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9088663 No.9088663 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread will be autosaging shortly, so here's a new one. Old thread >>9021114

Brands/Models List (WIP):

FAQ(WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7rG9uqr-qHej3zqML5zfFXcZCA1p_aKkyFfunvN-Bo/pub

Partial Scans List:

Video about Larme Magazine (annoying narrator alert):

Petite Dollies intro to Larme and style guide: http://blog.petitedollies.com/2016/04/about-larme-magazine.html

>> No.9088688
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summary of last thread:
>pink Milk skirt shitshow
>ehyphen bonbon is overpriced, we know
>larme kei meetups - the good, the bad, the ugly
>best brands for your buck
>swankiss fall collection releases, promptly sells out
>the larme kei facebook community is a poorly dressed cuddlefest
>substyles are stupid
>offbrand larme kei: when you try so hard but you don't succeed

>> No.9089215

Ok so how about a resource list of 'off brand because fatter than Larme brands' sources and potential places to look.

I'm assuming since there is some brand overlap, sizing is about like gyaru and many westerners are both taller and fatter.

>> No.9089256

If you're fat, then don't j-fash.

>> No.9089273

Oh come on, I'm not talking hammy, there was a chubby girl in the last Larme thread and most Gyaru is smaller than US size 10 which at 170cm is just that, a little chub. Don't be such a snob.

>> No.9089279

>US size 10
>a little chub


>> No.9089286

Found the Asian or the clueless. Size 10 and 170cm isn't too fat to rock this style, especially if toned and in good shape wear but whatevs. Not going to derail a thread over it. In case anyone ELSE has anything actually sensible to say, I'll just keep reading.

>> No.9089405


>> No.9089427

THIS. I'm fucking 187cm tall, a size 10, and I weigh 150-153 lbs (varies). any skinnier and I will literally be underweight. Fuck off, I'm skin and bones.

>> No.9089436

Nah, I know they are full of it or they are tiny Azn who hates the idea of a (to them) giant white chick in their precious fashion, sure, they exist. But Larme is not as distinctive as lolita so stuff from at least SOME high street western shops are bound to have some similar pieces to get the look and feel.

>> No.9089893

It's not as simple as a list of shops that have appropriate stuff, because the trends within both normal fashion and larme are constantly changing. I've posted a few coords made from all offbrand items that have been pretty well received and occasionally assumed to be brand. This is my process:

>Look at something considered legitimately larme (Blog, brand website etc) and find an item you like, eg. a shirred bardot top
>figure out how a normalfag would describe said item
>Trawl ebay using multiple sets of keywords; bardot top; off shoulder top; shirred bardot top; stretch bardot top; cold shoulder top etc. until you find something
>don't use filters because sizing differs between brands, people don't know what the terms means so misapply them or just don't use them at all.
>Look in thrift stores/charity shops
>Modify items where appropriate; adding lacing, ribbons or those small roses etc.

It's a really long process, and I only have five or so full outfits despite having been doing this for a really long time. The one shop that seems to have basic items pretty regularly is new look, their shoes especially are really good.

>> No.9089897

Right, because when normies think JFashion, they think gorgeous stick thin anime dream girls, not fat weeaboo nerds. Wouldn't want to taint the perfect image we have going on.

>> No.9089918
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Because only Asians can fit into Larme clothes?

Yeah they're being an ass but come on. Fitting into larme clothing is not out of the realm of possibility for a white girl. Just look at saramari. Tall and used to be fat.

Finding off brand stuff really comes down to developing a discerning eye. Like >>9089893 said it's way harder than just giving you a list of shops and saying have at it. Western fashion is into very different trends overall, but you can find bits of overlap. Save a few looks from Larme scans on your phone or something and when you're out shopping try and match stuff to those outfits. Look at high street shops and thrift stores. You're gonna have to search a lot more than the girl who can fit into Larme brands so be prepared.

I would also check the measurements of larme brand items. There might be some pieces out there that are more accommodating. Not all brands list measurements, but if their stuff is on zozotown then zozotown always lists them. Either that or you can pick up accessories from Larme brands to push your off brand outfit more into Larme territory.

>> No.9089980

Please help me gulls. How do I order from Ank Rouge? Somehow it's not accepting my order trough Tenso. I've never ordered from there before. It keeps giving me some error. Do I need to change SS?

>> No.9090030

Asians have smaller frames on average than white people. It's not that only they can fit, it's that they're going to have an easier time, and why they might think a US 10 is so big (even though that comment was probably bait).
I'm white, and I think I've said this in a previous thread, some Larme brands have bust measurements that are smaller than my ribcage. I have a B-cup and the only brand tops that fit me are particularly stretchy ones.

>> No.9090047

Thank you, I wasn't looking for an easy, convenient shopping list handed to me but answers like these. Much appreciated. Especially the tips about brand accessories, saramari and New Look.

>> No.9090081

What is the error anon?

>> No.9090117
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Where are you located? We can maybe try to give you some better shop info based on where you are.

If you have forever 21 I've found some stuff that can work for larme there but it's always in store, never in the website. The website has a certain aesthetic that usually doesn't cater to larme.

Asos also has some nice shoes that work for larme. They may also have other items but I find it hard to search the site because there is just so much stuff. I've looked at their dresses and unfortunately a lot are body con which doesn't work for larme. I did buy one really nice dress but it's out of stock now. Stuff there is short lived.

If you have thrift stores or charity shops in the area, try looking for independent ones (not a chain). They tend to have better stuff. Chain shops will outsource their best clothing to vintage stores and the like. I rarely have luck at goodwill but I find something at the thrift store down the street for me every time, at a similar price point. Not always something larme but always something I like. You can also try consignment stores but they may be a little higher priced.

I did find this one site the other day that looks promising: missyempire.com

Has anyone heard of it before? I'm thinking of trying it out. They have a coupon right now for 25% off - more4less

Pictured: one of their skirts

>> No.9090118 [DELETED] 

Well to be fair most people assume we are talking about a woman and not a trans person like you.

>> No.9090121

I usually don't like no bangs but I actually like this look a lot

>> No.9090261
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Are you me? This is essentially how I've been doing it for the past several years also and I have quite a nice capsule wardrobe going now. It's like other anon said, you need to have an eye for this also or it may not work.

>> No.9090419

Can we post some good coords with mostly offbrand finds? I'm looking through insta and tumblr, but none of them strike an instant Larme feel. I also don't have a FB so I can't see the group's outfits

>> No.9090433

Middle of the US. I will go and look at forever 21, we have a Claire's and Wet Seal too, some similar things but I haven't been in a while. Stopped buying lolita RN because I haven't been liking most of the releases lately and it's hot. I think Larme for summer looks nice. I think we have some upscale thrift shops in a nearby town too. Thank you very much for the tips.

>> No.9090434

How tall is saramari? Skimmed her site but couldn't find anything.

>> No.9090513
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Try looking at http://www.thethriftshopper.com/ for shops in your area. There are even reviews that will give you a feel for what each store has. Hopefully you can find some good stuff!

>> No.9090518

Another mid-US anon here and I get a lot of my stuff from aliexpress.

>> No.9090520
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She's 5'8". http://xoxsaramari.tumblr.com/post/145026580525/you-said-youre-a-tall-girl-how-tall-are-you

She's not 7 foot Amazon tall, but certainly tall for Japanese brands and yet she still owns a ton of brand. She seems to go for separates more often and longer skirts, though she does have some dresses.

>> No.9090539

Does she have a modeling profile showing measurements/weight? Not a creeper but I'm close to her height but think she looks to be at a pretty low weight with a more straight than curved figure so I'm just curious. Inspiration for sure!

Captcha: "select all the food"
Me: *sighs*

>> No.9090542

I have looked and read some reviews, I'm a bit afraid of both scams and knock-offs though. I have had good luck with looking up similar items on eBay (like bags, long socks and tights) and there is only a little price difference.

>> No.9090566
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Ruka uses a lot of offbrand, even if it's not *most* of the outfit.

>> No.9090571
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But yeah these are some of the offbrand-ier ones

>> No.9090600
File: 85 KB, 539x960, 13590425_1131702380227090_3214303051970652380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted couple hours ago

>> No.9090602
File: 98 KB, 960x748, 13615070_10157019429345461_5360674282101630688_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny enough, i was looking at this ebay seller for their camisoles. wing makes me want to go for it!

>> No.9090605
File: 123 KB, 960x960, 13592205_10210001326855259_7664201767714834597_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emily said everything here is either WEGO or offbrand.

i overall like her outfits, but they need work

>> No.9090611
File: 115 KB, 830x960, 13439201_1113133968758703_6953210656309740746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, but needs work

>> No.9090613
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Diff anon but here's another offbrand I liked from the Facebook group but I wonder what it looks like worn.

>> No.9090634
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Also pretty sure this is all offbrand and it's really nice.

>> No.9090637

You're being very generous anon. The two tops are fine but everything else looks fucking awful.

>> No.9091177
File: 63 KB, 857x960, FB_IMG_1467862010163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in this outfit is off brand! I am personally not really a fan of cardigans in larme but this looks cute still

>> No.9091182
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I think this one is mostly offbrand too. I really like checkered pants like this.

>> No.9091317

Ah.. I'm worried about the length of this skirt making my thighs look fat

>> No.9091387

I need that shirt in my life!

>> No.9092012
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These are mine so I'm obviously biased, but it's all offbrand

>> No.9092013
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Another one.

>> No.9092015
File: 1.04 MB, 1094x1167, DSC_0284_mh1454617041815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one I have on my phone. I have more outfits but I'm not at home atm scant take any pics.

If any anons are interested I can do so when I get home.

>> No.9092044

I like the outfit on the right a lot more than the left one. It's the small things that make it, or rather, that break it; unstyled hair, that hair clip, those ugly socks, too many prints and clashing details...

>> No.9092046

This would be improved so much just by pulling her skirt up to her waist. (and ditching that hair)

>> No.9092096

It would take more than just pulling up her skirt to improve that outfit even a little bit never mind alot. Her skirt probably is pulled up, it's the fact that her top isn't tucked into her skirt that gives that impression. Gingham is a commonly used pattern in Larme but that doesn't mean throwing on any old gingham item auto makes your outfit look Larme. The styling of that skirt, her hair, her makeup, her footwear and (nitpicking here) her facial expression all look bad. Also those circle lenses do not suit her, they make her look like she is possessed.

>> No.9092108

You're absolutely correct. Larme isn't a style to go ott with (not counting Swankiss). The outfit on the right is just a basic gypsy top and skirt with peplum. The specific accessories chosen (literally a hairclip, bag, neck and wrist decoration) and hairstyling push it into Larme territory. The cute shoes also add to the overall outfit. The icing on the cake would have been suitable makeup, a bit of lip colour and blush. It's so easy and basic.

>> No.9092178
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Was this shop posted before?

>> No.9092270

Where do I acquire the offbrand version of that swankiss skirt? hngg

>> No.9092295

Not the same anon but it's by love-with-me.taobao.com and old as fuck, I don't think Swankiss was that when it had its first release.

>> No.9092299

Here you go! I liked her outfit on tumblr and she posted the store!

>> No.9092300

*had that kind of skirt

>> No.9092342

I really, really like this bag but I hate the jibberish embroidery.

"Nan nan special?" Sounds like a fucking granny prostitute's signature move.

>> No.9092366

These look so wearable and comfortable but definitely larme, I love it!

I'd be interested, anon. They all look well balanced and cute but not overly cutesy.

>> No.9092730

Well fuck, that taobao shop just lost a sale thanks to you

Love these! Where did you get the gingham pieces?

I have some offbrand outfits of my own to post too if anyone is interested

>> No.9092743


>Look, she even takes out the dentures for this one!

I'd like to see them!

>> No.9093027
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Everything is offbrand on the left photo, on the right the peignoir is world gallery bon bon and choker is rosemarie seoir. I've actually posted these on the fbook group but got 0 concrit so any thoughts would be appreciated. I think the right outfit could use some more coverage of my chest, a little too much skin is showing there I think.

As another thought, I am kind of sad that all of thr larme brands are starting to blend together and adopt similar styles. For example Katie's new look book reminds me of crayme, swankiss is very bon bon....it seems like the brands are becoming less distinctive

>> No.9093036
File: 56 KB, 432x576, de84f402-4e09-40b2-b0a9-2fac20501805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually i take back what I Said about Katie's new collection, i was thinking of something else entirely, Katie looks amazing . I just saw this photoset on tumblr and apparently it is ank rouge but all tjr outfits look like other brands....this one looks just like eat me's new collection for one

>> No.9093077

None of this is even remotely Larme.

>> No.9093210
File: 3.16 MB, 1940x1492, larme inspo colalge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some more specifics? I am totally willing to admit my outfits aren't perfect but I was pretty heavily inspired by larme in making these outfits.
Attaching a pic of some of my inspirations.

>> No.9093249

I would say cover your shoulders in the second outfit, since you already have your legs out. You could wear a t shirt instead like in the bottom right >>9093210 instead of the vest thing you have right now.

>> No.9093281

I like the left outfit, it has a nice silhouette. I think chunky black shoes of some kind would work better than the velvet heels though, and a black bag, to give a sort of cute-but-tough vibe which the skirt has. I also like what you've done with your hair! Even though it's straight it looks good.

Right outfit... wear a black top with a higher neckline and/or sleeves, some of the shirts in your inspo would be nice, along with black shorts or a miniskirt. The print of the skirt is what ruins the look for me.

>> No.9093325

Those burgundy shoes are horrible for larme. Can't even conceive an outfit they'd work in. You also need some socks.

Don't like the skirt on the left as you're wearing it, maybe twist the pocket so it's at the side rather than at the front if you can. But that's my personal taste so feel free to ignore. Otherwise this outfit is okay.

Dress under the peignoir doesn't work at all. Try a high necked top under it with a plainer skirt. Basically what >>9093281 said

You'll notice in all of your inspiration examples that the necklines of the peignoirs/whatever they are always cover what isn't covered by the top underneath and vice versa.

Also start taking your pictures in natural lighting.

>> No.9093386
File: 137 KB, 431x575, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swankiss put up some more of their autumn collection again.

Of course, the one thing I wanted sold out in the blink of an eye. I think I'm gonna have to give up on this dress until it turns up secondhand.

>> No.9093393
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I've noticed that Ank rouge and honey cinnamon both tend to rehash what other brands have done. It's unoriginal on the one hand, but they tend to have lower price points than some of the other brands, so you can buy something very similar to a more expensive item. I bought this top from honey cinnamon which looks similar to a crayme top for that specific reason.

>> No.9093399

ty anon, I'm going home this weekend so I'll try and take some more pictures then.

Gingham pieces are all from ebay. Originally the top is from topshop, there are always two or three for sale on there. The skirt is from bank, but there are similar things everywhere.

>> No.9093709

I think your first would look better with some socks and the second would improve with more coverage like you said. I think your chokers are super cute, what kind of hair accessory are you wearing in the first pic?

>> No.9093799
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Found this on ebay, pretty sure they're using a picture from monlily, though I consider the design generic enough not to be a replica.


>> No.9094171

It is MonLily, if you purchase these from eBay be prepared to re-glue or solder the main piece to the Bobby pin they attached to, or be really careful with them, they come away quite easily.

>> No.9094179

I'll be going to Tokyo for the first time this October. Would I be able to find larme brands at thrift shops there? Does anyone have recommended places for shopping? I know harajuku and shibuya109 in shibuya but if there are other places to check out I'd love to know!

>> No.9094308

Thank you so much for the concrit!!! I am actually wearing socks on the left but they are sheer socks with the pattern covered by the shoes so I could probably use a different pair ha. My hair accessory on the left is a red bow in the back of my hair. I think a small ribbon barrett on the side of my hair might have fit with the theme better. I love the idea of the black chunky shoes too!!!
Your probably already know this but specifically laforet in harajuku has a lot of good larme stores.

That makes sense and makes me feel a little better about the state of larme lol. I jsut want brands to keep having their own unique looks

>> No.9094972

That's mostly it, except for Katie which is in Ebisu and also wherever MonLily's gone off to. Swankiss also has a second store I didn't know existed in Ikebukuro P'Parco. Shinjuku Lumine Est has some stuff like Merry Jenny, but I wouldn't bother unless you'll be in Tokyo for a while.

>> No.9095237

Anyone know if this is a replica and if so, what brand made the original?

>> No.9095792

>laforet in harajuku
I didn't know about this place so I'm glad you mentioned it. I looked it up and I'm very excited to check it out!

>I wouldn't bother unless you'll be in Tokyo for a while.
I'll be there for awhile and I love exploring new places so I will probably check out each of these. Thank you!

>> No.9096212
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Mhmm yes, so very Larme. I hope she won't wear this in public. The idea was cute, but you can see it's her first sewing project

>> No.9097490
File: 1.11 MB, 2209x2783, IMG_1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about what >>9088272 said. Pumps and sheer socks. I have a LOT of black/lilac/red in my wardrobe but everything is so... Aomoji. I have some sheer dresses with embroidery that I used for cult party kei too, but I don't know for sure if they would work. Something like this but with straps and more layers. I also have a shitload of long sheer skirts

>> No.9097545
File: 102 KB, 431x575, LLI0116S0010_pz_c101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like this might be a little too baggy/not form-fitting enough. If it's a "mullet" dress (short in front, long in back) that could be cute though, as long as your whole body isn't encompassed in fabric I think you could make it work. It might look cute with a peignor of similar length. Something like this.

>> No.9097586
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Very random question for you all! Are any of you not quite sold on some on Swankisses new things? I think some of them are okay, but others are kind of ugly (pic related, sorry if you like it!).

I think I'm just nitpicking, but nothing is selling me the same way other brands are and the shop staff modeling the clothes aren't as charming as other store girls. I wish they were coordinated a little better, or tried posing nicely. I don't know, they don't look quite right? I'm trying to find inspiration outside of the usual brands and noticed a lot of people were really excited about Swankiss. I wish I was more into it!

>> No.9097591
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding another photo from @Swankiss_bar. I think some of these look nice, but the models don't exactly make me want to throw the ¥ at them. I like Swankiss clothes outside of the whole "Romantice vintage" concept they're doing now.

I hope you guys understand me! I don't hate the brand, I'm just slightly underwhelmed.

>> No.9097602

It all looks so cheap and handmade. I'm with you, gull

>> No.9097728

I love this dress and I'm really considering it. Funny because I usually don't like Swankiss at all.

>> No.9098657

Funny you posting this dress and that post because I saw it earlier in the thread and decided it was ugly.

>> No.9098659

I hope you have a banging figure, model tier face and hair because it looks terrible even on the models.

>> No.9098809

You don't have to be such a dick about it. I like it, you don't, it's cool.

>> No.9099097

I find it really offputting. They're going overboard in all the wrong places and it just looks like a mess. I strongly believe that with larme, less is more, but Swankiss doesn't seem to get it.

>> No.9099189

I'm still dipping my toes into this style, but I agree with you. It look like they're trying to put their own spin on Larme and it's not really coming across? The coordinates and heavy looking cheek makeup in my opinion doesn't mesh well in this case. Especially on girls like Hikapu and the brand's producer.

I didn't ask the question to bash on them or anything or be mean spirited, I just can't get behind their new items. Compared to other brands it's just a little..meh?

>> No.9099972
File: 86 KB, 498x1000, 641861489849658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this centuries before I even knew what was larme, but since I'm going to sell a lot of my stuff I wanted to know if anything here is salvageable? Should I just throw everything in hell's flame?
Excuse stupid pose, too lazy to photography everything separately.

>> No.9099974

None of those are suitable for a larme outfit, sorry anon

>> No.9099980

Too edgy and modern, not girly at all. You need to revise your idea of what larme is.

>> No.9100028

I think I have some kind of solid idea, I was just kinda unsure if the vest and sailor moon earrings would suit it. Thanks tho!

>> No.9100060

You could maybe get away with the sailor moon earring a since they're subtle but focus on the other parts of the outfit right now and worry about the little accessories later.

>> No.9100535

I'd love to see more handmade pieces in larme though.

>> No.9101183
File: 108 KB, 612x646, ML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sale at DreamV for anyone who is interested in MonLily. I just grabbed this shirt and I'm excited. I feel like it's hard to find offbrand tshirts that fit with the larme vibe.

>> No.9101187
File: 190 KB, 1280x1020, tumblr_o5w6525NdT1qi6kb5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend Mansikka on tumblr. Not all of her stuff is larme and not all of it is handmade but she is pretty thrifty and has cute dreamy outfits. I'm a big fan of her.
Pic related, I just grabbed it off her tumblr. She said she made the skirt and bought everything else second hand!

>> No.9103373
File: 153 KB, 540x698, tumblr_oad4qaSoaz1s0ow94o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New issue out Sunday!

>> No.9105320
File: 149 KB, 1486x736, hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about hats like these in larme? never?

>> No.9105352

I think a wide brimmed straw hat could work for a 50's beachy/picnic look. I don't know about the examples you posted though, they seem too "madame" to me. Maybe the striped one if you had the right sunglasses...? Overall, I'd avoid them.

>> No.9105356

Maybe the middle one of coorded right, but they all seem a bit big and OTT. A smaller version might work.

>> No.9105877


Quality is important. The left outfit looks too basic/cheap, and your colours aren't working well. The right outfit reads discount lingerie shop to me, which I think is mostly due to the peignor being combined with bare legs and shoulders/chest and the fact that the underpieces don't look that nice.
I think more styling and attention to detail would do you a lot of good.

>> No.9106018

I'd like to see the middle one or a similar one in white in a larme coord, I think they could look nice and be very helpful for summer.

>> No.9106605

Yes it's my fav too, I think I will try one like this in larme someday, maybe with the right sunglasses it can work.

>> No.9106965

When's the next fb group contest?

>> No.9108942

fucking kek

>> No.9109952

I'm super new to "sweet-girly-fashion" / Larme, so I'm sorry for the super noob questions. It's quite a ways out of my comfort zone but I love the way it looks. I'm not sure if it's something I'd like to wear or not, but I am thinking of trying it out maybe.

Are there any good places to browse through pics of Risa? I know there's her twitter, but I know sometimes people run fan blogs for coordinates and such. I really like the way she looks and would like a few pics for inspo.

Any good Larme tumblrs? I tried looking and didn't see anything.

Also, is there anywhere to see scans or pages of Larme mag? I know, I know, don't lynch me, I just wanted to see what the magazine is like to get a feel for it. It's something I'm not sure if I'm interested in yet or not.

>> No.9109975

Not into larme, but goddamn, you talk like you're walking on eggshells. You just blow in from tumblr or something?

Just ask your questions. We're not the boogeyman.

>> No.9109986

Asking for scans of anything usually gets your ass handed to you because it's not supporting the creators (Which, as an artist, I understand completely). Was explaining why I wanted to see them so people understood my intentions.

CGL: Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

>> No.9110007

Oh crap, sorry guys, just noticed the info at the top of the thread.

If anyone still wants to send me some good links I'd appreciate it though!

>> No.9110076
File: 80 KB, 500x710, tumblr_o46mtvjIaw1uj609jo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I don't get about Larme is that the creator said it's marketed to "bookish" and "cultured" girls. I can't see any sort of connection.

>> No.9110100
File: 374 KB, 577x600, tumblr_nvx3zf9wHs1ue2wcco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious or bait or? Would you prefer it if every model in Larme magazine posed with actual books in art galleries or something? Holy shit, I'll be glad when Summer ends.

>> No.9110123

Well, I would assume that whatever constitutes bookish and cultured is slightly different to whatever connotations those words hold in the west.

There's also a very obvious European and particularly French sixties look about it. I know this much; in Japan having an interest in foreign cultures, especially the French, is considered pretty cultured.

>> No.9110153

Yes, dear anon, It's all libraries and books or nothing.

I didn't consider the Japanese meaning of "bookish" and "cultured" would be so different than the western interpretation, but that makes a bit more sense, especially if that's considered cultured. I was really confused about why Larme would be appealing specifically to "bookish" girls over other demographics.

>> No.9110155

I'm going to assume that Haruna Nakagori, in presenting Larme an art book, had a vision for something with a little more substance than the average fashion magazine, and thus wanted a readership that reflected that. Total guess work here though.

>> No.9110158

I'm going to ask one of my friends for a little clarification on this, but they're a boy so it might be missing some of the nuance a girl would have about this idea.

>> No.9110169

>slightly different to whatever connotations those words hold in the west.
I don't know if I buy this. You read enough Japanese lit, see enough art and high fashion outside of the Jfashion bubble, and cultured doesn't look too dissimilar to what any of the major design cities are doing at the moment.

Larme is more of a stylistic interpretation of what someone might think is cultured. Like how Kera is an interpretation of alt fashion and Ageha was an interpretation of rich lifestyle? It's looking from the outside in.

>> No.9110201

Damn, I wish people actually wore coords like these or the Audrey Hepburn ones. All I ever see around is the sweeter pink and black ones it seems.

>> No.9110232
File: 83 KB, 415x720, tumblr_nvchz6RBKd1ue2wcco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean; it might be hard to convince people that it is Larme and not just some cute preppy outfit especially if worn by a westerner. Everyone is very fixated on the black/pink, pencil skirts, lingerie, pompom earrings aspect of Larme at the moment.

>> No.9110680

Yeah it seems most of the community is quick to shoot down any coord that doesn't have those aspects, unfortunately. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the outfits posted here saying they aren't Larme are correct, but it might stop people from going outside that bubble of what's expected at the moment.

>> No.9110727

This is why the substyles thing is stupid. None of them covered this preppy style.

>> No.9110741
File: 74 KB, 630x760, https%3A%2F%2F56.media.tumblr.com%2Fa239ec0239d2055680899668f072c0fa%2Ftumblr_nvcht7cGcW1ue2wcco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've inspired me to do a dump of less stereotypical Larme coords.

>> No.9110746
File: 932 KB, 722x456, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people would do more dreamy, flowey coords like left of pic related too

>> No.9110749
File: 142 KB, 700x526, larme-yui-jane-birkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110757
File: 388 KB, 500x700, 20150728_153036~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a similar notion in mind, anon.

>> No.9110760
File: 152 KB, 736x981, b84f74066dd6234d22a78b44ae931260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110762
File: 35 KB, 550x958, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F30ce4b4ca1b1b45cc3678a70e7fce72e%2Ftumblr_nb1r53pzUo1qb7w7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110763
File: 366 KB, 500x700, 20150728_153049~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite issue of Larme, of the ones I own at the moment.

>> No.9110764
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>> No.9110765
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>> No.9110767
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>> No.9110770
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>> No.9110771
File: 268 KB, 365x680, tumblr_nvg8sdWGqT1ue2wcco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110772
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>> No.9110774
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>> No.9110775
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>> No.9110776
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>> No.9110777
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>> No.9110778
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>> No.9110779
File: 96 KB, 500x750, 1430364742797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I've had another girl wearing that sailor pic saved for ages. Who is it by?

>> No.9110783
File: 38 KB, 600x800, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9cda124397e7ac94a9d47f876ff5ccbf%2Ftumblr_nv7d1jRvc41rvce0lo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110784
File: 769 KB, 1827x2296, IMG_20160704_153747~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110791
File: 44 KB, 600x800, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F3b8b830f398ebf02edaffb48ed615767%2Ftumblr_ngs915cFWL1qb7w7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Swankiss? Im not 100% sure


>> No.9110795
File: 1.25 MB, 717x929, 128215474514_4.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110799
File: 164 KB, 520x700, IMAG2703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9110801
File: 422 KB, 1145x1600, SCAN1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though this is from Popteen,Yula has a very Larme feel to her coords. Actually Popteen in general seems to have alot of larme-like coords lately

>> No.9110806
File: 425 KB, 1156x1600, SCAN1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. Another Yula Popteen coord

>> No.9110807
File: 301 KB, 640x854, MANT_1440760066640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree. Pic related is from her Mant account.

>> No.9110829

i need those shoes from the main picture. anyone know where to cop them?

>> No.9110890

Anyone know how to wear larme in summer?
Currently dying in my current co-ords from heat.

>> No.9110977

i would guess stick to light fabrics like chiffon, and if you have any dresses like >>9110784 you can avoid too much layering and just focus on accessories

>> No.9111205
File: 312 KB, 552x845, Memento Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a migraine and can't do anything right now because I feel miserable. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good Larme blogs (tumblrs, shop blogs/photosets, model blogs, whatever!) or other places to find inspo? It's really grown on me, so I'd like to start an inspiration folder. Please and thanks.

Pic because I love this and because it's hotter than Satan's armpits outside and I wish I was swimming.

>> No.9111269
File: 39 KB, 580x583, 7e2a43cb0a46f21f151dd332f7246b600d33ae83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, you picked the Momento Mori issue of Larme which is atypical atm. I've been off the grid due to injuries so I don't have alot of sources but I recommend acuriousidea for consistency (which I lack in my own blog) and she has been posting Larme style for around 2 years now to my knowledge. I feel. I personally feel like you can get the best feel for a fashion by researching it's roots: check out Amo's personal fashion Ameblo (go back to the beginning) and Risa
If Amo didn't go family I feel she would be the reigning queen of Larme but I respect her choice.

>> No.9111325

It's nice of you to rec my blog but I really haven't been keeping up with it so much lately and IMO there are way better larme blogs out there than mine hah.

As appeasement here are some of my own favorites: chiffontears, lukaruna, xoxsaramari, cheyanne-xo, tsukinonaomi, hermysteriousbusiness, squishyblob, whatisdolly.

I'm probsbly forgetting a lot more. Larme-kei is also a great resource though they haven't been as active lately.

>> No.9111333

Like I said, your blog is good for archive, you were there from the start and that counts, don't discount yourself girl. I also have had issues updating but I think it's important to get a good source history for any fashion, especially Jfash.

>> No.9111403
File: 18 KB, 431x575, ANK0116S0017_pz_c102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may sound stupid as balls, but I really don't know where else to ask.
I've been eyeing skirts from various brands, and many of the skirt descriptions say "waist measurement: X cm (with rubber band)." Does anyone know if this refers to the waist measurement when the rubber waistband is stretched to the max, or when it is relaxed?
For example, pic related waist measurement is listed as 65cm (with the rubber band). My waist is 70cm (inb4 fattychan) and I really don't know if the 65cm is the maximum width of the waistband or the minimum width.

>> No.9111568

Aww thanks. I don't own any Larme magazines, and don't think it would be worth it for me to subscribe because from what I can tell they are hit and miss for my personal taste, but I really liked the memento mori one from the couple pictures I've seen. I get a feeling that I probably prefer the more atypical styles in Larme, though it's all really cute.

Thanks for the recs, both of you. I'll check them out later.

>> No.9111602
File: 108 KB, 563x760, jPlpmGrIhFfL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the consistency though you are literally a Jfashion librarian at this point
Despite her modesty acuriousidea is my personal fave for Jfashion and aesthetic atm, but like I said check the back catalog of blogs from around 2012 to give you an idea of the fashion at its source (PlaygroundMates was a personal fave).

>> No.9111607


>> No.9111652

It's probably the minimum. Ain't no brand have time to measure that shit stretched. Liz Lisa and its affiliated brands go with the minimum, so that's my reference.

>> No.9111692

Has the FAQ been updated recently?

>> No.9111978

Hell yeah that's great to hear, thank you so much anon!

>> No.9113135

super Audrey vibes, I dig it.

>> No.9117097

Anything particularly interesting in the new larme?

>> No.9117107

Not really. I'm actually quite disappointed with this issue, a lot of the stuff looks pretty generic and the makeup tutorials reminds me of Popteen.

>> No.9117486
File: 39 KB, 1010x1010, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend gifted me these sunglasses and I feel like they might be nice in a larme outfit, but I'm unsure what to pair them with. Any ideas, please?

>> No.9117504

I've never understood why someone can't have both family and a hobby like fashion. In Amo's case, she is still the director of a brand. l I think her tastes just changed a lot. Etsuna Otsuka is a mother and still looks amazing in alt fashion.

>> No.9117524

Don't most women in Japan still quit working once they have a child, more by custom and choice? I know there are exceptions but I thought most did still stop doing most kinds of working after birth.

>> No.9117574

So no more unconventional coordinates like anons were discussing upthread?

>> No.9118074

OT is there anyway I can view the previous thread (I'm new here soz)

>> No.9118106

it's been deleted, that's why there's a line through the post number

>> No.9118125

It has been pruned, yes, but /cgl/ is all archived over on rebeccablacktech. Just use the search function and look for larme, most if not all of the old threads should be there.

>> No.9118224
File: 2.26 MB, 2257x3010, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite liked this issue, especially since it had some more editorial type pages than other recent issues. This one is based loosely on the virgin suicides.

I can see where you're coming from on the makeup tutorials though, especially the pussy cat makeup. Most of the hair arranges were also very simple this issue... Hmm maybe I have more problems with it than I though. But yeah I did like the editorials and vintage sections.

>> No.9118242

Is that Kota on the left?

>> No.9118245

Because raising kids isn't work, lol.

>> No.9118252

spot the bitter parent lol. you know what anon meant and you're just being salty

>> No.9118341


So the larme trends are going in a more vintage-inspired direction?

>> No.9118848

I doubt it. They just had an editorial that was was quite vintage inspired and they did a section on vintage shops in Japan like Grimoire. It was a nice change so I enjoyed it but I don't think it will become the norm.

>> No.9119211
File: 53 KB, 540x720, 1464142351881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would help if you showed some things you think that could go with it. But I think a black skirt and a pink blouse maybe would work.. Maybe something like this too.

>> No.9119224

You should try a blouse and skirt, anon, I heard those were very larme and worked well with everything

>> No.9119281

Id think something more casual, like one of the Katie Bettie page t-shirts or something denim. Or maybe an off the shoulder cropped blouse. Something with a summery and playful vibe. I personally would try to steer away from anything too skin showing though so you don't look too nymphet.

>> No.9119708

I've had an interest in larme kei for a little while now. At first I think I had the same problem a lot of people on cgl were complaining about, that there has been too much focus on the over-the-top Swankiss look. Therefore I started collecting more girly, sweet and vintage looking pieces. Now I have the problem of if I'm cording correctly... I want to post on the FB page, but I'm scared of looking dumb. Are you guys more likely to hate on someone if you can identify them from cgl to FB? Because if not, I have a lot of coord ideas I'd like advice on.

>> No.9120092

I can't speak for anyone here, but I'd say we're pretty receptive to people who ask for and accept reasonable concrit on here. Posting here is opening yourself up to criticism but hey, it's better than posting on the group first and getting posted here for being terrible (as unfortunately happens) anyway.

>> No.9120139

What the other anon said. As long as you demonstrate a grasp of the basic principles and accept concrit humbly, or at least appear to outwardly, then you're fine posting on here. Even if you look a bit of a mess. Anyone who's stupid enough to believe the "/cgl/ are awful bullies!" Hype on fb probably shouldn't be listened to, either.

People on fb are reluctant to be as harsh as they might need to be in any group, because they have an identity tied to them.

>> No.9120150

Post your coord ideas anon. Being able to identify someone from cgl on fb doesn't faze me at all, if anything I'd know they're more honest with their concrit. It's a really small community anyway

>> No.9120263
File: 35 KB, 500x454, CogETtiUIAERKE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9120411


Thanks, everyone. I'm not at home right now, but I'll try and take some pictures within the next few days. I work all weekend. I feel a lot more comfortable now though.

>> No.9120424


Am I the only one who thinks Sara looks like a drag queen? Sure she's got money for brand but I don't think she suits it at all. Her face is too long...

Chieko is another girl who doesn't suit Larme well. She was on Kawaii International and since she was the only girl doing Larme Risa complimented her making her win the contest.

Cheiko or whatever looks too much like Beckii Cruel. Big nose, white and awkward in Japan.

She's a bickerer anyway and hates Dakota Roses's guts.

>> No.9120430

The issue with the face could be easy solved with the right hairstyle, updos are the worst for long faces.

>> No.9120433

I get what you mean about sara, but also I think the clothes fit her weirdly also? Or it could just be how they are meant to look

>> No.9120445


Yeah... if you go on her blog at her earlier post-fatty outfits she looks weird in those wigs. But even now with her latest outfit posts she just doesn't suit them well... it's just her overall. Her face is too long for the cutesy style... even if her hair was longer it would just be as bad. She tries too hard to look like Risa.

>> No.9120471

I get what you're saying about Sara, but as >>9120430 says, it's all about the make and hair. It can be fixed. She's got the aestaethic right, she just need to adjust it to her looks.

Also, I think Chieko does Larme justice. I think it suits her a lot

>> No.9120494

Kind of agree about Sarah but I really disagree about Chloe. She pulls of larme easily because she looks specifically french. Even though she has strong Western features she usually goes for the sixties throwback audrey-esque looks, which always looks right on French women.

>> No.9120530

I disagree.

Neither Chieko or Sara suit Larme both are too lanky and have harsh features. Chieko has a horrid personality too from what I have found so I dont support her. Sara seems pleasant but doesnt look good in Larme.

>> No.9120533

It broke my heart when I saw Beckii try Larme out. She looks so much like Chieko with the huge nose. Not very dolly.

Ruka suits Larme a lot but the face expression scares me sometimes.

Apparently Peachymilktea wants to try Larme and I think she would pull it off nicely. Dakota would suit Larme too. God help if she does though... Chieko and some of the Larmeistas might bite her head off. Chieko seems desperate to get into that magazine... just the spite her I hope she doesnt ha

>> No.9120570

I think that maybe we've just been conditioned to think Larme girls have to be petite with delicate features because we're so used to looking at the larme magazine which is full of tiny Asian models. You could argue that it suits them better in some way since a big part of the larme aesthetic is looking dolly/girly/delicate/etc. but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't even try.

With most other J-fashions we're used to seeing people with all sorts of face and body types try to fit in. But with larme it's almost a constant stream of the magazine and brands with small Japanese models in small Japanese clothes. Most of the popular people in the community are small Asians too. We also have discussions about what hair colours are 'acceptable' in larme where some people exclude natural blonde because they don't think it suits the look. Is that because we barely ever see blonde in the magazines?

I guess it just bothers me on some level that we're saying some people shouldn't try larme because of their noses/heights/faces/etc. Surely if most people did their hair and makeup properly and/or had a better eye for outfit details it shouldn't be such a problem?

>> No.9120591
File: 160 KB, 990x1167, petite meller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely agree that it comes down to hair, makeup, and details. Petite meller is generally accepted as larme and has ties to a few larme brands, and her face is long as heck with a slightly large nose. But she styles herself well enough to still look dolly. You just need to know what features to accentuate and what kind of style/mood suits your features best. Imho Larme is more about the mood or feel than it is about looking like a pouty Asian doll.

>> No.9120594

I understand what you mean anon but when you have one girl who looks likr a drag queen and one with a huge nose with a basic face... Hard to call it cute. Neither are delicate.

>> No.9120612

Petite meller looks like a man

Risa is liked because of her doll look and owns the style. I cant imagine someone with harsher features and lanky owning it.

>> No.9120614

>You just need to know what features to accentuate and what kind of style/mood suits your features best. Imho Larme is more about the mood or feel than it is about looking like a pouty Asian doll.

Do you have any examples of styles/moods that fit certain people? I have a pretty big nose and am just generally don't have a very kawaii face and I always worry that I'm not pulling the look off.

>> No.9120630

Not saying Sara or Chieko cannot wear the style they just dont suit it. Anyone can wear whatever they please but not everyone suits certain things.

>> No.9120639

>horrid personality

Have a look at what the Verybrain shop girls wear. I can't really see someone with very 'cute' features pulling off that style well.

>> No.9120642

I have similar problems honestly, but I think the most important thing is not to try to emulate someone who doesn't look anything like you, like what anons above were saying about Saramari trying to look like Risa when she just doesn't. I think Rukas outfits look good not because she's small and Asian but because she has her own personal style and tastes. It's helpful to use the models/shopgirls/brand owners for inspo but don't base your whole look off of one person unless youre like their doppelganger or something.
Also don't feel pressured to wear the sexy fetishy larme. Experiment with different styles and see what works best. I personally like when chieko wears rosemarie seoir, I think since her face is slightly awkward (but still pretty) the dreamy and strange feel of rosemarie seoir suits her well.

>> No.9120644

After that drama over Dakota yesterday Chieko wasnt nice at all her and a couple of the others all practically admitted to being PULL users.

Shes probably jealous even though she models she isnt as revelant. Compared to Dakota she isnt a looker anyway.

Verybrain are just basic? Most are pretty and not lanky manly looking like Sara and Chieko.

Its like Shani (MahouShani) shes 5'9, curvy and broad who wears Liz Lisa and she doesnt suit it. Get Aminyan who is also black and pretty shes smaller, fits the clothes better and has cuter nicer features which looks good.

Its all about the features.

>> No.9120651

But I bet all of them look different in person. Its all filters and effects to give dreamy feels.

Chieko would look like any basic white girl in black lace. Sara is just... Tall in clothes suited to shorter girls and Ruka probably looks otaku.

There is another girl who does outfits... Candice I think? Shes another ugly who is Cheiko's bestie. Another Dakota bully who uses PULL.

>> No.9120657

What is all this talk of Dakota drama, can someone give me the lowdown on what's happening? I go on the fb group regularly and I haven't seen anything, thought things were pretty drama free haha

>> No.9120661

Am i the only one who is sick of the Larme fetish look?

Also the pom poms in hair too? Seriously there is other larme styles

>> No.9120669

If I see pompoms in someone else's hair I'll scream. It looks juvenile and it's not trendy right now and jts fucking hot outside so fur looks dumb. Any outfit I see with Pompoms get -10 kawaii pts from me.

Dakota was at the ehwgbon bon a/w exhibition and chieko made fun of her a little, as did some other girls. I didn't see all of it though and I cant find the post right now.

>> No.9120690

Pom poms are wore by girls who think larme is fairy kei

Yeah Chieko was bitching about her so hard and tried using the european mi big nose japanois love it tactic to back herself up when some asian girl went at her to shut up

>> No.9120701

I think people are kind of afraid to do anything but the fetishy style because it might not be as recognizable as larme. I'll take floaty tulle skirts over tight fake leather garter skirts any day.

>> No.9120731

Where was that?
So many people say that and yet no one posts anything different

>> No.9120780

>4 N

Facebook but Chieko removed it lol (she and two others are the owners)

>> No.9120810

I'm working on a few coordinates right now but I don't think they're quite up to cgl standards as of yet, lol. Also I don't have anything yet from brands featured in larme, and I realize it's harder to get the right look that way. They do look similar to things from the magazine, however.

>> No.9120867
File: 1.04 MB, 1334x750, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This exactly. I think people are forgetting that Larme is not a street style, it is a magazine full of models that cater to a certain aesthetic. There have been times when I have had trouble telling, for example, Risa and Monaca apart and there is absolutely a reason for that. The magazine is there to look pretty and perfect and they choose models that fit the look they're trying to portray. That doesn't mean that anything outside of that image doesn't "suit it," it just means it's different. I really hope in time that people start to develop their own version of Larme that does suit them, but if we're going to rag on anyone taller than 5'4" or who has a nose that stick out then I don't see that happening.

Even the Japanese girls that adore these magazines aren't always trying to go for the perfect Larme look. Just look at the wear.jp pages of definitive larme brands and you'll see some pretty basic looks. Larme is selling an image that not every can accomplish, and some people don't even want to go to that extreme, they might just like the clothes and doing some basic makeup. But those aren't the images we see in these Larme threads so I think people are getting unrealistic expectations of how "Larme girls" are supposed to look. This screenshot is one of the "average" girls wearing the sweet girly look in the kawaii.i video. She's definitely not model tier but that really doesn't matter. It makes her happy and her full outfit (if you watch the video) is well though out.

This whole discussion is what people mean when they say that the Larme community is becoming toxic like the Lolita one. It's one thing to critique someone's outfit and quite another to say the style absolutely does not suit them at all whatsoever.

>> No.9120872
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Reupload because my phone decide to post the picture upside down.

>> No.9120876


There is nothing wrong with being tall anon. It's just that Sara and Chieko both don't look good in it. Sorry.

They look like men.

>> No.9120883

I don't even like looking at this.

>> No.9120903

I disagree with you but that's just a matter of opinion. Point is, the body policing really does nothing but bar people from the style.

>> No.9121020

You put it perfectly.

Larme is becoming a nitpicky mess, just as toxic as Lolita. Or perhaps I'm spending too much time on cgl

>> No.9121171

Is winged eyeliner appropriate in Larme? When I think of larme I think of 40's makeup with the dark crease and straight eyebrows.

>> No.9121191

Why not post what you like as a resource instead of these kinds of negative posts which benefit no one?
Opinion is subjective. No one likes everything but it's easy enough to post what you like better instead of just rudely criticizing what you don't like and really contributing nothing here?

>> No.9121304

Agreed, there seems to be a lot of bitching in this thread. I think someone's just jealous that they don't have as much brand. To not like her look is fine, but at least put something constructive forward.

>> No.9121355

it's because your goofball nymphet fashion is gonna turn into the exact same shitfest that lolita is now. Enjoy.

>> No.9121359

I really like the white, pink brown or black pompom earrings though, just not anywhere else. I have seen those in Larme scans and they do not look fairy-kei.

>> No.9121368

So as I suspected, it is someone who doesn't even wear anything coming in here to talk down. Ok, I'm done responding.
I thought it was weird because usually there is only unpleasant posts here if people come begging scans else it is trolling.
Of course some people wil look better in Larme than others as in any fashion but most come here to try a coordinate with some advise, not to gossip about other people wearing the fashion.

>> No.9121380


see >>9110799

>> No.9121408

Yeah, people have extremely high standards because they want everything to look just like in the magazine. Normies don't expect everyone to dress like they are doing an Elle photoshoot, but for some reason in larme (and lolita as well), if it doens't look like a pictorial you get shit on.

>> No.9121422

I liked this episode and the real girls it shows. I'm not in the FB group, so far I just look at the magazine (I have a few issues and will buy some more) and lurk here. I want to put together a fall look with a plaid skirt. Since the newest issue is vintage theme though, I like that feel too.

>> No.9121502

I have multicolor hair in a very modern cut that won't suit this style at all. /R/ some sources for a pretty and natural-looking medium brown wig I can use with Larme? Probably something I can style with soft bangs and a heat-style in a wavy medium layered cut since anything else will look kind of fake. TYIA!

>> No.9121522

go away

>> No.9121529

Why? At least I'm not trying to shoehorn some freaky hair into this style so what's wrong with wanting some help with a natural wig for it?

>> No.9121584

why dont you ask the hair thread or see if there is a wig thread going

>> No.9121588

I will, thank you. Since few people are familiar with this style much less the hairstyles, that is why I first ask here but I guess it's not good idea.

>> No.9121703

Contribute or gtfo

>> No.9122059

desu though there are some awful coords in the facebook group

>> No.9122073

desu not desu, Also I'm making a livejournal for Larme kei

>> No.9122074

That's what I heard so that is kind of why I did not join yet since I imagine also the concrit there is too kind to say which are bad here. Better to look at magazines and lurk here for now. I ordered the latest no one more back issue and I just got the furisode japonaise mook which as the other kimono mooks, has really pretty hair and makeup guides. 35 hair, 7 makeup plus I just like to see modern kimono styling.

>> No.9122251
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I'm not familiar with what defines 40s makeup, but winged eyeliner is used on occasion in the magazine. It's definitely not a part of the typical Larme look, but it's an alright thing to play around with from time to time.

>> No.9122254

I'm not the other anon, and I do kind of like larme but I admit it's oddly sexualized.

>> No.9122261
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Too be honest is a censored word on cgl, that's why it comes out that way.

Also who uses lj these days? Is there really enough demand in the community for that? I'd love a space outside of Facebook or tumblr but I don't think lj is it.

>> No.9122262

This happens in so many J-fashions and cosplay fandoms on this board because people come here to criticize others to feel better about themselves. Some people want want to tell others what is and isn't larme to feel like they have some kind of power. They want strict rules in larme around how people dress, and how people look, so that they can be in a policing role and feel like their opinions actually matter.

Examples of this are the nitpicking of outfits and character for popular girls like Ruka, Chieko and Saramari. Some anon gets jealous and thinks "they may have brand/be pretty/coordinate well but I can still say they have a big nose! or their socks should be lighter!" And also people getting posted just for being chubby.

/cgl/ will always be filled with people trying to make their J-fashion more elitist. But the upside is that it also has people willing to give honest criticism (even if it's not always constructive) - so when nitpicks and bitchiness are happening here it's not reflective of the wider community. We just need to keep the productive discussion and honest advice going here while ignoring the straight-up negativity.

tl;dr- don't get depressed about the bitching and nitpicking here, stop giving negative anons attention and they'll get tired and leave.

>> No.9122770

At the same time though, I'm sure a lot of people get super vehement because they're sick of being told their opinions stem from jealousy.

Someone can dislike someone who's popular for genuine reasons. Continually dismissing people's opinions as trolling or nitpicking because you disagree is just as detrimental to discussion as people posting negatively.

The OP that kicked this discussion off was harmless enough, as were the replies.

>> No.9122785
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Please. If you're going to whine about petty bullshit then don't be surprised when you get called on it.

>> No.9122843
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I think it may help people to remember too that certain aspects of larme takes influence from the grunge movement (particularly at the moment as its current fashion) which I think feeds into the 'touch of poison' and relaxed imperfection aspect to the aesthetic.

The magazine is supposed to be a beautiful picture book, a fantasy of sorts - the actual fashion embraces this imperfection and even has an almost unkempt appearance at times. Hell, Courtney Love is shown as 'larme inspiration' (Kaite the store) within Japan and she's not exactly known for looking like a pure and delicate fragile doll (to say the least).

Look at candid pics of models outside the magazine or of shop girls modelling larme brands, they don't really look anything like the girls do in the magazine nor should they, and I really think it's a bit silly to use it as a sort of benchmark rather than just as a gorgeous art book full of tips and ideas.

>> No.9122846
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>> No.9122847
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>> No.9122864

Is this dress from Katie? It's perfect.

>> No.9122913
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>> No.9122922
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>> No.9122927

I think T-shirt coords like this are adorable but I always struggle to decide what kinds of t-shirts would be appropriate to use in larme. Obviously most shirts released by the brands would work, but for example I have a T-shirt from a particular show that is much more subtle than Otaku, with silhouettes of the characters and pretty delicate details and colors, that I have been tempted to use in larme inspired outfits. Of course fit and fabric quality would likely play in as well. I'd like to see if any of you have pics either your own or that you've saved of tshirt coords using shirts not from a larme brand.

>> No.9122932

To start off, I really love this outfit. it's so casual but still super girly.i think it is all ank rouge.

>> No.9122933
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Dropped image of course.

>> No.9122951

I think if the t-shirt has some kind of extra detail, like a bit of lace or ribbon or one of those rose thingies at the neck and/or a larme-appropriate motif, like the teddy bear from >>9122933 , then it should work.
I'm planning a couple tshirt coords but they aren't quite done yet.

>> No.9122982

I made one reply in that thread saying I disagreed with the OP. Calm down.

>> No.9123134

We still arguing?

Big nose lankies look crap in Larme

Get over it

>> No.9123238
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>> No.9123913


I just remembered a few anons managed to get their hands on the infamous Milk skirt... were you happy with it in the end? What was the quality/fit like? I'm still wondering if I'll manage to snatch it somewhere

>> No.9124110


Oh get over it.

You're telling me Beckii looks good in that style?

Sorry Sara or Chieko but you both look like drag queens.

>> No.9124112

Am I the only one who thinks the new Katie collection looks tacky? You can pick those dresses up anywhere. Everything is so overpriced.

Only a few pieces Id say are worthy of buying but most aren't.

>> No.9124113


All subcultures/fashions turn into a nitpicky mess anon. No matter what. Plus Larme has attracted attention seeking desperate vultures like Beckii Cruel and Sui Swan who bitches about products.

>> No.9124118


I wouldn't even say anyone is really that popular in the Larme community in the west at the moment.

Saramari just has a shit ton of money and buys whatever it seems. Chieko was living in Japan at the peak of the popularity and got Kawaii International involved so she could be chosen as a kawaii leader I think. She does some sort of Lolita modelling alas many do there anyway. Ruka just posts as many outfits as she can and due to being short/thin/asian she gets crap tons of praise.

I still think most look like to Risa anyway being the "Larme leader"i if that makes sense?

>> No.9124257
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Yeah, I like the last 10 or so in the photoset, but the rest are so bland.

>> No.9124275
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I've seen offbrand stuff that looks super close to a lot of this.

>> No.9124592

I'm glad, it means more cheap Katie-esque outfits for me lol

>> No.9124917
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Same T B H
(I think this outfit is older, but I still like it)

>> No.9124958
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>> No.9125766


Your attempts to offend are pitiful.

Try again

>> No.9125769


Half of that you could probably buy elsewhere anon but for cheaper. The only thing Id say worth buying from Katie are the cute shoes, the coats or a unique but decent looking dress which isn't some cheap tat thing you could pick up in your local thrift store for possibly $10 at the most.

Just saying but hey. Someones gotta keep Katie in business...

>> No.9125770


I agree.

Some of their pieces are okay to be fair but the collection reminds me of Tumblr feminism 2013 back when pastel hair, bat clips and baby collar dresses worn by the likes of Moonbrains and Mollysoda were a thing accompanied with graveyard/ghost badges stuck on their collars. Thats why I'm not too keen.... Courtney Love is a bit of a wreck anyway.

What about Ank Rouge? Their new pieces look quite alright. Meh.

>> No.9125797
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You sound upset

>> No.9125798

But that's a good thing, anon. You can use it as a styling guide of sorts and just search for similar stuff on Ebay or wherever with the appropriate keywords.

>> No.9125817

Just in case anyone wants to buy Risa's earrings here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311421981939

>> No.9125887
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Ank Rouge's new pieces are alright, but it just feels like their last collection mashed together with some other stuff we've already seen. I'm mostly hyped for Bonbon right now.

>> No.9125888
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>> No.9125889
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>> No.9125896

I'm excited for the animal print and the glitter shoes! I feel like those aren't seen that often in larme.

>> No.9126141
File: 110 KB, 640x640, attachment03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your opinions on things inspired by lolita(the movie) and nymphet fashion? I love Rosemarie seoir but I don't want to look like I'm trying to be pedo bait. I'm sure they know what the movie is about too.

>> No.9126150

Why do most of them have Japanese name? is it a weeb thing or their actual names?

>> No.9126155

I think it's a weeb thing. I was surprised so many of the members did that. It's really cringe. I get that people don't want their actual fb names/accounts in these groups, but did you really have to be like that? It's not like non weeb names wouldn't work. Jfash has a huge hardon for western names.

Idk about Ruka. I guess that could be her actual name. But maybe I'm just biased because she's Asian.

>> No.9126156

It's pretty weird. I don't know if the meaning of the film/book could really be this badly lost in translation or if it's sort of tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.9126169

I can't stand nymphet stuff, but that choker is pretty.

>> No.9126183

wow, such an unflattering pic of her eyes...

>> No.9126358

It's just her contacts at that angle that make things look a bit uncanny, she often wears contacts.

>> No.9126368

I didn't want to believe it at first but I think they perfectly understand the movie and they seem to release more and more lolita inspired stuff, not just rosemarie seoir but they are a repeat offender.

>> No.9126377

I wish it just said something like "I wanna be your girl". I dont think the meaning of the book/movie can be that lost - although there are a surprising amount of people who find Humbert to be sympathetic and view Dolores as a seducer, so i guess its not that much of a push. Is the book/film particularly popular in Japan, does anyone know? If not i suppose i could see how there would be a bit of influence from it but then people kind of run with the meaning that they THINK it has, rather than the meaning it REALLY has.

I don't think you could get away with wearing it in western countries though, the meaning is too ingrained and well known

>> No.9126410

>although there are a surprising amount of people who find Humbert to be sympathetic and view Dolores as a seducer, so i guess its not that much of a push.

I believe everybody with that view has not read the book. In the 60s movie especially HH is portrayed as more charming and Lolita as older (14 vs 12) and sexier (she's not necessarily 'beautiful' in the book and mainly acts like a normal, cheeky, tomboyish kid). Also, in the book it's very clear he goes to America looking for a 'nymphette' and his backstory with his ex wife and Annabel is explained more. Lolita is clearly ruined by him in the book and pretty much from the start, after childish flirting (that may or may not be an accurate account of events, since HH is an unreliable narrator). She resists him from almost the start and cries all the time, he also threatens her and makes it clear he's manipulating her. Honestly, if people read the book and see HH as sympathetic because he feels 'remorseful' at the end they're not getting the point. For that reason I don't take the opinion of anybody who thinks Dolores is the seducer seriously (they've only seen the film or shots of it). I do GET why it's a prevalent interpretation though since the film is so popular and people may have just heard the controversy without reading it. I would say most people haven't read it, even in the west.

>> No.9126418

Sorry I messed up quite a few sentences there, typing on the phone is hard.
>Sorry for the incoherent wall of text.

I just found 'I wanna be your lolita' very amusing since her childhood is destroyed and she dies at 17. They destroy each other. What a thing to strive for!

>> No.9126434
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I love Amo, I'm not fangirl person, I don't fan alot but Amo ticked all my boxes.

>> No.9126450

Nicely put. If you think the larme community is becoming toxic it isn't because it's "like the lolita community" it's because of lolitas bandwagon hopping over to Larme bringing their toxic attitude. Oh and their aesthetics which isn't helping. It's predominantly sweet lolitas who are hooked on kawaii uguu puke who wind up looking like Swankiss on steroids. Then they learn what a pencil skirt is and can't break out of that mindset.

>> No.9126460
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Ank Rouge tends to also rehash what other brands have done in previous seasons. Honey cinnamon is an even worse offender for this, nearly all of their stuff seems like a knockoff of other brands.

Now, I'm not entirely against this, since Ank rouge and honey cinnamon are at lower price points so they're great for padding out a wardrobe and I've definitely bought stuff from them before simply because it was a less expensive version of something else I liked. But it doesn't make me excited for anything they release.

Right now I'm most excited for Eatme's fall collection. I didn't preorder anything because I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted, but I'll definitely end up getting something.

>> No.9126461
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I absolutely love the fashion. And that's what people seem to forget; not everybody is invested in the seemingly nymphet thing, I for one like the aesthetic and I couldn't give a flying fuck about what anybody thinks of that or the related subject even though I do find the idea of a man whose obsession with an underage girl being BTFO really appealing.

>> No.9126502
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Crap I just released I said nearly the same thing about Ank rouge and honey cinnamon a month ago in this very thread. I need new content.

I like this dress from the new bonbon collection but I'm iffy until I see it worn.

>> No.9127097
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I have a feeling that's gonna be the one dress that sells out immediately and everyone will look atrocious in, high neck + long sleeves + volume isn't easy to pull off & the placement of the lace doesn't look all that flattering.

This was just posted on the Bonbon Twitter and I know a lot of those look a bit basic but that's why I really love them actually... Everything seems pretty wearable, I can't really pull off Ank Rouge and similar brands because they just looks so fussy on me in comparison. I wonder what the fit/quality is gonna be like though, everything I've ordered from Bonbon so far has been pretty hit and miss. Makes me wish people reviewed stuff on the group more

>> No.9127167
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Does anyone know where I can buy this I'm not an alcohol shirt?

>> No.9127208

I can't really tell, what kind of fabric are the bottom middle skirts made out of?

>> No.9127224

Probably anywhere on eBay
Looks like satin although the picture is for ants

>> No.9127240

that shirt is shit. don't

>> No.9127282

>Probably anywhere on eBay
um no it's from rosemarie seoir

>> No.9127299

Anyone know where I can get the sheer top on top, or one like it, that isn't taobao?

>> No.9127316

rosemarie seoir/syrup tokyo

>> No.9127319



>> No.9127340

I don't believe the top itself is rosemarie seoir. I know it's in their coord but I remember seeing it in someone's twitter picture that lists out the brands they're wearing and it was something else.

Yeah that's my worry too. That's why I at least want to see it on a model. If it looks like shit on a model then it will look like shit on anyone else.

>> No.9127352

Can you expand on this opinion?

>> No.9127393

I'm the person you replied to and same. She was my biggest inspiration. I still check on her blog from time to time.

>> No.9127421

I don't really like the sequined stuff. I feel like it would not be wearable in a normal setting at all.

>> No.9127700

Well not everything is made for a normal setting, it's probably intended for parties and clubbing.

>> No.9127711

Can I have a link to this choker?

>> No.9127720

No. Is cgl full of little's now?

>> No.9127874


Chokers... god I thought they died out back in 2014

>> No.9127876


it'll come in handy for christmas :)

>> No.9128019

They came back with a vengeance because of ddlg

>> No.9128031

That honestly says more about you than anyone else. If you think Larme = nymphet then go back to tumblr because you're probably the garbage that thinks sweet lolita is ageplay. I just can't find it on the Rosemarie seoir website (if this was even there to begin with) so I'm thinking it's bait.

>> No.9128047

I think that anon thought you wanted a link to buy it. Look, I hate the "Larme is nymphet!!" fashion bullshit too, but some of the brands do romanticize all this Lolita crap.

I can't find an exact link to that choker right now because it is old and no longer in stock, syrup/Rosemarie Seoir is well known for plastering Lolita over everything. This is not bait it is fact.

>> No.9128052

what? they came back because of the 90's resurgence.

>> No.9128055

I tried asking on the spank thread but it 404'd before i could get a response and what I wanted was mostly for incorporating into larme

Where can I get the vintage-y T shirts that show up in the spank instagram? They're usually festive or holiday inspired and pastel-y... I have a lot of ideas for them but I can't seem to find the right site or maybe I'm not using the right tag?

>> No.9128066

new thread >>9128064

>> No.9128378

WEGO came out with kinda the exact same one, but it might be sold out on their site too

>> No.9130035

I agree with everyone else, in that the 2nd picture could use a higher neck line and cover the shoulders, and have plain skirt instead.
Do you have any shoes with a smaller heel? I think with platformless shoes your outfits will look more cute and casual.
Just personal preference, but i also thing the first look could use some little pink socks.

I like your heart choker, I think i might buy one.