in China)

>> No.9177147

I recently cosplayed something where I had sewed(sown?) two short wigs together and even that was surprisingly heavy. So putting 7 wigs on your head all at once is most likely going to be uncomfortably heavy, and I can't imagine it would even stay upright very well. So foam core is definitely a better choice.
You have great taste in anime btw, make sure to post pics when you finish your cosplay!

>> No.9177152
File: 118 KB, 704x703, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be cosplaying Shadowcat of the X Men, she has a little dragon named Lockheed and was wondering if anyone knew any good plush makers to commission? Or cheap purple dragon stuffed animals?

>> No.9177157

Like this? Or more teal?

>> No.9177207

anyone from Australia know where to buy EVA foam that doesnt have insane shipping?

>> No.9177213

When you say "eastern europe" it literally gives no relevant information to help you. IF you dedicate a week, you should be able to find items that look similar to the character quite easy. The shoes are white high tops, the shirt a basic black tank top. It they're not completely accurate, you could paint them.

>> No.9177220
File: 160 KB, 1008x1138, florina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which arda wig would look best for florina? (Fire emblem)

>> No.9177222
File: 104 KB, 390x525, 08FVU_1-10x15_wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one?

>> No.9177225
File: 105 KB, 390x525, 08VIO-10x15wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the spam. I keep finding alternatives. Which one would you say is the best?

>> No.9177236

This one
Darken it up a little with sharpies for depth if you like. The other ones are also much too dark. It's always easier to go darker than to go lighter.

>> No.9177259

Out of all of your options, this one. The undertone is better than the other three.

>> No.9177262

I would go for this one

>> No.9177268
File: 362 KB, 743x400, nishimiyashouko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding a wig for Shouko from Koe no Katachi. I want it be in the shade of the right picture (I think it would suit my skin tone better), but I'm not really coming up with anything.

>> No.9177288 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 1000x1000, sexyballaclavba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, im super new to cosplay, i finally lost enough weight for me to be comfortable trying it out.

I have a few basic questions. I know there is a pinned threat but my confusing mostly just stems from I dont really know what to look for or what I am looking at.

a couple of things, I noticed with chest piece under 76's coat that is infront of his shirt. I have no idea what it is or how I could even make something like it?

Same for the health packs or ammo shells 76 has on his arm side and belt loops. I see alot of similar things in some cosplays so if you just want to suggest me to a tutorial i'll be fine with it!

the boots and gauntlets ( I think I saw a tutorial on Big Boss' arm which is similar)

as for the neck shirt. This one I'm asking for clarification. Do you think I could just use a ski mask and cut it around the head and maybe attach it the sling of the mask?

sorry if I was rambling,

>> No.9177435

Has anyone got tutorials for wefting a wig upwards at the back and adding a fake hairline there? I'm doing a remake Cloud wig and I want to get the wig just right at the back.

>> No.9177567

Can't argue with a personal experience. Guess I'll just have to buckle down and use foam for the first time. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.9177589

100000% foam is lighter and will actually have structure. Wig would be like trying to balance a pile of folded laundry on your head.

Even with a lighter structure you will have a hard time keeping it on. You'll either need to sew a ton of weft clips into the mess of the base wig or base the whole thing on an insulation foam "helmet" with upholstry foam padding ot keep it on.

Also doors.

>> No.9177776


dress up your dog

>> No.9177864

Good to know. I don't know how to go about making that "helmet" without having a really low hairline which I'm worried will look shoddy. (maybe a clear strap that goes under my chin??)
Since I'm used to big ass wigs and painful amounts of Bobby pins and clips, I think I'm gonna sew a shit ton of weft clips in like you suggested and just be really careful. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.9177943
File: 19 KB, 358x400, normal_rollsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished making Roll's outfit, I'll wear it this sunday.
I've got dark hair and dark thick eyebrows, the wig I'm wearing is golden blonde. Should I bleach my eyebros to match the wig? Or just a subtle make up to cover them up, or just leave them alone?

>> No.9177963
File: 185 KB, 532x760, 1473177127205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good way to paint stretchy fabric? I feel like if I just use normal fabric paint, when it stretches the paint will pull apart. Is there a special paint that can be used for this?

I'm going to be painting the back of a pair of stirrup leggings for pic related.

>> No.9177967

It would look a lot better to sew black stretchy fabric for the back to get the look you're going for. I think no matter what you did with paint it would look really bad and messy with that type of garmet and the crisp lines you would need.

>> No.9177968

Get them waxed to a medium-thin size and add a little bit of gold eyeshadow if you want. Most of the time matching your eyebrows perfectly to your wig looks weird especially when the character just has a line for eyebrows and no real color.

>> No.9177976


About seven posts down i think there's someome that talks about thinning airbrush paint, it seems like a solid method. Still for white and black it might be easier and better looking to use two different fabric colors and sew them.

>> No.9177984

Yeah I was thinking the same, as the design is a bit cartoonish it should be ok. Thanks!

>> No.9178193

Yeah, I was considering getting both a black and a white pair of leggings and splicing them together, but I wanted to see if there was an easier option involving paint. Thanks, Anons.

>> No.9178464

Anyone got texture files of the giant armor of Dark Souls? Need them to make the templates but seriously cant find them

>> No.9178642

where can I buy a cupcake petticoat that's not shit and will be here before Halloween? how long does it typically take clobba to ship classical puppets?

>> No.9178652


>> No.9178989

So. How bad of an idea would it be to douse my cosplays and props in neverwet? I feel like it's a good idea in theory but will just ruin everything.

>> No.9179073
File: 92 KB, 499x272, yuki glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Help Thread. Was wondering if anyone knew a good place online to get glasses that are, or are almost, identical to Yuki Nagato's. Looking to get a new pair with my prescription since my old glasses are getting too tight, and I thought, why not get Yuki's!

>> No.9179087
File: 73 KB, 650x433, 1297634943136_ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad idea. I don't know if they've changed anything since an old housemate of mine bought it out of curiosity 3 years ago, but it was so chalky he used it to frost a window. Pic related is pretty accurate.

>> No.9179093

It might be okay but why exactly do you want to do that? Protection from rain?

>> No.9179107
File: 933 KB, 1000x1000, sexyballaclavba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it okay for me to ask my question again even though it was in another thread?

How can I make this chest piece on his shirt/

Same for the health packs or ammo shells 76 has on his arm side and belt loops. I see alot of similar things in some cosplays so if you just want to suggest me to a tutorial i'll be fine with it!

the boots and gauntlets ( I think I saw a tutorial on Big Boss' arm which is similar)

as for the neck shirt. This one I'm asking for clarification. Do you think I could just use a ski mask and cut it around the head and maybe attach it the sling of the mask?

sorry if I was rambling,

>> No.9179140 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 238x202, 1456544917761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, gtfo newbie

>> No.9179170

Damn, that sucks. I was recently given some, so I thought why the hell not haha. I've always been paranoid about armor and props being damaged in water, no matter how many times I've sealed them.

>> No.9179198


Step 1: make a Reaper costume instead

>> No.9179201

What's the best way to go about sanding a 3d printed prop? This is the first time working with it, so I'm hesitant. It's an intricate shape so I need to be careful. Would the best way be to use a dremel on the larger portion and regular sand paper on the tighter spaces? Obviously I know I need to work my way down to finer grits as I go, but any other tips?

>> No.9179202 [DELETED] 

76 is shit you fag

>> No.9179218


Try using sandpaper

>> No.9179219

Don't use a dremel at all. The heat generated from it will melt the plastic. Do it by hand.
Use a sanding block for the bigger areas and just the paper for smaller, intricate areas.

Also, if you have any spots that where filament may have gotten built up too much, or it's excessively rough or uneven, take a q-tip and some acetone and slowly rub it down. The acetone will melt the plastic, but if you go slowly enough, it will also smooth it out.

And be careful when doing any sort of sanding with this as the dust is harmful, and if you don't have a lot of top and bottom layers, it is possible to go right through to the lattice work inside.

>> No.9179239

You're not the first person to do this cosplay, and this board won't spoon feed you. Go look up "soldier 76 cosplay" and look and see what other people have done. If you have specific questions about how to do a specific technique, come back and ask a specific question.

>> No.9179250
File: 243 KB, 500x281, tumblr_o9vuu3MMfO1uzwbyjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt asking for spoon feeding I was just asking some simple questions.

im sorry

>> No.9179260 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 562x437, 1778340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off fat tumblr faggot
dont come in here asking for basic ass shit. fuck you and fuck off, dont come back. this shit isnt for you

>> No.9179272

I mean he was annoying but chill dude jesus

>> No.9179274

Anyone have any ideas? I've tried Googling "yuki nagato glasses", "where can i buy glasses like nagato yuki's?", etc., and all I get is figmas, episode discussion, and shitty Pinterest pages. There has to be someone here who's done Yuki Nagato cosplay before and got the glasses from somewhere.

>> No.9179292
File: 356 KB, 856x475, tumblr_oagxvk5tnY1r8ououo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lets not be faggots. Clearly this dude has never cosplayed before so he probably dont know what the fuck to look up. He's asking for help in the help thread and the stupid questions thread. So it's not like he's bombarding the wrong boards.

For some of his questions it's really hard to find any answers when you dont know terms or specifics things to look up

if you google "how to cosplay soldier 76" or "cosplay tutorial" or anything that doesnt have to do with his jacket or mask. You will be hard pressed to find anything unless you know how to look for it.

The first links I see is just a list of things to buy, not how to make things.

There is one reddit thread that comes up but really only answers 1 and a half of his questions.

I suspect he looked at it before too because he wrote "venom snake."

Not much when you look for "solider 76 shirt"

just saying. I dont think he was asking anything out of line for this thread. Ya'll just being elitist cunts not wanting a newbie to get int

>> No.9179312

Hm...look up top rim glasses maybe? My apologies, I'm on mobile but when I get home I'll look into it more.

>> No.9179320

Half rim glasses. I looked on Zenni and they don't have anything that's exact, but Anon might be able to at least find something else by searching that.

>> No.9179332
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can try your luck with perlers, anon. They may not be what you're going for but they would represent the pixel 2-D look better.

>> No.9179350
File: 897 KB, 500x336, tumblr_nmilgwxAyk1sxxnzso2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the advice, kind anon. Very thorough and well explained.

>> No.9179408

No need to apologize, you helped with my search.
By Zenni do you mean ZenniOptical? If so, thanks a lot for the useful site! I found this pair
and thought this might be as close as I can get to Yuki's so far. Any thoughts from anyone?

>> No.9179423

Oh I haven't even considered perlers! Thanks anon

>> No.9179490

so i bought the cheese cloth like you said and i just got my coat in the mail. is there anything i can use to make it look old and bloody that can also come out with dry cleaning? i wanna be able to use the coat afterwards since its so expensive.

>> No.9179581

According to both the Japan post tracker and other online trackers, my package from wunderwelt has been delivered to me. This is not the case.not even a slip to tell me to pick it up. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I'm going to call the post office first thing tomorrow to see if there was a mistake and the slip was lost or something, but if not, what should I do from here? It was a pretty pricey package.

>> No.9179623

May have solved this actually. Tried the tracking number on the usps tracker and it shows it was delivered to my apartment complex office. They usually notify me when I have a package, and packages from wunderwelt in the past required a signature and thus usually hav had a slip left in my box I of having the office sign for it, but I guess things change lol. Good thing too, the post office is so far away.

>> No.9179628
File: 968 KB, 1275x1754, papWIP-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck can I find theatre costume quality jester caps? Something that preferably looks like diamond tufted velvet, but I'm alright with other materials. As long as possible preferred. Etsy doesn't have much of a selection.

>> No.9179852

Where to buy EVA foam?

>> No.9180350
File: 103 KB, 400x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of makeup would you guys recommend for the "mask" around pic related's eyes? I was thinking maybe Ben Nye, since I really need it to stay put and not smear. Not sure how to get it perfectly even, apart from making some sort of template and using that to draw the outline on my face. Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated!

>> No.9180371

I would use Inglot's gel eyeliner mixed with duraline. Then set it with a matte black eyeshadow.

>> No.9180378
File: 105 KB, 736x762, fdcab5e7882596828311e147d5609294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to figure out how to make the coat on this.
My current thinking is make a vest shape, layer a capelet over it and attach at the collar but I'm not sure how to make the skirt part?
It looks like it would be attached to the body of the coat but I can't see where it would attach?
It needs the open hoop skirt built into the skirt which is why I was thinking do it as a separate piece?

Also I can't decide on what fabric to use on the outside, I was thinking brushed satin as it'll have a nice texture. I'll interface the hell out of it to make it stable.
it looks leather but I can't sew with leather and don't feel like learning, I'm doing the brown parts in faux suede.

>> No.9180504

Harbor Freight if you can find one. Cheapest EVA.

>> No.9180512

The skirt would attach to the upper part in the same seam as that ruffle. I would suggest making the skirt separate (so going to the bathroom is less of a pain) if you can successfully put a waistband with a snap in front without it looking lumpy. (I highly suggest putting it at the narrowest part of your waist for that.)
If you can't, then I'd attach it to the coat as intended.

>> No.9180772

Im kinda new to a lot of this stuff. My boyfriends really into cute dresses and shoes the only problem is he's tall and has a lot of trouble finding things that fit. I was wondering if anyone knows some places that do custom work for things like heels, he wears a womens size 16 which is almost impossible to find anything cute. Theres just very little in the way of variety. Im looking for maybe somewhere that will make larger size heels and shoes based off of pictures of smaller ones.

>> No.9181216

Look for foam floor mats, the kind that have the interlocking puzzle piece bits around the edge. They're usually EVA foam and fairly inexpensive. They can be a little thick though, try and find some thinner ones. Beyond that, just find wherever has them cheapest.

>mfw needed women's boots for cosplay
>mfw guy who also wears a women's size 16
I can't help you, unfortunately, but I certainly know your pain. I needed a very specific style of knee-high boot and I never could find it in my size.

>> No.9181227

I would say look into a cobbler near you. It might be expensive as fuck but they'll likely to be willing to give you exactly what you want.

>> No.9181423
File: 232 KB, 515x543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to put together a LL cosplay for Halloween, and am totally stuck on where to find a sweater vest. Where have you gulls found yours?

>> No.9181449

Cross-posting from the stupid questions thread cause it hit auto-sage

My prop has an expanding foam core that I'm still cutting down to the desired base shape and I want to put paper mache on top as the next step. So my questions are as following:
>how many paper mache layers should I use?
>what's the best primer for paper mache before painting?
>do I have to sand it before applying primer? If yes, how well does paper mache take it?

>> No.9181460


This >>9179219 Dremals will just cause grooves that you'll never sand out. Try to go in 1 direction with a lower grit and then when going to the finer grit try to cut at an angle. This will help you see that you are cutting the groves from the previous layer of sanding.

I also like to soak some paper towels in Acetone (assuming you are using ABS) and wipe down the part this will smooth out the part and show any deep grooves caused by the lower grit paper. The this will also help to better fuse the layers together and give you a glossy finish.

***Make sure to do all of this in a well ventilated area.***

>> No.9181500
File: 79 KB, 1024x1326, 302111843_648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for the fabric Charlotte Russe uses for its stretchy stuff?
I own this and a jacket made of this material and I like their really stiff properties, but I'm not sure about finding it online because fabric sites are always really vague about fabric feel and stretch.
I have a vague feeling it's ponte? But I have absolutely no idea. The fiber list on the dress says it's "rayon/nylon/spandex".

>> No.9181655
File: 280 KB, 419x724, Fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get boots / how do I make boots that resemble Fox's? I've got everything else out of the way.

>> No.9181659

Neoprene, most likely!

>> No.9181669
File: 103 KB, 939x648, brotherPE770e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get an embroidery machine and someone has the model I want on ebay for reasonably cheap but it has a 10million stitch count on it's "odometer." The seller says it just got a tuneup and works fine but are machines like this doomed after a certain number?

>> No.9181676

God I can't believe fast fashion has gotten to the point where they don't even fit clothes to the model for photoshoots. jfc

>> No.9181677

Get a pair of plain white boots and build on top of it with craft/EVA foam

>> No.9181693

How well does EVA / craft foam stick to a rubber boot? I was thinking about using a pair of rain boots but I'm not sure if it'd stick.

>> No.9181711
File: 49 KB, 800x389, wips1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a gengar and clefable gijinka with my husband and here's the plan so far. The scribble in the middle is a white pokeball design I'm thinking about putting on the back of each jacket. Maybe a complementary moon designs would look cooler though but they wouldn't look as overtly "pokemon".
Is there anything else I could do to make it more pokemon-y? I'm not willing to change the gradient on the gengar hakama though, I'm really excited to do that.

>> No.9181731

Completely depends on the glue. Check "Glue this to that" on google.

>> No.9181742


>> No.9181744
File: 16 KB, 974x599, kimono thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many gijinkas don't look like their pokemon unless there's something super iconic like Pikachu tails or Bulbasaur bulbs. All you really have going for those two is their body shapes. Mess with the sleeve shape

>> No.9181780

It's kinda just like that actually, if you're talking about the weird cut of the sleeves. That's almost exactly how it fits on me. I don't know if anyone could make it not look weird. (I bought it with the intent of wearing cardis/jackets over it regardless of whether it looked right.)

>> No.9181788

Question to those who make decent costumes:

How much sewing practice did you do to get where you are today? How much do you practice cosplay stuff.

I know some people will be tempted to post 10,000 hours a day or something for the sake of their cosplay e-peen, so at least how much costuming/sewing practice would someone need to do in order to be decent at making the cosplay they want?

>> No.9181810

I could do this and put spikes along the back seam of the haori. And maybe replace the pokeball symbol with wings for Clefable. I'm also thinking about making a drawstring purse to carry shaped like a magikarp because who doesn't know what that is?

>> No.9181815
File: 163 KB, 381x445, djhkasj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions or tutorials(preferably tutorials) on how to do a wig like this? I'm a total beginner so I really don't know where to start. I have this wig right now: https://www.epiccosplay.com/theia-20-raspberry-pink-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html

>> No.9183141
File: 106 KB, 512x720, hanayoorange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of making Hanayo's orange costume, when my friend suggested I should make it durable enough for someone to roll me around in. Problem is, I haven't been able to find material that is durable enough for this to be doable. Any suggestions?

>> No.9183145

I think it would be neat to have a little mask to wear on the side of your heads like the ones they have at summer festivals.

>> No.9183469
File: 19 KB, 328x500, 8269[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could find a belt similar to the one worn by Kamina in TTGL? I found this one online, but seems it's sold out everywhere. Anyone able to help?

>> No.9183517
File: 148 KB, 441x647, Mandalore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend some kind of material that will give a similar ribbed effect to the undersuit here? It's supposed to be armor-like so ideally it would have some 'poof' to it similar to a ribbed jacket. I'd really like to use something that had some of that bulk to it, but if it comes down to it I can live without the extra poofiness as long as I get the visual effect.

Would I be best off just getting a custom zentai suit made with the rib pattern printed on it? Where would be the best place to even have that done?

>> No.9183571

New thread.


>> No.9183628

Not unles you get into fiberglass. Even then it will be heavy, hard to store, and your center of balance will be really off for the gag unless you pad the bejesus out of the holes and hold on for dear life.

It would be better to build a sphere from eva foam, pad it with batting and cover it with spandex and just do some creative posing for a photoshoot. I.E. you use one arm and leg to support you between two chairs and then photoshop the chairs out.