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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9145809 No.9145809 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth to buy a PDF version of this book or is it just s***?
I'm unsure because the cover looks so cheap and other books of this author are not really my taste.


>> No.9145812

Oh yes, please buy it and report back with results!

>> No.9145813

Nice self promo

>> No.9145814

Looks awful. You can probably find better info by googling event planning.

>> No.9145866

Andrea is a horrible person so no

>> No.9145886

deets? I have quite a few mutual friends with her

>> No.9145896

So I am unfamiliar with Lolita cosplay... I imagine that these tea parties could be a huge and extravagant and complex event in the cosplay Lolita world (but could also just as easily be a humble event)

Is it really that difficult that you would need a book for such a thing, or is the book just for showmanship?

>> No.9145898

I'm guessing you're the author. First of all, this looks terrible. Bad first impression. I can barely read the text and the positioning is very odd. If you don't know how to successfully put readable text on an image you should've asked someone else to take a crack at it for you. If I saw your book in a store I'd gloss over it immediately because I can't tell what it says and if you don't care enough to have a presentable cover then what makes me think the book itself will be any good?

Second, I haven't read it but the content is probably going to be bland because why the fuck would I need to read a book about planning a tea party? This is the equivalent of someone writing a book on how to plan a dinner reservation for a group of friends for a birthday. It's just something you kinda do. You don't need a manual on it. Perhaps someone would like to share tips on how to host a really fun tea party, but that is far better suited to a blog post or YouTube video than an actual book.

Which brings me to my third point - if
I don't really need to read a book about this, why the fuck would I pay $7.49 for a PDF version, or even almost $45 for a hardcover version? I wouldn't. For $45 I could go to a tea place and try out the service myself.

Sorry but this is dumb. No one is gonna buy this and if they do its gonna be a serious rip-off. No one needs a book on how to host a tea party - save it for a Pinterest or blogspot post.

>> No.9145901
File: 226 KB, 900x969, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita cosplay
>cosplay Lolita

pls be bait

>> No.9145905

You're much better off getting books on hosting parties. The 50's produced many housewife training books on exactly this, so you should be able to find plenty to choose from at a second hand book store.
If you want to make it more lolita, tailor the decor and gifts, but most everything else is duplicitous.

>> No.9145906

I would maybe buy it if it was in Japanese!

>> No.9145908

Why have a book for a 'lolita' tea?
There are already many books out on how to run tea parties, especially ladies' books on etiquette and proper hosting. A 'lolita' tea should be much the same as these tea parties, only with a dress code.

Redundant book is redundant.

>> No.9145911

Derp. I meant duplicative.

>> No.9145922

Do.. Do you people seriously have Tea Parties?
Are... are you dudes?

>> No.9145924




>> No.9145925

Sometimes me and the guys get together for a Lolita tea party you know

>> No.9145951

Isn't the author of this that transwoman that always wears Haenuli and transitioned so late in life that she just looks like a sissy?

>> No.9146307

I think the cover looks so bad she must have been trolling when ske made it

>> No.9146606 [DELETED] 


I feel like I can't really appreciate watching a bunch of sweaty men in spandex chase each other around over an inflated lump of animal hide with my best bros unless I'm wearing my favourite VM JSK and drinking my celebratory game keemun from Wedgwood. And thiis guy in our comm makes the almond-chicken salad finger sandwiches you have ever had.

>> No.9146608


I feel like I can't really appreciate watching a bunch of sweaty men in spandex chase each other around over an inflated lump of animal hide with my best bros unless I'm wearing my favourite VM JSK and drinking my celebratory game keemun from Wedgwood. And this guy in our comm makes the best almond-chicken salad finger sandwiches you have ever had.

>> No.9146612

I bet this includes
>what to do when a venue doesn't have an email address
>how to get money for down payment
>how to herd cats

>> No.9146614

Seeing as she organized the Baby tea at AWA in 2014 and that was a disaster, I would say this book is just as much a complete waste of money as that tea was.

>> No.9146622

Yeah, there's nothing more stereotypically masculine than a tea party.

>> No.9146648
File: 88 KB, 850x640, 12801136_976445739089346_1673152751842737558_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9150392

I'm sure ATL is thrilled about having their pictures used without permission and sold for profit. This is the same person who alienated almost everyone she knew by mismanaging AWA and played a big part in ruining the comms reputation with Japanese brands.