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9125955 No.9125955 [Reply] [Original]

At what point do you start to judge someone for how much lolita and kawaii/weeaboo shit they have? Why?

>> No.9125958

I guess I start to judge someone when I see their personality is overcome by "their weeaboo level". I've been surrounded by retards most of my life, anyway.
I don't care if someone has their entire house covered in anime cringe and wears kitty ears around the neighborhood. If they are not hurting anyone, and they are able to maintain full conversations that do not scream 'autism' and are outside of their kawaii world, It's their business.

>> No.9125965

WHY would you judge someone for it? Judging someone for indulging in their hobbies/interests a lot sounds shit

>> No.9125974

When they can't afford it?

>> No.9126009
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It's their life, not mine. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, who cares? They're annoying but I just try to let them be and just ignore them. I get it, weebs can be annoying. Just avoid them if you don't like them?

>> No.9126068
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If they're capable of acting like a functional relatively normal human being, I don't care about their weeaboo shit even if they drive the Pikachu car to work everyday.

>> No.9126121

Jealousy and/or the holier-than-thou "how can you spend so much on clothes when poor people exist?!" mentality. There's this obnoxious Bodyline-chan in my comm who is like this. Just last week...
>girl in comm with lots of burando mentions she's never done a wardrobe post
>someone asks how much she has and she says over 60 main pieces
>Bodyline-chan raises her upper lip and says how she could never have that many clothes when there's children starving in Africa
>burando girl just laughs and rolls her eyes because why the fuck bother with someone that dumb

Like, sorry there's people suffering so much, but I fail to see how deciding to stop collecting lolita after a certain number of dresses is gonna change that?

>> No.9126128

oh I see...
maybe bodyline chan is jealousy she couldn't afford burando or hates burando girl, there's a difference between criticism and an obvious vendetta

>> No.9126145

Only fucking normie sperglords get riled up over this. Remember, we're not the ones that scream "IS IT HALLOWEEN" and go out of their way to harass someone going down the street when they're wearing Lolita or cosplay. A lot of parents will badger kids over stupid shit like hobbies when it affects literally nothing. Most people in general will see any huge collection as a problem to be fixed and see you as mentally ill.

I think most weebs and nerds are accepting of others and at worst get jealous or don't understand some fandom, but that's it. The real autists are raging normies.

>> No.9126153

DESU, I would have asked bodyline-chan if she's donating to any charities to help with that. I've found the people who bitch about that shit so publicly (and so rudely) are very, very rarely putting their money where their mouth is and it's annoying as fuck.

>> No.9126154

>The real autists are raging normies.
I can't this this enough

>> No.9126161

I've called people out who do this and they all either obviously lie about donating or use their financial situation as an excuse as to why they don't.

>> No.9126162

I only judge if they are complaining/asking for help because they don't have their shit together. You can't pay your bills, tuition, or rent? Maybe you should learn to budget.

>> No.9126163

Making a mental note of this for future use.

>> No.9126168

I dont understand how someone can have the line of thinking that makes those types of outbursts ok.
>ugh expensive burando senpai theres starving children out there somewhere
>burando senpai you shouldnt buy dresses because theres starving children
>i cant afford it but you can so im going to hold you responsible for doing the good i cant/wont financially support but i think is a good idea to donate to that cause.

Ugh this makes me salty. I lived with a guy once that told me i should get a job because i was playing vidya all day while he had to go to work and he was jealous that i saved enough money to dick around for months and still pay all my bills. Just a roommate we werent even friends. Jealous people will always try and ruin things for others. Ignore them.

>> No.9126224

Pretty much what these two are saying. Last time I tried to make friends with someone pretty weeby it went bad because they spent all their money on it. They couldn't afford food or other necessities completely and kept complaining about not being able to afford lolita. I just couldn't be around someone so irresponsible and toxic anymore so I broke the friendship off.

If it's affecting their life to the point where they won't get necessities so they can afford to go to a convention then it's pretty hard not to judge them.

>> No.9127304

Uhh because it's cgl

>> No.9127344

Thus might be a judgement, idk. I have several friends who are well-adjusted, socially adept people in their late 20s or 30s who have their apartments absolutely covered in weeaboo shit, like bookshelves full of figurines and wall scrolls covering every inch of free space. I'm perfectly happy befriending them and think it's great that they're so passionate about something. But I honestly think that it would keep me from dating them, at least not in any serious capacity. The thought of having sex in a room like that or possibly eventually living there if things got serious is both laughable and slightly repulsive to me. So I guess I don't judge anyone for their power levels as long as I don't have to get too intimate with it personally.

>> No.9128127

I'm married. We both work good jobs. Well adjusted. Look pretty normal upstanding 30-something married couple.

House is full of a combination between risque anime girls from the husband and kawaii shit everywhere from me. Stuffed animals and alpacas everywhere, literally everywhere. If he can have figures with their tiddies out, I can decorate the house in stupid cute shit.

There is a reason why we never have anyone over. I will never host a meetup at my house.

>> No.9128137

when they spend so much on lolita (and weed) that they neglect their pets and one of them dies of bladder crystals because the litter box didn't get changed for months

>> No.9128163

Have you posted about this before? It sounds really familiar, and I remember thinking it was cute how you both have your hobbies displayed. If it wasn't you, someone has a veeeery similar setup.

>> No.9128164

I feel like there is a much larger story behind this... Did they ever do anything else horrible/cringey? This sounds like a person who is overall shitty, so I'm curious haha.

>> No.9128169

Only if they can't pay their bills. People who are constantly getting weeb tattoos and expensive figs but can't hold a job are never going to be a meaningful part of society.
My husband and I have a decent amount of weeby shit around our house. Would probably be more if our cats weren't cunts who knock stuff down all day.

>> No.9128180

I really want to have the sort of house where I can entertain colleagues and friends so I don't think we are ever going to have a house that's got a lot of shit displayed (plus I want pets and kids, so the more you have displayed the more gets broken) however I'm probably going to go hard in the personal spaces like bedrooms, and if I get to the stage of being able to afford my ideal/dream home I'll have a hobby room as well

>> No.9128189

i don't want to get specific because it will be very obvious to people who know this person, but rest assured they are horrible and that is the point where i stopped talking to them

>> No.9128194

Ahh, okay. Honestly, even just hearing that one thing it seems pretty obvious that they're a bad person. Good thing you cut them out, anon!

>> No.9128196

I have a spare bedroom that has all my plushes, figs, and lolita (100% off limits to the cats). In the common areas of the house we just have framed posters, nerdy fridge magnets, and games/guides on shelves. Friends like our stuff but it's not overt enough that family is like "what on earth are you putting up?"
My body pillows stay in the closet when people come over though.

>> No.9128212

Pikachu car / pikachu beetle bugs are the reason I wanted a VW Bug as a child. I eventually got a yellow bug and wish I could put the ears on it desu

>> No.9128233

Lmao also people who say "Well not everyone's rich enough to own brand" while eyeing daggers at someone. Like mate come on
Dont understand why someone would join a fashion community and then get bitter when someone owns the fashion amd shows they're passionate about it

>> No.9128252

Pretty much this. If you're bankrupting yourself or ruining your social health over shitty to love ru figures or pastel rabbits you probably don't have enough self control to live

>> No.9128679

Ulg, this is the most common response I get when I either a) mention the next brand print I'm getting or b) voice my anti-replica stance when someone brings up the topic. The latter is to be expected, since it's the number one replica-chan excuse, but I can't believe the former. It's like you said, why fucking join a community dedicated to dresses that cost hundreds of dollars if you're reaction to someone buying one of said dresses is to remind them of how poor you are?

I don't think there's anything wrong with budget lolitas as a concept, but most I've known need to really make a big deal about it and bring others down for not being too poor to afford brand.

>> No.9128697

I only hope they don't have other pets...

>> No.9128700

Ugh speaking of people complaining do any of you girls ever get people awkwardly commenting stuff like "I wish I could afford lolita" on your pictures? I have this one girl who does it all the damn time on my Facebook. It's super fucking awkward. I'm not even a big brandwhore I only have six main pieces and half of them are indie brand and bodyline. Hell, all of my brand pieces are cheaper old pieces that I got for under $100 yet she views me like I'm some brandwhore who has lots of money.

>> No.9129758

tell her it's impolite to say things like that. this is a luxury hobby and if you can't afford it you shouldn't make others feel awkward about it. most lolitas i know are adults who work their asses off and budget well so they can afford the things they have. i really hope that girl is still a teenager because that kind of behavior is unacceptable from adults.

>> No.9131608

Honestly I prefer weaboos to the ordinary /cgl/ type people. I like posting here and enjoy everyone's posts, but the sort of people that want to network using /cgl/ are the worst kind of people - Obsessed with sex, act superior to others, start drama, think that they're somehow above other nerds because they like to get drunk and (supposedly) have orgies.

It's just frat boy bro behavior and most of them aren't even that good at cosplaying. I would hang around hyperactive, happy weebs any day - they're so much more fun.

>> No.9131826

It doesn't matter how much weeaboo crap somebody owns as long as they can afford it and have a place to put it.
I only really judge people for weeb behavior if it bleeds into other aspects of life. The kind of people who can't hold a conversation without talking about anime, who loudly insist that Japan is better than their country in every way, who "nya" at strangers in public, I'll judge the everloving fuck out of them. It has nothing to do with how much they own.

>> No.9131836

>i saved enough money to dick around for months and still pay all my bills.
i would love love love to do this if I ever change jobs, but how do you explain the employment gap later when you get a new job? I read that employers hate it

>> No.9131861

diff anon but I just said I volunteered (with a friend's business like once a week) and couldn't find something "to fit my experience" or something

>> No.9132245

Anon.. Why you protecting bad people?

>> No.9132250

i'm not protecting anyone but myself and if you don't understand that idk what to tell you

>> No.9132266

I'm really sick of the poorfag girls in my comm mostly because they think I'm rich. Even though they can see and know im not well off they treat me like i have mega dollars some times. Probably because i dont complain about my finances. I explain that i have a big wardrobe because i've participated in the fashion for many years, that i pretty much only buy second hand and older prints for that matter, they know i am min 4 years older than most so have had time to save really hard, But sometimes it is obvious that they want me to pay for things while we are out together, or when they suggest going out to certain place and i decline saying i cant afford it this week they look at me with such a look.

Sorry that was a bit rambling, it was more of a rant.

As an aside for those who are saying, "i dont judge untill i see they can't afford necessities". That seems a little silly to me. I dont see why you think people should shift their priorities to align with yours.

For example: People keep telling me I need to get a license and a car. I dont need a car, i am cycling distance to everything i need, work and want to do. However people keep saying it will make things "easier and more convenient". I'm not going to go get a car because people say its a necessity when i could save the money and use it for shit I actually want. I have a similar attitude to most things in life, i only spend money on things i want or dont deem to be a waste. Im not going to move into a nice house just because people think i should, honestly i dont care where i live as long as there is minimal street violence and the doors lock. Im not going to get anphone plan either. It's just not a priority for me, it is a priority for others and i will spend the leftover money however I want.

Beau Brummel bless us all.

>> No.9132278

You're never seen these fuckwits begging for money on gofundme to get their cars fixed so they can get jobs yet go to every con within 100 miles of them and churn out new cosplays for each one?
They're everywhere.

>> No.9132419

Yeah, some girls in my comm started to comment on the brand i was buying with jealousy. But if you paid attention to what they bought, they just diversified their spending leaving little for lolita, which is all I spent my money on. So I started telling them how I only only spent my disposable income on lolita, nothing else. The worst though is that the one girl who seemed to ooze the most jealousy flew cross country to SDCC, but made shitty comments about my spending.

>> No.9132454

Ok yeah i get this now. I fucking hate these people. As much as I pretty much dont spend money on anything other than sustinance, rent and lolita i actively choose to, and dont complain when i dont have money and if i over spend well tough luck, my mistake take ownership of the consequences and dont askfor a hand out. I hate people who complain about being poorfags, not out of lack of $$ or shitty situation, but from being irresponsible with said dollars.

>> No.9132480

I love when lolitas have a medium to large wardrobe with quality pieces, nice brand and indie brand and when they make good use of what they have. Hoarding is gross. Don't have an opinion on owning too much weebo shit since I hate weebo shit in general. I'm only for the finest stuff

>> No.9132502


Honestly, that's why sometimes "elitist burando cliques" get formed. It's just so much easier when you hang around girls who actually can afford to spend their own money on things, or at least have their own lives so together that they aren't asking you for a handout every time you meet up. It's time to move up, anon, try to hang out with the girls who have it better together. Meetups where you aren't always put on the spot or someone else is trying to mooch off you are so much more relaxing and enjoyable.

I can't really agree with the neccessities thing, though. True, if you aren't asking for rides every weekend or borrowings someone's phone all the time, then it's highly illogical for other people to push what amounts to extra car expenses or phone expenses onto you. However, the anons commenting on necessities don't seem to be talking about this, instead they seem to be talking about people begging for help to pay the bills after they've already shouldered them on of their own free will, eg- bills for utilities they have already consumed, rent for a place they presumeably moved out to on their own free will while knowing it's not free, tuition for classes they signed up for.

The dying pet is a whole other issue, though. You have to be pretty heartless or very far gone to neglect something that's supposed to be a precious companion to you. If they treat their pets like that, you can bet the same treatment is incoming for your "friendship", or the person is going to fall apart, or something. And quite frankly, I wouldn't want to be caught in the fallout when any of those things happen, either.

>> No.9132610

>Hoarding is gross.
What if it's all organized and the person has room for it? Is it still hoarding?

>> No.9132645

Yeah it's fucking annoying. Theres this one jelly girl in my comm who talks shit and harasses anyone with more than 10 brand pieces, like seriously bitch get a life.

>> No.9132658

Well...no, by definition that isn't hoarding. Have you not seen the hoarders show?

>> No.9132690

I'm two years in the fashion but a bit older and earn money so I bought a lot of the dresses I wanted in a much shorter time than the younger girls. They don't complain but what I do see is that younger girls think they 'should be' like this anyway (so they buy lots of newer dresses with all the money they have). I wonder where the hell they get all the money from (sorry when I was a student many jobs didn't pay that well really) or why they all spend it on burando if they are just in college and have lots of college-bills to pay? Might be an unpopular opinion, but I much rather see people safe up and spend it on the things they really want than thinking they should own everything and have a huge wardrobe like the older girls.

Begging for money or asking people to pay for stuff is really rude though, I don't understand why people do that. Happy to live in a culture where that is a no-no situation.

>> No.9132697

Nope. Incorrect. A home being messy is absolutely not a requirement for it to be considered hoarding. That is a common misconception and part of why so many people don't get help until it becomes out of hand, because they don't think it's a problem until they have piles of shit falling on top of them. Hoarding is defined as very obsessive accumulation, you don't have to be like one of the people on Hoarders whose houses are so intense that they have 10 years dead cats under the debris. Actually, come to think of it, Hoarders even had an obsessive collector with a really nice house on the show once, partially to establish this point for the audience.

That being said, a lot of lolitas think they're hoarders, but there is a line between hoarder and extreme collector. What makes you think you might be one, anon? Having a lot of shit alone doesn't make you one, it's the mentality behind it. For example, a lolita hoarder might get distressed over something like getting rid of the tags or shopping bags from all their brand purachases, or the idea of selling any of her wardrobe, even when she's at almost 100 main pieces and a third of it is shit she finds ugly and hasn't touched in 3 years.

>> No.9133010

Thank you, that's why I asked.
I want to have a giant closet someday, but I don't want it to get out of control.
I could never spend 300 bucks on something only to never wear it and if I realized I wasn't wearing a certain piece, I'd sell it. So far I've only got 7, though, and I wear all of them.

>> No.9135589

Begging for money is pathetic. And agreed, better to save for quality pieces than spend on quantity.

>> No.9135615


Do you happen to remember which season/episode the nice house was on? I'd really love to have a look at it and see if I'm headed down that route

>tfw save brand tags for the sentimentality

To be fair I was buying AP when all of their dresses came with fabric samples and buttons attached to the tags, and then after that system was set up I ended up keeping even the button-less tags. Too much?

>> No.9135703

Have to disagree with you. I myself don't drive because honestly right now transit is faster and cheaper, and a lot of people are like that. That's fine. But that's literally just one example, and for me I haven't met someone who doesn't have a cellphone and a plan for it.

I actually know a few people who still live with their parent(s) and have them pay it instead; and they'll still be on welfare and not caring at all about school/work of any kind and just conventions and can't even afford groceries. When you get to the point you can't afford food, you need help. I just can't respect people like this. No one can argue food isn't a basic necessity for all human beings, no one.

>> No.9135742

Dying pet?

>> No.9135763


see >>9128137

>> No.9135794

Honest to god do traditional weeaboos even exist anymore? I feel as if all the generic tumblrcore bullshit has taken over and it's the new weeaboo of the 10's.

>> No.9135912

I haven't seen one in ages either.
But that might be due to the fact that people are a bit more careful now with what they share online.
All weeaboos I know of grew up and started spending their money like a sane person would.

>> No.9136038

They do. My brother's year group is inundated with them.

>> No.9136174

I had to read the rest of the thread but that wasn't in the comment they replied to so I was confused.

>> No.9136196

I'm a high school teacher and Christ, yes. Your run of the mill Weeb still exists.
Some of these kids makes me want to punch them in the face for going "Nyaaa~" or yelling "WAIT FOR ME SENPAI" in the hallways.

>> No.9136210
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Just as you said, the tumblr crowd are the ones who embrace themselves as "weeb trash" nowadays, whether ironic or not. It's definitely where this generation of fujoshit is coming from.

>> No.9136213

No one replied to me in the feels thread but I'm having to deal with an annoying weeb ita in my comm.

>> No.9136233

A lot of comms have their token weeb itas.
What're the deets about yours?