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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9072230 No.9072230 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got some horrible experiences with photographers?

>> No.9072243

Not really horror but

>Cosplaying at local con
>signs everywhere stating rules, big sign in entry way of con
>Typical things of no real weapons, alcohol, drugs
>In game Hall just watching friends play game, guy standing off to the side with camera
>Figure he's just taking photos for the con, people playing games ect
>See him bend down, sifting through his bag
>Stealthy like a ninja, slowly pulls out a little bottle of whiskey and starts drinking before quickly putting it away
>Wat the fuk lol
>Turns to me with camera asking if he could get a photo of my costume, agree
>Takes the photo, goes on his separate ways
Just thought it was funny seeing someone sneak in alcohol and visibly drink it

>> No.9072418


>photographer bashing thread detected

Why do you guys spend so much time bashing the people who make you look good?

>> No.9072423

photographer detected

how many underage girls have you molested this past week? be honest

>> No.9072432

This thread isn't even necessary because all photographer threads naturally become horror story and/or shit-talking threads. Okay, just the shit-talking.

>> No.9072438


>how many underage girls have you molested this past week? be honest
You're not serious, are you?

This is why people think cosplayers are crazy af.

>> No.9072483

EMCP is a horror story in itself

>> No.9072488

do tell? i see his name a lot but never any verifiable story

>> No.9072496

That's some thin skin you've got there. ___ horror stories are a staple on this board.... IIRC there's been a "cosplayer horror stories" from photogs' point of view before. Finish clutching your pearls and then click the little "hide thread" option so your delicate fee fees don't get bruised.

>> No.9073025

All the screen shots are verifiable. The guy thinks all the ladies love and adore him, so he talks to them like he's a player. The problem is if they aren't into you, then it's just sleazy shit spewing from his mouth. It's an issue with a lot of the black photographers out East.

>> No.9073227

/pol/ get out

>> No.9073293

Sorry, don't buy into the black guys easily get all the white and asian girls myth that porn feeds you

>> No.9073357 [DELETED] 

Who is this negro. I will take care of him myself. Running the name of black people is a crime I can't forgive, also a lack of professionalism is another thing I can't tolerate.

>> No.9073466

Don't you have some Asian girls to creep on to for anime expo? Go away creeptog.

>> No.9073572

Haha, sounds like a photog I know.

Can attest, just seing his posts creep me out a bit. Very overrated guy. Seen him at the last con I went to and he was walking around pretty skiddish looking. I wish he'd just quit already.

>> No.9073746


Your vendetta is palpable. Nobody knows this dude but you guys are always taking shots at him.

Are you one of the uggos or fat girls mad because he won't shoot you? Cry more.

>> No.9073801


There is a reason why people think cosplay photographers are creepy dudes

>> No.9073826

I've... never heard of a con with a no alcohol rule. In fact that would completely kill like 90% of the reason everyone I know goes to cons. Do you live in Utah?

>> No.9074014

This thread is shit.

Either post some photog horror stories or whine in your echo chamber, uggos.

>> No.9074076

There are no photog horror stories.

Cosplayers are ultimate whiners. Watch this thread descend into irrelevancies like that shit with Ronald Ladao, where a bitch lied about shit that happened 12 years ago till video proof came out.

>> No.9074100

eh, wasn't there the fat guy who molested 2 girls, and it made the 7'oclock local news last year or 2 years ago, that was a legit "holy fucking shit" story.

>> No.9074105

On a related note, AX this year will my first time taking photos of cosplay. Is there any general etiquette to taking photos?

>> No.9074132

And there's a reason why people think all black people love fried chicken and watermelon.
But only one of them is okay to get offended over, the other is just me getting my fee-fees hurt. Fuck you.

>> No.9074133

you'll be doing it for free :^)

>> No.9074140

No shit? I could care less about making money off of a hobby.

>> No.9074174


*couldn't care less

>> No.9074435

To be fair, everyone loves fried chicken. :)

I dunno about watermelon though.

>> No.9075393

Eugene Manning attempting to get cosplayers to pose sexy for him so he can make them professional models. Also him trying to get the #skinnyappreciation hashtag going

>> No.9075730

It's so easy to search #skinnyappreciation to see who posted about it.

Why lie?

You must wanna suck his dick SO BAD.

>> No.9075834

Nah he was posting it today on Facebook in a Facebook group after people started posting photos of cosplayers who were average weight then backpedaling say he loved women of all weights. Then he threw bitch fits

>> No.9075869

gonna post a real story to get this thread back on track.

>gf and I cosplaying Simon and Anti-Spiral Nia from TTGL
>gf made me a giant drill arm like the one from the second movie ending for my birthday
>looks fucking amazing and I am grateful to her
>walking through dealer's hall together
>guy stops us and asks for a pic
>crowded dealers hall, but we dont want to be mean and says sure
>expected a pic should take a few seconds
>he pulls out this fancy camera that takes 3D pictures
>spends so long trying to set up the perfect angle and distance
>points drill towards camera for cool 3D shot
>photographer grabs drill point and moves my arm a lot to get the perfect picture
>drill is made with cardboard and his grip was pretty strong
>both our smiles drop and we look pissed
>photographer doesn't notice and still tries to take the shot
>10 minutes already
>finally done
>guy asks for our email so he can send pictures
>leave as fast as we could
>never got email

I wanted to fucking punch him. The damage to the drill was minimal thank god and we were able to fix it somehow. Why don't fucking photographers know not to manhandle the props or cosplayers?

>> No.9077326

> Friend and I are at con, around 16 years old
> Not in cosplay, just cutesy normie-ish clothing
> Photographer stops us and asks for a photo, we're a bit confused and try to explain we're not in cosplay but he's being pushy
> Friend and I are really shy and total pushovers so "O-Okay"
> Stand beside each other and smile for the camera
> Photographer starts bossing us around
> "No, stand over here." "Move over to the left." "Stand closer together." "No, bend down more. Not you! /You!/" "Now curtsey."
> Our smiles: gone
> Takes a burst of photos then leaves without saying a word to us
> What just happened
The guy's pretty much the only photographer for our small-town con, so I see him every year and he's constantly doing the same thing to other people. Nobody tells him off, though, because otherwise the only pictures they'll get are grainy cellphone images posted to the con group page afterwards. He even has his own personal album on the Facebook page that he spams 200+ photos to after the con is over.

>> No.9077365

What you have is a disconnect of communications and expectations.
It's actually pretty normal for a photographer to physically adjust somebody's pose, prop, wig, etc. (Definitely not hard enough to damage something though, that's on him.)
You don't see that very often in COSPLAY photography because people are more concerned about personal space issues than you'd see with pro photographers and pro models.
tl;dr That's a pretty normal thing but jfc you're supposed to ASK first

>> No.9077585


>> No.9077606

No, never heard of that name before. Sucks there's more than one of this guy's type though.

>> No.9077628


Inside this thirsty autistic guys head he is litterally jizzing himself yes!! yess!@! yeseSSSSS!@#$##

at that moment he is done and walks away to the nearest bathroom where he faps even more at the pics he took and then goes out for his next victim.

>> No.9082475

nobody mentioned blue shell posting nip slips?

>> No.9082578

Hi Eugene.

>> No.9082656

Photoghraper here, FUCK YOU

>> No.9082658

Are you retarded?

>> No.9082666

Whoa there anon, you got a story to tell or something?

>> No.9082673

Dude, you do know drinking in public is illegal like EVERYWHERE right?

>> No.9082689

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.9082737

maybe everywhere in utah. but not everywhere in US

>> No.9082763

Trent Chau is in the Alnta news, 20 women just came out against him for sexual harassment. His page is down now as well.


>> No.9082856

is he a cosplay photographer tho? never heard of him

>> No.9082875

that rocky dude is creepy as fuck

>> No.9082935

>Be not really that hot or sexy, but definitely not ugly and well shaved and have good hygiene.
>Always ask for permission before taking a picture, never ever take a photo while others are without asking first.
>Always say thank you afterwards.
>deep inside always want to say more/ask question about their cosplay and general chit chat.
>Always afraid I'm being a bother, so I don't ever do anything more besides "thank you, and your costume looks great, bye."

Threads like this make me afraid to even ask for photos.

>> No.9083143

This is me. I feel massively self conscious during the time it takes me to get my phone out (no expensive camera) and get the picture.

I am ugly, though.

And I am partially thinking with my dick when I ask a "sexy" cosplayer for a picture.

So, I guess I really am the creepy photographer.

>> No.9083200
File: 93 KB, 640x960, lunalanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he's shot tons of cosplay stuff in Atlanta. Sorry about the typo from before too. He's done some photos of Luna Lanie

>> No.9083201

You're a faggot for encouraging women to only cosplay stupid sexy shit because it attracts the most attention.

I try to avoid those kinds of cosplayers, unless it's actually creative.

>> No.9083215


Betas detected.

I used to be like you, afraid of women and life in general.

I hope you will grow out of it like I did. It's a boring, grey life.

>> No.9083226
File: 45 KB, 300x460, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a faggot
>You encourage women to cosplay sexy shit


>> No.9083454

They just regret the things they carelessly did at the young age. q;^)

>> No.9083814

>being this autistic
>following this rule

>> No.9087996

Not bashing photographer. Getting photos makes me very happy. However...

>Cosplaying at con. Unpopular character. Am ugly. No photos so far.
>Dude with real camera asks for photo
>Feels really cool and happily does some poses
>Gets card to his site.
>Ofcourse the picture was mostly to gain followers. Not because I looked nice.
>Proceeds to look at the pictures
>I were so ugly i actually cringed and felt sick.
>Never liked the character I cosplayed since.

Reality is hard. tfw never cute

>> No.9088114

Don't worry anon. I'm sure you can be cute. You just have to work on yourself a bit. I never thought I was cute at all, but then I started experimenting with makeup and clothes and stuff and now I have people telling me I'm beautiful. Of course I'm no expert in beauty and fashion so hearing that is still something to get used to but hey, don't lose hope anon.

>> No.9088270

If you're saying you were the photographer then fuck
You dude. You should ask before you touch anyone. Having a camera in your hand doesn't give you the magic ability to ignore common curtesies.

>> No.9088317

sounds like a cool guy actually.

>> No.9088601

link to FB? I wanna see all the "wtf" faces as they start to realize this "photographer" has issues.

>> No.9088607

I always end up drinking at otakon. Cosplay combined with the heat is shit without a water bottle of ice and swizzle.