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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9124431 No.9124431 [Reply] [Original]

Lone Star State cons, cosplayers, etc.

>> No.9124436

Anyone going to AnimeFest? What events/panels are you looking forward to?

>> No.9124488

Texas Comic Con was shit. Only thing good was Steven universe voice actors.

>> No.9124509

It has been shit since its inception. Why does anyone support them?

>> No.9124926

Because they don't fucking know any better I guess. But it is total garbage.

>> No.9124959

I'm headed to animefest,I'm scrambling to try to get my Frank west cosplay together for a panel I'm hosting.

>> No.9124978

Many people have been screaming STAY AWAY for years when it came to Texas Comicon. I guess some are desperate to get their con fix or they don't want to pay for Alamo City sky high rates. If you want to be cheap in paying shit to get in to a con then you'll get served a shit show sandwich.

>> No.9125096

I'm gonna be hitting up anime fest in lolita, thinking about joining the aniidol thing , but I've never really sang in front of people before. I'm also loning it so that'll be fun hahaha

>> No.9125287

>Steven universe

So nothing was good then?

>> No.9125313

Same reason why I wonder anyone supports Akon.

>> No.9125315

>Sissy hosting the lolita tea party
No thanks

>> No.9125318

Who was there? I already have Steven and Connie's VA sigs.

>> No.9125597

I heard some of Florida's refuse is now living in Texas. Good. Texas drana goes hand in hand with Florida drama.

>> No.9125598


Hate phone keyboards...

>> No.9126793

Yeah, I only wanted to go to meet the OG power ranger but it didnt seem worth it after not hearing good things about the con.

>> No.9126810

anybody getting ready for san japan?

>> No.9126814

theres an sj thread anon! somewhere down the board

>> No.9126815

thanks! ill go find it

>> No.9127018

when is the tourney schedule being posted
and what are some good panels

>> No.9127180

For which con?

>> No.9127931

Quakecon is pretty dull and San Japan isn't for another month

>> No.9127966

wait what? deets??

>> No.9128174

Any time a Texas thread is made, there's always juicy drama. Last thread was great.

>> No.9128823

Oh there is plenty of juicy drama in Texas for sure. Just wait until con weekend, that's when it all comes out.

>> No.9128969

This and the Space City Comic Con fiasco, what a clusterfuck

>> No.9129882

Anime Overload anyone?

>> No.9129888

Reynosa fag here, anyone going tomorrow (well, today) to Omnicon in McAllen?

So I have read. WHy so much hate for conventions in McAllen, Pokefest was decent; and they are quality conventions compared to the shit Hectorama in Reynosa.

How is San Japan?

>> No.9129903

I'm going Saturday. Running a few panels that morning.

>> No.9129925

Neat, which ones?

>> No.9130083

San Japan is pretty good. It has its own thread going on now.

>> No.9130736

I wanted to go to Omnicon, but my ride bailed on me.
This was also going to be my first com ever

>> No.9130773

So what cons are good? I've only been to Ikkicon and Akon. I've been to Ikkicon twice thought it was okay and I went to Akon maybe about six years ago, but it sounds like it's gone to shit.

>> No.9130881

San Japan and Animefest.

>> No.9131091
File: 251 KB, 1239x740, You fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reynosa fag here, just came from Omnicon. Had to leave early as my grandmother was alone at home.

Met Ruth Connell, she is nice and even gave me a chocolate! But overall the convention seemed dead. Yeah, it seems the South Texas Comic Con is beating the Omnicon people by far which is sad; considering it was the first McAllen area convention. I really feel they should bring voice actors from Mexico, as people in the border know them.

This was going to be your first convention ever? Mine was Omnicon 2009. Are you from the McAllen area or from here Mexico? Going tomorrow but hope to stay longer, maybe not long enough for the rave but still.

Planning to go the Gamer´s Expo next month.

I have never been in the Halloween conventions but seems they no longer do them. Seems Ruronikon is dead too.

>> No.9131216
File: 86 KB, 430x599, UY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering AnimeFest starts a week from today, I'm actually a little surprised that there isn't more activity in this thread, or a separate thread about AnimeFest to begin with.

It's neat that some of the Japanese guests this year are from classic anime from before the Dark Age of Technology - a couple of the voice actors from Urusei Yatsura. Now if Rumiko Takahashi herself were to come... that'd just be the cherry on top!

>> No.9131257


Without a music guest and the date change, I don't think it's going to have as many people as they have in previous years.

I still don't know why they are still doing anything on a Monday. It's not a holiday it's a regular work day.

>> No.9131284

And they're ending it at 3. Why even bother when there's literally nothing to do besides the swap meet plus everyone is going back to school/work/whatever that day?

>> No.9131308
File: 231 KB, 1280x774, akaiSKY_2717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without a music guest

That would explain why I couldn't find any info about the concert on Saturday night... there isn't one!

Akai Sky was pretty good, FLOW was better, but I'd have to say my favourite musical guests were Bowling For Soup.

>and the date change

That threw an unexpected wrench in our plans, but we've been committed to going since about three years ago, irrespective of date. I guess it'll just be a little quieter this year.

>I still don't know why they are still doing anything on a Monday. It's not a holiday it's a regular work day.

I know. I took the day off anyway. We may (will probably) end up going to Hurricane Harbor instead of AnimeFest on Monday.

>> No.9131386

> FLOW was better, but I'd have to say my favourite musical guests were Bowling For Soup.

You have no taste in music.

>> No.9132478

Came back from Omnicon. It was shit.

>> No.9132496

What's the current NTX drama? I've seen a few similar vague statuses on my facebook but I don't know if it's all about the same person. Wondering if cgl might know.

>> No.9132728

It has been shit for a long time. Nothing has changed. The people who run it don't terribly care to put a lot of effort.

>> No.9132763

Seems like there was luxedolls drama with one of them stealing one of the fukus or something.

>> No.9132789

I thought that happened a year ago

>> No.9133025

James showed up to Ninetails Sailor Moon Day and tried starting shit by shit talking about the event and the owner of Ninetails to attendees of SMD and another event being held on the same day. Funny cause he showed up toward the end when only a few people were around. He probably knew he would get shit on if he showed up during the busiest times.

>> No.9133067

James is toxic cancer.

>> No.9133106

I'm glad he got banned from being an SJ volunteer. I heard he is now trying to start his own con called Hentai Con to get back at SJ and Ninetails for kicking him.

>> No.9133116

anybody going to deltahcon?

>> No.9133304

I heard they are getting rid of AO and doing something else? What is up with that?

>> No.9133397

So it'll be a con of fat mexican hookers and retards?

>> No.9133400

Good. AO is such shit event. It should have died 5 years ago when it use to be at the gun center.

>> No.9133512

Sounds like it

>> No.9133626

Kek basically.

Also, If he can't run a simple event like SMD without causing drama and the whole community to hate him, what makes him think he can run a full con?? It just makes me cringe to a whole new level cause I never seen someone be this entitled and delusional.

>> No.9133635

The dumbass retard barely has any money. He's regularly bitching about being broke. How is he going to put one together? With IOUs and stupidity?

>> No.9133746
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I have no idea but now he is trying to hit up Harajuku Dreams for their next event. I'll probably be contacting the owner and telling her to watch out for him.

Even then, HD's event was super small and there were a lot of technical difficulties. I dont know how he thinks it was better ran than Ninetails SMD??

>> No.9133784

There's a video in the Ikkicon group. He says something will be announced in 30 days in which they'll be announcing a new con. This probably means it will be announced next year considering how slow they announce stuff.

>> No.9133820


>> No.9133885

What do you think they will do? Like. AO 2.0?

>> No.9133934

How was the 2014 one?

>> No.9134181

Fuck if I know. My guess is a general nerd con. It'll still have to compete with Anime Austin as the dates announced put them on the same month in 2017.

>> No.9134251

I couldn't even bother to return after attending it once.

>> No.9134392

Gross, still in august? There are too many damn cons this month

>> No.9134411

They're both in July next year. There's still too many cons in Texas during the summer.

>> No.9134455 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 640x989, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this just happened

>> No.9134476
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Well this just happened

>> No.9134519

I am shocked. Shocked, I say.

>> No.9134523
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_2016-08-08-13-28-19-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theft confirmed I guess. This is from August 1st.

>> No.9134531

if this is the same one i am thinking of, yea, don't commission from this person

>> No.9134536

No wonder they kicked her out. She sounds like an awful person.

>> No.9134634

Didn't she start the luxedolls?

>> No.9134640

Yeah. I wont go into details but from my hand full of experiences with her, shes a cunt. Plain and simple.

>> No.9134643

Well if she did it looks like she got kicked out for being shady as hell

>> No.9134657

from what hear, she did, but this isn't the first cosplay group she's ruined before/people she's screwed over.

>> No.9134659


She's always been like that. Her MO is to charm her way into a group of people, slowly building up a good rep again on the backs of their hard work. Then, when they push back against her control freak behavior, try to bully and trash them. And steal costumes, supplies, sewing machines, etc etc as an extortion tactic. Add a dash of procrastinating on commissions, before she drops out of the scene entirely for a year or so until she comes back under a different name.

Ayn (or Anne or Liesl or whatever she's going by now) is total poison.

>> No.9134682

wow what a complete crazy bitch

>> No.9134689

luxedolls drama confirmed. bigger than just a stolen fuku and is in the territory of crazy bitch screwing people over completely.

>> No.9134729

Those poor girls. Looks like they were duped by a sociopathic con artist. Good for them for getting rid of her.

>> No.9134749


She's been doing this shit for over ten years now. It's really sad.

>> No.9134750

It's embarrassing for her.

>> No.9134763

sounds like she needs to be put on full blast in the community so no one else gets swindled by her again

>> No.9134777

it's been done before, time moved on, and people forgot. But it wouldn't hurt to do it again, just to give the current gen a heads up. That and add her to a "list" or something

>> No.9134794
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>> No.9134800

hopefully people can still do paypal disputes because there is a time limit on that

>> No.9134802

good on them for not trying to hide that shit or ignore it. too many people in this hobby let assholes get away with fleecing people because of some messed up nerd social fallacy bullshit

>> No.9134826

By being public about this they have earned my respect. I'm sure they are very embarrassed but they did the right thing.

>> No.9134836


anyone else think they're being a little ridiculous with how they're going through all this, though? like all they had to do was be like "hey we're cutting ties with this girl, open a paypal dispute if you never got your fuku" instead of turning it into a spectacle. it's just gonna get her more attention (which we all know we cosplayers are into) and, surprise, start boards like this for them to watch

plus there's shady drama with the rest of the group treating people like shit, too, so I wouldn't exactly call them heroes

>> No.9134840

What shady drama are you talking about? I'd never even heard of the other girls before this group. All the drama I've seen has been with Ayn-Chan.

>> No.9134849

>announced problem with current commissions
>pointed out what problem was and that they cut ties
>directed current commissions to the crazy bitch if they have issues or PayPal
what you say they should have posted is literally what they posted

>> No.9134850

There is no shady drama with the other girls. If anything it was unfortunate spillover from her shittiness

>> No.9134853

the only drama I remember was a crazy boyfriend calling them all bitches and whores on instagram because his girlfriend couldn't get a photo of them at a-kon

they apologized publicly and sent her a photo and a care package


ayn-chan, is that you?

>> No.9134858


we're pulling up cosplay.com threads from 2004. there is plenty of shady drama with the other girls

>> No.9134864

mostly interpersonal bullshit that I'll admit I was told in confidence and shouldn't have brought up, but primarily taking advantage of people's good will, connections, and hard work

if you say so

lmao I have no dog in this fight, except that they (including anne) have treated people I care about like shit

>> No.9134867

Looked pretty relevant and non-shady to me.

>> No.9134871


>> No.9134873

>taking advantage of people's good will, connections, and hard work

you're one of those "they made an album of progress photos after the fact!!!" conspiratards, aren't you

or are you that salty drama queen who told everyone she was a shoe-in for saturn and tried to talk shit about pocketcos? nigga I saw that thread, they kept in contact with you and were real nice to you

>> No.9134876

lol so shady drama from 2004 vs current drama? Someone obviously has a personal problem with another member

>> No.9134877

definitely shady. but if we're going back to 2004 cosplay.com threads then i'm sure you can find shit on those other girls too

already linked up above

>> No.9134880

I don't know how to respond to this because I genuinely don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9134883

well who is "they"who treated your friends like shit? who did they take advantage of? sounds like you heard shit through the grapevine and are embellishing

>> No.9134885

The only coscom link I see is about Anne, unless I'm missing something.

>> No.9134886


the majority of them were not even cosplaying in 2004
links please to this old dirt you claim to have

>> No.9134889

I know that the previous members of LD (Xuandelle and Nicole, as well as Nicole's husband Geoff) tried to start shit about the current crew all through the spring, since they had beef with Anne. Including photo dumping pics of the other members here for /cgl/ to rip into.

Sounds like they're still mad, and still trying to take it out on the wrong people.

>> No.9134895

you think I have enough ego to out myself on 4chan to prove who I do or don't know?

I mean, maybe I'm reaching, but it sounds to me like you're maintaining the integrity of your brand

>> No.9134905

"Hi I'm Ayn-chan trying to divert attention. They've totally done shady shit too! Honest, you gotta believe me!"

>> No.9134907
File: 55 KB, 401x692, tumblr_nwbejd4V8I1uea1yfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any of you guys that are going to animefest alone, I made a skype group for some sort of meetup thing if you wanna join.
(Also please help me , so far only 15 yr olds with shit taste are joining and I want to find someone my age}

skype : daintytruffle

>> No.9134920

Actually I'll just make a separate group for cgl people so you don't have to suffer.

>> No.9134922

Not my brand, just a spectator wondering where you are getting this gossip. If you have a problem with one or two members, why are you trashing the others?

>> No.9134924

>so far only 15 yr olds with shit taste are joining

that's unfortunate. is it too late to post an age limit?

>> No.9134927

y-yeah, its seriously me and 3 kids ( even though im almost 19 but the age difference still hurts)

I should have though this out, but on the anime fest app i posted my age hoping people in that same age range would join, but as you can see that didn't happen.

>> No.9134930

are you going to SJ anon?

>> No.9134933

it's fine if you don't believe me, but I'm still not a current, former, or future member

I have issues with the group as a whole because of their practices and the way they treat others.

>> No.9134934

Also the fact that they aren't willing to specifically mention who they have beef with and why is telling enough.

>shady drama with other girls
>won't say what the shady drama is
>"just believe me"
>ok ayn-chan

>> No.9134937


"also the fact they won't tell us exactly who they are is telling enough"


>> No.9134940

since you don't seem to understand why anonymity is so appealing, why don't you tap in and tell us why you're so determined to defend these people if you don't know them?

>> No.9134942

Sadly no, I drove all the way to san antonio last week and that's not something im willing to do again haha... I'm only going to anime fest so far

>> No.9134943

lol mkay beef with no examples and painting the whole group for something someone supposedly did that you refuse to back up. Makes complete sense

>> No.9134945

Not defendig them just calling out someone writing checks they can't cash

>> No.9134950

I'm not defending anyone, I'm just finding it funny that, in a thread full of drama on it's own, this random bystander thinks they have dirt on the other members yet won't go into detail other than "trust me, I have dirt". It just makes them look pathetic for having personal issues with one or two members.

If I had issues with the members I'd be pulling out receipts left and right but I have nothing other than what's been shared and all of that has to do with Anne.

>> No.9134959

Don't worry about that anon guys. Obviously making shit up.

>> No.9134962

You aren't the only one. They're probably all in here defending themselves and throwing all the blame on her, they all showed up in the akon thread to defend their questionable BIS win too. I mean I don't doubt this Anne girl is nuts, but the whole group has always come off to me as high and mighty. It might just be the way they run their social media but it sounds so stuck up.

>> No.9134964

>I have issues with the group as a whole because of their practices and the way they treat others.

The way they treat others like sending care packages to people who try to smear them online?

Wow. Those bitches.

>> No.9134970

>It might just be the way they run their social media but it sounds so stuck up.

...they were the ones who started the mooniemonday hashtag on IG in order to showcase other cosplayers

want to amend that, ayn-chan?

>> No.9134973


The way you have to fill out an application and meet height requirements to be "such a great group of friends"

I mean this is cosplay so who is surprised. but wow, such inspirations to the community.

>> No.9134979

Lol no they didn't. That hashtag was being used by cospix for a while before they started in on it. I'm just talking about the tone they use, to me it comes off as Superior, or cold. Sorry I read it that way anon?! Sorry I don't stroke myself to a mediocre group of sailor Moon cosplayers from Texas?

>> No.9134984

But didn't she start the group? Wouldn't that mean all of the girls on the group have to meet her requirements?

>> No.9134986

If I had to guess, that was all Anne's doing considering she put the group together. I don't think the other girls had any say on who was picked to be in the group but I could be wrong.

>> No.9134990

You're right. I'm still not outing myself. They've fucked people I care about, so here's as clean as I can be:

I just think that the way they do business is shady. I think that it's remarkable that no one looked into the woman who founded the group since a couple people on 4chan pulled up receipts about her shadiness in no time at all.

I think it's strange that they let emotion get into their social media posts. I think a lot of their wording could have been far more neutral and apologetic instead of "she's the one who screwed you over in our name so blame her."

I think it's weird that they had to fill out applications and meet height requirements to be in a cosplay group. I'm a little bit old school in the respect that I still think cosplay is a hobby. If you're gonna be a business, act like a business (see: social media posts)

I think it's disgusting that they didn't pay for services rendered to them. I think that if they're going to take commissions, and value their time and work, they should value other people's time and work as well.

At the end of it, it doesn't matter if I have an issue with one person or two people or the whole group because by being a part of this, they are condoning the behavior of all of them. They act like a unit, they can be treated like a unit.

>> No.9134996
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>I'm just talking about the tone they use, to me it comes off as Superior, or cold. Sorry I read it that way anon?!

I wanted to see for myself, and grab some receipts if that was the case, but...

Here's a random selection of their instagram posts. It's all saccharine lovey dovey stuff like this. Not sure how you could read it as anything but.

Why don't you stop trolling, go outside, and touch some fucking grass?

>> No.9134997

>I think it's disgusting that they didn't pay for services rendered to them

The only people they "commissioned" anything from were significant others of girls in the group, and one close friend. They credit them every time.

Want to keep digging that hole, Vendetta-chan?

>> No.9134999

>/cgl/ calls out the luxedolls and primarily says that Anne is a bitch
>all the luxedolls flood /cgl/ with anonymous white knighting to defend her and the rest of the group.
>they start calling anyone who has a bad thing to say about the group "stalkers!" and "vendetta-chan"
>post excessively to try and drown out any contrary opinions on them
>anytime /cgl/ brings up serious criticism about how they were using other's patterns without credit and/or other awful behavior they updated their social media right away and then try to act like the posts were there all along, trying to come off as sweethearts.

Now, they finally admit that their leader was toxic trash but they are still here white knighting themselves full fucking force. The only difference being that now they're shitting 100% on their ex-leader at the same time too.

HA they only started doing that after /cgl/ tore them a new asshole for being elitist, toxic bitches so they started trying change up their image.

>> No.9135001

I don't have any opinion of the group myself, but it's to forget that this group probably doesn't have a professional PR person. That's where you may see "cold" or awkward posts. They aren't professionals.

As for that height requirement thing...it's their group they can make rules if they want. There isn't anything wrong with that. They just have to expect people will get their panties in a twist because they feel like the group somehow is required to be open to any height, weight, or skill level. That's just not how reality works.

>> No.9135002

Why is it every time stalkers come to talk shit they end up saying something along the lines of the rest of us being the luxe dolls or the white knighters they sent. Don't know about the rest of y'all but last I checked I was not a member of this group and just someone who enjoys calling out bullshit.

>> No.9135005


>> No.9135007

okay vendetta-sensei, I guess everything else about that callout was Fine lmao

>> No.9135009

I quoted from things before 4chan tore into them, genius.

So far I'm the only one with receipts, so I reiterate: Touch. Grass.

>> No.9135010


You really had to be at Akon like 15 years ago to understand why it was awesome. By around 2005 it was absolute shit.

>> No.9135012


congrats. do you want a medal

>> No.9135013

Everyone else has done a mighty fine job of showing your other statements are full of shit, why go down that road again?

So far everyone's takeaway is that you're a mewling sack of shit trying to throw more and more lies at the wall to see what'll stick. What's next?

Do the Luxe Dolls also eat babies? Are they responsible for the Olympic thefts? DID THEY ORCHESTRATE 9/11?!

Help me, Vendetta-chan, what other vile crimes have they wrought?

>> No.9135017


wait so who is supposed to touch grass here?

>> No.9135023


the anon who keeps vague-posting with no evidence, i think

i'm just here with popcorn

>> No.9135024

"They way they do business" how? What?!
And maybe they didn't look into Anne because they are all semi-new to cosplay and don't know any better.
Their posts are emotional bc they are humans and probably don't have a PR person like the other anon pointed out.
Anne recruited them and started the group. They probably had no say in who was let in or requirements.
And "pay for services rendered to them"....what?
Not defending them but there are holes all up in your story and you are looking like a fool.
You are getting called out on your bullshit so deal with it

>> No.9135027

>someone who enjoys calling out bullshit

But the people they were calling stalkers where right, as this thread has illustrated.

Where? This? >>9134996
Half of those posts are from after the /cgl/ shitstorms and several of the others are obviously from when they were only shouting out/acknowledging other sailor moon cosplayers that were sucking up to them.
>sistersenshi were all over the with flattery
>msrae did one of their wigs

After seagulls called them out they started sharing other Sailor Moon cosplayers and overly flattering them.

>> No.9135028


dang, I'm sorry. what days will you be at afest?

>> No.9135032

Wow, how dare they show appreciation to other cosplayers for whatever reason. What a bitchy thing to do.
What were they right about if I may ask because I'm still lost?

>> No.9135037

anon if you wanna join a lolita/cosplay cgl group i can give you a link! we're all over 18 lol

>> No.9135038

Eh only sat , Ive never been to afest before so I'm just testing it out . what days are you going?

>> No.9135040
File: 1.89 MB, 2559x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After seagulls called them out they started sharing other Sailor Moon cosplayers and overly flattering them.

Look I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, because any and all toxic bullshit in the cosplay community should get called out, but I went back and pulled their first eight posts way back when they first started.

In short, you're full of shit.

>> No.9135042


wow you can scroll back through insta. i'm sure they would have kept up all their old bitchy posts this long!

please go touch some grass. apparently there's a whole crew going, you won't even have to do it alone!

>> No.9135047

Oh man this reeks pic reeks of elitism and snobbishness,

i'm reading more into this image, and I think anon was able to crack some imaginary code behind all of this, that only they can see.

Please anon in what does it say, that only YOU can read, in your imaginary world you live in.

please, go back to the waste dump you belong, and keep your toxicity to yourself. you mewling quim.

>> No.9135052

"They're really toxic and cold on their social media?"

"Where? I have receipts of the opposite."

"DOI that was after cgl tore into them huhuhuhuh IT'S THERE!!!"

"Ok, I checked prior to that too."


Oh honey, is this your first time trolling? Do you need help?

>> No.9135058

The onus is on you to provide proof of your claims, bruh. Right now you look like a whiteknight for Ayn.

>> No.9135061

Sucks to be them since the one kicked out did the only decent wigs for the group. Still medicore and I'm not sure why they claim to be the best US SM group. You see great groups put together all the time

also hi girls. remember some of your twitter accounts are public.

>> No.9135066

Where do they claim to be the best US SM group? Never seen that before. Winning best in show at a shitty con doesn't automatically mean you claim to be the best.

>> No.9135068

Heaven forbid they shouout people who helped them or are returning the niceness LOL

>> No.9135075

Wait, Ayn Ayn? Is this 2005?

>> No.9135082

>Decent wigs

Not really :( I don't know about the other people mad at her, but in my experience, her wigs don't stay together well at all. Netting showing, wefts too tight, the sewn ends of wefts visible even in photos... She phones it in for commissions.

>> No.9135089

If she styled those wigs then damn because those Pluto bangs were hideous and the hairlines on some were awful lol they will be better off without her clearly

>> No.9135091


Pretty sure no one is white knighting for that crazy. Just calling out Luxe Dolls for trying to present themselves as being perfect and victims and etc etc when they're only a little better than the criminal.

>> No.9135094

Ayn aka Ayn-chan aka Anne aka...anyone else want to fill me in here?

>> No.9135098

Idk, it takes stones to admit any of that. I don't see them as playing the victim or that they're perfect. There's not many cosplayers who'd publicly admit to any of that, or offer to help anyone else.

>> No.9135099

>only a little better than the criminal

I still don't understand this attempt to call out the other members. As far as I've seen all of this bullshit has been chalked up to Anne's antics. It looks to me like she roped the other girls into it and pushed her own ego onto their shoulders. Unless you can bring me factual receipts of the other girls being bitchy or self-centered like we now know Anne to be I'm going to keep blaming it on personal issues that are obviously too pathetic to explain because it's something you did to cause tension.

>> No.9135115

JFC anon, that's a lot of effort to try to prove to me I am personally interpreting Facebook posts "wrong"

You sure you don't need to go outside?

>> No.9135117

Damn, I'll be there on Sunday

AFest is pretty much what you make of it. It's a smaller con that AKon, and in a bigger space than it really needs, so it can feel lonely and intimate all at once, if that makes sense.

The crowd tends to be more chill, imho. I tend to make more connections at AFest because it's not rush rush loud and crazy.

>> No.9135125


...not for nothing, that looks like two minutes of effort, anon. they make photo grid apps for that.

they're also the only one providing receipts. do you have any?

>> No.9135128

Different anon here but I have three of the girls on my Facebook and they're not the best. They're not terrible but they're you're typical snobby group who flake on others and try to boost each other's egos. But that's half of Texas so no use complaining.

>> No.9135130

Theres always drama with that group. The saturn posted a status today calling one of the others a dictator, which is ironic coming from a dictator.

>> No.9135132
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Different person but I agree with >>9134990 100%
I don't have any personal feeling to any of the group though (came here from the Sailor Moon thread, not a Texan).

I think them acting like victims is pretty laughable when /cgl/ told them that there was trash in their group to start.
Instead of whiteknighting here maybe they should have looked into it, no?

I can't give them a pass for being "semi-new to cosplay and don't know any better" when they spend time on /cgl/. Being here, they should know better.

Hard to get screencaps of deleted posts, especially when all the girls lurk these threads ready for damage control. That instagram account used to have a lot more older post, as they don't even have photos of the original trio posted.

Returning niceness is one thing but only shouting out people that have kissed your ass is another. Pre-shitstorms, they did not acknowledge that there were any other Sailor Moon cosplays, promoting their own brand with single minded intensity.

Even if "Ayn" was behind all the negatives people have for the group the other girls aren't blameless since they chose to join and more importantly remain in the group through out all this. Only taking action now when commission cash is involved doesn't excuse that they were part of the earlier behavior.

>> No.9135141

No, because even 2 minutes wasted on this is stupid. I've got better things to do than scroll through some groups social media to post it on /cgl/

I said I personally read it as cold. It's an *~opinion~* I don't have to prove shit. Do you know what an opinion is or?!?

>> No.9135146

You're a little late, anon. I'm sure she was calling the member they kicked out a dictator. Which, from what I've seen...

>> No.9135156

Sorry for the lateness, i came here for dramu and replied before i finished lurking

>> No.9135158

wading in here because this made my eyes roll

>Pre-shitstorms, they did not acknowledge that there were any other Sailor Moon cosplays, promoting their own brand with single minded intensity.

It's already been proven they were giving kudos to other cosplayers prior to the shitstorm, but I gotta ask: How many other cosplay groups do you expect to cross-promote cosplay groups other than themselves? Why should this one cross-promote in particular?

Like, be mad at them because they're actually concrete bitches, damn. Otherwise, especially in light of just how much cross-promoting they do on IG and Facebook, you just come off like a tittybaby upset that they never picked you for baseball.

I'm especially blown away by this wild screeching that "THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE NOW BECAUSE THEY WERE CALLED OUT ON THEIR SHIT"... Isn't that what we should strive for, in this hobby? People getting critiqued and changing shit vs doubling down and acting like rancid shit canisters?

>> No.9135160

I'm also curious as how you think the Saturn is a dictator. Never heard of her before all of this but if you have deets or receipts do share.

>> No.9135169

>I've got better things to do

Like make wild claims that can be put to pasture with a moment's worth of verifying.

>I said I personally read it as cold. It's an *~opinion~*

Oh please, you were waving it around like it was god's honest truth and now you're salty that you showed your ass. You've got to be massively autistic to read a bunch of ridiculous hearts and flowers kawaii uguu we love rainbow farts as cold.

>> No.9135172

I dont have physical receipts because most of the dramu happened years and years ago and i thought she had gotten better but i hear from others that shes still a manipulating crybaby. I havent had anything to do with her in years because of all the drama surrounding her hetalia phase, so its been a bit.

>> No.9135183

You talking so much about needing proof and you can't even remember 20 posts up thread. I've only stated it was my interpretation. I can't prove to you I read posts with a certain tone. I'm pretty sure you must be one of the girls because who else fucking cares this much?

>> No.9135187

So much of this thread is rehashing of old luxedrama that we've already discussed ad nauseam in the old threads. People asking for receipts of shit that was addressed ages ago, just go back and lurk the archives, you newfags.
Stop letting the luxedoll defense force obfuscate the new, juicy drama by asking for screencaps of old shit they've already deleted as >>9135132 said.

>> No.9135216
File: 611 KB, 938x1216, 1466475751264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE NOW BECAUSE THEY WERE CALLED OUT ON THEIR SHIT"... Isn't that what we should strive for, in this hobby? People getting critiqued and changing shit vs doubling down and acting like rancid shit canisters?

If they actually cared then you would be right but even now their brand reeks of only promoting others in an effort to prove /cgl/ wrong and cover their asses, not that they actually care.

JNig did the same shit when she ripped off people. She'd make a post asap after seagulls had dug up her trash and pretended that she was totally OMG crediting others all along and that she loved them soooooooo, so much!

>It's already been proven they were giving kudos to other cosplayers prior to the shitstorm, but I gotta ask: How many other cosplay groups do you expect to cross-promote cosplay groups other than themselves? Why should this one cross-promote in particular?

It isn't that they didn't cross promote others, it's that they ran their social media like a business with a high brow brand and posted with a tone like they were something more than a basic cosplay group. They felt very sterilized with calculated advertise-y attitude when it came to promotion and progress photos.
If you weren't following their posts for a while it might be hard to understand what we're saying, especially since they've purged so many posts off instagram over time and seem to be changing their image to be more ~friendly<3~ after intense /cgl/ criticism.
Previously the only cosplayers they featured were those that had already promoted or purchased something from them, very much like a business would share good reviews or images of people wearing their brand.

>> No.9135241

since we're already on drama here, what are some other drama-filled cosplayers or groups in Texas to avoid in your opinion?

>> No.9135251


Gotta say, I think this is just going to come down to a difference of opinion, and you being really weirdly invested in what this group does.

So they only talked to people who talked to them first, and That Was Bad. Then they saw the critique and now they promote other people they clearly admire, and That Is Bad Because It's Grossly Fake. Looking through the comments and feedback they've received, they seem honest with their affection.

Clearly anything they do is going to make you unhappy and think the worst, so why bother watching them anyway? Block their shit and move on.

>> No.9135252

Anyone who lives in Houston.

>> No.9135262

Anyone who lives in Texas.

>> No.9135265

Anyone who lives

>> No.9135318

Colony Drop Cosplay

>> No.9135322

End Thread

>> No.9135335

Lolitas from Texas.

>> No.9135338

Hi Stefan! Lost any more singing competitions lately?

>> No.9135340

Basically every steven universe cosplayer, theyre all sparklegender sjw freaks.

>> No.9135341

Why do they brag about 15 awards when they're all from tiny ass shit show cons? Might as well be sandbagging.

>> No.9135344


I'm surprised that they kicked out their leader for being an awful person when their Saturn is pretty shady as well. Her Twitter is full of vague negative tweets about her so called friends. What a great person.

>> No.9135349

As someone who knows saturn personally, same.

>> No.9135353

dont even start with this

>> No.9135359

Confirmation that the luxe group is stalking this board, they deleted a bunch of people off their Facebooks. Bummer.

>> No.9135381

whats her twatter

>> No.9135383


>> No.9135393

>posting shit about someone to 4chan
>surprised when that person figures out who's behind it and deletes them
>complains about it on 4chan, thus confirming their assholery and making it obvious they're a seagull

This is like baby's first rule of trolling, Jesus. You blew your was and cried about it, you have only yourself to blame for losing your lolcow

>> No.9135401

I was told this in a fb message.

>> No.9135504

We've had that confirmed months ago.
Every time anything at all is said about them they rush to social media to do damage control.
See >>9135216

>> No.9135509


>> No.9135537


>> No.9135565

cry harder

>> No.9135576

What's wrong with these people

>> No.9135579

ive heard of xwhiterussia but who is dai and why should we care

>> No.9135625

Silly Little Missy

>> No.9135634

Exhibit A

Dai is your average seagull cosplayer who thrives on being a backstabbing gossip, with a side order of Can't Let Shit Go. I'd bet anything they're the one offering up all the pocketcos info, since they used to cosplay together years ago.

Dai's hobbies generally include purposely harassing people, trying to stir shit between friends so she can sit back and jerk off to it, and being an elitist, narcissistic prick. Try to cut yourself off from the crazy? Congrats, she'll dig in and make your life hell. Pocketcos isn't exactly a peach, and was a huge asshole in years past, but she's made a lot of overtures recently toward changing her behavior and making amends to the people she's hurt. Dai, meanwhile, still talks shit and shook and cried tonight to a lot of us about pocketcos finally defriending her.

If we see an uptick in pocketcos slamming this week, and through AFest, it's Dai angry that one of her toys stopped putting up with her shit.

>> No.9135642

In b4 >But but other people hate pocketcos too!!!

Yeah, and the common link? Is Dai.

>> No.9135653

i can confirm that Saturn is no gem. i talked to her in person twice maybe, but was close to people she called her friends and yet relentlessly blasted on social media for not constantly kissing her ass.

>> No.9135657

Any sweethearts in the Texas community at all worth following/knowing?
The only one I know about is NipahDUBS.

>> No.9135661
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>> No.9135663

sup alyson

>> No.9135666

Where are you even getting any of this, Koholint? Why are you even here?

>> No.9135667


>> No.9135669

Going to need receipts

>> No.9135713

Not them, sorry.

Lol outing myself so Dai can turn on me like a rabid dog until I have to quit the hobby I love? No thx.

>> No.9135797


>I'd bet anything they're the one offering up all the pocketcos info

she's been mentioned twice in this thread (which has been up since before she supposedly started harassing her) with no info either time so mind elaborating?

i don't know either of them but defriending (and probably knowingly provoking, if they were as close as you're implying) someone so terrible right before a con seems fishier to me. what possible motive could there be for this timing other than "wah wah im bullied pay attention to me at animefest :("

>> No.9135913

So what you're saying is you have no proof and you're just here to have people stroke your dick for hours because you're sad

>> No.9135939


Anon, where the hell are you from? It's called a screen cap, cap, screen grab...no one calls it a fucking receipt

>> No.9135941

What a koreaboo and a shitty one at that.
There is no real r sound in the korean alphabet, they use l's.

>> No.9136002

I'm gonna need a receipt for that.

>> No.9136016

Curious question.

How old is everyone here?

>> No.9136020

I am for the second time, but sadly won't get to enjoy any thing again because the group I go with is so unorganized and when I try and leave to look at stuff I like I'm label as "not a good friend" or "all you did was leave" "you abandoned us"

>> No.9136039

Welcome to new terminology by the gay community

>> No.9136059

In a Time of Cosplay

>> No.9136070

I've been watching a lot of ru paul lately lol

>> No.9136077

If Dai "shook and cried" over being deleted, but you won't reveal your identity, by saying that doesn't it supposedly narrow down who is posting about them if this post is to be even believed at all?

Try to troll harder. Either get the screenshots for shit or GTFO

>> No.9136092

But they can't because dai cried in private right? so if they did then anon gave themselves up by being the person who was cried to or there wasn't actually anything done and they're making it up.

leaning towards the latter though if it's koholint or alyson like the anons implied

>> No.9136128

who is koholint?

>> No.9136156

mew mars for luxedolls and alyson's bff.
facebook is koholintcosplay

>> No.9136176

I thought they kicked out their Pluto not Mars? Or am I confused? So kicked out Pluto, Pluto stole Mars' costume, and now their replacing their Mars also???

>> No.9136181


the old mercury is now going to be chibi moon so they're down a mars, pluto and mercury

>> No.9136216

wow they really are falling apart

>> No.9136252

Ultimate sandbaggers. Of course you're going to win awards if you're a professional seamstress and you only compete at small shitty cons where every other entrant in under 16. It's not an accomplishment. If you see any of their shit up close, it's not that great.

>> No.9136260

But they replaced Mars so they are just down a Pluto and a Mercury now right?

>> No.9136270

Woah this thread blew up in the last 24 hours. Looks like luxedolls have 2 girls in the group people have a problem with and they kicked out one of the two. Any problems with other members or is it just those two?
I do agree that they did need to call that other girl out with commissions. She seems to be screwing people over and stuff like that needs to be shared so the community can be aware of who not to deal with. Shouldn't have posted her contact info though.
Regarding Saturn, it looks like personal beef in here between her and one or two other people.

>> No.9136288

The Mars had her fuku stolen and that's why she's being replaced. She was not kicked out.

>> No.9136289

Glad to know you can read, anon.

>> No.9136292

There are way more childish boards than here.>>9136016

>> No.9136293

What confuses me is that the girl they kicked out started the group so how can try removed the founder from her own group?
She may have been a crazy thieving bitch but she did pattern their fukus and recruit/organize them all.
Logistically, shouldn't she have admin powers on their social media so stop this sort of thing?
If she'd made a post on their official pages about recruiting for an all new era of luxedolls and wanted to interview all new scouts I'm sure idiots would still have jumped aboard, no matter what the literally whos of the rest of the group posted on their respective social medias.

Why shouldn't they have posted her contact info? The way I see it, those people have a right to hound somebody about their $500 commissions. Should they just say "lol sorry we kicked out the bad apple who ripped you guys off! Hunt her down on your own time~".
If this was just a split then yeah no reason to post her info but she ripped people off and they need to know how to track her down.

>> No.9136302

I heard the girl they kicked out just used Sparkle Pipsi patterns and mixed in other patterns already available so they aren't really her patterns.
I have heard they are moving on as a new group now without her and are changing their name to get away from her completely.

>> No.9136333

The problem with Saturn is she doesn't think she is still the same person she was years ago but she's still the same two faced person. Very self centered and has to have all the attention on herself. She will play the victim with new people and constantly tell them that se has NO FRIENDS. even though she does have friends that she is just currently treating like shit behind their backs. Luxedolls need to know that if Saturn has ever talked shit about ANYONE to them she can easily do the same thing to them once she finds a new shiny group of friends to sew things for her. Girl can't even sew and has a huge ego. She's entering stuff in the afest contest that someone else made a majority of.

>> No.9136360
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>> No.9136362
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Much better.

>> No.9136368

I'm from the Sailor Moon threads and we confirmed that she used parts of other cosplayers tutorials and then acted like she 100% custom created everything
Still though, half the group can hardly sew and she was the one who shared her research with them to make the group possible at all (even if she misled people about her sources). It seems shitty to kick out the person who masterminded everything instead of just making a new group.
What she did isn't at all okay as far as the commissions rip offs go but none of the people who are kicking her out are even part of the original group she made. Being booted out from a second generation version of your own group just seems so wrong.

>> No.9136426

I met her last year from ant and got this same impression. She's very egocentric and first I fell for that no friends thing but then I saw how many times she complained about one group when hanging out with another. I think she just needs help. Like therapy levels.

>> No.9136451
File: 454 KB, 1440x1855, Screenshot_2016-08-08-17-49-23-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this cap from pocketcos' facebook before bed but forgot to post before i passed out

>> No.9136521

Looks like they did create a new group and let that girl keep the luxedolls name. they just changed their name.

>> No.9136525

See, those girls are fine. I have zero problems with them.

>> No.9136533

It is starting to look like this has been in the works for a long time. They all basically quit luxedolls and started a new group without that Ayn girl

>> No.9136540

What I want to know is why Saturn is the spokesperson for the group? She is one of the newer ones and hasn't been around that long but she was the one making all the posts. Is she just outspoken or are the rest of them letting her be the drama scapegoat?

>> No.9136543

She is outspoken

>> No.9136546

Looks like they edited Saturn's posts on their group stuff to be less harsh

>> No.9136557

The post is from her personal facebook. I really doubt she is a speaker for the group. Just taking on more attention for herself

>> No.9136562
File: 829 KB, 934x537, moon pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no.

I've been following their shit as a Moonie for a long time and I don't know why anyone is attacking Saturn other than taking advantage of her being in the group we're shitting on to bring up old petty personal shit and trash talk her anonymously here just to hurt her feelings or something.

If anything I've seen more cause to look into a few of the other scouts shiftiness, not the Saturn.

-I saw Venus consistently defending that Pluto's craftsmanship was 100% her own and absolutely different than Sparklepipsis...after she got a uniform commissioned from someone in that group >>9135216 that used Pipsi's designs that the luxedolls then used as a base example for their new uniforms. I also believe that she was in charge of trying to brand the fandom meetup they hosted by literally adding "Hosted by Luxedolls" to the title, as though they are some corporation.

-Not so much toxic behavior but just sad and an example of character: Mars has like 5 shitty costumes and is trying to run a patreon.

-The Moon is a party princess Disney wannabe that can't sew for shit while trying to act like improving her makeup and getting *~*confidence*~* caused such a drastic change in her cosplay skills and not just wearing a better made costume/wig that someone else made for her.

I'd consider all of them shitty for staying in the group just long enough to get all their costumes made and only then kicking out the girl who is supposed to be ever so abusive to them AFTER she's helped make all this possible.
That and the fact that they wouldn't stop whiteknighting here to defend themselves about their shady behavior with the Akon contest.
If they've known for this long that there were issues then maybe they should have done this months ago instead allowing the villainous Ayn to hold dominion over them and going through with the contest/pretending to be all hearts and rainbows.
I guess getting a nice fuku is worth the price of emotional abuse to people who can't sew!

>> No.9136566

Ran out of characters before I could say that Jupiter seems to have the right of it, since I think she stepped down shortly after Akon so at least she has some level of integrity compared to the other members.

> Just taking on more attention for herself
>post is from her personal facebook

Posting on a personal facebook is attention whoring now?

>> No.9136577

How is quitting immediately after getting a fuku and winning the award having integrity

>> No.9136582

What happened with them at akon? I only know about them winning the contest, though i dont know what prize or anything, all i heard was through others.

>> No.9136587

That Jupiter quit because that Ayn chick was so horrible to her and rejoined after Ayn was kicked out

>> No.9136589

Jesus. Stop following them if you hate them all so much and have problems with them. Easy fix.

>> No.9136592

Is the right picture supposed to be better than the one on the left? Her face looks uncomfortable, not to mention that her hands are awkwardly posed and completely blurry.

>> No.9136595

They won. That is basically it.

>> No.9136600

I mean more so than the rest since they continued to stick around but yeah not by much.

There was a lot talk going around about sandbagging, breaking rules, not making all their own props and other stuff, I wasn't paying too much attention to it. I think someone else here might have more info or you can dig through the archive.

That's the point. If Ayn was so horrible to everyone then they should have all quit sooner instead of sticking with her just long enough to get pretty costumes.

>> No.9136608

I follow a lot of Sailor Moon cosplayers and I don't hate these girls either. I do dislike their constant white knighting though.

>> No.9136609

None of them made their own props, they were all commissioned and anyone can see the credits for who made which prop on their separate facebook pages. The tiaras were bought from etsy. The size limit for a walk-on group was 6 and they had 9 people.

>> No.9136615

LOL no their Saturn is seriously a bitch

Venus is so fucking new to cosplay that I'm sure she did what Ayn told her to do. She is a pawn who knows nothing about anything. I'm sure she believed Ayn when Ayn said her patterns were original. She is probably just dumb.

Who cares if their Mars has a patreon? How does that make her a bad person?

Who gives a shit if Moon is a Disney princess wannabe? Probably why she got into cosplay because she loves characters so much.

Apparently Ayn did not make everything herself and that claim is completely bogus. Ayn took all the credit like she has always done.

Looks like you need to walk away from them and ignore them like the rest of us

>> No.9136620

>Looks like you need to walk away from them and ignore them like the rest of us

Yeah, just as you are doing by posting in this thread right?

>> No.9136638

Here to catch up on what is going on before AFest.
I do not follow them on social media and don't stalk them like some people here do just to dig up dirt. Please get a life.

>> No.9136645

You do realize that you can follow someone on social media to follow them and that just observing someone's negative behavior and bringing it to light doesn't mean that you're "stalking them just to dig up dirt", right?

>> No.9136660

You do realize that following people you really don't like makes no sense

>> No.9136691

Same. They should stay away from 4chan and 4chan will just continue to talk shit about them.
I'm sure all the whiteknighting wasn't all them either, though. There are many more white knights these days in all the threads these days thanks to tumblr.

>> No.9136814

You realize you're on 4Chan, right?

>> No.9136830

Why do the gays ruin everything?

>> No.9136853

I can't wait for Animefest this weekend after this shit show.

I can almost taste the drama.

>> No.9136863

Well you can taste it at their panel "How to be in a large cosplay group and not have drama" something along those lines. LOLOLOLOLOLOL...

>> No.9136925

>Logistically, shouldn't she have admin powers on their social media so stop this sort of thing

As I understand it, she styled herself as costume master and demanded the girls keep all their costumes at her place. They had no reason to think she'd be shady about it.

Then she threw a fit after A-Kon, refusing to let them in to do repairs at her place anymore, but also refusing to let people take their pieces home to work on themselves (shit they paid for and painted/sewed). Some of them spoke with her and got her to realize she was being functionally retarded and a control freak, and she agreed to let people take their shit home. The next day, she changed her mind, accused them of bullying her, and apparently flounced from the social media pages.

I wouldn't have believed she would hold onto people's costumes like that, but she apparently tried the same with the old members (and maintains they stole their fukus they paid for and worked on), and she pulled that shit with a friend of a friend in her Ayn-chan days. Tried to steal that person's sewing machine, too.

The girls were stupid for trusting her, but Ayn/Anne is like Queen Dumbass of the group. Everything the members have now, she gave up willingly in a tantrum, and they called her bluff.

>> No.9136963

Speaking of animefest, it seems like a lot of regulars aren't going this year, at least on my friend's list.
Anyone else seeing that trend?

>> No.9136971

Oh my god i cant wait.

>> No.9136974

I see alot of my friends going to San Japan instead.

>> No.9137032

I'm confused about this whole Luxe drama. Saturn was telling people that they all agreed to pay for materials but they weren't their costumes to keep. Like... It's what like 8 girls against ones story. They probably are acting like they put so much money and effect but the originally agreed that it wasn't theirs to keep in the first place. Basically rental fee to wear it and just be an elitist b for a group that thinks they WERE flawless.

>> No.9137045

I'm picking San Japan over AFest.

>> No.9137070

I hadn't heard anything about them all agreeing to pay for materials and then not keep the costumes. Where was this posted?
If true, then damn, I almost feel sorry for the crazy bitch who got run out.

>> No.9137109

The little trophy clip art on their Facebook is what really gets me

>> No.9137116

The fuku they made for chibimoon and Jupiter isn't as nice as the other ones that Anne made. Lol, whoops.

>> No.9137118

Saturn stop whining on twitter jfc

>> No.9137123

she changed her twatter to private

>> No.9137140

I noticed that too, poor things.

They don't look half as nice.

>> No.9137269

god i'm sad to live in san antonio if the texas thread is THIS cancerous.
i hope i don't meet any of you shit heads in SJ

>> No.9137277

Most of the TX cancer lives in DFW or Houston. This is why A-Kon and AM turns into a shitfest on cgl when they roll around.

>> No.9137384

sorry to burst your bubble, but san antonio also has this so called cancer you speak of, so there's no escaping it.

>> No.9137478

we have drama yeah but in comparison to DFW/Houston shit shows? its minuscule

>> No.9137480

John did nothing wrong.

>> No.9137603

what? the most drama comes out of the two biggest metropolitan areas in the state with the largest amount of people? color me surprised.

>> No.9137669

thanks for proving my point? <?3

>> No.9137694

Are you legitimately of lesser intelligence?

>> No.9137698

John has committed sins that cgl will never forgive until AM dies.

>> No.9137715

did you legitimately respond to bait?

>> No.9137811

see what the fuck im talking about?
theres no need to be this autistic to other people.
how do you guys not just bawl when you see each other at cons?

>> No.9137847
File: 58 KB, 595x399, 10418856_700395586729289_5171978857123201850_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you're an actual degenerate nerd who goes to cons to talk about your interests and find cool merchandise and weeb out
>TFW you're not an attention seeking normie who goes con-hopping because it's cool on tumblr
>TFW you're not egotistical enough to make a cosplay page and get absorbed in drama
>TFW you cosplay for fun and to meet people and get along with virtually everyone except for the people literally everyone in the community hates

Damn it feels great to be me. Some of you should try it.

>> No.9137897

I too know this feeling

>> No.9137900

Tfw you're on 4chan trying to pretend you're the bigger person


>> No.9138018

omg sweaty nobody cares about what you have to say!!! :^) imagine THAT

>> No.9138020
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>> No.9138024
File: 682 KB, 1440x2047, Screenshot_2016-08-09-14-52-53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all from yesterday, i have the whole saga of you want more. I don't have access to anything anymore since she set it to private.

>> No.9138036

wait isnt this one of the ones who didnt do anything beyond be bitchy or am I mixing them up?

>> No.9138045

It's saturn, the bitchy childish one

>> No.9138049

Thanks for the followup, anon.
I think that's enough, she's just being pitiful honestly.

>> No.9138083

Wow, you sure are both petty and salty, anon.
Since when is Twitter not for saying whatever comes to mind? Let her be. Unless you're one of the ones pretending to be her friend while you talk about her behind your back.

>> No.9138097

I thought pocketcos was disappearing for awhile.

>> No.9138128

So, who wants to talk about cons and not this petty bullshit? What cosplays/coords are you bringing to San Japan and animefest? What are you working on?

>> No.9138156

Nope, you're right.
Some is just salty at her for some non-luxedolls reason and using this as an excuse to make her feel like shit! I've been all about shaming the luxegirls for being shit and exposing their bull but this just seems like personal attacks for no good reason.

She just seems sad about being shit talked by people she though were her friends. This isn't even drama, just someone who is sad.

>> No.9138201

Cgl has committed sins that moot should've bombed this place for.

>> No.9138205

There seems to be a shit ton of meetups this year for Afest. I'm hyped.

>> No.9138279
File: 370 KB, 1920x1739, 16-08-10-18-47-46-059_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else find the name of this panel a little unfortunate?

>> No.9138290

I tried to do this last year when I met her at the sailor moon meet at Akon 2015 she was a total bitch to me and my friends. But every time I said something bad about her publicly people thought I was jealous. #whatgoesaroundcomesback #karma

>> No.9138311

John can die in a certain hell of 72000 unwashed male obese virgins for his sins.

>> No.9138340

Can we stop caring for luxedolls and just concentrate on animefest anfd sanjapan? The more attention you guys give them, the more they get off on it

>> No.9138349

Theyre probably flicking their beans to it, let's talk about afest

>> No.9138385

Brings something up worth discussion other than luxedrama then, senpai.

>> No.9138395

PLease! Like uhh who's going to afest ? Anyone signing up for any photo shoots? As a newcomer, how is the general environment of afest?

>> No.9138420

Its a lot calmer than akon, less crowded, and overall kind of better in my opinion. Easier to tolerate for people with social anxiety and all that, because the crowds are a lot thinner.

>> No.9138421

But how was it?

>> No.9138438

How did she lose weight?

>> No.9138448

Alyson go back on hiatus.

>> No.9138461

Who is pocketcos and why should anyone even care about her?

>> No.9138464

Alyson go back on hiatus.

>> No.9138476

she's the saturn in luxe dolls

>> No.9138537

I know. I meant she's a nobody. All of them are.

>> No.9138604

is there a list of meetups anywhere?

>> No.9138613
File: 31 KB, 419x261, whynotboth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9138616

Some of us can only afford money and time off from work for one or the other.

>> No.9138619

dw ikdf

a few years back i worked flat rate 10-12 hours a day 6 days a week and got literally no vacation/holiday time off

>> No.9138623
File: 249 KB, 895x470, emimad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9138743

Wow well congrats on that princess; I guess its nice having no life besides cons and work.

>> No.9138790

Why the fuck are you calling them a princess when they're talking about how hard they had to work? 12 hour shifts 6 days a week is a princess to you?

Have you ever worked before? Are you a child?

Please go back.

>> No.9138874

>Getting mad on 4chan
You guys are just making me feel better about myself

Here have some fun, trips decides what I do at Animefest. Pick any crazy thing you want that's legal.

>> No.9139055

Sit down lunch with a homeless person.
Go make a friend

>> No.9139070

It's on the afest app.

>> No.9139146


>> No.9139462


Saging. New one started.