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File: 74 KB, 540x810, lovelylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106642 No.9106642 [Reply] [Original]

Post, talk about, bash, etc. some of your favorite/least favorite well known lolitas.

>> No.9106644

Calling it now, this will no go over well.
>Inb4 pdx is posted

>> No.9106654

I actually think this is a cool idea.

>> No.9106670

These threads occasionally show up and are always taken down shortly because of how poor of a topic this is to discuss on CGL. No matter how much e-cred a "famous" lolita has, they're still not fucking famous and are average people; these threads turn into personal vendetta threads real fast.

>> No.9106671

I guess I'll start? Kinda pissed LovelyLor isn't posting any vidoes recently. I know shes been busy moving to Canada but that was months ago. where is my lolita content Lor?

>> No.9106675


>> No.9106679

any other lolita youtubers beside lor? she hasnt even been posting lolita content recently

>> No.9106695

She has Snapchat that sometimes includes her lolita stuff.

>> No.9106699

I like this pic of her, I think she suits gothic better. I wish she did more with her makeup though.

>> No.9106707

I mean there's peachie but she hasn't been posting regular content either. Then there's Hello Batty but she's a right cunt.

>> No.9106708

Hellobatty, Cathycat, Isaki Tahashi, etc

>> No.9106709


>> No.9106711

I miss Peachie posting regularly

>> No.9106718

Cathycat is borderline Ita and can't do makeup for shit, which is ironic because of KAWAII PATEEN

>> No.9106720

AGREED. I do not like cathy cat at all. Especiallly her annoying voice

>> No.9106724

I think recently lor has gotten much better with her makeup and editing skills to make her face nicer

>> No.9106733

I like her older makeup better. without the gold undereye shadow and larrne blush

>> No.9106737

I usually dislike/not give a shit about efamous lolitas, but Lor is actually my favorite. She is very down to earth compared to other efamous ones. They always think they are so cute and include like a milliion shots of themselves posing, etc, try to make a cute voice, but Lor is just so chill.

>> No.9106742

so true. I really like how she replies to most of her fans as well

>> No.9106743

Has she gotten better about posting #bittersinglelife shit? I used to be a fan but post-breakup Lor was insufferable. I understand the need to take time to recover from a breakup, I'm not mad that she isn't sunshine and rainbows all the time...it was the wallowing in misery and passive-aggressive shit aimed at the idea that two people can be happy together that I couldn't stand so I jumped ship. It sucks that she got hurt but it wouldn't have killed her to dial the public bitterness back a few notches.

>> No.9106750

Shes been happier ever since she moved to Canada

>> No.9106778

She's in college now and apparently has classes from 8 am to 5 pm six days a week. Calm down.

>> No.9106799

>calm down

>> No.9106801

> kinda pissed
Okay then.

>> No.9106890

she just made a video about this actually and how she worked through it. i had been really put off by her bitterness, but the video shows how mature and self-aware she is.

>> No.9106964

>Shes been happier ever since she moved to Canada
Don't know why, it sucks dick here desu.

>> No.9106968
File: 95 KB, 333x500, 28208017872_4fd33ed6f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why i really enjoy reading her blog, but shes one of my favorites. I wasnt really fond of her AP paris coord though.

>> No.9106988

I love her blog to, she just has an innocent happiness for lolita I really enjoy.

>> No.9107011

Peachie and Lillith have always been my favs, and I actually really enjoyed watching Jillian's earlier videos.

hoping Lillith has a good recovery. I think she had some kind of surgery a while ago and hasn't been allowed to wear anything constricting. can't wait for more lolita vids from her because, nothing against it, but I personally can't stand hearing about otome dating sims, and whatever horrible anime the young kids are watching these days

>> No.9107014

The only Lolita youtuber I like is... I wanna say her sn is Tori Time or something like that? I don't even remember because its been a while since I watched her. The one downside is she doesn't have the best camera, but I love her personality and wardrobe. I liked MilkyFawn too, but she's gone now. Lor is aight, she's the kind of youtuber who I would wanna be friends with, but don't necessarily like their videos that much.

Peachie I absolutely cannot stand and the hype around her is really obnoxious and hypocritical. She's an ageplayer Bodylinechan, if she were male she'd be immediately shunned by the community and everyone here would be obsessively discussing the creepy Scottish sissy. I'm not saying people into ageplay should automatically be shunned (as long as they keep it to themselves, I give no fucks) but you can't try to tell me there isn't a massive double standard. Also, I just don't think Bodylinechans should be held up as lolita rolemodels no matter how well dressed they are, they should just be seen as good inspiration for while you're stuck in your Bodyline phase.

CathyCat is annoying AF. She's the embodiment of trying way too hard to be kawaii and her best videos are the ones where she's showing off her friends wardrobes. Deerstalker without MF is just weak and Elliott and his girlfriend really come off like they think they're a godsend to the Lolita community, that could just be me though. I enjoy some of their videos, however, and obviously they have the best production quality of everyone. HelloBatty is insufferable.

Not nearly as many dicks as America right now.

>> No.9107020

I forgot to mention the biggest reason I don't like Peachie is because I don't like her air of superiority regarding how cheap she is and how people look up to it. She talks a lot about how she's not willing to spend money on brand and in one video where she finally gets her first AP, she acts like it was some kind of bloodbath nightmare dress and goes on about how it was soooo hard to find... it was an AP luckypack dress. Not even like a super old one or anything, like the one from a year prior to her making that video. She also made a big deal about how usually she would never buy brand, but it's her dream dress, so she splurged... that dress goes for like $150, often less. My problem isn't the cheapness, but that people act like it's the way to go in lolita. No. Being as cheap as you can in lolita when you don't need to be means you're just not that dedicated. Peachie may not be rich, but you can tell from the amount of random kawaii shit she buys and all that Bodyline that she wouldn't have a problem investing in a better wardrobe.

>> No.9107024

Out of curiosity, what comm was Lot in before she moved? I always thought LA, but meet up pics I've seen by her seem way too small to be there.

>> No.9107034


>> No.9107067

fucking KEK

>> No.9107077

Same! I really miss lilliths older videos abd coordinates on her tumblr but I didn't know about the surgery, I hope she feels better soon.
And I wish peachie would make more fashion related videos-- or just something other than her rabbits. They're cute and all but I miss her!
I also really love yetaxas coords and I would love if she made more videos, she was really cute in her old school haul vid.

I feel like there isn't any interesting lolita content on YouTube at all lately

>> No.9107080

Peachie just loves cute 80s things. she's a through-and-through sweet lolita. do you hate sweet or something? she's never done anything ageplayer-like, like speak in a fucking baby voice, or talk about sippy cups, nap-time, and diapers. ageplay signs are very obvious. she's consistently presented herself as an adult who enjoys toy collecting and pastel vomit.

as for her unboxing of the cotton candy shop op: it was a gift from a friend. she literally says this in the video, and you should know that since you watched it.

I understand if you just don't like her, or if you passionately hate offbrand, but the lies are embarrassing. sorry you only had enough style sense to struggle through a "bodyline phase" before likely becoming a judgmental brand-ita pillar of salt.

she's a rare example of an almost exclusively BL wardrobe that she coords well.
>ignoring that one milky-chan replica several years ago

>> No.9107083

Peachie herself has admitted she's an ageplayer, anon.

>> No.9107084

I used to hate Beescuit because I dislike GLW, and I saw her pictures everywhere and thought it was annoying. but, minus that fact that I don't know a lick of French, her videos are actually fun to watch.

I wonder if she's done a wardrobe post because she must have a shit ton of mains

>> No.9107086

Where? I saw a video where she seemed to be anti ageplay but I could have misinterpreted that.

>> No.9107087


>> No.9107090

I used to love choke and chokes videos, but since learning more about her scamming ways I don't want to see her at all.
Pity, she was literally my goals.

Goal now: to be choke but not be a giant dick

>> No.9107094

First of all, I'm not anti-offbrand. Bodyline isn't nearly as good quality as the vast majority of offbrand. It's not even the Bodyline as much as how cheap she is while acting like she lives the fashion so much.

Second, we're not even talking about the same video. Go watch her video called "dream dress unboxing". I'm not lying about anything jfc.

>> No.9107150
File: 376 KB, 500x677, 1390416845007[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing I found in the archives after a cursory search. I remember there being a sippy cup photo too but I could be misremembering.

>> No.9107153


wow, you are lying! XD

>> No.9107157

I like her too and think she's really sweet, but wish she would tone down the selfposting a bit.

>> No.9107161

I remember her saying something about being sub, like her boyfriend being the dominant one, but she often posts about shunning dd/lg.

>> No.9107167

Can you list YouTube channels that don't make you want to drink bleach? You must be a weeb if you like those channels.

Batty is a insufferable uneducated cunt who talks about love live and those retarded ass Disney plush things. Isaki is just as insufferable and has just as much annoying self post drama as batty. Cathy is like the annoying love child of batty and Isaki melded into one.

There really isn't much in the YouTube life at the moment. But I also stopped giving a fuck when everyone wanted to be the next Lolita idol.

>> No.9107175

pretty sure anon was being sarcastic

>> No.9107176

This was a friend of her's birthday party..?

>> No.9107178

She /has invested in a nicer wardrobe though. I don't follow her too closely anymore but last time I checked she was selling off most of her bodyline stuff and decided to focus on a smaller lolita wardrobe of things she really liked/that are better quality.

>> No.9107195

Lot, Sodom, pillar of salt
Is cgl spending more time in church?

>> No.9107198

The current Lolita General has put us in a God-fearing mood.

>> No.9107200

I think its all the cross prints/accessories

>> No.9107237

How is a picture of a person in a ball pit someone admitting they're an ageplayer?
Don't hurt yourself from reaching that hard, anon.

>> No.9107238

Isaki is a huge ita and Batty acts like she is holier-than-thou. Did anyone see her lash out on her recent Q&A video where she bitched about YT being her full time job?

>> No.9107243

Being a sub is something that exists completely outside of ageplay. Most sexual relationships have a more dominant and a more submissive partner.