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9049808 No.9049808 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8963438
Post some pictures of stuff you're working on, discuss sewing n shit.

>> No.9049809

Potatosac General

>> No.9049822

I've been looking at fabric used by brand and I keep seeing "burberry cotton" for some BABY dresses but google only gives me that burberry plaid fabric. Is this a mistranslated or does it go by another name or something?

>> No.9049828

Post your work. Oh wait, you're probably too lazy to do something creative.

>> No.9049906
File: 195 KB, 1000x666, IMG_6084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished binding the edges of a straw bonnet and am currently waiting for an order of lace and fake flowers to arrive so I can start trimming it.

>> No.9049911

It already looks really cute anon. How did you make it? It looks really professional and polished.

>> No.9049945

Thanks! The H&M near me was selling these weirdly-shaped straw hats that I chopped 1/3 of the brim off of. Mostly followed the Oregon Regency Society bonnt tutorial video, except I didn't cut through the crown like they did.


>> No.9049950

Thanks for the tutorial. I'll try it out myself soon.

>> No.9049958

Ooh! Thanks for the info. Your bonnet looks great!

>> No.9050025

I think someone said before that it's a brushed cotton sateen? I don't have a dress from them with that material though, so can't confirm. I'll check the archives for you, since it's come up before.

>> No.9050040

Okay, answers from the archives, and no one seems to agree beyond "it's woven":

>plain-weave mid weight fabrics
>refer to various tartan prints as "burberry print"
>used by Japanese brands to refer to cotton twill
>gabardine cotton poly or wool blend
>soft, midweight, and has a decent body (twill)
>link for combed burberry http://item.rakuten.co.jp/nippori-tomato/f430000/
>angora wool poly blends

TL;DR: Seems to vary by brand, but mostly is mid-weight woven twill, possibly combed/brushed for softness.

>> No.9050050

I've got an AatP dress that's listed in Lollibrary as being 'burberry cotton' - it's a mid-to-light cotton twill. Nice tight weave, looks like it may be mercerized, but it's a dark print so it's hard to tell. Heavier and tighter than quilting cotton, but a little thinner/lighter than what I usually buy as gabardine (which is suit-weight - check out men's suit pants in a dept. store for an example).

And I had no idea Tomato had a Rakuten store and now I'm excited.

>> No.9050420

Thanks a bunch, anon! I kind of figured it was a type of twill but it's nice to know for sure. As for the website I'm a little confused. are they selling by the 10 cm or meter?

>> No.9050532

They're selling it by increments of 10cm with 50cm being the minimum amount that you have to order.

>> No.9050684
File: 15 KB, 250x365, c4626542cf6cace9ce85931158dd83d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make box pleats to be looser like pic related? Mine are very stiff, maybe it's because I use cotton and it's much heavier. Thanks in advance.

>> No.9050698


Are you ironing yours? It looks like the ones in the pic haven't been ironed all the way down, maybe just a bit at the top (if at all). This will help them look less "boxy" and have a softer shape.

>> No.9050726

Try steaming them

>> No.9051966
File: 192 KB, 540x405, IMG_3989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this fabric cheaply but to be honest I don't know how I should use it. Any good ideas? It seems to be soft polyester (it was only labeled as lace fabric so i'm not sure) and it's over 2m piece.

>> No.9051969

You could possibly use it as a skirt overlay, or for a veil headdress.

>> No.9051972

could be a cute petti overlay, not sure how it do for a skirt. Like ^ anon, it would make a pretty MMM-esque veil headdress

>> No.9052251

Ahhh that might be the case. I ironed mine from the top all the way to the hem. Thank you so much.

>> No.9052855

I picked up Simplicity 1300 a few months ago but now that I'm actually getting around to having time to make something the pattern looks off to me. Like, I know it's intended as a costume rather than a proper dress but I was thinking I'd modify it and now IDK how I'd do that.

This will be the first dress I make so I want/need something to guide me.
So is 1300 usable or should I use something else?
A big problem I guess is that I don't actually have a printed fabric to use so the final product will be 'bleh'; any shops to check for fabric?

>> No.9052864

Nah chuck it. You'd be better off with a basic sundress pattern. Put a rectangle skirt on it instead of whatever comes with it and then all you need are the embellishments. You could probably convert what you've already got into a coat pattern but it's never going to look right as a dress.

>> No.9052872

Honestly it looks kind of ugly.

>> No.9053164

>Simplicity 1300
No anon, this was definitely someone's idea of a joke for diy's. Look up a good sundress top with a waistline right for you and then triple you're waist for the right amount of rectangle for your skirt. Bam, simple pattern you can dress up all you want or keep simple depending on your style.

>> No.9053227

Does anyone else feel really frustrated with sewing lolita? Like, Joann's pretty much only carries quilting cotton and terrible satin, and buying online is a gamble. Not to mention lace...and then there's the issue of homemade dresses just...looking off for some reason. I even own a few OnS and some of those dresses even look "homemade" in the book itself!

I guess I'm just a bit discouraged. Why do you make your own dresses, gulls?

>> No.9053248
File: 301 KB, 1000x1000, opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Pikobeagle2000 on etsy. Her fabric is pretty good.
>Why do you make your own dresses...?
I like the challenge, right now I'm amassing dark gold beads because I drew a concept I really loved that included a beaded ruffle. I haven't even started cutting but I have all the fabric. Pic related is what lured me into this project, I plan a high waist with a scallop of gold velvet, like a curtain, and two layers of ruff for a hem... it's freaking intimidating and I have patterned several muslins to see which is most successful.

>> No.9053323
File: 235 KB, 2048x2048, FB_IMG_1465889634964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some concrit on this? I have already decided to make the next one with a different layering on the top 2 layers of lace so they are tired more but something seems lacking. Any advice?

>> No.9053513

The yellow flowers aren't doing this headpiece any favours, Anon. I like the ivory/cream lace but that yellow is giving an oatmeal vibe. Maybe different coloured flowers?

>> No.9054077
File: 96 KB, 480x640, P12HA921-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for the type of lace that's used over the grosgrain ribbon here?

Looks good overall! It might seem lacking because it's so monotone? I like it though.

>> No.9054079

It's a braid, not lace. Don't know if the one you're looking for has a specific name though, sorry.

>> No.9054339

Thanks anon, that's exactly what I'm looking for!

On another note, do any of you have books on sewing techniques you'd recommend? I'm looking on Amazon and there are just so many.

>> No.9054377

I think a lot of it is that most of the patterns in OnS and a lot of stuff people make is very plain compared to brand. Most solid-color brand dresses have a lot of detailing - pintucks, trim, ruffles, etc. Print dresses get away with less because the nice print carries it, but unless you're restyling brand stuff, you don't have access to those. Gothic is a little easier to pull off, though - there's a lot more in terms of unique cuts, instead of trimmings.

I don't have any plans to make full dresses, because I know I'm not a great little-details designer, but making accessories/vests/ouji pants is a lot more doable.

>> No.9055517

Does anyone know where to get good fabric and lace on Rakuten?

>> No.9055616

The stuff in OnS just isn't that good. It's fine, but it suffers from Becky Home Eccy design and execution. A lot of homemade stuff looks homemade frankly because it's made by beginner/intermediate sewists. I can knock out a pretty great solid color classic dress with tons of details, but that's not the style I personally wear (and doing that kind of ruffles and tucks work on a home sewing scale is so time consuming). I like otome and prints, so I end up making some tops but buying a lot of dresses and skirts because the fabric options just aren't there retail. I wish print fabrics were available because it's so easy to make something that's indistinguishable from brand if the print feels right, but it just isn't.

>> No.9055640
File: 47 KB, 551x351, Text List 19.12.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but here's a link to the pdfs of textbooks that I have if you want to take a look at them before committing to hard copies

>> No.9055810
File: 1.69 MB, 1836x3264, 1466021389495-497001603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, I have this fabric in my stash and I really like it, but I'm at a loss as to what to make with it. I thought about a high waisted skirt with a black waistband and corset lacing a la aatp, but I'm not sure. I usually wear sweet so I'm really uninspired

>> No.9055854

Definitely not a full dress. I like the high waisted skirt idea, it could also look nice as a half and half jsk. Skirt portion as the print and either a solid or a simple complimentary print like a stripe in the right colors. It is quite busy though so avoid doing it as the full dress.

>> No.9055881

It would also look nice as accents, black skirt with this as the waistband, trim and pockets would be really cute. Or a square neckline JSK with this finishing off the neckline and straps, as well as having it as a waistband. Would look really cute if you made a big hairbow out of it too.

>> No.9055986

I agree that a half and half JSK would look nice. Personally, I think it would look cool as an underbust JSK with the top part being solid black and then gold buttons/trim/whatever.

>> No.9056035
File: 305 KB, 737x490, ons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it really depends on fabric choice. These two seem quite a bit different, the first has a nice floral while the second looks like cheap holiday novelty fabric from JoAnn. Overall, I think classic and maybe gothic handmade dresses turn out better than sweet, partly because of what prints are available.

>> No.9056730


Not the anon who asked for it either, but thank you so much for these.

>> No.9059735
File: 151 KB, 640x426, 5-Yard-Lot-DIY-Gauze-bilateral-embroidery-flower-lace-trim-lace-fabric-black-white-10-12cm.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to add lace to the hem of one of my dresses. Want to use pic related.

Wondering if I can cut it down the middle, would I be able to sew it on straight - or would it fray? I can't find any lace trims with nice designs as this that have a finished edge.

>> No.9059783

its tulle so it won't fray, also link?

>> No.9059790

The tulle won't fray.

My only concern is that with hems or seams, you're going to cut off the top of the little leaves.

>> No.9060389

I'm considering ordering fabric from Picobeagle2000. I've never bought border prints before so it confuses me quite a bit because they seem like two halves of a fabric. How much fabric would I need to make a simple etc styled jsk?
I think 3 meter and then I will have some left over?

>> No.9060428

Buy the length you're going to need and cut through one of the halves of the lace so you have a seam allowance.

>> No.9060617

The border often runs on one side, so you cut it all on the crossgrain. 3 meters is enough; I buy 2.5 yards for full skirt dresses.

>> No.9060622

Agreed with others, the tulle won't fray - however, lace like this is usually meant to be an overlay on top of fabric, and if you use it like an edging instead, the sheer areas may look weird.

It's hard to say without seeing the fabric you're buying, but a lot of border prints are mirrored (same border on both edges), or have a large border on one edge and a small one on the other. You're going to need at a minimum, the number of meters you'll need for the skirt portion. If the fabric is side enough or you can use the border print in the bodice, you might be able to cut it out of the other side - otherwise you'll need a meter or two more to get it out of the plain center part.

And a question of my own - I'm making some pants for ouji outfits, but flipping through photos of brand stuff, I'm having a tough time figuring out how they fasten, as most don't have flies. Are there hidden side zips or something, or is it all just elastic in the waistbands?

>> No.9060729

I'm sure you can find it cheaper on taobao, but aliexpress is easier http://www.aliexpress.com/item/5-Yard-Lot-DIY-Gauze-bilateral-embroidery-flower-lace-trim-lace-fabric-black-white-10-12cm/32423089751.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.270.qiZkEh

Yeah was thinking of doing that.

Yeah i know it might look off, but I cant find any nice edging that has a similar design.

>> No.9060804

What brand stuff have you checked? At least AATP have flies on their pants and I think most of the others have too

>> No.9060818

What's a good source of patterns for a beginner? I was going to get 2-3 releases of Otome no Sewing from cd.japan but the shipping cost was jaw dropping (about $52); it's my first time ever importing anything so I wasn't sure what to expect. I might still get the ONS books but it will be after I've gotten a new machine.

>> No.9061062

What types of things are you looking at making? You can easily alter some patterns depending on the complexity of what you want to do.

>> No.9061298

That's the thing really, I dont know. I'm hoping ONS will serve as a sort of guide for both fashion/variety and instructions.

>> No.9061308
File: 79 KB, 480x640, ouji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually have fly closures. The other option is invisible zipper on the side seam.

>> No.9061329

So Hancock's Fabrics is going out of business and most of the material is 70% off (including velvet). Any solid color fabrics I should grab up? I know it's not the greatest quality but it's cheap enough for me to justify it.
I mentioned velvet because I really want to make something with it but idk what (I think they only have deep red, dark blue and maybe black left).

>> No.9061453
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this at jo anns, you'd have to alter the neckline and skirt fullness, but it'd make a nice OP

>> No.9061495

Velvet tops to jsk or vest paired with sk looks nice imo.

>> No.9061723
File: 214 KB, 501x584, meta_apprenticepants_2016 (1)_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was mostly the corset-waisted ones and anything with double-rows of buttons on the front (like pic) that were throwing me off. But you're right - it's not always visible in the main stock photo, but the flies pretty clear in some of the close-ups of AatP stuff.

Importing books can get expensive because they're heavy, unfortunately. Amazon Japan has a flat rate for shipping books if they're distributed by Amazon themselves, and they should have the most recent few still. Start with a skirt, those are fairly easy.

>> No.9061899

Not to lash out at you in particular, but why do people do this?
>well you'd have to totally repattern the bodice but look it's a knee-length full skirt!
This one is just the neckline, but you'd still have to mess with multiple pattern pieces to get it right. Like that fucking rockabilly/lolita pattern.
Look past the skirt when looking for patterns. Cutting a skirt isn't hard, cutting a bodice is.

>> No.9061913

Yikes, I just tried to order on amazon Japan on my phone, Google Chrome's translate kept failing me so I can't check out.

Question though, can I use my US based Amazon account or do I have to make a separate one? I ask because I couldn't log in on jp but I couldn't read the error box either.
Thanks for pointing me to Amazon though, it never occured to me.

>> No.9061915
File: 271 KB, 277x600, 1466357337233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the bodice would make for a cute jsk actually. It reminds me of Victorian Maiden's Regimental Stripe. I do agree about the whole "you only have to completely redo the bodice and (not so slightly) alter the skirt" thing a lot of people love to do though.

>> No.9061950
File: 179 KB, 454x592, green-velvet-gown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for the deep red and do something tastefully Christmas themed.

>> No.9062523
File: 72 KB, 570x760, 3dcc994c88f993086d14664a6d438d28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone knitted something for lolita? I'm into it right now and I'm going to make a bag soon (maybe something like in the pic) and socks when it gets colder.

>> No.9062579

Reminds me of a Megaphone.

>> No.9062585
File: 53 KB, 960x640, 1511236_1105708582815004_2560157382427423352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm sorry for asking this, but I'm pretty much new to sewing and I don't know where else to ask. What is the name of this shape in sewing and where is it good to find a pattern?

>> No.9062597

You need a separate Amazon account. Also have you tried copy paste into Google translate?

>> No.9062601


You can set the interface on amazon japan to english. Product descriptions and whatnot will still be in Japanese but all the account/checkout stuff will be in English.

>> No.9062651

Thanks both
Should be managable.

>> No.9062875

That's a bodice. You can get yourself a fitted shirt pattern and cut off the top of it so it is open at the shoulders

>> No.9062910

Try something like yoke bodice with princess seams. You might have to fiddle with proportions if you go with a western commercial pattern though.

>> No.9064001

Hey, does anyone here know how to care for flocky fabrics? Like if I can iron them and how I wash them.
Whenever I try to google it it just gives me sone shit about iron on flock prints...

>> No.9064022


Look up advice on velvet fabric, afaik the two are pretty similar in care (though unfortunately both are pretty similar in being different as well).

Washing: dry-cleaning is the safer, more often recommend method. If you have some swatch/scrap fabric, you can throw it in some water, if the flocking doesn't fall after even after you rub it and soak it in water then it'll probably hold up to water cleaning. Like velvet, it kind of differs depending on how the fabric is made, some will shed and fall apart with water, others can hold up to being thrown in the washing machine, even without a delicates net.

iron: I generally don't. You need a needle board or something similar so you don't flatten the pile when you iron (unless you don't mind the look of flattened flocking, I guess if you iron the whole thing and all the flocking looks flat then it'll still look okay). Steaming is also an option, though I wouldn't try it if your flocking has issues being in water.

>> No.9064043

Thanks a lot kind anon!
So if it has issues with water there'd be no other way than walking around with a pile of wrinkled fabric...?

>> No.9064082


Mine generally comes back from the dry-cleaners looking fine, I think they do iron or steam out the wrinkles as part of the service.

If you do need to iron it, use a needle board, or a very plush towel underneath

>> No.9064103
File: 219 KB, 1280x959, d9a54c48-e0d0-45e4-8cfd-e9cc56017315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source: http://mylolitahandmade.tumblr.com

>> No.9064119

Washing - mine have all been fine in cold hand wash, little to no agitation. I iron very carefully with a damp pressing cloth, low-medium heat and a plush towel underneath.

>> No.9064196
File: 694 KB, 900x957, chinatsu_yoshikawa_and_akari_akaza___assembly__by_andyxchan-d4qexwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making the white "coat" of the uniforms from Yuru Yuru? The focus of my concern is the turned up piece inside the 'V'; is it something that can be made or is it anime magiks?
I probably should make a plain sailor top first for practice, huh?

>> No.9064203

I had a bought Yuru Yuri uniform. The triangle was sewn onto the inner side of the v on one side and the other side clipped onto it so it was able to be opened in the front. The rest was just a simple shift dress with a pleated skirt part.

>> No.9064208

Not sure what you're talking about, but everything in that picture can be easily made in real life.

>> No.9064312
File: 214 KB, 380x506, TB2jdnhaFXXXXcHXXXXXXXXXXXX-1584938552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make something like pic related. It feels fairly simple, but I'm retarded so I would probably need a pattern for it
What kind of pattern would work?
Also, could anyone help me with what kind of material would look good?
Sorry for being stupid

>> No.9064369

>I know my materials VERY well, so Please DON’T send me notes about how I can make it better or which materials I should use, understand: this is my fun, my way, :) don’t steal my fun trying to tell me how to do it, I want to find out for myself!

Why. Does she not want to improve even though she says she knows she makes thing incorrectly?

>> No.9065018

Besides stitch options and price what's the difference between the Brother cs-5055 and cs-8800? I can't seem to figure out why the 8800 is 30-50 dollars more.

>> No.9065019


As someone who's fabric illiterate, what's she done wrong?

>> No.9065030

>making things incorrectly
Not sure how she's making her stuff incorrectly, her work seema pretty impeccable after going through her blog.

>> No.9065156

Her stuff looks good from the outside, but I can imagine she gets suggestions on making stuff, so she probably just doesn't want unsolicited comments.

>> No.9065161

Looks like the stitch options, and the 5055 may not have a free arm (Brother lists it as a feature for the 8800 and not the 5055).

Some people just genuinely do not care. That said, her work looks pretty solid.

>> No.9065184


Not the person who quoted her blog, but afaik the comments she received were about when she posted a sort of picture walkthrough on how she makes her hats, and she used cardboard for the insides. Apparently she got inundated with many comments suggesting materials other than cardboard.

I just sort of got the feeling she got annoyed with the comments when her step-by-step walkthrough was actually in response to someone who asked her how she makes hats, so she was already being accommodating posting how they were made. Plus with the way tumblr reblogs things forever, she was probably getting trickles of messages weeks after the hat walkthrough was posted, maybe some users were more pushy than others if they don't see her bending over apologising (??) and remaking the hat just for them. Can kind of understand being annoyed enough to post a general "leave me alone" message. I haven't seen her make any more walkthroughs since then.

>> No.9065890
File: 65 KB, 426x640, 16_6_19_508_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on how to make this kind of spiderwebby stuff that Alice AUAA puts all over their clothes?

The brand's not my cup of tea -- too much goth and not enough lolita -- but I'd love to make like a spider web doll dress so I can look like a spooky doll someone left behind in an attic. Or something like that.

>> No.9066522
File: 80 KB, 255x365, ItsUsuallyAFlatTopTriangleWhichBecomesPointyDueToBends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That odd triangle you speak of is a common extra piece to keep/reduce warmth in a sailor design. The original uniform designs were made to be comfortable in very varying temperatures, sailing around the world and so on. That triangular fabric piece detachable to either block out or let in wind (circulation is cooling).

I'd sew a little patch and attach it with small press-buttons on both sides, but like >>9064203 suggests you can have it constantly attached on one side if you like. The beauty of the sailor collar is that any backsides or stitches from the buttons for the triangle flap are hidden by the collar itself. Since you might not be wearing it all the time, please attach the female/bowl button sides on the coat itself, while the male/bump button sides are on the triangle flap. Anything to make it more comfortable to wear.

>> No.9066932

Thanks for the details

>> No.9066956

They arent a lolita brand so of course it isnt enough lolita. But you are best to just buy their stuff to see how it looks irl. Its a designer brand so dont expect it to be cheap.

>> No.9066959


That's not the question I asked, though. I just want to know how to make that spiderweb thing they put on some of their clothes.

>> No.9066967

There are multiple ways to make that. It looks like a knit or macrame material. I'd personally make a mesh/sheer overdress and embroider it.

Also, are fabric unboxings/reviews useful to people? I'm ordering from pikobeagle and tempted to make one.

>> No.9066987
File: 472 KB, 1750x2500, sheer-spiderweb-cape[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like the look of sheer embroidered spiderwebs, too much halloween tacky. Besides, I've seen the real thing up close and it's definitely not embroidered.

There might be something to the macrame or knitting idea, though. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9067401

I just offered this to someone on facebook, but if anyone's interested I have an old 1980s sewing book that has a good bit about fabrics, fabric weaves and properties/care of garments made from said fabrics
anyone interested? the info looks to be sound and I trust the Soviets on this. this would be good for people who know jack shit about what fabric to pick for their projects, but also has a good rundown of the qualities of each fabric

it also has some fun pattern making tips and a few of the patterns could almost be used with lolita (there's a guide to patterning an apron and a blouse)

>> No.9067652

It just gives off the vibe of "I don't want to improve". Why not simply take the advice or modify the tutorial comments including better materials? Tutorials made by people who don't know what they are doing are not useful.They only teach others who also don't know what they are doing how to do something incorrectly.

>> No.9067895

Hmm, that's tricky without having seen any of their stuff in person. I'd guess a really loose knit of something stretchy and fibrous like wooly nylon, that was then distressed, maybe? The threads look almost like the stuff that fake Halloween spiderwebs are made out of, but there's clearly more structure to how they're put together.

I'd be interested in some pics and reviews!

>> No.9068352

are you gonna scan it? id be interested

>> No.9068363

I agree, even at first glance her work looks badly done and her skills very basic, but she doesn't seem to care or just doesn't want to improve. That said, I don't think she tries to pass her work off as perfect or professional, everybody seems to just assume that.

>> No.9068373

Yeah, most (if not all) of her bodices are tube-shaped and a lot of the straps are just satin ribbon. But at least she admits she isn't a professional.

>> No.9068432

This IS adorable and gives me some great ideas, but she's still a pretentious bitch who can't sew from scratch. Shame.

>> No.9068831
File: 414 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_ljqpa8vxTY1qiak6ko1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I'd taken a better look when I saw their stuff, but it was dark and fleeting. I can tell you there's no backing fabric, what I don't remember is if the "threads" are individual yarn or if they're more like interlocked threads, or whether they stretch at all. I was considering if maybe it's possible to make the net pattern on water-soluble interfacing and wash it off, a bit like venise lace but with a different, more cobwebby design.

Anyway, the anon who suggesting knits might be on to something. I found a bunch of things like this that I can probably use somehow. Now I just have to figure how to knit, and how these things are made. Suggestions from knit-anons very much welcome, I got as far as these things need to be laddered somehow?

>> No.9068885


That's the thing, though, she never did post an actual tutorial.

As far as I remember it, this is how it went down:
- she posted that she made some hats
- it's her first hat. She specifically mentions this.
- some anon asks her how she made them.
- she posts how she made them.

Her actual wording for the cardboard was "I made mine with ..." and not "here is how you make...". So yeah, if she used cardboard, then of course she'd write "I made mine with cardboard". I sort of expected her to mention alternative materials if she ever got around to making a proper tutorial, but I don't think she ever made a proper tutorial at all.

So it's very different from the picture you painted. This isn't some newbie that's going out and telling people to do all the wrong things from some self-important point of view. She's already said it's her first hat, pretty much admitting she's not a pro, just a newbie.

I think it's more like what everyone else said, people are just taking it for granted that she's a pro, and then basically shitting all over themselves when they look closer and find out she's not on the high pedestal they themselves placed her on.

>> No.9068902

maybe dye it black before using it?

>> No.9068912

I wouldn't say she's making tube bodices, pretty much all her recent ones are princess seamed or have darts, she doesn't make them expectationally fitted though

>> No.9068983

No anon, posting how you made something is pointless if it's not for informing people. Even if it's not 'labeled' as a tutorial, newbies will take it as such. And she is still saying 'don't correct me' even going as far to say she "know[s] [her] materials VERY well". That's the self-important view I'm referring to.

Either way, we need more people who know what they are doing making tutorials for those that don't, because this is how we end up with terrible handmade.

>> No.9069269


You're kind of missing the part where someone asked her first. That, to me, was the very big difference. I view it as she basically answered a history question with historical facts.

Still, she's said she's not going to make any tutorials, so I guess you're safe from terrible handmade in the end.

>> No.9069278


If you have zero knitting experience, Continental is generally regarded as being faster, and just as easy (or easier) to learn than English. Not sure I've seen a pattern like that, but I'll do some digging.

>> No.9069322

I'd translate it and add the pictures/graphics, forgot to mention it's in my tiny local language
I was in a rush so I managed to fuck up my wording bad, I was basically asking if anyone's interested so I'd not do a bunch of work for nothing (though I could probably use that as a sample for my translation work)

>> No.9069389

I'd be interested as well anon especially if it's translated from your local language.

>> No.9069442
File: 48 KB, 503x333, StarChiffonHalfSleevedOP-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any seamstresses itt taking commissions? I have the fabric I want to use, but I need to get my Necchi serviced and it unfortunately needs a pretty insane amount of work before I can use it again. I would really like to have something like pic related. I have the lace and nude chiffon, just no lining fabric. I am on about a month time frame unfortunately, but would love to pay a gull for the work if anyone is interested. Shoot me a quote?

>> No.9069834
File: 190 KB, 480x640, 6350136856_9b97f7b35d_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the links! I joined ravelry and wow, there's so many pretty things.

I've knitted some newbie stuff, really hoping I can find an not-difficult pattern and don't have to make one up myself. Kind of considering whether making one of the lace knits, but dropping stitches in random places will give me the organic look I'm going for. (Well, that, and I really like this shawl).

Again, thank you anons for all the useful advice.

>> No.9070067

I am interested as well! Translating is hard anon, you're doing god's work.

>> No.9070756

You're welcome! Ravelry is amazing - the databases are awesome, and I wish more sites had a search even half as functional.

A really loosely knit lace with drops may do the trick - http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/les-miserables - might give you some ideas too, and it's free.

>> No.9074230
File: 39 KB, 570x632, il_570xN.708371736_d3z9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have recommendations for a pattern board? Basically I need a large board to do patterning stuff on, and I don't have room for a legit pattern table.

Are the cardboard ones any good?

>> No.9074557

Moitie would never release something that hideoua

>> No.9074568


Wow, really can't thank you enough, anon. I'll try and experiment a bit and see what I come up with.

>> No.9074621

I started off with this and am like halfway through chapter 1, I'll try to keep going but I'll be fairly busy today and tomorrow. when I'm done with that I'll share the link and then keep going with the next parts. it's quite hard since I've never heard some of these terms in English before and when I get to synthetics I'll have to probably start individually deciding what to keep and what to cut, since half of those fabrics seem to be obsolete. been keeping the fun soviet references in though, since that's half of the charm.
should I also translate the short chapter it has on yarns and threads? asking mostly from the knitters here.

>> No.9074642

i have a cardboard one that i put down while cutting/sewing so that i don't scratch up the table and honestly it's a life saver. i haven't pulled out a measuring tape to measure fabric in months.

>> No.9074879

If you are looking at getting the rotary cutting mat, the ones for model airplanes are cheaper (and the same exact thing with different lines).

>> No.9074895

I'd be interested in the yarn and thread chapter anon, but if it's too much work it's okay. Thank you for translating anon!

>> No.9075511

nah it's nbd, it's only like 2 and a half fairly short pages (it's basically just a brief runthrough of different possible types of yarn and thread) so I might as well throw it in.
hoping I'll get done with first chapter sometime on Thursday, but don't hold me to this, yarns and threads are chapter 2 so up next after it.

>> No.9076170
File: 969 KB, 2896x2896, 20160628_224740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback technically and conceptually? I feel I need transparent blue beads for the dewdrops. Whites way too harsh but what I had to work with atm

>> No.9076186

Used double-faced satin ribbon for the roses if the wrong side of it is going to show, the contrast isn't big enough for it to look deliberate as it is right now. Honestly I'd suggest a completely different ribbon because the you used looks kind of cheap (it might be the lighting/flash though).

The bow at the bottom looks sloppy and kind of sad. The edge isn't straight and from what I can tell it's not finished either. The ribbon looks like it's synthetic so you can probably burn it.

Overall the design is cute though.

>> No.9076267

Don't use beads, use hot glue gun to create water droplets. I assumed that the white beads were supposed to be pearls and they look very cheap because they're obviously beads. . If they are transparent you will be able to see the thread through them and they wont look like dewdrops.
From the back it's rather messy. There are knots hanging off and your stitching looks bad. It's an easy fix though.
I love the design and would buy it if I weren't a poorfag.

>> No.9076396


Seconding the double-sided ribbon and the use of hotglue.

I'd like to point out if you're making a brooch, you don't need to think of hot glue or E6000 as inferior materials. If these things will give you a much smoother finish, then I'd recommend you use E6000 or hot glue to attach the roses and the brooch backing to the felt base, since the knots look pretty messy at the moment. You might also look into reinforcing the base with some plastic, crinoline or interfacing if the felt is too soft to hold it up.

I'd also like to add, if the thread snipper is average sized, it would seem as if your entire brooch, flowers and bows and all, is only 1-2 inches big? This is kinda small, from a distance, it's not even going to look like roses, it'll just be a grey smudge. I'd suggest you at least aim for at least one large rose that's at least 1.5 inch across, that can be recognised from a distance, and then you can have smaller flowers around it. Much better size would be 2+inch roses with smaller roses being 1-inch wide.

>> No.9077499

About to order a Brother CS6000i, would it be worth paying $20 more at Joann's as opposed to Target to be taught how to use it? My mother taught me to use her 30 year old pre-Janome New Home pretty quickly so I really don't know; the manual may be all I need.

>> No.9077510

If you know the basics of what a machine does (needle up/down, backstitch, tension, stitch select, stitch length, feed dogs up/down--though I literally cannot remember the last time I messed with the feed dogs) and/or can ask your mom you'll be fine. Basic machines have the same functions in similar places. The only time I've needed assistance from the shop is when I bought a cheap serger and couldn't figure out how to thread it. But if the $20 is worth the peace of mind for you, it is only $20.

>> No.9077573
File: 1.79 MB, 1602x1602, 20160629_191011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your feedback anon(s)... with this scale hot glue dots would be quite the trick. The width of the ribbon determines the width of the final Rose, and if I'm doing them properly as shown in this picture rather than the one I put together last night you won't see the backside of the ribbon. just lazy hands, getting reacquainted with the art form.

I am totally open to using jewelry glue, not the brand name is 6000 particularly due to my experiences with it but General jewelry glue is not a big deal and definitely an option.

I actually did burn the ends of that ribbon, my scissors are not sharp so it cut it on evenly resulting in an in uneven edge in spite of burning it. Basically the overall problem that I keep hearing from you guys, is get better quality materials and better quality tools, which are definitely on my agenda but I am still practicing with the materials I have on hand.

>> No.9079258
File: 234 KB, 566x687, dogprint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this dog print fabric with the intention of making a simple jsk like this but since it arrived I've been wondering if the print would work with lolita since its not as muted as I imagined. Any opinions?

>> No.9079263

I think you need to put more color blocking in the skirt because this looks incredibly basic an uninteresting. like chiffon scallop draping at the waist or something

>> No.9079274

I was trying to make it similar in design to Baumhouse on etsy but I see what you mean.

>> No.9079317

You might want to try tea-dyeing or lightly dying it with beige to make it more muted, before making the dress.

>> No.9079333

I feel like the geometric arrangement of the fabric is more problematic than the colourscheme, personally. I'd make it into a cute, non-lolita sundress and call it a day, personally.

>> No.9079335

Thanks for your advice! Even if it comes out trash I guess its good sewing practise.

>> No.9079343

chiffon scallop draping at the waist
Oh my god no
I hate to be the one to say it, but I think using such a small and repetitive print that was obviously not created for this use isn't a good idea. Even your mockup looks kind of juvenile and etsy-ish. The issue with using small prints on lolita dresses is that since the skirt is so long, it makes it even more evident.
I would use the fabric to make a miniskirt, salopette thing, or normie-style sundress instead.
If you really want a dog dress, I'd make a solid color dress with pretty lace and details and add some dog appliqués to the skirt, a la old school bbtssb.

>> No.9079364

>I wanna make something like pic related.
>Please tell me how to do everything.

>> No.9079538
File: 23 KB, 300x350, Snow Globe Shirring Pinafore Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should give this JSK more volume. I would suggest doing 3 gathered panels for the skirt, like pic related, if you have enough fabric.

>> No.9079602
File: 64 KB, 800x700, dogdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just the balance. Your fabric print is actually more (off)white than actual brown, so the brown collar, seam lace, shoulder lace, etc all look fairly high-contrast on the mostly (off)white fabric.

Switch over to using white lace and a white collar, save the brown for accents (like the hem and the waistbow) and it'll look less contrasty. I also added a brown stripe on the collar and a bow in between because I thought a plain collar looked too plain.

>> No.9079962

>Please tell me how to do everything.
What's wrong with asking though?
Nobody is entitled to help, but if I ask several questions, I might get one answered at least, which will help me a lot

>> No.9080049

It's nice fabric, but it won't work with lolita. Use it for something else instead. I did the same with a cat fabric and just ended up spending a lot of time making something I can't wear.

>> No.9080330

Does anybody have a pattern or a simple tutorial on sewing waist ties? I received an AP dress that didn't have them (seller didn't tell me) so I was thinking about just making my own but I can't seem to find something specifically just for waist ties and I really don't wanna go deconstructing my other dresses.

>> No.9080990

No tutorial or pattern, sorry. But when I last did a dress with waist ties, I just measured the ones on a dress I liked, then redrew the pattern onto some pattern paper (though I changed the shape of the tail end to a more dramatic angle). You don't have to take the original ties apart to do it, just do a practice one on scrap fabric to make sure you get a result you like.

>> No.9081011
File: 44 KB, 450x475, B5603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone made butterick 5603? It looks cute but I don't know if the skirt is full enough and the V-shaped back isn't the usual.

>> No.9081126

Yeah, I'm gonna agree with anon here. ask more specific questions next time.

But I am feeling generous today, so I will give you some tips.

What you're looking for is a dress with a bib - that's what the white part is. Whether you deconstruct a cutsew, find something in a lolita sewing publication (OnS, GLB) or find a normalfag pattern is up to you. The skirt just looks like a rectangle skirt. If you don't know what that is or how to make it then you shouldn't make this dress anyway, so.

As for materials, literally anything that has been discussed as lolita appropriate will work. Check previous threads in the archives. Cotton or a poly blend, not too thin, something like cotton sateen etc. etc.

This should hopefully give you enough to do the rest of your research. Use the archives here and google. good luck to you.

>> No.9081510

That's one of my go-to patterns for A-line dresses. It's full enough for a modest classic look along the veins of MM and VM, but don't expect a huge poof monster without some modding. And on that note, the V neck in the back is not difficult to modify.

>> No.9081821
File: 2.28 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this fabric and had to make a skirt from it. o///o

>> No.9081824

Ah, sorry! The image is so huge! >_<

>> No.9081844

Nicely done. Where did you get the fabric?

>> No.9081863

It's a small store called Beverly's Fabrics and Crafts! The fabric was a bit of a random find. It's the best skirt I've made so far. Side zipper, half shirred, fully lined, and a pocket!

>> No.9081903


Do you have a pattern for it anon?

>> No.9081912

Just a quick tip don't use emoji or kaomoji on cgl or people will completely ignore everything you say and be shit to you.

The fabric is cute, would probably be a cute jsk too.

>> No.9085072

They use a nice cotton cheesecloth and stretch it to look that way as well as cut some threads. It is easy to get but it is usually the cheaper quality. You could get some of the cheap stuff and try to stretch/cut it to your liking.

>> No.9085076

I used to work at a huanted house and that is how we got this effect! I also use it a lot in a punk/vkei styled outfits.

>> No.9085855


This sounds way easier than picking up knitting, thanks, anons!

>> No.9086309

No problem! I'd love to see how it turns out!

>> No.9086370

I do not, only the fabric. I took my machine in last week but it will be another week or so before it is done.

>> No.9086389

Click on the numbers at the top right of posts to reply directly to comments. I take it this is your first time posting here, so don't get discouraged if people are shits to you. The skirt is cute.

>> No.9086488

I'm having a hard time deciding what colour I should use for accents on the jsk I am making. How do you gulls normally choose your accent colours if the body fabric has several different colours?

>> No.9086889
File: 85 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.917913433_22nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning to buy some of this fabric and would like to make a skirt from it.
Tempted for simple box pleated skirt that sits just above the knees. Can anyone else think of something more interesting?

>> No.9086900

Nah, it's a border print, so interesting isn't really in the package. Besides, this has great otome potential, but the colors look too vivid for straight lolita.

>> No.9086913

I figured it was obviously for otome, sorry for not clarifying. Reminds me so much of an ETC print.
I was considering doing a tiered skirt but because of the stripes thought it would look odd.

>> No.9086950

Generally which ever one stands out the most out what color in likely to want my accessories to match. If I want to pull out multiple colors with accessories (say in different coords) I keep it neutral or make the accent peices removable

>> No.9087030

Any idea how much fabric would go into something like this?

>> No.9087042
File: 1.34 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I got this dress at a Goodwill for a couple of bucks. I don't really like it as a dress anymore but I was wondering if I could reuse the fabric for a skirt in a lolita coord. Is this a good idea or is the pattern not good enough?

>> No.9087061

It reminds me of aatp porz kerchief.

>> No.9087093

In my opinion, it's a little bit too "traditional" and kind of reminds me of my grandmother's couch? It feels a bit more what I think of for dolly-kei than lolita, but it IS some really nice looking fabric.

>> No.9087096

*feels a bit more like

>> No.9087103

Yeah, that was kinda what I was thinking too. I'm not really into dolly kei though, so I guess I'll either make it into a skirt for normie wear or get rid of it.

>> No.9087172
File: 813 KB, 1275x1755, Gothloli__2004__patterns__025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this Gosurori pattern, you need at least 3m40 to 5m of fabric depending on your size.

>> No.9087174

Is that Taylor Swift??

>> No.9087175
File: 633 KB, 1275x1755, Gothloli__2004__patterns__026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping the second part of the pattern.

>> No.9087182

i feel like this could be a really cute skirt for lolita desu. an offwhite blouse, hair rolled up with flowers in it, nice lace up brown shoes. i say go for it.

>> No.9087188

I forgot to add something. Don't hesitate to make the panels wider if you can. Gosurori patterns are good base to work with but they don't have anything special. I often alter them to achieve what I want.

>> No.9087200


Just wanted to make a quick note that Meta's tiered dresses are notorious for having way, way, way, way a lot of fabric in them. I'd say you need to double the length of all the tiers from the gosuri pattern if you actually want Meta-level amount of fabric.

(Obviously if you're okay with the gosurori level of fabric (as per the photos on the pattern pages) then the gosurori instructions are good enough).

>> No.9087211


Thank you anon!

>> No.9087220


My issue with this is moreso the fabric quality on its own. The fabric looks like thin cotton. The print kind of lacks detail on top and has thick outlines on the bottom, looks like a slightly sloppy print job.

But, these are mostly nitpicks that won't show up on camera, although some discerning gals might notice the thin cotton in person. So if you'd like to use it for lolita I say just go for it, it'll at least look nice on camera.

>> No.9087270
File: 156 KB, 600x600, 62-1701-786[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could try for this style of tiered skirt with tiers of ruffles rather than the kind of tiers like >>9079538 has. If the biscuit border on your fabric is pretty narrow, this seems like a good way to double up the border, or at least make the top of the skirt more interesting.

The downside I can see is that the top part of the skirt might be a little harder to construct with pleated fabric (on normal fabric it's just curved to fit the hips, on striped fabric I gues there should be a dart somewhere so that most of the stripes remain vertical).

>> No.9087416

oh my gosh, where did you find this fabric? I'm in love.

>> No.9087800

Is lining fabric user for anything in lolita/jfash? I can get some super cheap but idk if I'll use it.

>> No.9088655

Lining is for lining. Coats, jackets, dresses, skirts, some pants. Good brands line most items.

>> No.9088831

Anyone know what the material most silky, comfy lolita blouses are made of? I mean a name I can tell shop people to see if they stock it.

>> No.9088837

Not OP but search biscuit in fabric on etsy. It comes in three or four colours.

>> No.9088888

Vertical stripes + box pleat usually doesn't look so good, I'd gather it.

>> No.9089911


>> No.9090024
File: 210 KB, 500x600, 404138-512-2015-06-28975345[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to that: chiffon is light but can come in different weights. Sometimes it ends up being translucent (pic related). It's nice and light for the summer however.

For winter, a good quality cotton sateen also has a silky feel. But it's cotton, so it's going to be more..crispy, I guess, whereas chiffon is completely flowy.

The thing about chiffon if you're a beginner is that it can be tricky to work with because it's so thin and translucent. You might have to do french seams to finish the seams as well.

>> No.9090101

With the caveat that if you haven't worn chiffon before, don't spend a ton of time making something from it. Unless you spring for silk chiffon (which you shouldn't if it's your first time sewing chiffon) it's 100% polyester. Personally I can't stand wearing it. Way too hot and clammy.

>> No.9090240

Personally, chiffon is a bitch and I never wear it or sew it. However, many prints are now on chiffon, and lighter summer blouses almost always are, these days.

>> No.9090333 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 480x640, Maria&#039;s Catholic Nun 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any patterns for sack dresses like pic related?
I don't want to pay a lot for one since they feel like the're so simple, so I'd like to try making one myself

>> No.9090381

I really like how it looks and don't mind sewing it, but wearing it is awful and I feel terrible when it inevitably snags, so it's a no-go fabric for me. I would suggest OP consider a lightweight fine cotton (like voile or batiste) for a pretty, soft, breathable summer fabric that's a little bit easier to work with and won't make you feel like you're stewing in a hot swamp. Anything you can do with chiffon you can do with voile.

>> No.9090418

Agreed that a good lightweight cotton will probably be easier to work with and track down. That said, Dharma Trading as a silk double chiffon that's reasonably priced and fairly opaque, even in white. Also, if you have access to a serger, rolled hems on chiffon are super-fast and look fantastic.

>> No.9092345

Any good Taobao shops for fabrics with really good prints?

>> No.9092371

Not that anon, but mine is from pikobeagle2000 on etsy, got it in 2 colourways. Would recommend, it's very cute.

>> No.9092406
File: 385 KB, 800x1200, l353-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignore the stuff immediately at the top, there's some gorgeous florals there as well as a beautiful pinstripe floral cameo fabric.

Thought I'd quickly ask you anons: I could have sworn I've seen the black floral fabric bodyline uses on taobao somewhere though I lost the link. I found very similar fabric in blue and pink, and have tried searching for black florals in general as well but no luck. anyone have clues or a similar fabric?

>> No.9092485

https://youtu.be/QCNXGzgyq3g something vaguely similar and tells you how to copy a garment so you can just find a nice blouse and copy it for the top of the dress. Don't know how well this would work with any given material, though.

>> No.9092794

I'm making a box pleated skirt. Unfortunately due to the fabric I cannot match the print along a seam. Are there any extra things I can do to up the appearance/quality of the skirt?

>> No.9092797

Try to hide the seam inside one of the pleats

>> No.9093164

I feel like an idiot for asking this, but what is the best way to hem a skirt? It's just a basic one without lace or anything, but I don't want to do an invisible hem because there isn't enough fabric before the border print.

>> No.9093189

Just do a rolled hem. Iron it up like 1/4 inch, iron it up again, sew it down

>> No.9093219


If you don't have enough fabric at the hem, here are some ideas:

- Rolled hem, if you have a serger/overlocker that does that. This uses the least fabric, but the way it looks might not jive with the rest of your dress.
- Encase the raw edge in bias binding of matching colour.
- similarly, you can join a strip of same-colour fabric to the hem, then fold (and press) the strip of fabric up twice and blind stitch it. The join will be the bottom of the hem, and you still get an insivible hem without obvious topstitching running through it.

>> No.9093454

Anyone knows any pattern apropiate for an otome dress?

>> No.9095179
File: 527 KB, 1559x2244, 7012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on using pic related, but with a gathered skirt instead of pleats. The peter pan collar is detachable (I think?) so that's kind of cute.

>> No.9095894

What's your setup like for storing/organizing your sewing supplies? I started a few months ago and now my stuff is kind of all over 3 rooms.

>> No.9096461

I have a shelf set in the closet for stacking fabric and an Ikea expedit with bins in the bottom row for notions, books, and miscellaneous stuff. I also use an Ikea gate leg table as my sewing table and that has six drawers where I stash my most commonly used things (rotary cutter, chalk, etc) and cone threads.

>> No.9096476

The A is really cute. What a shame that this sort of patterns can't be found anywhere in my country. Thanks anyway!

>> No.9096499

if you go to the Burda website, you can download some patterns as a printable PDF. not sure about this particular one but it's worth a try.

>> No.9097414

I don't know is this the right place to ask but what are good jfashion tumblrs that make (at least some of) their own clothes? I mostly do my own and I would like to follow some to get inspiration. Sometimes I see those "jsk made by me" but then almost all the other coords are bought and I lose interest.

>> No.9097427

Maybe in the pattern book 'otome no sewing' I guess? I know some scans are posted of some issues with some reviews. Maybe you can find some of those. Amazon.JP has these books.

>> No.9097487
File: 406 KB, 800x1200, wolfskinlana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am new to sewing, i have done some fixes every now and then but I found this coat online and I want to recreate it.
Does anyone have a pattern similar to this?
Or could I even do this without?

>> No.9097493

What ratios do you guy usually use for ruffles?
I recently got a ruffling foot as a gift but max it can do is 1:2, I wonder if that's enough...?

>> No.9097521


For just the ruffles, yes, that's the standard. I've seen some folks do 1.5x instead of 2x if they want the design on the ruffles to be visible (eg tulle lace or printed ruffles).

For making a skirt, you need to gather at least 3x to your waist, some people attempt 4x. That's when you need to do it by hand, and if the fabric you use is really bulky and won't go under the machine, do very small mini-pleats to get the fabric down and neat before you sew it up..

>> No.9097528

You'll need a dress form and to learn to drape on the bias to make this.

>> No.9097532

Honestly? The materials look more like craft store supplies than millinery grade materials.

>> No.9097536
File: 304 KB, 810x1080, IMG_4113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there seems to be few knitters here, today I found this book called "The Magic of Shetland Lace Knitting". It has many knitting patterns for lace (duh). I'm just starting to learn knitting so I can't say are those easy to follow and understand.

>> No.9097549

How would one go about making the dress similar to the pic? Should I just use a regular baby doll pattern?

>> No.9097622

Buy it online.

>> No.9097652

I would ask SA Design by Sasa. She specialises in chiffon and she has done something like that dress before. I have seen her clothes upclose and the finishing is great.

>> No.9098244
File: 3.51 MB, 1426x1104, skirts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cosplayer and that's never been into lolita but I just discovered Liz Lisa/Ank Rouge skirts and himekaji in general and I'm in love.
Construction-wise they look pretty simple for the most part but I'm very curious as to where one gets nice fabrics and laces?
I especially like the pretty chiffon overlay prints and long tulle fabric lace.

>> No.9098295

Yeah but her hems are uneven.

>> No.9098554


How much fabric is needed for something like these?
Double waistband length, more or less??

>> No.9098558

2.5 to triple if you're going to do box pleats. For a gather, 2 should be enough if you don't want something very full.

>> No.9098577

Cool, thank you!

>> No.9098722


You can find sheer chiffon and tulle lace fabric on the usual places -- eBay, Aliexpress, taobao. You do have to sift through a lot of weird designs for printed chiffon to get to the nice floral ones, and the eyelet lace tends to come on cheap cotton broadcloth for some unknown reason, though.

Probably worth noting that these brands are big enough to have fabric specially printed/embroidered for them, so it's pretty low chances for you to find the exact same thing, though you can sometimes find finished replicas on taobao.

>> No.9098990

Thanks anon!

>> No.9099638

What this anon said, and with that...

Here's a link for some lace: https://laces.world.taobao.com/

The skirt in top right, I could've sworn I saw lace like that in the store.

>> No.9100033

Thank you! No problem. I'm an experienced sewer, I'm just used to getting things from a limited variety of fabrics found in an already-stocked area. Will try and spring for chiffon.

>> No.9102802

any tips on sewing velvet?

>> No.9102895

It's insanely messy to sew with, at least in my experiences. As soon as you cut anything, I'd recommend using some kind of liquid fray-stop on every raw edge. It leaves really bad lint/dust on EVERYTHING, so be prepared to properly dust out your machine parts periodically so nothing builds up inside. Other than that, I love using it for projects. Getting a high quality velvet is best, using cheap stretch/crushed velvet will make it look like a costume. It's decently sturdy to sew with, but overlooking seams is pretty important, since the fabric tends to rip easily on pieces that are cut on the bias.

Sorry for the rambling response, just trying to throw you everything I can remember from making my own pieces.

>> No.9102905

>overlooking seams is pretty important, since the fabric tends to rip easily on pieces that are cut on the bias
This so hard.

>> No.9102971

Place another piece of velvet nap-to-nap with your project to very gently press the seams. I have never and would never use fray check on raw cut edges of velvet and haven't had a problem with it. If it's going to have a hanging lining like a skirt I do overlock the edges immediately. If it's going to be fully encased with the lining like a jacket, I leave the edges raw and cut it with a 5/8" allowance.

>> No.9103148

Why would you never use fray check on velvet? Just wondering, since I'm self taught and just kind of do random things until I learn better.

>> No.9103194

Roughly your waist x3 plus one yard for top.

>> No.9103340

Fray check is just glue, and it's best used in small spots. I only use fray check dabbed at places where fabric is clipped close to the seam. Using it along an entire cut edge won't hurt the fabric or anything, but it's like $6 per little bottle, isn't in a dispenser designed to do long lines efficiently, and despite its claims to the contrary, it will leave visible marks on some fabric and it can dry stiff or crispy. If you don't have an overlocker, finishing the raw edge with bias tape or snug hug (rayon binding tape) is cheaper, faster, looks better, and won't eventually wash out like fray check can.

>> No.9103367

Cool, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.9104053

What kind of chiffon is blouse-suitable; or are they all with the approriate number of layers?

>> No.9104310
File: 22 KB, 94x189, Screen Shot 2016-07-17 at 12.47.19 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering if anyone can tell me the name of this type of trim?
It really depends anon. Some blouses are sheer, some are thicker and opaque. You can line the bodice of a blouse if it is too sheer, I usually wear a tank top underneath or wear it under a jsk.

>> No.9104346

soutache. The loop design is not a premade trim, it's a cord that's stitched down to make the pattern.

>> No.9104349

Thanks anon!

>> No.9105192
File: 412 KB, 1135x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever used vintage children's patterns for lolita? I imagine the bust would need to be adjusted but otherwise it's just a case of size.

>Waist of a 9-10 year anyway

>> No.9105201

I maaaaay have forgotten all about this and cgl fml
chapter 1 will be up tomorrow and if it isn't, I will hit myself over the head with that very same book

>> No.9105227

I haven't used any before, but I actually love these pieces. I'd definitely give it a whirl in muslin first to solidify correct proportions, but this pattern would be a great starting point!

>> No.9105235

They make good inspiration but don't bother trying to use them as patterns. You'd nave to entirely redraft them to fit an adult body, even if you're slim and small-busted. They're not cut for adult proportioned torsos, shoulders, or bust/waist ratio.

>> No.9105274

Does anyone have blouse patterns they would recommend?

>> No.9105326

What if you literally have the proportions of a 12yo? Like not even a 0.5 cm difference between ribcage and bust, barely a 3 inch difference between bust and waist, and 4'11 with a proportionately short torso? Children's clothes are the only thing that fit me right irl tb.h. My hips are the only thing that are a bit off, but that wouldn't matter for loose dresses anyway.

>> No.9106006

May as well try it with cheap Walmart fabric or something.

>> No.9106273

What are some tips to avoid the Regretsy-tier handmade lolita dresses/skirts/etc?

>> No.9106311

I would say the first tip is to be careful about the fabric you choose. If you're inexperienced, please start with solid colors in decent fabrics. Joann's Stretch Sateen is a good beginner choice as it is easily accessible (assuming you're in the US), comes in nice colors, and is a good weight for dresses.

Second, get decent lace or trim, please. No raschel! Again, shopping from Joann is fine as long as you buy a nice Venise or cluny lace. I have a blouse with three types of lace on it, all from Joann, and no one ever believes me when I say it all came from there.

Third, learn how to gather or pleat fabric neatly. Even if your materials are nice and everything else is solidly constructed, it's a dead giveaway that a piece is handmade when the gathering on the skirt or ruffles isn't even. This is not stressed enough and I think it's really important in giving handmade items a quality look. If you can't get the hang of gathering a skirt yet, do nice, big, even pleats. Gathers are technically easier, but I think pleats are easier for beginners to do well.

Fourth, if you're doing a cupcake dress, AKA a big gathered/pleated rectangle skirt attached to your JSK bodice, make sure it is at least 3x your waist measurement, and probably more if you're particularly skinny. For reference, most of the recent AP dresses I've measured have had a skirt in the area of 90-95cm.

>> No.9106324

These are tips for silk velvet. If you're working with velveteen or poly, it shouldn't be as difficult a fabric, so the only points that apply are the ones about cutting the fabric the right direction.
>Remember to cut your pattern pieces facing the same direction, otherwise the light will hit fabric differently and it's very obvious if pieces are facing different directions
>if you don't have a needle board for pressing, you can lay your fabric down on a towel and use you iron to steam your seams down. Don't actually physically press the seams down, just puff at it with steam and it will lay flat.
>If you are doing gathers you might want to use the string method of gathering (encase string in a seam and pull to gather) rather than a the usual pulling at one thread. It's just less work on the fabric, I think.
>When you're laying out and cutting it, lay it nap down and make sure your fabric is completely straight! Velvet moves around like a mofo and you do want to make sure your grainlines are perfect because, like I said in the first point, the light will hit the fabric differently depending on how you cut it.
>Hand baste all seams first, then machine sew. Velvet is a slippery bastard.
>In general just be careful not to press to hard on it or get water on it, the nap doesn't recover afterwards

>> No.9106350

At 4'11" the shoulders and torso might actually work for you. Over 5' it's not worth it. You could cut a muslin and might need to only mess with the bust a little bit (since even with a small bust, you will have more in the front than the back rather than being literally flat as a child).

>> No.9106376


You mean inches, right? A 95cm skirt circumference is really narrow.

>> No.9106381

Oh derp. Yes, thanks for catching that.

>> No.9106597

Unfortunately I am literally flat chested, not even halfway to an aa-cup. It's nice to know there's one advantage to it at least. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.9107872

Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.9107946

Are you using old (now outdated) sizing for cups? Because if there's any difference between your under bust and bust, you're not halfway to an AA. A cup is a 1" difference. I've never met an adult woman who had literally no breasts like a child, mastectomies excepted.

>> No.9109424
File: 93 KB, 528x960, lolita 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incomplete but I have been following a tutorial and I am really sad because it hasn't gone to plan. The dress ended up way shorter then planned. I am thinking of adding some ruffles at the bottom to save it. This is my first dress so I am a little disheartened.

>> No.9109425

i hope you're not planning to wear this as lolita, the bodice is the same length as the skirt.

>> No.9109426
File: 45 KB, 500x500, lolita egl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It wasn't supposed to be but some how it ended up that way. I am hoping to some how lengthen it without looking tacky. Something like this at the bottom maybe

>> No.9109427

Goddamnit people, don't follow yumi king tutorials.

>> No.9109429

omg its funny that you recognise the tutorial. My sister has had sewing lessons and wants me to add darts to the back as well.

>> No.9109433

In what world does this look even remotely lolita to you?

>> No.9109435

To be fair I was following a lolita tutorial. But it didn't work out.

>> No.9109446

Of course I recognise it, her tutorials are god awful and the dresses don't even look good on her, the only reason she can get away with it is because she adds so much other ugly lace and ruffles that you can't see what the actual dress looks like beneath them... Anon, look at what you made. It is a rectangle held up by elastic, made from ugly fabric, with a circle skirt shoved on the bottom. That is not going to look good on anyone. It belongs on the trash heap. You could *maybe* take the whole thing apart and re make a bodice from the one you have now, but with that fabric it is barely worth saving for anything more than testing fit of other garments.

I am sorry for being so harsh. I see that you followed it because it was a "lolita tutorial", however if you knew anything about lolita, yumi king shows all of the hallmarks of the classic ita. Her tutorials aren't good for anything.
What I reccomned you do is more research about lolita before getting in to it. lots more. Also consider following a real sewing pattern for a bodice so you have something that will look halfway decent, if you insist on sewing a dress now.

>> No.9109448

Thanks. That's not harsh at all. I really do love the fabric though.

See she seemed to have an easy base that I could work on by doing things like adding darts etc. This is probably the first full thing I have tried to make. I am fairly new to lolita and can't really afford to buy too many things. Everything I own is second hand so I thought I'd try to make something. Maybe next time I'll just try to make a bell skirt. That seems less complicated.

>> No.9109457

it's not funny, it's incredibly sad to see these every time a noob posts in the handmade threads
put that fabric far away, it doesn't look clothing suitable at all. maybe make a pillow cover out of it or something.
go out, buy some light cotton, and make these. http://egl.livejournal.com/4904975.html you will learn some really basic pattern drafting, how to make nice seams and you will p much always need bloomers, they're good for a lot of different things. then you can see if you can find some thicker cottons, maybe with a small floral print or something, and try out a few of the skirt tuorials here: http://fyeahlolita . blogspot . com/p/lolita-tutorials.html (remove the spaces, 4chan doesn't like blogspot links). then you can maybe try to move on to something like this: http://sew-loli.livejournal.com/208428.html
it's a process, like all other hobbies, and sewing will not be the answer to your money issues - buying secondhand and taobao is probably cheaper than trying to learn sewing, repeatedly fucking up and having to practice for months to make something wearable. I wanted to start off as a handmade lolita and luckily, cgl told me how bad an idea it was (I wanted to use a kinda similar badly fitting tutorial like you), and a bit later I realised how abysmally bad an idea it was considering I hadn't sewn in several years and my biggest project ever had been a dress that my grandmother basically made for me, I just pressed the pedal of the sewing machine and put together the seams.

>> No.9109458


Never thought I'd see someone who knew what darts are for, still follow a Yumi King tutorial...

Anyway, if you're looking specifically for lolita patterns, I'm going to suggest getting the otome no sewing books. It's in Japanese, but the pictures are pretty clear, the actual books come with patterns (Asian sizes S,M, L), and there's enough patterns in one book to make a mini wardrobe without needing to alter anything.

fwiw I think the fabric is pretty. After being cut up and sewn into that it's pretty doomed, though.

>> No.9109460

Thanks. It's actually nice to see that even though you guys don't like my dress (I don't blame you), you guys are still willing to give constructive criticism. I've heard a lot of negatives about the lolita community but it's refreshing to see how helpful even anonymous people are.

>> No.9109462

I still have a little bet left over. Maybe I could make a nice headband :c

I'll take a look at the books.

>> No.9109494

Yes I have literally less than a 0.5 cm difference not including nipples. I don't even have anything to pinch. It's rare but it does exist. The only links I can send you would be nsfw and it's extremely offtopic anyway.

>> No.9109502

It warms my little black heart that you're so open to anon's criticism. Don't worry, lots of people start out with a derp. It's a learning experience.

A bell skirt would definitely be much easier. It's really just a waistband a little bigger around than your waist measurement (so it fits comfortably) and a big rectangle for the skirt, measuring at least 3x your waist measurement for that lovely poof. Installing the zipper will probably be the hardest part but it's a very valuable skill to have if you want to sew your own clothing.

>> No.9110399

I mean, you could make it into a cute romper assuming your boobs aren't very big. Make the skirt into shorts, and add a belt. You're not going to be able to save it without starting from scratch.
I also think that print will work better as a skirt for lolita only as it's very busy.

>> No.9110431

Go back and actually look at the design. It's not a standard triangle that we're talking about here.

>> No.9110443

>That filename
>That terrible replica picture stealing
Oh anon.

>> No.9110668

You've been really great about receiving crit so I'll add:
I've been sewing (clothes) for about 4 years now. Even with guidance and research, everything I made within the first 2 years is pretty much horrible. Wearable, maybe, but a construction nightmare. I made the same mistakes over and over because I wasn't sure how stuff was supposed to properly come together. Don't expect to make awesome stuff off the bat. I know it's irritating to do baby projects when you really want to make something nicer, but it won't go the way you want if you don't have the experience. Judging by the photo you added (it's from a stolen photo for a replica) you also are pretty new to lolita? Spending more time lurking will help you create better designs as well.
All in all, I'd say just start sewing again, but stick to pajama bottoms and normie skirts and stuff, and really really focus on proper construction. You can't make a good garment if you don't have a full understanding of proper construction.

>> No.9110683

I'm not experienced with sewing but it seems like it's just a simple hooded coat with one side cut normally and the other side cut on the bias line? You might be able to find a pattern for a normal coat and then add the wonky side yourself.

>> No.9110717

Yes it is. If you don't know how fabric and clothing work don't make inane comments.

>> No.9110849

What if you sewed it on along the middle, fold over the top half and iron and top stitch it down for a double layer of lace?

>> No.9111856

What are the calculations for a tiered skirt?
I want something very full and a line

>> No.9112094
File: 519 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_oaabdhkltE1rzhecjo10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this on tumbler, the construction is sooooo nice, but it irks me how the maker used shitty lace on the bows....

>> No.9112159

It looks nice in the thumbnail, but pretty all around shitty once you look close. The bows are all crooked and messy. The sleeves are thin and awkward especially at the cuffs, the neckline is gapping, and the whole thing is unlined and unboned and made using shitty quilting cotton.
It's kind of funny imo that she'd use such bad materials and construction to make a copy of one of Marie Antoinette's most famous fanciest dresses. But it looks good in the thumbnail, so I'm willing to bet her dresses will get better in time.

>> No.9112418

>the construction is sooooo nice

uh, this is pretty bad and obviously amateur work.

>> No.9114881

I got some really lovely fabrics and I'm excited to make my first non-cosplay skirt!
I might post a photo when I get home or wait until it's done, not sure yet.
Still, very excited!!

>> No.9114914

uhh, anyone have patterns for dolls?
I know they're pretty simple to draft, but I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.9115007

GLB 34 I believe has a few doll patterns

>> No.9118512
File: 434 KB, 501x584, 120610180029_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just done a thrift-store run of nice vintage kimonos that I'm going to disassemble and turn into jsks, probably in panels with a contrasting under-layer ala Meta. (Though significantly less gaudy, jesus.)

>> No.9118763
File: 113 KB, 470x405, playfullunicornsintherain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering ordering a few yards of this fabric from Spoonflower to make myself a skirt, a bag, and some other accessories for more casual daily wear. I'm pretty confident that I can make it work, but I was worried that it would get me posted in an ita thread.

>> No.9118770

Oh man, I hope you didn't already order it

>> No.9118771

>considering ordering
>hope you didn't already

Why? I'm not trolling, I want legit concrit.

>> No.9118786

This will definitely get you posted in an ita thread because even in this form that design is ugly enough to hurt the eyes.

>> No.9118869

Different from >>9118763

>tfw you know it's ita af
>but you still think it's cute

Kill me, please >>9118786

>> No.9118875

Different anon, but I think that why this doesn't quite work for lolita is the design is too blocky and cartoon-y looking and kinda gives off "quirky Hot Topic skater dress" vibes. It would be cute for normie stuff though, but I don't know if it would be worth that at Spoonflower prices.

>> No.9118908

Op here. Oops, looks like I worded that wrong to begin with. I'm dumb.
What I meant was: I'm not trying to make it loli, just something super-cute and casual, but other people might think I was trying for loli.
Sorry for not writing that better.

>> No.9118973
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1425846077318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you live where you can thrift vintage kimonos?
How much do they cost?

>> No.9119047

Well, if you're not going for lolita (please don't call it loli) and don't tag it lolita or lolita fashion or whatever, then you should be okay. Things like that do sometimes get posted to the ita thread, but pretty much all the time anons come in and explain that it wasn't meant to be lolita in the first place.

>> No.9119147

... I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess "somewhere in Japan."

>> No.9119501

Australian staying in glorious Nippon. They're like 200-1000yen tops, depending on condition.

If you're ever visiting, always visit bumfuck-nowhere towns for antiques and cool stuff.

>> No.9119510

It's heavy with a pretty large weave and some slubs. Heavier than raw silk but reminds me of that the most in texture even though the print looks really nice on it, it's unusual. Source: I have Marionette In Closet Room

>> No.9119951


I don't think Marionette in Closet Room was listed as the burberry stuff, though?

>> No.9120164

How long does it usually take you to finish a dress? I'm into a third day now, almost finished, but it seems like a lot of time.

I'm just wondering whether I'm shit at time allocation or is it simply a matter of complicated project (OP with gathered sleeves, full lining, pleats, pintucks)? I draft my own patterns too, which can often take me a few hours. But then there are girls who can crank out 2-3 completed skirts a day...

>> No.9120195

3 days is reasonable for a complex OP, anon, no need to worry.

>> No.9120199

that's a skirt? and if you have patterns at the ready and assembly line things it's easy. I can usually make a simple normie dress in a day if I have the pattern ready to go.

>> No.9120271

I'm slow af so here I am, posting to make you feel better.
Drafting usually takes me at least half a day, cutting at least an hour (up to another half day if there's a lot of pieces) and sewing usually takes me several days at least. I can do a simple rectangle skirt with basic trim and easy waistband in a day but dresses take me a week usually. It doesn't help that I get distracted and demotivated easily. Plus I tend to baste anything and everything by hand before going over it with the machine, even if it's not really necessary.

>tfw latest project is taking me several months because I keep getting stuck and distracted by work and school shit
>when finished it will probably be too cold out to wear it as intended
shameful display

>> No.9120291

Thanks for the advice lol
Just curious, would you be interested in like, picking up a few and reselling?
Not sure what price would be appropriate, but "real" kimonos are expensive af, if you'd sell some at a rather low price (maybe $50 + shipping?) you could make some coin and a lot of weebs like me would be overjoyed to buy them that cheap

Although if you're just visiting that might be kinda complicated and stressful, and I'm not sure if it would be worth the hassle

>> No.9120316

After a long delay I'm on to the jacket. I found plenty of guides for sailor shirts and attatching a collar, and I think I have a good pattern to start with (Simplicity 1202 part D). Big question is: is the entire jacket lined in the dark color or just trimmed with it? I also need to know how to make the line trimming on the dark parts but that may be in a sailor guide.

>> No.9120957

Unlined. The black trim is bias trim. You could line it if you wanted either for warm or to keep it from sticking to the outfit underneath, though.

>> No.9121132

Yes. 'Original Burberry Print' on the listing.

>> No.9121137

Gimp trim, gimp braid, novelty braid.

>> No.9121528
File: 326 KB, 3636x606, 20160730_103247-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Otome No Sewing there's instructions to use "russel lace" but search results for that are odd. Could it be a mistranslation, or what is it I'm looking for?

>> No.9121530

Raschel, most likely.

>> No.9122321

Hey 'gulls, I know someone on here mentioned Spoonflower earlier, but I've heard their colors don't always print true, and that they bleed if you try to wash them.
Are there any fabric printing stores or sites that you'd recommend?

>> No.9122337

Working on a cropped cardigan with cabling for winter coords and you just got me thinking about making cabled socks.

>> No.9122356

this is a very underrated post. thanks anon!

>> No.9122713

This fabric looks pretty busy, Anon... how OTT are you planning on this dress being?

>> No.9123985

This is really freaking cool.

Good tip, thank you! When you say different lines do you mean cm instead of inches?

>> No.9124604

Different aid lines, like 45 degree angles, etc.

>> No.9126284

How can I stop my organza from fraying when I'm trying to gather it? I'm using a gathering stitch on a piece 6 meters long. I don't have access to gathering or ruffle feet for my machine.