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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 27 KB, 878x280, FB_IMG_1466379928755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9061923 No.9061923 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is about to die.

>> No.9061924
File: 35 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1466379917339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo bop doo wop

>> No.9061925

oh damn thats gross

>> No.9061927
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Reposting from old thread.

>> No.9061928
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Don't remember seeing this one, if it's a repost oh well.

>> No.9061929

Is this a preteen? She looks really small.

>> No.9061933
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>> No.9061935
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>> No.9061936

You need to reevaluate your life choices when fully shirred Meta is that stretched out.

>> No.9061937
File: 152 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1466380386824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize how short those skirts were.

>> No.9061939

This is ridiculously cute, but it would be nice if she added some red in

>> No.9061957
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ita, ita, ita

>> No.9061959
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The red sash irks me.

>> No.9061961
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The 231th HL coord on CoF.

>> No.9061965

This isn't ita. The underskirt is problematic, but the rest of the coord is fine.
Again, this isn't ita.

There is a difference between ita and nitpick.

>> No.9061966

How is this ita?

Looks cute.

>> No.9061968

This is fucking adorable, you have no taste. She ties it all together nicely. >>9061961
Now this fatass is a fucking ita

>> No.9062012

Yea, that's not ita whatsoever. It's cute as hell, you got a vendetta or something?

>> No.9062030

I wouldn't call it ita but those clashing prints are certainly not "tied together well" as other anons have stated. This looks like shit. She's cute, but that doesn't change this looking bad.

>> No.9062045

>Now this fatass is a fucking ita
That's a little much anon. She either needs to switch her blouse or socks to make them match in length, and if course needs to take care of her boob loaf but she is hardly an eyesore.

>> No.9062047

I think she said she's 13 in her post. Consider me impressed.

>> No.9062048

This isn't the ita thread, you are confused and commenting in the wrong thread. This is CoF, just cause it was posted doesn't mean they are saying it's ita.

>> No.9062049

Person posted here. What would you recommend for the skirt? The socks I'm switching out to something vertical floral next time, but I have no idea what I should be doing about the skirt.

>> No.9062050
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I don't know what your issue is anon. She looks adorable.

>> No.9062053

Honestly, the socks are not problematic, personally and I didn't much notice them in a negative way. I just don't think plaid and that busy print work well at all. I would just switch the plaid for a solid color that matches the jsk. You're super cute, and this is all personal preference so take it as you will. I do like the look of the jsk as a apron though!

>> No.9062056

I like this. Looks very whimsical.

>> No.9062057

Unpopular opinion, but I actually love the plaid. It reminds me of otome with the clashing prints. Good on you for experimenting, I think your coord looks nice.

>> No.9062058

>people not realising he's a guy

>> No.9062059

I disagree. She needs to start over with a jsk that won't look like shit on frumpy lumpy bodies. I haven't seen the zipper jsk look good on a single fat girl.

>> No.9062060

Shoo bop doo wop is something I say, how would that even mean I had an issue with her? That was some serious reaching, anon.

>> No.9062061

notice how I fucking said she needs to take care of the boob loaf. obviously if there's no way to do that then she needs to be rid of it.

>> No.9062062
File: 118 KB, 960x890, FB_IMG_1466387530071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is cropping

>> No.9062063

Other than the fit, which is awful, she looks really cute. She had such an adorable face.

>> No.9062065

Who gives a fuck? Isn't not realizing that the point?

>> No.9062066

She's well on her way. Better petti and some hair accessories and it'd be a very solid coord.

Did she honestly think bows on the glasses were a good idea?

>> No.9062067

Lol, it looks like she tried to make a collage like people do on their phones but she just made one on the computer and resized the photos by hand.

>> No.9062077

I don't give a fuck who says this looks ita, it's amazing and I love the underskirt too. I love how bold you went with the different colors and patterns. The only thing I'd suggest is different color shoes as it's too red heavy on the bottom. And maybe tie some red up in the top.

>> No.9062088

I wouldn't have cared about this years ago but now there are plenty of nice indie brands that do custom and stretching out a dress this bad is unacceptable these days. It clearly doesn't fit and the wearer not seeing this means they are either in denial or they should reevaluate their priorities.

>> No.9062094

Not saying she looks good, but it's her dress, if she wants to stretch it out to its absolute max, then whatever.

>> No.9062097
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>> No.9062104
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Pretty cute imo

>> No.9062109

Is it just me or is this almost a copycat of one of Agnes'/bowsbeforeboys' coords?

>> No.9062111

>because no one can own similar accessories and have similar tastes

>> No.9062116

>tfw this girl looks better dressed at 13 than I honestly do at 25

>> No.9062125

This chick needs some help from Jesus in her life. This coord is terrible

>> No.9062128

The construction of this looks really wonky, makes me wonder if she followed one of Yumi King's videos..

>> No.9062130
File: 49 KB, 897x600, FB_IMG_1466392113513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some classic ita.

>> No.9062133
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>This chick needs some help from Jesus in her life.

Mana thanks you.

>> No.9062139

Even outside of the shoddy fit and general construction, this entire thing is a train wreck. And those filthy shoes make this look even worse, especially with that wig. Ugh

>> No.9062160

Holy shit ahahaha bad photo quality and everything

>> No.9062168

whatever anon, this looks awesome. I love the blouse.

I don't see why? Great use of color imo. Very cute.

>> No.9062200
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Not sure why she chose those tights, but alright

>> No.9062206
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>> No.9062211
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>> No.9062216

The only thing that's iffy is that the sash is a little thick, but it's very true to IW classic style and ties the color together nicely. Overall she looks really good.

Is the michelin man image a comparative for how she looks? The fat fold resemblance is uncanny.

>> No.9062265

Her bow and purse are black anon, duh.

>> No.9062268

Yes anon. The michelin man is a comparison.

>> No.9062289

Hahahahahaha I can't even handle this. It's like a funhouse mirror collage. Better than the usual liquefy and blur photo effects for sure
With all the meta and offbrand wa shit that gets released, how are people still dressing like this in the current year

>> No.9062294


I remember when a person in my comm entered a draw thread and tried to make herself thinner using the funhouse mirror effect. Laughs were had.

>> No.9062510
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Something seems off about this one.

>> No.9062512
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>> No.9062513
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>> No.9062514
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>> No.9062515
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That selfie is spooking me out a little bit,

>> No.9062517

This chick is always so desperate to try and show her fucking cleavage.

>> No.9062518

Someone commented how this is ero-lolita. Does showing tits make a coord ero automatically? Because if it wasn't for the bodice, I wouldn't have counted this as ero.

Also the features at the hem of the dress make it look costumey.

>> No.9062534

Apart from the shoes, I love this a lot. In fact, I can even let those slide.

>> No.9062537
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>> No.9062538
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>> No.9062540

>longest eyebrow award winner

>> No.9062560

Man she always just looks kind of gross. The cleavage isn't helping

>inb4 troll ruins another thread by aggressively white knighting her
now that I know it wasn't her but someone trying to make her look bad, I feel really bad for her. She still doesn't look good though.

>> No.9062561

I thought her necklace was the McDonald's logo for a brief moment

>> No.9062562

I like Agnes but the way she did her eyebrows here makes her look kind of pinched.

>> No.9062567

I love that killer whale purse, I need to dig out an old Shamu plush and upcycle it now.

>> No.9062570

If she wants to show off her boobs so bad, why doesn't she just go gyaru? It'd fit her style much better.

>> No.9062573

Call me crazy, but I don't mind the strange rainbow wig with this.Reminds me of some older AP coords.

>> No.9062577

One of her better coords, I like this without the huge hair and obnoxious accessories. But damn, those eyebrows go on for daaaays

>> No.9062583

Totally agree, the fringe is trimmed and it matches with the shoes, I like it.

>> No.9062590
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>> No.9062713

That girl looks really tall tho

>> No.9062726

>someone trying to make her look bad
How is saying you like what she wears, trying to make her look bad? It's definitely not my fault that every retard on this board insists that people are all self posting.
She looked amazing in person.

>> No.9062733

I really like this. Especially how she's balanced the wig with the shoes. Maybe less busy tights would look better, though?

>> No.9062741

Its cute but I think the top half with long sleeves and beret looks stupid with anklesocks but that's my only problem with it.

>> No.9062743

You can barely see it. Chill out.

>> No.9062757

Nothing wrong with saying she looks cute, I like a lot of her coords and think she gets too much hate on here. It's the debating with everyone who doesn't like her stuff that makes it white knighting and a total cringe fest.

>> No.9062827


>> No.9062830

I like this a lot. Its simple and very cute. Reminds me of the old Kera snaps. My only crit would be less busy tights.

>> No.9062912

I believe they were joking, anon. They're implying she looks like the Michelin Man.

>> No.9062953

a little bit of clash makes this kinda awesome. I think it's the color choice of the wig that keeps this coord on the right side of the line. I'm also super jazzed to see more from this prolita. I'm digging his taste

>> No.9062959

Just her face or makeup. The coord itself is decent
This is why irons exist
>Lolita is totally not a costume
Lace on the hat looks cheap
A light blouse would balance out the socks. Too top heavy

>> No.9062960

consistently, effortlessly gorgeous.
glad she's still in the fashion

>> No.9062967

Remove the lace
Light colored top
Get a bag that doesn't look cheap and shitty
Take off that shitty rosette .

This is so bad and she looks so fucking smug about it

>> No.9062970

I think the blouse is too plain/not up to par, but I love this!

>> No.9062976

very nice

>> No.9062977

seconding this so hard. the urge to nymphet is too strong with this one, she really needs to just go hime gyaru.

>> No.9063046
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 13432442_1164212386943436_4517515299874844642_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9063047

Boxes and a backpack are such an elegant OTT setting. Those shoes are awful and don't match at all

>> No.9063049
File: 56 KB, 552x872, 13435424_10103107741513380_5794616630492981896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is atrocious. That underskirt needs to be thrown away.

>> No.9063051
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>> No.9063053
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>> No.9063115

its a bit plain, but far from ita. A girl does not simply become ita from weighing more than 50 kg. Get your shit together anons.

>> No.9063119

its cute, but i soo wish she would add a black bolero or something to tie it together a bit more. Or other thights.

>> No.9063128

The pearl loops are set too close together and it really bugs me. I just ant to fix them. Other than that I think she's cute, albeit the coord is simple.

>> No.9063139

omg this comment made me lol so hard

>> No.9063143

How stupid are you guys, she's clearly at the movie theater and put together an Alice coord for the film

>> No.9063152

I really love simple printless coords like this.

>> No.9063182
File: 145 KB, 2000x1063, 13490705_10206722816610967_91022237179460777_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9063187

I'm all for silly poses but the middle pic doesn't even look cute and silly, it just looks stupid.

>> No.9063189

alice coord does not excuse bad balance

>> No.9063204

Alice didn't have great color balance either though. Black bow, black shoes, that's it. So as far as an Alice inspired coord goes, this is not bad color wise. Those socks are fug-city though.

>> No.9063221

I figured after the other anon replied,

>> No.9063223

I'm absolutely in love with this coord

>> No.9063288

I like what she was going for and I feel like it could have been really nice with better matching reds and golds. It's kind of messy but it's a cool idea.

>> No.9063342
File: 367 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1466465259086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks so messy. That one lone rose looks like popcorn stuck to her skirt.

>> No.9063348

>She looked amazing in person.
I'm gonna stop you right there. Comments like this are so cringey. Cgl is cgl, they're going to hate things. Take a step back and think about how you're making your friend look bad by defending her.

>> No.9063417

Source on the shoes?

>> No.9063424

What's even worse is she's totally ripping off one of my friend's coords except this is awful.

>> No.9063433

If she's ripping off your friend then I question their taste as well.

>> No.9063434

Yikes.. this is just way too much..

>> No.9063448

You got pics to prove that or you just talking out your ass?

>> No.9063490

Is it this anon >>9063046? Cause they both look like shit to me.

>> No.9063491

I usually don't think something is shoehorned in but the gold is definitely shoehorned

>> No.9063509

This is the closet of frills thread, not the ita thread. Please read.

>> No.9063531

Hime? I would say agejo!

>> No.9063540


She looks like she's going to reach through the screen and eat me

>> No.9063545


It's her face anon

>> No.9063559

Friends don't post other friends to /cgl/. I don't care if you believe me or not.

>> No.9063568

Those shoes are horrible looking. Go sit in the corner and think about what you said

>> No.9063604
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 13407048_10101145394093363_3652976246509900933_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really adorable.

>> No.9063634

She's cute but she looks like a completely different person in each of these pictures.

>> No.9063660

the lighting on her face is just different in the left photo, other than that, what is so different about her?

>> No.9063666

Those are both the same person lol

>> No.9063724

Dress also doesn't fit, boobs are super saggy and the blouse looks terrible (also too small as well as not lolita appropriate). The half bonnet thing looks really bad too.

>> No.9063727

Nothing matches aside from colour.

>> No.9063750

Listen, I'm.going to need the itty bitty titty committee to stop weighing in on whether or not large breasts look saggy. If they were as perky as b cups they'd be under her chin. No, she doesn't look good, because there's not enough bodice space in the dress. Large breasts take up a lot of a person's torso, but those are hardly saggy.

>> No.9063776

sauce on shoes?

>> No.9063788

They look saggy because she's not wearing a proper bra. But yes, the dress will never fit her.

>> No.9063800

Same thing happens to me in selfies. Getting the camera in close makes my eyes huge, but also makes my nose massive.

A photo taken by someone else will give me an oval shaped face. A selfie is almost heart-shaped, and my nose comes out like a goddamn beak.

>> No.9063831

I know they look tacky as hell, I just wanted a better pic. I'm a drawfag so I collect pics of shoes for my reference folder. And that decoration on the sides seems interesting for a sakizo-esque drawing, not for real life though.

>> No.9063837
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2016-06-21-01-23-20-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9063841


Mein gott. Are those Mardi Gra beads?

>> No.9063848


Not gonna lie, would wear the shit out of these. brb, hotglueing spraypainted flowers and beads to my shoes.

>> No.9063850

Bless you anon, those are hideous indeed, but I will save it for a future redesign.

>> No.9063958

Lol fatties wearing cuts that accentuate their rolls are definitely ita. She needs the normal jsk. Zipper is not a good look unless you're thin

>> No.9063960

I really like this hairstyle, does anyone know what it looked like in the back? I can't tell if she has a braid, bun, bob, or faux bob

>> No.9064010
File: 127 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fucking tits are enormous. really doesn't fit lolita. I guess there's not much she can do about them, though. Oh well.

>> No.9064018

>that double chin

>> No.9064019

So adorable

>> No.9064020
File: 92 KB, 800x429, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl, I bet she'll get back problems and looks like she falls over with these breasts.

>> No.9064095

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the binder?

>> No.9064099

This would look 1000x better if she had eyebrows.

>> No.9064114

She could borrow some of Agnes's

>> No.9064149

It's probably just me but I don't think this looks good at all.. The dress looks big on her, no legwear, the random acessories and I don't like the wig.

>> No.9064153

Aww happy to see she's still around. Still beautiful!
I think I've seen this girl around town, that coord wasn't much better. Some just need a slap in the face to improve but by the way keeps coddling her I doubt she'll get better soon.

>> No.9064172

I follow this girl on IG, she's got potential and a decent wardrobe but makes a lot of weird decisions, like shaving her eyebrows, unflattering poses, etc. Like she handmakes a lot of bonnets and accessories which are really impressive but uses like, raschel lace and Mardi gras beads? I just don't get it.

>> No.9064299
File: 48 KB, 480x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me think of pic related.

>> No.9064327

Its not smug anon. Shes trying to lure eyes towards her makeup and
>muh sexy smile
To advert attention from her double chin. Its myspace angle stuff.

>> No.9064356
File: 121 KB, 960x709, FB_IMG_1466527155996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had enough of ugly coords in this thread. Are people ignoring all the other posts on purpose? Anyway here are some that I think are nicer and worth discussing

>> No.9064360
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>> No.9064361
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>> No.9064362

>nicer and worth discussing
anon are you for fuckin real

>> No.9064363
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>> No.9064368
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>> No.9064370

She's stick thin and pretty so no one's going to call her on rule breaking.

>> No.9064373
File: 151 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1466527100100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably re phrase nicer to coords that aren't ill-fitting or obviously no effort involved. This one in particular is worth discussing because I can see the aesthetics won't appeal to everyone, but it's popular with many likes. It can be discussed in the aspect of coordination.

>> No.9064379
File: 69 KB, 551x960, FB_IMG_1466527122415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9064381

I hate round glasses but these outfits are super cute

>> No.9064382
File: 115 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1466527136205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9064385

Tell that to the ita thread who insisted that type of behavior was okay

>> No.9064387
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>> No.9064389

She's not my friend, hence me being upset by this. I can't make any kind of nice comment on here without it being whiteknighting or self posting. When are these memes gonna end? Why does cgl like to pretend that every lolita in the world posts here?

>> No.9064391

That forced smile in the first pic

>> No.9064393
File: 231 KB, 1142x2048, FB_IMG_1466527142872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9064398

I know she got best dressed at hellocon but I hate this.

>> No.9064409

this look heavily character inspired, but i'm not really liking the outfit as a whole. the roses seem out of place and the top half feels much heavier than her bottom half.

>> No.9064413

I hate absolutely everything about this from the god awful wig to whatever in the fuck is going on with her shoes.

>> No.9064417

This reminds me of Lizzie Hearts from the Ever After High Series

>> No.9064419

a lot of lolitas recommend binders so much but they actually can damage your breast tissue. Get a good minimizing bra (the ones with like 5 hooks) because that is the best compromise between health and appearance. it's not necessary to compress your tits into oblivion to fit a dress. busty ladies: fit yourself into your minimizer, take your updated bust measurement, then buy dresses and tops. some dresses just won't work for us, and that's okay!

>> No.9064420
File: 123 KB, 471x701, Lord_licorice_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9064423

I'm fucking in love--holy shit. This is gorgeous, and the poof is on point. I thinking her tights could've been more interesting texture or color wise, but ugh my little goth heart!

>> No.9064428

the parasol can go, and I wish she'd stuck with ivory and not mixed in those stark whites. gorgeous vintage feel to this classic coord though

>> No.9064433
File: 141 KB, 1278x960, FB_IMG_1466530590752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate the unstyled wig and the bustier is about to burst.

>> No.9064443

>about to burst
I think it's just the way she is hunched in the second picture anon, it looks fine in the first. Even a little loose.

>> No.9064450

She looks really frumpy.

>> No.9064471

This is tacky af and it looks like she tried too hard to be special.

>> No.9064474

About to burst is too much, the girl is just chubby

>> No.9064478

Seconding this, binders aren't a great option regarding health. I bought a really good Nike sports bra [really thick and very elastic] that squashes my titas a decent amount, and another thing I'm gonna throw out: If you get a boob loaf, so the fuck what? I get so sick of this whole 'OMG U CANT HAVE TITS IN LOLITA'
If you're comfortable and like the way you look, who cares?

>> No.9064485

Calm your hateboner anon, she looks fine and the bustier is a little snug at most.

>> No.9064488

Are you honestly bringing your drama here too? Your whole com is ita, get over it.

>> No.9064490


...wha? Why are you so salty? This is perfectly fine anon.

>> No.9064496

I loved the hat until I saw the ears... Still a cute coord though.

>> No.9064509

Hate or whatever, but her colorblocking is on point.

>> No.9064515

Only thing 'wrong' with this is that her round, small face doesn't match the hair or mature look of the coord. Maybe some makeup tricks and a less wide wig would help?

>> No.9064531
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>> No.9064553


Some of you have some messed up ideas of what chubby is.

>> No.9064554

Am I the only one impressed that this is handmade? Maybe I just haven't seen enough good handmade.

>> No.9064569

get out, ana-chan

>> No.9064572

It's impressive in regards to the amount of sewing/fabric that went into it, but it's really busy, not very cohesive, and the bodice cut is really kind of weird looking. It's a lot of work, just not very well done imo.

>> No.9064577

I do really like this though I don't know what's covering their eye? and I'm not sure about the white legwear

>> No.9064589

I don't get the hate with this? Yes it's ott but I think it doesn't look cheap or trashy, except the one glove thing that's weird and maybe the thing going on at her feet but idk I can't really tell

>> No.9064591
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>> No.9064594
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>> No.9064597
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>> No.9064600

I love how cute and simple this it.

This coord is just lovely! The only nitpicky thing is that her wig might not be the right style. The bustier fits her just fine, she's neither chubby nor busty.

>> No.9064616

Incredible. Would love if I could pull this off.

>> No.9064619


Now that other anon mentioned it I cannot unsee the Lutece twins.

>> No.9064631


>thinks wig is unstyled when she clearly has cut bangs into it

Anon you are not only anorexic, you are completely wrong. Are you mad she can fit into IW?

>> No.9064667

I like the idea but the tights need to be changed here, they're just so jarring. There is just not enough white on the upper half to balance them.

>> No.9064715

itty bitty booby skelly is rattled!

nothing wrong with this coord, at all.

>> No.9064779

Handmade? Then why the fuck didn't she make it so that it's not showing so much damn boob? It's not hard to use an actual reasonable lolita neckline.

>> No.9064813

Skeletor here, she may not be skinny enough to join our legue of bones but shit nigga she's normally built. Stop projecting your own feeling of worthlessness onto this girl

>> No.9064829
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>> No.9064835

Anon I don't disagree but if you're the same one who got triggered by the saggy comment you need to chill.

>> No.9064839

That coord on left looks great by her standards. I'm glad to see how much she's improved.

>> No.9064844

This is why I brought it here. Because fucking idiots like you won't even listen. I not in the pic and I'm not in that comm.

>> No.9064849

For fuck's sake just drop it already. No one cares and all you're doing is bringing tons of attention to it. If anything you seem like the one with the vendetta for bringing it up so much.

>> No.9064866

I'm actually really thrilled to see her improving! Now just to work on her makeup and facial expression.

>> No.9064943

Is it physically impossible for her to smile? I'm starting to think it might be.

>> No.9064949

I feel like her face is never going to change, so for now all we can really look forward to is her improvement in her coords, which really actually has grown. These ones aren't fantastic by any means, but you can definitely see the improvement from her past outfits.

>> No.9064979

I really feel bad for her. She will always be ugly and old looking no matter how much she improves.

>> No.9064988

Reminds me a bit of Dolly Kei which used a lot of purposefully clashing patterns to make something visually appealing. I really miss it. I love this overall. Just because something is not matchy-matchy, anon, does not mean it's ita.

>> No.9064995

She really does look like some Monster High character. This particular bright red print needs to be toned down in a coord, not accentuated. This is a really tacky way to coord it and more goth than lolita. At least the makeup is kind of on point, though?

>> No.9065006

That background matches her coord so well

>> No.9065008

Isn't the left one a replica? Tacky.

>> No.9065010

I thank everyday for my breast reduction

>> No.9065021

Oh shit anon, I think you're right. Didn't even notice that.

>> No.9065224

>No one cares
People cared enough to comment

>> No.9065267

I would rather see an unattractive person put effort and work hard to improve than a cute girl who does boring coords because she relies on her looks too much.

>> No.9065270

Yoooooo I'm getting my surgery next month. I can't wait to fit into all my old dresses!

>> No.9065286

You're the reason people develop eating disorders

>> No.9065310

If someone develops an eating disorder from a random comment on an anonymous thread in a board well known for being petty on fucking 4chan they're a whole new class of pathetic.

>> No.9065337

I like that she is improving but her face always grosses me out.

>> No.9065357

Really? They're not saying it's the comment on here. They're saying it's that kind of mentality.

>> No.9065388

Congrats! Totally worth it. Massage your scars twice a day to help with the scarring

>> No.9065400

Lol, no its not a replica. They are just from different releases and different cuts. Ap used different lace on the releases, maybe that caused the confusion.

>> No.9065434

I'm so glad Facebook automatically hides all of her posts for me. It's good that she improved but I don't really want to see her constant spam of mediocreness.

>> No.9065457

No matter how much the ugly girl improves she'll still be ugly though. It's like putting rhinestones on a turd.

>> No.9065471

Those ham arms are repulsive.

>> No.9065498

i don't have big boobs and pictures like this make me so, so grateful. poor girl, this hurts to look at.

>> No.9065504

it's the collar jsk how new are you?

>> No.9065653

re-I'm going to give myself a second to chill but that was disrespectful to such a great lolita. keep your personal body image shit to yourself.

>> No.9065660

some detailed dickies (mock shirts, before some of you ask) would be good wardrobe additions for her. a pink dickie would be perfect with this, and would make her chest less of the focus. I think she's adorable, and I'm digging this slightly mature sweet

>> No.9065868

What made me think it was a replica is the fact that leftie's waist ties/back bow are printed on one side only, unless that's how the real one is.

>> No.9065871

Uh anon your whiteknight is showing. She's decent but nowhere near great.

>> No.9065876

That is how the real one is. I looked up photos and saw that they were only printed on one side in proofphotos from people's salesposts.

>> No.9065882

Ohh alright, yeah, I couldn't even find someone who sold that replica so that makes sense.

>> No.9065945

Isn't there enough make up on the world to make her look less shitty?

>> No.9065958

This sucks on so many levels.

>> No.9065959

Her facial structure is definitely a challenge with her hooded eyelids and weak jawline. I wonder if contacts, falsies and brow shaping would make a big enough difference? Ugh. Now I want to throw her a makeover party.

>> No.9065966

No makeup could improve that jaw, sadly.

>> No.9065971

and contouring. a lot of contouring.

>> No.9066245

This is me. Bring on the criticism gulls!

>> No.9066258


Here's one: shut up.

>> No.9066277

Ditch the wig, the colour doesn't suit you at all. Maybe a light brown or milk tea would look better to your skin. Blonde isn't your thing but if you insist get a darker, more natural shade. I also feel like it's too long for your face, so unflattering.

Also wearing those style of boots in the summer looks ridiculous, a lighter shoe would make this coord look less lazy and frumpy. The wristcuffs triggers my symmetry autism and straighten your back.

>> No.9066333
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Tfw that's almost my natural hair color and friends didn't know it was a wig.
Well I guess I'm screwed.

>> No.9066351

It could be that the shadow on your face is messing with things, color-wise, because your face looks a lot darker than it probably is irl.

>> No.9066376

Sorry about your gross arms, your coord is meh at best regardless.

>> No.9066439
File: 838 KB, 897x1363, 20160622_163059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should get some light reflector and wear these in solid black at the very least.
I'll try styling the wig into puff buns and see if I like it.

>> No.9066461

I think it looks fine anon. I actually like the wig with your skin tone.
I don't think the boots look bad, but shoes would give a more summery look. The coord is still well balanced though, not my style, yet I can still appreciate it.

The only thing that bugs me is how your rims line up with your eyes and it looks really strange in the photo. Obviously not a problem in person though.

>> No.9066479

I like your coord, anon. One nitpicky thing is I don't like the one little hair accessory. It just looks lonely so you either need a couple more clips or none at all. I'm indifferent on the wig color but I agree that the volume is distracting and covering up too much. With the right makeup, I think a stark white wig would be cute.

>> No.9066909

The print looks super washed out compared to the right and the reverse side of the waist ties don't have the print.

>not being able to spot a replica
>misquoting an unrelated post
How new are YOU, anon?

>> No.9066947

Hahahahahaha nigga just close yo eyes like walk away


>> No.9067052 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 1440x2364, _20160623_000707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need closet space, money for new hobbies, and to focus on improving my coords instead of just having a bunch of main pieces, so I've listed some new things.

>> No.9067095

I have the apron skirt version, non replica. The underside of the waist ties is a cream silky material, it is not print. I don't know about the rest but the waist ties are not a sign of replica.

>> No.9067130

That's what happens when you see a 3 year old dress next to a 2015 re-release.

>> No.9067173

Kind of related but I actually prefer the style of the old waist ties. The new ones looks like cheap fabric scraps.

>> No.9067225

Yeah, it seems to an older release and the waist ties are normal. My friends older release also looks lighter compared to my newer one. I can't even find a replica of this print existing. Waist ties only printed on one side is actually pretty normal with AP prints.

>> No.9067332

I really like your outfit, exactly the sweet style I fell in love with when I discovered lolita.

I don't like the wristcuffs though, since I prefer symmetry I'd like it more if you wore them the same way on both hands.
And that's just a nitpick but I wonder if it would look better if you wore the heart pin a bit higher, closer to the bow.

>> No.9067532
File: 52 KB, 581x639, 13407111_10207702417612583_3431118565307369208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "Too much writing, not enough pictures + I have nothing better to do" dump

>> No.9067534
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>> No.9067536
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I'd like this more without the weird collar and sleeves

>> No.9067538
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>> No.9067556
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>> No.9067558
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The tights look interesting, I wonder what they look like in person also her hair is a nice colour for kuro

>> No.9067561
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>> No.9067564
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>> No.9067566
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The little crown is cute ngl

>> No.9067568
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 13495275_10154359458092952_6822353575487578393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Brighten your pictures yo)

>> No.9067570
File: 57 KB, 532x960, 13497533_1038408396251563_3895310700866606171_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the pink x mint does suit her really well

>> No.9067572
File: 242 KB, 2048x1528, 13497748_910887599023272_8101756005629958210_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lighting only the right makes me v sad esp. put next to the one on the left

>> No.9067573
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>> No.9067575
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>> No.9067578
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It's cute but not very lolita imo, too short and a pink petti wasn't a good choice

>> No.9067580
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>> No.9067599
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Idk about pink with this..

Last one

>> No.9067602

I really like her shoes, but not with the OP. She should've gone with tea parties or something more cutesy.

>> No.9067625
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>> No.9067666

Everyone and their grandmother has this dress and now I want it

>> No.9067669

Would have been better with a white horn headdress and that bag is sadly out of place. Just because there are rabbits on the print doesn't mean you should bring a black decapitated rabbit head with you.

>> No.9067670

Not fan of the rabbit bag but otherwise: wow, I like it a lot and she's cute

>> No.9068943
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>> No.9068944
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>> No.9068945

Needs makeup desperately and that wig kind of sucks, otherwise it's okay.

>> No.9068946
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>> No.9068986

Really? Looks almost exactly like Mira Shards to me. Lizzie's got a lot more red in her outfit.

>> No.9068992

that wig is all sorts of hell no
what's up with her leg? but this is the first time i've seen a head covering that didn't look like a turd or conehead so that's at least one good thing.

>> No.9068996

Modesty covering probably. Wish she'd worn boots instead though.

>> No.9069031

socks are wrong, bonnet- basket is fucking hideous in addition to being wrong, and parasol looks cheap af. lrn2 oldschool

>> No.9069032


tired of seeing this girl

>> No.9069051

I would start over with this one. It's like she was dressing her grandma for church.

>> No.9069054

>giant ship
>flat hair

>> No.9069064

The blouse she's wearing looks really weird, not a big fan of the beret either. The way she's holding the parasol in the first pic is also unnatural looking and I don't get it.

I feel like this would be great if she used an opaque blouse instead.

Wearing this dress without an adequate petti and that ratty bedhead should be a crime honestly.

>> No.9069065

is boat in hair the new meme crown

>> No.9069117

She's wearing pants, that's the thing that bothers me most with hijab lolia. I get that it's part of the religious modesty thing but it always bugs me to see pants under dresses.

>> No.9069159
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>> No.9069161

Where is it from? I mean, I've seen better stained glass prints but the belt is cute.

>> No.9069166

Still don't like hijabs in lolita, aesthetically. Guess that makes me a bigot.

>> No.9069174

More coords please, I'm not on Facebook!

>> No.9069175

This would be 1000% better if the wig were a natural color.

>> No.9069190

Any sauce on the wig?

>> No.9069197


>> No.9069241

What is that?

>> No.9069283

Summer is certainly here.

>> No.9069400

Me neither, it always looks like shit, no matter what anyone says.

>> No.9069456

>best coord prize
I'd hate to see what everyone else was wearing

>> No.9069554

Completely disagree, the same color hair is what make this. It's much more cohesive than a natural color that wouldn't match the pinks as well. (Though that's not to say natural doesn't look good too)

>> No.9070118

I think a red blouse or bolero would help balance this coord better.

>> No.9070124

I love this.

>> No.9070127

Why do people post pictures that are out of focus?

>> No.9070128

I like this as a good combo of more traditional goth and gothic lolita. I think she looks great.

>> No.9070129

This is pretty perfect.

>> No.9070137

I think this is a really cute classic coord.

>> No.9070331

I think it's her face. Her smile is so beautiful, why she tries to pose with resting bitch face?

>> No.9070335

I like this but those things in her legs are off. It would work better with lace tights.