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9147865 No.9147865 [Reply] [Original]

How long before you consider someone an oldfag in lolita?

I guess for me, I consider people who were around during the LJ days and remember when Sugary Carnival was $800 to be oldfags. So, I guess a minimum of 5 years.

Do you consider yourself an oldfag?

>> No.9147875

I honestly don't know. I've been lurking the online lolita communities for a decade now and bought my first dress in 2007 or 2008 but only actually started wearing the fashion two years ago and only joined my local comm this year. It's really weird to have everyone at a meet treat me like a naive newbie, when most of them don't even remember a time before Taobao lolita was a thing. Yet on the other hand I do suppose they have been 'properly' active for longer than I have.
I wonder if they'll think it's weird that I was a poorfag lurker for such a long time. Would people look down on me for that? So far I've just not brought up any older stuff but in reality I know all about everything, including old drama.

To answer your question though I think 5 years counts as oldfag and 8-10 years counts as ancientfag providing someone has actually been active for all that time.

>> No.9147884

I wouldn't consider 5 years to be oldfag. More like 8 minimum. I have been into and wearing lolita for 10 years and have still missed stuff that happened earlier.

>> No.9147892

You don't need to have witnessed the dawn of lolita to be an oldfag, anon.

>> No.9147898

Whatever happened to this girl? Is she active anywhere?

>> No.9147925

Duplica Chan has been posting on CoF lately. Make me nostalgic for LJ

>> No.9147964

I feel like I am. I got into the fashion in 2007 and started actively wearing it in 2008. Considering some people wear it for a couple of years and then leave, that's a pretty good run so far.

>> No.9147965

she's moved to instagram iirc and became basically a taylor swift clone.

>> No.9147981

That's unfortunate.

>> No.9148028

whats her insta?

>> No.9148033

This is kind of hilarious considering how popular Taytay is with white supremacists.

>> No.9148034

What is the obsession with this lately??

>> No.9148047

oldfags trying to stay relevant even though age doesn't automatically mean experience or good taste.

>> No.9148066

I first heard about lolita 6 years ago but talked myself out of it. I started lurking 3 years ago, and practiced making coords, hunting down other people's Dream dresses and following the releases as much as I could.
January was when I got my first burando, and I just went to a meet up with my comm this summer. I got the 'you're a newbie? What city are you from? No, really, you're from here?'
I count the time spent lurking towards being into the fashion, but my counter for being 'in thr fashion' only started ticking after creating my first coordinate back in Feb.
I very much dislike the 'lolita at heart' mentality, can you tell?

>> No.9148321

Who is she? Ive been around for about 8 years but she doesnt ring a bell.

>> No.9148330


>> No.9148345

To my comm, as most have been in it for 10 years, they probably wouldnt consider me an oldfag.. as they just told me the whole bodyline fruits parlor drama even though i was on live journal then to see all the posts.
Ive been active on cgl since at least 2012. I bought my first brand dress in 2011 but didnt start wearing it/attending meet ups until 2012. Starting in 2008 i followed egl, tumblr (2009?), blogs, youtube ect. In 2010 i bought bodyline and wore horribly ita coords to high school with friends. I missed a lot of the drama because i mostly was interested in sales posts.

For some reason in middle school/2007ish i was known for wearing bows in my hair and skirts. I know i wanted to be kawaii but i cant remember if this was because of lolita, fruits, anime or some other jfashion trend.

>> No.9148352

I was 'into' lolita in '09/'10 but didn't wear it because I was so young. I've only been actively wearing it for 2 years but I remember those
>sugary carnival was $800
days. Not sure what that would make me. I just say I'm new.

>> No.9149105

I've been a lolita for like only 3 years now, and my partner 6-7. It's been a huge part of my life and i've learned loads, plus i've learned a lot from my partner and i mostly relate to old school... i feel like an oldfag and then i remember i'm still somewhat new hahaha

>> No.9149112

I'm an active Lolita since 2007/2008, with a small punk Lolita waredrobe. After that I started to wear Alice and the Pirates, end of 2008.
Is that long in Lolita years?

>> No.9149433

I got interested and started lurking in 2006. So I still vaguely remember lolita snap and all the small sub lj communities, when everyone creamed theirselves over "that" hot topic dress and "that" H&M dress and when everyone bought their shoes at rosechocolat or Ling Lam.
I only started buying in 2008, but I kind of consider myself an oldfag. I'm collecting old stock pictures basically as a hobby and that also includes doing tons of research and getting to know how the community envolded but also lots of trivial things.

The biggest change in the community for me was around 2011/2012. When the lj-community had died the whole culture of interacting with each other has also drastically changed.
So that is where I cut the line. When people remember how it used to be before, then they qualify as being an oldfag imo.

>> No.9149438

I started lurking in 04, wearing the fashion in 06.

I feel the same way about the line between oldfag and new is that 2011/2012 point. There is such a visible difference in attitudes between lolitas before and after that point.

>> No.9149439

Yeah, definitely an oldfag.

>> No.9149442

I don't think it's that, I think it's just people being curious and wanting to know where the line is for others. Most oldfags are the first ones to roll their eyes at people who use their length of time in the fashion as the sole proof that they're an expert.

>> No.9149444

I always loved how she was a white supremacist, while being fucking Hispanic. She barely even passes for white.

>> No.9149446

Anyone know Snyper's new Instagram? I saw it posted before, so I know someone has it. She makes me super nostalgic.

I think my favorite of all her crazy antics was when she said a good lolita doesn't have pictures of dead loved ones in their bedroom because that's morbid and not kawaii. Like, literally that was how she said it.

>> No.9149452

I remember LJ's EGL Chat using AIM's Chatrooms and participated in them as a fetus and the meganmaude adult baby drama, but I don't consider myself an oldfag since I didn't start collecting until earlier this year. I consider people who were around during LJ days oldfags if they were wearing the fashion.

>> No.9149458

I almost forgot about meganmaude. I remember her being a massive oldfag when I first started wearing it in 2008.

>> No.9149460

Oh wow, this takes me back. She used to distinguish how she was Spanish, therefore western European and more pure :^)

>> No.9149462

I remember her getting engaged then married to mastergode lmao. He was... a creep imo. Because I disclosed that I was 11 and he still privately chatted with me when he was like fucking 30.

>> No.9149464

Lol, she should try using that rationale with white white supremacists.

>> No.9149472

I would say, oldfag is anyone who started not later than 2010-2011 or at least got interested in the fashion and know what is going on. Because I think afterwards the "scene" started to change a little (for example less use of livejournal, different fashion trends started etc.)

>> No.9149489 [DELETED] 

as much as i love everything asian in other parts of the world some people say there is a real agenda at work by troublesome folks to discredit white people and culture (white women too!) at large

it has its influence

>> No.9149491


>> No.9149512
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i didn't know what lolita was until I read this thread.

>> No.9149754

I've been into it for 12 years and wearing it for more like 9-10, but I literally was completely oblivious to all of the online stuff until about 3 years ago. I had a messed up childhood and a certain incident involving a 30 year old dude got me banned from the internet from 13-17 years old. I didn't even fucking know about Bodyline. All I had was eBay flukes, the better-looking Camden monstrosities,early GLBs and clippings of Lolita features in general weeb publications like Shojo Beat. One day things were violent at home so I decided to dress up and go to the museum to get away from it all, and I just happened to turn up to one of the biggest meets in the country (Kitty and the Bulldog). I met my first lolita friend there as she saw me standing around by myself and asked if I was there for the event. When I saw everybody lining up for pictures I was fucking flabbergasted. I'd never seen those fabrics, those cuts, all those prints, so much pastel vomit (I was used to red, white, black, solid sax and pink for Sweet), all those wigs and headpieces and nails and shoes that weren't big clunky things with scalloped trim. It was so weird. I am still recovering from the culture shock and am sort of disconnected from a lot of lolita because it looks absolutely nothing like I remember. In many ways, I had to start over again from the very beginning. Being a poorfag too means I'm way behind someone who started a year or two ago.

>> No.9149787

I'm kinda proud, thank you!

>> No.9149823

You're like a lolita time capsule anon. Your bewilderment is the same as what an old-school lolita from back in the day would feel if they time traveled.
You should write a bio and send it to the museum of natural 'kei's.

>> No.9149900

Top kek

>> No.9150265

This was a really interesting read anon thank you for sharing


>> No.9150275

First saw the fashion in Fruits about 15 years ago. I didn't even know it had a name, but the kawaii style outfits I liked had brands like MILK and BABY listed as brands. Shitty 2001 Yahoo searches for those keywords didn't reveal much, but through talking to my other weeb friends I eventually found out the name - gothic lolita. How cringey.

Pussyfooted around for a long time (also was living the poor student life) and then jumped right into brand 10 years ago and been brandwhoring ever since. I consider myself old.

>> No.9150278

I have been there only since 6 years and was oblivious to wank sites in general, what was the deal with her? I'm curious

>> No.9150280

Oldfag should at least be LJ era, maybe in it's prime. Anything less isn't oldfag at all.

>> No.9150313
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>tfw 5 years from now people who never even had an LJ account will be considered oldfags

>> No.9150322
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Shit, am I am oldfag?
>Been lurking online since 2009
>Stalked lolitas I liked on livejournal
>Too scared to post, so just saved pics and watched from afar
> But only just bought my first burando a month ago
>Never been to a meet
I finally have have a job with enough money to buy lolita and get involved, but I don't want to seem like a newfag if I join a comm now so I'm just hoarding burando and not wearing any of it out

>> No.9150324

Is anyone else among the oldest of a comm full of newbs? I'm not that extreme of an oldfag (2006 for interest, 2008 for first dress) and my comm asks me questions like I'm a Nam veteran with countless stories of war and bloodshed.

>> No.9150414


lol 8 years later and people still don't get that her "white supremacy" and other antics was pure satire to point out the subliminal racism, sexism, and autism going on in lolita at the time. Shes really 10/10 best troll

>> No.9150416

>my comm asks me questions like I'm a Nam veteran with countless stories of war and bloodshed.

"You kids these days don't know what it's like. I barely survived the great shipping wars of '98. There was blood all over my petticoat. I watched my senpai take a bayonet to the guts, it took her an hour to die. But we won, and that's why you kids are speaking Engrish today."

>> No.9150491

Who would have thought our beloved wuchan was one of the most subversive minds in lolita history.

>> No.9150495

You're pretty much the furthest thing from an oldfag you month-old baby.

>> No.9150641

Troll from the dark ages of LJ. She has a tag on gtfo egl documenting her. Said plenty of offensive things, but the best was the fact that she always said she was the alt account of a super secret famous lolita and tried to get people to pay her to reveal her real account. When she got busted, her main account was a complete nobody. That write up is pretty legendary. The girl who wrote it had a personal beef because sniper_nyan had been stalking her online, so it was quite fun.

>> No.9150644

No, her white supremacy was legit. She only tried to play it off as ~satire~ when she was outed as being Wuchan (which she adamantly denied at first, despite the proof).

>> No.9150663

I feel like an oldfag. Started being active around 2006 but had an interest since around 2003.

My favourite time was around 2010. I miss the OTT AP-clone days.

>> No.9150746

Does anyone remember the old as fuck yahoo group black lolita? It was the group before LJ got popular. I feel ancient for even asking about it, fuckin'a

>> No.9150916


So she was trolling on 2 accounts then. Why would a Hispanic be a white supremascist?

>> No.9150925

You'd be surprised.

>> No.9151141

Guys I'm literally too autistic to tell if this is sarcasm

>> No.9151179

I was at that meet (as were a few millions others but whatevs), it was in like 2012, what were you wearing?

Also I'm pretty sure wearing sai sai/ ebay monstrosities for a decade doesn't count. Like you said, you weren't exposed to what actual lolita was very much, so what you thought looked good was probably sad at best, hideous at worst.

>> No.9151443

if it's a good outfit, it's timeless

>> No.9151451 [DELETED] 
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Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?"

>> No.9151456

Hey I said that I was probably way behind someone who could have started last year because of my general ignorance, poorfaggotry and lack of sources besides finding the odd bit of burando on eBay and Sai Sai crap. Whoever told you I thought I looked good in the punk I slapped together to go to the museum, having absolutely no fucking idea there was a meetup?

>> No.9151464

literally, literally?

I think anon is serious

>> No.9151468

jebus pls go

>> No.9151486

Not any of them but that's actually pretty cool. I took a break from lolita between 2008 and like 2012 so when I got back into it OOT sweet was super in and everyone was using Taobao, so even that was kind of a shock having it be so accessible. I can't imagine going from straight up old school to that.

>> No.9151557

Found out about lolita around 2006/7 and lurked for years. Bought my first brand in 2010 but didn't buy anything since. I've never attended a meet or posted an outfit or anything, I've just been a lurker for essentially 10 years. I never actually took the plunge into the fashion because I'm a collector at heart and already have too many hobbies/shit I collect so I didn't want to go into another one which is extremely expensive.

>> No.9151563

It's not uncommon for Spanish people to be white supremacists at all.

>> No.9151567 [DELETED] 

>implying that's a woman
Gender normative sexist misogynistic scum.

>> No.9151961

First discovered lolita through jfashion threads and a guild or two on gaiaonline in 07/08. Fell in love instantly. Lurked and gathered as much information as possible. However I wasn't able to start buying lolita and wearing it until about 2 and a half years ago when I started making enough income.

>> No.9152135

Found out about Lolita in 05/06 courtesy of a friend's GLB stash. Started actively in the fashion in 2011, when the OTT AP clone phase was in full swing along with the replica debate. Had an active LJ account, sold on EGL Comm Sales, remember the original Secrets and GTFO drama, etc. I'm one of the longest active members in both the comms I belong to at this point.

>> No.9152230
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discovered gothic lolita by way of visual kei back in 2003 or 2004. wore EGA inspired outfit made of offbrand and gothic brands, but i did not call it EGA. lolita to me was very tied into Japanese gothic fashion and visual kei, so to me, it was just "visual kei."

i lurked the various online sites off and on for a few years. i met some people IRL who liked visual kei and i tried to get back into it, but it felt like too much had changed, and i realized i knew very little about it in the first place. this was around when everyone was wrapping a cloth over their nose a la Reita and wearing highlights and extensions. it was not my style at all.

eventually i stopped considering myself a visual kei fan because i did not like the current scene and hardly knew any of the music, new or old. i had just liked the look. i felt like a poser.

eventually, recognizing i just enjoyed Japanese gothic fashion, not necessarily the music, i became more familiar with the different types of Japanese street fashions, including lolita. like a homophobe in denial over what his porn history means, i told myself i was not interested in lolita fashion, just gothic fashion, even as i began stalking online lolita comms and participating in /cgl/ and creating myriad lolita-inspired broken doll avatars with poofy skirts for every site i used.

at last i realized i would not be collecting images and information about the fashion if i did not want to be part of it. in 2014, i bought my first brand, which i wore out for the first time last year. it was, of course, Moitie.

it has been a long road getting here and a lot has changed. i wish i had joined in sooner.