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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9152872 No.9152872 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>9121642
FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

New Store Spreadsheet:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

Anon that will translate stuff: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com

REMINDER!: Image search function and detailed filters are only available on non-US/global Taobao, so switch to the default Chinese mainland version in the upper left on the homepage.

>> No.9152972
File: 391 KB, 620x714, TB2e54LahvxQeBjy0FiXXXioXXa_!!394312082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The store isn't in the spreadsheet, so I thought I'd ask here: does Avenue Denfer do custom sizing?

I'm absolutely head over heels in love with this dress, but I couldn't for the likes of me find anything about custom sizing (since they put all their text on picture so can't google translate). Help a whale-loving gull out?

>> No.9152974 [DELETED] 

>whale needs custom sizing for a whale dress
is this bait

>> No.9152981

maybe anon is tall or has a big bust. fuck off troll.

>> No.9152995

If I started an order yesterday, paid the first payment today (item cost + domestic shipping), and then had it shipped by SAL, is it likely to arrive before Halloween?
It's mu-fish's rose cross bag and a pair of infanta bloomers, so a small order but I know the bag is big. I'm using taobao ring and have never bought from taobao before but lurked in these threads for a while

>> No.9153017

Sorry for being 6'1''...

>> No.9153030

I just skimmed the listing but I'm not seeing anything about custom sizing either. You could try asking whatever agent you're using to message them and ask if they're willing to do custom, though.

>> No.9153053

>>9147600 cat-anon from last thread, could you please link the cat fans and the socks? Also review the velvet ribbons if possible

>> No.9153130

HOW long does ascos take to ship preorders holy shit

>> No.9153274

Usually there's a release date on the listing or store

>> No.9153293

Link to the heart window bags please?

>> No.9153447
File: 616 KB, 1280x1119, Aug2016Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did an order on Spreenow for the first time. Seems a lot smoother than when I used Taobaospree.

>> No.9153452

links to choker and badge please

>> No.9153538

to the surprise of no one, my 14kg tb package got caught in customs. at least im changing addresses next week

>> No.9153637

Has anyone seen any lolita-appropriate bags in navy blue? Or does anyone know if Loris can do custom colors?

I recall one shop that had some navy lolita bags up for pre-order, but they had this gold star print all over that I don't like

>> No.9153724
File: 816 KB, 1222x376, dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some nice dresses for cheap and they have positive reviews, but I noticed the store selling some replicas.
Does anyone recognise these designs as being replica?

>> No.9153729

can i have the link to the last to the right?

>> No.9153731

Cute haul, link to the T-shirt please?

>> No.9153764

Kinda strange that you found all these in the same shop because that last one is by grove deer, a taobao brand

>> No.9153771
File: 386 KB, 642x1084, IMG_0141-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just came in today!
Apparently it DID weight about 18-19 kg, I didn't have a scale so I couldn't weigh it, but I've lifted enough 20 kg rice sacks to know the weight is similar.
I got my friend's last order shipped with my package because TBR screwed up her order last time she used them.There was a lot more than I thought though. So that's why it weighed a lot!
I'm really lazy right now, but I can review anything/post links if you guys need it

>> No.9153823

>grove deer, a taobao

rabbit one is an ap wonder story dupe

>> No.9153835

Glad everything came in alright, anon! Could you please review the purple suspender skirt (and link it if it's good quality)

>> No.9153926



>> No.9153978

Could I have a link to the mousepad?

>> No.9153984


>> No.9153990

Link to the bag?

>> No.9154038
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x2560, 16-08-22-13-00-57-760_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, also here's a half assed collage
Another girl at my school has this bag so I've seen it IRL before and it's pretty big, like a chunky briefcase. I think size/weight can affect shipping time, right?

>> No.9154187

The second one is a Leur Getter replica

>> No.9154193

I haven't bought from taobao in a while and coming back now I see that it really isn't that hard to buy directly from taobao rather than an agent. Has anybody had any trouble with directly buying something from taobao before, or am I good to go?

>> No.9154240

did Spreenow give you an estimate on shipping?

I'm trying to learn other SS because yoybuy was my go to but I want to try out others that don’t have a growing bad reputation.

>> No.9154299

I haven't gotten a shipping cost for my haul yet, but they have a shipping calculator and table of approximate EMS prices on their website.

>> No.9154302

do you speak chinese? do you expect to need any kind of communication with the seller?

if the answer is yes to these, just go with an agent.

>> No.9154307

Are the petticoats from classical puppets?

>> No.9154818
File: 680 KB, 611x638, 1471906930644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, posted this in the old thread. Just the made the first payment on this. The wig is in black, couldn't find a stock photo for it.

>> No.9154844

I couldn't find the purple suspender skirt link in last thread as well as the black top, would you mind linking it here if you can i'd really appreciate it.

>> No.9154873

Source on the jewelry?

>> No.9154878
File: 85 KB, 564x1004, 1283b0e3ba7d4c7784c999bb1c481725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a top and skirt that look like this, or even a one peice dress, any length. The square neckline and the buttons all the way down the front are everything that I need in life.

I am also looking for nice gothic gowns and skirts, but I don't want any high necklines because it just makes my chubby round face look even fatter... It's surprisingly hard to find items that don't look like your typical highschool goth attire, any ideas?

>> No.9154999

I suppose the BORN TO DIE WORLD IS A FUCK tshirt isn't on Taobao any more?

>> No.9155003

So I just placed an order with dotdotbuy, I used the order notes to manually indicate which colors I wanted since there wasn't an option to select colors. Now that I am looking at the order I placed, it seems my notes have been completely cut off. Is there a way I can contact them about this?

>> No.9155012

I'm sorry I can't help you anon but do you have sauce on that pic? Really neat outfit.

>> No.9155337

It's really nice quality actually! Both the skirt and suspenders are really well made. It's a bit short on me, but it's wearable! I ordered a large and it actually fit on my 101cm hips!! Halleloo.
The ruffle detailing is cute and the big heart bottons on the front is a nice touch. I'm in love with this piece!

No, it's from a shop named "Candy rainbow". Another anon'gul recommended them, so I gave them a try. I ain't got a lot of petticoat experience but the poofy bellshape has a nice material and the A-line i STIFF and made of VERY STIFF tulle..

>Purple suspender skirt

>Black lace top

>> No.9155511

Could you review the wigs?

>> No.9155604

Link to the shiba sweatshirt? It's so cute.

>> No.9155691

I got this warning message on an item I ordered through Dotdotbuy:

Does this mean it might not be in stock?

>> No.9155711

This shop has a few replicas from what I can remember. Mainly Angelic Pretty and Metamorphose. The only print I remember them replicating by heart is Melty Cream Doughnut.

>> No.9155716
File: 58 KB, 600x600, TB2iMtjsFXXXXaIXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!2589801578.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna drop this. Found it looking for Harajuku clothes.

>> No.9155721

Actually did drop my link, wow.

>> No.9156022
File: 1.98 MB, 4108x4416, august taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more clothes and then I threw in a bunch of other stuff
Hopefully these clothes are good considering the cost, oh well.

>> No.9156145

This shop: https://shop58403697.world.taobao.com/

>> No.9156154

Cute haul anon! I have the same bell petti and I'm still head over heels for it, it's lasted longer than my Bunnyhouse L petti.

>> No.9156190

I've been waiting on mine since february

>> No.9156205

Could someone help me translate this? https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c-s.w4004-9652414682.53.k4y69i&id=536385028311 Google isn't making much sense with it. Is it a dress or a long shirt?

>> No.9156436
File: 930 KB, 2000x1000, finalverstaobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last of my stuff for a pretty big order for myself and gf just arrived at the agent, I'm so excited! Bought a bunch of craft supplies for a Sakizo cosplay as well, lace is so much cheaper on taobao compared to my local craft stores and the range is huge. Will hopefully be getting this over the next few weeks if anyone wants links/reviews etc

>> No.9156462

could I get links to the sakura hair ties and the red hood please?

>> No.9156463

what is the keywords for overwatch shit? I'm looking for like, shirts and merch stuff (tho cosplay isn't off the table I suppose).

the words I'm using aren't really working.

>> No.9156471

When I need anime/game titles I always look them up on wikipedia and change the language to Chinese (Which is typically the last option because in latin letters it's "Zhongwen")
Here you go!

>> No.9156476

Link to the horns and mushroom accessories please?

>> No.9156491

..I never thought of that, thank you so much!!

>> No.9156495

links for the cake rings and blue roses, please and thank you.

>> No.9156513

Link to the wig? I've been trying to find something in a similar style.

>> No.9156552

sauce on all the false lashes?

>> No.9156698

Here -> https://world.taobao.com/item/534163325772.htm

>> No.9156779

It's a dress.
Chinese lesson time: 雪纺 (chiffon) 木耳边 (literally 'fungus edge' but it means ruffled edge) 长袖 (long sleeve) 连衣裙 (one piece dress)

>> No.9156801

Has anyone ever had an issue with not receiving their package from Spreenow? This is currently happening to me and apparently they opened an inquiry about the missing package 2 months ago and still haven't gotten a reply.

>> No.9156869
File: 41 KB, 450x450, 414ba3eae56bdaaf6169b49cd8739f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find pink fake fawn fur fabric, but I can't find any when I search. Tried the dictionary but I just get results with deer statues

>> No.9156889

I'm really excited for it! It's based on Lovely Muco.

>> No.9156898

link to those constellation things please?

>> No.9157080
File: 512 KB, 1418x893, myorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank goodness shopping services never judge you.

>> No.9157126
File: 797 KB, 1484x1640, taobao order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order came in! I also ordered a bunch of nail stickers. Let me know if you want links or reviews!

>> No.9157154

I was the perfect last thread who asked about the sweet cream suspender skirt, I'm so happy that it's roomy! Would you mind posting your waist and height for reference? I'm uncertain whether to order an m or an l.

>> No.9157164

Impossible to find, anon. I had to do a cosplay with fawn fur fabric and I ended up making my own with suede & fabric paint.

>> No.9157168

Link to the cat undies with the 3d bow?

>> No.9157177

Link to the heart panties and shimapans please?

Links and reviews on the shoes and white overalls if it's possible!

>> No.9157193
File: 1.66 MB, 1216x668, taobaoaug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first order through TBT is all marked as received except the socks that were out of stock. I hope it gets weighed and photographed soon. I'm really liking them compared to the services I've used before.

>> No.9157268

Please could you link the constellation bag? And review it when you get it? Thank you!

>> No.9157284

link to sheer bow socks? (both styles)

>> No.9157301

Cute haul!
Link to the loose socks, heart charm bracelet, wig, and white blouse please?

>> No.9157302

Could I get a link to that choker?
I tried typing in what the watermark said and I got a completely different shop

>> No.9157305

Those tsum tsum clothes and keychain/charms please!

>> No.9157322

what do you call that headband thing you put on to keep hair back for washing your face?

>> No.9157332


>> No.9157352

Just a warning, the shop has a 4.6 rating for item quality but I figured for under $0.50 a pair it was worth a try.

Cat 3D Bow: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=525451263820

Hearts: https://world.taobao.com/item/527015105577.htm?fromSite=main

Shimapan: https://world.taobao.com/item/526966166359.htm?fromSite=main (these I got a pair of the same brand off ebay and loved them so I'm hoping the quality is just as good)

>> No.9157382

Here it is! https://world.taobao.com/item/528007964930.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4004-14904263731.2.fnX0EQ
I really hope it's as nice as it looks. I'm not even sure what I'm going to wear it with yet, but I love it.

>> No.9157385

Thanks anon! Thanks for breaking it down for me too. I will remember that in the future

>> No.9157658

Sakura hair ties https://world.taobao.com/item/530382623875.htm?fromSite=main
Red hood https://world.taobao.com/item/524764026793.htm?fromSite=main

Horns https://world.taobao.com/item/520376878100.htm?fromSite=main
Mushrooms accessories

Cake rings https://world.taobao.com/item/21911435283.htm?fromSite=main
Blue roses - not sure if you meant the hairclip or the fake flowers, hairclip is https://world.taobao.com/item/41625212490.htm?fromSite=main but the hydrangeas are from http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=525522712890

Falsies are all here! https://shop113775878.world.taobao.com/search.htm?spm=a312a.7700824.w5003-9858467185.49.N9aNuF&scid=1033240698&scene=taobao_shop

>> No.9157683

Link and review for the Asuka bodysuit?

>> No.9157685

those seem cool!

>> No.9157706

How much do you usually spend on your taobao orders?

>> No.9157728

Has anyone bought a dildo or sex toys? I wanna buy a buttplug, should I?

>> No.9157744

Link to the beret?

>> No.9157767

My waist is 70~72 cm and I'm 163 cm tall!

>> No.9157797

Aren't you the same person from the AliExpress threads asking why you couldn't buy sex toys there? Just suck it up and go to your local shop.

>> No.9157798

I try to stay under $100 at a time for the entire order + fees/shipping.

>> No.9157810

buy a metal or glass one if you have to
also don't give money to local retailers the markups are insane and they don't source properly anyway, go for a trusted online retailer for silicone stuff

>> No.9157869

Well that's annoying. Are there any reliable taobao agents? I'd like to buy from Bhiner because of the low agent fee, but apparently the will overcharge on shipping? I've already bought from spreenow and the shipping was really high so I don't want to deal with that again.

>> No.9158063

would love a link to the pig panties and cat with glasses bag (?)

>> No.9158216

Both of those are panties and the shop is the same as >>9157352

>> No.9158347

Link to the d.VA bags please?

>> No.9158418

The white overalls are great! Nicely made, and not too short. I'm pretty happy with them! The shoes are also great, would recommend. Super comfy, too!




Though heads up, the blouse is pretty cheaply made, even for the price

>> No.9158427

The choker is really nice, I would recommend it!

The tsumtsum set is pretty good for the price! The skirt has pockets. I'd say it's a bit nicer than say, F21. Definitely worth the ~$11. The pins are nice, no complaints, and the shop gave some free pins as a gift!

Tsumtsum set:


>> No.9158503


>> No.9158510
File: 417 KB, 549x422, bat-shape-gothic-punk-black-lolita-handbag-l-44_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any taobao seller that sells this? I know it's on m-l-d, but they're resellers and they jacked up the price on their airmail for it so I don't want to order from them. i've tried searching and just get the same ugly bag and the AP replica bat bag

>> No.9158735
File: 858 KB, 1762x1453, College Haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my haul for college. I'm used to wearing shorts and a t-shirt and I'm really pushing myself to wear something that looks decent. Altogether this was only $100, so I think I did pretty good.

>> No.9158775

Links for the wine dress and cream sweater please!

>> No.9158818

This looks super cute and comfy, you have good taste.

>> No.9158826

Pics/reviews for the holographic jacket and the heart cutout tank tops?

>> No.9159077

Hey guys. Does anyone have any experience with buying furniture or bulky items? I went through the archives and couldn't find any stories other than reposts of Furniture Anon and her bedbugs.

>> No.9159079

Use ebay instead, I've not had any issue there.

>> No.9159153

I love your style! Could I get a link to the green dresses?

>> No.9159188

Link to sheer, iridescent(?) coat please!

>> No.9159191

Link to alien top please!

>> No.9159223

Shits 'spensive.

>> No.9159282

Here's the Cardcaptor one https://world.taobao.com/item/42060935742.htm?fromSite=main
And here's one with the cross, since I didn't know which beret you wanted

>> No.9159608

Wine Dress: https://world.taobao.com/item/537325363656.htm?fromSite=main
Cream Sweater: https://world.taobao.com/item/522836691789.htm?fromSite=main&spm=1101.1101.N.N.12283ae

Why thank you very much!

Thanks anon, here's the links:
1.) https://world.taobao.com/item/537150140273.htm?fromSite=main
2.) https://world.taobao.com/item/523256880132.htm?fromSite=main

>> No.9159688

I just got that bag and it's pretty big. 9 inches in height and 12 inches long. Has lots of cool pockets and is very sturdy.

>> No.9159724

thank you so much I needed this.

>> No.9159725

review on wig~?

>> No.9159786

I got a spreenow package in but I'm missing some of my items. Two full orders to be exact. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.9159862

Could you please review the cinderella girls cosplay and the saber wig when they arrive?

>> No.9159871

Would you mind taking a pic of the overalls? I've been really wanting to their clothes but the fact that until today I've never actually seen any feedback on any of them on taobao makes me feel really uneasy. A worn or details pic would be really appreciated but so would just a quick pic of it spread out on a bed or something.

>> No.9160111

Just thought I'd throw out that I bought like six pairs from that shop and they're really nice and comfortable!

>> No.9160226

Really? That's awesome! I'm excited to get mine now.

>> No.9160671

Gorgeous! Can I have a link to the long socks?

>> No.9161345
File: 22 KB, 600x600, bobby sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this gem when working on a combined order.

>> No.9161350

please god, gimme that link

>> No.9161378

Sorry but did you drop the link for the choker?

>> No.9161398


Does anyone have a link to a trusted seller with those keyhole sweaters from last year? I bought mine off Fantasy Sheep back when they were popular, and now a girl in my order wants one in large and extra large. I tried using 露胸毛衣 and 开胸衫露 but I'm getting mostly one size garments and I can't remember if they were ever actually "sized."

>> No.9161423

Didn't see this in the dictionary, thought people who are interested in traditional Chinese dress may find it useful
qipao/cheongsam: 旗袍
changshan: 长衫 or 長衫 (note that this can also mean long shirt, therefore some unrelated results may show up)
mao suit/zhongshan suit: 中山装 or 中山裝
hanfu: 汉服 or 漢服

>> No.9161566

sauce on the socks you got in burgandy?
i know they're probably everywhere but im lazy.

love the top green dress btw!

>> No.9161571

haven't done a haul in a year.
any updates/drama on ss?
any new super good ss that everyone likes?
what do you use and swear by?

>> No.9161630

Were all of them marked to be shipped or did they just ship what they had? Also have you tried contacting them via the chat? They're pretty responsive. I've never heard of that happening though.

>> No.9161643

Any good cosplay stores that do custom sizing? Finding cosplays is easy but finding ones to do custom is much harder.

>> No.9161645

Happened to me once. They didn't give an explanation, just said they checked their warehouse and couldn't fiind them, and gave me a a refund. There's the possibility that chinese customs removed them as well.

>> No.9161828
File: 1001 KB, 1251x832, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any recommendations for these stores that just print weeb stuff on clothes? I'm specifically looking for a hoodie or jacket with a plush lining and see some stores have something like that but wanted to see if anyone has found a good comfy hoodie

>> No.9161854

link to the floral hair clip things?

>> No.9161937

Could you please review the Nero cosplay once it arrives?

>> No.9162288
File: 85 KB, 374x560, neverland-lolita-a-comme-amour-lolita-long-sleeves-bolero-gc-96_12_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get a review on Neverlands quality?

I haven't bought anything from them before, but I'm eyeing up this bolero/cardigan in black and navy. Tfw you've been on the hunt for navy knitwear forever.

>> No.9162477

I paid for my intl shipping today, so if all goes well I'll be getting my order this coming week!

>> No.9162484

I recently bought a hanfu, I'll post a review one it comes. It'll be in a month from now, so expect it next thread.

>> No.9162602

Sauce on all the various headbows? Specifically the white ribon one, the blue one with pink roses and the navy one with gold stars in middle.
Great haul overall

>> No.9162765


adorable taste for fall. Good luck on your quest to look put together.

Ooo I wish that cream sweater had longer sleeves. Time to goo check the fat girl stores to see if they have anything for tall people like that.

>> No.9162824
File: 83 KB, 600x600, slowpoke stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowpoke or frog?


>> No.9162849


I've been asking the same in the old TB thread regarding a JSK they are selling at the moment.

In short: the tendency is more on the negative side. Some anons do say that their stuff can be wearable, but overall it's far away from burando quality. The production quality is rather bad and their prints can be very blurry. Unless you want something really bad, you should look up other Taobao labels. You will most likely find better stuff there.

If you want the long version, go to >>9122132 or look it up in the archive: warosu.org/cgl/thread/9121642#p9122132

>> No.9162961

ears are on the begining of the braces

>> No.9163165

link to ankle socks and shoes?

>> No.9163173

please link me the persona shirts!

>> No.9163176

Can I use dotdotbuy if I don't know a lick of chinese? Will I run into any problems or is google translate good enough?
Sorry for asking this, I checked the archives and the web and what I found was vague or contradicted each other.

>> No.9163190

Don't do it.

>> No.9163194

Why not? Legit curious

>> No.9163200

Honestly if you run into any problems with your items, it's very hard to communicate to the seller what you want specifically.
I'm telling you this as a chinese shopper who even has communication problems sometimes, I personally don't think it's worth the trouble. The extra fee of whatever SS you use is worth the convenience.

>> No.9163288

Alright then, thank you anon!

>> No.9163413

I'm currently using them. I would really only recommend them for super basic stuff that doesn't require anything custom.

I made a huge mistake attempting to order foxcherry stuff. In the past I've ordered from them with other SS's without an issue. They don't have much in stock, but are fine with making things custom, from what I can remember. However, when I attempted to do this with dotdotbuy, they just told me all the colors of everything I wanted was unavailable. I've been using google translate but I really have no idea how to specify to them that I am okay with waiting for items to be made, so I'm having to cancel pretty much everything I ordered from that shop.

However everything else has been fine so far. So, yea, it depends on what you are getting.

>> No.9163428

Thanks so much anon!

>> No.9163461

Can do!!

>> No.9163515


This store is great for virtually any diy project, I'm really impressed by their variety

>> No.9163737

Please could you drop links to the red shoes and wig, anon?

>> No.9163949

The floral rosette style hairbow was linked in >>9162477, but here are the rest of them
white hairbow >http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=534276228729
navy hairbow >http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520423002571
double clips >http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=534240580551

red shoes >http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3487605650
red wig >http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9122552213

>> No.9164364

Link to keys?

>> No.9164965
File: 283 KB, 750x750, TB22lnhcVXXXXaaXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!925006709_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could i have help finding this please? I keep getting ugly shirts with wings printed on it

>> No.9165012


You can try Taobao's reverse image search next time (you need to be on the mainland china version of the site though). I actually forgot to do that myself but I found it searching 翅膀 可愛 t恤 (wings cute tshirt).

>> No.9165586

wow, that was fast. thanks! and thanks for the advice. I will try that next time.

>> No.9165666

Choker link please?

>> No.9165678

Please review the Asuka swimsuit! I've been curious about the quality of them.

>> No.9165736

Not the anon you asked, but I have the rei version and it fits and is cute but its very sheer and the top is pretty tight.

>> No.9165795

could I also get a review?

>> No.9166219
File: 71 KB, 581x890, 13553143_1225926464138187_473036709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I can find a dress in the same style ? I know to Alice is selling one with a cape but i'm not really convinced by the design, too sweet for me ...

>> No.9166641 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 600x547, T18EoQFMpXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, can anyone tell me if the socks are included in this cosplay?


>> No.9166651


>> No.9166655


could i get a link to the swimsuits? i've been wanting to buy one as well

>> No.9166749

if I had a sauce I think my life would be more complete. Alas I do not.

>> No.9166838

This is so beautiful! I initially thought that it would be quite easy to find something similar but its weirdly very hard! Sorry for it being off topic because its not taobao, but the only thing i could find that was even remotely similar was this http://www.oasap.com/midi-maxi/204770-women-s-fashion-square-neck-long-sleeve-a-line-dress.html

Sorry i couldn't be of more help, i'll let you know if i find anything better

>> No.9166988

>Gudako's master uniform
Good taste anon, good taste.
friend code?

Also source for the store(s) that sell the lace please!

>> No.9167181

I am in the process of ordering a few items from TaoBaoSpree and am slightly regretting it. Communication is extremely slow and vague, and I'm afraid my stuff is going to take 1000 years to get here. Anyone have experience with them?

>> No.9167354

Which agent is the best to use? mine now charged 10%

>> No.9167409

I swear by Pruany.
To this day, they have never screwed up an order for me, be it missing items, custom made items, or deposit/final payment items. I've spent over $3000 usd with pruany.

I know the SS spreadsheet mentioned overcharging shipping price, but the anon in the mentioned thread literally changed from normal shipping to DHL, and DHL is charged by dimensions so the actual weight of the package has no relevance to what the "shipping weight" is.

Also the spreadsheet information about domestic ship is wrong.
When you enter each link into the system, it automatically puts in 12 yuan, because their automatic calculator can't process that. But you message pruany through either their online chat or offline chat to fix the price of shipping/anything that their automatically calculator calculated wrong, and they fix it for me within the day (or right away if online chat). Even if the store has free shipping with x number of items, they can fix that for you if you just message them. The calculator also can't process some sales item (especially with tmall sales), so again, just msg and they fix it asap.

I've also never had delayed responses from pruany. At most it's 2 days, and that was when their office was under renovation or something. (not including public holidays).

Also, at the comment in the spreadsheet "Once an order's first payment is done, the order is closed and you cannot add items to that order anymore." If you keep unpaid items in the cart during first payment. I've never actually had this happen before since i always pay my items in parts. I also split each order into multiple international packages often too. Like I said, as long as you keep unpaid items in the cart, the order doesnt close. (It does get confusing though, so I recommend you finish up orders)
>pic related

Sorry for the long post, but I've actually invested so much money into Pruany and I've never had problems with them.

@ spreadsheet anon, please fix pruany information.

>> No.9167414
File: 129 KB, 952x835, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic oops

>> No.9167422
File: 9 KB, 497x264, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand just now

>> No.9167919
File: 758 KB, 764x500, mufishbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bag is a bit bigger than I was expecting from the photos, but I love it; it's easily big enough to carry as a regular every day purse. No damage, all the metal parts were wrapped so they wouldn't get banged up. It has a detachable, longer, adjustable strap as well. Zipper pocket on the back, inner zipper pocket and a slot for a phone as well. I'm really happy with it.

If anyone else wants reviews from anything in >>9157193 let me know, I'm unpacking it now. I will say that the only thing that really didn't work out is that ALL of the wigs are darker than their photos, to the point that I don't know if I'll be able to use them for what I wanted.

>> No.9167920


same, I love pruany so much, I've used them for four years, never had a customs fee, never had a missing item.

>> No.9168049

Has anyone here bought from Chess Story? If so, how is their quality?

>> No.9168068

Thanks so much for the review anon, that's definitely going in my next order!

>> No.9168086

Would you mind reviewing the mufish tights? I like a lot of their designs but I've heard they're not great if you're taller. Also review on the grey Rain wig, please?

>> No.9168314

Link to the dress with the potted plants on it please anon, you have such beautiful taste!

>> No.9168363

Empty box anon reporting

I got a Love Live cosplay. I told to BuyNoSaur and they offered to pay the shipping to the person who originally buyed the cosplay. So C.M. from Canada, your packet is on the way (hope you received it).

Then I wanted a refund. They didn't answer me for +2 weeks so I filled a PP claim. BuyNo-NoSaur provided shipping proof so they won the claim. I tried to talk with them but nothing.

Don't buy from these bunch of dirty scammers, never. I'm without money and jsk. First baby's Taobao order ruined, thanks BuyNoSaur.

>> No.9168377

So I figured I might as well ask here even though it's not really /cgl/ but it involves taobao.

I'm looking to order a couple jerseys from them since it seems like every Aliexpress account that sells knockoffs gets banned after a couple days. I heard how their shipping services are hesitant to ship "high risk" items and that includes counterfeit items. Am I shit out of luck with getting jerseys or is there a workaround?

>> No.9168403

>tfw I'm using them right now
I had some missing items from my last order but they were small things and I got refunded so since I had a voucher and things have calmed down I'm trying them again.
Shadiest thing so far is them asking if I minded sending a gift payment but they've updated me on my order pretty regularly and even sent me messages from one of the sellers I bought from to clarify my order so yeah, so far so good.

>tfw my top three SS are Buynosaur, TaobaoRing, and Yoybuy
Why do I have trash taste in Chinese services?

>> No.9168417

I'm sorry that happened to you. I would be mad. I'd just like to point out that I don't think your experience was typical/they're not scammers.

I've made my payments through gift and it's all good so far. Just got pictures of all my stuff!

>> No.9168436

Awesome to know! I've made three orders with them and only had the few items vanish back when they were super busy and shutting down orders but the one after that went fine so my faith is still pretty high. I'm just worried because I'm >>9157080 and have around 30 items in my order.

>> No.9168437


What the hell? Couldnt you have showed PP that they sent you the wrong item, thus hopefully siding with you?

Sorry this bs happened to you anon, its fucked up.

>> No.9168442


I've only used TBR and I havent had any troubles with them. When I hear about complaints for them its mostly to do with their communication and custom cosplays or something. You just have to remember their english isnt very fluent if your looking for something very custom, I would maybe recommend a different SS.
The only thing they do that I find annoying is they wont do reserve items and cant buy from To Alice for some reason.

>> No.9168498

My biggest issue with them was overcharging. Mostly it was charging you for domestic shipping even when there was free shipping or even charging you more than the shop actually charged. That's why I switched.

>> No.9168532

I have a lot of stuff coming too! My tip is just look for every single item in your photos. :)

>> No.9168555

I'm hesitant to buy with a SS, because I would prefer to know ahead of time how much to set aside for international shipping. I'm looking at a few dresses, nothing that will weigh that much, and the stupid shipping calculator on SpreeNow isn't working. Can someone give me an example of how much they've personally spent on shipping?

>> No.9168574
File: 791 KB, 615x820, greywig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig is nice! It's cute, but a bit darker than I was expecting... all the wigs from that seller were really nice fiber-wise, but their colors were all over the place, so I probably won't order from them again.
Unfortunately, I'm not a very good person to ask about tights... I'm only 5'4"; but I think they're very good as far as not stretching the design too thin (though I'm short, I have muscular legs so they DO have to stretch). I've got a few pairs of their other tights as well from a previous order and I really like them.

>> No.9168581

oh, I actually really like that color, but I can see the photos were a bit off. Thanks!

>> No.9168616

I generally set aside $40 at a minimum but I also have a bad habit of stockpiling my order.

>> No.9168621

you filed the claim wrong; you should've filed an item not described claim; you would've won no matter what.

>> No.9168723

yea, I wished I read up on that before I spent all that moola. I spent 16 dollars more on socks I couldn't have gotten at aliexpress at half the price.

Also not waiting to combine all my orders together before paying. They shipped from the same store twice and charged me twice for the domestic shipping.

I used yoybuy years ago, and I liked how they gave me the weight of the individual items. That really helps when I did group orders back then.

TR just combined all my items and was not able to give estimate on my friend's items. Now I have to guestimate the odd cosplay item weights.

Is warehouse holding fees a thing?
It was for yoybuy. TR didn't charge me any for my custom orders that took 2 weeks.

>> No.9169039

Yeah the one time I had missing stuff I actually didn't get an order photo and I forgot to ask so that was 50/50 blame. The next order I had was a lot smaller and nothing went wrong with it so I'm still 2 out of 3 for orders going perfect.

>> No.9169053

Depends on the weight and the shipping method. If you're on a budget go with SAL if you have a lot of heavier stuff or more items. Go with Air Mail if it's light weight or just a few things.

What I do is find stuff generically like I'm ordering (tshirts out of my closet or a pair of shoes) and weigh it all so I'll have a rough estimate of weight so I can go ahead and figure out what shipping method is the better deal and how much money to set aside.

Here's some of my old 2015-2016 orders from various shopping services that I still have the online receipts for, hope this helps! (Because it just makes me realize I'm a shopaholic)

>1kg, Shipping: E-Express, Price: $22.62

>4.7kg, Shipping: SAL, Price: $56.57

>5.3kg, Shipping: Surface, Price: $45.90

>0.6kg, Shipping: AirMail, Price: $11.84

>2kg, Shipping: SAL, Price: $29.94

>0.5kg, Shipping: AirMail, Price: $11.77

>2.6kg, Shipping: SAL, Price: $39.33

>2.8kg, Shipping: SAL, Price: $39.33

>> No.9169056

I used Yoybuy recently (used to love them to death before the great credit card x2 charge) and was really pleased with my order. Plus I got a coupon from them for being a new customer since I had forgotten my original log in stuff.

>> No.9169118
File: 1.22 MB, 872x1073, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SS just took photos of my latest shitty small order and I am very hyped.
The vale is black too, hopefully I think it is just a bad photo, you could see the corner of the dress in the photo too and it also looked blue so whatever.
I thought the bow came with the vale but it looks like I was mistaken, not really the end of the world

>> No.9169126

Nooo don't talk up Pruany they will get swamped and overwhelmed and I want to keep them for myself.

>> No.9169373

What are some of the best Taobao stores for sweet lolitas?

>> No.9169394

I've always used Yoybuy's forwarding service, even when other people were getting the credit card double charge, and never had a problem. They do accept paypal now too.

>> No.9169395

Link to the moulds please?

>> No.9169420
File: 2.67 MB, 2000x1985, TBOrder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just paid off the first round for this order. Found some super cute stuff.

>> No.9169455


>> No.9169460

Love that rabbit backpack and the purple shirt!

>> No.9169473


Castle shirt, constellation shirt and wing brooches please

>> No.9169478

Castle: https://world.tmall.com/item/520304114201.htm?id=520304114201&sku_properties=20509:13480463
Constellation: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=536548395477
Wing Brooches (Can be hairpins too): https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=533108002608

>> No.9169504

Where did you get the felt pins top left? A local artist booth sells those, I thought they were hands made by them not bought off Taobao.. I want to double check if I got ripped off or not.

>> No.9169518 [DELETED] 

Let us know how much your international shipping is for this, I'm curious because I'm planning a haul about this size and want to get a good idea of what to expect.

>> No.9169521

Ah thank you! That's super helpful

>> No.9169524

From here anon https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=521641283015

>> No.9169528

Bananya bag please!

>> No.9169553

My friend and I ordered over 9,000 g

>> No.9169554

Source on wing sleeve shirt and bottle bag (with bow) please? I love everything here anon

>> No.9169565

Anon, you have such a cute haul! May I have the link to the D.VA shirt and the golden round glasses? Thanks in advance!

>> No.9169601

Aww man...they're the same. Thanks for the link!

>> No.9169613


Glad you do~
Wing shirt: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=534741138614
Bottle bag: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=531803302511

Thanks anon!

D.Va Shirt:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=534856171332
Glasses: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=533915561984

>> No.9169616

Oh no D: Sorry to hear that anon!

>> No.9169627

Don't worry anon, Every one of my orders is at least 14 kg and I order by myself at least once every month

>> No.9169708

>that jsk
I'm starting to get a little salty because people's ss are getting them and yet spreenow hasn't received mine yet. I just wanna be a sparkly lolita dammit

>> No.9169709

google and the google doc for this thread are my personal faves

>> No.9169928

That's not so bad. I'm just thrifty and make lots of little orders instead of one big order. Well, thrifty and I can't stop ordering so I'll place one and then a few days later see more stuff I want so I place another order. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.9169931
File: 246 KB, 500x281, Lucy_unamused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate to tell you anon but that's pretty common these days. You know how if you Taobao enough it ruins a dealers room for you because you know that $25 plushie is $5 on Taobao? You'll start seeing it in Artist Alley too.

>went to Anime Weekend Atlanta
>lolita booth in the Artist Alley
>mfw I recognized fabric on their skirts from Taobao shops
>mfw I recognized their teacup rings as premade from Taobao
>mffw they had an entire box of 'handmade' jewelry all pre-bought from Taobao

Fuck them bitches. I'd rat them out in a damn heartbeat and pull up Taobao listings to prove it because if I can't get away with doing that shit to make some cash, neither should they.

>> No.9170148
File: 8 KB, 236x314, 4c352104f1dda5245fb25e13e2d00cf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to search for this dress so I'm asking for help. Either recommendations or keywords to use would be really appreciated! I want to find a sheer pink dress like pic related for an upcoming meet later.

>> No.9170157

Are you asking us to find you a replica or just some generic dress with that type of fabric?

>> No.9170187

I'm okay with it financially at the moment, but it could have been bad. There's no merit in continuing to complain I guess.

There is light in the tunnel, EMS is cheaper and more affordable.

>> No.9170190

Why don't you bring it up on the AA thread? They can do the work to solve the heinous crime.

>> No.9170195

Link to the reaper hoodie and camera shaped bag?

>> No.9170258

Not a replica, just a generic dress! I'm more asking what kind of terms would help pop something up? Or what stores might have something similar.

>> No.9170274

try "sheer dress" or "soft sister sheer" or something like that. Soft Sister will bring up a lot of stuff like that in pastels and junk.

>> No.9170291 [DELETED] 

Sorry to bother you anon, the D.Va shirt was removed. Can you link me for the other shirt or just the seller in general?

>> No.9170438

https://world.taobao.com/item/537969209751.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.vPXKDV#detail ?

>> No.9170442

I would like to buy the black set from the first picture. I don't know what should I choose, the translator doesn't help. Does anybody know?

>> No.9170458

Reaper: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=537092720400
Camera: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=531323513736

>> No.9170468

When in doubt, just take a picture and show your shopping service so they'll know.

>> No.9170473

What I'm most disappointed in is that they are probably THE most famous AA booth in my area. They rake it in with their goods, but now I know the truth. It hurts my soul, why would they do that. They should buy a dealers table if they're going to sell bought stuff, not take away tables from hard working artists.

>> No.9170477

They probably got greedy anon. I mean there's a slim chance that they made the design and Taobao got a hold of it (like that infamous art theft with the unicorn) but odds are they just thought they'd get away with it because the item is pretty unique and not mass produced like teacup rings and stuff.

Honestly, I'd contact the convention staff and show them evidence (especially if they have an online shop you can get proof from) and explain the situation. It's the least confrontational you can get as compared to calling the artist out, and they'll probably get warning to either stop selling bought items or buy a dealers booth instead.

>> No.9170480

>mfw all I did was google "touken ranbu felt pins" and I found an etsy that might be theirs
They're the only one selling this design and they've got a bunch of other felt pins as well and some generic Taobao purchased bell collars. If this is them then you really ought to say something to your con staff because all this shit looks Taobao bought.

>> No.9170497

Did some digging around and I think I found the place that massly produces them on taobao. All super cute though. https://xppoo.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?spm=a230r.1.999.183.gKDUfN&user_number_id=66705363

>> No.9170504

And the Etsy I found (still not sure if it's the artist anon mentioned but they're the ONLY ones selling them) has four listings up I see on that shop you linked's front page. All they did was photograph them against a different background and called them handmade.

Anon, are you from Hawaii by any chance?

>> No.9170505

>recognize the fabric on the shirt
How is this bad? You can't buy your materials from Taobao or something?

>> No.9170512

No, there's nothing against buying the material. I just recognized the print on the fabric as from being from a Taobao lolita brand. Whether the fabric itself was generic free use (it was a bookshelf/library pattern, I remember that one most) or whether they just bought the whole skirt from the shop, that added in with all their other non-handmade items made me not buy anything from them.

>> No.9170554

I'm in desperate need of a white long sleeved lolita cardigan for fall and I barely find anything and not anything good. Someone please help?

>> No.9170750

Thanks for the link! I'll add some to my order.

No, I'm from Canada. I guess others are also cashing in on the deal. The AA booth sells these pins for (I think) 8-10$ each, when the Taobao is only 2 bucks. That's such a huge profit margin.

>> No.9170757

Other cute felt things that I found if you want


>> No.9170844

Any SS with a shopping cart that automatically displays pictures?
I just wanted to use one for making a wishlist whilst still knowing wtf each link is to be honest

>> No.9171043


>> No.9171147

Seconding >>9171043
I use TBR cart to make my orders before I submit them to my spreadsheet based shopping service so I'll know which number item is which.

>> No.9171262

looks good, thanks!

>> No.9171619
File: 65 KB, 960x720, Untitled drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in an order- willing to review items when they get here if anyone is interested!

>> No.9172289

So I've tried preordering items with TBR before and it was a no go. Ive heard this as well from other anons on here.
I just instant messaged them through their website asking about help with a preorder (I want the new Dear Celine blouse that is up) and they said they could do it. Well I added it to my cart and confirmed, lets see what happens.

>> No.9172472
File: 264 KB, 500x233, uo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting on Taobao order to be shipped and one item has yet to arrive after days of waiting

It's a daki I wasn't even in love with but I needed a heavier item in my order to make using my shipping voucher worth it and all my #1 OTP ones look so wonky in the small details that I had to go with an entirely different series. Meh. I might just end up selling it and getting my #1 off another site or for 11/11 because I actually feel kinda bad for not buying them now.

Anyone else end up regretting buying a Taobao item before you've even received it?

>> No.9172592

Link to the dress? I recognize it but I don't remember where from

>> No.9172619

I know the teacup rings too. I bought one my first con and the next year saw the same on taobao for $0.50. I was so fucking mad, I wish I'd remembered the name of the table.

>> No.9172650

Yeah some people try to be sneaky about it then others just buy shut that'll hit the shelves at every trendy shop the next season and out them. Teacup rings, those cabochon necklaces, etc.

>> No.9172708

I see at least one taobao booth at every AA I do. Usually just a plethora of cute accessories but put out in small quantities at a time to appear more small batch and handmade. At least this one made some things? That's a lot more than I can say for most I've seen.

It's frustrating because you could do the same thing if you wanted but don't know if that will be questionable integrity.

>> No.9172776

Yeah this is why I despise them so much because they get away with it but you know the moment you tried someone would notice and you'd have your reputation ruined.
>tfw staff at a con and just waiting for someone to pull this shit

>> No.9172968

Where should i go to find bloomers aside from infanta?

>> No.9173042
File: 47 KB, 540x542, TB2HzkrmVXXXXa1XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-taoxiaopu_sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just stumbled into those bags... i find them super cute but they have no review. Anyway i guess i will take the risk.

>> No.9173117

I remember there was a shop doing Holy Lantern replicas awhile ago that were so close to real thing. Anyone know what I'm talking about

>> No.9173128


god, these are ugly versions of those japanese hand made ones.

>> No.9173283

Has anyone bought from Cream Made? Their stuff is cute and I want to know how their quality is.

>> No.9173290
File: 92 KB, 778x800, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any recommendations for visual kei shops that sell stuff like this, preferably not super expensive?
i checked the shops directory and none of them had what i was really looking for.
i also looked up using the search term but i can't find anything at all with that besides a selection of 3 wigs being resold over and over and maybe 1-2 clothing items.
plz help.

>> No.9173316
File: 1.32 MB, 934x746, august_order16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are from my last shipment. Still waiting for some of these to arrive to the SS.

>> No.9173349

Oh god yeah.
I once was waiting on an item for an extra week, which delayed my entire order.
I got my parcel the Monday after the con. Was so salty.

>> No.9173360

catteaparty.taobao.com has a lot of cute lolita basics like bloomers!

>> No.9173492

Hey quick question, the spreadsheet is a little wonky. is lemon0_0sha@hotmail.com infanta's english speaking email or do I not understand the column categories?

>> No.9173606

Does secondhand taobao site takes foreign cc? I got a different looking of when I tried to buy off there.
If not which ss will buy from secondhand taobao?

>> No.9173655

pls review if you end up buying.
I know they're knock offs butttt
I'm a poorchan who would use this in normie styles.

>> No.9174115

Link for the top right dress?

>> No.9174340

Found a cheaper seller with feedback


>> No.9174449


>> No.9174593

So far part of my order is at Buynosaur, the largest part is at their China Warehouse still, and my daki is still forever listed as Bought.

>> No.9174794

Alright so I plan to test how good my chinese has gotten and try out forwarding a package from dot dot buy.

Wondering if anyone who has used forwarding from an agent/buy yourself ( and not shopping for you agent) can give me a run down on what that was like for them?
Also, taobao takes Visa/Mastercard right?

>> No.9174799

just put in a huge order with yoybuy! (which i don't know why more people use desu, their fee isn't the lowest but they're fast, user friendly and reliable?? the only shopping service i like)

I'll post when I get it in if anyone's interested, but it's all goth guy clothes/jewelry/etc. I know most of you are lolita girls but I thought there might be a chance someone else was into that stuff.

>> No.9174806

What's the cheapest shopping service?

>> No.9174811

Link to bag?

>> No.9174814

So far as I know it's bhiner, but I haven't heard much good about them?

>> No.9174818

OHH my god where did that random desu come from? I can only assume autocorrect but there's seriously no way i've typed that enough for my computer to save it. wow.

>> No.9174819


Bhiner is more expensive. I compared prices between them and buynosaur and buynosaur coverts to HKD as well.

>> No.9174822

The shipping is pretty expensive!

>> No.9174825

Bhiner can be a little slow but I keep using them because they've been around for years and I trust them over the other scam of the month SS's that get promoted around here.

>> No.9174828

It's from MuFish! https://world.taobao.com/item/41836514952.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w7256477-14997819873.1.LyaMat But it weights 1.3kg.

>> No.9174844

It's a filter, calm down.

>> No.9174850

It's a filter, don't worry about it. Yoybuy had some scamming/double charging a while back so they fell out of favor. I used them recently though and had no issue though.

>> No.9174963

Pff guess I haven't posted in a while.

>> No.9174974

yeah it replaces to be honest abbreviated

>> No.9174980
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x951, tbhaul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just waiting for another 50% to arrive at ss now

>> No.9175197

Link for wavy wig?

>> No.9175244

I checked the taobao dictionary file and i tried to use the words there for rocking horse shoes but couldn't find any actual rocking horse shoes just platform running shoes.
Any gull got a link for any or more precise ways to search for them?

>> No.9175254
File: 661 KB, 848x900, ibp3dxZy2Vys4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order two "ivory" blouses
>Both are pure white

Time to attempt tea dye I guess.

>> No.9175271

link to buster?

>> No.9175326

dream holic romlea!

>> No.9175580

Sorry for the late reply! Laces shops:
(thank you! and it's 287,767,032)

>> No.9175595

can i get a link for the grey checkered dress please?

>> No.9175602

links to the heart chokers

>> No.9175756

Sorry if this has been answered a million times already but does TBRing require you to pay the full price up front for preorders?

>> No.9175763

link to the black shoes, glasses and horns please?

>> No.9175784

Link to the cross necklace? I feel like I know the shop but I can't find it in my favorites

>> No.9175861

from bobon21!


black shoes:
didn't buy the glasses, i bought the hat in the picture. sorry!

haha np, its haruhiclover

>> No.9176066

Bu6nosaur took photos of my order for me even though I'm still waiting on a custom order item. Will make collage when I'm not on mobile. Everything looks so cute!

>> No.9176194
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x2560, 16-09-07-21-37-10-642_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know which store sells these? Thanks in advance

>> No.9176209

It's been almost exactly a month since I submitted my order and everything but two tiny flower clips from surfacespell gothic arrived within 2 days of me submitting my order. Goddamn I just want this shit shipped already, I needed the clips by this weekend. Last time I got a custom blouse from them it only took 3 weeks.

>> No.9176265

木紋lolita, but there aren't that many in general

try searching "punk日本" or even just punk and using the filters/find similar option

>> No.9176290
File: 452 KB, 1818x546, weeborder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick and crappy collage. Some items left out for tiny photos or not having arrived yet.

>> No.9176297

Link to left dress?

>> No.9176428

They sent me photos too, but from my old order lmao

>> No.9176431

Yeah I thought the same thing. I was so very wrong, and so very sad.

So no one has any good recs for EGL shit? damn!

>> No.9176505

Buynosaur sent me photos too, but of (I hope) another anon's order (they can screw up every single item, right...?) .I've ask for correct photos for 2 weeks now but nothing, hoping there isn't a big problem...

>> No.9176536

sauce for these cute kitchen utensils please, anon

>> No.9176555

So from the posts here buynosaur sounds like they're still behind? I ordered from them this February and it was totes fine. Have any anons recently made an order with them and things ha gone well? I was hoping to use them again but if they still are overloaded I won't want to

>> No.9176694
File: 71 KB, 521x521, TB2fKFslFXXXXa6XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!773966350.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is from: https://shop103809169.world.taobao.com/
Also check out this listing, it's for variety bundle deals which is how I got 3-4 of the items for a cheaper price: https://world.taobao.com/item/534391878536.htm?fromSite=main

They're only taking non-urgent orders right now and last I heard they were understaffed so if you're not making a massive order or have stuff you need ASAP, I'd use them. I'm >>9176290 and all my stuff came from three shops and I'm in no rush to get any of it. I made an itabag order with them not to long ago as well and it went fine but once again, I had a small order and wasn't rushed for time.

>> No.9177251

Is the shopping service spreadsheet recently updated? The review lists all seem to be from years ago.

>> No.9177522
File: 41 KB, 301x400, cream sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, sorry for the late responses everyone, haven't been on /cgl/ in a while.

Navy socks: https://world.taobao.com/item/522861875209.htm?fromSite=main
Beige socks: https://world.taobao.com/item/36605113146.htm?fromSite=main

Burgundy Socks: https://world.taobao.com/item/18501481851.htm?fromSite=main&spm=1101.1101.N.N.70455ba

Thanks, I think the sleeves are pretty long though, pic related is someone wearing it in case you want an idea of how long it is.

Thank you anon, I've seen a lot of similar stuff on it with plants like that and think it's adorable: https://world.taobao.com/item/531900346828.htm?fromSite=main&spm=1101.1101.N.N.7e07f5b

>> No.9177728

New thread?

>> No.9178414

Buynosaur are not scammers. I had a parcel that had to be shipped urgent in June and they offered to ship it despite me only able to afford half of the shipping fee as I was out of money, but they trusted me and shipped it...

>> No.9178453

New thread: >>9178371