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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9122419 No.9122419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one is down.
Who went to Neko Nation?
Post the good, the bad and the ugly

>> No.9122429

Beke looked like ddlg wannabe, but that's not really anything new

>> No.9122430 [DELETED] 

Is it true that Tim Souter is a moderator here? Threads seem to get removed at the mere mention of him.

>> No.9122451

Anyone watch A-Muse perform at Bris neko?

>> No.9122455 [DELETED] 


>> No.9122459

Neko was fantastic! I really liked The Brightside as a venue, what about everyone else? This was my 6th Neko and I was glad that there were less fluffy underwear raver costumes than usual. Lured Pokestop girl was my favorite costume amongst the crowd of people who clearly don't feel the cold.

>> No.9122462

Unironically enjoyed the set, even if it was ridiculously short. Seem like a pretty chill group to be honest.

>> No.9122463


>> No.9122487 [DELETED] 

nah he just lurks and begs people to report any post that mentions him

>> No.9122491

I remember sleeping with one of the DJs a bit back and getting an STD from him :/ Apparently he's a male hooker now too.

>> No.9122523

Just wondering - did anyone ever go to one of those diversity panels at Supanova? How was it?

>> No.9122533

It was pretty good. The guests like Jordan from Axis of Awesome and Tom Kuzma were really good speakers. Will Wong said almost nothing.
It was actually great to hear questions and answers from people in different parts of the community. it wasnt just about LGBT diversity but also diversity in physical and mental disabilities, etc

>> No.9122549

Interesting. I was expecting a lot of circlejerking and bitching about other people.

>> No.9123409

None of that at all. it was organised by one of the supanova staff, who wanted to a) apologise for the comments made by Daniel Zachariou, and b) give a voice to more of the community
There were some great comments, and one of the audience members cried afterwards because she didn't realise that there were other people who were like her

>> No.9123771 [DELETED] 

He's a lurker to the cosplay community. best thing we should do is set up a EncyclopediaDramatica page about him at some point.

Any volunteers?

>> No.9124280 [DELETED] 

I second this. We just need one for Australian cosplay photographers. Several camera-laden birds with one stone

>> No.9125343

A large group of supanova staff also cried at the end. It was a surprise to me, I don't think I realised how much one person's horrible attitude affected all the people who work for the organisation as well as the LGBTQIA+ community.

>> No.9125426 [DELETED] 

Is it true that Tim Souter is a moderator here? Threads seem to get removed at the mere mention of him.

>> No.9125531 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2732, IMAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Tim Souter has been called out for bagging his cosplay friends here on 4chan, will he ever take responsibility and apologize for his antics?

>> No.9125553

I did. Who the fuck thought of coin slot eyes, slug face and potato chan doing a-rise. More life d-spise. I swear A-muse gets rid of the ugly people and puts in worse ones

>> No.9125596

That was the worst pun I have ever seen you should rethink your life

>> No.9125625 [DELETED] 

Wasn't this a comment made earlier? A comment that's now gone?

Is Tim Souter really a mod here? Wouldn't surprise me. That little weasel.

>> No.9125644

Whatever you say, Cardigan-chan.

>> No.9125652 [DELETED] 

I don't even think she was there desu, which was nice

>> No.9125654

the eli in a-muse is the only cute girl they have

I wonder how large madfest will be?

>> No.9125656

Fuck no the Eli is the second worst after the Maki. The rin atm is probably the best girl

>> No.9125659 [DELETED] 

She wasn't even there, which was good desu

>> No.9125661

I saw them, they were alright. Don't think their Tsubasa was very suited to character.

>> No.9125663

I don't even think she was there to be honest. Which was good not gonna lie.

>> No.9125669

I meant umi, sorry

>> No.9125676

I think the hanayo suits the character well in the face, but looks frumpy in some of the outfits

>> No.9125684 [DELETED] 

Kayla Erin went off at him at Goldnova and he tried and failed to act like he didnt know what she was talking about

>> No.9125704

The Rin is an angel, she suits the character so well. Honoka is constantly a strong point! The Eli looks so unhappy all the time, her dancing is stiff and she seems pretty awkward. Maki and Nico aren't far behind either.

>> No.9125708

The honokas eyebrows are fugly af tho, I can't see past that. She suited rin better imo. If she did something about the slugs on her forehead it would be improved 10x.

>> No.9125761 [DELETED] 

>Kayla Erin went off at him at Goldnova and he tried and failed to act like he didnt know what she was talking about

Can you ellaborate on this encounter, Anon?

>> No.9125767

Using slugs as an insult twice but I'm sure that all this shit posting is more than one person.

Considering nothing was said on the night or directly after I'm going to assume you didn't go and constantly checked for their updates to have a whinge about.

>> No.9125785

Wow. so many comments deleted.
It's not even a community vendetta if theya re just awful people we are talking about

>> No.9125801

It's been about one guy. he seems to have even less luck with cosplay friends than the dialysis machine.

>> No.9125803

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.9125851
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>> No.9125857

Imo they're all pretty good except the Maki, Eli, Kotori and Kiara. They all seem nice enough but I don't trust Kiara and the Kotori seems like she's trying to be Kiara. The Eli can't dance and the Maki doesn't suit the character but at least those two aren't stuck ups.

>> No.9125866

Maybe if person in question stop talking smack about their friends on 4chan then they would actually have friends

>> No.9125871

is there a reason you don't trust kiara?

>> No.9125879

I don't trust any chick with nipple hairs that long

>> No.9125885
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>> No.9126203

And kotori looks like a boy too kek

>> No.9126442

Kiara is my favourite love live character

>> No.9126483

Why did u fuck her?

>> No.9126759

Because she's hot?

>> No.9126765

did anything else interesting happen at neko besides this vendetta shit against amuse?

>> No.9126836

why is the aus community so awful?

>> No.9126939

It was pretty mediocre from what I saw. Just the usual.

>> No.9126951

Any particular state, or just in general?

>> No.9127036

Have to ask, but why is vendetta-chan so pissy about A-MUSE? Former member that got kicked out or something?

>> No.9127052

Considering they've booted and replaced almost all the original members it's probably vendetta chan X 10

>> No.9127195

who tf is cardigan-chan?

>> No.9128024

the old A-MUSE honoka - shes famous for selfposting her lolita co-ords here with the same brown cardigan.

>> No.9128218

because the nation suffers from a hard case of CBF on literally everything that isn't sport related

>> No.9128232

She hasn't been active in the last six months or so tho

>> No.9128462

Saw her at Gold Coast nova and she was still talking shit about them to anyone who would listen though. No one cares about A-MUSE or about your vendetta Aus threads are so shit now because all the good content gets deleted.

>> No.9128478

does anyone wanna start a love live idol group??

>> No.9128558

Meji and his ugly chick were so rude. I told them that they did awesome and they just looked at me, snorted and walked away. Rude cunts

>> No.9128567

Based in Bris...? Yes.

>> No.9128715

You should start one for Love Live Sunshine

>> No.9128723

which state anon?

>> No.9128729

(sorry replied to wrong post)

>> No.9128736

Meji is an actual rapist, just so you know. He has pushed so many girlsinto things they don't wanna do, and his slave or some shit, he forced her to be a stripper so he could buy clothes. lol

>> No.9129207

Has anyone pressed charges? Which club is she at

>> No.9130359

His name is Meji Wolf on Facebook, he mostly does neko nation around Australia, but he has forced so many young girls into sex and shit... Nobody has pressed charges yet though they're too scared

>> No.9131539

Tim u worthless piece of shit. stop talking bullshit about other photographers

>> No.9131600

lol I've worked with Craig for the last like 6 events I never thought I'd come across Neko on 4chan.

Anyone want hot insider goss? Ask away.

>> No.9131634

Sup Lorenzo

>> No.9131667

hey how are you Kiara? butthurt about pulling out all those nip hairs?

>> No.9131668

Not even her, try again

>> No.9131677

idk Trump? go build a wall

>> No.9132177

I was meaning his slut girl

>> No.9132438

Anyone going to the OPL event next saturday?

>> No.9132467


who's craig and what is this neko thing? are you into this stuff as well? spill the most fucked up and interesting goss pls

>> No.9132570

I would in Brisbane. Haven't danced in years but did ballet/tap/jazz/hip hop for 12 years. Keen to dance again.

>> No.9132576

That makes two anons willing to jump about on stage pretending to be imaginary characters.

>> No.9132580

I just want to dance without the pressure of representing a company. Anime dances are easy as fuck looking, not super into pretending to *be* a character.

>> No.9132583

Yes pls gossip master. Enlighten us.

Never thought there would be much Neko drama, the event is fun and lighthearted. I guess people can hide their autismo power levels quite well there. I've been to the last 6 and it's literally just people dancing in cosplay and being generally rather pleasant to each other. I must miss the shitty bits.

>> No.9132606

Beke put such minimal effort into her outfit. Just a white crop and hot pants with cat ears. She was probably one of the most well known cosplayers present at Neko in the Brissy community and she didn't even try. I get not having time to make a cosplay but why not quickly modify an existing one or make nekomimi to match? She was just a hot girl in skimpy normalfag wear.

That Stephy J girl who is typically a cat girl always wears that exact same outfit every time just in different color schemes. Always a tank top, corset, arm warmers, boot covers and a tutu. Don't get me wrong I love the effort she puts in and how well every item matches the overall theme or colour scheme she is going for, but it's getting boring now. I'd love to see her go outside that base outfit because she really puts effort in and she's one of the cutest regulars.

>> No.9132718

She works at Eye Candy in Brisbane I think

>> No.9132720

In all fairness she doesn't have to cosplay to absolutely every thing cosplay related. I dont know why you're making a big deal out of her wearing a clubbing outfit to a club..

Also does stephy j actually cosplay characters? Or is it usually just oc cat girl designs?

>> No.9133240

Sometimes characters but mostly self-styled cat girls. I think her outfits are cool as hell just a bit samey.

>> No.9134045

Who's keen to see A-Muse at Madman?

>> No.9134056

Only ugly girls work at Eye Candy hahah

>> No.9135845

No one.

>> No.9135851

let's unveil our rival LL group!!

>> No.9135959

Fuck Chris Tucker!

>> No.9137183

Keen for animaga? Maid café looks better than madmans atm

>> No.9137246

Hi Mr Tim, we know you'd like to get in Redwolf cosplay's pants but you're not her type
You're noone's type

>> No.9137248

If you do an LL Sunshine one, instead of it being Aquours, call it Aqu-Aus

>> No.9137262

that's a shit name

>> No.9137264

Why do you try?

>> No.9137268

Being the weekend before madfest, I wonder if less people will be attending animaga this year

>> No.9137304

Smash's got some weird panels this year

>> No.9137307


>> No.9137327

the haikyuu one will be very cringey.

>> No.9137328

its so pretentious when dance group use Australia in their name, Aqu-Aus is almost as bad as Mustralia

>> No.9137330


>> No.9137371

I wasn't going to go to animaga initially since madfest is only a week after, but I changed my mind when they announced Kaname as a guest. I'm going to melt into a sopping mess right in front of him, I can predict it.

Pretty disappointed they moved from REB to the showgrounds. At least the REB was a pretty location with the gardens and fountain

>> No.9137508
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Why you you hate chris tucker so much. He was great in fifth element and rush hour.

>> No.9138342

hey is there a sunscreen here that doesn't just smell like sunscreen 24/7 or do I have to import stuff

>> No.9138345


>> No.9138369

Anyone here going to Comicon Bris?

Never been to Comicon is it shit here in Aus or worthwhile? Anything decent going on or just stalls?

>> No.9138564

its not as hyped as Supanova but pretty much has the same stall holders

>> No.9138671

I want to do an anime cosplay are there many people that do? I'm picturing the majority doing superheros and television characters.

>> No.9138691

Are anime cosplays commonplace? I'm picturing superhero/TV only.

>> No.9138701


there is and always will be an abundance of anime cosplays at these sorts of conventions

>> No.9139089
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i say go for it but last time i went the majority of people were too fkin lazy to make the effort and dress up

>> No.9139118

Is Tim banned from cons yet? I want to go, but I'm so scared he may try coming on to me. He's creepy AF

>> No.9139122

Nah he hasnt really done anything noteworthy enough to be banned or even put on a notice list
He is just creepy a f and if you are under 25 you should definitely stay at least 5 metres away from him

>> No.9139795

Tim who? I know a creepy con Tim.

>> No.9140151

Seedy Tim Souter obviously.. be careful, he seems to be a sensitive topic in 4chan following his breakup with Beethy

>> No.9140169

He is so creepy..Avoid at all costs

>> No.9140270

Why is he so creepy?

>> No.9140287

Theyre still friends on fb tho

>> No.9140356

does it really? some of the girls look somewhat questionable

>> No.9140746

Ye but only because he is an arse licker

>> No.9141792

>Australian QA panels

Yeah the cringe is real. Are QA panels that popular here? Don't think I've seen one before.

>> No.9142079

Anybody know if cosplay shoots are allowed at melb uni? I like the look of the buildings

>> No.9142084

Ruby Rhod is a fucking icon.

>> No.9142112

i dont think they're very common here, so the people running the haikyuu one don't seem to experienced.

>> No.9142602

>cosplay bullying panel only lists vague details on those host


>> No.9142959

Hi all,
I'm travelling from kiwiland to Smash Con next week. It'll be my second time attending. Last year was my first and it was so awesome compared to the shitty big cons we have here, my friend and I have decided to come back.

Who's attending and what sort of cosplay plans do you have? I'm still up in the air on what to wear for anniversary night.

>> No.9142978

>>cosplay bullying panel only lists vague details on those host

Probably going to be a big rant about the KrisEz and Beethy saga. Theyre both attacking eachother endlessly to keep eachother from being forgotten in the cosplay scene

>> No.9142992

sounds like what >>9122549 was expecting

>> No.9144277

anyone planning on travelling for madfest?

>> No.9147726

A group called Love Muse has already done that. They're Australian too. Just as shit as A-Muse but hotter members.

>> No.9147816

whats the expectations of animaga this year at the showgrounds?

>> No.9147843

Animaga is still a thing?

>> No.9148202

Need a permit

>> No.9149066

Yeah. Seems to be doing okay.

>> No.9149082

Fucking loling at how shiva always has her head up beethys ass, yet after they shot she told so many people how shit the photos and the experience was? Can she get any more two faced..

>> No.9149084


Jordan is an arsehole. I've met him years ago irl at the Usyd anime club. Have always been interested about himself and would step on people to push him further to more 'important' people.

>> No.9149113

Cant blame anyone hating on beethy. hes scams the shit out of people to get anywhere in life~!

>> No.9149131

beety hasnt produced a decent photo in years

>> No.9149167

How does she have her head up his ass? She shoots with plenty of togs - I don't think she'd care that much (plus I doubt you have much to back up that statement)....

>> No.9149206

Didn't she only shoot with him once like a couple of years ago? And didn't she post those images all over social media?

I think you're full of shit

>> No.9149987

Are BeKe's tits fake?

>> No.9150149

Okay samefag shiitva

>> No.9150216
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>> No.9150294

Fuck beethy and fuck chris tucker!

>> No.9150378

I want to go down from Sydney to meet Soramaru. My only problem I have to get around is accommodation.

>> No.9150429 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder that Volk is a rapist.

>> No.9150457

yeah cry more Nadine

>> No.9150467

Redwolf pls go