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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9095772 No.9095772 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/, first time posting here. This is my second cosplay I'm doing, and I want it to be good. I already got the mask, jacket, jeans, shoes, and the rest. But I have no idea how to make my new clean clothes look as close as possible to pic related. Any help would be appreciated!

>> No.9095777
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You really have no idea? You can't think of how you might possibly achieve that effect? You can't brainstorm a single little inkling?

I'm sure anons over in the help thread- where your question should have been posted in the first place- can spoonfeed you weathering techniques since I'm assuming that Google was simply too far over your head.

>> No.9095780

wtf why are girls so mean here

>> No.9095782

Thanks for the help senpai. I hope everyone on this board isn't like you

>> No.9095806


Every dumb post with a clear disregard for the sticky or the rules is made by a man 90% of the time. We get tired of it.

But seriously OP, just google "cosplay weathering techniques" and you'll be guaranteed tomes of information. A thread didn't need to die to make room for yours.

>> No.9095819
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I did Google prior to the post. The sticky did not say anything against threads asking for help. I did not know there was a help thread, I posted on that instead.
Again, first time posting here

>> No.9095831

Then what exactly are you confused about? There are so many different techniques for weathering that are both simple and easy. Hell, watch some Youtube tutorials if Google hasn't helped you. Making an entire thread for it is a waste of time.

Costume creation is probably 80% research and trying out different techniques to see what works best for you. Nobody is going to give you all the answers or do all the work for you.

>> No.9095843

You're the second manlet to post this exact question in a week. wtf.

>> No.9096089

How many hotline miami threads are you gonna make, OP? You're making us look bad

>> No.9096100

That was my first post on /cgl/. Whoever posted about hotline before wasn't me

>> No.9096105

Idk newfriend, if you can't even manage to either read the sticky or find the help thread, I don't hold much hope for your costume making OR your survival here on the boards.

>> No.9096108

This is now a 'things you're sick of newfags asking about' thread

>hotline miami
>"I have no idea what to cosplay, tell me what to dress up as and how to make it"

>> No.9096122

"How do I into lolita, deets pls"
"How do I brolita, deets pls"
"Am I too ____ to play ___?"
"Is anyone wearing (flavor of the month) to (upcoming con)?"
"Is that person a (wo)man?"
"How can I make (complex prop) for (con in 3 days) with a dowel and duct tape? No budget also I am new at crafting. Pls no bully. "

>> No.9096656

MSPA generally too old for this shit

>> No.9096663

"Where do I find good wigs?"
"Should I cosplay this?"
Making a whole thread for "Does my cosplay look good?"
Asking questions that a quick Google search will help with/wanting someone to do all the research for them