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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 29 KB, 424x664, CnVx_b-UkAEXKPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9101715 No.9101715 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, now that both sides of the DR3 anime have officially aired, how's the cosplay side of things going?
>any new anime plans? any plans from the whole series?
>what cons will you be attending in dangan cosplay?
>do you think the fandom will made a comeback?
I'm gonna start a small dump to kickstart this thing

>> No.9101719
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>> No.9101724
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>> No.9101726

Finally got around to playing the games on Vita after avoiding them because of the tumblr fandom, now I really want to cosplay Nanami. Anyone got any good cosplay links? Don't have enough sewing skill or time to make my own sadly.

>> No.9101729
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>> No.9101731
File: 112 KB, 500x746, tumblr_ndzg86fAUP1s2jn44o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google 'Chiaki Nanami cosplay', anon. All of the premade ones are equally crappy unless you want to shell out the $$$.

>> No.9101734
File: 233 KB, 718x1280, tumblr_notmi0gW101rrqaugo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End dump. Here's to hoping this thread lives.

>> No.9101735

This is what I've done, I was just wondering if anyone had any stores to recommend (Taobao or otherwise) before I dropped cash on it

>> No.9101752

i'm probably gonna be selling my wig from her if you're at all interested.

recently i did that thing going around facebook like "what cosplay of mine is your headcanon" and everyone said monomi for me which made me so happy because i love wearing that cosplay ugh. i still really want to cosplay ibuki, and i'll probably do something from the new animes but idk what yet.

>> No.9101780

i'd love to see more uniform people! i did a uniform nanami and was surprised that nobody else jumped at it right away haha

>> No.9103697

Sorry if this is only somewhat related to the thread's topic, but does anyone know what the hell happened to Cifera/Gabrielle? She did several DR cosplay. Her tumblr is empty, her FB page deleted and her Insta hasn't been updated in almost a year...

>> No.9103720

She's fine just got sick of you creeps and deleted almost everything online to focus on real life

>> No.9103724

Is it okay to self post?

>> No.9103757

>you creeps
Uhh nice assumption buddy. I just enjoyed seeing her costumes in the past and this thread reminded me of her.

>> No.9103953

go ahead!
she didn't like having a massive ass fanbase, and you have to realize that she was in her mid-twenties, probably nearing late now. she still has an instagram, so hey

>> No.9104345
File: 364 KB, 1536x2048, 12778881_807042379422122_6803101230864802986_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post incoming.

>> No.9104686

which one are you? nanami's wig color is VERY off and it's bothering the hell out of me, and both your skirts could use a good ironing, but not bad otherwise

>> No.9104698

I'm Peko, my sister is Nanami. You're right about the skirts yeah, specially hers, we keep ironing hers but it keeps staying that way. And we did have problems with her wig. We ordered a wig and it came off with that color, we got refund, but didn't bother looking for another because the con was so close.
Which wig color would you advise for Nanami?

>> No.9104745
File: 292 KB, 1361x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i like ones that are more of a kind of dusty lavender, her hair color is so weird it's a little hard to pin down but yeah

>> No.9104747
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>> No.9104784

Thanks, I'll take it into consideration, anon!

>> No.9104851

Anyone got any good Chihiro's?
I tried Tumblr but couldn't find that many good ones ;m;
I'd like to try cosplaying him as my first cosplay.

>> No.9105648
File: 902 KB, 1000x1700, _danganronpa__fujisaki_chihiro_cosplay_by_sesskikyou-d8l5v0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should make your Peko armband thing an actual part of your sleeve. It's just a block of color, and not an actual armband. The velcro is also very distracting.
I'll try dumping a few. This one has a nice wig.

>> No.9105650
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>> No.9105654
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>> No.9105656
File: 96 KB, 646x960, Chihiro_in_the_official_stage_outtfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding any more that don't make me immediately recoil so when all else fails the stage actor is also good inspiration.

>> No.9105658
File: 207 KB, 480x640, o0480064013014328358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End dump. Best of luck, anon. If you have to buy his outfit do so, just make sure you get the wig and shoes right because that seems to be the trite issue among all Chihiro-kind.

>> No.9105662

I've been working on a smallish DR2 group with some friends, but I'm a little bit worried about it. One of them wants to do Gundam, but doesn't want to use a wig...

>> No.9105663

Make them use a wig or kick them out. There's enough shit DR cosplay out there already, don't let them ruin best husbando.

>> No.9105735

Thank you so much, anon!
Great tip, by the way~

>> No.9105799

>Gundam Tanaka
>no wig
the dye-job required would be hard enough on its own, and then add in the hassle of styling, and you have either a nightmare or an ultimate-level hair stylist

>> No.9105817

Is that einshine???

>> No.9106127

yep. you can tell by the overuse of photoshop

>> No.9107472
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>> No.9107509


>> No.9107638
File: 80 KB, 427x640, tumblr_nvqcb6si2C1rna2zzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, good luck with your nidai anon. postin the wife in commemoration

>> No.9107720



>> No.9107903

I meant CGL in general no worries
I know a lot of people were obsessed with her thighs to an awkward level

>> No.9108622

requesting any another episode cosplays people might have? i fucking FINALLY got around to playing that game and now i want cosplay inspo

>> No.9109057
File: 402 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mwlgxg2XNr1qcnxpqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you anon

>> No.9109060
File: 65 KB, 534x800, tumblr_nfit2dPc2f1tmhondo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasty wigs, but the costumes are alright

>> No.9109062
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>> No.9109065
File: 80 KB, 640x853, 5e7d3f9feae1d77fd345c356d4e8cee1aa0e3427_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Monaka with an accurate chair

>> No.9109066
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>> No.9109068
File: 1.11 MB, 960x1280, 56993-07e67d09b0d0f83007f5eef188c77a58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End dump, a large majority of the DRAE costumes are trash but hopefully this is a p good sample of what there is. No good Kotoko, Shingetsu, or Masaru + others though

>> No.9109133

Anyone selling anything related to Kirigiri or Pekoyama?

>> No.9109168
File: 130 KB, 600x600, miaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any idea how to translate Miaya's hair to a wig without it looking like shit? It's only been two episodes and she's already grown on me.

>> No.9109192

I'd suggest just getting a normal mildly flippy wig for her. It looks super crap when people do the Monaka hair thing, so definitely don't do that.

>> No.9109197

I've cosplayed Togami and Male!Junko before, I'm using the Junko again for Manchester Comic Con next weekend. They're both a bit crap though, i mostly pull closet cosplay simply cause I've not been doing this for very long and I'm both poor and incompetent

>> No.9109199

You got any pics? I don't mind people self-postan' as long as it's contributing to the thread because it's already pretty dead as-is.

>> No.9109207
File: 2.75 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of my junko to hand, but here's an amateur one from London Comic Con last may of my Togami. This was the first cosplay I'd ever put together, and including the wig it cost me about £35. That bloodstain wasn't planned, there just happened to be some pink paint on the floor so we ran with it.

>> No.9109278

Dang, you're a pretty cute Togami. Can't wait to see an improved version of your costume!

>> No.9109289

> You're a pretty cute togami
> Can't see the majority of face

>> No.9109294
File: 73 KB, 384x450, 1026420-portada.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>9105648 said, armbands in Japan tend to be just pinned on with a safety pin so even if it's showing, it would still be true to design to do it that way then with the ugly velcro lol

>> No.9109300
File: 772 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mrwhka2n4g1rqabcuo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there's no visible 5 o' clock shadow made me assume that Toganon was already leagues ahead of every other male Togami I've seen. I have insane Togami thirst.

>> No.9109443

I put a bit more effort into the little things like a clean shave where I could for that cosplay, admittedly mostly cause I knew a Fukawa cosplayer who really really wanted my dick. It turned out she was 14 and a little off the rails but that's another story

>> No.9109480

>crazily obsessed Fukawa
>wants Togami's dick
>off the rails
Well that's pretty much canon

>> No.9109544

well yeah, but like irl. She once told me not to worry about her being underaged because she "loved me like a sibling, not sexually"

>> No.9109548

well I was hoping she was just too "in character," but yea, that sounds crazy scary

>> No.9109640

thank you!! sucks there's no good masaru though because he's one of the ones i was thinking of cosplaying. maybe i could be the first then lmao

>> No.9110343
File: 2.14 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160722_243022294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110357

I honestly had started throwing away my Gundam cos because I figured he had no re-sale value, but he's such a tool in the new anime, I can't wait to do his "new" hairstyle, it's so gross that I love it.

>> No.9110559
File: 49 KB, 174x197, bulge of bulges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is now - "Will you have Nidai's super crazy bulge?"

>> No.9110563

Of course what kind of question is that

>> No.9110571

I'm in love with this already then
Sasuga anon

>> No.9110589

i'm so excited for this i might cry.
praying you have a good wig.

>> No.9110591

Arda Marty. Needs to have the spikes restyled because someone thought it was ok to try it on while was in the bathroom.

>> No.9111509
File: 54 KB, 526x360, CI_73456_1358658717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you have any tutorials or such showing how to make a hoodie from scratch? sorry for super dumb question, i want to sew nanami's jacket from scratch as i'm revamping my whole cosplay for her and i don't really know where to start (yes i have worked with stretch fabric, thank god)

>> No.9111511

How in character.

>> No.9111782
File: 83 KB, 427x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so in character.
Posting the bae to inspire you

>> No.9111810
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>> No.9114944
File: 143 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_mrm6nduYXT1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Mikan costume, and I've been thinking about the wig. Mainly, styling it the way I want (along the lines of my pic), I'm not sure what the best way of transporting or storing it would be.

I've messed with wigs before, but the long length seems like it makes things like that a bit more difficult...

>> No.9115585

How will you be travelling? You can probably just use a couple tacks and pin it to a wig head, and maybe put it in a plastic bin for protection.

>> No.9115617

Funny, I just remade my entire cosplay for her too! Hoodies are easy if you have anything like an oversized t-shirt to pattern from. Tuck in the sleeves of the shirt and cut out that pattern (with seam allowance, ect ect) and simply leave the back the same and cut out a panel from the middle of your front piece. After sewing that all together at the sides, just cut some sleeves (You can even get away with plain rectangles on a hoodie), and cut out your hood (Very simple pattern: Measure around your neckhole, half that, and cut almost an upside down U shape. Google can explain better than I can though!) and sew those two pieces in the middle for your hood. After that it's all just additions like the cat ears and pleats that are pretty easy.

Sorry if my explanation is super shoddy, I'm much better at explaining with pictures but I don't like putting my stuff up here. If you want photo examples of my hoodie drop an email or something in a reply and I'll toss them at you!

>> No.9115840

Ah it's just an hour car ride, so it's not a huge flight ordeal or anything. The plastic bin idea is actually as good a solution as I think there is, thanks!

>> No.9117850

Will be Sonia Nevermind day 2 if you wanna say hi.

>> No.9117884

you gonna be at the DR meet?

>> No.9117887

what day and time is it on?

>> No.9117890

Sunday at 2, according to the facebook event page

>> No.9117908

I'll pop in! Whats the event page called, I've not found dr events in any of my searches, so hopefully searching an exact name finds it for me.

>> No.9117910

"MCM Manchester Danganronpa Sunday Meet" is the exact title

>> No.9117913

Thank you! I joined the event, I'm excited to attend, me and my friends have been excited all week for the con.

>> No.9117927

likewise, it's actually my first con outside of London

>> No.9117947

Manchester is a really good con, I've been attending since 2013 and it's the best I've ever been to. The people are lovely and I met my best friend there. If you wanna say hi I'll keep an eye out for you, will you be wearing the Junko/Togami both days?

>> No.9117948

I'll be wearing Junko on Sunday, Saturday I'll be Travis Touchdown.

>> No.9118413

Can I ask what wig you used/modified for Peko? It looks good!

>> No.9120760

Does anyone have any reference images of th female school uniform? I want to cosplay Chiaki in DR3 and I'm having trouble finding good images

>> No.9120801
File: 65 KB, 207x586, Chiaki_Nanami_DR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? This is the first result from googling 'Chiaki Nanami'.

>> No.9120882

Hoping to see some other Dangans on Sunday at AFO. Saw a few Junkos and decent Komaeda.

>> No.9123726
File: 44 KB, 640x960, 11255402_484147415105505_6003553277447599294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw together a Komaru cos at the end of last year! Also planning on making Kotoko in the next couple of months!

>> No.9123729
File: 211 KB, 2000x1333, 11099574_388629824657265_8415926362070421922_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting me and my pals cos-ing Gundam, Sonia, and Souda!!

>> No.9123743

If you're struggling, maybe try grabbing some screenshots from the Dangan Ronpa 3 despair arc?

>> No.9123750
File: 174 KB, 268x368, Koma_scar_to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... this is really atrocious. I can only hope that you've improved before you end up butchering best girl too.

>> No.9123753

Haha, I know the seifuku is really messy and stuff. But I had fun cos-ing her and hopefully I have improved so that I can do Kotoko justice!

>> No.9123755

That being said I wouldn't go as far as to say I butchered Komaru lmao have some chill

>> No.9123764

Personally, the things I noticed most as beings sort of off were the makeup and the wig. The makeup reads as 'older' than a high school girl to me, I think it's something about the eye makeup?

>> No.9123766

Yeah fair enough, makeup is definitely something im still practicing with!

>> No.9127019


>> No.9128028
File: 454 KB, 1224x1411, IMG_20160710_232017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely need to take better photos of this cosplay...also I don't wear it too often to cons

>> No.9128128
File: 231 KB, 960x639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9128300

I'm cosplaying Monomi, is it tasteless to carry a Monokuma plushie around on a noose?

>> No.9128347

You look really cute!!

>> No.9128370

desu youre btter off carrying a magical stick since its not very in character for monomi to have the plush/noose?

>> No.9128374

Thought about it but I'm not doing her magical girl version. Thought it would be cute since she hates him so much, and I have a plushie lying around.

>> No.9128379

I feel like it would be more comical if it the plushie was fake-stabbrd or something. There's less stigma associated with murder than with suicide, I find, and a noose is very evocative of the latter.

>> No.9128380
File: 110 KB, 600x800, 8b472c65af5793d70bce8ec1ba3e0fcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she still has the magical stick (like image related). She doesnt like monokuma but I dont feel its very like her to be so violent towards him (well i guess shes so weak that she cant be)?

>> No.9128603

You also need to stop shopping your face into oblivion like a tween instagrammer

>> No.9128817
File: 179 KB, 500x400, tumblr_n8eot4QYGv1qiiz2do1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be too cringe to cosplay this rendition of Chihiro?

>> No.9128844

I don't think so! Might be hard for people to identify but It's super cute! Be careful of the tumblr Cihiro discourse though!

>> No.9129068 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9129070
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>> No.9129071

my question is, why cant you do the original design? it comes off as sort of an unnecessary deviation
thank you based anon

>> No.9129075

Super cute

>> No.9129233

6/10 no bulge or qt face

>> No.9129436
File: 600 KB, 682x768, NIDAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9129438

I've done the original design (and am planning to redo it since I wasn't completely satisfied). I just thought it was a cute design and was tempted to do it, but I get what you mean.

>> No.9129840

Thank you!!

>> No.9130792

I actually really wanna do this too!

>> No.9130827
File: 34 KB, 370x556, 11350536_843956652358083_679524931856614891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hall shot of my boyfriend and I as Ibuki and Leon.
He wants to get a new wig for his Leon and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. We were thinking of the Marty from Arda but not sure what colour would be best.

>> No.9131704
File: 33 KB, 521x521, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...are you a male that looks decent as Gundam??? You or whoever that is, I am giving them a medal for being the first decent cosplay I've ever seen of my furry husband.

Speaking of, DR characters never done well that you pray to Desbear every night that you get to see at least one decent one before you die:
> Gundam
> Sakura
> Hagakure
> TeruTeru

>> No.9131712

i actually met a pretty decent hagakure at katsu this year but i can't remember his name. i was just so happy to see a cosplay of my idiot son

>> No.9131724
File: 628 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since we're self-posting

>> No.9131755
File: 7 KB, 300x168, enhance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131772

more of this peko?

>> No.9131777

I saw a not too bad Gundam at MCM Manchester last weekend, didn't get a photo but talked with him a lot. He was carrying around a little pouch full of JO crystals.

>> No.9131789
File: 392 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sorry for the crap quality on that one, i don't have too many good photos of that cosplay. here's a better quality but more awkward-looking one of it ft my girlfriend as sonia

i've fixed the ears and part of the dress since this was taken but i only have selfies of the improved version

>> No.9131914
File: 173 KB, 480x272, 668679863_preview_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you do realize that usami is... completely white, right? you shouldn't have split ears and a split wig. please look at references before you do something. that makeup is horrifying, so i hope you don't do it again for the improved version. please get new shoes also, those are ugly as fuck

i'd suggest marty in dark copper red. it looks really close to his sprite hair color, so it should serve you well

>> No.9131929

i know, but i was worried it wouldn't be recognizable enough without the pink/white split. and i get compliments on those shoes literally every single time i wear them -- i wear them casually a lot, too. thanks for your input though

>> No.9131934

I'm going to Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con as Kuzuryuu, and I watched a video of it last year and a Chiaki was there. Hopefully, there'll be some other DR cosplayers there this time too.

>> No.9131941

^^ There's literally a video of me on YouTube dressed as Fuyuhiko playing the dating game. I won, and the person that chose me was a really tall cross-dressing Mabel Pines. I'm 5'1", so they were looking down on me like wtf is this.

>> No.9131949
File: 359 KB, 588x823, 1369874555035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound underaged.

>> No.9132115

No haha I'm the Sonia. Gundam is my good friend, I'll let him know you like his cos!!!

>> No.9132582

The hamsters are adorable! How did your Kazuichi friend do his teeth? They look eerily accurate.

Also, got any more pics of Gundam? For...research.

>> No.9132629

> i could put the outfit back on if you need one
yes please, anon!

>> No.9132630

I second this.

>> No.9132649

Ultimate princess wears grotty red converse shoes...

>> No.9132657


>> No.9132738

The Kazuichi likely made some fake teeth with acrylic nails and put them on with some denture cream or something similar in nature.

>> No.9132799

that photo was taken at the very end of the day, we were literally on the way to my car. she took her heels off because her feet were hurting

>> No.9132979

It looks like he did the tooth black method?

>> No.9133062

Is the OP image that YouTube anime fag that sounds like he's got a squeaker lodged in his throat?

>> No.9133093

stop defending your shitty cosplay or post a better picture

>> No.9133118

Hi! I lost track of this thread for a long time so I didn't see your question.

I used a normal Hatsune Miku in ash grey color and changed the clips to smaller ones so the braids didn't look ridiculously large.

>> No.9133253
File: 475 KB, 466x700, tumblr_monue2lmLN1soc2y6o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but could I ask where you got your shoes? I'm working on a Peko currently and I can't find anything that's within a reasonable price range at all.

Pic unrelated, just something in my DR cosplay folder.

>> No.9133269
File: 1.22 MB, 6000x4000, komaeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting my Komaeda since I went on a shoot with him not too long ago.
I really wish there were more Hinata cosplayers in my country.

>> No.9133274

The colours really died out for some reason, the one I have on my computer is more vibrant, also sorry about the file size

>> No.9133303
File: 324 KB, 2048x1366, 12034432_612836738856846_6673853469391386920_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, Gundam friend doesn't really do solo shots, so I have no pics of JUST him, but I'll dump some of our full group shots with him in them here!

Also Souda did his teeth by buying some black tooth paint stuff and painting his teeth to look sharp (:

>> No.9133305
File: 111 KB, 676x960, 20888_820949247941902_2331911783832571834_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9133315
File: 287 KB, 2048x1366, 12006674_612836742190179_2800310119559107698_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand dump over, haha

>> No.9133422

Thanks for sharing! The DR cosplay tag on tumblr is hard to sift through so I'm glad I got to see some good group shots!

And I totally fan girled and forgot to complement your cosplay. It looks very clean and put together!

Ah that's so weird to see the process of. Definitely good results though!

I wonder if Kazuichi ever cut his tongue on his teeth? How did his teeth end up so pointy in the first place? These are the questions I think about at night.

>> No.9133504

Thank you so much! Sonia is my favourite fictional character EVER so I'm glad you like my cos.

Also, I totally agree with the whole Kazuichi teeth thing! Like did he sharpen them? Is he part shark? we will never know..

>> No.9133560
File: 47 KB, 180x180, 1469857447296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i get compliments on those shoes literally every single time i wear them

Sorry to be that anon, but I'm sure those compliments are fake

>> No.9133759

I personally think they are cute af. You do you anon!

>> No.9133822

Your personal opinion doesn't really mean anything when the rest of us are forced to look at them because you can't adequately design a gijinka.

>> No.9133873

Nah senpai they cute

>> No.9133880

Those shoes are sinful and do not belong in that cosplay at all. They are so out of place and gaudy. Try white mary janes or something. Color coordinate.

>> No.9134123

Thank you for sharing. These are all pretty great cosplays! :D

>> No.9134131

> out of place and gaudy
exactly this. anon really needs to pick smaller, more dainty shoes for this cosplay.

>> No.9134136

She should've just kept a pair of red flats tucked away in a purse or something. If she could carry the dirty runners around for emergency shoe-swapping, then she could've easily swapped them for flats. Flats would probably be easier to carry around anyway.

>> No.9134195

Then why not just be the Monomi version of Usami?

>> No.9134283

oh my god are we still arguing over my shoes. personally i like my shoes, along with everything else about that cosplay, and don't plan on changing them anytime soon but you're all welcome to continue bitching about them if it'll make you happy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

she doesn't happen to own a pair, and i doubt she'll go out of her way to buy one just for quick shoe changes for a single cosplay, but i'll pass along the tip

because i like the dress

>> No.9134740

Don't self-post if you don't want criticism. It's really your fault for seemingly expecting endless praise and ass-pats.

>> No.9134926

God you sound new as hell. Don't self post if you can't handle constructive criticism. Cause you're taking it like a little bitch.
>i doubt she'll go out of her way to buy one just for quick shoe changes for a single cosplay
That's actually what a lot of cosplayers do, anon. Because they care about their cosplay and want it to look good. I have a friend who just spent $50 on a pair of shoes because she wanted her cosplay to look right. Not all of them are lazy little shits like you.

>> No.9135067

Chihiro was my first cosplay and, with the new season out and all, I want to redo it, but think there's room for improvement on the costume itself (the jacket in particular I'm thinking of redoing all together). Could I post it here for some concrit?

>> No.9135118

Sure! Just don't like the Monomi anon, and you should get some good feedback

>> No.9135121

*act like

>> No.9135168
File: 707 KB, 383x1113, 2014-12-30-22-48-26_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihiro anon from>>9135067

First, sorry for the picture. It's the only one that I have where it shows the full costume (it was also taken right after I finished so it's kinda wrinkled).

The collar I know I'm redoing because it got stained during the convention. I personally feel like I didn't do well on the jacket either.

>> No.9135191

It's cute anon! I would just recommend a petticoat to give your skirt the proper poof. A cupcake petticoat would work best.
And the shoes are cute, but I feel they're a bit off for Chihiro. The same shoes without the bow and frill would look good!

>> No.9135276

You look pretty cute, anon! Nice cosplay for a first try!

>> No.9135283
File: 54 KB, 512x447, hApiEQy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding other anon, you should get a petticoat to help give the skirt more poof.

It might be best for you to remake your coat part in general, or make heavy modifications to it. Do you have the embroidery details on the shoulders? I'd work on adding those. Also, try to make it more fitted, and shortening it. Don't let your memory fool you when you're making cosplay pieces. Right now your jacket's a bit too long, and a bit too baggy for Chihiro.

Keep the shoes, though. They're pretty accurate to canon. Definitely don't remove the bow either, that'd make them even further away from where they're supposed to be.

Overall, pretty good job for a first costume! Hope to see you improve in the future.

>> No.9135299

Whoops, I'm >>9135191 and never noticed the little bows. I take that part back!

>> No.9135339

Thank you all for the feedback. I'll definitely look into getting a petticoat for the skirt. I had a feeling that the jacket was too long and baggy. I think I might remake it in general with the suggestions given to me in mind.

Regarding the shoes, they were a late purchase and I got them second hand. I wasn't aware that the bows were detachable and one fell off and went missing during the con. So I'll either have to try to replicate the bow or just buy new shoes.

>> No.9135365

Good luck, anon! I forgot to mention in my initial post, but there's also the same embroidery design on the sides of his socks. If you're able to find those online at all, make iron-on transfers, it'd be really cool to see you add them.

>> No.9135425

I was hoping that I could work on a Junko cosplay for next year, but I'm nervous as to where I should start. I have a pretty good wig, IMO, but I'm not sure how to go about everything else, especially her weird-ass top. Anybody got any tips?

>> No.9135463
File: 108 KB, 500x748, tumblr_ne3a94SRN41soc2y6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost every aspect of her cosplay can be convincingly store bought if you're willing to look in the right places. I'd recommend you modify a cardigan for her top, especially if you're apprehensive about sewing your own

>> No.9135469

>my friends did a way better rendition of monomi and monokuma than the shitter in this thread
>friends don't post friends
>one of them is a gull
Bad feel.

>> No.9135470

The best thing to do is break it down into pieces, and deciding can be bought and what can be made.
She's basically wearing just a cardigan, an undershirt, a skirt, a tie, and boots. With some small accessories. Just make a list like that, and decide how to get/make each item. It also helps to draw each piece out.

>> No.9135491
File: 59 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon!
I'm actually a Junko cosplayer myself. I put this cos together a couple of years ago now, and everything except the skirt was made by altering clothing items that I got from thrift stores/ebay. I'm planning on remaking at the end of the year (there's a few parts I'm not happy with), but Junko is definitely a good place to start because a lot of pieces of her costume can be bought and altered!

>> No.9135582

Seconding Junko. Also you're really good, that wig is nice.

>> No.9135618

Thanks! The wig is actually one of the parts of the cos that I'm not 100% happy with haha. The one I'm looking at getting is slightly less pink and the twin tail clips are much fuller.

>> No.9135673

I'm so sick of hearing "cos". Do you do panels in AZ? because you seem familiar "Cos" is such an annoying term. Just say fucking cosplay.

>> No.9135709

I'm from Australia and have never done a panel in my life. If im talking in person I'll always say "cosplay" I'm sorry my online terminology upset you lmao.

>> No.9135752
File: 35 KB, 554x439, 1469774897969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't plan on making changes, then don't self post here. People are only trying to help with your mediocre cosplay. If you can't handle that, then fuck off to tumblr

>> No.9135799

Honestly you really should have cropped out the shoes to avoid the negative attention. I guess while you are at it please crop out yourself from the picture as well.

>> No.9136106


Anon from >>9135425 . Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into getting a black cardigan and such for Junko's top as well. And your Junko cosplay looks great, anon! I'm jealous.

>> No.9136109
File: 61 KB, 413x395, 1470246642305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9136348

i have a question for everyone in this thread. which danganronpa cosplay do you think is the hardest to pull off correctly?

>> No.9136354

junko's huge animu hair. i haven't seen a good wig without the twintails looking crunchy or tangled. hagakure, too. in fact, any character with elaborate hair... which is most of them.

other than wigs, i haven't seen a robot nidai cosplay before.

>> No.9136358

probably all the characters listed in >>9131704

>> No.9136366

I kinda disagree with the Gundam. I've seen quite a few good Gundam cosplays at DR photoshoots. Everyone else, though? Yeah.

>> No.9136444

i'm gonna throw in nanami and komaeda as well. especially nanami because people mostly buy her outfit throw on a wig and call it a day

>> No.9136558

what's so bad about buying her outfit?

>> No.9136628

most of the premade outfits for her use the same shitty jacket that barely replicates hers at all. and cosplayers don't bother modifying the outfit so it looks any better either. there are certain things an unmodified bought outfit will never get right imo

>> No.9136661

You guys look really nice.

Where'd you get that hamster? I need these!!

>> No.9136692


>> No.9136697

Thanks!! I'm pretty sure he just got the hamsters off eBay.

>> No.9136704

Hagakure in my opinion! I'd love to cosplay him but I don't think I'll be able to get that hair right hahaha

>> No.9136774
File: 109 KB, 480x280, Junko-Enoshima-Sprites-junko-enoshima-37361238-480-280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to sound like a sperg but I really like this cosplay. The most notable feature to Junko IMO is her waist definition and this girl definitely has it (assuming it's not photoshopped). The skirt is the right length and everything looks pretty clean.

>> No.9136810
File: 327 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n5ulqkUoWd1soc2y6o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's such a talented cosplayer, esp her Danagn Ronpa stuff. Sucks she deleted everything.

>> No.9136816
File: 57 KB, 500x500, cife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9136827

she didn't really delete everything. most of it is on her Instagram, and since she seems to be enjoying the new anime so far we might see something new soon

>> No.9136852

The sleeves on the Mikan could be a *tad* more poofy and lighter in color but unf that Peko is good! I hope she does come out with more now that the anime is out!

Is this the same cosplayer that did a lot of Sailor Moon too? There was a girl mentioned in the SM general who was very good but also deleted a lot of her social media.

>> No.9136855

Nope, she never did any Moon cosplays aside from a Homestuck crossover I believe.

>> No.9137693

Can you give us her Instagram?

>> No.9137896
File: 216 KB, 682x1024, tumblr_n4qaa22VhS1soc2y6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cifera. I assumed it was common knowledge at this point

>> No.9137935


>> No.9138006
File: 52 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1470851241863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a floor shots of my Chihiro I did last month.

>> No.9138652

Does anyone have any DR cosplayers who are still active in the fandom and post recently they'd recommend for a follow? I'm going to be working on a lot of costumes soon -- (Munakata, Akane, Monaka) and need some lasting inspiration to drag myself through it. I primarily use Instagram if that helps.

>> No.9138669

What's your instagram? I'd be interested in checking out your stuff!

I'd suggest active DR cosplayers for you to follow, but besides myself I don't really know any :L

>> No.9138672

Ah, I'm not actually comfortable with sharing mine, sorry about that! I'm kind of guessing I'll be one of the few Munakatas around though, so maybe you'll see my work around. Who do you cosplay? I already follow a lot of people so there's a chance I already follow you if you're super active.

>> No.9138687

anybody got good recommendations for junko's boots? working on a junko cosplay as well this year.

>> No.9138692

Okay, no problem! I've cosplayed Junko, Monokuma, Sonia, Komaru, and I'm putting together Ruruka, Sayaka, and Kotoko later this year.

I haven't bee super active with progress shots, especially on insta, but im looking to change that!

>> No.9138695

Jump on eBay or Taobao, buy some tall black boots that look like hers and replace the laces.

>> No.9138698
File: 76 KB, 512x447, CI_68944_1359320001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping in here to semi-negate what other anon said. Don't buy super tall black boots. Hers are only mid-calf. Try Amazon if you want some more reputable sources, too.
I don't think I follow someone who cosplays all of those characters, but if I see you in any of the tags I'll definitely hit you up! It's nice to see people posting progress in the tags, definitely a lot better than the hoards of 'tests' and thrown together costumes.

>> No.9138703

By tall I meant mid calf lol, probably could've been a little more specific. I was meant that buying boots online and altering the laces would possibly be the cheapest option.

>> No.9138945
File: 164 KB, 1365x2048, mondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on a Mondo cosplay? I cosplayed him a few years back (pic attached) but it was store bought so I'm looking at making it from scratch and embroidering!

>> No.9139029

Are you a dude?

>> No.9139067
File: 77 KB, 736x1092, 59efa0f4b79cb6d5f51b9b51f8591485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, what I'm gonna do is critique some stuff (cosmetics) on your previous cosplay, and just give you some general advice after so you get the most out of what I have to say.

The first thing that stands out to me is your wig. I think that the shape of the pompadour piece itself is kind of awkward and helmet-y compared to the rest of your wig. Before working on anything else, you should try to make one that looks a bit more natural. A wig, in my opinion, can make or break a cosplay. Especially with a character whose main feature is their hair.

The next thing is your makeup.Going by your face shape I'm gonna assume you're crossplaying. First of all; improve your eyebrow coverage. I can see your natural brows as clear as day, and that's kind of jarring to me. The shape of the brows you've drawn on is kind of strange too. His are more angled than what I can see in your picture.
Please do contour the next time you wear this. I can understand if it didn't occur to you at the time, but your face looks a bit too squishy for a huge masculine dude. Contour that shit up. No fear.

Alright, moving onto general tips:

If you're not swole, don't fear padding. Small ass girls trying to be Mondo isn't convincing. Be convincing.

Your wig is really important.

Use a shitton of references. Even if people repeat this all the time; use a shitton of references.

Also pls don't be in-character when you wear him, I've encountered a number too many Mondos that are, and it's itai desu.

Hopefully my input helped a little bit. I'm a novice sewer so I have no advice there. Good luck, don't die.

>> No.9139108

Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out :) a lot of the makeup stuff has occurred to me now, like I said previously I did this a few years ago and didn't have the slightest clue about makeup! So it's good to hear you had the same concerns! It's interesting to hear what you had to say about the shape as well because that had never occurred to me. It would be really cool to build shape into the costume so I would look a lot more buff!!!

And I never have the energy to act in character when I cosplay! I feel like it takes the fun out of it! So nothing to worry about there. Thanks again! :D

>> No.9139927

It's no problem. I'm glad to see people who are willing to improve.

Anyone going to Otakon? I can't, but I'd love to see pics of the people who are. Let's bring this rotting carcass of a fandom back, if only for a short period of time.

>> No.9139957

>Blurry ass picture
>Gold shoes

Get it together anon

>> No.9139979
File: 55 KB, 855x510, danganronpa-3-ruruka-ando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on a Ruruka cosplay, and I'm just a little unsure as to how I should do the little clasp things next to the bows on the middle panel of her jacket? Send help please!

>> No.9140002
File: 26 KB, 300x366, forever-21-toggle-clasp-coat-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those look like some kind of toggle clasp to me.

(why cosplay worst girl tho)

>> No.9140008

Yeah. Most of the bigger cosplay I do are crossdressers.

>> No.9140039

yeah thats what it looks like to me too, im just looking at finding some that arent so huge haha.

And because I like her??? lol

>> No.9140155

>a dude

lol no

>> No.9140168

Typically they're just leather/pleather cut into shapes, and topstiched around to hold the toggle in place! Just find some white pleather!

>> No.9140245

they weren't asking about the Mondo. If you followed the replies you would see that they were asking about a Chihiro cosplay

>> No.9140276

I think the part that is tripping me up the most is the attaching of the bows to the toggle... Do you think I could do it by replacing the toggles with the bows? I'd have to make the bows quite stiff, but have the strings loop over the bow rather than a toggle? Am I making any sense?? haha

>> No.9140363

chill with all the question marks, friendo

you could probably just sew the bows over the toggles. you don't have to have functioning toggles for the costume to work

>> No.9140400

I just???? Have???? A lot???? of Questions?????????????????/

>> No.9141159

Actually I bought them at a local store, that sells basically cheap and ugly shoes. But since the color of those were perfect for Peko I just bought them. Sorry I can't help this time.

Have you tried looking on thrift stores? Maybe any local shoe store at your place that sells cheap shoes? Sometimes the best finds are at those stores.

>> No.9141523

Cos is a generally asian term, I use it when im in HK and i hear it thrown around in mainland china and japan.

let people say whatever they want jfc

>> No.9141667

What you're suggesting is definately possible! You would just have to make sure that you place the loops so that they'll be tight enough to not get floppy like >>9140002 and make sure that the jacket is actually help closed by a zipper.

>> No.9142842

Anybody got any wig styling tips for Hajime?

>> No.9142855 [DELETED] 
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gratuitous self post, hoping i could get some feedback on how things look

>> No.9142856
File: 641 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_2865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gratuitous self post. was hoping i could get some feedback on how things look?

>> No.9142871
File: 109 KB, 480x280, Mioda_(17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! The only thing I can see fixing is the amount of black vs white on the hair horns. It should be fairly evenly wrapped around the horns and your wig has a tad too much white throughout. Also just little things I can't see if the picture like the rows of earrings along her ears and her necklace.

>> No.9143008

This is almost perfect anon! I second having a little less white hair on the horns but otherwise 10/10

>> No.9143026

I feel like the shirt should be a little shorter to also reveal a bit more of the skirt.

keep brushing that wig tho, don't let it tangle

>> No.9143091
File: 122 KB, 900x1200, CpsOd9FXEAIXS3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dejavudea makes a surprisingly excellent sonia

>> No.9143544

Honestly this looks pretty nice! From a nitpicking perspective, you can tell that you used a t shirt and didn't make the shirt yourself. The fabric is a little distracting and the overall proportions are a little off. I agree with >>9143026 that the shirt should be shortened.
I also think you might want to add more white hair into your wig, and make sure you don't forget her belt and bangle!
Other than that, it looks stellar! I promise that shirt isn't scary to make. You should give it a whirl! Did you style the wig yourself?

>> No.9143685

Anyone know who I could commission for a Celes wig?

>> No.9143826
File: 214 KB, 295x765, Ruruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody help me find some good base to use for her boots? I can't seem to figure them out for some reason

>> No.9144300

yep, was my first time doing a wig that required that much work, and it was a hell of a handful honestly.

thanks all for your feedback, i have all of her accessories but i guess i wasn't wearing them all when i took that picture. i'll definitely make needed adjustments before i wear her to a con proper.

>> No.9145544
File: 124 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9145582
File: 107 KB, 500x375, 9825531994_e28302393c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think a Jeanne in Warm Light Brown would work for Chisa's hair color? (Slash anyone have wig suggestions for Chisa?) My girlfriend wants to do her, and we're trying to find a medium between both the despair and future designs while having something that aesthetically fits with her hair color since there's probably not an actual wig that shares this color.

This trash Chihiro was in the color gallery, so hey, kind of related I guess.

>> No.9146122


Any Fukawa's? I need some inspiration.

>> No.9147486

/cgl/, what your favorite danganronpa character and why? i'm curious.

>> No.9147606
File: 462 KB, 474x960, d293bf56-2ca8-4997-94c2-696056874874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam Tanaka. His vocabulary is exquisite and his ultimate ability complements my degree in Animal Science nicely. All of his scenes were either hilarious or very sentimental.

Due to his odd hair and gaudy attire, finding good cosplay of him is a rarity.

>> No.9147692

For me, it's a hard tie between Gundam and Junko. They're both just utterly insane to me (in a good way), and tons of fun as characters.

>> No.9147709
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Komaeda, he's just a very interesting and great character. There's so much about him that I like, and I think the way his talent is incorporated into his personality is what makes him especially great. He's the only DR character I'm willing to spend loads of money on for merchandise.

>> No.9148532

I cosplay Peko, I'm the Peko above >>9104345 but I really really love Kuzuryuu. I think he's a great character due to his growth through the game, due to his story and the whole trial with Peko. Ahh, its just too interesting and he's the cutest yakuza. I'm really excited to see where his and Peko story goes on the anime, I'm really enjoying the anime desu. Like >>9147709
would also be willing to buy a lot of money on Kuzuryuu's merch. I just haven't cosplayed him yet because I'm obviously way too tall for him.

>> No.9148579
File: 434 KB, 345x541, 50_ 2 .jpg 960×544 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ibuki, i really like her and her character. I like how she, at first glance, looks like she'd be like the typical punk types and turns out to be one of the more comic relief characters and almost like a hyper puppy sometimes.

Idk, i can't get the words right, but shes cool and i like her

>> No.9148592

Hagakure is def my favorite. I think he's cute and theres just something about dorky happy children that I enjoy. And he's only gotten more perfect in the Mirai.
Cosplay wise though, I like Asahina. I've been working on doing one of Junko's beta designs but her outrageous poofs are giving me major pause.

>> No.9148627
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, 2016-07-22 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about Nagito's design that gets me going. Maybe it's his innocent appearance combined with his karazzy personality.

Especially this pose though. I think it's the eyes.

Sage for excessive fan girling.

>> No.9148651

Chihiro. I like traps.

>> No.9148810
File: 130 KB, 464x569, 1469415972251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lotsa favs from dr2, lol. my favorite character is ishimaru. he has so many surprisingly cute interactions and is just a total sweetheart of a character.

>> No.9148860

Hey, so I'm not in DR fandom or anything, but a friend of I are planning on cosplaying Toko and Byakuya later this year. We're pretty casual fans, but still had a good time playing the game. I, at least, didn't even watch the anime or anything. Is there a certain expectation that I should have when meeting other cosplayers? Things to be aware of about the community?

>> No.9148873
File: 881 KB, 1200x1800, 23132-0b09bc898bb24bafb6030b9507258f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of keeping the thread IT with the board, would future posters mind posting a picture of their favorite cosplay of their fave character with their post? This is a DR *cosplay* thread, it's more appropriate.

To answer the question, my favorite character is definitely Chiaki, I dunno, she's just an appealing character. She's been my favorite for three years, so the fact that she was one of my first faves from the franchise and she's just chill in general is why. I really like the construction of this cosplay despite the cosplayer being uggo as fuck.

>> No.9149411

Has anyone got any advice for doing a male Fukawa? I had a dream about doing it last night out of nowhere and now I'm kinda tempted

>> No.9149463
File: 124 KB, 512x512, KirigiriKyouko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a Silver Arda wig and matching weft for Kirigiri (Otakon clearance rack woo) and I'm wondering if it's the right color for her? I can easily dye it more of a purple color, but I honestly hate seeing Kirigiri cosplays with her having purple hair when really it's much more subtle. Thoughts?

>> No.9149498

I would say dye it a little and you would be good. I feel the same, straight up purple is jarring.

Yeah you're right, too bad i don't have a favourite cosplayer for my fave char.

>> No.9149505

same. all of the people who cosplay my favorite character never really get it on point anyway, so i didn't want to spread imperfection in the thread.

>> No.9149564
File: 327 KB, 493x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that cosplayer is uggo then I must look like a kicked-in potato. But I know what you mean. My favorite character is Mukuro but her design is usually so basic that people half ass her outfit. Genocider Syo is my second favorite.

>> No.9149718
File: 394 KB, 1337x2045, Danganronpa - Ishimaru 9060.vlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's my fave from DR 1. He was too good for that world; it might be best that he didn't see how much despair there really was out there.

>> No.9149844
File: 640 KB, 800x1135, Stagefuyuhiko4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like any Fuyuhiko cosplayers, does the SDR2 play counts?

Some of the stage play characters aren't too bad, I think.

>> No.9149953
File: 65 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nxao62jjBT1tegzhqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute!

Really though, I think it's a good look. Any way to tell if he really shaved the side of his head or is it a really good wig?

I Googled the plays and found some great pictures! Maybe they could be used as a reference for cosplayers?

>> No.9149957
File: 136 KB, 800x1188, DanganronpaStageMondoOwada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that they used a wig as opposed to real hair. You can see a bit of a difference in skin coloration.

Also yeah, the costumes in the plays are all pretty good. I've been casually working on putting subs to the first play, and a lot of the actors and costumes are hard to beat (I really liked their casting for Mondo in particular)

>> No.9149968
File: 96 KB, 640x901, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage play Gundam is best Gundam.

>> No.9150007
File: 47 KB, 400x493, tumblr_o069feXNqH1sqe05fo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly don't think there will ever be a Komaeda cosplayer that looks better than the stage version. He has the absolute perfect look for him, it's amazing

>> No.9150010
File: 64 KB, 480x360, Stagegroup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them look not so great though. Pic related, look at these Ibuki and Mikan wigs. They're terrible

>> No.9150035
File: 111 KB, 500x356, tumblr_o0g0cpk7JM1qckvn1o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage play Gundam def has best hair.

Mikan's wig in pic related looks much better (sorry for the ant-quality image). Maybe there was better lighting in this one?

Also, anyone know why a few characters get two pictures here? Was it a matter of filling up space?

>> No.9150039
File: 142 KB, 900x600, tumblr_o2g4wdTnex1qd7dvoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh he's good. His hair has the right amount of fluff and his outfit has the right amount of slouch while still fitting his figure.

I approve.

>> No.9150131

If I had to guess, the extra character pictures are pictures of the understudies.

>> No.9150330

Not understudies, but a lot of the characters (in both the DR and the DR2 stage plays) were double-cast or even triple-cast due to scheduling issues from the performers, the change of location, etc.

>> No.9151210
File: 420 KB, 1249x2058, 1463185976943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selfpost, can i get some critiques and suggestions please.
i was going for a more gyaru/jfashion look then her actual character sprite but i dont think i conveyed it as elegantly as i wanted to. ill try to find a better face/wig picture when i get home

i know seagulls arent usually big on modifying costumes but i was hoping to get gyaru or jfashion oriented ideas on how to give future junko cosplays a little extra spark. a lot of anons are both cosplayers and wear j fashion so your suggestions would be solid instead of my normie friends being like "'add glitter, "lolitas" like glitter, right?"'

i definitely want to do long glittery nails with little monobears and bows on them. this time they were just pointed/red and that was definitely way too boring especially considering the direction i want to go in.
do you think it would be too much to make the monobears and red chest bow glittery too? does anyone have any other gyaru-fying suggestions?

>> No.9151224

It looks really good! You make a really good Junko! I would brush out the curls in your pigtails to give it a more wild fluffier look, because her hair is pretty wild and fluffy. The right makeup is also really important for gyaru, but your makeup looks really good from what I can see!
Maybe little plushie monokuma hair clips instead of the flat ones? That's all I can think of, it's a pretty solid cosplay! I like the idea for the nails too!

>> No.9151277
File: 57 KB, 426x640, tumblr_ne7ztgf7kh1r2en1ko8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Leon coming through.

>> No.9151720
File: 48 KB, 600x750, 622-3241-0_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Along with what other anon said, I'd suggest getting a bulkier cardigan, since most gyaru cardigans are way over-sized. It depends on how much you're willing to deviate, but hey, it'd be interesting to see.
It'd be nice to see you make your bra more accurate to canon, too. You could use glittery roses and studs on it.
I say no to making the Monokumas glittery entirely, maybe just the eyes on the black one to give it some oomph.
Also, try making her phone case from SDR2, or have it commissioned. I'm pretty sure decoden is pretty popular among gyaru.

>> No.9152333
File: 52 KB, 539x960, first junko costest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my Junko cosplay!

I've wanted to cosplay her since 2013, but I kinda forgot about it as new games and anime had come around. However with the new anime I decided to go for it.

I just took these shots quick after work, wig needs a little styling, but I have finally become super high school level despair!

>> No.9152340


I'm also looking for critiques! My bangs need to be styled but I'm wondering what everyone thinks!

>> No.9152351

since it was just a quick shot it may not be your for sure plan, but I'd recommend a different lip color. Bright red seems pretty rare for gyaru style makeup

>> No.9152541

>>9138698 (snatching the reference)
get a bow and an accurate bra, improve your makeup, and make the buttons on your cardigan-thing red
really look at references and nail every detail. right now you just kind of look like another basic shit junko

>> No.9153296

agreed. Go with a nude or light pink lipgloss anon!

Also maybe tease the wig out, it really peeves me to see junkos with flat hair, its a little wild and sticks out alot. Also her bra! i cant see it the pic, but it has a lace trim with red roses on the border. She also has a choker. Sorry but I love junko and it annoys me to see inaccurate cosplays of her, the smallest things make all the difference!

>> No.9155966
File: 87 KB, 855x510, seiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello! i'd like to ask for an opinion to do seiko's wig, in a way it looks actually ok irl? i'd like for it to have a more natural look but at the same time with the excessive style she has, maybe? any tips? hope i made sense

>> No.9155968

do you have any irl pictures?

>> No.9156152

this is really gross. you look like your parents were cousins

>> No.9156692

Tell me more. This is my fetish.

>> No.9156751

as far as I remember the story roughly goes
>be me last spring, 17
>decide to cosplay Togami because I've just finished the first game and the Gendo Ikari cosplay I bought isn't arriving anytime soon (it never did arrive idk what happened)
>post in a DR facebook group I'm doing Togami at mcm london
>this girl shows up and says she's doing Fukawa at the same con
>we start talking, we become friends
>we both ship togafuka
>we start erp-ing it
>find out she's into like watersports and stuff like that
>I go along with it cause w/e
>get nearer to the con
>oh btw, are you ok with me being 14?"
>100 to 0 real quick
>eventually think whatever
>I'm not an adult either, should be fine
>meet at con, she's kinda clingy but otherwise fine
>starts texting me afterwards that she's genuinely in love with me
>I entertain the notion a little cause I know she's got issues at home and stuff, wanna support her
>it gradually gets weirder and weirder
>eventually realise I'm pretending to date a girl roughly the same age as my sister
>tell her I can't fucking do this anymore
>she drops the sibling line on me
>oh hell no
>we try and go back to being just friends
>eventually she removes me on fb
>mutual friend shows me a vague status she made about "people always abandoning me"
>I block her
>end up un-blocking her a few months later to clear the air before we inevitably run into each other at another con
>these days everything's fine

not much of a story, mostly just notable cause she was basically fukawa irl

>> No.9156827
File: 411 KB, 680x1021, toko_fukawa_danganronpa_by_ample_cosplay-d6wnqai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually liking the worst ship in the whole franchise
you deserved it

>> No.9156832

Repeating everyone's suggestions about lip gloss, and also do some contouring around your nose and stuff to get a more cutesy look going. I like the wig colour you picked.

>> No.9157083

I don't ship it anymore for obvious reasons.

>> No.9157174

how so? i don't believe there's anyone who might have done her already

>> No.9157238

I think they're asking to see the wig you're planning to use for the styling, anon.

>> No.9157574

you take that back anon

>> No.9157581
File: 325 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mn166vdF1j1soc2y6o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this photo doesn't do her justice imo but cifera used a silver base wig and sewed in some lilac wefts

>> No.9157589

I love your nail idea! I think the gaudier you make them, the better they'll be.

>> No.9157614
File: 49 KB, 510x640, L_51b17fb94c129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, I'd suggest epic's ice purple persephone instead. in more recent official art outside of the games her hair is clearly intended to have a purplish base

>> No.9158267
File: 174 KB, 360x640, 1450119474778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im super late but heres a pic of my makeup inb4 sorry for the shit phone picture and
please excuse the absence of bottom lashes the lash glue i was using kept making my eyes water.
any other ideas tho? i definitely need heavier contouring, and doing my eyebrows are a must for next time.

thank you so much for the support anons!!!
i think i want to go really OTT with the bra, almost satirically so? lots of studs and glitter roses and lace sounds ideal. I want it to be as OTT as the nails.
i think ill make the monobears out of model magic, the 3d plush ones look wonky imo and i think i could get better details if i used paint instead of trying to sew in details. either way they'd look 100% better then the laminated print outs ive been using.
i have an old flip phone ive been saving for the occasion i should rly get going on that and get it finished. my next con isnt till november so ive got some time at least but ill post WIP's if anyones interested! (and so i can get feedback)

>> No.9160590
File: 127 KB, 450x800, 20160821_124422_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this cosplayer at the local con.

>> No.9160683
File: 101 KB, 1080x1080, 11356667_1468955350087429_244397863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did a izuru cosplay last year in hurry, forgetting original pants and try to find someone for makeup.
since there is a new anime involving him so we made a new group for despair cast and im gonna make izuru again with improvs

>> No.9160711

Do a female fukawa just in a boys uniform. Theres not much to it. Shorten her hair into a bowl cut to give it the stereotypical japanese nerd look.

>> No.9161053

Pretty nice. Hope your new wig has some more styling, though. That boy's hair is a fucking disaster.

>> No.9161765

Still waiting on that Nekomaru cosplayer to come back and post in the thread...