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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, Anzu smile.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9134578 No.9134578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's forget about Nigri for a second and focus on a cosplayer that is not using her assets to get ahead.

>> No.9134590

these bait threads are getting so annoying. please get lives

>> No.9134603

What ethnicity is anzu anyway? She doesn't look full Caucasian but maybe that's her make up

>> No.9134607

She's turkish

>> No.9134609

She's Turkish.

>> No.9134615


>> No.9134620

>Everything I don't like is bait
Come on now.

>> No.9134690


>> No.9134692

I've seen people bring this up before. Is there any substance to those claims?

>> No.9134718

XD XD XDDDD dank memes bro!

>> No.9134769
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Honest opinions?

>> No.9134793



>> No.9134872

>not using assets

So showing off with your stick thin legs, shooping yourself into a ghost or plastering your cute face everywhere possible doesn't count as using your assets?

Don't shame nigri because of her boobs, shame her because she is a talentless fake which also goes for anzu. They both use their body for fame not their talent.

>> No.9134875

looks like any rando

>> No.9134972

These threads are against cgl's rules though.

>> No.9134978


>> No.9134985
File: 134 KB, 512x512, mmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sick to death of seeing Anzu. Yes, she is very cute. But there are tons of cute cosplay girls out there and I'm not sure why everyone acts like she's some ethereal irl animu goddess. She doesn't even make any of her own costumes and from what I've heard she's not particularly entertaining in the personality department either.

>> No.9134992
File: 68 KB, 600x773, a9dP8B0_700b_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9135008

Where did you hear that? Jealous bitches on /cgl/?

>> No.9135021

Why are you protecting her? Not the same anon but I was following her on Twitter and Instagram before I got bored and she didn't seem anything amusing.

>> No.9135029

I mean I get that she is /cgl/'s ideal body type of unhealthy skeletal anorexic girl but she is just like every other attention whore cosplayer, you shouldn't consider her some god like figure just because her legs look like you could snap them like a toothpick.

>> No.9135030

A couple people on /int/ have commented about being in the same uni as her

>> No.9135036

She just looks sick these days.

>> No.9135039

>literally fat insecure girl talking shit about healthy girl
Oh yeah, /int/. The reliable source for anything on the internet.

>> No.9135050
File: 96 KB, 600x900, EAOfBB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this looks totally healthy
why are you whiteknighting so hard anyway, anon? Are you butthurt that /cgl/ hates your waifu?

>> No.9135053

She's cute and all but she honestly just got famous for having a cute face and for having tons of tumblr-trendy free shit sent to her. She's just a sponsorbot. All she does is pump out ads for her sponsors with her discount codes.

Someone on PULL said that she became anorexic because she used to be bullied for her weight.

>> No.9135057

Sorry you're a fat pig who can't tell that not every thin person is anorexic. Maybe you should stop eating. :3

>> No.9135059

If that anon is fat for complaining about this girl's weight you're along the lines of a basement dwelling neckbeard from /r9k/ attempting to whiteknight your waifu.

>> No.9135060


What? You don't need to hear anything, just look at her cosplays. All the recent Love live are obviously bought, fuck I could probably tell you which seller by looking at the outfits.
and since she bought love live, what's to stop her from buying others?
though it doesn't really matter if she buys her cosplays, then she has the same type of fame a lot of popular cosplayers who don't make their outfits, which seems like quite a lot these days.

>> No.9135065

God I don't believe there are people this delusional to consider her healthy looking. I cringe everytime when somebody whiteknights her by saying she is "naturally skinny" or "healthy", especially when there is old photos of her floating in the internet and showing she was fat before and she actually talked about being unhealthy and losing her period before.

>> No.9135069

I thought she looked alright a while ago like when she did Litchi Hikari Club cosplay but now she's so gaunt looking and without a wig on her hair looks horrible, it's really obvious she has an eating disorder.

>> No.9135072

Sorry you're either male or anorexic. You should fine help either way.
I'm sure she's a nice girl, but Anzu just a regular girl who gets free costumes and wigs for being cute.
Being cute doesn't give someone a personality. she's literally just a girl on the internet. you know nothing about her except she's cute. Y'all gotta stop treating them like goddesses.

>> No.9135076

She is constantly getting free costumes, lenses, makeup and wigs from sponsored stores.

>> No.9135077
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 0lBXFeW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's another anon doesn't know what eating disorders look like episode

>> No.9135079

Anzu please stop and get help. Being thin is one thing, but you're getting spooky

>> No.9135081
File: 41 KB, 564x664, 130344640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some S-grade salt in here
>anyone defending her is a basement dwelling neckbeard!
>she is obviously anorexic
>she is dumb/unfunny/boring/insert_other_generic_insult
>you are just whiteknighting for you waifu(?)

>> No.9135085

looks like a 10 year old boy wearing eyeliner

>> No.9135086

Someone get her to a hospital, seriously. This is terrifying. This isn't healthy at all. You can see her bones.

>> No.9135093

Nice attempt at shitposting but anyone with a decent eyesight can see she is unhealthy/anorexic/boring/ordinary and you are whiteknighting hardcore.

>> No.9135097

I don't like or dislike her. I've seen her pictures on Instagram. Meh. Nothing to write home about. These threads just only go one way.
>she's amazing !!!1!!!!1
>i hate her! She's an attention whore/ugly/bitch, etc.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.9135103

Can you find me some fat anzu pics for reference (not for bullying)

>> No.9135104

>i hate her! She's an attention whore/ugly/bitch, etc.

I've literally never seen anything like this. People generally accept that she is cute but they don't like her because she is basically famous for nothing

>> No.9135107

I don't have any atm anon but I've seen some posted PULL. Maybe check there, or I'm sure somebody has some of them saved maybe they can post?

>> No.9135109

>people dislike her because she is famous and they aren't
I don't really care whether you like/dislike her but at least be honest about the reasons.

>> No.9135111

There's some in her PULL thread

>> No.9135113

Says the person who calls everyone fat, just because they don't like your waifu.

>> No.9135114
File: 36 KB, 282x500, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135119
File: 97 KB, 409x725, 1432344795708.jpg.e2a44078ced71f0ae0858ec7f4ebeaf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow surprised googling "anzujaamu fat" worked

>> No.9135120

Is that really her? Hard to believe...

>> No.9135122
File: 78 KB, 418x741, 1432345555606.jpg.9102f7687602b7143a896729641eec97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't even fat. People are bitches lmao.

>> No.9135123

Not everyone wants to be e-infamous you know.

>> No.9135124

>she wasn't fat then
>she is not anorexic now

Can't be both.

>> No.9135126

>not fat
Anon, I...

>> No.9135129

She's obviously anorexic now. I'm saying she was never fat, judging from these pics alone. It's fucked up that she was bullied, if it's true.

>> No.9135131

Where is the fat? I'm not seeing it.

>> No.9135134

Doesn't look fat-fat but I remember one who posted these saying these are after she started losing weight so she was probably fatter than this. Considering how she destroyed all of her old photos I find this believable.

>> No.9135135

Because she is wearing a dress to hide it xD

>> No.9135137
File: 538 KB, 1000x600, knowthedifference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an actual anorexic person I can guarantee that Anzu 100% has an eating disorder.

Here I made a helpful reference for you to follow. Girl on the left is a healthy skinny who keeps her figure by actually eating and exercising for a fit frame. Girl on the right is anorexic bones showing and no muscles, she keeps her figure by starving herself and eating the bare minimum to survive.

Please stop fetishizing anorexia, it's not glamorous or sexy in the slightest.

>> No.9135139

>It's fucked up that she was bullied, if it's true.
She probably has a weak personality, from what people have said even though she dresses in j-fash at school she barely talks to anyone besides her boyfriend. If you can't defend yourself well it's easy to become a target.

>> No.9135140

Plus you can straight up see Anzu's ribcage and leg bone in >>9135050

>> No.9135142

I've seen healthy people look like the right one. Stop cherrypicking.

>> No.9135144

Dresses don't hide the fact that someone is fat, though. Nothing does.

>> No.9135145

Are fat people not aware that bones are visible when you move in certain ways? When I arch back my rips are visible too and I have a pretty much perfect BMI.

>> No.9135147

It doesn't matter, none of this matters, if you think Anzu's weight is healthy you have problems.

>> No.9135150

Get help.

>> No.9135152

Get thin.

>> No.9135159

Don't reply. This person either is shitposting, has problems or Anzujaamu herself so either way you won't be able to help.

>> No.9135164

holy shit, you guys are dense. I'm 105 and 5'4". I'm thin. None of my bones stick out like that. Yeah if you arch, you're gonna see some. Not when you're just standing still. You are all either really dumb or really fucked up/delusional.

>> No.9135166
File: 295 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n9diawZYaQ1rl7s4eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a straight white male, I can tell you guys unequivocally that I'd fucking split that Turkroach in half with my cock will simultaneously impregnating her and making her mine forever. 20 forced abortions later and it still wouldn't get old.

I love you Anzu! <3

>> No.9135167

>Anzujaamu herself
Why would I waste my time on this site.

>> No.9135171

I've never wanted to be ~Internet famous~ but I actually can't stand that so many people worship her and would lick the bottom of her boots just because she's got a cute face.
She's boring and has no personality beyond "hey I got free stuff sent to me... again"

>> No.9135174

Go to a clinic for your obvious ED. It's not kawaii.

>> No.9135179

>cosplaying hanayo, a canon chub-chan that eats too much rice and needs to lose weight
>looks like a twig
She should just stick to Nico or Rin, she's flat anyway.

>> No.9135190

Janitor-chan, if lolitas can't have thread singling a single person out, why are you letting cosplay ones stay up?

>> No.9135197

Lolitas are second-class citizens.

>> No.9135202

anzu is to cosplayers what kron is to artists

>> No.9135211

The woman on the left just has fake tits. If you tanning-oiled up the girl on the right, made her put her arms back down and flex her abs, she'd look almost the same.

>> No.9135215

Just seeing that name makes me angry so I guess I better understand what Anzu bait is now.

>> No.9135220
File: 61 KB, 521x559, 1470259980221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the keks troll-chan, you're a pretty funny guy.

>> No.9135254

Those are nationalities....

>> No.9135271

I look like Anzu and she is for sure sick.

>> No.9135272

Turkish people are super mixed so most of them don't even have an ethnicity. There are Kurdish and some other minorities but Anzu doesn't look like any of them, looks like a standard Turkish person.

>> No.9135282

>/cgl/ gets jealous episode
Every episode. Stay salty bitches.

>> No.9135289

Not even real salt.

>> No.9135294

nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.9135320
File: 1.21 MB, 1396x892, e45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not fall for the anzu meme, faggots.

>> No.9135334
