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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9043243 No.9043243 [Reply] [Original]

How often and where do you wear jfashion?
do you only wear it at meet-ups and cons, or do you wear on just a day out?

>> No.9043246

I'm a daily Lolita.

>> No.9043288

I wear casual jfashion or like nanchatte inspired outfits but not full blown seifuku when I go out with friends. We usually just go eat or go shopping. I wear boring stuff to work and school though.

>> No.9043289

Yesterday I wore lolita to class for the first time in a while. I felt exactly like OP, all those disgusting normalfags. Since it was a rather hot day people were even more casual and somehow this ticked me off.

>> No.9043298

I wear lolita as much as possible. Which is essentially every time I leave the house except when working or it's raining (do not want my burando caught in a storm).

>> No.9043365

Every day, unless I've overslept in the morning, or I know I'm doing something like travelling or gardening.

I like surrounding myself with beautiful things which make me happy.

>> No.9043369

I wear it at least once a week to meetups or to casual outings on weekends. My local comms are active so there are lots of occasions to wear it.

>> No.9043394

Daily lolita, unless I'm in a huge hurry to run an errand or in pajamas at home. Even if I'm just going out to grab groceries, I try to throw on a cutsew OP and my AatP hoodie. Usually for work I wear what amounts to a full coord; my "uniform" is a Meta miniskirt, blouse or cutsew, bolero or cardigan, socks or tights, petti, headband or bow, and shoes, but I'll wear an AP JSK or skirt when I'm feeling saucy.

I also have fancier dresses for going out, weekends, cons, meetups, etc., but I like to have a wearable wardrobe that's easy to coord without too much thought.

>> No.9043598

Can I getsome daily lolita blogs for inspo?

>> No.9043609 [DELETED] 

You guys are so sad

>> No.9043610

I wear it whenever I feel like it. But I won't usually put on a full coordinate just to go to the supermarket or something.

For special events I tend to wear something more elaborate since I think the more ott coords look too costumey to wear to a regular meet or every day.

>> No.9043613

The OP image is the picture that got me into Lolita many years ago, and it always makes me so happy to see it

>> No.9043652

Me too!

>> No.9043665

I wear lolita any day I'm not required to dress differently. They're my everyday clothes

>> No.9043673

I wear lolita and J fash any day I'm not working. Sometimes I do sneak in things like accessories, blouses, tights, shoes and skirts into my work outfits but not enough to make it J fashion.
When I go out with my friends and boyfriend I always wear lolita or otome. I'm so glad I finally got my closet to be all cute all the time.

I don't get people who only dress up for cons. It's fashion not a costume.

>> No.9043781

I wear toned down j-fashion like otome or something similar to larme, cartoon gothic graphic tees with leggings, i also accessorize them with neon colored resin creepy cute jewellry to be more unique or wearing a heart choker, also when i go to university/exams time i dress like this, no one cares.
I dress rarely lolita since i don't go out much and no meets up where i live here. I plan to get into super casual cyberpop/uchuu kei with no dread or neon haircolor/weird makeup instead to wear always black all the time.
Life is too short to dress basic/boring t-shirts with jeans and muted colors.
When i would work if the job requires a uniform well too bad otherwise i would try to adapt my jfashion to workplace, like basic otome kei.
Yeah, i cannot stand who only dress jfashion at cons only. I mean, there are plenty of casual styles appropriate for every situation, there isn't just lolita.

>> No.9043912

I wear gyaru any time I'm doing anything social, or sometimes just to go shopping etc by myself if I feel like it. I tend to wear more everyday ane gal or ora ora outfits for day to day stuff, but I dress up a bit more for meets and cons in more dramatic outfits/hairstyles.

>> No.9043919

I barely make meetups anymore due to work. My schedule doesn't align like it used to with local friends who wear the fashion, so we get together less. It seems like this has been the year of con-lolita-ing for me. I really miss getting together with everyone in my comm.

>> No.9044027
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I barely go outside (social phobia) and most of my wardrobe has just been sitting there unworn since I've had it. I want to move closer to cons and to where the comm is active (everything is ~2h away rn), but that's gonna take a while.

>> No.9044037

lolita is the only jfashion I wear. I basically treat it like a cocktail dress when not going to meets. I wouldn't wear it to go grocery shopping or to the post office, but if I'm going to a nice place for dinner or to see a play or other event, I will.

>> No.9044130

I like this mentality. It seems to most practical way to wear lolita often.

>> No.9044146
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I reserve my lolita for special occasions like meet ups or if I'm going somewhere nice and feel like dressing up. Day to day wear I'm more casual fashion but still inspired by jfash. So still lots of pastels (im a sweet lolita) and I will use accessories, blouses, shoes from my lolita closet in my day to day wear.

>> No.9044156

My daily style is otome. I wear lolita once a month or less because I'm generally too lazy to get dressed up and always decide for the more comfy otome outfit in the end.

>> No.9044246

Do you have info on your pic, OP? I love the shot and would like to find the photographer info if possible.

>> No.9044257

I wear fairy kei whenever I can. The only thing stopping me from wearing it every day is not having enough clothes.

>> No.9044343

The girl in them is Fahrlight, you should be able to find them probably by googling her. She did a series like this.

>> No.9044451

This interests me a lot, I really don't mean to shit on you guys but how do you take the inevitable stares and people talking about you being so out of place with the norm?

I live in an area that is very alternative friendly and we get a lot of characters walking around in dress that would get them killed in the wrong countries but I still find it incredible how they are willing to go out like that, I hope you guys can shed some light

>> No.9044456

>how do you take the inevitable stares and people talking about you being so out of place with the norm?
Going by the impression I get from /cgl/, not very well.


>> No.9044534

I don't pay attention to them and focus on something else. It can be anything like talking to friends or putting on headphones so people know not to bother me.

>> No.9044550

Just ignore them and walk with confidence. I admit my heart was racing the first time I went out in a full coord but after that it wasn't bad at all. Most people ignore you anyways. Yea people stare. esp even more so when I'm 6'2ft+ in most of my lolita/ouji shoes but fuck em, just stare back. The worst I've been called is a faggot from someone across the street.

I wear lolita and ouji when not in uniform and I've discarded most of normal wear, save for 2 skirts and 2 t-shirts. I'll raid my little brother's closet if I have to wear something when mowing the lawn or any dirty job.

>> No.9044692

I dont really care if I get stared at. It's not like it's hurting me, and more often than not I'm being stared at by awestruck little kids. Makes you feel like a Disney princess, which can honestly be enjoyable.

Negative comments don't really happen all that much where I live.

>> No.9044914

The lolita is called ribbonplague on tumblr.

>> No.9044969
File: 208 KB, 400x533, 1421185128514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lolita wardrobe is pretty small, but I wear it as often as possible in cooler months to class and go out with friends or family. I wouldn't change out of lolita just because I need to run errands either.

But most of the time its hot as fuck so I wear romantic or gothy outfits using thrifted or lolita pieces- my btssb parasol is probably the lolita thing I use the most.

People will stare or yell random shit for literally any reason if they're trashy enough. Most people aren't though and will just mind their business, especially if you're with friends. The more comfortable, confident, and natural you are rocking your look, the more positive reactions you're likely to get. Personally I think wearing lolita makes a day more special, and looking the way I want to is worth having a few strangers think I'm weird.

>> No.9044979

So far, I've worn it once. I was so comfortable in my own skin I didn't care that it was 106. Really, I was glowing. I've never had candid shots taken that didn't make me look like utter shit.
I got a lot of stares, and some comments reminiscent of what other lolitas have heard, but I would do this daily in a heartbeat if I wasn't doing physical labor in my workplace.
I don't think I've ever gotten this much support from friends or family since I moved out on my own.

>> No.9044989

When you look at the people making these shitty comments, 9/10 times they're basic bitches wearing tracksuits and pushing a pram while drinking cider outside the Jobcentre. As such, I really don't need their validation on what I'm wearing, or my life choices.

People who dress nicely have only ever been complimentary, and if you can't dress yourself for peanuts, why the heck should I give a toss about your opinion?

>> No.9045083

I have a perfect bitch face and naturally tend to walk pretty fast and keep my head high. This seems to protect me from all kinds of unwanted comments. It probably also helps that I wear pretty much only dark colors, so at least color wise I don't stand out too much.
Also, I've been dealing with the stares for over 5 years now and am getting used to it. Last week I wore remotely sexy normie clothing for a change and noticed the looks I got a LOT more than when I'm in lolita. Felt weird.

>> No.9045139

honestly i don't mind being stared at when i'm wearing lolita because i know that i'm being looked at because i'm dressed funny. i'm much more uncomfortable with people looking at me when i'm dressed normally.

>> No.9045408

My country is usually safe, i don't think there are much countries that would kill a person dressed "weird" except very retrograde places or degraded districts like a GTA game. It's ok to have people staring, i don't mind them because i don't dress for them nor i dress too revealing. Anyway, people get raped also in jeans and t-shirt, because we have to dress normie if we don't want or to prevent crimes?It's the attacker issue not of the victim dressing like he/she loves most.

>> No.9045439

Same, I wear it at least once a week. If there isn't a meetup, I'll dress up for dinner or wear a casual coordinate to a non-Lolita get-together. I also frequently wear Lolita to play tabletop games.

I like to refer to myself as a "weekend Lolita".

>> No.9045448

I wear otome to work at least 3 days a week and I work in an office. I usually keep it extremely toned down with just a JSK, plain cardigan, necklace, quirky purse, and plain maryjane shoes or flats. Sometimes I'll throw in a ring or a hair accessory or OTKs. Other than that I usually get an opportunity to wear full-blown lolita on the weekends every other week.

>> No.9045455

I only wear it to meetings or the opera. Other than that, it's too hot to put on a wig and a dress + blouse.

>> No.9045473

I have a small wardrobe and only wear lolita to meets, cons, small get togethers or coffee dates with 1-3 friends. So maybe...2-3 times a month? I would like to wear it more, though. I'm moving to a cooler climate soon and I'm very excited. Summer where I live is suffering--even in a chiffon bolero.

>> No.9045499


>feeling the need for a wig

There's your first problem.

>> No.9045608

>wearing Lolita without a wig

Unless you are fucking BLESSED with a head full of thick hair that takes well to being styled... You need a wig.

>> No.9045636

I never wear a wig when I'm wearing lolita daily., sometimes not even for a meetup. I feel it makes my outfit look too costumey and gives off the wrong impression to normies.

>> No.9045650
File: 49 KB, 400x225, Not This shit Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't start this debate again. Please. Just hold your tongues and agree to disagree.

Anyways, because of my job I'm limited to wearing once a month and to meets. Although soon I'll be going back to school so hopefully that will increase my ability to wear it more often.

>> No.9045669

it's really not hard to make your real hair or extensions look lolita, y'all lolitas are just all basic as shit outside of your frilly petticoat times and know nothing about actual beauty shit. You can do really cute lolita-appropriate hairstyles in like 15 minutes tops if you know what you're doing.

>> No.9045675


I have thin as fuck asian hair and even I know how to make it lolita appropriate. It's not that hard to style your hair if you expand your horizons beyond cosplay.

>> No.9045798

Not all hair styles are lolita appropriate. I have a bright green full undercut so I just wear natural colour wigs and deal with it. I only wear lolita for meets or when going out for a nice evening my hair matches my everyday style much better.

>> No.9045828

Seconded! I only know of fyeahlolita.

>> No.9046470

what if it's really really hot that day? would you still?

>> No.9046479

are all of you women or faggots?

>> No.9046483

Where the fuck do you think you are? Piss off back to your own board.

>> No.9046488

Would I still what? Stay out of the debate? Yes. Wear lolita? Yes. It doesn't get terribly hot where I live.

>> No.9046506

so faggots it is

>> No.9046516

I try to wear lolita as often as I can, but it's hard to go outside most of the time because of the heat and humidity. I wear kind of casual agejo (not too heavy eye makeup because it'll just melt off) whenever I go out to see movies or have dinner. But most of the time I wear huge Listen Flavor sweaters with slouchy socks or normie clothes if I'm being lazy or running errands.

>> No.9046527

Can't deny it. Took /u/ to the Fall Ball for a reason.

>> No.9046533

Also a weekend lolita. If I can be bothered in the evenings or am going out to dinner on a weekday I'll wear lolita, but I go to the gym most weeknights after work so a third change of clothes when I'm about 3 hours away from pajamas is kinda pointless if I'm not leaving the house.

>> No.9046579

I meant a wig

>> No.9046583

Responded to wrong one sorry

>> No.9046782
File: 560 KB, 525x867, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of stupid, but something I've only just realized within the last couple weeks. And its mostly relevant to the thread.

I don't really wear "real" Lolita anymore. All my outfits are super casual and I often skip the petticoat and wear non-lolita shirts and stuff. I still love Lolita fashion but I feel like maybe I've given up on wearing it. It's been over a year since I've worn a real/proper Lolita coord. I don't even wear other j-fashion anymore. Maybe I don't have the energy for it. My personal style is distinctly different from American mainstream and Subculture fashions, but it's not j-fash either.

Following a fashion style doesn't even cross my mind these days. When I create an outfit I often try to go for a storybook or old fashioned feeling, or occasionally a punk vibe, but don't think about fashion or a specific style. And, what surprises me the most, is that I feel happier this way. I always thought that J-fashion was this amazing thing that I'd always be a part of, and didn't even notice myself moving away from it. I think I'll always look to it for inspiration though.

TL:DR: I stopped even thinking about fashion and just do whatever now.

As for how often I dress, it's pretty random and depends on how I feel, what I'm doing, and the weather. Sometimes I dress up several days in a row, other times it's maybe once every couple weeks. Since my style has become so casual it's easier to "dress up" on a daily basis though.

For fun I made a mash up of outfits that are similar to how I've been dressing lately.

>> No.9046798
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I generally just wear Lolita to work and cons.

For example, last Friday was National Doughnut Day, so I wore Baked Sweets Parade and brought in doughnuts for people.

I just wear it occasionally, not all the time though since I have a desk job. With that much being said, I also wear it toned down to work - Dress, no wig, headbow, wrist accessories (One or two bracelets or wristcuffs), socks/tights, and shoes. Not the most comfortable thing to sit in for 8 hours otherwise.

>> No.9046807

I pretty much only wear Lolita to meets and cons these days. It's just too inconvenient for everyday wear. Plus when I'm running around after my siblings or buying groceries or picking up dog turds or whatever, I don't want to be doing it in pretty clothes that cost a bomb and might get ruined.

>> No.9048608

I'm a college student, and I wear lolita once or twice per week during the year, because frills and lab research don't mix.

My summer job takes up my week, so I wear lolita on the weekends if I decide to go out.

I only wear wigs for cons and indoor meets, but I always have clip-in natural hair bangs. I wear oldschool sweet in black.

>> No.9048622

>Dear satan
Mein Gott, please link me to that glorious thing

>> No.9048686

I usually wear lolita on meets/outings to the city with friends. Otherwise it is nanchatte on the weekends. The rest of the week is usually casual wear/work uniform.

>> No.9048726

My day-to-day fashion is inspired by egl, but remains decidedly in the normie category. Full lolita coords are reserved for meetups and the odd special occasion where it seems like it might be appropriate.

>> No.9048734

Can we get some daily outfit selfposting going? I remember we used to have "lolitas in their natural habitat" threads off and on a few times and that was fun. Sort of like OP's pic.

>> No.9048735

We used to have WAYWT threads, idk why that ever stopped.

>> No.9048835

Start one?

>> No.9048875

What the actual fuck, why is your hair like that? I have a hime cut and stopped dying it to wear with lolita. It looks good both in and out of lolita. I don't know when an undercut would ever look good unless you're extremely butch

>> No.9048882


Apparently normalfag outfits were deemed non j-fashion so then the entire thread would get nuked.

It didn't help that a certain someone kept spamming the thread and brought the drama in, so that also got the thread nuked.

>> No.9048888

But if people were posting their everyday j-fash looks, how is that normalfag? is that certain someone gone yet?

>> No.9048893


I mean, not anon and I have never dyed my hair, but why not? If her green hair is supported by her other fashions (which it sounds like, I guess), and her lifestyle supports her unusual hair color, why the fuck not? You don't have to sacrifice all your life choices to lolita, least of all hair color. And she chooses an appropriate solution to the matter of looking good in lolita which is to wear a wig. I really can't fault her.

>> No.9048894


Some was not J-fashion at all and later threads tried to reinforce that rule, but then they sort of died for some reason after that rule was made? And yes, that certain someone is gone.

She called me cute though, so I forgive her for shitting up /cgl/.

>> No.9048905

I would be happy to contribute my eternally mediocre going to the shops to buy peas coordinates if there was a thread. Those kinds of threads may pick up again.

>> No.9049050

Well I'm a guy so the butch comment is funny also I don't think I want to wear a hime cut everday. I wear casual punk outside of lolita so bright green semi spiky hair suits it.

>> No.9049222

I usually wear lolita dresses daily. OP without print or with simple print (like Holy Lantern), plain dark tights, black platform shoes and any black bag. I sometimes wear headdresses and a petticoat, but I usually don't. I feel like...I like these dresses outside the fashion, like it's just a really nice and pretty normie dress. I never call those outfits lolita though. Is there anyone who feels the same?

>> No.9049257

Due to some medication, my hair is thin as fuck and you can see patches of my scalp at all times. I gotta wear a wig every day.

>> No.9050330

I haven't worn Lolita in a while because I lost the motivation and don't have the heart to let them go. I'm gravitating towards a boarder line otome-normie with matchy matchy and an itty quirk.

>> No.9052273

I would like to do the same anon, i hate to wear petticoats, lolita shoes so the only solution to wear lolita clothing is to wear them more normie and no print or simple ones, easier to wash by hand instead to going everytime dry clean for a jsk, in my place is a bit expensive.
For now, i'm just wearing almost normie/fairy kei and tumblr like fashion (crop tops, shorts, choker for example), because i don't have money to buy more lolita or jfashion dresses/skirts currently.

>> No.9052424


I actually do the same, anon. Most of my lolita dresses can be worn casually so I wear them whenever I can since I love them so much, but I don't call these outfits lolita.

Since I spent so much on them might as well get a lot of use from them.

>> No.9052448

I can't wear them daily but I definitely wear my lolita dresses in outfits that aren't lolita.

>> No.9052579

Sorry I can't help, no idea where it came from. That pic is of Kyary if that helps any though.

>> No.9052582


Basically, that's what I do now. >>9046782

>> No.9052650

you sound ita

>> No.9052689

Why you assume i'm ita? I don't dress lolita daily. Or it's just a bait.

>> No.9057193

Currently only wear lolita to meetups, but my closet is rather small.

Once it gets a bit larger I'm planning on wearing casual, Otome-inspired looks more often.

>> No.9057214

I wear Mori/ dark mori whenever I leave the house. Lolita on special occasions.

>> No.9060623
File: 74 KB, 500x375, 5efde68e-99ca-412a-9c05-8b4e74ac8301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily lolitas out there, i need to know, how old are you?? (And since when were you into lolita?)

Urgh same thing so i just sit at home in cute pjs like pic related

>> No.9060858 [DELETED] 

You retards do realise that japanese people usually just dress like normal people?

>> No.9060864

23, four years into lolita. I probably amassed enough to wear daily like 2 years in, and now I have like 70-80 main pieces

>> No.9060870

25, been into lolita since I was about 16 years old.

>> No.9060878

Still building up my wardrobe to be truly daily, but im 24 (almost 25) and ive been into since I was in highschool although back then I didnt know what it was called, I just loved the dresses I saw.

>> No.9060887

Jesus christ Anon that's a hella big wardrobe. I've been collecting for almost as long but am only at 12 main pieces (half of which are recent purchases). Color me impressed.

>> No.9060920

To be fair, I don't wear prints at all and buy lots of old school, so an average of like $80 a dress makes it a lot more reasonable that I have so much.

>> No.9060927

....Anon please tell me you made a wardrobe post or something. I'm an oldschool fiend (with a couple prints I'm attached to) myself, so I love seeing people's collections.

Are you on the lighter color spectrum old school or darker?

>> No.9060928

I own about $20,000 worth of brand but I only seem to wear lolita a few times a year lately. Crippling anxiety sucks.

>> No.9060933

Darker! I've made a wardrobe post every year, but it's the all black one

>> No.9060939

YOU. I hardcore creep your wardrobe because you have too much of my wishlist.I admire your ability to stick to only black. I try to, but some color sneaks in (Primarily blue, but there's bits of purple/bordeux and white in there) Although if your wardrobe is the one I'm thinking of then I'm amazed it cost so little.

>> No.9060945

Thank you! A lot of it was luck and endless auctions browsing, but I also started at the height of OTT sweet popularity, and classic and old school pieces weren't sought after at all. There was a pretty glorious period where you could find nonprint IW and Baby/AatP for like $60 all over the place (which you still can, but it's definitely less common).

>> No.9060971

So what you're asking is, how self-aware are you? I'll go ahead and answer for everyone on this board: not very.

>> No.9061182

Lighten up son, life is too short to wear boring clothes.

>> No.9061206

Step one to being an ita is buying a wig before a petti, all because of idiots like you. Natural hair is always the thing, wigs are something that got big only a few years ago.

>> No.9061214

I just realized how long wigs have been a thing seeing this. I thought "Yeah they only became a big deal with OTT sweet!"

>mfw Twinkle Mermaid came out in 2006
>Sugary Carnival in 2009.
>my god

>> No.9061220

Ott sweet made it very big but natural looking hair pieces are common to Asians regardless. For us in the west it was only something that started happening when getting items from Japan became more accessible. Even so there was never a time where you had to wear a wig.

>> No.9061230

Oh I'm aware that there's never been a time where wearing a wig is a must, I was more pointing out that it's been nearly a decade since natural hair dominated the western lolita scene online. Which kinda surprised me.

>> No.9061347

This might help

>> No.9061543

31, liked lolita since forever, only had the money for a daily wardrobe for the last couple of years.
I'm curious, why are you asking?

>> No.9062702

There's a girl on the bus who wears lolita every day

>> No.9064964

Oh just asking by simple curiosity. Also am 20 and wish to wear lolita more. I love it so much and only got to wear it truly since this year.

>> No.9064966

Don't have a lot of casual dresses, most of my stuff is sweet print AP kinda stuff, so I only really wear it to events around my area. Trying to get more nonprint and casual looking stuff to wear more regularly.

>> No.9065002 [DELETED] 

I would fuck her brains out omg

>> No.9065011

I don't really wear lolita every day, but I usually wear at least a lolita piece every day. It's usually not a skirt/JSK/OP but like a lolita blouse, shoes, socks, brand parkas, etc. Helps keep the lolita spirit for me.