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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 465 KB, 780x246, wwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9101952 No.9101952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em! These 4 are apparently the faces of California Conventions and Cosplay. Someone kill me. Wasn't this taken at a Florida con?

Old one: >>9094153

>> No.9101966

We need to continue this. Why?! This looks so stupid.

>> No.9101968
File: 3.14 MB, 3840x5760, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9101982

now that's what i call vendetta!

>> No.9101984

vendetta chan calm down

>> No.9101986

>man in a cheap wig and store bought costume isn't cringe

I'm sorry, I thought this was 4chan but I seem to be on tumblr

>> No.9101987

Get your vendetta out of here

>> No.9101988

holy shit them salty whales ahoy

>> No.9101990
File: 88 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at his face

>no tits
>man hands
>muscular thin, uncommon for girls

>> No.9101992

Sounds like you just have something against crossdressers. Get your vendetta out of here.

>> No.9101993

Who cares? This isn't cringe

>> No.9101994

She wasn't wearing pants to begin with, but you can see how smoothed out it is because of the photoshop. She actually has a very wrinkly butt to thigh when you look at her normally. Whoever photoshopped this really did a number on it to get rid of her natural cellulite that she has and wrinkles around the bottom of her butt.

>> No.9101995

>whale mad a man looks more feminine than her

>> No.9101996

>posting cringe in a cringe thread
>don't include any form of name or anywhere to find them

I think cgl has forgotten what vendetta actually is

>> No.9101997

Anon, stop being a fucking fag. You're the one who was an complete fucking asshole in the post yourself thread. Again. This person looks fine. Better looking than most girls actually.

>> No.9101999



>better than most girls

where do you live that your women are that ugly?

>> No.9102001

I think your a newfag trying to sounds like an oldfag you so can excuse yourself from posting obvious vendetta.

>> No.9102002

You aren't using that word correctly you retard

>> No.9102003
File: 301 KB, 170x248, 1463155848_팝콘먹자.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is certainly cringe in this thread, but it isn't the person in the images.

>> No.9102009
File: 28 KB, 661x207, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that time a guy made his own contacts? (from a soda bottle)

He had a tutorial, but I can't find it anymore...

>> No.9102011
File: 53 KB, 640x480, sendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9102018

This is a girl. I've met her in person and she's quite small and has a high voice, and imo kind enough to not warrant this vendetta.
She did get a wee defensive in the selfpost thread but your vendetta is a bit of an overreaction unless you're just tryin to shitpost. In which case, gr8 b8 m8.

>> No.9102028

Its someone seriously just shit posting. Im surprised their ban is actually over already. They've already been banned twice for shitposting/vendetta.

>> No.9102038
File: 67 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>> No.9102052
File: 16 KB, 300x228, rubberwalrusprotectors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call the poliiiiice

>> No.9102157
File: 9 KB, 199x200, 098765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plunder Bunny

>> No.9102167

Is there a pic of her with pants on under there?

>> No.9102218

I can't even tell this is a man. This is not cringe.

>> No.9102222
File: 590 KB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-15 08.20.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to whoever called her out: ilu

>> No.9102223
File: 577 KB, 1440x2560, 2016-07-15 08.19.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9102412
File: 80 KB, 640x735, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girls Instagram. shooping, bad wigs, ugly face, shit costests. cringey special snowflake on Facebook too

>> No.9102420

Even the fingers are blurry

>> No.9102451

Such a glorious drag. Almost makes me wish I was friends with her on Facebook just to see the aftermath but no

>> No.9102452


>> No.9102454

I have a girl on facebook who does this weird uguu thing with her mouth in ever ohoto as well

I don't understand??? it looks really bad??

Like it makes me uncomfortable to look at someone when they're doing that with their mouth.

>> No.9102464

I have no idea how I'm still in her list. She made so many purges removing people she "doesn't know"

>> No.9102478

>404 lips not found

>> No.9102482
File: 39 KB, 620x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do this and I fucking hate it. I want to delete every photo I have with it, but that'd be a lot of photos.

>> No.9102535
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, harley.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9102540

squat is done ass to the grass stop half rep fattie

>> No.9102581

People find this attractive?

>> No.9102582

The thing with the boobs scares me. It made me cringe in a way that makes me want to evacuate my stomach.

>> No.9102612

tits don't count if you're a fattie

>> No.9102620
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, harley ivy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9102623



>> No.9102625


Oh goddamnit it is porn. For fucks sake why.

Did the "how do you feel about cosplay porn" thread sage already? Because if not I'd like to change my vote to a hearty "hell the fuck no"

>> No.9102634

sauce? For science

>> No.9102657

I'm pretty sure this is a skit. I remember seeing this girl with with Supermaryface or something along the lines.

>> No.9102663
File: 272 KB, 750x1170, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lining up for masquerade
> sat by Lady Loki cosplayer
> she yells shit hoping the emcees will hear her every two seconds
> no one is laughing at her, it's seriously only her
> I can' take it anymore, I need to leave before I say something and feel like a huge bitch
> Loki beast is still yelling shit and I can hear her from the back of the auditorium.
> Contemplate just leaving because the judges have taken longer than an hour than what they said to actually make some decisions.
> Oh cool I won a category above what I registered for. Glad I stayed.
> Looks at con Instagram tag. Oh look, Loki beast posted something.
> oh.... Oh god....
> this explains everything
Nude sets for $20...? Dude you're just doing it for attention at this point. Fuckin hell.

>> No.9102670
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 2 Harley's And An Ivy _ FanFic Theatre [Episode 1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9102769
File: 19 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1468606212437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX adventures of no-neck-chan, her store bought costume, and her bad Photoshop

>> No.9102771
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>> No.9102773
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>> No.9102776
File: 20 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1468606206958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9102784

holy shit the thumbnail looks like a PS1 screenshot

>> No.9102801
File: 100 KB, 560x420, 996-58173f5f-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9102906

Can someone please post the photo of that unfortunate looking girl cosplaying dramatical murder who's in a forest with her bare ass against a tree? I can't remember her name but it's important.

>> No.9103066
File: 54 KB, 427x640, 1304674728997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old terrible roommate was a fattie with H cup boobs. didn't ever shut the fuck up bout how huUUUUGGGEEE her tits were, tried to insinuate i felt bad about my A cups and that I was jealous (100 lbs vs. 270 lbs bodies lol), and couldn't do the exercise cuz her boobs were too big to run or do anything else.

>> No.9103071

>huge tits means im hot shit
No youre just shit. Like jesus and men eat this shit up.

>> No.9103110
File: 901 KB, 693x815, we'reallsoldiersnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9103116

Who is this? I want sauce

>> No.9103136

Oh shit is this that chick with the really bad Kuzco?

>> No.9103159

I think you mean Gluezco

>> No.9103160

We have a winner

>> No.9103165

I knew I recognized her face.. I'm actually kind of pissed because I like her corset videos and now I don't like anything she does because of this.

>> No.9103167

Hers are 95% silicone not fat.

>> No.9103171

>needing fake tits when you're that fat
it's not like having massive unnatural lumps on top of your massive natural rolls are gonna make you more appealing
what happened to this girl to set her priorities so far out of whack

>> No.9103177
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, rarity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she has plenty of fans and makes over $1000 a month from patreon

>> No.9103288

You had one job and you failed! L IS HIS WHITE SHIRT! you cant just wear a brown shirt and be L! All it takes is to go to walmart and buy a damn white shirt!

>> No.9103307

there are thousands of men that see a nice pair of tits and completely forget about the rest of a woman. Usually they don't pay attention to the face and personality. most do care if they're overweight though

>> No.9103334

Looks like a classic case of befriending fat uggos to make yourself look better, wp Mary

>> No.9103341

This is making my chest hurt to be honest. It just looks so painful.

>> No.9103486


>> No.9103489

She's nothing but an attention whore, using whatever terms needed for tumblr to get behind her since her usual following of neckbeards has decreased incredibly over the past year. She calls her fans 'gender rebels' and was on Botched just to go on there, tell the camera over and over and over about her YouTube and Facebook and then when the surgeon explained for her chest to not have stretch marks she had to go down a size, she walked out of the office.

The surgeon turned to the camera and basically explained that she will never be happy with her chest without realizing that going smaller is what a surgeon is able to do to fix these things she wants. She plans to go to Korea and get this shit done which is only going to make it worst.

>> No.9103490

The skit was funny, but only because of the dude and the only one who was actually good looking was SuperMaryFace. Envy and Penny are just disgusting. Body wise, attitude wise, and man their fucking makeups are horrible.

>> No.9103493
File: 95 KB, 744x634, boobs didnt get me attention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Mary was their friend, but what wound up happening was Envy and Penny made a whole stink about not getting attention at all during the convention on their patreon pages. Mary apparently had a fine time, but these two fat fucks didn't get all the "OH WOW BOOBS CAMERAS OUT BOYS" attention and blamed it all on body shaming and not just the fact that their costumes were shitty, their makeup was shitty, their personalities are a complete turnoff from people, and that they are just overall unappealing to take photos of.

>> No.9103535

Does anyone have a link to that video of the girl, about 15, talking about her dream dress "Rose Toilet", and how she's getting much better at "loleater faashiyon" despite her local com bullying her?
I doubt it was serious, but it always gave me a chuckle.

>> No.9103600

I'm so happy this person called her out. She constantly posts and says in videos that she's "a savage" and that she doesn't "sugarcoat" things and talks about how she's brutally honest about shit. And yet, when someone is brutally honest with her she can't handle it. I fucking hate how many people buy in to her whiny bullshit sympathy posts. She's a dick to people who, for some odd reason, try to be nice to her. She lashed out on someone when she posted that she'd be buying a shitty pre-made Iron Man suit to use to cosplay the new black Iron Man. Someone commented saying "You should wait to see the rest of the suit so that way you don't waste money on something that might not look right" and she lost her fucking mind over it. She cussed them out, saying they were being "rude" and then made 3 statuses bitching about people "coming on to her page and being rude" or fucking whatever. She takes any slight remark of advice as a personal fucking attack. She started posting about how all the posts about Pokemon Go are super annoying and that people ruined the game for her, yet now she posts non-stop about it and says that people complaining about the amount of posts about Pokemon Go are annoying. She flip-flops back and forth between shit daily. She posted something bitching about people who say Pokemon Go is dumb and someone told her off and her response was, I shit yee not, "It was a joke. My post was a joke, couldn't you tell I was being sarcastic?" she's fucking insane and I'd go try to find the post to screenshot and post it but the bitch posts 1000 things a damn day so it takes forever to scroll just to something posted a day or two ago. She also constantly makes posts complaining about how people will interact with her friend's posts but not her posts, about how people delete her as a FB friend, and other weird ass shit like that. The bitch is crazy and needs to be dragged.

>> No.9103608


Here you go, anon. I happen to be going to Hyper Japan this year, so I may end up seeing her.

>> No.9103623

anon, that vendetta of yours... you need to...
let it go

>> No.9103625

was about to eat and now I don't want to.
This is amazing reverse thinspo ngl

>> No.9103627

The wig needs work but Jesus this isn't cringe. This is just a less then spectacular cosplay but still an okay attempt. Vendetta-chan go somewhere else. You look stupid.

>> No.9103634

Her refusal to improve as a cosplayer just shows what kind of person she is. I'm not Facebook friends with her but I do follow her on Instagram for the lulz. She gets mad when people tell her how to improve her cosplays and then goes on to act like she's hot shit when all of her stuff is hot glued together. She's so embarrassing.

>> No.9103645

i feel kinda sorry for her...
i guess that coord is okay for a beginner?
just what's wrong with her, can she even outgrow this weeb phase

>> No.9103646

>the amount of Pokemon Go posts are annoying

She's not wrong.

>> No.9103671

Well to be fair I have had to put up with a shit load of football posts over the years.

>> No.9103712

Perhaps it was white before he put it on...

>> No.9103734

So does she pay me if I fuck her? Or can I claim it back from the government for doing a public service.

>> No.9104054


thanks, anon.

>> No.9104070


>> No.9104075

this feels fake

>> No.9104171

I'm so confused, what's going on here?

>> No.9104223
File: 105 KB, 750x487, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9104333


>> No.9104354

Was this deleted? I can't find it.

>> No.9104397

Yeah. She probably got pissed that people were calling her out on her hypocrisy.

>> No.9104409
File: 62 KB, 450x440, sk7EEoS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104415

that is pretty cringy.

>> No.9104419

see, now its not the body nor the actions per se but about halfway through, they seem so full of themself. like "oh yeah. I'm sexy" and I'm like "well, not with that personality"

also, CGL really hates fat people apparently.

>> No.9104523
File: 221 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chimp out after people called her out for giving out affiliate links without disclosing they were affiliate links.

>> No.9104524
File: 679 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104559
File: 1.71 MB, 332x332, fac292d3-e648-4540-9488-cfb7e7682e5b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9104560
File: 339 KB, 1280x1707, 8f08caa4-afa0-4828-8daa-533ff5202395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy jacket

>> No.9104571

/r/ing that one guy who way overshoops himself to look like a kawaii aidoru, can't remember if the series was pripara or aikatsu but I wanted to show a friend. Those pictures were everywhere on cgl why are they so hard to find?

>> No.9104573

Underrated post

>> No.9104575

Those are all stolen images! Lol. I'm so sure they give you what is in the photo? Also, underage and can't get PayPal. Please. We know you have one.

>> No.9104630

sweet jesus why

>> No.9104717

an oldie but a goodie


>> No.9104738

Every gotdamn thread

>> No.9104766

She deleted her original post and then made these thousand excuses. I REALLY hope no one uses these affiliate links. I reported it to the mods but it's still up.

>> No.9104768

Wait a minute, fat berry is underage? Doesn't she have a porn patreon?!

>> No.9104780

w-what brand is this from, anon? I'm troubled by this image.

>> No.9104900

Maybe LissyFishy?

>> No.9105123
File: 714 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20160717_150812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9105143

That blastoise looks like garbage but I'll at least give him credit for cosplaying to body type.

>> No.9105170
File: 65 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1468664306723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims it cost over $700 to build

>> No.9105178

that isn't little berry retard

>> No.9105188

Relax, he may have had to rebuy and remake things because he's not a professional.

>> No.9105190

He spent $130 on pants anon, he didn't even make them

>> No.9105210


>> No.9105211

You miss out so much.

She's an immense hypocrit.
I tried to help and give her tipps once. It was about not glueing everything together and probably get sewing. Her argument was that thread is expensive.. yet she buys superhero suits all the time just to rip them apart and show skin because that's "her style" and totally not slutting up cosplays for attention as everyone else but her.

>> No.9105256

>no tits
I see plenty of tits
>man hands
long fingers
>muscular thin
lol I have a build like that and can name plenty of more in my group of friends

Now get the fuck outta here.. I don't even know this girl, but you're being salty af.

>> No.9105351

>made his own contacts? (from a soda bottle)
That sounds dangerous, soda bottle plastic is too thick and too hard.

>> No.9105360

Well, in our defence, huge tits are pretty great.

>> No.9105406

I actually love fat women, but even I am too put off by her face.

>> No.9105409
File: 848 KB, 900x1600, 1264d48a-37f2-4dd8-b064-a41ecce7a0d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9105427

Tbh I think being so rustled by SJW that you put the effort into being an anti-SJW "activist" is 1000% more cringe than just being a SJW.

>> No.9105438

"Anti-SJWs" only exist because of how bad SJWs are in the first place. But I agree that it's pretty fucking stupid to go out of your way to be "anti" of them. It's a way of giving them power over you.

>> No.9105442
File: 94 KB, 2048x1536, FB_IMG_1468808297969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9105446
File: 93 KB, 2048x1536, FB_IMG_1468808443142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9105476

Why in the fuck is a shitty pink wig involved in this. What the hell does that even have to do with the rest of this shambling horror

>> No.9105485

Reynosa fag here. OMG, you went to Pokefest today?

>> No.9105498


>> No.9105565

The 2nd biggest cringe in Texas next to Jebus


>> No.9105570


>> No.9105606

Thank you Captain Obvious.

>> No.9105616
File: 45 KB, 640x476, Hokuto no Ken 060 (DVD 640x476 x264 10bit AC3) [3906F6DB].mkv_snapshot_16.26_[2016.05.04_01.36.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernie Sanders
Easily the funniest part

>> No.9105623
File: 1.46 MB, 500x205, 15-tusk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Screaming externally*

>> No.9105629
File: 323 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_5468486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reynosa fag

Indeed I did. I saw horrible cosplay everywhere I went. Shitty cosplay judges and even shittier cosplay. At least it was a free event.

>> No.9105630

It's literally correct. BLM is a terrorist organisation.

You fucking cuck.

>> No.9105640
File: 104 KB, 1084x720, 1451713366118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9105643
File: 44 KB, 960x540, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously does this retard even wear different cosplays he has been doing exact same cosplay the last 4 years

>> No.9105651

Oh no, I actually really like these clothes.

>> No.9105653

This bitch is the spitting image of a girl from my high school.

>> No.9105659

the dog isn't even the right color

>> No.9105674

You're not alone, anon

>> No.9105679

But did you see the legend this weekend? I don't think I did

>> No.9105682

Anyone here know anything about a local mall con in Virginia? I talked to this guy dressed as Marshal Lee, claiming to cosplay for a living but had 3D printed his ax in quarter scale and only had pictures of closet cosplay. I wanted more sauce.

>> No.9105701

It will always piss me off that she has a pretty good body, but an ugly as fuck face.

>> No.9105714


>> No.9105860

is that a beached whale squirming to get back into the sea?

>> No.9106098

These weren't the worse cosplays at Poke'Fest /Pokémon Festival
I saw a lot worse!

>> No.9106108

>going on Botched to talk about her boobs
>her only worthy asset
>not going on Botched to see if she can get double chin or arm lipo
Fuck she's a stupid slag.

>> No.9106130

I saw worse than that!

>> No.9106133

This wasn't the worst

>> No.9106139

Is this the girl with the Levi and Eren photoshoot where in one of the pictures she appeared putting Eren's basement key in the other girl's ass or is this the wrong cow

>> No.9106195
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 13645126_1118739434881789_5741323224647790579_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The polyvore trim is what gets me.

>> No.9106214


>> No.9106226

Same girl

>> No.9106244

What is this reaction image from?
Sage for OT

>> No.9106248

Sauce please?

>> No.9106250

The movie 'Tusk' I believe. Kevin Smith tried his hand at a horror/comedy and it's certainly something haha

>> No.9106307


>> No.9106310

oh god why

>> No.9106313

Look at that bear wiping his ass against a tree.
Truly majestic.

>> No.9106338
File: 71 KB, 1024x577, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even a character?

>> No.9106343

so how many sex offenders do you think are in those suits?

>> No.9106527

Oh Bullshit, this wasn't that bad.

>> No.9106531

Damn anon. I'm sorry your mew two costume got posted here

>> No.9106547

I think that Botched has at least one attention whore per episode who makes up a reason to talk to the surgeons to show off and be on tv, knowing full well they don't plan on getting anything done. It makes me rage.

>> No.9106559

this seems like more of a nitpick to me.

I wish she'd chosen a different skirt material and...desu i dont know what's going on with her pants (boots?)near the ankles but its possible they look better in person than in this pic.

Anyways idk why this would be in a cringe thread

>> No.9106571

I can kinda see why it was posted. There's a lot of bad choices going on is apparent. This things I noticed right away being that the crown is too large for her head, and the shape is wrong. The skirt/pant combo she's got going on doesn't look good, and her sleeves look better suited to Rainbow Dash in color. The trim mentioned in the first post also isn't flattering at all.

I really just think what made the anon that posted cringe was the amount of bad choices in the whole outfit.

>> No.9106589

Thank you because now I have the urge to watch it. You're a saint and a scholar Anon.

>> No.9106591

take it as a learning experience and ask how to improve. It sucks when you wind up on these boards but the truth hurts. Take it and learn from it.

>> No.9106615
File: 117 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1468893710666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you legally blind? This looks like it was made on the way to a event or convention. Inb4 #cosplayisforeverybody or that hashtag this shitty photographer uses.

>> No.9106638
File: 561 KB, 1280x1280, THAT FUCKING WIG IS2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw there are no good aobas anywhere

>> No.9106639

It's gross and hardly even funny.

>> No.9106645
File: 493 KB, 1280x1707, please kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fuck up a bodysuit like that

>> No.9106658
File: 78 KB, 460x460, 1459376928987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no creases on her hand
what the fuck

>> No.9106706

Not enough saturation.

>> No.9106757


Literally all of it

>> No.9106769

This looks like the Lucky Star uniform.

>> No.9106785

fuck you all
its just normal people doing cheap cospalays to have fun

its you dont like it you can u can go fuck your self

>> No.9106797
File: 126 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1468903694361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say normal people can do better, most of these are just emberassing and are one of the reasons why people think cosplay is weird.

Can any RGV fag tell me why this autistic guy keeps cosplaying the same character every year? I keep seeing him act strangely around younger cosplayers and just wondered what his deal was.....

>> No.9106811

Ah, found him. He goes by Hiiro, and the series is Precure.
I can't find a solid source but Googling those things should be sufficient.

>> No.9106819

If you saw who won 1st, you would say the same thing

>> No.9106823

This isn't as bad as first place, those shit judges are fucken idiots!

>> No.9106824

Suudowoodo is his fave obv.

>> No.9106849
File: 2.99 MB, 256x195, 1243594993_cupcakedog-war-flashbacks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't say they are also the Levi and Eren with the disgusting sex tumblr.

>> No.9106867
File: 1.05 MB, 910x612, Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.28.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis doesn't deserve this.

>> No.9106880

Fuck you, Snek

>> No.9106917

Fuck you, Spaghetti

>> No.9106923
File: 119 KB, 640x960, 13731968_1820477234851217_4670237491558306604_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fat whore was friends with all three judges of course she was going to win all the judges are just old hags who are getting worse at cosplay and are leaning towards "sexy" cosplay

>> No.9107012


It's funny, I wasn't even seeing the cosplayers in the front (who don't really look that cringe to be honest), that fat Heather in the background is pretty terrifying though.

>> No.9107016

okay, I'm out of the loop. What the hell con was this?

>> No.9107029
File: 234 KB, 1080x1620, 08bd3e70-d1fc-4846-b7dd-fe33db86e82a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face is cringe

>> No.9107058

Pokéfest, Reynosa apparently.

I wonder how >>9106923 feels about the person wearing >>9105442 >>9106615 calling her a disgusting fat whore who only won 1st place because her judge friends are old hags.

Stay classy, Mexico.

>> No.9107082

You know an actual SJW would be so much more cringe and annoying. You must be really far up tumblr's ass to think this and the BLM statement is cringe.

>> No.9107085

bad photoshop is what the fuck

>> No.9107095

Devoting that much time and energy to hating a movement comprised of mostly teenage girls is sad. Grow up and live your life

>> No.9107177
File: 1.36 MB, 1366x768, 1457152740437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when blastoise is your body type

>> No.9107187

>bullshit snowflakery
>where's the dignity

>> No.9107189

stop pokeshaming anon

>> No.9107221
File: 254 KB, 1080x1791, sketch-1467625872030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw gravity

>> No.9107313

It was actually a shitty Texas event. A free event where people go and pretend like they can afford a convention.

>> No.9107366

Oh God Wtf is that!

>> No.9107371

I still can't get over Tara's "please god help me" face

>> No.9107376

I find nothing sexy about this!

>> No.9107441

Pokémon Festival mcallen tx

>> No.9107445

Don't they send her free shit if she reaches a certain amount of people using that code? that's what they did for my underage friend.

>> No.9107482

That's why #3 is funny.

>> No.9107504

They are plenty of adults on both sides and arguably spend the same amount of time screaming about each other.

You're not really any better than the folks you're complaining about passive aggressively posting your vendetta into this cringe thread.

>> No.9107540


>> No.9107559

I didn't post that. Anti-SJWs are like a cancer and I avoid them and their shitty blogs at all costs. The post was definitely cringe but so is half of Tumblr

>> No.9107569

... you can't see how people who have to use the term SJW to define themselves, either pro or contra, are cringy?
That's what I'm getting out of your post, disregard if I'm reading it wrong.

>> No.9107602

They look like 12 years old

>> No.9107608

>look boys, i'm not like the other girls!

>> No.9107681

I believe in cosplay for everyone but just like I don't want to see some guys balls sack in spandex , I don't want to see her cottage cheese thighs and acne scars on her legs. Someone buy her some panty hose please!!!!!!

>> No.9107750

Literally nothing bad about this cosplay

>> No.9107829
File: 40 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1468984419323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh.. really?

>> No.9107871

the only thing that contorted when i saw this pic was muh dikk

>> No.9107912

Isn't Umaru like 12..?

>> No.9107914


>> No.9107916
File: 15 KB, 600x582, FB_IMG_1468989879605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in my newsfeed when my friend linked me this thread

>> No.9107919


>> No.9107957

she has cottage cheese on her thighs and she aint even fat

>> No.9107965

A lot of skinny/fit people have cellulite. It's unfortunate but females are just often cursed with it.
>inb4 thats not true and everyone with cellulite is lazy and fat

>> No.9107981

It sucks. My mom is a size 0 and even she has them. It just happens as you get older or go through puberty. There isn't much you can do about it. I tell my boyfriend all the time because I have a little and I don't wear shorts often because of it and he goes on and on about how doing squats makes them go away and lotions and all this bullshit. I just look at him like, "You.... Are so fucking dumb. Why do I like you again?"

>> No.9107998

>Onyx the Fortuitous narrating
Ha! I immediately recognized his voice. Top kek.

>> No.9108003

Squats could work, but you'd have to get huge. Cellulite is just there to stay for the most part if you have it while you're skinny.

>> No.9108022
File: 33 KB, 256x256, tumblr_nuaq5nyIkC1uecw3xo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9108029
File: 52 KB, 1363x316, 2016-07-20 02.14.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she the 12 year old running rampant in the lolita comms?

>> No.9108038

hi frances

>> No.9108047

She's 16

>> No.9108063

This right here needs it's own cringe thread. Gross

>> No.9108090

Stop picking on her, single moms need a hobby too. With that said, why the fuck would you wear something like this to a family event? I can imagine all her cosplay are try hard sexy types.

>> No.9108217

Thoughs stockings are offensive..

>> No.9108230


>> No.9108253

Everything on this manchild's channel


>> No.9108290

I am so confused

>> No.9108304

Why is Heathers boot missing

>> No.9108340

Not gonna name drop since girl tends to get threads deleted when she's called out. Just gonna call her Liz.

>Liz makes a post about Jeffery star and his horrible attitude leading to why she's not using him any more.

>weeaboo girl freaks out because she idolizes Jeffery star.

>Liz makes statement that any one who still supports him knowing what horrible scum he is to others is an idiot.

>weeaboo freaks out more because Liz indirectly but directly called her an idiot. Proceeds to keyboard rape.

>Liz starts making fun of weeaboo for their "great makeup skills"

>weeaboo screams " why you looking at my photos bitch?" When her photos are public.

>Liz starts to drop more bombs making herself look even more cringy then usual.

Seriously why can't you just ignore the ignorant bitch Liz? Oh wait I forgot you get some sort of high when you can argue with someone about something so trivial.

>> No.9108343

Both parties sound dumb in this scenario desu
>complaining about something in a cringe thread without posting said cringe

>> No.9108360

I'd seriously d8 that regardless of gender. Anon why you try b8 my future m8 when she/he looks g8? Your vendetta jelly is a sign of your own obvious hambeast w8.

>> No.9108362

not OP, she looks like a gate? go back to edgy school, you clearly need more practice with memespeak

>> No.9108389
File: 919 KB, 1423x1408, Screenshot_20160720-132912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People still using costume satin an ten cent lace in 2016.
This girl draped her entire ball gown by hand in muslin and it was turning out beautifuly, then decides to buy $70 worth of fabric to make it from.

>> No.9108460

Ugh. Several cosplay deviants have stooped to the level of "sexy Umaru." Worst I've seen is Foxy doing like 11 year old style Hermione Granger.

>> No.9108483

Which is hilarious because they have declined sets like one from three years ago by a French girl who did a CCS set and their reasoning it was declined was that she was dressed as a child character who was stripping.

>> No.9108514


>> No.9108532

all of cosplaydeviants is cringe.
fat rolls, ass acne, & everything looking cheap, ill fitted, or closet level before they take it off.

>> No.9108542

>fat rolls, ass acne

Don't they edit the photos? Seriously?

>> No.9108546

Well yeah but it'd take a lot of Photoshop to hide how haggard most of the models are.

>> No.9108562
File: 76 KB, 480x720, tumblr_o4uy01jaqt1qizc9so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.9108567


ok wtf if these fat bitches are making money doing this, how can I, an attractive young man, do the same? Is there no male equivalent?

>> No.9108574

Can anybody be a Cosplay Deviant? I mean, there clearly aren't any requirements

I was actually wondering the same thing

>> No.9108609

Barf! Gross ass shit!

>> No.9108651
File: 183 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl strangled my friend for no reason at one con. She also likes to wear no shoes, underwear and throws a hissy fit when her friends won't do her make up. Plus her fishy smell probably repluses anyone that goes near her.

>> No.9108654

This is even more painful to look at now. Buy something decent online if the only option you have near you is this shit.
Good to know she put as much thought and effort into the location and props as she did into the cosplay.

>> No.9108663

I was in a fairy group with her at hyper Japan. Her feet were black from walking around with no shoes on I almost vomited ><

>> No.9108708

And what is the point of posting all this....?

>> No.9108713
File: 186 KB, 480x506, Screenshot_2016-07-20-18-05-30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is cringe.
Her photos have so much photoshop and airbrush its cringy. Then she claims to not slut shame to justify her posting photos of her disgusting photoshopped body. Everything about her cosplays are fake as fuck.

>> No.9108717

Tweenies? I think lolita has never been populated mostly by teens.
>36 year old sweet and goth
Uh, I'm gonna need pictures too, OP. I somehow doubt she's anything but an ita.

>> No.9108718

Thats the idiot who started the yaya han toxic fabric rumor...

>> No.9108719

I cringe every time I see someone with a Japanese inspired fucking name when they are from America and white as hell and not even an ounce of Japanese. Just weeby as fuck.

>> No.9108743

Instead of being a pussy, you could of just said it to their face lmao.
Sure, I agree their cosplay sucks but I think the most pathetic person right now is you.

>> No.9108747

So..Is this you?

>we are petty
>anonymous board

Get with it, or get out.

>> No.9108757
File: 365 KB, 960x1280, 13227275_226188617762571_2387408598829158219_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was friends with them on facebook and i had to unfriend after about a week. SHE was so annoying. She will preach up and down that shes a boy and that you need to respect her pronouns but then does shit like this.

>> No.9108760

I was just about to ask if this was the same chick. She has so many boob shot and panty shot images and then turns around and claims she is a different gender all the time. Congratulations. You identify as a boy, however, are you technically a hermaphrodite then biologically since you keep flashing your vag and tits all over? I don't give a fuck what you are gender wise, but biologically you are going to have people call you a girl by doing this shit.

>> No.9108761

>Face doesn't even match the rest of their body

>> No.9108763

she also claims to be JAPANESE BORN,,,,honey, no, youre just a weeaboo transtrender

>> No.9108779

shes obviously a transtrender and its fucking annoying

>> No.9108817

what if this was a cis guy dressing up as a girl... i doubt any of you guys would question if hes really a guy lmao

>> No.9108820

How does this 4chan reply thing work?? But fuck yeah, thanks for posting about me dude. I'm curious who you are since you can't say it to my face but I feel famous af rn. I love my shitty cosplay and my lovely drama. Please love me 4chan board.

>> No.9108824

Odd since that's my real name. But good job on the roast dude.

>> No.9108828

no, but practically all actually transgender people would be so uncomfortable and dysphoric from doing shit like that that they'd be in a depressive episode and considering self harm, while you clearly appear to be enjoying it
sorry you're getting called out on your tumblr shit honey but accept that you're not fucking special

>> No.9108829

This is so sad

>> No.9108832

I'm not trans though. So I'm nt sure what you mean. I'm genderfluid. Who told you I was trans? This is kinda fun, never argued on 4chan before.

>> No.9108833

>but practically all
ok but [citation needed] bud

>> No.9108849

This right here was an ongoing joke for 2 years in high school between me and my friends. I still laugh whenever i see rubber nipples.

>> No.9108853

I have rubber nipples? Sounds p chill ngl.

>> No.9108856

are you retarded he wasn't even talking to you

>> No.9108864

I'm dying.

>> No.9108865

It's always nice to see the "body positivity" types hit the face of reality and realize no matter what they say, how they pump themselves up, there's just certain standards of beauty people have.

>> No.9108868

Thats okay though. People have opinions, that's chill.

>> No.9108872

This isn't a serious post anymore, got boring.

>> No.9108874


>> No.9108878

how unfortunate

>> No.9108881
File: 464 KB, 615x611, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she put her head through the boob window.

>> No.9108889
File: 299 KB, 445x450, 1468909534058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9108891

wow as a DIAGNOSED transgender, thats incorrect! trans people/the community does not usually self harm at all! stop being a fucking moron lmaooo

>> No.9108893

well he is?? so.....
trying to locate your brain, and i cant find it >:[

>> No.9108895

>trans people dont usually self harm
oh you sweet summer child

>> No.9108897

>diagnosed transgender

>> No.9108899
File: 80 KB, 540x602, IMG_20160720_201831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9108901

>they'd be in a depressive episode and considering self harm
You shouldn't use Tumblr as your source for what trans people are like.

>> No.9108902

Actually, funny story. I ripped the ears off by accident. Sucks because I have to buy a new one but not sure if that was a roast or observation.

>> No.9108903

I still can't believe I've gotten so popular that I've been posted on 4chan, lol.

>> No.9108904

Oh, so >>9108743 was her?

>> No.9108906

Wow you must be funny af taking screenshots. If any of you are going to make a 4chan post at least be good at roasting, lord.

>> No.9108907


yes, actually! there are "gender specialists" that have to give you the "okay" for hormones. And they consider self-harming as a "transtrending" activity and would deny hormone replacement.

>> No.9108908

i love it when people have outrageous reactions like this. theyre the pussies for not being able to handle criticism online

>> No.9108909
File: 1.13 MB, 876x1200, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coscom is always such a cringefest.
this person is trying to say how cosplayers shouldn't have to wear makeup because acne / redness isn't a flaw and shouldn't be covered up

ok d00d

>> No.9108910


>> No.9108911

i would LOVE to see some your cosplays!! to prove you are better at it, and justify this HARASSMENT.

>> No.9108912

Woww so mature with stalking their Instagram.
Brownie points to you

>> No.9108913

It's a double-edged sword.
Admittedly, yes, if you don't like someone, unfollowing or telling them would be more logical.
But at the same time, don't fool yourself into thinking everyone likes everything you post online.

>> No.9108914

someone get the mods in here to clean up this tumbo circlejerk

>> No.9108915

"tumbo circlejerk"
are you 12

>> No.9108916

oh you sweet summer child
Please never let the world ruin you, we need more naivety in the world

>> No.9108917
File: 924 KB, 500x245, Laganja_THIS_IS_JUST_TOO_FUCKING_MUCH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord this thread

>> No.9108918

Please ^^

>> No.9108919

are you a parrot? only brainless birds repeat everything people say

>> No.9108921

Oh I hate that argument.
Fictional characters usually tend to have flawless skin and chiseled features. Most people don't. That's what the makeup is for, that's why you'll look better with it.
It's not some shitty beauty advertisement, it's just accuracy.

>> No.9108922
File: 91 KB, 478x359, 155285042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think the "mods" will help this?

>> No.9108923

well considering i take hormones, have a legal name change, and am currently saving for surgery.
i think i might know more than douchebags who just call me tumblr.
and honestly kys. you are hiding behind an "anonymous" curtain.

>> No.9108924

Mods usually clean out the cringe threads because this level of shit happens often.
Or the whole thing will get deleted. Let's see.

>> No.9108925

lol, you act like no one else on this board is trans

>> No.9108927

youre right, i can bet 5 fucking dollars that none of you whom are trans on this board have a working brain or hormone replacement lmao

>> No.9108928

Why would you want to present anything other than your very best?
GR6 is a fickle beast, but yeah. Someone get the namefags out of here.

>> No.9108929

hngg my dick

>> No.9108931

Maybe some people cant afford hormone replacement ?

>> No.9108933


>> No.9108934

I'll take that $5

>> No.9108937

Elliscos you do realize it's not stalking if your account is public and 1000 people follow it right?

>> No.9108938

Anon-Seymon-Shin is samefagging so horribly.

>> No.9108939
File: 91 KB, 554x439, 172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it is the cringe thread after all.

>> No.9108940

ironically, yall probably even have me on fb if you have shin

>> No.9108941

too bad you are apart of gender-shaming and thats guide 101 of not being a "real" transgender

>> No.9108943

What is even going on now omg?

>> No.9108945

Hey hey do you like dick

>> No.9108946

Nothing interesting. im about to dip bc they all dumb as the "all lives matter crowd" gtgtg

>> No.9108947

What is a same-fagging? Also Toryn I am positive these people are on our facebook. Wonder why they don't pm me??? Crazy.

>> No.9108948

Please spank me daddy

>> No.9108949


>> No.9108950

do you realize how fucking ignorant you sound? we are talking about cosplay not racial issues.

>> No.9108951

Is that to me? Fuck yeah I do.

>> No.9108952

Okay-- how would you feel if someone messaged you with "your photos look terrible, they're badly photoshopped and I'm not sure why you thought they looked okay"

Be honest.

>> No.9108955

obviously not, learn how to use 4chan before you come on here next time, newfag

>> No.9108957

>I am positive these people are on our facebook
Yes, all 179 people here are on your facebook, you egotistical twat.

>> No.9108958

Yeah probably.

>> No.9108960

social justice people can't go five seconds without inserting their political views into a post just ignore it

>> No.9108961

Teach me how to use it baby.

>> No.9108962

I wouldn'tcare and would unfriend them. Probably make a fb post than delete it. Its just cosplay, not that serious.

>> No.9108963

Please daddy, I'll be good <3

>> No.9108965

then why are you here, sweety?

>> No.9108966

Aaaaand if you don't care, why are you here throwing a hissy fit over it?

>> No.9108971

Cmon Elliscos you can be more mature than that

>> No.9108974

Hissy fit? I am literay not even angry. If you think my cosplay is ugly cool, if you think I'm ugly, cool. I enjoy threads like this, I'm mostly just passing time as i drive in 2 hours of traffic. Yall funny. Btw ellicos and I are two different people incase someone gets us mixed up.

>> No.9108975

fucking lol

>> No.9108977

Stop fucking fighting and get back to posting cringy cosplays. Dont like the thread? Fucking leave. Its annoying as hell and obviously you care. You wouldnt be here if you didnt. Don't be an idiot and leave the god damn thread alone.

>> No.9108979

I like this thread. Think I'll keep commenting. No one is fighting.

>> No.9108981

>It's not a fight until I say it's a fight
Oh good, you're one of those.

>> No.9108984

You really suck at this who bullying thing. I can teach you a few tricks.

>> No.9108988

Aww daddy noticed me <3

>> No.9108989
File: 33 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1469062907234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9108992

>pointing out logical inconsistencies is the same thing as bullying
Mostly I just want you to stop shitting up the board. You clearly don't belong here, given how you can't take gentle ribbing without acting like a toddler.

>> No.9108994

The eyebrows combined with the cut of the wig looks awkward, but other than that, it seems fine.

Unless the concept is cringe? I can't tell what they're supposed to be.

>> No.9108995
File: 53 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1469063114571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god

>> No.9108996

They're hot tf

>> No.9108998

those eyebrows oh my god im crying

>> No.9108999

the NOSE contour is SO bad, and its the vamp girl from adventure time

>> No.9109000

I don't wanna daddy D:

>> No.9109001

eyebrows are a little much but they look like they have potential!

>> No.9109002

everyone knows its you

>> No.9109003


>> No.9109007

Mordecai (?) Is cute

>> No.9109008

The nose contour's a little awkward but it's not bad. I've seen worse.

That changes things.

>> No.9109009

yea omg hes cute af

>> No.9109010

And? I'm actually having fun.
I mean whoever posted about me could have messaged me lmao but it's their opinion so

>> No.9109012

just have fun, stop being a d0uche

>> No.9109014

you do realize not just one person posted about you right

>> No.9109015

Do people actually type like these mouth breathers in less civilized parts of the internet?

>> No.9109016

Eh really?
I mean okay then.
Have fun, I already know I have shitty cosplay and an ugly face.
What's going to change exactly?

>> No.9109018

Nah you perf.

>> No.9109020

yes completely yall gr8

>> No.9109021

maybe your shitty personality? i mean -- spank me daddy XDDDD I'm so randum

>> No.9109022
File: 73 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9109023

Considering they're from Facebook and Tumblr, yeah.

>> No.9109025

Yes I'm an asshole, hasn't really pass my mind lmao

>> No.9109026

okay honestly who even uses tumblr

>> No.9109027

Glad I've never had either, then.

>> No.9109028

Idk but I don't even have one lol

>> No.9109029

I sell them hot nudes on there.

>> No.9109030

you're also 16 so get the fuck off an 18+ website

>> No.9109031

me neither desu

>> No.9109034

Your degenerate speech suggests otherwise.

>> No.9109035

The thread after this was great up until the "shut up guys its just cosplay I'd like to see you do better/we're all just adults playing dress up" kids showed.

>> No.9109039

It was funny at first but now it's really annoying, yeah.

>> No.9109041

But let's see if you all know I'm 16, but you're telling me to get off an 18+ site, I'm guessing you're all "young adults"

>> No.9109045

Yeah, the majority of us are 18+, and the ones who aren't do a good job of hiding it, unlike you.

>> No.9109046

I'm not the one who brought my age up tho lol
But I mean if y'all 18+ why not go and pick someone your age

>> No.9109047

Didn't someone point out the gun was just a piece of wood with the picture glued on?

But apparently he struggled cause he's usually a halo cosplayer.

>> No.9109048

>admitting you're 16
child you just fucked up

>> No.9109049

Where tho?

>> No.9109050

And? I honestly don't give a shit.
Delete my photo then since it seems under aged kids aren't allowed on here.

>> No.9109053

Are you autistic?

>> No.9109054

Your insults really suck like.....

>> No.9109055

Actually I am but nice try at an insult.

>> No.9109070

Betting $10 that all this is being screenshotted to be posted later with "LOL fucking TROLLED THE SHIIIIIT out of 4chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.9109072

What do you mean? Lol

>> No.9109075

this thread is literally cancer

>> No.9109078

i bet you tomorrow morning you guys are still gonna wake up with no bitch next to you. Cuz you're all losers for shaming people.

>> No.9109080

can someone just make a new thread and stop baiting these kids please. i just wanna 4chin in peace.

>> No.9109082


>> No.9109083

No, they'll just follow into the new thread. Give it a rest for a few days, their attention spans won't last that long.

>> No.9109084

Stop posting about us and we won't follow

>> No.9109086

How can that be possible when you're such a fountain of cringe?

>> No.9109093

Sure, call me cringe.
But the only cringe I see is someone whining about me when you can just improve yourself if you really think I'm bad at cosplaying lmao

>> No.9109106

Cringe like you is what fuels us to make better cosplays.

>> No.9109111

Good. Stop posting about me and work on your cosplay then lmao

>> No.9109114

Tell that to your Facebook followers.

>> No.9109116

Unfriend me first, hoe.

>> No.9109118

I like how you think every single person here follows you.
I don't even use Facebook, get over yourself.

Take this thread as a criticism and move on.

>> No.9109119

Tell me how to improve my cosplay then instead of bashing me, and I will.

>> No.9109120

I've actually never seen your cosplay, outside of this thread.

>> No.9109121

Then give me criticism on what to improve from that one photo of my Nozomi.

>> No.9109122

Your cosplay is good.

>> No.9109123

Btw got unbanned omg.

>> No.9109126

Thank you. But I'd rather receive criticism on how to not be cringey and fix myself up lol

>> No.9109127

get your pathetic ass off 4chan, at least they have a life and a hobby they enjoy doing. ur just a cancerous weeaboo go back to north korea

>> No.9109128

My cosplay is good so nah.

>> No.9109129

Isn't a CD though.

>> No.9109134

lmao why don't you get over yourself, ur just a sweaty ass nerd on the computer posting hate to others and bashing others for starting a new hobby. lol ur just jealous bc u dont have a life

>> No.9109139

excuse me i think ur a cistrender hesexual go back to north korea ur just a turtle

>> No.9109141

ahem excuse me i think ur a cistrender hesexual go back to north korea ur just a turtle

>> No.9109144

son it's really obvious that ur ignorant, go educate yourself and get a gender studies class. from what you're saying, can't you just figure out that he's genderfluid and his preferred pronoun is he? common sense if you did your research

>> No.9109151

he has a japanese citizenship and his name is japanese, not from an anime you piece of fried chicken, again you're just another ignorant person
ever thought the possibility that he was mixed? because he IS. you also need to go back to school and educate yourself, there are many mixed japanese people.

>> No.9109153

go the fuck away and defend better people

>> No.9109154

Proof of this "japanese citizenship?"

>> No.9109155

that's normal for some dark-skinned people jfc go educate yourself your knowledge is only worth one atom on this earth

>> No.9109156

she aint white you idiot

>> No.9109157

why would someone post their fucking citizenship on a public site

>> No.9109159

why would someone post their cosplay on a public website and then complain when people critique it? hmmm i fucking wonder

>> No.9109160

nah get off 4chan and stop being a hater and find something better to do :) im satan and i am coming to your house tonight. you are going to be arrested tomorrow at 9 pm

>> No.9109164

I mean the people who posted them could just of commented on whatever they posted them on.
Not on 4chan.

>> No.9109165

Was that >>9102412?
First off, chill out on the filters. I do the skin blurring thing too but not that much. It makes the picture hazy and blobby.
The facial expression isn't really flattering. It'd work for the sillier girls like Rin but not really Nozomi.
This one's more of a nitpick but coloring/shaping your brows does wonders. You don't need a severe arch or anything, but a little just looks neater.
I can't really tell from the picture but the bangs are kinda choppy. Nozomi has a gentle side swoop with a little flick hanging down, not the V-bangs.
Also her scrunchies are light pink. I'm assuming you grabbed anything you have but yeah. And you're missing the bow.

The last bits are probably what anon was getting at when they said it was a shit costest. It's kind of pointless to put something on but miss a bunch of details.

>> No.9109166

>Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)06:40:42 No.910
at least she likes what she's doing and you can fuck off if you don't like it, she looks fine, you're uglier than her in personality and looks

>> No.9109169

hmm baby i think your eyes gotta be checked at the eye doctor. get some glasses or eye contacts

>> No.9109170

Sweetie, 4chan is an 18+ website. Back to Instagram now.

>> No.9109172

then get off her list if you dont like her, simple as that

>> No.9109179

it's on the internet, so it must be true!1111!11!
this person is truly a child!111!11
in elementary of all things!11!1!11
im 5!11!!!!!