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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9126191 No.9126191 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like having actual lolita friends? I don't mean just a friend you got a little bit into it or girls you solely associate with during meet ups. I mean like really good lolita friends that you spend a lot of time with.

>how did you meet?
>what kinds of things do you do together?
>do you borrow each others clothes?
>do you twin?
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
>anything else you wanna add?

>> No.9126211

>how did you meet?
We meet at a meetup, but had been basically ships passing in the night for years. We both went on the same Lolita related forum years before and had even got to event not ever running into each other.
>what kinds of things do you do together?
We see each other at meets, go to movies, try out new dessert places together, plan events for our comm. We even couple cosplay together and always share rooms at cons.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
We don't have much overlap between our styles but I would lend her literally anything in my closet if she asked. And she's lent me stuff before.
>do you twin?
As often as we can.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
No. Shes classic and I'm more sweet. And we both have pretty solid wardrobes. I get excited when she gets a grail piece or something shes wanted for a while.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
Nah. Shes way more elegant and pretty than me, but she always says I'm cute. I wouldnt matter if I was the ugly one. I just love being around her.
>anything else you wanna add?
What I've learned about making a solid Lolita friend is actually having a lot of differences. My Lolita best friend is actually very different from me. But I always feel like I'm learning a lot about her and life because of it. Our relationship isn't just Lolita. It's learning about her different hobbies and being excited about them because they're not anything I know about. I think it's stronger because it's not just about Lolita.

>> No.9126381

>how did you meet?
One bff lives in my very small home state and we friended each other on FB first and immediately clicked when we met in person at a meet. Our state's comm is practically dead so it was relieving to find another well-dressed lolita. Another BFF I met at my first meetup where I didn't know anybody else (previously it was always meets where I knew someone attending, or my bf came with me) it was her first meet and I'm pretty sure I talked her ear off but we're still hangin.
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Besides chat privately online about both lolita and nonlolita things, we attend/host meetups together, have done each others hair and makeup, sleep overs, attended birthday parties, and drink together. I'm weird and I also like grocery shopping with friends too.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
Nope, but we've borrowed accessories from one another before.
>do you twin?
I've twinned with one of my friends, and we all own Fleur Antoinette, so I'd love to triplet in that!
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Not really. Our styles are between classic and sweet lolita, but we have different taste in colorways and motifs. I'm the sweetest of the three so they always jokingly rag on me as the ageplayer.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
Not really, I like to think all 3 of us dress well and in our own different styles, so it's comparing apples and oranges.
>anything else you wanna add?
They make my kokoro go doki-doki

>> No.9126436

>how did you meet?
I have two good lolita friends, we're like a little trio. We met at a meet, it was their most local comm, but a good 2 1/2 hours from me. My most local comm is kind of small and dead, so I'll regularly drive the distance to attend nicer and better attended gatherings.
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Aside from meets, we actually planned a few trips together, one of them even included going to Tokyo for two months together! We spent a lot of time shopping, not just for lolita stuff, but weeb shit for our ita bags. Obviously we keep in touch online on a daily basis talking about all sorts of shit.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
yeah! not too often though, because we all have slightly different styles, but on a few occassions we've shared pieces of our wardrobe.
>do you twin?
Rarely, we don't have a whole lot of overlap on main pieces, but we have before.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Not really, we all have sightly different styles and wardrobe building philosophies.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
I would say definitely, but I don't feel awkward about it, I could probably be fancier myself if I spent more time on my makeup and bothered with lashes.
>anything else you wanna add?
Getting into lolita is the best thing I've ever done. I've done and experienced more with my lolita friends than any other friends I've had my entire life.

This is a really nice thread OP, thanks.

>> No.9126467

did you meet?
Through our local comm
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Whatever we feel like! Tea, movies, dinner, just hanging out. We've also taken out of state trips together for events before.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
Sometimes, we also let each other try things on and give first dibs to each other when selling
>do you twin?
We have a few times
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Not really? Sometimes we'll see something in someone else's wardrobe and decide we want it, though
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
We're not competitive at all.
>anything else you wanna add?
All my closest friends are lolitas! I can't imagine ever being a "lone lolita".

>> No.9126471

>how did you meet?
I met most of them at school and later realized we both liked lolita.
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Normal friend stuff. We go out to dinner, go to the movies, and sometimes plan trips to theam parks.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
>do you twin?
Not yet, but plan on it.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
I don't get wardrobe Jealousy because they let me barrow stuff I really like and I do the same for them.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
I think all of us are pretty and cute. I have the biggest wardrobe however.
>anything else you wanna add?
I have three friend that are into lolita. It's made it so i am not in comm. I just hang out with them.

>> No.9126504

My best friends are into lolita, one of them is a lot more casual though. With the friend is who is into it as much as I am:

>how did you meet?
A 5th grade play, we've been friends forever. We got into lolita about the same time.
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Watch a lot of anime and hang out. We constantly message each other on Line about drama happening and various releases and things.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
Yes, in the beginning I borrowed a lot of her stuff because I didn't have much money or clothes but it switched when we turned 18 and I got a job and she stayed too sick to work. I've given my friend brand before because it doesn't suit me and would look perfect on her. She knows she can use stuff from my wardrobe anytime and I know if I need something I can borrow it.
>do you twin?
Someday. Right now I'm too fat to wear the IW skirt we both have, but I'm working on it so we can twin.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Not sure, I sometimes feel bad because I have a lot more disposable income than she does so I worry I come off as bragging when I talk about a haul.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
I'm marginally better at coordinating, but she is WAY cuter and fits in more stuff so I like to dress her up.
>anything else you wanna add?
Having lolita personal friends is fabulous and definitely worth the effort. It's fun to be able to get a message at 3am that a cow is throwing a tantrum on a drama board. Salt is always better when it's shared.

>> No.9126511
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>how did you meet?
/cgl/ friend thread from like two years ago. Does not feel that long ago at all what the hell.

>what kinds of things do you do together?
She lives close enough to me that we've met up irl a handful of times. When chatting online and offline we love to bitch and be salty together. We complain about our separate comms, shit talk lolcows together, discuss new releases, coords on CoF, make up secrets for BtB together.

>do you borrow each others clothes?
I let her borrow my clothes no problem. Shes said I could do the same but I never have and dont want to heh. We arent similar sizes and shes very petite, so I dont want to run the risk of stretching out her dresses at all. Often dresses are too big for her already. But because of this I have no worries of her wearing mine, and shes super careful with burando so I have no worries there.

>do you twin?
We havent too much yet but we plan to in the future ! We dont own two of the same dresses yet but my top priority wishlist dress is one she owns too, so hopefully we can twin that in the future. I had 2 of the same dress so we both wore that together once.

>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
... I dont think so? I have none whatsoever and I hope that she doesnt either. We both have a slight difference in styles so I dont think there is. We are both sweet but I like more OTT diabetic sweet and shes more into the simpler nature-y whimsical sweet.

>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
She is def cuter than me but I dont find it awkward. I find her super cute and I love spending time with her! I'm happy enough with myself that I dont have insecurities or jealousy about it.

>anything else you wanna add?
If I was rich I would be like a lolita sugar mama lmao. If I could I'd love to buy close lolita friends dresses or accessories and surprise them with it! Especially something off their wishlist

>> No.9126712

>how did you meet?

On Facebook through mutual friends. We lived together for a long time afterwards, and we're dating now!

>what kinds of things do you do together?

Typically lounge around and read, but for lolita specific moments, I usually dress him and me up and we take pictures or walk around a convention. We also go do various convention fashion shows with him modelling and me doing makeup. It's amazing!

>do you borrow each others clothes?

We do actually. We share accessories and shoes. We share some of our dresses, but he's much tinier so I can't wear a lot of his pieces.

>do you twin?

We haven't yet, but we really want to!

>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?

Sort of on my part, but it's mostly a size issue. I'm fat with hella tits, and he's a tiny dude and obviously has no tits so he can fit into literally anything from any brand. But what I do is purchase him prints that I love that have no cuts I can fit, and vicariously wear them though him haha.

>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?

He's definitely the cute one. It makes me kind of sad because I'd love to take cute couple pictures with him, but I'm a giant round potato who photographs terribly.

>anything else you wanna add?

I never realised how fun it is to have friends in lolita until we moved in together. Now we've made a bunch more friends in different comms, so it's really great to actually go to meets and socialise now.

>> No.9128559

>how did you meet?
We used to be coworkers
>what kinds of things do you do together?
Normie stuff like going to the movies, parties, group events with mutual friends, etc
>do you borrow each others clothes?
>do you twin?
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Nah, our styles are v different (classic vs gothic)
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
I am :^) but it's okay
>anything else you wanna add?
It's a good friendship and we're growing closer

>> No.9128594

>how did you meet?
Through school, we were in the same major
>what kinds of things do you do together?
We're long distance now, so mostly chatting about everyday life, but when we hang out it's like eating or watchint shows or movies or going out or whatever
>do you borrow each others clothes?
Yeah, pretty much anything is free game
>do you twin?
Yes, we have maybe 4 main pieces that we can twin with, along with matching accessories.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
There might be. I have a larger wardrobe, but she's not as into lolita as she used to be so it's probably nbd.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
She was fairly popular online before I started, and now that her online presence has faded a bit but I'm a little more well known now. But she's known for being very pretty and having a unique sense of style, whereas I just have a big wardrobe, so we have different stuff going for us.
>anything else you wanna add?
I love her and am super happy that lolita brought her into my life.

>> No.9128939

>how did you meet?
We met in high school in our computer class. Both were raging underage b& btards
>what kinds of things do you do together?
We were a lot closer when we were still ita, and building our wardrobe, we hard a bit fight but recently became friends again. We go to the gym together, attend lolita events, get lunch, go to afternoon tea, and do random hangouts.
>do you borrow each others clothes?
i dont have any popular prints except for taobao. Shes said i can borrow hers, but im always worried about stretching the bust. I only borrow jfashion.
>do you twin?
Not yet. When i return from uni she said we can twin a piece we both have though. Ive also asked her about twinning in one of her three milky planets, though shes agreed two years ago, shes still not ever come to it.
>is there ever wardrobe oriented jealousy or anything like that?
Our friendship was ended over this. Shes gotten over this by hoarding every popular print in multiple colorways. Ive stopped liking a dress because she has it in all colorways even if it was an old dream dress. She does have CTP and id like to own it too.. but im just not jealous because jelously ruined our friendship earlier and i was really heart broken over it.
>is one of you way cuter or better at lolita than the other? Does it ever make it awkward?
Personally, i think i have the cuter face and better hair. She has an incredible wardrobe and more coording options. That being said she only wears the same three or four coords, despite her closet, which are mostly popular sets. So its rather boring when she does dress up.
>anything else you wanna add?
I think shes losing interest in lolita but due to her jealously(?) or mental issues she refuses to sell anything.

>> No.9129104
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I wish I found my Nana one day.

>> No.9129108

This thread is making me depressed as fuck that I haven't found any real connections with other lolitas. I've tried to get my existing friends into lolita but they just aren't into it or treat it like cosplay where they buy one outfit and just do photoshoots around it.

>> No.9131498

Don't get discouraged! Just show up to events, put yourself out there and let it come natural. I'm >>9126211 and initially when we met I don't think I ever could have imagined us being best friends since we're so different. All of my friendships in Lolita were cemented after years of caring and cultivating these relationships. I know how you feel because I've been there, but I'm sure there's a Lolita best friend out there for you!