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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 142 KB, 650x404, Heroes_of_Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9133496 No.9133496 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to this show?

>> No.9133498

Not enough viewers = not enough money made = cancelled

>> No.9133547

Pretty sure the cosplayers that were on it regret it. Halfway through the show, some of them dropped out right?

>> No.9133553

I don't think they dropped out. I think all of them pretty much said it wasn't worth it and didn't want to continue with the show. They scripted a lot of the "fights" and a bunch of them got hate for it afterwards. I don't think any of them wanted to be portrayed as the "villain" of the show. It was all about drama.

>> No.9133559

I blame the producers. They had decent people but it was just kinda rured into half assed real housewives drama with no focus

>> No.9133563

It may not be realistic, but I wish it had gone more of a Face Off route. Actually applying skills and showing the hard work that goes into construction. That's the reason I only watch Face Off in lieu of all other reality shows that try too hard to push drama.

>> No.9133564

And a lot of stuff was made up for the show too. Like that whole 'production' company if you go to their site it's literally just a picture nothing's clickable.
Personally I enjoyed the catty bs because I knew it was catty bs. But despised how they portrayed average congoers

>> No.9133568
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>Yaya and friends shitfest
>petty dramu

Is there even a question why it got canceled?

>> No.9133571

Truthfully I found the non in Yaya circle group more irritating than anything. Becky still bitches about the show to this day not giving her a fair shot. Also it's the show's fault she wasted her money on it and had to move back to Maine.

>> No.9133577

Same. Yaya was pretty much the only tolerable one. I guess because she has that level of professionalism in cosplay that most people don't have. I felt bad that they made Monika Lee the villain of the show though. I don't think she's that bad. People were sending her death threats.

>> No.9133609

We still all laugh at crabcat's bullshit costumes right?
Anime convention dark Peter Pan, let's glue wool onto our faces-oh nose she's allergic to wool!

This show was a train wreck and Holly is a fucking idiot.

>> No.9133610

RIP in piss

>> No.9133612

Agreed, Not to mention Chloe went out of her way to be a cunt to that Doctor Who group who were edited in the first season. On tumblr she made a big post about how they knew exactly what they were getting into and essentially fuck them yada yada. She carried on for months with it.

>> No.9133619

Was Holly ever even willing? It always looked like Jessica twisted her arm into anything. How those two were/are friends I never understood.

>> No.9133747

If I recall Monika dropped because school. Becky and Victoria because they were the least liked.

>> No.9133770

Holly and her aren't even friends since after the show. Pretty sure Jessica got a huge head and I actually haven't seen anything from her since. Holly, however, has a YouTube channel which has a decent amount of watchers, cameos on GameGrumps, does vlogs with Suzy, and participates in cosplay and podcasts a bunch as well.

Seriously though. What even happened to Jessica.

>> No.9133777

I actually saw Jessica at PAX East this year. Not sure what she's doing.

>> No.9133786

She's been doing some rando podcast last I checked. But I suspect Chloe had something to do with their falling out. her and Jessica are still pretty tight but Holly doesn't seem to talk to either much.
But it could also do with crabcat never really being real? As stated earlier the site is just a jpg. The youtube hasn't updated since their last stream after the season finale

>> No.9133798

Yeah I was really surprised to see her involved in the grumps stuff. After only really being exposed to her HoC appearances it took me awhile to realize and accept she's legit and her partner was the fuel for most of their bullshit. Her plague doctor costume in her Table Flip appearance shows some incredible craftsmanship.

>> No.9133805

She's married to one of them.

>> No.9133890

It was canceled because it sucked

>> No.9133908
File: 174 KB, 720x404, Heroes Of Cosplay S01E01 HDTV.mp4_snapshot_00.49_[2016.08.07_22.41.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Skill Focus Burlesque is never going to post the full video of this performance

It actually got two seasons. I don't think anybody gave a shit after the first season ended.
Couldn't drop out. They all had contracts, iirc.
Maybe they folded? I remember them having an actual site.
I vaguely remember the Doctor Who group drama. I felt bad for them, they really got worked over.

>> No.9133914

Shit, never mind. For some reason I thought you meant the actual company that produced the show.
>it's the same guys that made The Tester
fuck me

>> No.9133963
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Post your favorite bullshit from HoC!

This Qorra prom dress which is just a premade dress with light elements added

The Taffyta Muttonfudge car
>Never see it on screen
>Team opens what appears to be a huge empty box in their hotel room
>"Oh no TSA searched us and now this tiny piece off the back is missing!"
>"Guess we can't use this car we totally have."

The awkward, forced proposal in front of Frank Oz and Peter Mayhew

Using AX stock footage while they're supposed to be at a completely different con

Talking up whatever shitty con would let them film at. "Anyone who's anyone is seen at Emerald City Comicon."

>> No.9133981

Seriously, I to this day believe it was the film crew fucking with Becky. She was by far the most self absorbed of all of them. Even Victoria you could argue was stressed from trying to be something bigger than she could handle. But Becky wither her "omg I am the character I'm the actress of the cosplay world." Grated on my nerves something fierce.
Not to mention she shat on anything that poor loser Lance made her.

>> No.9134013

People acting like they're putting in overtime or busting their ass on costumes that have been done for months. Costumes that they already have photoshoots posted online for.

>> No.9134174

>fake drama about getting costumes done that have had photos online for months/years
>that horrible Madness Returns skit where it was pretty obvious that Yaya never played the game
>Yaya shit talking Nigri then trying to play it off like it was just reality TV editing

>> No.9134177

Honestly, I think the show would have been much better of there was more/better drama. I'm kind of shocked they didn't do more with how dramatic of a hobby this is.

>> No.9134193

It's hardly surprising. She's married to Ross "Rubberninja" from grumps

>> No.9134431

Miggy is the best thing to come out of HoC

>> No.9134479

Yeah more believable shit like when friends fuck each other over while at the con like all the cgl horror stories we see or when the cosplay community starts a witchhunt.

Film not only sexy girls entering rigged competitions but cosplayers known for shit talking and stirring shit up and photographers known for being hated.
That would be much more interesting.

>> No.9134499

Oh god yes, that'd been the greatest. I mean we had a sliver of it when Holly white knighted for Becky about Monika. Then went on about her and Jessica were above that now. Then proceeded to use the hot box to shit all over the clearly edited Doctor Who girls.

>> No.9134602


One season actually, just split between the Winter break, like many shows. They just called it a second season to inflate the production companies credits.

>> No.9134637

I count it as a second because of how it just drops 3 and gave us a couple of new faces but that's just me.

>> No.9135230

Jessica and Chloe got bff tattoos, which I thought was kinda funny. I also think Chloe had something to do with Holly/Jessica falling out.

>> No.9135287

So much for that what was it? 13 year friendship?

>> No.9136893

I'm rewatching the first episode, and Holly and Jessica just bicker and argue nonstop and are always glaring at eachother or rolling their eyes. How did it last as long as it did?

>> No.9138155

where can I watch Heroes of Cosplay? I can only find random episodes

>> No.9138181

you can grab it on Amazon. There used to be sites with the full seasons but most got nuked after a couple of years. I grabbed it on a gift card myself tired of trying to find it.

>> No.9138185


>> No.9138188

Shut up Miggy we stole your instagram handle cause you can't keep up.

>> No.9139141

Who cares! be happy it is over.

>> No.9139151

Jinyo's dress was a rip off of a Betsy Johnson dress.

It's exactly the same - https://www.yelp.com/biz/betsey-johnson-san-francisco

>> No.9139239


To be fair, it was probably the same dress, just modified

>> No.9139436

Its modified enough to show it isn't a ripoff, but takes inspiration from. Also, Betsy's design isn't exactly unique either. Jinyo's dress follows different layering and shape. Regardless they are both cocktail/bridesmade dresses. Nothing special about that and, again, the design isn't that original either.

>> No.9139447

>it's the same guys that made The Tester
Well that explains everything.

>> No.9139499

Show got a lot of bad rep and for obvious reasons.

For one, like most reality series the producers insist on creating an issue/tension/problem to make it more dramatic than it actually is. However for something like this such measures aren't necessary when you have a wealth of content to work with (the cons, make-up, costume making, source material, etc)

Secondly the cast themselves regretted it because it made them look like a bunch of back stabbing bitches. It also didn't help Yaya had to basically backpedal and denounce it when they basically made her talk shit about Jnigs on the show (reportedly as a result of Jnigs rejecting the offer to be on the show, as she realized she could make more money with her usual gigs and not have to leave Arizona)

I don't know how ratings were, but apparently it wasn't good enough to escape the rep surrounding it

>> No.9139565

I still find one of the funniest tidbits about the show. Is that Yaya threw a bone to Mcqueen but she threw a fit refusing to be on it.

>> No.9139654


Ginny mcqueen? Deeply amused as she constantly asked for donations now I believe

>> No.9139659

One in the same. She flat out refused even made a fb post about the shame of it. Like sure it was a drama fest, but you'd think someone as desperate as her would leap at the idea to be relevant again.

>> No.9139797


That's really odd she said no considering as you mentioned how desperate she is

Maybe she thought she was being lowballed with the offer or something?

>> No.9139811

Likely it had to do with her past with Yaya. I admit it's second hand information. But friend of mine told me Ginny went at Yaya about some wig sponsor they were doing together way back when. Saying Yaya was elitist, etc etc. I'm guessing she thought that was why. That Yaya was trying to stir the pot again. Though I honestly just think Yaya thought Ginny was desperate enough and tossed it her way.

>> No.9139872

Holly does for sure. There was a grumps episode where Ross talks about how she quit cosplay for a while because the show was terrible and made people dislike her

>> No.9139893
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>Post your favorite bullshit from HoC!

Well, not bullshit, but the one episode I saw where the top honours went to the lad in the Space Marine armour instead of any of the cast reaffirmed my faith in The God-Emperor of Mankind.

>> No.9139926

I think the worst part was Jinyo proposing to Victoria after seeing all the shit she makes him do for her. She's constantly yelling at him for his mistakes when SHE'S the one supposed to be working on the cosplay. She always acts like it's his fault too when things mess up.I can't believe he proposed to that.
Would you know what episode?

>> No.9139940

Man he was mega whipped.

No I can't remember exactly but it was Ross and a guest host playing a game about a girl with purple hair and Aladdin pants haha.

>> No.9139958

Honestly i'm glad she showed remorse. I found her and her friends the most irritating out of them all. But I'll readily say I think her with Chloe and Jessica were a toxic combination.

>> No.9139961
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The game sounds like Shantae

It's really a shame that they took the drama direction because all of them can craft and have a passion for cosplay. They seemed to be trying a little more for that in that last season with the Elizabeth cosplayer, sorry if I don't remember all these names. But I think they were already doomed because of the Mean Girls drama

I briefly saw clips from a Q & A panel where they talked about their frustrations and Holly said there was a lot of footage of them actually making things, but when they tried to explain what they were doing they kept getting told to dumb down their jargon to leymen's terms. Terms like "epoxy" had to become "resin" which became "plastic" and "cure" turned into "harden." And then they didn't even include most of that footage.

I don't even think they need to do the show like Face Off and make it a competition. I think they could just do it like Craft in America or a cooking show where you just let the cosplayers talk about their craft or love for the character or design and do a lot of nice close ups of them working. You wouldn't have to pester cons to part the Red Sea for your production and ruin everyone's good times.

>> No.9139967

Pretty interesting read from the pov of the con goers. Sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.9139969

Has Jessie really done ANYthing since the show? He's kinda vanished from what I can tell.

>> No.9140043

I thought they were okay. The others seemed more petty whereas they seemed like they were just having fun with it.

I didn't like the Chloe relationship though, your right. It felt forced. Like the producers kept putting them together because Chloe couldn't actually do much alone. I mean Jessica and Holly made half the stuff for her.

>> No.9140046

Man, he's a prop master. May too busy making shitty rings to do anything mainstream.

>> No.9140063

Personally, I found them the most fake. The wool thing, the claiming they're not elitist, then using the hot box to shit on the clearly edited Dr. Who group. The comment about how they'd just finished a gig for Guillermo Del Toro, of course they knew how to do said thing.

Idunno, I just found the petty stuff more sincere, we see it all the time as is?

>> No.9140109

I thought Yaya was the one shitting on the Dr Who group?

I mean they had the most ridiculous bullshit but it seemed like they were trying to keep it tied to the costumes instead of drama. By the end I don't think they had a choice

>> No.9140121

Nope, They were. One of the girls in the group even has a post about them coming up to her her trying to stir the pot more.
The only input Yaya had was when they threw Monika under the bus for Becky. She condoned the behavior.
But like I've said, I think they were just very toxic friends. And the show with Chloe's involvement on the sidelines likely got Holly to realize that.

>> No.9140226

Partially true - Yaya worked for Cosworx when she lived in Vegas, and when she moved to Atlanta, she took the materials, molds, etc for those stupid cat ears (which Cosworx sold) and filed the patent for herself. She fucked over a lot of people there and Vegas cosplayers haven't forgotten

>> No.9140237

Yeah, I watched a couple of Holly's livestreams (they might still be archived on her Twitch, not sure, I think it was when she was working on her Brewster mascot suit) she talked about how the show ruined her reputation. People also asked if she still does competitions and she said not since the show because the show ruined it for her and it's no longer enjoyable.

>> No.9140436

I'd briefly heard of Holly before the show and still to this day I follow what she does mainly because of the exposure from watching. She works with some cool people and I'm so glad that she's doing her own thing. Jessica is a train wreck desu. Last I saw of her was when she wore some horrid dress and classed it as lolita and I quit

>> No.9140473

I really like Holly. Im glad she's not a part of Jessica's shit or Chloe.

>> No.9140525

I think they pulled just a little too much shit with the community. I'm sure they intentionally went to smaller, less established cons so they'd be shoe-ins when they were made to enter the cosplay comps there and outdo all the local cosplayers who weren't used to such a level of competition suddenly coming down on them in a huge lot. Came off as looking really bad.

>> No.9140882

I didn't know about Holly before the show, but some time after I had seen a couple of episodes with her, I found her youtube channel (not realizing it was the same person). When I realized it I was super surprised because Holly always seemed so nice & sweet on her channel...The show made her out to be a real bitch. Sucks that it hurt her reputation & love for the hobby.

>> No.9140927

Lol no they were at small cons because word got around about how awful their presence was. Big cons said no but small cons that thought it would help advertise and bring it more "guests." The girls complained that they made costumes intended to go to anime cons but then would find out that con cancelled on them so they have to take it it a sci-fi or comicon

>> No.9140965

They cancelled it and now Miss Sinister is getting her own show with her friends

>> No.9140976

Same. I hated her on Heroes of Cosplay, only to find her youtube channel a year later and love her. Was shocked when I found out it was her. She looks and seems like completely different.

>> No.9141239

Holly cosplayed FemShep for Bioware, Jessica used to work at Bioware

>> No.9141395
File: 36 KB, 155x160, the-doll-life-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of HoC, what the hell ever happened to this laughing stock? I tried to look for any info on it but there's nothing.

>> No.9141419

Holly was unbearable on Twitter before and during HoC. I followed before HoC and she constantly lied about who made her costumes. (Evil Ted made a lot of her armor on the show and still does.) Claimed femshep was based off her and cried when people voted for the blonde cover image. Stole money from a charity that commissioned her to make a costume well outside her skill lvl. I think her problem was that she isn't as skilled as everyone thinks she is. She might know how to do some fabrication but she can't sew to save her life and usually gets friends to'help'. Her skills have been greatly exaggerated and now she can match her hype.

>> No.9141542

To be fair, it is no secret that Jinyo makes everything in the relationship. I don't think Victoria knows how to sew/make costumes. This was never a secret and everyone in the cosplay community already knew it. They should have focused on Jinyo or at least on them as a couple, because we all know Victoria didn't do anything.

As far as Becky… I've heard that she doesn't really make anything either. Which is probably why they focused a lot on her body issues and Lance building stuff for her. Because she doesn't actually do a lot of construction.

The producers should have been smart enough not to pick people who didn't make their own shit unless they were going to be honest about it… except they couldn't be honest about it because they were entering contests.

>> No.9142785

I remember seeing a cosplay show (I think it was a web show) where the people had a time limit to make a cosplay from scratch and they competed with each other as part of the show
I looked but can't find it though

>> No.9142800


Call to Cosplay maybe?

>> No.9142801

Was it Call To Cosplay, that Crunchyroll put on? That show was complete shit. Honestly, Heros of Cosplay was better.

>> No.9142827
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>> No.9142830
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>> No.9142834
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>> No.9142843
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>> No.9142847
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Cosplay doesn't really lend itself to that kind of show. It works with Face Off because the contestants handle sculpting, painting and other fabricating and wardrobe if they want. But a staf team handles casting the sculpts into foam and latex and providing wardrobe based on contestant requests.

For a cosplay show to work they'd need to work in teams and have a week at the very least to put together full outfits. Unless every episode is one small part like a wig, armor set, dress, etc and just the finale is a full cosplay. Even then I'm not sure it would get a great audience pull.

>> No.9142851

Becky was the Elizabeth cosplayer and she commissioned it from Firefly Path.

>> No.9142854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9142930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9142949 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9143189

That's not how they met though. They had been friends since they were 13

>> No.9143751

A week? Ha. Give them 3 days per challenge. Fuck a week. If Face Off can do three days with one person and Project Runway does 3 for one person, I dont see why a team for a cosplay show needs a week.

>> No.9143766

Because cosplayers aren't professionals in any sort of field, no matter how much they pretend to be.

>> No.9143792

>Other random ass props

It certainly varies by type. Also Project Runway people can use conventional patterning. Cosplay requires some really weird patterning and fabricating.

Also depends on if they're trying to imitate a character or make their own. Face Off has leeway because they're almost always making an original character. And when they have to make more than one it's usually with a team.

>> No.9143936
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Am I the only one that thought it was crazy that Jessie didn't place more in some of the competitions? I never watched all the episodes so I don't know if he went on to win anything but based off what I remember he lost a lot if not all of them.
On a related note, is there anywhere to watch this shit where you don't have to pay for it. I can't find it anywhere. I'm curious on all the stuff I missed back then.

>> No.9143949

honestly his helmet proportions for most of his costumes were ass, and the ideas were commonly badly executed so im not too surprised. bro needs to shave that damn facial hair too

>> No.9144181

Thats why you have themes. Cosplay really doesn't need more than 3 days and it can still look polished if you know what you are doing.

Thats why you grab some people for the show who are good at various things and others who can struggle for challenges. I would totally be willing to watch it.

>> No.9144451

Plus the repainted football armor.

>> No.9144541

Dumbass never shaves and made rings out of pewter and complained they were heavy and shit

>> No.9144632

Didn't even patina them, they looked like tinfoil

>> No.9144648


This can really only work with people local to LA or another city with a decent prodiction company and higher density of cosplayers. I doubt the show would be able to house those pesky "out-of-towners." Maybe NYC or Atlanta could work.

>> No.9144703


shit on that steampunk show they pulled shit out of their ass pretty quick.

>> No.9144758

There's also a question of how much time they REALLY have. I saw some specials on the Food Network that explains that the chefs have more like 5 hours to cook, know the ingredients ahead or time, then edit it down for dramatic effect. I was surprised they showed that but I imagine a lot of competition shows do this

>> No.9144974

Well for Iron Chef America, the chefs get an extra hour after the one hour time limit to make the judge dishes. They only had to use the "hour" for the presentation dish. The chefs are also told three items as the surprise, one of which is the actual item, the other two not. In Japan, it was eight vs. ICA's three though. The chefs were allowed to go through the kitchen and their pantry the morning of to insure all their ingredients were there, and if not, given two hours to get before the fridges/freezers were closed.

>> No.9144992

They actually get to pick the ingredient from a list of 3. It's not a surprise, they are able to plan ahead of time. My friend's boss was on the show and he got to pick what the "surprise" ingredient was.

>> No.9145310

This show tried to portray that huge, honest fans and inspired to work on their craft. They spent two seasons proving otherwise, considering how half of them berated their significant others to make their props and armor, and the other half spent bitching about the other contestants and picking cosplays without even knowing anything about their projects.

Crabcat Industries was probably one of the worst. I will never understand how the conceived their Nyancat skit idea without the use of drugs. It's shameful to watch them and Becky take their performances so seriously when they're low-tier competition.

>> No.9145331

he didn't use them. He ended up buying some shitty ones. His were fucking horrible though, way too thick.

I fucking forgot about that shit skit till now. Thanks

>> No.9145348

Oh wow...I didn't even realize it was football armor ahaha. My attention to detail explains why I never bothered getting into cosplay myself.

>> No.9146246

Yeah, it's fine for a normal costume if you're just walking around the con. It grinds my gears though when people show up for CRAFTSMANSHIP competitions with garbage like that and get butt hurt about not placing.

Some comps focus more on the over all feel and capturing the character rather than just craftsmanship which is fine as long as they advertise that accurately, but Jesse wouldn't do well in either desu.

>> No.9146333

Guess they changed it since then. My friend was on the show as a sous chef about 5-6 years ago. I know they keep switching up the formula for the show. Last time I watched it, I didn't even know what the new rules were as they were bringing up food while the competition was still going on. That sucks that they ruined the surprise then

>> No.9147273

>cosplayers known for shit talking and stirring shit up and photographers known for being hated.

They don't have faces made for TV.

>> No.9147314
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>> No.9147317

I always wondered what would happen if people confronted her on this. As her dad wasn't really listed for the light saber at all. He's known for Dystraflex but not that.

>> No.9147340

I'm just finding out now from this thread that Holly from youtube is Holly from HoC. Holy shit she's so nice online, they really made her out to be a megabitch on tv

>> No.9147458

Am I the only one that was so confused by Carl? Everything he made for the show was lumpy and ameturish. The multi-head/limb thing was a disgrace. But they show him entering in the master category? I didn't see him make anything that I would consider master-tier.

>> No.9147511

Poor Carl.. I felt he went on there hoping to meet some cool people and show off his skills that he thought he was good compared to the rest, but he wasn't. ]: He did a good Makoto though, but thats so much different than making a Silent Hill mannequin boss.

>> No.9147516

The Mannequin wasn't even from the game, it's from the shitty 2nd movie. If you're going to do a Silent Hill monster, at least do a respectable one.

>> No.9147522

Was he the one that was cosplaying from Free! that ordered fucking chocolate milk at the bar and wouldn't shut up about it?

>> No.9147523

Im sorry. Let me rephrase, he tried to go the SH monster in the movie based off of Scarlet's first form from the game which frankly wouldv'e been easier since it doesn't have 23012809812 million legs.

>> No.9147524

And now Im enjoying looking up SH monster cosplay and there are SO MANY HELLRAISER CENOBITES. Im REALLY triggered. These are NOT the same fucking thing.

>> No.9147525


While I do agree that holly seems nice on YouTube I wouldn't exactly trust it seeing how she's editing it or directly involved in the post of her own material.

You wouldn't exactly okay videos that made you look awful when you can control directly

>> No.9147526
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That was another shitty thing about the 2nd movie, the obvious Hellraiser knock off character who came out of nowhere. They had her fight Pyramid Head, who has nothing to do with the game the movie is based off of.
I'm really salty about this movie sorry.
And even more salty that someone would choose to cosplay from it instead of something the 3 1/2 good games.

>> No.9147527

She's a sweetheart in and out of her youtube channel.

Sorry.. Tweetheart. You clearly haven't been following her.

>> No.9147529

*something from the

>> No.9147531

I met her once at a convention. Kind of awkward but really nice.

>> No.9147533
File: 51 KB, 793x288, Silent+Hill+-+Revelation_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female Cenobite
>Wire Twins

To just name a few off the top of my head that Claudia's monster form reminds me of. Poor Clive.. Oh yeah. Plus staple bondage gear. I love Hellraiser so much. It really, really pissed me off in the movie when I saw Claudia's form.

>> No.9147536

Yeah. She's a bit introverted and awkward, but not the weird kind of socially awkward. More like the I don't see myself as being someone who deserves to be as well known as I am because I suck at talking to people without my computer kind of awkward.

..If that makes sense. I met her at AX when Suzy had her booth back in 2015. I was super excited to see both of them. Arin never came buy which was sad.. But her and Ross were messing around in their Shovel Knight outfits, but this was later in the day when she was just in some normal clothes.

>> No.9147541
File: 815 KB, 673x834, silent_hill_monstahs_by_doubleleggy-d9rfqfd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had more scary cosplays.

[Pic not related. Just found and am in Love with it. 2cute]

>> No.9147545

I tried meeting her when she had the booth then but every time I was around only Suzy was there. I was really bummed, I think that was when she was wearing her Brewster cosplay and was handing out coffee to people. Funnily enough, I actually met Arin while he was walking around in Little Tokyo after the convention.

>> No.9147549

I wish I knew where that was because I was watching whatever it was, I think Mario with him and Dan, and they were talking about how they were freaking out in Little Tokyo trying to find Ross a bathroom and people kept stopping them to talk. Lol. Poor Ross. Had to poop so bad. Or maybe it was Arin. Maybe Arin had to poop.

>> No.9147558


Shrug I clearly don't see her stuff outside of youtube so I wouldn't know

>> No.9147564
File: 86 KB, 950x534, 2014-06-11-hoc-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look up what you anons were talking about.
Holy shit this is atrocious.

>> No.9147568

Haha oh no! I think I met him at a different time then because Arin had just woken up from a nap and was waiting for some friends (later saw him with non-Grump friends) That's really funny though.

>> No.9147765
File: 37 KB, 530x530, 3755e9e882f9dabf93dbb7927066fc99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god it's been a while and it's still too hideous to look at. I give him some credit though that his segments showed that he was trying to be creative, but obviously that didn't pan out so well. Still, he overshot his skills. All of them did, really.

Never forget, anon.

>> No.9147871

He mentioned it once in interview, then everyone made fun of him at the table. Then he talks about them making fun of him.
Go figure not everyone wants to have a bloated red face for a masquerade.

>> No.9147878

auroravid (dot) to / video / 828390bf07d91
Watch out, ads everywhere

>> No.9148017
File: 215 KB, 387x333, tham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9148025

It probably had about the same level of viewership as this board does. If videogame shows can't even keep themselves afloat, not sure how anybody thought a cosplay show could.

>> No.9148074

>Cosplayed a guy in a tight long swimpants and a jacket
>Yaya: "OMG how inappropriate."

>> No.9148401


this is cringy as fuck

>> No.9150981
File: 79 KB, 620x397, lightsaber[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored and tried to figure this out. The concept of the lightsaber itself seems to be Lucas', though the concept of a light beam sword was around much earlier. The design doesn't seem to be his either- the actual props were primary tubes from old camera flash handles, made by John Stears. Ben Burtt did the famous lightsaber sounds. The only thing I can find about him and the lightsaber is that he tried to do it with practical effects, but the only thing that really worked was rotoscoping. >http://www.propstore.com/john-dykstra-intergalactic-man-of-magic-part-2/ Even then, I'm finding a lot of sources that are saying someone named Nelson Shin figured out the effects.

Not to say he isn't a great effects artist, but I can't find any evidence he invented the lightsaber like she claims. She could really just say "My dad was the SFX lead on the original Star Wars" and that would be cool as shit

>> No.9150991


Easier to coast by with "he made the lightsaber" I imagine

>> No.9151015

Fits better on a sign.

>> No.9151032

probably "dumbed it down" for the normies

>> No.9151045

Yea I dunno why she lied about it but it seemed like an old one like she'd done it for years. In the show she even remarks how she was really unpopular and no one would come to her birthday parties as a kid. She claimed it was because she was a geeky kid and her dad's job. I remember thinking. "Bet it's cause she lied about what he actually did so much growing up. That no one wanted anything to do with her."

>> No.9151049

Yea but the second season even detailed what he had done.

>> No.9151070

Ultimately, it was Yaya's vanity project, but because that alone doesn't make things interesting, they had to reality show the fuck out of it with fake drama and rivalry.. Which is kind of funny because there's enough fucking cosplay drama naturally.

If they wanted to do a cosplay show, they should have done a Mythbusters style build show that's just about making costumes and the insane shit that goes into some outfits.

>> No.9151401

Im tellin' ya. Face Off/Project Runway.

>> No.9155119

did the cosplayers apply to be on the show or were they sought out? Because pretty much every one of them besides yaya monika riki and meg had a tiny online following and I just can't see how they picked them out. Carl for example only had a couple of thousand fb likes.

>> No.9155163


From what I can tell, most were sought out (Yaya, Riki, Meg because they were established. Chloe Dykstra to a lesser extent, but even if her following isn't as big her dad was a founder of Industrial Light and Magic.) and others were referred to.

Jnigs was approached, but I guess turned it down and so they tried to make it look like her and Yaya would stab each other to death if they saw one another

>> No.9155411

Well it was originally pitched as Yaya's World, and most of the people were friends of Yaya or friends of her friends who the producers figured would look or do best on camera

>> No.9155444

I still think one of the funniest tidbits is the fact they wanted to call it Cosworld. But there was already a porn with that name

>> No.9156037

I've been to that hotel countless times. The bar where they were all sitting is right next to the pool.
Carl was competing as a master because the way Florida Supercon does their catagories. I think he hit master class by winning a lot at smaller shows.

>> No.9158092

What is the context of this picture? My dad would be so embarrassed if I walked around with a sign boasting his accomplishments.

>> No.9158105

She literally went to comic con like that before she started cosplaying.

>> No.9158142

That's some A++ attention whoring right there, holy fucking shit. If I was her dad, I would be so ashamed.

>> No.9158149

No more than when she dropped a bunch of 'artistic' nudes

>> No.9158184 [DELETED] 

I would way rather my daughter post nudes of herself than walk around a major with a sign bragging about my accomplishments. Especially when the sign isn't even really true.

Also, where are these nudes she posted?

>> No.9158189

I would way rather my daughter post nudes of herself than walk around a major con with a sign bragging about my accomplishments. Especially when the sign isn't even really true.

Also, where are these nudes she posted?

>> No.9158199

you legit only need to type her name and nudes. They aren't really secret

>> No.9158236

I didn't realize she had a boob job

>> No.9158245


At this point who hasn't

>> No.9162531
File: 98 KB, 221x357, wikifoot.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9162591
