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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 344 KB, 800x1084, Idol_Anime_Crossover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9028601 No.9028601 [Reply] [Original]

Ask questions, get feedback/criticism, etc.

>> No.9028635 [DELETED] 

Question, how much do I have to lift to have a qt3.14 idol gf?
Also, to keep things a little more relevant, what's the general opinion about the cosplay the Love Live seiyuus do?

>> No.9028652

> how much do I have to lift to have a qt3.14 idol gf?
Don't do that shit here.

>what's the general opinion about the cosplay the Love Live seiyuus do?
I kinda like it. Obviously they go over-the-top since it's for actual stage performances, but it can help for reference if you're making an outfit that they've already done.

>> No.9028701
File: 132 KB, 512x720, 723Umi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep debating which wig I should get for my Umi cosplay. Does anyone have a recommendation. I'm trying to go for darker blue. I know people have mixed feelings about the blue and black wigs, so I was thinking of a very dark blue. I just don't want to get a crap quality wig, especially since I have to pin a hat to it when doing pic related.

>> No.9028724

some gold from the cringe thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FekdGhbtc4

>> No.9028795

Remove love live

>> No.9028864

Epic cosplay blue black fusion, Arda dark blue

>> No.9028948
File: 9 KB, 364x61, No boys allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question, how much do I have to lift to have a qt3.14 idol gf?

>> No.9029003 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Honkers makes me smile- for some reason her face reminds me of Alexander Rybak when he smiles (pic related). Though Nico's skirt is really, really bad.

>> No.9029007

seconding this. I have the epiccosplay blue black fusion. It photographs really well and and detangles pretty easily.

>> No.9029719

Thank you, kind anons!

Also, to move away from love live, if I want to watch another idol anime, is Aikatsu a good one to start with, or should I start with something else? I think I can handle the many girls and am interested in the plots about the industry.

>> No.9030259

Aikatsu is long, like 100+ episodes.

If you haven't done idolm@ster or Cinderella girls I would do those first. I also liked WUG, even if the animation was "special" at times. It's kind of like a more realistic idol story.

>> No.9030292
File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, 1461719855310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aikatsu is great! the cgi is not good at the beginning, but it improves a lot. about every 10 episodes there's noticeable improvement, actually. the songs are probably my favorite from all of the idol anime I've watched. I don't really like the reboot (aikatsu stars) so far. it came too soon after the end of the original, I just can't get used to it. the songs and cgi are worse and the characters just aren't as great. I'm hoping it'll get better soon.

another one I like is pretty rhythm rainbow live. a little more dramatic at times, but the songs and characters are really great. personally didn't like pripara, but I know that's one a lot of people really like.

super excited to be making an aikatsu cosplay this year, even if no one will probably recognize me!

>> No.9030342

Ooh, I'm starting out with WUG, since it's so short and crunchyroll actually has it. The girls are pretty cute. The gratuitous panty shots in the first episode surprised me, since I don't think I've seen idols doing that in real life. The comments about them made by others in the episode I watched seemed much more realistic than Love Live (especially with its bubble mostly away from the male gaze).

I have a friend who often tweets about Aikatsu, and it looks really cute.

Who are you going to be cosplaying? And what outfit? Is the girl you'll be cosplaying your best girl?

>> No.9030411
File: 217 KB, 750x1048, Photokatsu_0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, yes! I'll be cosplaying my favorite, Akari! I've got a lot of favorites, but I like her can-do attitude best. I plan on doing a few of her outfits, but I'm starting with her basic school coord (pic related) for now. I had plans to do one of her premium rare coords, but was frustrated that I didn't have the skills to design and get the fabric printed on my own so I put it on the back burner.

I'd also like to do some unit cosplays if I can ever find other aikatsu fans in my area.

I did have a question for the thread. I've always cosplayed characters with eye colors similar to my own, so I've never used color contacts for cosplay. I am debating on whether I should go for it or not, since it kind of makes me nervous. do most people use contacts to match, is that a big thing?

>> No.9030456

You don't have to wear lenses if you don't want to, nobody is going to come up and criticise you for not having bright pink eyes haha. I personally prefer wearing lenses but thats just because I like the look of them, I've only been wearing them for the past 9 months or so out of my 4 years of cosplaying. If not having the right color in photos bothers you but you don't want to invest in lenses you can always just change the color in photoshop afterwards!!

>> No.9030848
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Macross_Delta_-_04_[5D8A9FB4].mkv_snapshot_12.55_[2016.05.30_12.04.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take half the barefaced teenage Love Live cosplayers at any given con aside and put makeup on them.

>> No.9030985

I just need someone to do this for me in general.. I'm terribly bad at applying makeup.. I'll pay in lovegems and snacks

>> No.9030998

Not the anon you replied to but honestly just practice. Even a little bit of eyeliner and some concealer makes a difference. Just practice in your spare time and watch lots of tutorials. Look at other peoples make up and learn from them.

>> No.9031069

Also not the og anon, but Yeah, I have to agree, practice is everything. My makeup skills aren't great either, but I wear makeup almost every day because I like it. I've seen a lot of improvement in my own makeup routine just by learning from my friends and YouTube.

If you don't wear makeup out regularly, you could try at least doing the basic stuff (primer, foundation, blush, lips, and mascara) like once a week to get used to having on your face and then practice the more fine tuned stuff like eyeliner? Tbh I just tried to perfect a natural look and dress it up or down depending on what I'm doing. It worked for lolita, magical girl cosplays, and work so far so I guess you just have to find a base to start with and go from there.

>> No.9032243
File: 128 KB, 512x720, CjxEz3iVAAAYTAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE tell me I'm not the only person who thinks this new set is pretty much The ugliest thing ever, my entire twitter feed seems to be in love with them and I just do not understand how

>> No.9032256

idk, i think it 'feels' really idolish, compared to other sets which feel more like something for a photoshoot or movie or something...this set looks like they're actually idols, you know?

>> No.9032261

I only like Eli's out of the ones shown so far.

>> No.9032317

it's so shitty i want to cry

>> No.9032322

Not a huge fan of the fruit style ones (Umi, Nozo etc.), but the others look cute. Very OTT idol style, I think they could translate cutely for cosplay!

>> No.9032361

The Umi, Nozomi, and Eli look terrible. They should've been all pastel

>> No.9032474

Seconding im@s! They're both shorter (in comparison to aikatsu) and fun to watch.

>> No.9032653

I think Eli and Kotori is ACCEPTABLE but they are way too tacky and there's too much going on for my taste. Hanayo could've been cute is he lost the armwarmers and the split collar thingy. And the hats, please loose the hats they are all fug

>> No.9032666

Only the red on Eli looks nice so far. Assuming they will be sorting this by the sub groups I'm hoping Maki and Nico will also look decent.

>> No.9032680
File: 151 KB, 512x720, tumblr_nhghkxsCRP1t35kwso6_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if someone can help me with what makeup I could do for this Nico. I don't want to be too natural or too flashy.

>> No.9032704
File: 107 KB, 1200x1200, FB_IMG_1464716563676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the advice! I feel like even when I practice and watch tutorials I still look too OTT due to my hooded eyes.. even the slightest bit of eyeshadow/liner gives me a smokey eye look.. "Daily-wear" for me concists of literally just mascara and maybe lipgloss. Plus most tutorials don't even account for the fact that most of my eyelid is not visable..

Here is a good example from 2 years ago, I was going for a OTT look anyway with falsies for idol Mii-Chan from AKB0048, please excuse my eye wrinkles, it was taken when I was first diagnosed with severe ezcema on my face, took my doctors 18 months to finally get me back to normal.

>> No.9032726

You haven't properly shaped your falsies in this picture, you need to curve them to your eye shape. That right one, especially, looks way, way too straight across and is super unflattering. Also, you need to bring colour into your cheeks and work on a better lip shade. This isn't a super flattering look apart from your choice of eyeshadow colour.

>> No.9032767

I see a lot of make up tutorials for specifically hooded eyes, if you weren't using one like that to practice I would suggest you do as those looks would be more flattering! As for the falsies, I can't say I'm too good at them myself either, I'm currently learning how to do them too, but I also think maybe those type of lashes perhaps weren't suited for the look? Apart from that, I don't think your application is too bad.

>> No.9032769

A small semi thick liner on the eyes, not full cat eye tho but a slight flick outwards. Maybe even some falsies that extend more towards the putter lashes.
This costume doesn't need a major flaw look or anything, something light and girly to match the theme of the outfits is acceptable

>> No.9032835

Do you think I could get away with lip gloss or maybe a light pink lip? Thanks for the help !

>> No.9034055

Yeah, I'm really not a fan. I thought of scouting the next box after the event. When I saw it, I was full of nope.jpg

Ok! I'll check them out when I'm done with WUG. (I might still get around to Aikatsu eventually.)

Not that anon, but I think a light lip gloss or lip stick with a bit of shimmer might look really cute, depending on the tones and undertones of your skin, just something light and sweet that complements the mood of the outfit.

>> No.9034078

I love that there are high quality taobao Love Live cosplays available to make large groups easier but everyone picks the same stuff. Swear I saw 5 different Cheerleader and China Dress groups at Fanime.

>> No.9034085
File: 124 KB, 512x720, 890Nozomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep I'm pretty sad because I was jazzed to see glasses in a SR/UR card but the result is just terribad. Don't care if real idol costumes are this ugly this is just appalling.

>> No.9034204

from the photos i also think you would benefit a lot from color correcting after primer before foundation! I'm super red and it helps even out your skin tone (obviously you have to add a bit of color/contour gently back to your skin afterwards but you'll look more picture perfect for OTT idol stuff)

>> No.9034396

>there will never be a full SLG group

>> No.9035196

Pripara is cute but no one subs a middle portion of the anime so it isn't even worth it to start.

>> No.9035200

While you at it, show them better idols to like.

>> No.9035213

i dont understand how few there are that understand how much more amazing the group can be if you have all of muse instead of just a bunch of nicos, nozomis, kotoris, and makis.

>> No.9035223

If you watch Cinderella girls (you can watch it at daisuki.net) you should also try to get the Starlight Stage Cinderella Girls app, you have to go through the Japanese app store. Knowing the characters through the game and the anime can make it a really fun series to get into.

>> No.9035263


Personally I don't know if I'd start out with WUG. Its so different and unique, I think its better saved as something refreshing in between the more similar series.

I would start with Idolmaster personally

>> No.9035288

Those ones are probably the slightly cheaper ones that everyone in the group can agree on that look good. I only have a small 4 person group and even then we have trouble with all agreeing on one we all want to do.

>> No.9035302

Why don't you guys just take turns on which to do? That way everyone can do their favorites, my group use to do that, but then again we did it when you couldn't buy love live cosplay online.

>> No.9035356

But 765 pro is a really boring anime if you don't know about the characters first

>> No.9035361

Only 2 of us in the group are avid cosplayers and if the other 2 had a choice they would want to do something other than LL. But when it's our turn to choose we want to make sure to choose something we're all okay with wearing.

>> No.9035410

That's why you watch Xenoglossia first.

>> No.9035414

People really shit themselves about Love Live's designs, but this is how I feel about most of their sets. They're especially lackluster when they're drawn just sitting there which is most of the cards.

>> No.9035419

I started cosplaying Honoka and Hanayo as well as Nozomi and suddenly everyone needs me for their groups.

>> No.9035578
File: 37 KB, 320x327, 54d23c5ec5a927375675a714_55db8c1bb5d4ba1b65bfdbdd_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jidol is not kidol. They cant wear cool fashions or anything simple yet sexy

>> No.9035596

In my defense Ive only cosplayed Nozomi or Eli because I've usually taller than the rest of the group

>> No.9035608

This is cringe for their size and costumes but I will applaud them for looking happy/smiling. Most of the Asian groups I have seen are really dead in the face and look like they dont wanna be there.

>> No.9035985

Ah. thanks for the heads-up. I'll give that one a pass for now.

Thanks for the source! I don't know if I can survive getting sucked into another idol game. I already have a Japanese iTunes account, so I might go for it.

I'm more than halfway through WUG if you count the movie. I'm too far in to stop now, though I'm fully prepared for whatever ending happens. Idolmaster might be a good pick-me-up after, since an anon said WUG was kind of sad.

Tjhere was a idol thread a while ago where people ranked their top three and bottom three sets. I had a harder time with the bottom sets due to disliking so many. One of my tops was in several people's bottom picks, so maybe I just have shit taste too. (I just really like the unidolized ballroom set I'm sorry!)

>> No.9036241
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new card set and a lot of their stage outfits are neither of those.

>> No.9036255

So am I the only one who thinks the new card set looks like something out of Aikatsu?

>> No.9036570
File: 232 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one and the live ones look more like pripara. The school ones just seems a little boring. Maybe the Nico's suit is a little like aikatsu sensei, but not really. Aikatsu's coords are way cuter than that.

>> No.9036578
File: 150 KB, 512x720, 886idolizedKotori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to this set: >>9032243
Specifically the pink ones

>> No.9036600

This ones is okay because it just had plaid and gingham prints rather than....fruit/pixels?

>> No.9036723

This is a hella cute birb

>> No.9036808

Oh heck yeah. That's totally aikatsu and I love it! I'm sorry, I'm not hip with the love live kids at all.

>> No.9037679
File: 820 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying for the first time for AN next weekend and I'm starting to get worried. I've been wanting to cosplay for years but I've been waiting to have the knowledge, money, fitness etc. but I'm still having doubts mainly because I'm going to be using a dark brown wig for Kotori since I have tan skin. I've seen tan/dark girls use light hair for Kotori and personally I think it looks really off. I metioned this in a previous thread and someone brought up how the earlier LL! designs feature Kotori with dark hair but I'm still feeling nervous.

Am I making this a bigger thing than it is or should I just cosplay something else?

>> No.9037686

How dark is the wig?

>> No.9037688
File: 655 KB, 640x901, R_48_Kotori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it really matters. Like you said, it's just old design Kotori pretty much. I think it's better to wear a wig that's more flattering on you than look retarded all weekend.

>> No.9037944

Coming from personal experience if I think something is too light or too dark it usually just is and I wear it later and wonder why I thought it would work. That being said it can look pretty different between indoor light and sunlight so test that out.

Also are you making or buying because I just did a big group of Cafe Maids and they were harder than we thought and we're all experienced cosplayers between 8-15 years experience.

>> No.9038698
File: 61 KB, 469x720, Sakuragi Chiharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to cosplay Nozomi Tojo for so long but now that I'm actually ordering from taobao I realised. Shit Love Live outfits are hella ugly. Especially Nozomi's fits.
I only watched 1st season of Idolmaster and I thought it was really boring compared to the LL anime. But their designs are a lot cuter, aren't they?

TL;DR I am so into idol outfits that I almost ordered a cosplay even though I thought the designs were O.K.

I'm ordering a Chiharu Sakuragi outfit from AKB0048 though, I can't wait

>> No.9039128

Cinderella girls did more justice than the first season if idolmaster, but the games is where they mainly shine. Taobao doesn't have alot of idolmaster costumes though, so making them yourself would be the only choice.
Personally I love both im@s and love live but not being able to fully enjoy im@s games in English is a bummer.

Is the akb anime any good? I never really cared about their idol group, mainly enjoyed morning Musume, c-ute..

>> No.9039160

No it isn't, but I enjoy their idol group greatly
The anime art is cute but the seiyuus SUCK. the main character seiyuu SUCK. The successors are voiced by actual seiyuus and not the actual idols (Well technically they're not the same person, but it's a bummer for me really)

And yea, I heard only good about the games! And I will check out cinderella girls, thanks anon!

>> No.9039164

I know some people who loved it ( and now have become full fleged wota's) and others that haven't.

The first episodes are slow. as. fuck. as it goes through the whole 'auditioning' process, but it has an actual plot to it and some nice character development with each of the kenkyuusei getting an episode. It's nice if you know a bit about the group ( ie. mayu being CG, her love for meat, yuki and alpaca's as well as references to the unlucky 6th gen and black 8th gen) but it's quite fun to watch w/o that knowledge.

Just expect some slow beginnings, random gravure and hand shakes episodes, but also machine gun idols. To join akb0048 you must first fire an ak0047.

I'd say the closest thing to is macross, but it's also quite funny to see a world where being an idol is illegal -- which is where we might be in a few years.

>> No.9039212
File: 178 KB, 640x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some opinions! I've cosplayed Kikuchi Makoto in the past, and I'm itching to do another one of her outfits in the future (maybe for Sakuracon, if I can swing it). I'm sort of undecided on which outfit to tackle this time, though. I've been considering pic related, but I'm stil completely open. Are there any outfits that you gulls have never seen done, or ones that you're really in love with?

>> No.9039215

I mean, the main reason it sucks is because wota's don't get on well with otaku's so mgmt didn't want to create even more anti's.

which is why the only senbatsu member in it was mayuyu, purely because she's already the otaku idol so it wouldn't hurt her image like it would the other senbats.

But the shitty seiyuus for the successors was annoying as fuck, i thought the kenkyuusei actually being the girls was kind of cute but i'm a whore for the NONAME group anyway.

>> No.9039405
File: 1.32 MB, 3992x2467, Matoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my personal favorites of Makoto

>> No.9040126
File: 137 KB, 512x720, 894idolizedChika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Riko's and Chika's Rain event outfits, though I wish all girls got them since none of the girls are my favorite

>> No.9040202

Nagisa was so lifeless though. I know she won a voting to get the role, but she was actual shit. The anime would have been decent if the actual main character had a decent seiyuu. Mayuyu did a great job on Chieri!

And I guess you're right. I'm glad they're portraited as "successors" and not the actual idols. It's well thought out

>> No.9040210

Ah, I hated nagisa's character anyway so it didn't really bother me that much.

The anime, besides the idols not being good seiyuus ( which is quite funny seeing as nagisa, orine and suzuko graduated with wishes to become VA's) is a good rendition of the actual akb group, whilst incorporating a lot of 'in jokes' and key akb things w/o being overboarded by things?

I mean, I liked it, but i mean, i like shit like geinin and majisuka gakuen so I'm not really a connoisseur of idol tv.

>> No.9040295

That's true. The anime was actually my intro to the group and gave me a basic understanding of how they do things.
I think it was well executed considering the concept, but it really triggered me that the actual main kenkyuusei sounded like shit and was emotionless and monotone. If it was any other kenkyuusei I wouldn't care. But it was the MAIN oh gosh

>> No.9040351

nozomi almost always gets shafted when it comes to her outfits, at least compared to the other girls. It's a real shame

>> No.9040512


How can I understand this? Besides LL being target for shitty costumes in general, do need to be especially careful when I plan to buy a Nozomi outfit?

>> No.9040679
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, Nozomi18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they meant design-wise, not quality.
I don't even like Nozomi but I don't think her outfits are all that terrible.

Rin's the one that gets shafted, I'd say.

>> No.9040859
File: 875 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help deciding on what version of Eli I should cosplay. I've narrowed it down to four choices. I'm going to a cosplay event in Japan and my Japanese cosplay friends want me to cosplay Eli since I'm the tall gaijin.

Any suggestions? I'll be in Japan end of March - early May next year so something that can be a bit warmer.

Also if you have links to Taobao on where I can order the outfit I would love you forever.

>> No.9040862

It'd be neat to see a Taisho Roman set, since that one's fairly newer.

>> No.9041032

Are any of your friends going with you as a group?

Something to consider would be luggage space and remember in Japan you don't change into your cosplay until you get to the venue so you'll have to drag all your stuff on the subway/trek across town.

If you want to go with something less commonly seen then constellation and taisho roman would be the better two choices. Taisho roman might be heaviest to bring though.

>> No.9041164

I just meant design wise, I'm sorry!

She has some good ones, and when they're good they're REALLY good. But compared to most of the others (particularly Nico, Kotori, Maki), I think she's usually at the bottom. Rin is as well though.

The Magician set is quite nice overall I think

>> No.9041384

I'd say to stay away from card outfits. They're wholly unrecognizable.

>> No.9041405


I've cosplayed in Japan before, so I'm used to rules/etiquette. I'm also getting business cards done up.

I'm like 90% sure I'll be solo Eli. I'll confirm with my friend before I head over though.

Depending on the costume I might just fly it over, and ship it back. I have no idea haha.

>> No.9041760

i personally would take Yume no Tobira for comfort and space

>> No.9042240

Would vocaloid questions be okay in an idol thread?

>> No.9042284

They are idols, a dying breed (not including miku kek) like akb48 it seems but still.

>> No.9042287

Please watch Cinderella girls, it's a lot more fun to watch than 765

>> No.9042364
File: 349 KB, 800x731, Rolling.Girl.full.1921231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I figured they're technically idols so it should work here.

Do you guys think it would look okay to alter Miku's Rolling Girl outfit to be more summer appropriate? I'm going to Anime Midwest and I was looking for a cosplay I could put together without breaking the bank since I'm broke from Acen/Miku Expo. I wouldn't mind normal rolling girl but I don't want to have heat stroke since the con is in July. I'm thinking if an alteration wouldn't work, I might try to get Gumi's Panda Hero outfit together.

>> No.9042392

I'd go for constellations, that is my favourite set

>> No.9042397

you'll probably be fine just wearing the costume as it is. i've gone to midwest wearing a jacket and full pants and i survived, you can do it anon

>> No.9042583

I think it's fine as long as it's questions. Usually Vocaloid threads are just massive image dumps, so..

As long as the sweater's thin (or you stay indoors), you should be fine.

>> No.9042710

I've wore Rolling Girl at AX before and it wasn't bad at all. The sock were the most uncomfortable part. My black sweater was a close to sheer material and so was the skirt.

>> No.9042794
File: 129 KB, 1280x384, 55764-36dd8ff9afadf801e95b349164399306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What area are you in, anon? I'd absolutely love to do aikatsu unit cosplays, and I know of a few others in my area that would be up for it too.

>> No.9043000

The girls in Cinderella girls aren't nearly as good tho but maybe it's a little funnier? the producer is way better in it tho, honestly at points he makes the show

>> No.9043057

agreed, I love his stone face. there's yaoi of the two p's in imas which I secretly love.

>> No.9044098
File: 2.94 MB, 3333x1805, 17751a2cb6529eb9aa7f2cedc30ecd45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there actually pictures of good LL Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari group cosplays?

>> No.9044555

Is Sandy2014Lou on eBay any good? They're the only person who's selling the Arabian Dancer outfits that I can find and I'm hearing mixed things.

>> No.9044610

To be honest the designs are horrendous in the first place, the final live costumes were okay if you wanted reference.

>> No.9044728

ahhhh that johny bepp cosplay!
I'm in SoCal!

>> No.9044773
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 184_S1Ep10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get yellow lenses for a Hoshizora Rin cosplay? The site I usually buy from only has natural eye colors.

>> No.9044788
File: 3.82 MB, 8595x5440, 698563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone planing in cosplaying the new girls?

>> No.9044854

Don't buy from ebay? Simple.

>> No.9044878

I'm cosplaying Dia for the AX panel. I don't actually like her that much so far but I have the wig from another cosplay and I can pick a different girl after the anime airs since I'll have the uniform.

>> No.9044981

I'll probably make the Chika here >>9040126 since the outfit is so adorable

>> No.9045188

>To be honest the designs are horrendous in the first plac

They are quite tacky, especially the stage outfits for the last live. Pic related.Yet I think they would look quite cute, if done properly.

> the final live costumes were okay if you wanted reference

reference as for what?

>> No.9045189
File: 44 KB, 500x333, CfQr3v2VAAAkjC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dropped the pic..

>> No.9045230

You can check out Uniqso or Honeycolor

>> No.9045488

I plan on cosplaying You

>> No.9045508
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>> No.9045609

I bought from that seller and had no problems, but that was a few years ago so I can't speak for their product quality as of right now. If you're hearing mixed things already about the costume, I'd hold off on ordering until other sellers start listing it. Or, you could see if there are reviews for the version you specifically wanted, and if those are all positive, it should be fine to go ahead and order it.

>> No.9045944

Just saw this on facebook and couldn't help how incredibly cute this was? Wish people around my area was able to be this organized when dancing. Sadly not many dance, or just incredibly bad at it.


>> No.9047400
File: 196 KB, 1440x810, commentary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those crisp ass moves
This is my need, but no one is as big a fucking weeb as I am about im@s and dancing + cosplay duo other than Angel Hearts, but they don't allow others other than the originals to dance with them.

>> No.9047730
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, 1430702933617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, for those on the fence about watching im@s 765 pro anime, I found this spoiler free review that you can watch for a jumpstart:

>> No.9047785
File: 60 KB, 476x687, 1457593780480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse honestly. You could be a guy and have to live out your dance desires either in the privacy of your home or vicariously through the few im@s cosplayers who never actually learn the dances or even know them to begin with.

>> No.9047837
File: 76 KB, 576x1024, Br0VcnbCIAI7TxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually cosplayed with some im@s traps before and they were on point with the dances and cosplay, or you could always go the animeweedlord420 route.

>> No.9047908

I fucking love him

>> No.9048778

I have a secret friend crush on him, we're twitter mutuals and I want to be his friend but I came on too headstrong when I first talked to him and now I'm too embarrassed by my behavior to ever speak to him. Oops. His kyun vampire is the best ever.

>> No.9049639

I could never be as big of a meme as him, he really cornered the market. Plus I'm not a big husky manly looking guy so I'd probably just come across as some weirdo trap or cross dresser.

>> No.9050335
File: 21 KB, 400x400, $_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Chika anon here. I'm actually gonna start on this one soon. However, on the card, the top looks sparkly but not the skirt (which I will use the same fabric for) , should I still go for a sequin fabric, or should I go with like fine satin and bring it out with rhinestones?

Also I can't find rainbow fabric with small horizontal stripes like she has, but I did find this rainbow Organza. Do you think it would look better to use the organza but having the stripes go vertical, or to make my own fabric out of ribbons in a row?

>> No.9050531

I think you should go with the rhinestones option. That's what it looks like it is to me, anyways!

As for the fabric, I wouldn't do the ribbon for sure. Either the vertical stripes or I would paint/dip dye fabric myself. If you use iDye poly it'll work even on organza/tulle.

>> No.9050945

It looks more like rhinestones than sequins to me.
I wouldn't bother with all those ribbons. It will probably come out wonky.

>> No.9050960
File: 158 KB, 1000x1500, MQ1A5393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might sound racist but are you black. all of the cosplayers in the US I've seen of the G2 girls are black, and they aren't bad, its just this strange meme

>> No.9051174

I am white. My friends that are cosplaying with me are either Asian or white/ hispanic.

>> No.9051428


I would honestly just start your own group or solo it. Angel Hearts aren't the end all be all of groups.

While I think their sewing skills are clearly advanced and fantastic, I personally think most of them look way too old. At 30+, I think they want to keep any young upstarts out, might take away from what little attention they do get. I feel like their dancing isn't that great outside of one or two members, but the nice costumes kind of distract from it.

>> No.9051569

There's some fabrics that have scattered dots of glitter on them. It's slightly textured, but could work for this purpose. Most are sheer, though so it would be an overlay over a different color.

>> No.9053604
File: 333 KB, 1000x1000, 23-tokyo-7th-sisters-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tokyo 7th sisters cosplayers? I really want to cosplay but I know noone that wants to cosplay with me

>> No.9053625


Pretty much this. Their sewing is nice, but thats about all they bring to the table. Theyre not even a full group or some have been gone for a very very long time and something that could give you an edge if you dance better than them (not a hard task there
I completely sympathise though, there arent many that I know of and would love to be in a full group.

>> No.9053670
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, 13304940_1122729641127757_4883431013113156175_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really do look like they were Idol moms instead of idols

This is why i'd like to do as many idol cosplays (and other young girls) before I'm 25

>> No.9053817

Holy fuck they look so old. Iori, Ami, and Ritsuko legitimately look like they could be my friends' moms.

>> No.9053868

Mama live sounds like a great gimick

>> No.9053877

I'd cosplay with you, anon! 7s doesn't get enough love

>> No.9053886

They would all benefit a lot from learning how to apply make-up.
Iori, Makoto, Miki and Ritsuko all need a lot more make-up especially around the eyes.
Chihaya needs to learn how to apply character appropiate make-up because wow those lips
and Ami need to fix those eyebrows

>> No.9053889

Why are they all fat?

>> No.9053903

Wasn't there an actual idol group with 40+ members only?

>> No.9053915

With age comes craftsmanship though, and these are pretty impeccably made.

>> No.9053923
File: 25 KB, 280x284, 280px-OJS48_-_Shinkokyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mm, all I can think of is OJS48, a short lived group of retired policemen and detectives who now work security at AKB48 events.

>> No.9054004
File: 64 KB, 537x364, 20150719115921910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9054058

Girls balloon with age for some reason anon

>> No.9054179


I've seen the Ami in person and she ages herself with the way she applies her makeup which is a shame.

I'm not even sure if it's that they look old as much as it is most of them just have really unfortunate faces (the Iori, Chihaya and Ritsuko look the worst imo). But I guess they do all look like moms for the most part.

>> No.9054247

The Ami is super sweet and nice. And she's really cute in person as well. I think her makeup style just looks old/ outdated and photographs poorly. She also has a really cute body type for idol cosplays.
There's no saving that Chihaya and Ritsuko. They look like feet.

>> No.9054292

I'd love to make an actual active Midwest group that performs and coordinates like Angel Hearts. The idea has been tossed around for years but nobody actually wants to act on it. Sort of sick of waiting around, I just want to do idol stuff with other people already!

>> No.9054358
File: 1.87 MB, 250x370, tumblr_nbrlkqSrqf1ti8qgxo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( I hope real idol cosplay talk is allowed here bu anyway)

I'm planning to cosplay warukii ( milky ver in mourning of the impending grad.) but I'm on a bit of planning problem with the devil tails. It's super bouncy but always go back to an upright position, anyone got any materials suggestion? I was thinking some wire like a modified ahri tail tutorial but I'm stuck.

Also, OJS48 or ojiisan48 was a shortlived 48 group that flopped after 1 single of old dudes.
Also SDN48, saturday night 48 was 20+ members and was used to ship off the too old girls ( like meetan. ) + There are/were part time akb members, including a 36 year old mother.

>> No.9054545

I still get so excited when anyone brings up the warukii outfit it's SO CUTE

I wish I had a good suggestion for the devil tail, anon, but I'm pretty stumped, too. The best I could think of is think wire.

Poor meetan haha that's a name I haven't heard in a while

>> No.9054658
File: 176 KB, 640x360, 23493753654_ca040fd0e3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curious- does anybody know if there are any dance covers or such for any of the Macross Delta songs? I've looked but can't find any- I'm sure I remember a cosplay group doing one a while ago but I can't remember who ;A;

I want to learn one for fitness, and also ref as I'm planning a Delta cosplay!

>> No.9054673

The Delta dances aren't very exercise-esque, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.9055130

Pre bent spiral or spring steels, but you'd have to be careful with that...

>> No.9055496
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1448695294808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream idol cosplays now consist of Warukii and Nyan Nyan Kamen

>> No.9055509
File: 522 KB, 785x429, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, are you me, because I too share this dream. ( and already half way through warukii finally)

My new idol goal is nyan nyan kamen, that mariko panda and ?? takamina. (maripanda and dorikugaa)
new akb0048 anime akb22xx please. i need more NNK.

fuck me man, meetan and og sayanee and nachu. I miss them so much. I'm never over the forced graduation of SDN, also, now that the bad boys have graduated from akbingo . . . . let nachu host it please nachu is god.

How would those go into making a tail? I mean I quess bounce wasn't the best word to use as it more sways around but always goes back to the same position.

>> No.9055925

They look awful but at the same time they just look so happy I can't hate this

>> No.9056031
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Macross_Delta_-_11_[18119710].mkv_snapshot_10.11_[2016.06.15_19.06.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pulling tires in the rain and mud

>> No.9056086
File: 188 KB, 512x720, 900idolizedHonoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the prize for most ugly love live outfit ever goes to this hot mess

>> No.9056095

I'm praying the NicoUmi set is good because it's the last (predicted) µ's set

>> No.9056181

Her leg looks so fucked up too.
I really like the Nico but it's still ugly. For some reason I just like it despite knowing that it's hideous.
That is incorrect. The number of µ's sets is increasing to two per month after the NicoUmi set and will be released alongside 2 Aqours sets every month IIRC. Each event will also feature two cards. Events will alternate between µ's and Aqours. Seen on the LL Wikia twitter.

>> No.9056184
File: 185 KB, 480x600, 480px-Kirakirasrareplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Love Live it feels a little off, but I am 110% overdesigned Kirari trash so I love it anyway

>> No.9056213

Are you mixing the EN doubled-events with the JP 4.0 update?

4 sets per month is just overkill.

>> No.9056429
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_nvhvfvMkB41ufhgv7o2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just going to say there's a CG that already owns that style haha

>> No.9056455

I think that Kirari's and Honoka's outfits look a lot different. The color and style of Kirari's is brighter and pops more so even though it's a mess, the palette is still coherent where as the Honoka card is a little too undersaturated and clashes really bad. At least IMO. Also Kirari is very obviously just sweets where as Honoka looks part fuzzy bear, part crown prince, part magical girl, part idol.

>> No.9056757

I love Kirari though, but her thing is being OTT and she keeps it to one style, mostly lots of sweets or cookies.

That Honoka though. They put a crown, bear ears and a headbow on her head, like what's even going on

>> No.9056812

Diff anon, but other anon is kind of right, they're releasing 2 muse and 2 Aqours URs a month after the summer update

>> No.9056842

A UR isn't the same as a set, though. 1 set = 2 URs.
So what you're saying would be 2 sets.

Anyway. I was just saying that it's the last /predicted/ set. We don't know what those µ's sets are going to be.

>> No.9057016

OH gosh gulls, I can relate. My oshimen is Kojima Haruna so I really want to cosplay Nyan Nyan kamen with Chiharu Sakuragi hair. AAAA

>> No.9057682

My bad, I heard they were full sets. I assumed it was a cash grab.

>> No.9058163

Yeah, hence the 'kind of', wasn't sure if other anon meant 4 full sets or 4 partial sets/UR releases

>> No.9058323

I noticed your flick. Do you have trouble with the flick?

When I do 'cat eyes' or winged liner, I can't follow the steps for a normal cat eye which is flicking the liner up using the lower lash line as a guide, it gets cut off when I look straight ahead. I think I'm seeing that in your picture, your flick.

For hooded eyes, I've found winged liner works best when the wing goes out horizontally from the corner of the eye. It doesn't get cut off that way.

I'd stay away from anything shimmery with a hooded eye. It can look way too harsh. With a hooded eye, a single color of eye shadow is generally best just to add color to the lid. Eye shadow tutorials are kind of hard because in order for it to really show, the eye shadow has to be brought up to the brow bone to really be noticeable with the eyes open which of course looks silly when the eyes are closed.

Just practice getting a really thin line with eyeliner, try different types of liner. I find some liners just leave far too thick of a line even with the lightest amount of pressure.

I don't know, hooded eyes are kind of awful. It really does make applying makeup harder.

>> No.9058335
File: 76 KB, 973x892, P1016553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me a second to find a picture. I usually make my flick much thinner then this, but the position is the same. I'm sorry it's an Asian eye... I tried finding Caucasian and could not find what I was looking for.

The concept is the same though, instead of flicking the wing upward, see how it goes out more to the side? I tend to create a straighter, thinner wing so it's not as heavy, but the picture is nice as it has that classic cat eye shape still.

>> No.9059059

I'm a bit on the bustier side, so I know the original warukii outfit moght look weird on me... But Sayanees outfit got tacky colors. I dislike hot pink and black together. It just screams Hot Topic to me haha it'll only look great on Sayanee. My oshimen is HaruNyan but her Warunyan outfit is just............ so ugly.. halp

>> No.9059082

I just googled that performance holy shit i'm laughing only kojiharu.
Other than that I'm sure kojimako, yukirin, sakuratan ( once she performed in a purple blue ver,) and the og warukii costume as well.

( i actually love sayanee's one bc it's trashy as hell and that's how i like my idols. trash. also oshi bias. )

>> No.9059099


Haruka's wig bothers me so much, it's not meant to be ramrod straight, its meant to have a cute flick at the tips.
I also believe Iori's wig cap is showing...

>> No.9059423

Has anyone ever seen a Rock Nico example or have photos?

>> No.9060286

High five for oshi bias, Sayanee's version is amazing

>> No.9060341
File: 81 KB, 630x317, wanwan-police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking of oshi bias, yuko saved the election?
any of the potential nnks wanna be arrested by gingham check dog? ( i mean what. ) i totally want to make this trashy outfit it's so bad i'm in love.

>> No.9061479
File: 102 KB, 508x810, tumblr_o0vly6yVdz1s4xy3no1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we get our anime and/or pre-made cosplays

Pic related of best girls

>> No.9062770

Does anyone know if the quality of the costumes from L-email Cosplay Store is any good? I was checking out some Love Live costumes and since they custom make them (my boobs and hips will never fit their XL size) I was thinking of buying from them, but I can't find any reviews,

>> No.9063698
File: 47 KB, 280x374, Idols190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is organising a Sunny Day Song flashmob at AX or in other words, a massive cosplay dance.

Sunny Day Song is an insert song from the LL Movie that celebrates all School Idols. In the movie, µ's gathered School Idols throughout Japan for one performance.

They are welcoming Idols from all 2d Idol Franchises so get Ready to H-A-J-I-M-A-R-I-U-T-A

>> No.9063792

this is gonna be a hot mess

>> No.9063816

My thoughts exactly.

They have good intentions, but this kind of thing never goes well.

>> No.9063826
File: 225 KB, 789x1121, 1466314852257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch as it ends up
>99% love live
>1 or 2 iDOLM@STER cosplayers who didn't have a Love Live cosplay ready or on hand getting awkward looks from the other LL cosplayers wondering who they are

>> No.9063911


They're veteran American cosplayers and I have nothing but respect for them and the talent they bring. They're also just the sweetest people! Total senpais.

>> No.9064110
File: 113 KB, 640x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be nice though to see some older CG idols (Reiko, Miyu, Sanae, Shino, Kaede,etc.) being cospalyed in a group and I think this group could pull it off.

>> No.9064112

I agree, it's not that they are too old to cosplay, They just don't really fit the characters they are cosplaying as since they are all around 15 years old.

CG has a lot of lovely older characters (you forgot Nana though) that I would love to se more cosplays of

>> No.9064183

The last convention I went to was about 90% LL to 10% Im@s cosplayers.

That being said most LL fans probably know what it is other than the newest of newfags. The same kind who think Derestage ripped off SIF.

>> No.9064198
File: 58 KB, 600x535, Sunshine150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have a question to ask Aqours, post it here.

>> No.9064229

Kagamine Nico? this won't be any good

>> No.9064372

Cinderella girls is so much more fun than 765!!
Plus there's so many cute outfits!

>> No.9064401

Quit self promoting your shitty flashmob, kagamine nico. Your a pedophile and everyone knows it. I hope none attends.

>> No.9064404

Yeah but most would want to dance an LL in LL cosplay
and I feel like they might know 765 (barely) but not so much CG unless it’s one of the more known girls like Ranko (mostly) , Anzu, or Rin. In my community most LL cosplayers are high schoolers and newfags who say “omg I’m such idol trash desu!” but shit on and won’t give a chance to literally any idol series that isn’t love live.

>> No.9064414

Each version of im@s has at least 3 girls that are recognizable, I think. I know a ton of LL fans who play CGSS even though they don't care about the rest of the series.

I've noticed the LL community is vastly different everywhere you go, though. It's really strange.
In my area, they're mostly 16+ and tolerate other idol series' at the very least.
They're salty as fuck about worst girl/best girl arguments though, jesus.

>> No.9064418
File: 66 KB, 600x386, CXfjf5bUEAA2VYD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's all cosplay the Cakes!

>you forgot Nana though
B-But she's only 17!!

>> No.9064454

Thats honestly how like 90% of the LL cosplayers are in my area, except now since there are more cute and popular cosplayers doing cute CG girls, the girls who were condemning it now all of sudden wanna cosplay it.

>> No.9064476
File: 5 KB, 437x57, Screenshot_2016-06-21-10-58-15-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you forgot nana

How dare you.

>> No.9065247


Which is sad, because even though I love Love Live (kek) Idolm@ster is IMO better in most categories. I understand why Love Live's more popular, but I wish the popularity division was more like 60-40 than 99-1.

>> No.9065384

How would this even work? The LL dances are choreographed for 9 people so would people just pick and choose whatever they want to do and flail around trying not to hit people? Makes no sense - get your shit together, old man.

>> No.9065417


Maybe if Bamco was as open about exposing people to Im@s instead of making every effort to give the finger like Kancolle it may be able to compete with LL! But nope, you have to pay the full price of admission to get a chance to enjoy the original anisong idols

>> No.9065580

>wonder why everyone is calling girl pedo
>look and realize its a guy
Haha what the fuck.

Thanks for ruining Ranran for me.

>> No.9065601

Does anyone know good sellers on ebay or aliexpress for Love Live uniforms?

>> No.9065802


Considering how many people shit on the idol community after the recent stabbing AND the fact that you have literal 9 year girls in Idolm@ster wearing racy outfits I'm not surprised Bamco isn't keen on translating it.

The backlash by SJWs would be unparalleled.

>> No.9065810

>recent stabbing

>> No.9065873



For weeks after this all I heard in my idol community and online was "Oh my GOD THOSE CRAZY JAPANESE AND THEIR MESSED UP IDOL CULTURE DID THIS!"

Hilariously it stopped right around the time Christina Grimme shooting...

>> No.9065998



Here, something that feels less biased.

>> No.9066050

This anon here. I just watched KojiHaru's sousenkyou speech one more time, now with subs, and I'm legitimately sad that she's graduating, I'll miss her so much.. I'm also still mad that Warunyan looks as tacky as it does, I really love Warukii and hoped Haruna's outfit to be cute and then it turned out to be the ugliest of all the costumes.

I want to cosplay one of her Heart Gata Virus outfits, NNK and maybe something else. But if I were to start on Nyan Nyan kamen, would worbla work well for the ears? I've literally never cosplayed before, my crafting experience is limited

>> No.9066426

Less idol-y but also what about torigoya from MJ?
Haruna was so cute with her whole 'mieta!'
Also HGV is fucking good and I support that.

For the ears I'd suggest a resin would be better, casting or something like yaya hans ears would work better but worbla could work as well.

>> No.9067158

Sort of a more general, not idol specific question, but how do you guys organize groups/find members for your group?
None of my cosplay friends are into CG and I was hoping to get a group for next year but I honestly have no idea where to start!

>> No.9067201

Fun fact, the cast of Aqours will be in L.A. on the same day that Sunshine premieres on TV.

So imagine them doing the panel then going back to their hotels and staying up to watch the premiere of Love Live! Sunshine.

10 Days left.

>> No.9067472

It's cute! Thanks anon. I got a Chiharu Sakuragi from AKB0048 on the way!
I want to cosplay the IDORU designs, but Torigoya looks comfy. When I get more used to cosplaying it'd be a good comfy cosplay to bring. And I guess it's easier to produce than the idol cosplays! I'll think about it!

What do you gulls think about crossing the IRL AKB48 idols and 'their' character designs from AKB0048 the animation? I plan to use my Chiharu Sakuragi wig for most of my kojiharu outfits, and style them to the concept

>> No.9067483

By jumping up and down. That's what every other Idol did in Sunny Day Song.

You mean the game or the franchise in general? Because Love Live is 2/3rd Bamco. Funny thing is I was really thinking Idolm@ster would be localised after the worldwide success of SIF.

The SJWs already exist and Love Live seems to have attracted a lot of them. I really don't know why but Tumblr SJWs congregate on LL.

Some of them genuinely likes Love Live and in between deciding on their preferred gender, they also think about how awesome it would be to make the cast more diverse in size and sexuality. I can't help but wonder how they'll react when T7s becomes popular as it has an actual black idol (and she does speak in ebonics).

Then there's the others who hate Love Live as much as any Idol Anime for being harmful/sexualising women/glorifying the shitty Idol industry etc.

>> No.9067539
File: 1.01 MB, 885x1106, Escaping_Tomoya_Mashiro_Ultimate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are male idols okay, too? I've been considering the thought of cosplaying Shinobu or Tomoya from Ensemble Stars.

>> No.9067642


Speaking about the franchise in general. Officially Bamco has not endorsed a true effort to expose us to idolmaster

Another reason why LL is it actually lacks a lot of usual "issues" anisong idols have.
Zero male presence in the sense there are no voiced male adults and teens. Lots of homosexual context and lack of creepy otaku that plauges the idol industry barring the RL audience but they are harmless so far.

>> No.9067741

Lucked out with having my friends be into idols as well, then met people on twitter through them. Granted all of us are into different flavors. Some are anime only, a couple only do male idols but it works out well enough that there are people to indulge whatever series I want to cosplay from. Twitter's a really good platform for finding and befriending people with similar interests I've found.

>> No.9068247

> Ensemble Stars
How is it gamewise? I want to pick up some male idol/date mobile games with the gacha aspect, how would you rate it?

>> No.9068255
File: 478 KB, 660x387, (Hatter's_Temptation)_Eichi_Tenshouin_CG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god, please do so anon. I've already got a wig for eichi, just deciding what outfit i wanna cos

>> No.9068271

I don't disagree with you, but let's be real, even the mature characters look like the rest of the 17 year olds most of the time so people will still complain about how old they look

>> No.9068959

A fanbook has been organised by Aqours and is waiting to be signed.

>> No.9069200

Supposedly it's already closed.

>> No.9069671
File: 193 KB, 757x1024, taisho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my Hanayo taishou outfit today, its pretty nice, came with the hair clips as well

>> No.9069681

that's so pretty omg

>> No.9069770
File: 81 KB, 197x194, firstyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I want to cosplay either Hanayo or Maki, but im worried about my skin tone?? Im half black, half white, and lighter skinned but im worried the colors wouldn't look good with my skin tone, any suggestions?

I was also worried about my thick and dark ass eyebrows how would I color them properly?


>> No.9069827

That's because love live is 2D. Wotas generally do not consider 2D idols to be "real" idols so you get WAAAY less of those purity creeps since they avoid it like cancer. With 2D idols the worst you get is people jacking off to their waifu but it's the same as in any other anime. I doubt most people at the imas or all meet ups can even name more than one VA.

>> No.9069828

who/where did you order from?

>> No.9069849
File: 98 KB, 640x800, ReiShinoharaSR+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not all the time, Sanae(in the picture you replied to) is noted to have younger despite her age and because she's short.

There are definitely mature ones that look it imo.I'll post a few,

>> No.9069850
File: 100 KB, 640x800, RumiWakuiSRare+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*younger looks

>> No.9069856
File: 99 KB, 640x800, MizukiKawashimaSRare+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A xmas cake holding a xmas cake

Oh the cruel irony. Also noting most of the older ones are cool types.

Honestly though, I've seen cosplayers in their late twenties and early thirties that look good enough to cosplay younger types, it's all about your genes and how well you take care of yourself.

>> No.9069872
File: 856 KB, 812x600, maki and hanayo hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you could go with the darker hair colors they used to have

>> No.9069891

That's true, I never thought about that option

Thanks so much!

>> No.9070418

Nice, what's the quality of the skirt like?

>> No.9070505


Just a bump for interest. I want to make that tail for another cosplay and I'n not exactly sure about using steel springs??

Will it sway like that and then spring back to the original position?

>> No.9070652

If you went to fanime I know the new generations group was trying to organize a group for an ALA big CG group

>> No.9070655

They are attracted to it because of all the times they can same "That's so gay. Just like me."

>> No.9070663

If you ask casual cosplayers they dont, but if you ask one of the producers they more likely do than LL fans.

Im@s is elitist cancer.
LL is tumblr cancer.
And yet I love them both.

>> No.9070670

Maki's hair color looks very cute on mixed girls imo. As long as you don't use a shitty wig that isn't styled well.

>> No.9071177


You can get away with those if you look in your 20's, but again, any line on your face and you'll still be considered too old or ugly.

>> No.9071182

whoooooa anon thats gorgeous, requesting a link drop here too!

>> No.9071186

Yessss every time I'm in these threads I keep an eye out for Enstars posts!

I cosplay Tori, Shinobu and Nazuna (and considering Hajime too), if you're gonna do Shinobun fair warning but maybe put time aside to do things around the house while wearing the wig before wearing him out, it's soooo disorientating and you cant see Anything to your left at all, the entire con while I was Shinobu I had to cling to my Midori so I wouldn't lose her or run into anything

The gameplay is... Honestly pretty boring. All you really do is just tap screens, the entire draw is in the stories so if you can't read japanese, the easiest way to get into it is to search out translations

>> No.9071187


>Im@s is elitist cancer

I love both Im@s and LL, but I have to admit, the im@s fandom is so unforgiving and elitist, I can see why people are immediately turned off of trying to get to learn about it. They also seem more bitter about LL's popularity, I rarely hear LL folks shit on Im@s, but the opposite is always in abundance.

LL does attract the tumblr tards, but you also have the chill folks and in general, you don't see as much elitism so it's a much more inviting fandom.


I still think you're being way to harsh. Given the older ladies posted earlier are honestly just unfortunate looking, I don't think any of them have the looks for idols in general no matter the age.

Doesn't look like anyone recorded their new performance, so here's an old one:

>> No.9071188

>Given the older ladies posted earlier are honestly just unfortunate looking, I don't think any of them have the looks for idols in general no matter the age.

That was kind of my point, but I forgot to make that more obvious, sorry.
Basically I think it's silly for anons to say they should cosplay older idols, since they would be giving the exact same "they're ugly' comments. Personally I don't think they're unfortunate looking, rather suck at make up and making wigs frame their faces nicely. At least to me it always looks like someone copy pasted their wigs onto them, rather then it looking more natural.

>> No.9071196
File: 146 KB, 960x960, hmax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the idea of them cosplaying older idols is you can't fall back on the "they're way too old for those 15 years old" you know? It's a lose lose on the internet either way, you can't please everybody.

>> No.9071200
File: 243 KB, 1356x2048, ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB seems to have dropped off the relevant list of idol shows lol granted it wasn't very good, but I remember a few cosplayers really liking the designs!

>> No.9071204
File: 309 KB, 1366x2048, 84842-6c150d831b65ce5f9401199f34083301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9071211

AKB0048 was sure something. I can't believe I watched both seasons but it was a train wreck I couldn't keep my eyes away from.

The plot was so outrageous and shameless that in a way I liked it.

>> No.9071215
File: 144 KB, 955x960, 44542-7f24c753529e805dd768739794298afe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, sounded like a fun guilty pleasure for most, maybe I'll get around to it at some point. Looking to start WUG next.

>> No.9071309
File: 1.55 MB, 900x2027, IMG_9504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the outfit from here!(posted in the mail thread too!)

I actually forgot to buy the hat (which is a separate option so please dont be like me haha...)

its pretty comfortable and the it mimics a traditional hakama so you have to learn how to tie it up properly. The printing is nice too, not that iron on stuff.(image related)

>> No.9071316

>That Haruka

I just hate it when one girl don't know any move of the dance, like it makes it all look so bad

>> No.9071353
File: 425 KB, 1365x2048, ClZkP6gUgAIkCn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9071365

None of their faces really suit their characters though the costumes themselves look okay. (Still don't like the turtlenecks though)

>> No.9071417

Wtf where are Riko's eyebrows? Otherwise the costumes look nice. Chika's wig looks off though.

>> No.9071420

Yeah the Riko freaks me out

>> No.9071461

Bringing any idols to AX? I'm leaving for the trip early and would love to know who to look out for when I'm there! I'll be bringing Nico for Sat/Sun!

>> No.9071662

>I rarely hear LL folks shit on Im@s, but the opposite is always in abundance.

To be fair, I've gotten a lot of "What's idolmaster" from Love Live fans at meets. There's a lot less LL -> Idolmaster animosity because most fangirls don't know about it.

And frankly, as a fan of both, I can see why Idolmaster fans might be a little bitter. The series is objectively better than Love Live in most ways (Primarily aside from anime adaptations) yet it is virtually unknown in the west.

>> No.9071665


When Bamco treats gaijin Im@s fans like unperson with having to jump through paygates and ipgates to even get a taste of idolm@ster while LL! fans gets the princess treatment with US itunes for Aqours, a dub and SIF and making every effort to localize the series there is a reason why im@s fans are elitist. They had to commit themselves more to the hobby.

Sad because I was an im@s fan before a LL! Fan

>> No.9071669

I don't agree it's necessarily better in most ways but I enjoy both a lot.
And the reason for virtually unknown is easy, Scamco doesn't translate/export shit when it comes to Idolm@ster, At least LLSIF got it's english translation and by the time of the movie it was shown all over the world.

>> No.9071681


>I don't agree it's necessarily better in most ways but I enjoy both a lot.

I mean, Idolmaster has objectively superior games, fan art (by sheer volume alone, if not quality), and music (again by sheer volume, but also by genre range). Love Live definitely has the better anime, but aside from that, Idolmaster really one ups it.

But that said, Love Live definitely isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. But it is easy to see why Idolm@ster fans would be a bit bitter (at Bamco especially) for it not getting the love it deserves.

>> No.9071699

I had plans to, but it's looking dimmer and dimmer each minute. I'm so sad, everything keeps going wrong. I was going to bring Akari in her parade school coord from aikatsu. But now I'm just going to try to pull out her summer school uniform since that's easy to sew and there's no way I can finish the coord I wanted the right way in the time I have left.

But I'm excited for the con and I hope I can see a lot of idol cosplay from all kinds of series!

>> No.9071738

Getting the LL out of my system with summer uniform Nozomi on Friday night, candy maid Nozomi on Sat morning, Dia for the Aqours panel, and White Day Hanayo after that on Saturday.

>> No.9071743

If we're just talking volume then yeah, I don't know I just feel like it's weird saying one is better no matter what but I understand what you mean.

I would kill for an English version of Deresute though, even if it's just so there's a chance I can plan ahead SSR releases.
>tfw all SSR patterns have been broken

I don't know what to even expect for the upcoming limited set.

>> No.9071772
File: 112 KB, 512x720, 133Hanayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be Hanayo, and yukata Honoka, though, just for a shoot.

>> No.9071794

Like >>9071662 >>9071665 >>9071681 said, it's a lot of dedication for little reward. When it takes so much effort to hunt for rarer goods you're interested in, you have less, for lack of a better word, appreciation for the more common things.
The Idolmaster is 10+ years ongoing franchise. The fans are older and so few and far between, it means a little more when you share that common interest.
LL gets premade costumes of pretty much every new card set. Imas cosplayers can maybe find an OP costume, but otherwise you have to make one yourself. And do it with the knowledge you probably won't get a lot of attention, if any at all.
I know lots of animation nerds that hate mixed in computer animation, and were really happy to see completely animated dance clips.
There's lots of little things that make Imas great and deserving of recognition, but not receiving it, I think makes the fans more attached and supportive to it than to other series.

>> No.9072272

Perfectly put imo.

And to add on is when LL fans trash im@s without giving it a chance and then all of a sudden do a CG cosplay.

>> No.9072348

>LL fans trash im@s without giving it a chance and then all of a sudden do a CG cosplay
Does that actually happen though?

>> No.9072351

This happened to me personally, my friend bashed CG to my face while knowing I like it and then suddenly costested Uzuki 2 days later.

>> No.9072357

Hey gulls. Does anyone know a way to play Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls on your PC? (No I dont mind it being in Japanese)

I am one of the few people left on Earth without a smartphone but I tried it out on a friends phone recently and Im hooked.

>> No.9072358

I'm tired of idol anime fans not giving actual idols a chance more than LL fans trashing other idol animes. Especially when they use the argument "2D is better than 3D" to justify themselves. I hate hearing about how someone's favorite idol group is μ's (unless they refer to the seiyuus. I love the seiyuus and would talk about them) when I'm trying to talk about 48G, H!P, Momoclo, or whatever idol group. Yeah I'm salty as hell, fight me.

>> No.9072364

I've noticed them to be very separate. It's not often I run into someone who likes both anime idols and actual idols (excluding seiyuus). Obviously this thread's going to contain exceptions.

I kinda wonder why.

>> No.9072365

You should probably direct that question to a different board.

>> No.9072367

you could try an emulator? (Yes those exist) I doubt you would be able to play it vet competently without a touch screen however

>> No.9072370


>> No.9072382

It would be in Japanese regardless, so you better not mind it lol

>> No.9072384

It's the same thing as the argument in this thread against im@s, it's inaccessible. There's 0 foreign market for it so I wouldn't be too salty. I love AKB but for littler groups like Juice=Juice or Angerme, you can't really blame people for having absolutely no clue. This only worsens now that Japanese copyright is targeting other countries on YT so you can't watch any offical AKB songs in America anymore.

>> No.9072406


As a hip hop, R&B and a fan of Ariana Grande's music style. what songs would you recommend me for Idolm@ster?

>> No.9072439


Hmm, I don't listen to stuff like and tend to skip over Idolm@ster songs like that, but Danketsu is one that sticks out to me


Also shout out to the 2005-tier animations and graphics.

>> No.9072473

Bluestacks is the most popular choice for emulating android apps, although I personally haven't tried it with Starlight Stage. You can get the .apk file from here: https://apk.fuyu.me/ . I found that from /vg/'s im@s general.

>> No.9072762

RIP all the SSR patterns. Everything went batshit once Rrrrranko and Miku wedding set was randomly released.

>> No.9072877

I prefer my 2D idols and their seiyuus these days because the idol market makes me uncomfortable. Not all are bad and it's not that I don't like certain groups but I can't always enjoy them anymore.

At least with 2d no actual girls are harmed and the seiyuu are 18+

>> No.9072996

Ok good as I am on 4chan i felt kinda wierded out, like you know the sissy shit, I got that vibe. please tell me more.

tell me more (even though I am 99% because i twitter stalk).

See, I was an Idol@master fan becaose of ACI and while yes all the idolm@ster anime is on crunchyroll/hulu subbed, the game, (which a LOT more people play, its what, 10 million US subs which while no candy crush or clash of clans is nothing to sneeze at), is easier to get into because who knows why the fuck bamco decided this.

>> No.9072999

Ace combat is much older than f2p shitgames ahh

>> No.9073019


>no girls are harmed

Says the girl wearing burando made in a chinese factory by exploited 8 year old laborers...


My problem with Idols in real life is that they feel so fake. 2D idols are fake too, but they're genuinely fake, not superficially fake like most 3D idols.

>> No.9073029
File: 80 KB, 599x591, CIkqaD6UkAAPa2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we really doing this

>> No.9073036


People shouldn't post dumpster opinions and not expect to get dumpstered on.

Also whats wrong with their eyes?

>> No.9073052


Who pissed in your cereal this morning/ I said I like actual idol groups, but knowing how they're often exploited makes me uncomfortable.

Not even trying to pretend I'm morally superior, it's just that stuff like junior idols are creepy as fuck.

>> No.9073057


Nobody pissed in my cereal, I'm just pointing out the inherent inconsistency in your flow of logic.

>Not even trying to pretend I'm morally superior

Then you wouldn't have posted what you posted.

>> No.9073073

How did that make me look morally superior? I just tried giving my reasoning for not following idol groups anymore.

>> No.9073106


That line of reasoning in general lends itself to acting morally superior

>oh no I can't support that they ABUSE those POOR GIRLS

If you can't detect the inherent grandstanding in that kind of thinking then you're beyond helping.

>> No.9073202

Honestly that's why I can't get into 3D idols either. The personalities are manufactured, it feels fake. Meanwhile most 2d idol animes take place completely off the stage, so while they're fake in the sense of being 2d, they still manage to have more personality. At least that's how I feel.

>> No.9073389
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 12568232_925576214191246_68355173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why i'd like to do as many idol cosplays (and other young girls) before I'm 25
That depends on your genes. I'm 26, but I luckily look really young for my age, so I can still pull it off. Tomia is 29 now, but youth wise she's even more lucky then me. I saw her a few months ago at Dokomi in this cosplay, and trust me, she really does look that young (and beautiful) irl.

>> No.9073463
File: 205 KB, 640x901, valentineskotori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks adorable and makes such a good Kotori!

But the only problem I have with this cosplay and the ones like it that you can buy online is that the color is always wrong?? Its just a nitpick though I still think this girl looks great.

>> No.9073492

Yeah, I was considering the Hanayo version but it's ridiculously hard to find those sweaters in mint.
Would've tried making it myself but I'm not good with knits.

>> No.9073893
File: 614 KB, 800x880, 3233508746_tD0e4s5U_c326349ec02b98d6dbc9bce23795138a13af4230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, are we comparing US availability of idol franchises?

>> No.9074271

>Can't watch
That's why you look for alternate sites.

>> No.9074280

I'm an anime fan first so most of the Jpop groups I know get introduced to me through anime. Consequently, this has made me realise the majority of the groups I follow are also part-time Seiyu (SPHERE because 1/2 K-On, YuiKaori, StylipS)

>> No.9074284

Interesting points so I'll add a few more observations.

Love Live The Movie was aired throughout the world either in a single screening or for several weeks. Although if accessibility is correlated to popularity than it did not work out for WUG whose first movie and tv series were simulcasted on CR.

Love Live satellite streamed three concerts between 2014 to 2016 throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Something that has yet to happen with Im@s.

>> No.9075174


If it aint on youtube it means the corps don't officially endorse it. Official Endorsment > Fan Endorsement.

>> No.9076561
File: 103 KB, 675x1200, CmHIvgsUgAEwkDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunshine OP 1 outfits leaked!

>> No.9076576

WHY THOSE SOCKS??? Wth is that supposed to be, fucking W.I.T.C.H?

>> No.9076582
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1464133247028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>blue/white main theme
>let's put random yellow/cyan socks in there


>> No.9076589

Not sold on the socks, though it works for Hanamaru since she has yellow accessories. For the others it looks so out of place. If they'd chosen plain white socks with single stripes on the top they would've been sooo cute

>> No.9076595
File: 100 KB, 711x681, tumblr_o7sgnmdH681tz6yibo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you kinda like the socks

I think they add interesting contrast, and they give off that kind of citrus-y/summery vibe... And the colours match the cyan and yellow accents, so I'm not too fussed.

>> No.9077157

ot but thank you for posting this picture anon. ive been looking for it for ages.

>> No.9077906


I have to admit I don't love the socks, but everything else is adorable on everybody, so I think I'd bear it to have those outfits on my body. Much better than the first PV outfits imo


Kek now I can't unsee it

>> No.9078126
File: 113 KB, 512x720, CmLkr7GUkAAg6Zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh... does anybody know how to go about making a cute bouncy tail like the warukii one?

>> No.9078175
File: 493 KB, 512x720, 13537776_1087330221363188_7698733990912790684_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly anon, these cards are my dream, time to make that tail

I'm thinking of testing different cuts of pipe from a hardware store and seeing how the bounce/hold shape with maybe some wire run through them?

>> No.9078199

Rigid tubing/pipe on a dildo harness will make it perky af.

>> No.9078273

I thought that too! God I haven't been this excited for a set since cyber! I'm already looking for fabric for it

>> No.9078290

An anon upthread mentioned spring steel, so I decided to have a bit of a look and found spring steel wire that's in straight lengths? Obviously It'd have to be reshaped but it'd be a lot easier this way than trying to reshape a coiled spring, I reckon-- sorry for the Aus link since you're probably based outside of Aus, but this is what I'm talking about

As for reshaping it, it has to be uh... heated? Probably easiest to tie a thinner wire around the ends to bring it into the curve to heat it, kinda like how this guy used wire to hold the spring wire in shape here

Then from there I feel like its a matter of sliding a flexible black tubing over the top and adding the heart to the end!

I understand how you feel completely!! Cyber has been an ultimate fav of mine since it came out, I wore it in April this year, and now theres a sweet devil set?! God, I never thought LL would do one of my favorite themes, especially in a UR set for my best girl.

>> No.9078370

sorry for ancient necro on this, but could anyone direct me to this sort of shit? gulls always tell me to find tutorials that work specifically with hooded eyes and then disappear when I ask if they could give a sample

also, could someone remind me how bad an idea it would be to cosplay maki with my natural hair that does match in colour (I'm kinda worried about a wig since I'll be volunteering at the con and idk how it'd hold up, plus I have longer hair that fucking hates wigs)
also also, do people actually cosplay any of the untransformed cards besides the regular school outfit?

>> No.9078381

Oh shit is this the new set?
Thank god KLab didn't let us down.

>> No.9078501

>warukii love live set
>milky's graduation

milky confirmed for love live sunshine ?

>> No.9078506

As someone who has made a warukii tail, all that shit needs is some wire. A bit lighter than what you'd used for a ahri tail or something, but it keeps nice and rigid and will move back to the original position once swayed.

The tail does not bounce in warukii it just is in a fixed position that only moves side to side. It really isn't that difficult.
Basically, it's a lighter, not furry, single ahri tail.

>> No.9078543

I've seen people cosplay the marine set and pj set unidolized but I think that's it

>> No.9078545

Wear a wig, 10/10 times it looks better. Rule of thumb for all anime characters, really.

>> No.9078555

My group did the unidolized kunoichi outfits for the first 3 or 4 events of the year and now we are debuting our idolized versions.

>> No.9078557

Maki's hair has that weird foof thing at the bottom.
Although I am curious how you have longer hair that hates wigs.. yet it'd work for Maki? If you cut it, you might as well get a wig anyway.

Anyway, the Magician set gets cosplayed a lot untransformed.

>> No.9078641

>>9078557 (and >>9078545)
longer = a bit over shoulder length, but it's fairly thick and just refuses to work with wigs. it's a bit longer than Maki's but not particularly noticeably
my hair seems to do similar floofy things anyway as well, but I know it'll look weird so fuck I don't know.

thanks for the input, guess I was right in that it's fairly rare. I'm actually thinking of doing marine unidolised now though since it looks really low-hassle, thanks for bringing my attention to that one anon

>> No.9078813
File: 359 KB, 2048x1321, CmOR3dSWkAAYpEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody watch wake up girls?

>> No.9078846

Could someone recommend some good groups to me? I've never been interested in idols or idol culture but I've recently gotten into a couple amines and I'm willing to give it a try!

I know about AKB48, and others popular groups mentioned but that's honestly it. I can listen to anything, though. I think I'm just a sucker for the outfits.

>> No.9078859

If you love outfits, Aikatsu has some gorgeous ones! The music is great, too!

>> No.9078880

If you just want to listen to music, Idolm@ster and Tokyo 7th sisters have the best music.

Outfit wise I think Love Live, Idolm@ster CG Starlight Stage and Tokyo 7th Sisters have the nicest ones. Starlight Stage and Tokyo 7th have a wider variety too

>> No.9078964

I've seen it. Haven't gotten around to the movie.
I wouldn't really cosplay from it, though.

Although some of the background-idol groups in the final show had some really cute outfits.

>> No.9079585
File: 3.18 MB, 1656x2208, IMG_3136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy to see other Aikatsu fans here. I'd like to cosplay one of the Starlight girls in their uniform and eventually a season one school dress but I haven't decided who yet. At least I can just make the uniform for now and decide later. Leaning towards Ichigo because of how lazy I am with wigs though.

>> No.9079920

New thread! >>9079919

>> No.9084983

I wish I liked the outfits more. Jiera was a great song.