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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9041822 No.9041822 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog.
Old thread: >>9004538
Uchuu starter guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14yoC-oya4tyluRPG1aI3yt776jOUnWknnIJd2p4TBKo/edit?pref=2&pli=1
Good links:
Chloma - http://www.chloma.com/
Hatra - http://hatroid.com/
D/3 - http://webshop.d-3.club/
PredatorRat (for tigh highs) - http://predatorrat.shop-pro.jp/
Galaxxxy - http://galaxxxyrocks.com/
Tsurutatsu - http://tsurutatsu.theshop.jp/
Takuya Angel - http://takuya-angel.com/
Cyberdog - http://www.cyberdog.net/
Artifice Clothing - www.artificeclothing.com/
Coquetry Clothing - https://coquetryclothing.com/
Kiss Me Kill Me - http://kissmekillme.fr/
Balmung - http://www.balmung.jp

>> No.9041834
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Could've sworn there was a thread, but no, it just got kicked into archiving.

Picked up pic related recently, but unsure if i'm going to do anything with them but wear 'em normally.

>> No.9042088

I thought uchuu would have some music associated, because i see always uchuu styled outfits in J-core music album covers. What do you listen as uchuu appropriate music?I love most typical electronic, one of most fitting is j-core for me, techno-trance music genres are the most appropriate rather EDM or house in my opinion that usually has nothing futuristic or these music styles in general doesn't make me think " aliens, space, robots".

>> No.9042127
File: 294 KB, 660x660, tumblr_o7l3pzxq6q1sfe580o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of cute uchuu style seems to be most popular with japan's chiptune scene.

>> No.9042699
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Oh i like chiptune music, too bad i don't know much artists. Her eyebrows remind me of this, i would love to have star shaped eyebrows.

>> No.9042998

any sites or brands with more clothes similar to chloma? love the style but its a tad pricey for me

>> No.9043105

sauce on both?

>> No.9043355

Balmung and Hatra make the same style, both are even more expensive. That's japanese brands for you.

>> No.9043389

Might find it cheaper if you look around...

Shoes are from an apparently very local brand called 2-Bizzy.
If you happen to live in Belgium:

>> No.9044326
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>> No.9047646

Thanks! That bag will be useful for an upcoming event. Too bad I'm not in Belgium though; I'm having a touch time finding cheaper hologram shoes for my huge feet (I probably just suck at searching though).

>> No.9047944

I hear ya on the shoes, it's why I snagged them up when I saw them in the physical store of that website.
Small aside on the bag, it's a decent one (so far, 2 weeks of wear and tear and no issues yet) BUT the zippers are a bit stiff, so you've got to handle them gently.

>> No.9048544

Sorta seconding this. I saw >>9043355's but does anyone know of any non-Japanese stores with the same sort of aesthetic going on?

>> No.9049254

The only ones would be the stores of high fashion designers and at that point even importing is cheaper.

>> No.9050310
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>> No.9052250
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>> No.9053324


>> No.9053342

That's not uchuu.

>> No.9053545
File: 56 KB, 599x900, 1440191079539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, source?

>> No.9053651

The bunny fursuit lolita/cyclops fairy kei(?) wearer that pops up from time to time on /cgl/, it seems.

>> No.9053820

Oh, yeah, I have some pics saved of them, they're so cute
I'm assuming you can't actually buy them..? The dolls that is

>> No.9056754
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>> No.9056756

You can buy them if you are living in japan and visit stores that carry Cyclopets. The latest collection will celebrate their debut at Creator's Market at the 18th.

>> No.9056759
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Oh. Thanks for adding another reason to the list of reasons to be sad for not living in glorious nippon

>> No.9059080
File: 202 KB, 487x480, fbbc4c6b-1ca4-47ff-9f8c-551298bd084d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much about uchuu makeup.

>> No.9059744
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>> No.9061530

Anyone has more sources for t-shirts with heavy prints of space anime trash?

>> No.9061541
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I don't think there are any outside of the ones by Tsurutatsu, I tried to find more but all you get when searching galaxy fashion in japanese is things like pic related.

>> No.9062412

That's the one I looking for. Everything uchuu-ish is sold out, though. Only gurokawa left.

>> No.9062519

Likely because the owner updates the shop once a blue moon.

>> No.9065767
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>> No.9067513

She put some leftovers in her shop but they are pretty much 200 bucks each.

>> No.9068799
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>> No.9068910
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