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9131458 No.9131458 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't see a thread about this. Semifinals are streaming right now on niconico, finals are tomorrow

>> No.9131476


>> No.9131484

It seems they have divided the 30 countries on 2 "semi-finals" and 8 of both will qualify in the finals

>> No.9131603

So when is finals?

>> No.9131612

How come Germany wasn't chosen for the finals?

>> No.9131618

No really,
anyone has any idea what is going on there
Rumours say, next year semi-finaly will be held outside of Nagoya and only final- finalists will be allowed to attend events
And why come up with BS like this only a few months in advance
That WCS isn't fair is nothing new, but this year they really pushing it

>> No.9131626

Was Germany not picked because Shiroku is Japanese? That is the only reason why I could see them not making it besides someone making a press release that they cheated somehow. I could see with how nationalistic Japan can be how they might take offense of her performing but quite obviously it is a bullshit reason. Their skit was too obvious to have no been picked. I hope they didn't set off a chain reaction of problems now.

>> No.9131640

It seems they made announcing mistake (how many they can make?) and both Germany and South Korea will be joining finals tomorrow

>> No.9131641
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>> No.9131650

Don't the announcers get a quecard from where they read the finalists?
It's strange to make such an "oopsy".
I admit rhings happen during announcing, mostly mispronunciations and all. But that would be a really ,really big mistake.

I don't follow WCS extremely, but when was it announced that there would be semi-finals, this is the first i'm hearing it.

>> No.9131687

So which country didn't make it?

>> No.9131696

UKs voice acting was horrible. Unless you actually know Japanese you should stick to English

>> No.9131716

Why US Team where two fatasses?

>> No.9131718

They don't disqualify anyone, there's 18 countries in the finals

>> No.9131736

will there be awards like brother award again in final round?

>> No.9131783

I'm not sure how familiar with WCS you are, but this is the first year WCS has allowed audio in anything other than Japanese. Since they qualified in May I'm just guessing that they weren't informed.

>> No.9131870

>Shiroku is Japanese
what? really?

>> No.9131885

her awful japanese skills says she isn't

>> No.9131894

Because the US doesn't realize that they need to send skinny, attractive people to have a chance.
Honestly, I was pretty disappointed in the US team this year. Their costumes were just ok, they definitely didn't seem WCS caliber, and the Sailor Moon costumes I saw pictures of that they were making for a different WCS event looked pretty amateur as well.
Did no one good enter this year?

>> No.9131907

No, us wcs is rigged. It's just a bunch of friends giving each other free rides to Japan.

>> No.9131928

I'd believe it. I seriously saw the team for this year and went "really?".
I know we'll never win but can we try to send people who actually have good costumes and look good?

>> No.9131965

Based on the entries for the US finals, they were the better of the bunch and the only ones to utilize a dynamic set. Most of the other competitors lacked improved stage presence. I cna understand where you compare then to other countriea, they don't have a winning skit, but they stood out at preliminaries with the best US could send out with the entries they had.

>> No.9132026

the US branch is run terribly. like, they pretty much just need to fire the people running it. They're so bad that they only had one event at one con. Almost every con that had them refuses to bring them back.
most people can't easily afford to fly or drive across the US in order to participate in the shitty WCS us event.
At this point I hope they just kill off the US branch. or replace them with people who can actually plan events.

>> No.9132199

I haven't seen the skit, just the costumes. They were… unimpressive. Saber was ok, but didn't wow me, and Sakura was rather rough looking.

Considering the amounts of amazing detail work the other countries are showing… it makes the US look terrible.
This is true. It's not worth it for most people to travel for the competition unless they think they're a shoe in. But I still think they should pick people with high level craftsmanship; skits can be coached on and improved a lot more easily than costume construction.

>> No.9132318
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Yeah these are okay. I feel like an award winning Dark Sakura shouldn't have a waist seam. I like the texture they picked for Saber's armor. But it's not a flattering costume for someone bigger.

>> No.9132320
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Then there's India

>> No.9132426

I've never seen a good dark Sakura. Instead of patterning it out and using piping they all just make a dress and sew ribbon on it and they all look awkward and uneven. And ya, the waist seam is definitely not attractive and shows a lack of professional technique.

>> No.9132446


Yeah that seam looks like complete ass. Why wouldn't you take advantage of the line details to do panels and eliminate the need for that seam (and get a better fit, that dress looks atrocious with how it's puckering all over the place).

>> No.9132452

Bless em for trying at least.

>> No.9132484

Because the patterning would be hell. My friend told me I should do this costume and I laughed at her because, while I could do it, it would take tons of work on patterning the panels to be even and then doing all the piping. Hence why most people just make a dress and then sew on ribbon, because you don't have to pattern for that. But if you're going to be representing your country in an international costuming competition, you should take the time to do it.
I don't care if all the other skits sucked, they should have been knocked out of the running on the craftsmanship issues. It's embarrassing.

>> No.9132493


Well yeah that's what I mean. This is WCS. Paneling it wouldn't be that crazy especially compared to what some of the other finalists did (just look at Finland). It'd be more time consuming than particularly difficult.

>> No.9132522

No, I totally agree with you.
Considering all the embroidery that Finland did, the appliqué work that Italy did to make the perfect pattern on their fabric… this shit is an embarrassment. It's like they picked the group that would most fit the stereotype of lazy, fat Americans to send as the representatives.

>> No.9132544

Those two already went to Japan once! Just on different teams! wtf is this shit!?

>> No.9132564

It's not breaking the rules. Team uk is also the same team that went to wcs a few years back.

>> No.9132575

The finals are starting

>> No.9132616

If they've both done this before, why is their work so shitty?

>> No.9132648

Because LOL free trip to japan, why work hard. We got a free vacation. Don't have to actually win.

>> No.9132659


>> No.9132661
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>> No.9132674

Forgive me for being an idiot but I've been trying to find a link to watch the broadcast. Can anyone help me?

>> No.9132675

you've already missed all the performances though

>> No.9132691

1st: Indonesia
2nd: Denmark
3rd: France

>> No.9132694

Indonesia and Denmark are deserved.
Don't understand why France made 3rd...

>> No.9132695

I wish germany had placed they did an amazing job, france on the other hand

>> No.9132696

What's the prize for the winner?

>> No.9132699

who got the brother award?

>> No.9132700

Finland got the Brother award.

>> No.9132701


>> No.9132707

I thought Germany would at least place. I can't help but be curious as to why they didn't get a better recognition. Their choreography was one of the best, costumes, they paid a lot of attention to detail. I liked France but I felt like it should have gone to Germany instead.

The other two are deserved, although I felt like Indonesia's performance was way stronger last night. That slicing effect took me by surprise considering that you could see less of other pants in the back.

Overall I felt like the whole semifinals fiasco dragged the final tonight down a little. I was a bit disappointed that the other awards weren't held tonight instead of last night. It did however give a lot of performers a chance to relax, as some of the costume changes were a lot smoother and less hesitant. Also thank god that UK had their skit rerecorded in English. I wonder how awkward it was to tell them to do it over, but at least the feedback from last night helped their skit a lot.

As for the US, with last year having no multiple qualifiers, are they just holding one again? The US team was fine personally. They didn't have a winning skit but the performance was pretty good compared to others. They had a great set and overall I think that they put attention to detail on the performance elements. The issue that I saw though besides other teams simply being better was that it was a tough duo to pull off. Obviously the craftsmanship is good but can be better, but the characters themselves are difficult to relate to from the audience standpoint unless the performers really make those characters have an impact, like the Trinity Blood duo. USA's skit was similar to the Guilty Crown skit in 2014, where very little people understood the plot and characters. Teams who choose characters even if unknown but are distinctively good vs evil tend to drive the story and make it easier for the audience to enjoy.

>> No.9132734

>Did no one good enter

No. Go back and watch the US contest and tell me there was a better team. While USA's skit was bland this year it was clearly the best of all the entries.

The way it's run has burned so many good teams from wanting to put up with their shit. There's been a major drop off in quality entries.

>> No.9132735

No, only one of them has been on team USA. There's also no rule against competing again, You just have to wait a year.

>> No.9132751

Wait... She don't have wig?

>> No.9132840

it was india's first team ever so stop being mean as fuck

>> No.9132842

what kind of freakshow did denmark sent as their representatives. an old ugly hag trying to look like a guy and a creepy as shit guy trying to look like a girl?

>> No.9132857

Shiroku is Cantonese, she say allway she' s Japanese, but it's a lie

>> No.9132858

lol one of them is a transguy who isnt fooling anyone

>> No.9132879

explains the weird nipples...

>> No.9132880

they shouted at he staff and acted all the way as if WCS has to give them the most attention and everybody was so annoyed by them

>> No.9132885

The guy trying to look like a girl is a pretty stuck up cosplayer on top of it, and always has been (pretty sure it's a fakeboi too, used to be a batshit lesbian). This is the same Team Denmark that won a Brother prize (I think it was the Brother prize) at WCS two years ago, so I'm not really surprised if what >>9132880 says is true.

>> No.9132903
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>> No.9132912

I honestly have no idea why Japan got so many awards. Their stuff is literally basic-tier, their skit wasn't anything that hasn't been done a million times before.
>Inb4 horse

>> No.9132943

Seriously? In Denmark everybody seems to love them so much and be their friends, are they really assholes in competitions?

>> No.9132966

how did france get "most exciting moment" when there was nothing much exciting about them at all? japan were average, including their performance. germany should have received something at least.

>> No.9132976

A lot of people in this thread seem to have strong feelings about what kind of costumes/source material is good for WCS, so what series do you think would be good to compete with? It seems kind of difficult to find a show or game that has spectacular costumes that would show a lot of finesse to make, a good plot, is something mainstream enough that the celebrity judges would recognize, but isn't entirely overdone (I can't help but think of all the Madoka skits I've seen, but I think I've only ever seen them in prelims, never actually competing)

>> No.9132996

Yeah, because no one wants to deal with Butler and her fucking movies squad. You waste your entire convention time to suck her dick and then you get trashed by her staff and inner circle.

>> No.9133104

they are. they are really mean divas and I've never seen someone being so arrogant towards staff.

also: yeah some people want to be friends with them but they never stay friends for long...

>> No.9133122

glad to hear that I am not alone with my bad experience with those two. some friends of mine had some serious negative issue with them but never dare to talk about it because they don't want to be the center of their hate.

>> No.9133131

There were two Madoka skits in 2013 by France and Australia.

I think what works is what you know what Japan is into. I felt like the Odin's Sphere group was okay but got a higher popularity vote because of the series. CLAMP or FF are usually popular, Sailor Moon, Evangelion, older classic anime or classic mecha.

That being said, it has a lot to do with the elements of the skit than just the series. Costume changes are great if theya re creative but not excessive or unncessary. Or changing up the style or choreography in a battle skit.

>> No.9133132

Clamp stuff makes it in a lot for those reasons but it's all relative. Any series has potential. There was a Death Note group a while back that had a plainly dressed Light but they made a huge prop Ryuk to sit on his shoulders. It's hard enough to make a skit for your own country, let alone a mainly Japanese one.

>> No.9133155

Is there a post of all the entries somewhere?

>> No.9133164

What exactly happened? I saw that their other wing on their set had a hard time pulling up at the semfinals.

I only follow their projects but if it's true, it's a shame to hear if they have poor attitudes. Considering how meticulous they are with their work, I assume they can be a little anal about details. I did notice that most of the other teams often shared photos and moments with plenty of the other groups but they rarely were in any.

>> No.9133212

I've met them too and have similar experiences, I thought they were just having a bad day or something but god what uptight divas. I'm not at all surprised at them treating the staff poorly.

>> No.9133216

Can confirm it's a fakeboi. I was told the cosplayer was a man and then met him, and that's a girl. Not even a transman iirc, just a fakeboi.

>> No.9133655


Trinity Blood is apparently still relevant despite having stagnated almost a decade ago, and you can't go wrong with mechas. I would love to see a good Macross skit for WCS someday but those are hard to do when you're limited to two characters. Extreme outfit changes would fit really really well in that franchise.

>> No.9133690

I heard Hong Kong was disqualified, was the real reason they went overweight with their props/costumes?

>> No.9133910

Seconding this, would love to know the details.

>> No.9133933

If that was the case, 1st place should have been out to. Twin cosplay is always fucking overweight with their props

>> No.9133998

Indeed. The stuff they use last year looked heavy.

Talking about them (TWIN), they take that fuking mask, wherever they go. In Mexico are a lot of memes about that.

>> No.9134061

don't get why germany of all contestants should have been a better winner than the others. I think the overall standard of this years performances were quite low, but on quite the same level. besides indonesia, which clearly had some help from stage professionals. but in the end denmark and france weren't that much better than the rest.

>> No.9134063

don't know about the staff, but the talked really ill about finland getting the brother award instead of them

>> No.9134080

Didn't he already get brother award few years ago? How many sewing machines does he need.

>> No.9134137

Shinji is a catty bitch and a sore loser, especially about her sewing skills. News at eleven.

>> No.9134148

and above that she is dumb as fuck because she is always complaining very loudly...

>> No.9134150

by the way: how do they fuck? I mean, has Shinij still his dick an TinYasuo still her cunt?

>> No.9134264

Really? But dididn't they already win the Brother Award already? I thought that they did have a chance to win again, but 2nd place is pretty good, given that I felt like they didn't really deserve it.

Spain was such a hot mess. It was embarrassing to watch unfortunately.

>> No.9134314

I have 10 years of staff cosplay experience at JE: Tinyasuo are probably one of the most patient and nicest cosplayer I have ever had, (and I know a bunch of good fellow every year.) even under stressed situation. . so try to find a better point of view.

>> No.9134320

Shinji is a ciswoman, TinYasuo is a transman

>> No.9134365

>Multiple people in the thread have similar accounts that they're uppity divas
>One person comes in with 'guys no they're the nicest and most patient people I've ever met!'
Totally not a shill

>> No.9134585

yeeaah thats what I was thinking too lol.
Ive only ever heard bad things about them, they might be nice to their friends, but if you cant be nice to con staff or helpers during competitions then you're defiently a diva.

>> No.9135610

Totally not populum ad argumentum. Lets take take of bullshit from dozen of rumor and non professional staff. Lets take one experienced person and tell its shit. And totally not think you are all being some shit you point about.

>> No.9135701

of course anon is a professional when she says so without any credibility, so let's believe her

also hi shinji

>> No.9135820

>populum ad argumentum
argumentum ad populum

get your latin facts straight, shinji. i know noone ever told you the righ phrase but that's totally giving you away lol

>> No.9136017

Did we work at the same japan expo ?

>> No.9136132

Glad to know they were nice to you.
At the end of JE they cut the line me and my friends were into for about 1:30h which left us waiting for another 1h at least.

Guess when you win prizes you just think you can do what you want.
You must be someone important to deserve their love. Good for you!

>> No.9136247

There's full competition video on youtube for those who didn't see the live stream

>> No.9136766
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>> No.9138268

Does anyone have the overall rankings from this year?

>> No.9142041


>> No.9142087

They rarely publish an overall ranking, some teams never find out where they placed. Officially they only ever publish the awarded places and prizes.

>> No.9142404

No, but someone usually leaks it.