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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9022732 No.9022732 [Reply] [Original]

last thread is auto saging from some good drama

Pre Con is tomorrow, y'all ready for this shit?

>> No.9022742

We wanna plan a meet?

>> No.9022753

Accidentally made a thread at the same time as you, OP. Whoops.

I thought a couple of people were planning a meet already.

>> No.9023002

Soooo, what's everyone cosplaying?

>> No.9023028

I still haven't packed.

>> No.9023075


Karamatsu Friday, Mettaton Saturday, Rock Lee Sunday

Ill be selling at the artist alley for some of the time? If you see me there give me your best yoshi impression. I want to know. Also hope it's me otherwise that'd be weird.

>> No.9023103

We doing another /m/ meet-up this year?

>> No.9023259

isnt there a Gundam panel?

>> No.9023389

Hell no. My bus was an hour late and I've still got two more hours to go. At least it means more time in AC and less time sweating.

>> No.9023432

Alright Day 0, who here/hype

>> No.9023474

How many people are there lined up already?

>> No.9023516

I was planning to leave work and get in line around 4-5

>> No.9023535

as I elected to say money by not getting a hotel Thursday night, I'm not planning on showing up until Friday morning. Really hoping the line isn't ridiculous early tomorrow

>> No.9023539

Since this is my first time going can I ask a few noob questions?
It looks like I probably won't be able to go tomorrow, so I'll probably go get my pass on saturday. How late am I able to purchase a sat/sun pass? Would it be crazy busy saturday morning if I try?

>> No.9023628

We should /m/

>> No.9023710

There's a Macross panel at noon on Sunday.

>> No.9023722

Friday morning : nothing
Friday evening: persona 3 mc
Saturday morning: ichimatsu
Saturday evening: 2b

>> No.9023759


Castiel probably saturday.

>> No.9023766 [DELETED] 

I made a couple changes to my human xenomorph costume so I'll be wearing that Friday afternoon and Saturday

>> No.9023772

I made a couple changes to my human xenomorph costume so I'll be wearing that Friday afternoon and Saturday

>> No.9023927

Didnt decided on a meeting place yet.
I want to.
Itll be meh. Long ish but not the slowest thing in the world.

>> No.9023929

Kaname from Macross Delta
Kobayashi from Knights of Sidonia
Ruby from Steven Universe
Lemrina from Aldnoah.Zero
Lazy genderbend Eugene from Iron Blooded Orphans

Space theme, man.

>> No.9024018 [DELETED] 

Myself, Jacket from Hotline Miami, and friends and I are doing Payday 2 group cosplay.

>> No.9024021

Myself, Jacket from Hotline Miami, and friends and I are doing Payday 2 group cosplay.

>> No.9024143

Do we just want to meet by the statue at a time again, then figure it out from there? Maybe with a sign or something this time?

If we want to like go to a bar, or something, there are plenty not far from the con center.

>> No.9024309

y'all see that power couple as DIO and ZA WARUDO? that was real nice that made me happy

also there was some fucker a few people away playing the same damn 3 chords on a uke and it was pissing me off in line ugh


>> No.9024363

Shit anon-kun I am going as Biker...

>> No.9024604

Choromatsu and Alphys. Sadly my sans cosplay got fucked up on the way here...

So, anyone see the Misa cosplayer that looked like they had downs on thursday?

>> No.9024619

Sign doesn't sound like a bad idea. Deciding what to do from there is ok. Should we meet through Friday to Sunday?

>> No.9024624

I'm sure I'll see you there, I'm going for all 3 days

>> No.9024698

Also I'll be the skinny, lanky one, darker blue pants. There are a few other jackets out there I assume.

>> No.9025041

For anyone planning on eating at the Marriott hotel's restaurant, the Rye Bar & Southern Kitchen, be sure to review your billing statements if you use a card. I noticed I was overcharged $20 last night when I ate there.

>> No.9025205

I'm down for a meetup whenever

>> No.9025254

>Friends ran off and I'm left all alone
>just sit at a window and play my 3ds instead of walking around

Oh well

>> No.9025455

Probably saver to plan meetup for tomorrow, but is still be down to hang or something.

>> No.9025529

I'd be down to meet up anytime Saturday as long as it's not during the Weiss tournament. Also saw decade's kamen rider panel, it was super condensed because it was half the time but it was still pretty good.

>> No.9025542

>Con life of anons the post
Meeting same place as every year right? We should probably decide on the time where the least happens or no one cares about panel wise. It'll be my first meet since I didn't want to go last year cause I thought I'd be the youngest there.

>> No.9025552

I don't get it
What's happening

>> No.9025631

What do you mean "whats happening"?

>> No.9025640

i'm outside, letterman jacket

>> No.9025868

Thanks for coming out and understanding it was condensed. If you wanna chat more hit me up!!

>> No.9026067

Sooooo many cute boys this year. I really wanted to talk to one wearing cat ear headphones but I'm too shy as usual. Anyone else found their weekend crushes?

>> No.9026460

In case of new people we should post a place and time because if we go with "same place as last year" then they will just miss it. I personally don't care when the meetup is as long as it is in the afternoon sometime.

>> No.9026485

7 or 8 pm good by the statue?
Btw im not in cosplay, im just wearing a dr pepper shirt. Looking like a normie.

>> No.9026490

Y'all wanna do like 2 or 3 at the statue, then?

>> No.9026501

I'd be fine with that, too.

>> No.9026858

Stuck in a pizza since 2 waiting on food, unlucky.

>> No.9026964

I'm down for this, I'll be at the statue around that time

>> No.9026969

8 at statute cool, then? I want to go to Jojo panel at 7.

>> No.9026972

Sounds good

>> No.9027004


>> No.9027324

>tfw wanted to go to meet.
>Can't cause friends.

>> No.9027331

Bring 'em. It's cool.

>> No.9027359

I don't know i may just go to a meet tomorrow. Not as much happens sunday. Plus i dont think many people will show up today.

>> No.9027369

Not sure if anyone else saw it, but some dumbass coming out of the bbt tunnel just smashed the side of his truck on a wall.

>> No.9027426

Anyone else coming too meet?

>> No.9027440


You at the statue outside?

>> No.9027447

Yeah still here

>> No.9027467

Anyone know about any hotel parties tonight?

>> No.9027581

First time I've been to animazement in years. Makes me realize how awkward I am since I've become a single dad

>> No.9027689

If you find any crazy one with bitches hmu cause im tryin to siderail from the sids

>> No.9027696

Did anyone get a picture of the Goddess Madoka from yesterday? She looked great from afar but I never got the chance to take her aside for a picture. Same with today's Madoka, but I preferred the former.

>> No.9027760

Officially found the worst panelist at the con.

>> No.9027764

Is it the "Hilarious Hentai"? Kind of wanted to stick around for that but went home instead.

>> No.9027768

I was wondering what all the sirens were for.

>> No.9027930

Is there anything worth going to on Sunday or should I not bother?

I almost don't want to go back so I don't bleed more money in the dealers' room

>> No.9028061

There was a dipper who was surprisingly ripped under his shirt. Don't know why he didn't pick a more flattering costume.

>> No.9028131

No, social anxiety won again.

>> No.9028646

So now that the con is pretty much over any cool pics. Im driving home now but i got a shitload of good cosplay

>> No.9028653

too many cute girls, not enough pretty women.
>not calling the women ugly, "cute women" just rolls off the tongue weird

Though i did see an attractive scarlet witch late Sat afternoon.

>> No.9028656
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>> No.9028657
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The fuck crawled up her ass?

>> No.9028659

My friends didn't hang out with me and all the attendees having fun are younger than me. IT'S ALL STAFFS FAULT!! THEY'RE TAMPERING WITH FB TOO TO HIDE THEIR GUILT!

>> No.9028662

>"I can't even begin to tell you how upset I am with Animazement right now. This was my first year going, I'm note sure if I wanna go next year. As I was leaving for the night, I was approached by 3 police officers and a member of the Animazement staff. Someone had told them that I tried to sell this person dope. They demanded to know if I had anything on me, to which I replied I had my girlfriend's anxiety meds, and she was right there with me to verify.
Then the cop changed up his story to say I was selling prescription drugs. The staff member told me to give up my badge and that I'm not allowed to come back to Animazement today. The cop told me either I turn in my badge or I'd be arrested and trespassed from the property.
I was leaving for the night. I didn't think I was gonna go today anyway cuz I have a lot of stuff to do. So I wasn't that upset about being banned. I'm more upset they called me a drug dealer. I was just recently assaulted by a raging heroin addict three nights ago. I'm dealing with severe panic attacks because of it. I was hoping Animazement would take my mind off of it but this incident only made matters worse. Not only from the police's accusations. I passed out at the rave last night due to the concussions I got from the beating. I was leaving early because of it when I was approached. So my bloodshot eyes and gaunt appearance and confused mentality means I'm on drugs, right? It has nothing to do with traumatic events, right?"

Why would someone with multiple concussions even go to a con especially after being that badly beaten? I smell bullshit.

>> No.9028683

>Why would someone with multiple concussions even go to a con especially after being that badly beaten? I smell bullshit.

that, or they have no self control, are young and immature, without true friends to stop you, no senpai, #alone,....etc, u name it.

so many red flags, and they were holding their friends meds. Talk about setting yourself up for failure when talking to cops.

panic attacks, and they go to a con... wtf?

>> No.9028695

General question -- are the dances/raves at these things worth it? I skipped the one last night but I have friends that have gone to other cons that enjoy them. Dunno if they are meant for old men (25) like me.

>> No.9028703

No way security would have stopped them if they hadn't done something that looked suspicious. Take medication in plain sight, speak to someone and offer them for their anxiety, something.

>> No.9028704
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At least they didnt make it up for pity.

>> No.9029290

What even happened Friday night? There were sirens and shit, but it was after I left for the night.

>> No.9029307

people overpartying in a hotel and one wreck i think. the wreck wasn't con related just nearby.

>> No.9029481

Back from the con. Will upload imgur of cosplays within a day or two whenever my friends get their images together in once place. No pictures of the meetup though, it was just like 4 people that met at the Sir Walter Raleigh statue at 8 Saturday night and we just talked and shit. Next time if I remember I'll actually try and organize a little meetup and hope that 10+ people show up and we can shoot the shit or go drinking or something like we say we'll do every year. Also Kris, did you make it back okay? Hit me up if you're missing belongings or anything. I couldn't find your T thing in the game room or the panel so someone must have taken it or something.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Some dude nailed his truck into a tree or something I think and someone puked all over the bathroom Friday I think. The EMTs also got someone out of a stairwell Saturday but she (i think) was raised up out of the stretcher so it might've just been a broken leg or some shit? I didn't ask questions because I didn't really care what happened to them so all I have are guesses.

>> No.9029493

I went to it on Friday and I can say it was pretty fun. I'd say the music was decent, not really amazing. The one thing I really hated was that they formed a fucking circle pit where a bunch of people stood around watching another person dance.

>> No.9029603

Fucking this

>> No.9029646

I'm 24 and went with a friend after our other friends told us not to. I mean, it was our first time at Animazement so we were curious.

The light show looked really good from the entrance. We were about to go in but we had our bags and there was a no bags allowed rule. So instead of taking chance with some weird (bag storage?) line, we went back to friend's place to drop off our shit and get high.

Returned and it was actually pretty fun. Music was generic dubstep (probably awful sober but we didn't give a shit), I remember hearing Zombie Nation and GoT mixes. Surprisingly few weeaboo songs, if I recall any at all.

Lots of mixed ages in there. I saw people definitely in their 20s like us, but also underagers too. Unlike the other anon I thought the 'dance circles' were entertaining to watch, and were certainly less annoying than fucking conga lines which happened a few times. I'd say it's worth it if you have nothing better to do and want to people watch.

>> No.9029729

I'm good, dude. I got all my stuff. Saturday night was a mess. Sorry it fell apart, but it was cool hanging out for a bit.

I try to go at least for a bit every year, and I've never been so into it. It sounds like other people have a better time there then I do, which is cool. I'm into the light show and all, but I can't get into the music and the crowd always seems pretty young to me.

I popped in for a minute on Friday night, but the music was really not doing it for me and the crowd didn't seem to be very hype or anything.

>> No.9029748

Another convention came and I couldn't talk to anyone.

Y'all are too weird. But I like the anime and video games.

yet another year I remain a virgin. Some good looking girls. Lots of couples. There were tons of guys with girls that I thought shouldn't be. I don't get why they have girls and I look so much better than them and I'm still alone.

>> No.9029755

>I don't get why they have girls and I look so much better than them and I'm still alone.
This is not the right attitude to go about changing that.

>> No.9029759
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>> No.9029762

>This is not the right attitude to go about changing that.

I like how I look. Why would I want to change it?

>> No.9029764
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Saturday night was fun. Unfortunately all your alcohol caught up to you and we had to end because of the other thing too but it was still enjoyable. I looked in the thread this morning when I woke up and didn't see anything about another meetup so I just went to GameTheory and then home. Lets try to meetup next year with Decade and Showa too. Showa was super bummed he didn't hang out with you. If the thread stays up a couple more days which it should since /cgl/ is pretty slow, I'll upload an imgur of mine and my friend's pictures. I also encourage everyone else to do the same since we can swap pictures of cosplays we missed and such.
Nice meme.

>> No.9029775


Pretty sure >>9029755 wasn't talking about your looks, funny bunny.

>> No.9029779
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Now that its pretty much over anything really happen Sunday? we had to leave by 11 and with the rain we assumed it would be dead and just did a quick run though the dealers overpriced shit.

any good pics? got to have a amusing run around with a nice snake

>> No.9029794
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Yeah, I was hoping Showa would be there on Saturday, too. This year was less of a mess than last year, honestly. I should be great next year.


There were a couple decent panels, but everything was pretty quiet as usual.

All my pics are me posing with whatever Jojos I ran into

>> No.9029844

>that guy posting about his stolen wallet at the dance

Does anyone have experience of someone lifting their shit from this con? I actually got the impression that the con goers were very respectful of not ganking other peoples' stuff. I left my purse at the reg table accidentally, came back for it 20 minutes later, and it was still there with nothing missing.

My friend got a free art print, purposefully left it at the tables in the vendor's hall hoping someone else would want it, and later someone posted a pic to the fb page reporting that they were taking it to lost and found.

Idk..everyone seemed conscientious and respectful.

>> No.9029880

We found a set of keys in our hotel room that belongs to none of us so we have been trying to figure out who they belong to. I asked if >>9029794 lost anything because I thought he might have passed them to me somehow, but they evidently aren't his so we think that they must be the previous guest's keys. I always assume that not everyone else is as nice as me so I keep tabs on my stuff at all times, but I go out of my way to try and get things back to their original owners if I know who it is, or if not I take it to L&F.

>> No.9029920

The dance this year was okay but the sound that they had was absolutely lame. I only stayed for about 15 mins both nights. The outdoor djs were better imo, just cause I could smoke though. I was high the whole time, they kept it on the low.

>> No.9029937

Maybe I'll go next year, the con was pretty fun and I hope next year I can find some more anons interested in getting drunk and hanging out. I mostly just hung out with the guys I was with. I'm a local now so hopefully we can make this work next year.

>> No.9029943
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I loved the Jojo turnout at this i never expected that much and everyone was awesome.

>> No.9030021


Been to 4 of the last 6 AZs. For some reason I felt like Sunday had a lot more cosplayers and attendees than I'm used to seeing. I think the main areas and dealer room were as crowded as on Friday.

>> No.9030056

Shit, wish I'd gone today. I stayed home because he weather was ass even though there was a couple more things I wanted to buy.

>> No.9030066

Fuck yeah
I'm local and am I interested in getting shit faced so next year let's plan it out

>> No.9030080

Because everyone was concentrated inside due to the wet and humid weather.

>> No.9030223

Loved the Jojo cosplays about, but it's a shame the Jojo panel ended up being pretty lame.

>> No.9030317

How so?

>> No.9030379

Anyone else feel like the artists alley is slowly getting better than the dealers room every year?

>> No.9030432

Too bad they overprice their shit.

>> No.9030469

There's a few things that were pretty reasonably priced, like the pink shirt with the tv head girl thing.

>> No.9030518

Dealers room was overpriced at a few booths but artist alley def was getting up in price 40 bucks to get a free print :/

>> No.9030550

Basically the whole thing ended up being make captions for sort of gay out of context shit from the series and very little actually discussion. It would be better if they could have gotten a more open space and just done posing for an hour.

>> No.9030751

Too bad their is an abundance of top quality fan art online and Perler shit is easy to make. Only very few things in there are worth paying for.

But, I would rather buy from them than the dealer's room.

>> No.9030752

Which would be fine if they weren't derivative works.

>> No.9030778

For the most part everything that was missing seemed to be dropped accidentally. I know I was going down to the dealers room at one point during the weekend and found a lanyard with house and car keys on it and asked around by the escalators if it belonged to anyone before taking it down to the AZ booth down there for lost and found. Another friend found a cellphone in the bathroom but luckily the owner came back to get it pretty quick.

On the flipside though a dealer did post that someone had stolen a green limited edition Pokemon DS or something from their booth. I also found at one of the lolita booths that one of their bags for sale had accidentally been kicked under their booth skirt so it was just on the floor in the aisle for anyone to snatch before I handed it back to the booth owner.

I wish all cons had this level on niceness. I went to AWA last year, spent $25 on a Reika photobook I got autographed then didn't realize I had left it in a window seat, took ten steps towards the badge checkpoint and realized I'd forgotten it and ran back but in the not even 2 minutes I was gone, someone had stolen it and never turned it in.

>> No.9030780

I really liked how artists alley was doing more wearable stuff this year. I saw a lot of nice tanktops I would've bought if I hadn't been budgeting and only a few booths had Taobao tier stuff like the person selling half-fanart and half those little bondage strap dresses and pearl cat headbands. Like really? We know you didn't make that shit.

>> No.9030801
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Itabag anon here. Thanks to those that suffered through my panel! I hadn't done a panel in a years and I was losing my voice throughout the weekend so it wasn't until after that I found out that everyone couldn't probably hear me on top of me being pretty dang nervous to just sit up there and talk for an hour. Thanks for being so patient and nice. I don't know if I'll be doing this again next year though because of my nerves but I was glad to help everyone out with your questions and good luck with your bag progress!

>> No.9030816

Yeah, I was also kinda iffy about the people selling the glassware for the same reason.

>> No.9030888


I thought the artist's alley was more reasonably priced than the dealer's room. Dealer's room had a lot of overpriced Taobao shit. I'd rather pay a little more and support an artist than buy cheap junk that I can get on eBay for half the price.

However >>9030780 was pretty ridiculous. I'm pretty sure she just put spikes and roses on what you can get for less than $10 on Aliexpress/eBay and sold it for $40. They must have sold though because I saw at least 5 girls wearing them on Saturday and Sunday.

>> No.9030896

And the funny thing is, you can already get them with spikes and roses depending on the seller.

>> No.9030899

THANK YOU. I was one of the artist passing by and I was like "give me a fucking break".

>> No.9030941

It also filled up to and we couldnt get in, so a bunch of us Jojo cosplayers just hung around outside the panel and messed around. It was fun.

>> No.9030964

Aye itabag anon, I was the choromatsu cosplayer that won the Rin badge thing <3 Loved your panel and will hopefully start on my itabag soon!

>> No.9031073

Can't wait to see it! I'm not familiar with the series but more bags are always welcome. I was really excited to see that a booth in the dealers room had itabags as well if anyone stopped by it. They only had the small mini ones for sale though but I mentioned how nice it would be to see supplies for bags so next year they might stock more. They were the booth with all the live action stuff like Prince of Tennis and Kuroshitsuji musical.

>> No.9031077

Im finally awake.
So how was everyones con?

>> No.9031082

Was probably better than the panel. I should have stayed outside and posed with some Jojos instead.

Friday was great. Saturday was fun, too, until it wasn't.

>> No.9031085

I'm not sure if Artist Alley staff noticed since they might not be as familiar with Taobao stuff but the rules do state that you can't sell anything you didn't make yourself. I only saw the one booth and since they had half of it covered with their own art and just one section of bought merch I didn't bring it up to staff but I didn't know that it bugged the other artists as well.

I don't want to drop my name but I am a staffer (low ranking and not AA department) but I can offer to my department head for next year to volunteer to keep an eye out for that sort of thing and alert AA staff to it since I can easily pull up my phone listings on eBay or anywhere else for those identical items to prove that they weren't handmade. I don't know what AA staff would do but I would think they'd ask them to remove the items from their booth at the very least.

>> No.9031088

Hentai panelist here
Did you actually go to my panel? Because the turn out was quite good as well as the aftermath feedback. You probably shouldnt judge the panelist or panel if you didn't actually go to it.

>> No.9031200

No not judging, I was just curious because that was posted around the time it was going on.

>> No.9031212

It was pretty fun. I didn't go to as many panels as I would have liked on Saturday since I got caught up looking at/buying tons of shit in the dealers' room. And I missed out on some of the late night panels Saturday since I had to drive a friend home. Sunday I ended up skipping because rain & afraid of spending more money.

All in all, pretty good. It was my first anime con and basically in my backyard so I had no excuse not to go.

>> No.9031384

This was my first 3 day con and now i need more is there any other big cons like this in NC? I know about heroscon but its probly to late to get a room and friends to go with

>> No.9031390

On the scale of AZ? No. There are some good ones in Virginia, though, I think. I've heard Katsu and Anime USA are fun, but I've never been myself. I used to go to Otakon for a second con every year until my friends from other places stopped going.

>> No.9031394

The next biggest ones in NC that I can think of are Ichibancon and Hoshicon. Both are smaller than AZ even tho they're been getting bigger the past few years.

>> No.9031398

Seconding >>9031390 that Anime USA is really good and has a fantastic maid cafe. Katsu is overpriced and over hyped and had a lot of damage last year. Otakon is has high profile guests but is super packed and hot.

If you want closer, there's Anime Mid Atlantic which is smaller but in VA. There's also Ichibancon in Charlotte, NC around New Years. NC has like three or four cons but none the size of AZ.

>> No.9031401

I honestly dont think it could be, but who knows.
There were like seven other panels around that time frame as well. That anon could've also been talking about one of those overly pc panels as well.

But on a different note, i don't know if i want to host any panels next year if I'm going to be stuck in the marriott rooms again. Literally one of the worst choices staff made this year for panelists.

>> No.9031458

This was, like, the third time I went to this convention. Every time I go I am reminded why I hate these kind of conventions and events. There's too many people. And everyone is, like, really weird. To me. I'm not used to it. I'm a homebody and hate going out in general but I want to kind of hangout with people who share the same interest as me but I always end up just avoiding people, anyway, or finding a reason not to talk to anyone.

The fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.9031466


Hoshicon is probably next on the list coming in July. But last year was a clusterfuck, lmfao. More people were there than the hotel could manage. Parking was fucking terrible. Some con goer was flipping her shit because she brought a dog to the convention and everyone was petting him even though she told everyone not to. I also heard the person heading the convention was freaking out, too.

It was a full weekend. If anything, it should sate you.

>> No.9031528

they're getting a newer, bigger location this year. I think last year they just didn't expect such a high turnout. but yeah, it was defo too crowded I had to park like in the grass across the street

>> No.9031582

It's in the Westin in downtown Charlotte so there's definitely a lot more parking and a lot more food and hotel wise.

>> No.9031630

Well shit, I was looking for an excuse to visit Charlotte again. Looks to be a bit cheaper than AZ too.

>> No.9031698

>>9031384 Avoid IchibanCon and Triad. Both are run by a group who runs very mediocre cons who only choose panelist of "close friends", too crammed at their locations, same mediocre programming, etc. Plus their head gives people who kiss his ass enough a high up position who do not deserve it.

>> No.9031707

Hoshi looks to actually have VAs i want stuff signed for so thats looking good

>> No.9031711

fucking absolutely ichi/triad are usually shit storms for SURE

>> No.9031885

that wasnt the girl with the working service GR was it? if they were petting it, they're dumbasses. But i dont expect 16yr old con-goers to be cultured or well house trained anyways, but still...

>> No.9031890

social anxiety.

get out of that shell, come on! get out!

just remember, they're all there for the same reason u are. Thats the bonus of a con as opposed to some expo or fair. 100% of the population is in the same niche as u.

>> No.9031897

the one in my local town of Winston-salem has outgrown itself. It seriously needs to move next door to the convention center next yr. The dealer room line this past year extended into the convention center itself (there is a tunnel linking the center and the hotel together that runs under the street)

NC is become a nice little con state. used to be nothing between baltimore and atlanta.

>> No.9031910

Triad Anime?

>> No.9032046

you talking about triad? because triad is consistently a shit show

>> No.9032071


You're bringing a fucking furry animal to an ANIME CONVENTION. I don't know how the hell she did not see that coming. She's an idiot for even coming to the con with the dog.

>> No.9032100

After this past year, I can second avoiding Triad. The turnout gets bigger every year and for some reason it felt like they made the con site smaller. Never really any good panels, the only one I even went to last year was the kyle hebert conspiracy theory one.

>> No.9032151
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This wasn't my first con, but my first time at AZ and I enjoyed it overall. I cosplayed Stein for most of the weekend but unfortunately a strawberry ramune exploded all over my lab coat, and I've been unsuccessful in getting the stains out so I guess I'll have to make another one.

>> No.9032187

This year was my first time going to the masquerade in years. I left half way through because I got tired of the endless idol dance groups. Is that all the skits have become? Also that one land whale doing her dance on stage made me almost throw up.

>> No.9032203
File: 31 KB, 600x338, sadtaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first year back in like 5 years. Social Anxiety absolutely crippled me this year.

>Didn't even go to many panels
>Couldn't join in at MtG tables
>Didn't even get a single picture cause too afraid to ask for one

Man, I used to love going to the balls and dancing. I guess there is always next year to try again.

>> No.9032349

>>9031711 yup...I keep telling people to avoid them. Only ones who like/go to Triad are kids and Donnel's pets. Most would not bother with Ichibancon if Charlotte had a good anime convention. But yeah their cons are all the same shit show every year and neither feel any different including Colossalcon (which they also run).

>> No.9032380

Was anyone from here a part of the pre/during rave festivities on top of the parking garage saturday night? Was up there for a while and it seemed like a lot of dudes came and went.

>> No.9032458
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Dude what's up. I remember you. I was the Leon that made out with your friend

>> No.9032469

>She's an idiot for even coming to the con with the dog.
Do you not know what a service animal is? They're supposed to go everywhere with you. We had a bunch at AZ and not one complaint that I've heard of of people petting it because the con made everyone aware that you don't touch service animals. The con in question sounds like it was full of baby weebs so who can't even respect other human's personal space, much less a working animal's.

>> No.9032471

About the stains, have you tried Oxyclean? If that doesn't work then you might have to straight up bleach it.

>> No.9032562

Hoshi is usually pretty good, I think in a couple of years it'll surpass Ichi in size.

>> No.9032858

Me and my friends were at the front of the "line" and we said fuck it after seeing how long it was getting and that no one was leaving the room.

>> No.9032993


Regarding the dog iirc she got in a tizzy because someone had a "comfort animal" which isn't permitted and that person was letting people pet the comfort animal.

Lady with the service animal went on a rant on facebook talking about getting that person removed and in general being an ass... even if she had a point.

>> No.9033084

Best cosplays you saw?

>> No.9033122
File: 579 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o7ursyWbnj1qh9s5xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Omega Flowey there was amazing.

>> No.9033127

The dog was an ESA and they are permitted in hotels with specific permission from the hotel. The person with the ESA dog got permission and thus was allowed, despite it was really the best idea or not.

>> No.9033156

>"The food that was available left a lot to be desired. Chick Fil a was closed and could have set-up a portable stand outside. zPizza was grocery store quality. Kanki was undercooked. Oak City was barely passable. Subway was Subway. I heard that the Fire Wok Chinese was decent and the Shish Kabob has been good at other events. How about some food trucks?"

It's a wonder the people in charge of the feedback thread don't just get shitfaced on shots before they read this shit.

>> No.9033192

>considers Chick Fil-a good, but thinks zPizza is "grocery store quality"
I don't understand

>> No.9033198

Middle aged white dad. They had to complain about something.

>> No.9033220

I thought you were the most attractive guy at the con. You have lovely facial features.

>> No.9033248

Local yokel here, you need to go more than 2 blocks away from the convention center before you get to anything good.

That said I just stuck w/ Jimmy Johns cuz its cheap and simple.

>> No.9033440

i'm still triggered about paying $12 for a burnt Burger, fries and gateraid

>> No.9033443

The Ophelia (Fire Emblem) cosplayer was gorgeous, though her outfit was not all that accurate. Not surprising, because the actual outfit is very revealing, but a shame nonetheless.

>> No.9033446

I paid under $10 for two meats, rice, and a drink at Fire Wok.

>> No.9033449

I heard about a Quiet cosplayer getting stopped by staff multiple times for being too revealing

>> No.9033463

I paid $10 for a fucking stomach bug from a jimmy johns BLT. AZ was literally just hotel room, Anime hell, hotel room, DJ, hotel room

>> No.9033490

I saw a Poison Ivy (I think) cosplayer with literally less than a bikini's worth of clothing on, and if she didn't get stopped then I'd be surprised. Also one of those dumb KLK girls with no pantsu on with a heart over her crotch. Thankfully she shaved well.

>> No.9033498

The one with a big hat? She had a bodysuit on.

>> No.9033499

She was wearing a nude body suit under it so it didn't matter anyways.

Ahhh, do you have a pic? I missed her but Ophelia is my favorite and I'm just starting my cosplay for her

>> No.9033501
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>do you have a pic
I was hoping someone would ask, I forgot to add it to the post.

>> No.9033502

Ah, that explains it. I only saw her in passing so I glanced at the crotch because I'm a deviant.

>> No.9033517

yo the plaza cafe was fucking dope, they had some great fucking curry

>> No.9033884

At least the KLK cosplayer had the decency to wear a bodysuit.

I saw a girl briefly in the lobby whose ass was hanging out with no tights. No idea what character she was supposed to be, but it was repulsive.
I believe she was getting away with wearing it because it appeared to be a "one piece" swimsuit-like costume, but all I could think about is her sweaty, germy ass sitting on stuff and bumping into people. Very surprised she got away with that.

>> No.9034031

Hey man, you made her night

>> No.9034037

I got them out pretty good with shout. Still a couple small ones

I wish you'd approached me! I'm not shy

>> No.9034134
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I've been going since '08 and I'm not sure how I felt about this year. I co-hosted a Fruits Basket panel Friday morning that went horribly due to staff treatment. We've done this panel before a few years ago and it was the most popular panel at the con with almost 200 people attending and people standing at the door to watch and it went amazingly. However this year, we asked for a 1 hour slot on Saturday night because our previous panel was so popular. Instead they gave us a Friday morning (1pm) slot before most people are even at the con and THAT MORNING told us instead of the 1 hour, they changed it to 2 hours. So we had to very awkwardly stretch out an hour of material to 2 hours and half the room ended up leaving because it was just so hard to handle on such short notice. Along with a big chunk of it being about audience participation and maybe 3 people wanting to participate, it made it extremely difficult to get through the panel and feel good about it. It was the polar opposite of the last time we hosted this panel and I feel like staff did a horrendous job at handling fan panels this year. I've heard stories from other hosts about bad treatment and I've heard several times they're doing this on purpose because they want fan panels gone so it's more professionally focused. We still had a lot of people that really enjoyed the panel, messy as it was, so as long as we make someones con we'll live

>> No.9034221

I spent most of Saturday club hopping lol. Coglin's was pretty decent but then again I was pretty drunk. Surprised I didn't get con plague.

Only real complaints from me was the Maid Cafe wasn't good and one creep

>> No.9034233

I'm selling at Hoshi so I HOPE it's a decent weekend. Anyone going to Otakon this year? I'm going back since I had a lot of fun and with a larger group this year. Thinking about hitting up either DragonCon or Megacon next year.

I'm kinda done with anime cons in general. Ichi was meh, I stayed for a few hours and that's it. AZ might make it for next year, I did meet some cool people.

>> No.9034372

Ichi is just meh in general.

>> No.9034378

At the moment I'm planning on going to Hoshi, Otakon, and Dragoncon this year. They're about a month apart each so I don't think I'll get too burned out. Should be pretty exciting.

>> No.9034384

Nice! I was going to do Dragon this year but I know I won't have people to go with since my friends are cheap lol and Otakon will probably be their limit

>> No.9034466

already planning updates to my cosplays.

May go to Heroscon, and Hoshi before the big mother of Dragon*con.

AZ was good. I stayed busy so it went by super fast.

>> No.9034486

AZ had a lot of events this weekend and guest stuff so I think that's why stuff got switched around, plus the new rule that you have to be pre-registered to host a panel to avoid flakes. On the flip side, this means less panel submissions and so if someone doesn't show up at the con, they have to scramble to cover the time.

I know my panel was only an hour and there was a blank half hour between the end of the previous panel and mine where staff let me into the room to set up and they were super nice and asked if I wanted to go ahead and let people in when I still had about 15 minutes until my slotted time so I did and just talked to people before my panel started. Unfortunately for me I was more nervous than I thought and only had maybe ten people on a Friday evening so I ended up finishing way early but staff were fine with it.

So yeah, surprising you with two hours must've been crazy but you shouldn't have felt like you needed to stretch it out to two hours since they can't do anything about you ending early, especially when you were originally scheduled for one hour.

>> No.9034487

>Maid Cafe wasn't good
I didn't go to it again so anyone have any experiences to share? I saw maybe two maids the whole weekend and I heard last year the line was always super long to get in so I figured AZ dudes just didn't care about the quality and just wanted the experience.

If there are any AZ maids lurking, please also let me know what the requirements are to join? I'm not in the Raleigh area so I don't know if they have pre-con meets to learn dances or something but I'd love to give it a shot and I have several maid costumes so I can provide my own.

>> No.9034512

Same anon. For me, it was a bad experience because our maid (butler? I don't want to assume gender but they were dressed as a butler but seemed to be female) wasn't very good? They screwed up our tables drink orders and didn't inform us that they ran out of the tea that I and one other girl ordered until all of the other tables already had their food already. The maid left to go sort it out (or so we thought) and she just...never came back. The performance started, half of us still didn't have drinks and none of us had dessert. My friend finally just got up and grabbed two slices of cake for me and him. After the performance is almost over, another maid shows up with a tray of cake and she's apologizing for it but like by that point we were all pissed off. Not even all of us ordered cake either so it was still wrong. I had an awful time and it felt like a waste of money. Not a good experience for my first maid cafe :/

>> No.9034519

Well that sucks but I can see how it would happen since it's all volunteers and I don't think you need any waitress/waiter experience.
Personally, I've never worked in food service but I'm a clean freak and know enough about myself and my mind to write down orders instead of trying to remember them all.

>> No.9035261


Personally it was the idol groups that made me stay. So much better than the usual awkward swinging a staff around the stage or terrible voice overs.

And I was really impressed this year. I really enjoyed seeing some actual talent, and a lot of cute girls too

>> No.9035349

I agree. It can vary in price but there are a lot of good place to eat. Sadly these kids would rather dump $400 on dealers room junk and $5 Japanese sodas than get a real meal.

>> No.9035371

I wanted to take your picture, but I get nervous really easy. I was cosplaying Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers.

>> No.9035372

Did anyone go to the OreSkaBand thing? I googled a few of their songs when I read they were going to be the main musical thing but it wasn't really my kind of music. I kind of hope we get Jam Project next year or something, but nothing has really topped KOTOKO for me at Animazement as far as music goes.

>> No.9035380

I honestly forgot they were there given that their music isn't my thing either and I saw way more of the Jacabals and JTrap over the weekend.

Me being a huge fan but I'd love to see cosplayers like Reika and Hana & Baozi next year since we always have Jez Roth. I'd flip my shit if we had Hana & Baozi though.

>> No.9035439

That was my friend. She was stopped by a volunteer staffer who asked her if she had pantyhose under her pantyhose and that her cosplay wasn't family-friendly enough. The staffer let her off with a warning and I don't think she was stopped again.

>> No.9035459

Personally I didn't try to stop anyone even though I probably could have. The rules beyond "modest swimsuit" was basically these:

>no underboob
>no sideboob
>no butt hanging out
>no speedos for men
>iffy thing on junk being too obvious?

The men could get away with wearing towels to cover their skimpy bottoms and same with women. There wasn't an actual rule about men wearing dance belts but there was a lot of talk about junk being too obvious in tight outfits so I think if that had been an issue they would've been at least asked to put a towel on to cover up.

But yeah, I'm not sure what you mean by volunteer staff since we're all volunteers but I'm guessing you mean the yellow vests? They're not staff at all but hourly volunteers and they tend to be the ones that'll powertrip or being the most random about allowing/refusing something where as staff have all been told ahead of time what is and isn't allowed and generally know more about a situation. I actually only met one volunteer the entire con so I can't speak about how they were but I know last year I had a lot of issues with volunteers and pretty much resolved this year to have nothing to do with them.

>> No.9035470

Anyone see the Boobies (Space Dandy) waitress cosplay walking around? She had a heart hole on her booty shorts and every time she bent over you could see her butthole.

>> No.9035472
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Expanding on this for a minute because hey being anonymous means I can because anywhere else it's against the rules to complain about attendees in case it hurts feelings.

On one hand, thank all of you for being so good about not getting in the planting areas outside the RCC from what I saw but I did see some idiots leaning over the fencing and then acting annoyed when staffers told them off for doing it. No joke, if you had gone over the fence we were told to snatch you badges right then and there, no questions asked so we were doing you a favor telling you off.

Also I know people wanna have a good time and have fun and some staff/volunteers will powertrip but usually if staff tell you not to do something or to quit doing something, it's for a reason. I saw two little teen brats sitting on the ledges by the escalator and kept slipping down from them and then hopping back up and one of them then hopped up onto the escalator handrail to try and ride it down. I told them off and apparently one of them gave me the finger behind my back. I could've snatched their badges instead of warning them to stop because I told them they could lose their badges if they did it again. Don't be a dick if staff gets on your case, especially to that level. It's easier to just nod and then go to another area than try and piss us off because you're annoyed at being called out unless you're seriously not doing anything wrong.

And if you see any shit kids being little shits, grab a staffer. Or if you're being harassed anywhere in the con since I know on FB there were reports of that but no one alerted staff or security to it all weekend. If a volunteer is powetripping or doing something they're not supposed to, get staff.

Just get staff instead of complaining about it later please.

>> No.9035495

I had no issues with staff and thought you guys did a great job. I think I was told once not to sit on the stairs and I didn't bitch because I knew I was blocking and that the staffer was only doing their job. Plus, he was super cool about it and even chatted with me about my cosplay. I think most of the people that get butthurt are the ones that KNOW they're doing things that are against the rules and are just pissed about getting caught

>> No.9035512

I went and enjoyed the music a lot even though I'm not a ska person, it's always more enjoyable imo to see live acts because you can see the energy behind their performance.

They just need to push the performance to a different day and later in the day cause the crowd was pretty small. I felt bad for the group since they came all the way from japan and got a small crowd.

>> No.9035513


No, I def feel you as a staffer of another con and someone that has several friends as AZ staffers. It was someone in a yellow vest. From my experience working with volunteers (which is the catch-all term I use for people who aren't full-time staff for a con), have more of a likelihood to go on a power trip. She was definitely following the guidelines so I think it was more of an issue of a volunteer jumping the gun.

I had no issues with staff other than this though. In fact, I think you all are great and some of my favorite con staff in the southeast.

>> No.9035559

Anyone have any con creep stories? I feel like I've been seeing quite a few compared to other cons that I've been to.

>> No.9035584

I didn't really see any creepy folk, just talked with some younger kids that were either super-contrarian or had something obviously wrong with them.

>> No.9035603

Aww thank you guys! Yeah, volunteers for the con can be really iffy since they just walk right up and put on a vest so you never know who you're going to get but most of the time when I saw them they were guarding rooms that weren't open yet. Staff seemed to cover everything else since there's so many of us. All I can suggest is that if someone in a yellow vest bothers you, go straight up to Con Ops because their handler is up there and they can take care of it. Not all volunteers are going to get a swelled head but some do think putting on the vest means they can start enforcing ALL THE RULES instead of just the task they're assigned which in my experience is just holding line signs and guarding rooms and running errands.
I think it's getting so many issues because people are catching on to the fact that they can get free badges from it and I have seen some comments on FB talking about "Oh you can get free food and a free room from volunteering!" when that's not really true. They don't give that out for hourly volunteers and to get that you have to have volunteered for a few years and then get officially taken into staff by a department.
But yeah, it's not the first time I've heard complaints about the hourly volunteers this year with them saying one thing to one person and then nothing to another because they're just going off what they were told in five minutes or less without really getting an explanation other that "Go do this and look for this" without attending the pre-con meetings where all this was drilled into your head for a few hours.

>> No.9035618

Same anon. I got a few creeps but nothing that was really awful. one guy was pestering me but I kinda felt like maybe he had some issues or something? Then again, he could've just been way too eager to talk to someone

>> No.9035623

At least it wasn't the uber weird guy that ragequit AZ. The one that shitty cosplayed Kuzco a lot and his Hetalia OC Quebec? He spent 10 minutes following after me trying to talk about his book he wrote one year.

>> No.9035633

Oh yikes! This was my first year so I'm not too familiar with any of the regular cosplayers that go

>> No.9035646

She probably knew.

>> No.9035659

He went to a lot of cons on the East Coast I think and sold in either Artist Alley or the Dealers Room trying to push his books on people. Can't remember his name for the life of me though. Anyone know?

>> No.9035727

my email is calebw391@gmail.com if you want to get in touch, I saw a couple of Tinas,.

>> No.9035738

I had one creep with a big camera lens following me around and very obviously taking photos of my ass.

>> No.9035882

>some younger kids that were either super-contrarian or had something obviously wrong with them.

OK, so I'm the Stein cosplayer that posted a selfie above. After my jacket had the soda spew on it (got the stains on, for the record) I ran into this group of Soul Eater cosplayers sitting in one of those little window sills. I was like "Aw man, my cosplay got ruined and had to take it off! I was Stein, we could've taken pictures!" and all 3 of them just stared at me slack-jawed. I walked by in the opposite direction later and the girl cosplaying Soul was struggling to get back in her spot, so I cupped my hands and told her to step on them for leverage and she ran around me and screamed "NO TOUCHING!" as if I'd grabbed her or something.

Earlier that day I ran into an Eruka and she acted super fucking timid when I approached so I left her alone. She explained on Instagram that she was just acting in character, but I'm seriously just starting to consider that the Soul Eater fandom might be retarded.

>> No.9035894

>but I'm seriously just starting to consider that the Soul Eater fandom might be retarded.
This is a coin flip for anime fans in general.

>> No.9036145

I've been a huge fan of them for over a decade, and am super into ska so they were definitely the highlight of the con for me. They were super sweet and excited to be there and just seemed really happy to be performing, even if they didn't draw the biggest crowd. I'm pretty pissed at myself for missing the Q &A on Saturday.

>> No.9036148

I actually saw you! I was sitting at a table near you and we kept making awkward eye contact so I apologize lol. (you might not even remember honestly)

But yeah, I noticed that a lot of the Soul Eater cosplayers were kinda odd? I dressed as Maka two years ago at AnimeNEXT and all the Soul Eater cosplayers there were friendly and approachable and really chill. Got a lot of cool photos. My cosplay was awful though so I don't wear it anymore.

>> No.9037047

Before this thread dies for good, jsut gonna drop that you guys can search North Carolina Anime Community on Facebook if you'd like to join a new group. A little under 600 members currently.

>> No.9037655

Would it be racist to go as Tpain next year?

>> No.9037669

only if you're in blackface

>> No.9037671

Nah, just dressing up as him. and maybe an auto tuner or something.

>> No.9037673

that's totally fine then! people dress as celebrities all the time, I don't see why it would be a problem

>> No.9037681

Awesome! Thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.9038136

Did anyone see the Liz and Patty with the ridiculous waist?

>> No.9038156

The two really tall ones?

>> No.9039228 [DELETED] 

Well have you heard of this monster girl game made by the same people? (Torotoro I mean.)


>> No.9039476

Does anyone plan on doing Hoshicon? I'd be down with a meetup.

>> No.9039518

Ill be going, im down for meeting up and getting shitfaced.

>> No.9039627

>getting shitfaced
my dude

>> No.9039822
File: 45 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man AZ was terrible this year.
Everything leading up to it went swimmingly, then the whole time i was there was drama left and righg and holy shit I had no idea Raleigh was full of so many fucking crybabies who cant take any responsibily for their actions and demand others respect for their needs. Like holy fucking shit yo. Entitlement out the ass like woah.

Hell go look at the animazement page on facebook right now, some kid had a panic attack and instead of just not saying anything shes begging for picture editing or removal and like, honey when its on the net its there 5ever. No matter the edits or remvovals her little shit show is there forever, and now she called attention to it so people are looking and theyre gonna trash her.

Im all for being nice to people, but then they feel a demand for the kindness and that will make me nasty AF.

>> No.9040271

Who is it?

>> No.9040362

I'm moving to Charlotte soon and saw Hoshicon. Is it any good (I've only been to A-kon, Anime Fest, and Ikkicon all in Texas) ? What are the best cons in North Carolina?

>> No.9040378

Not sure, I've never been out to Hoshicon.

>> No.9040619

What in the hell are you talking about?

>> No.9040625

I've only ever been to Animazement within NC but from what I hear Heroescon (comic book oriented) is good, Hoshicon is good, and Ichibancon is tiny and filled with tweens.

>> No.9040666
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>> No.9040678

A girl posted in the AZ group last night announcing to everyone she had a panic attack at the con and wanted everyone to check their photos to see if she was in the background of any of them while she was having said attack. She wanted any photos caught of her destroyed because of how embarrassing it was to her.

When people tried to tell her how unlikely it was for a photo to have her in the background at that exact time, she flipped and got pissed. And then white knights galore. The comment thread was deleted in mere hours.

>> No.9040689 [DELETED] 

Link to the specific Facebook drama or screen cap

>> No.9040712

Jeez that really is ridiculous.

>> No.9040836

I miss all the fun.

>> No.9041019
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I managed to catch this though
just why

>> No.9041027
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>mfw I didn't even post in that but ZS sent me a friend request
Dodged a bullet there.

>> No.9041286
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The best con is Animazement. Then comes HeroesCon (June 17-19), which is a true comic convention. The rest of the cons in North Carolina no comparison to what you been too, they are all much smaller events.

Hoshicon is blah. Last two years it was at a ridiculously small hotel out near the airport with nothing around it to either eat or even park your car. Hopefully it will improve this year being in the Westin, which is a very large hotel in Uptown Charlotte; lots of food choices nearby and parking/transit options.

>> No.9041311

How's NC Comicon? I went to Oak City Comicon and I really liked it.

>> No.9041408

>How's NC Comicon? I went to Oak City Comicon and I really liked it.

If you enjoyed Oak City Comicon, then NC Comicon is up your alley. It's longer, larger and ran by the same people.

>> No.9041435

>fucking conga lines

I hate that shit, too. I've nearly been bowled over by a line of spazzy autists more times than I can count.

>> No.9041436

Thanks for the tips Anon. I'll give Hoshicon a go since it's local and wait for the next Animazement.

>> No.9041470

>Ichibancon is tiny and filled with tweens

Tweens, sure, but Ichi is actually crowded as fuck now.

>> No.9041585

I wasn't impressed with the masq this year. Especially with the "best in show" skit? To me a BiS should be top notch skit, audio and craftsmanship. And if you're close enough to the organizers that you're performing twice or more before AND after, then you shouldn't be competing to begin with.

>> No.9042137

Hoshicon is the SHIT my dude.

>> No.9043011

Yeah I agree I think it's sketchy. The Miku is a good dancer but is competing AND performing as a guest act really necessary? Not to mention compared to her dance from last year, this one wasn't nearly as good.

The guys she had with her were better performers than she was, as far as I'm concerned.

I think one of the idol dance groups should have won best in show

>> No.9047075
File: 33 KB, 494x514, fb waht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jESUS the con was like two weeks ago, let it go

>> No.9047077

That Facebook group is the cringiest con group I've ever seen

>> No.9047503

That's pretty fucking disgusting

>> No.9047760

and her "costume" was a tank top and panties. No dance tights, and you could see her bra through the top. Really not great.

Same with the other 2 vocaloid cosplayers who performed before, after and during that won for their skit.

>> No.9047955

>almost forgot
No doubt she would have worn it through graduation if someone in her family hadn't fussed.

>> No.9048242
File: 284 KB, 1197x1243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot glue girl's saga continues

>> No.9048247

1. Why would they share this?
2. Why would someone not sharing your feelings reflect on the con?

Either way, good riddance. No one wanted them in the first place.

>> No.9048252
File: 16 KB, 358x310, 2116054-1445784070554-forty_oras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either way, good riddance. No one wanted them in the first place.

>> No.9048271
File: 35 KB, 526x526, 13327414_1291958767499152_8637855186592876636_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find her post so I checked her profile and..

>> No.9048274

>I'm a tool
Understatement of the year.
It's never a good idea to try to indebt someone of their affection by buying them shit. Wtf.

>> No.9048281

have you seen her instagram? I almost feel bad for following her but there's too much gold
"I bought you things so now you're obligated to like me!"

>> No.9048614

Her grammar gave me cancer

>> No.9048795

yeah seriously that one girl in particular (idk vocaloids but not the green haired one) really needed some dance tights over her legs and butt. it was unpleasant and then they wore them the next day too so i had to witness it a second time

>> No.9049993

her dumbass is the one that bought the ticket? like don't buy shit for people just because you think it's gonna make them want to fuck you that's her OWN fault

>> No.9050158


Ladies and gents, may I present the less common but just as cringey girl version of the friendzone.

>> No.9050496


>> No.9050504

Ichiban has gotten a lot better, but it still is filled with Steven Universe and Undertale...and still homestuck..

>> No.9050747

Hey so, I thought the rave was all right. I think my favorite part was the light show, but it needed more related music don't you guys think?

I was thinking to maybe suggest them hiring a dj that specifically does this type of music.

>> No.9050834

Pretty much this. It's embarrassing to read that someone thinks they're obligated to get romantic/sexual affections from a person by buying them things, probably without even asking the person first. Because I doubt the person in question flirted with the expectation of getting things, they were just offered to them like any friend would.

>Do you want to come with me to Animazement? I can get you a ticket.
>Hey, you like this series, don't you? I got it for you.

It's ridiculously petty to (I assume) post this on the convention FB group. This is the sort of thing you keep to your own personal page, not do publicly but then again the FB group inflated her ego with all her other victim posts about "Waaah they insulted my cosplay!"

It's just like Asherbee all over again that one year she decided to come to AZ and then got negative comments on /cgl/ and decided to whine on the group about it and refused to come because "Someone said they'd push me into the fountain if they saw me!"