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File: 63 KB, 540x389, mailboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9136604 No.9136604 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a mail horror stories thread going? Didn't see one in the catalog.

As for me..
>order unused wig and skirt off seller
>tell them i'd be going on vacation for a week when i bought it, so they should wait to ship it (probably a fuckup on my part.)
>they tell me okay, no problem
>come back from vacation
>let them know
>they tell me 'oh, well, i shipped it out already, but told them to leave it in the post office for you to pick it up in case it arrived early.'
>well ok. inconvenient but its fine
>ask for tracking number
>they say they left it in their pants and they were cleaned, meaning it was lost
>oh ok well thats fine i guess
>they call their post office asking about it
>say i'll get it within 2-3 days
>oh sweet
>a week passes
>no package, no note telling me to pick it up
>ask seller, they say they dont know and tell me to call my post office
>call my post office, they say they haven't gotten anything
>continue waiting a few days
>landscaper working outside house while i was at the grocery store
>post office didn't listen to seller so it was delivered instead of left at the post office
>left it on front porch
>see a package in his truck that wasn't there before i left to the store, a 5 minute trip
>landscaper stole it

I hope he likes frilly clothes and curly wigs.

>> No.9136646

Why not confront him if you're so sure he stole it? Did you open a paypal claim as you didn't receive the goods and the seller didn't provide tracking info?

>> No.9136656

I once had the mailman kick my box in front of me as I was coming out. Then deny it to my face, thankfully it was just wig heads. But I do lean for Fed Ex when I can now.

>> No.9136698

I figured that'd just cause a problem with him included. I knew it was mine since I got a good look at it considering I parked right behind him, and it had my name on it.
I opened a claim but nothing has happened yet.

>> No.9136707

>opening a claim when you know someone else stole it

fuck you.

>> No.9136713

>I knew it was mine but I didn't confront him about it
>I know someone stole it but I opened a claim

You're the worst and I hope I never sell anything to you.

>> No.9136743

Although the seller should have kept a record of the tracking information, forgetting things in pockets happens and they did make some attempts to accommodate you going on holiday (the shipping situation sounds like it should have been arranged better). If you were able to get a good look at it, even seeing your name, and the seller really didn't do anything wrong, a claim being opened against them seems really unfair. For the claim to be in your favour you would have to lie as you clearly saw someone with your goods that had been delivered, but you chose to do nothing about it which really, would have caused less of a problem.

I hope you left the seller positive feedback

>> No.9136820

Seller horror story: this cunt.

>> No.9137855

In the US taking or tampering with someone elses mail is a federal crime and a felony. Grow a pair and report your landscaper you wuss.

>> No.9137887

almost horror story:
>sold something to someone in France
>tell them it should normally arrive within a week
>buyer tells me the tracking hasn't updated in like a week
>asks my national post carrier about where the package is (the tracking said it wasn't shipped off to France yet)
>they can't find it and assume it's lost so they will investigate
>worry the hell out of it because PostNL is a fucking bitch
>PostNL is despite being a bitch the best we can get for a decent price
>so many complains online and there answers are pretty much copy paste
>no compensation on lost packages unless you ship with insured
>so relieved when the buyer states the package has finally arrived

PostNL isn't as bad as some US postal services, but they can fuck up badly sometimes (someone has caps about the Dutch customs destroying a 1000 euro worth package?)

>> No.9137967
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I truly hate my postal workers.

>go on two week vacation
>put in a request to hold my mail
>note on request that I will pick up mail after vacation
>go on vacation
>get notification from apartment office manager that they accepted a package for me.
>oops, guess that mail hold didn't go through
>items I've ordered online continue to arrive at my house, collected by apartment office
>at least they're safe
>go to the post office after vacation
>ask for any mail they've held
>look at me like I'm crazy, say they never got that request
>large bundle of rubber-banded mail in my mail box with a note, "Never picked up held mail."

I realize that living in an apartment makes mail a little bit weirder but they are just the worst.

>> No.9139626

This so much.

>> No.9139690

Guys... I think she meant that she filed a claim with the landscaping company against this guy..
>Hopefully, at least

>> No.9139705

Since OP's "opened a claim" was a response to >>9136646' "Did you open a paypal claim?" I'd think OP meant paypal.

>> No.9139719

>itt: people that want to get stabbed by a fucking mexican

>> No.9139723

>Order from Amazon
>Tracking bar turns black with an ! icon, says package damaged and undeliverable
>Forget about it for a few days and check back to see tons of new updates
>Undeliverable reason is now "recipient is no longer at that address" which is 100% bullshit
>Out for delivery in Iowa
>Out for delivery in Illinois
>Out for delivery in New Jersey
>Delivered to Belleville NJ, which is where it shipped from. Not returned-to-sender, actually marked as delivered.

I spent another week emailing customer service for the seller who kept giving me a runaround asking me to check my local post office, check with neighbors, etc. Then i was told to wait another business week before I finally got my refund. Not that bad since it was only 6$ but it was still a pain in the ass and makes me a little wary about trusting anything that isn't marked as "fulfilled by Amazon".

>> No.9140764

>itt: people who have access to phones to report things that are illegal

>> No.9143582
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>order some colored pencils from Amazon
>get delivery confirmation on August 6
>go to mailbox but don't see any package
>wait a few days incase the courier accidentally marked it delivered before actually delivering it
>ask neighbors in unit next to me
>no luck
>can't get ahold of neighbors in upstairs unit
>call Amazon Aug 10 and explain situation
>get another set shipped out to me at no extra cost
>fast forward to August 13
>see unopened package in laundry room I share with upstairs neighbors
>it's a package clearly addressed to me
>open it
>it's my colored pencils I originally ordered
>immediately cancel the redelivery I made earlier
>too late
>it's going to be here August 16
>will figure out how to get it back to Amazon when they open tomorrow

I'm glad I got my package but it took my neighbors a full week to leave it somewhere where I'd see it. They couldn't even just drop it off in front of my door, which they walk past every single day. They also leave mail in their mailbox for days even though they park right next to the mailbox.

This isn't even as horrendous as other stories here but I was still miffed about it.

>> No.9143637

Honestly, if someone steals your mail and you don't have them on camera doing it there is nothing that can be done. The mail people can't do anything. The police won't do anything. You're fucked if you wanted the item. The most you can do is hope it was insured.

>> No.9143639

>did you open a paypal claim?
>yeah but nothing has happened yet

Sadly you are giving OP too much credit, anon.

>> No.9143656

>if don't have them on camera doing it there is nothing that can be done

Not sure how it works where you live anon but I called the police when I suspected someone doing decorating on our neighbours place had stolen a package left in my porch, they took information from me (delivery time of package, statement from my neighbour that they had been working) and ended up recovering the parcel.

If anon says she saw the package clearly but was afraid to confront the landscaper I'm sure she'll get somewhere with it. Though contacting the post office first would have made more sense than filing a claim.

>> No.9143687

Maybe having another person as a witness helped. When my neighbor took my mail once I was just SOL once they were confronted and denied it.
This was extra bullshit also because it was just put in the wrong lock box. There was no one else who had access to it but fuck me I guess.

>> No.9144169

>buy expensive lipsticks from Ulta
>check tracking on day of delivery
>tracking says delivered at door despite the fact the mail guy is NOT supposed to drop at door. Only office or lock boxes.
>run to door to see neighbor's daughter running upstairs with box
>post says nothing I can do
>officer won't do shit
>neighbor's mother threatens me for saying her kid stole my shit
> now I have to see her fucking face puffing stinky weed with my expensive fucking lipstick on.
At least ulta was a saint and gave me a gift card to replace my order. My mail guy fucks up constantly, our office tells him he isn't to drop packages at our doors. Plus he has given my packages to the wrong people before.
My stuff gets sent to a friend now.

>> No.9144367

>I figured that'd just cause a problem with him included. I knew it was mine since

So why didn't you just fucking take it? Jesus christ.

>> No.9145368

>ordered a JSK from motherland Japon
>out of town for vacation for half a week
I just got back home, noticed a "schedule redelivery" note, from the 10th. Check shipping online, I was supposed to schedule redelivery before the 15th. And just my luck, today is the 15th. USPS is closed and the package has already been sent back to sender.
What do, I'm so sad. I've been on hold with USPS for 30 minutes now.
Is it too late for me gulls?

>> No.9145375 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9145401

That coord is a horror story.

>> No.9145406

Careful, everyone gets #triggered when you criticize this coord.

>> No.9145430
File: 1.81 MB, 500x281, 69015957-8821-48eb-827d-bf45c0b4bbef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada Post has been constantly warning of a strike for like the last month and a half so it was a real pain trying to decide to buy something in case they would refuse to deliver mail for however long. Haven't heard anything so far.
I've had a few mail fuck ups.
>Be in university, want to try buying books online instead of buying from overpriced bookstore
>Just moved into new apartment (one of those houses turned into apartments)
>Didn't think to much about mail issues, blissfully unaware of the fuckery I was living in
>Mailboxes are unsealed, just inside the main entrance door, one for each apt.
>Order a $80 textbook from girl, ships out no problem
>Never get it, USPS is a fucking joke. Book is all over the place
>Contact seller, "no idea anon, call USPS"
>neither of us knows where it is, tracking has failed, Canada Post customer service worthless
>Ask for refund, seller obliges, no argument.

Some weeks go by, I'm starting to notice more and more of my small eBay packages are not showing up, start to suspect dirty fucking welfare neighbors. The last straw was when a package showed up and i found it tossed on my stairs with a huge rip in it and the stuff inside all fucked up.
Start sending stuff to my mom's until I was able to move. Sometimes I wonder if one of those dirty neighbors stole that book and tried to sell it for drug money. So many issues in that place, people got arrested all the time, someone tried to break in, fights all the time...
Let me tell you about a little hell hole that is Brantford

After I moved out, I tried buying from the states again, but so much was getting caught in customs and I hated paying for shipping. Don't bother anymore unless desperate.

>> No.9145456
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I should point out that the book situation turned out well, it was just a pain having to go through all that trying to save money. I ended up having to pay double at the bookstore.
Here is another story that happened to my sister:
>Orders wig online from Amazon
>4 boxes show up at her door, her roommate brings them in
>My sister checks them out later and only one is he other, one is for a lady in France, the other two for someone in Newfoundland
>Canada Post slaps my sister's address all over the packages
>Wtf CP?
>She ended up lugging them back to shoppers and peeling the stickers off so the right address were there
So many people were telling her don't bother returning them, just open up the boxes there yours now. That's shitty man why would anyone want to do that

>> No.9145459

Not in Canada but all I hear about them is that Hermes blows and Canada Post strikes like every other month. How do you shop without going insane?

>> No.9145556

Honestly Canada Post strikes over nothing. They had a big strike a couple years ago because the full time staff's PAID vacation time was being cut a few days. Mind you Canada Post pays well for simple work and can hire you with no specialty training, plus you get full benefits and everything.
From my personal experience it sounds like they complain a lot over nothing.

>> No.9145571

>>My sister checks them out later and only one is he other, one is for a lady in France, the other two for someone in Newfoundland
>>Canada Post slaps my sister's address all over the packages

Something similar happened to me and now despite contacting parcelforce several times, I have what seems like skiing equipment and what turned out to be fruitcake and biscuits.

>> No.9145647
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It's ridiculous, like how do they fuck up that bad. I feel so bad for the people sitting their waiting for their packages to arrive and it's with some girl in Toronto..
Thank fuck I have a good mailman who is consistent, even though he will try to fill my mailbox with as much of my Ali crap as possible

>> No.9146651

>That's shitty man why would anyone want to do that
Because some people are jerks like that. You're sister did the right thing by not keeping the packages. I don't know why some people think it's okay to keep other peoples mail.

>> No.9147146

I've accidentally opened packages that weren't mine, since I order so much shit that the post office just waits until they have a bunch of parcels and dump them through my door. I send them to the right person whenever I can, but I'd never just decide they're mine and keep them like that.

>> No.9147169

If you live in the US you should know that taking other people's mail is a federal crime. If it's a thing that keeps happening I would consider reporting it.


>> No.9149184
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>Have no car and have a broken elbow (can't bike) so can't get to Post Office by myself
>"Miss" packages I had to sign for (I was in my apartment at the time, I think they didn't even try to deliver)
>Ask for redelivery three times, never redelivered
>Husband comes home too late to drive to get them
>Ask mailman when I see him, he says "yeah, that happens"
>Thanks bud
>Dad takes me to post office one day he has off
>The packages aren't there
>Nearly in tears, life had been stressful lately thanks for work issues compounded by my broken (dominant) arm, was really looking forward to these
>Packages arrive that day
Turns out the guy who originally had them forgot them on his truck all week, but somehow the nice new mailman got the blame even though they tried to deliver on nice mailman's day off so it wasn't his fault at all. GJ USPS

Just last week:
>Waiting for a package, nothing important, just stupid stuff
>Stupid kinda expensive stuff
>Tracking updates, "delivered 8/11 at 2:09, signed for by H.M."
>No, I'm here, it was not delivered, WHO IS H.M.?
>Maybe a neighbor accidentally got it, they'll probably realize it and drop it off.
>Check in with apt office just in case, apt manager didn't sign for it, doesn't think I have an H.M. as a close neighbor
>Wait a couple days for it to be returned
>Put a note on the mailboxes, no response
I'm still trying to track it down and USPS is NO help of course, except… a couple days after I put the note up, the super nice mailman actually stopped by my apartment to ask me about it. He wasn't on the route that day, but he's trying to help me track it down from his end. Thanks, super nice mailman, you're so much better than most of your co-workers.

>> No.9149198

>away from country of residence through summer, have someone to receive my mail while I'm gone
>checking tracking numbers for packages I've been waiting for, notice one has been marked as "final delivery" for some days now (which is what I get when my packages are successfully delivered)
>Ok cool, must have arrived with no problem. Decide to drop a message to who's receiving mail on my behalf to ask if they've received a package on my name, to make sure
>receive answer days later "no package, just a jiffy"
>ask if they could tell me the name of the sender, in case it's a letter from customs asking me to pay
>but package was marked as delivered, so that wouldn't make sense? weird
>no reply
>wow thanks
>getting worried, re-check tracking again
>"returned to sender"
>apparently package had actually not been delivered, had an attempted deliver and then a couple weeks later another attempted delivery but I got no information from the person receiving my mail, even though I asked
>email the post company, no reply so far
>still have no clue why was my parcel marked as delivered when it wasn't

At least I mailed the seller and they said they'd arrange for it to be re-shipped once it gets back to them but I'll have to pay shipping again

>> No.9149207

>SAL Tracked for OP
>waiting for 20+ days item still in sorting facility in Japan

Starting to get a bit nervous

>> No.9149235

>year ago
>boyfriend at the time orders me a sweater from a sketchy looking site for v-day
>get really excited
>month passes by and still no sight of package
>another month passes and i have given up hope weeks ago
>finally gets package two months late

>> No.9150648

Sounds like it shipped but no one is scanning the codes. I've had SAL packages just vanish into the void for 20-30 days then pop up with "Out for delivery!"

>> No.9150761

>bb's first cosplay
>order boots from milanoo due to peer pressure from asshole friend
>give exact measurements in cm
>get emailed that measurements MUST be wrong
>email back that they're right
>no reply
>open PayPal claim after THREE MONTHS
>PayPal eventually just gives me my $75 back
>boots arrive on doorstep give months after being ordered
>they're a fucking child's size three instead of women's 10

And that was how I learned the hard way that experienced cosplayers can be assholes that like watching you fail.

>> No.9150801

>get a "we missed you" slip from USPS
>didn't even hear a knock on the door
>go to post office immediately after
>oh your package is still on a truck come back tomorrow
>why do I have to come get the package when I was home and they didn't knock
>because you have to sign for it
>what?? I would have signed for it
>its a restricted package

Last time I was there I was told because it wasn't a restricted package and now it is one? Why do they have to bullshit so hard?
I got my package today just fine but jesus fucking christ, I'm tired of uppity postal workers lying to my face when I'm not even being rude to them.

>> No.9150814

Holy shit, this exact same thing happened to me. They didn't knock while I was home, I went there a few hours later to give them time, but the truck was still out. She looked at me like I was being a huge bitch when I said nobody even bothered to knock. I swear, they're so random with what packages they'll put in my mailbox, what they give to my apartment complex to hold onto, and what I have to sign for.

>> No.9150823

>She looked at me like I was being a huge bitch
YUP. Same fucking treatment. Why are they like this??

>> No.9150824

I have no clue?? Like I'm sure people complain to USPS about stupid shit all the time that's worthy of an eyeroll but I'm CONSTANTLY having to drive 20 minutes to the main post office just to pick up a package when nobody even knocked. It's just ridiculous.

>> No.9150933

wow I've had that happen a few times but I've always just called the local post office and asked for the post master. He always ends up contacting the driver (always a sub since the main drivers on my route know me) and sends them back to deliver my package.

>> No.9152116
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not as bad as some of the other gulls, but my packages from japan with my dear AP jsks somehow got bounced around all over the world in the midst of me moving countries and I FINALLY got it forwarded to my brother's house in America. I'm also moving there (different state though) and wondering if I can get him to ship everything to me and I can pay for the shipping in advance with my own money before it's shipped or when it arrives?? I do not want to burden him with any of the shipping cost when he already went through the trouble of receiving them all for me so... is there a shipping service that can do that for me? I'd appreciate any help.

>> No.9152128

A bit confused as to what you're asking but let me see if I can get this right.

You got a package forwarded to your brother's house in America. You're moving to America as well and want to see if you can get your brother to ship your stuff to you in another state and you just want to pay for it in advance so he doesn't have to pay out of pocket?
He'd likely have to ship the through USPS so see if he can put everything in a Flat Rate box for you because that's one price and basically "if it fits in this box, it ships for this price" so get a big box and pay him the amount for the box before he goes to buy it. You can check Flat Rate prices on USPS site.

>> No.9152139
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>feels good to be european, the thread

>> No.9152672
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Unless you're from East-Europoor mang.

Not really screamer stories, but generally sad.
>UK-EST ends up in Australia
>UK-EST ends up in Germany and never leaves
>There is rarely tracking inside the country
>Post company don't track inside themselves for smaller packets, because, you know, that'd be work. You'll know when it arrives that it has, in fact, arrived.
>Post office regularly forgets to notify about arrived packages.
>There's an online customs -form but only for some select types of products. There's pretty much only fishing gear in the 'hobby items' section. A friend submitted her wigs as female head covers/hats.
>Constantly damaged packaging. Customs don't want the blame though, so they patch it up with 'wasn't me' stickers.

>> No.9152675

Except customs.