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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 500x750, tumblr_o1klhttEGP1ujjt1yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9015919 No.9015919 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get it deleted this time edition
Shop list: http://fymenhera.tumblr.com/shops
General overview: http://fymenhera.tumblr.com/info
How not to do a coord: http://fymenhera.tumblr.com/post/144540469037/how-to-not-do-a-coord

>> No.9015933 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 250x389, goods-00028416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at the archives, and did the last hread get nuked just because of some shitposts?

>> No.9015951 [DELETED] 

It's amusing how easily people in these threads get baited to go along with HWC.

Because of her shitposting and the retards who keep responding to her.

>> No.9015966
File: 102 KB, 600x800, Ci_F8tDUgAAv2LJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty tame in comparison to other threads tho that didn't get deleted.

>> No.9015975
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>> No.9015977
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>> No.9015978
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>> No.9015982
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>> No.9016009

I really didn't want to for the sake of my wallet but I've been lurking these threads and as corny as it is.. think I'm getting into it. A lot.
I've read some of the reasons for menhera and think it would be a good coping thing for my issues, that would be cute and stylish and make me feel good. I'm excited.

>> No.9016015
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Sorry, forgot to contribute. Pretend my little spiel made sense, also.

>> No.9016054 [DELETED] 


>> No.9016056 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9016062 [DELETED] 

a notorious shitposter on this board who recently has started becoming triggered about menhera

>> No.9016087
File: 108 KB, 570x853, il_570xN.967385734_osgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loove menhera, and especially the silhouette of oversized t shirt over a short skirt & thigh highs, but the only really nice menhera shirts i can ever find have japanese writing on them.
as a really really white motherfucker who speaks zero japanese, it makes me feel 1. like an idiot for wearing a shirt i cant even read 2. like a weeb 3. kinda racist for using someone else's language just as an aesthetic thing

>> No.9016091

It's fine, it doesn't make you a weeaboo or racist. Think of those Superdry clothes, ask anyone who's wearing one of those what the Japanese writing says and I bet they can't even read the 'shinasai' part.

>> No.9016116
File: 56 KB, 700x700, TB2Ej7OlVXXXXb1XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!50852803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most shops state what is written on the shirt anyways and in the worst case you can ask here.

>> No.9016277
File: 211 KB, 600x880, ORGAN_GIRLS_T-shirt_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i adore omocat's stuff, way too expensive so i'll probably never buy any, but a couple things theyve got now seem very menhera if coorded well
pic related, plus these

>> No.9016287

Personally I'd be more weirded out by wearing things with the star of David on them. It's on about the same level of wearing crosses but not everyone is bothered about it.
If you want to feel like less of a weeb wearing shirts with random Japanese on it just consider the fact that Asians will also wear shirts with English/French on them without understanding the language.

>> No.9016302
File: 52 KB, 498x650, 9480f8fce677026b4a66a2f4b8ab30a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I'd be more weirded out by wearing things with the star of David on them.
Especially awkward considering the history of them being used in clothing, haha.

That's also true about the English and French. Hell, people in English-speaking countries even wear shirts with random English on them, look at young girl's clothing like Hollister or American Eagle that just say random things like "Believe".

>> No.9016406

Is Zombie Unicorn Jewelry decent quality? I like a few of their things but unsure if I should purchase.

>> No.9016442

I have a few pairs of her pill earrings and they're okay. Not super amazing or anything but I don't regret buying them.

>> No.9016461

I own a lot of her pieces. Really like them, her horns are particularly really good

>> No.9016844
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>> No.9016845
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Sex Pot just got them in stock.

>> No.9016964

No, her jewelry looks like shit from her photos. Also her designs are tacky

>> No.9017479
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1463010534512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the source for these?

I've already spent a good amount on menhera merch and I don't regret it yet, so.

It's okay. Like the other anon, I don't regret buying them. >>9016964 hasn't even bought anything, so don't take them seriously.

>> No.9017503

It's okay. I've bought earrings, a badge, horns and a ring. I've had to glue the ring back together quite many times

>> No.9017518
File: 44 KB, 600x600, Cib06A6U4AEQlOi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are by sucredoll.theshop.jp (with a black version coming soon), they used to make original designs only but are mostly a Taobao reseller now.

>> No.9017564

Thanks anon! Wow, no kidding. And the only item I wanted was sold out :( maybe I can get the black instead.

>> No.9017841

There was a kemomimi suit maker who had really cute masks. I can't remember her name, but she also had a cyclops kigu similar to that one. Anyone have the name of get pixiv booth? Or know if she still sells those masks?

>> No.9018241

Are there any menhera or gurokawa bands/performers?

>> No.9018295
File: 76 KB, 600x800, Ci8LHBrUoAE6_ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Ozawa Dango as she is the only one doing cyclops kigs, she only sells her heads at conventions.
http://www.homicidols.com/ is delicated to that kind of idol groups.

>> No.9018320
File: 87 KB, 615x972, f0558a3a7ee7a644ae07e05d34b64c7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean whoever this is. She goes by qiqi, I think? She had a pixiv booth with a lot of interesting masks (the ones you use when you're sick), but I can't find the link anymore. She makes fursuits and one of her suits is a cyclops, unless this is the same person, in which case excuse my faggotry.

>> No.9018724 [DELETED] 

sort of off topic but interesting, I'm doing research on schizophrenia at the moment and a lot of the articles and contributors to articles are Japanese.

>> No.9018735

you're right about that being off topic but not about it being interesting.

>> No.9018780

I have a mighty need.

>> No.9018862

Yes but she bought the cyclops mask off of Ozawa.

>> No.9018904
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>> No.9018910
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Thank you so so much, anon! Sorry I was being so vague. H-here's a picture for your trouble.

>> No.9019502

Oh God this is going to sound terrible, especially because I'm Jewish and have family members who are holocaust survivors, but a holocaust menhara outfit is something I can easily picture
>Black and white striped
>yellow star accessories
>contouring sharp cheakbones
>ashen makeup

I must be mentally ill to be thinking like this

>> No.9019672

Yeah, that's a little fucked.

Can't say I didn't think of a noose-based coord though....

...I need to stop.

>> No.9019804
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>> No.9019852
File: 103 KB, 600x756, 433bccca-4606-4e65-a379-411fb78606c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seen a lot of shirts on ttrinity with nooses and even pic related on this post >>9018910 have two girls being hanged so it's not bad really but it should be done in a tasteful matter I guess. But might as well have fun with it.

Anyone have any hair inspo? I have a hime cut but want to see what other type of bangs and style I can get that would look good for menhera.

>> No.9019860
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>> No.9019865
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>> No.9019866
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>> No.9020057

I think I've seen these socks on taobao/AE before but I didn't bookmark it. Anyone know what search term to try? Tattoo tights isn't bringing up much. I'm gonna ask in the taobao thread too

>> No.9020231
File: 73 KB, 360x600, tumblr_nxv87f61Wv1ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You find them while searching for "Japan Pill" 药丸日本tattoo.

Sakanako wears nooses around her neck for some of her outfits (pic related). I don't get why you say it should be tasteful tho, Menhera isn't that in the first place with all the kawaii self-harming girls considering that it is about issues getting hidden behind the surface of kawaii culture.

>> No.9020239

>hair inspo
For that, you may have a look at https://twitter.com/candyesyrup considering the shop part of their salon is THE hotspot for goods by Menhera indie artists.

>> No.9020369

That noose looks really bad. I love menhera and I know that it's about mental health and stuff, but for me I guess there's a difference between wearing something that has a print of something and actually wearing the object?
I guess I just think that the noose is just very over the top and attention-grabby for what is meant to be a casual style. I don't know, it just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.9020376

I think it's kind of cute to be honest. And it looks more just just bondage rope around her neck rather than a noose.

>> No.9020406

I think it would look better if it was worn like a bondage rope, like a harness but it doesnt look that bad imho

>> No.9020413

>has a print of something and actually wearing the object?
By your logic, nobody should be wearing syringes and pills either. Also, Sakanako is one of the founders of the Menhera Exhibition committee and Kuua Oyasumi's art sempai, she knows what she is doing and if it rubs you the wrong way, Menhera obviously isn't for you.

>> No.9020431
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>> No.9020479
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>> No.9020537
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>> No.9022610
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>> No.9023782

This thread is way slower than usual.

>> No.9023784
File: 412 KB, 1000x1500, f083893f-1cb7-4f40-82e7-565c183ace9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you contribute, then?

>> No.9023971
File: 137 KB, 500x495, 1462805166301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting images, but I mostly have things that were already posted.

>> No.9023974
File: 239 KB, 606x863, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So just like every menhera thread ever?

>> No.9023980

How is that menhera? That leans more towards guro. Menhera deals with stuff like self harm/medical cute.

>> No.9024035

any taobao store for this?

>> No.9024045

sauce on backpack?

>> No.9024086

lurk more newfag

>> No.9024110

It may just be my family, but the holocaust is treated like a kind of obsession? I know it's a traumatic and defining event in our history but it's like a hereditary mental scarring
>Find new distant family members?
>Talk about the holocaust
>Political discussions?
>End up talking about the holocaust
>It's brought up somehow in about 70% of family events.
So for me it does feel like a kind of mental illness of sorts

>> No.9024183

>to me

yeah, this is exactly my point. it's your opinion. not something that's actually menhera.

>> No.9024265

http://stores.ebay.com/Mystere-Wonderland just got uite a bunch of Junji Ito tees.

>> No.9024270
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>> No.9024808
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>> No.9025215

I made the tutorials in 2011 so YOU (the actual newfag) can buy in taobao and post it here. I'm not sure why do you think that not knowing any store that sell menhera (mostly because there is not translation to chinese ) transform you in a newfag. So , fuck you.

>> No.9025218

calm down newfag

>> No.9025274
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x571, Hero_Lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh it's okay.
Let's get back on topic ok?
Has anyone tried to make a menhera lolita coord with this dress? (Before someone asks it's BunnyandBlack's 'Nurse'.)

>> No.9025294

Hardly anyone got the dress in the first place.

>> No.9025297


>> No.9025969

Well, if you weren't a newfag, you would have checked the archived threads and seen that people ask that question like ever single thread

>> No.9026727
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>> No.9026757

Which is even funnier when you realise it's an English brand and the Japanese text reads something like "really not wet".

>> No.9026862

What's the kanji on the bottom left necklaces?

>> No.9026869

"Doku", which means poison.

>> No.9027045
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>> No.9027048
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>> No.9027053
File: 225 KB, 1500x750, Kimono-Edge-of-Darkness-2013-06-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9027055
File: 375 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2014-03-09-012-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9027059
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>> No.9027062
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>> No.9027064
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>> No.9027067
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>> No.9027069
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>> No.9027771
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The Hell Babies book is great and smells like delicious plastic

>> No.9027853

I thought they were fucking rereleasing this. God dammit, I just want my creepy kitschy lolita dress.

>> No.9027900

me too anon.. it's pretty cute. Not sure why other gulls hate it so.

>> No.9028140
File: 147 KB, 400x400, tumblr_o1oo03rS491ujjt1yo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already did last year as fugly casual dress that nobody bought.

>> No.9028149

And the extra fugly new colorway was in their store in January
Should be mentioned that the shop is pretty much dead, they only sell premades these days and don't bother to notify people via their newsletter about rereleases.

>> No.9028498

I love how they sell all this ugly shit and refuse to sell the ONE item people actually want.

>> No.9028502

They don't because nobody did buy the ugly redesign.

>> No.9028504

>sell super popular dress
>continue to promise re-release
>release ugly redesign that didnt sell
>refuse to sell original popular design

Are all designers this retarded?

>> No.9028669

Oh god. I saw that hideous colorway on their Tumblr but didn't realize that design was the rerelease. That's disappointing. They made it shittier.

>> No.9028710
File: 140 KB, 718x960, 12074690_915858408486306_3947165696165693150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pictures of it worn are absolutely dreadful.
>here's the print you know and love
>but now, in a saggy ballsack cut that will look like shit on EVERY body type!

>> No.9028916

Its probably because that shit is easier and faster to make than a real dress.
But lord, those are so bad? Like if they were an underbust thing worn with a blouse, it would be cute.

>> No.9028987

Those girls look absolutely disgusting

>> No.9030566

when did tumblr invade cgl? seriouly though, the only people who care about westerners "appropriating" japanese culture is westerners.

>> No.9030594

ok faggot

>> No.9030663

Ugh. I thought they were suspender skirts from the initial photos.

>> No.9030711

I know. i wonder if they could be worn like that if you really tried?

>> No.9030716
File: 118 KB, 620x620, 76134ab7-1067-4eda-956d-bcd1ac2d81f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these, but I don't believe the artist is selling them anymore.

>> No.9030895 [DELETED] 

She moved her shop to http://hakuchum.tokyo/

>> No.9030901


>> No.9030905

Too bad Pixiv Factory doesn't ship international, they have an option for printing thights with them.

>> No.9032117
File: 205 KB, 535x535, fbcd6e6fee370ebd8ba5f2af6e5b3c95987c83d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on minne and thought of you guys


>> No.9032121

for all your nevada-tan inspired coords

>> No.9032467
File: 3.09 MB, 4128x2322, 1464706042688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to practice beading and decided to make a little patch for a friend. I figured it might be appreciated here.

>> No.9032492

it's shittily done desu.

>> No.9032498
File: 110 KB, 600x800, CjxseB3UgAAKV6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9032520 [DELETED] 

Is gurokawa same with creepy cute?

>> No.9032525 [DELETED] 

lurk more.

>> No.9032527 [DELETED] 

putting in a potato may help with your extra salt

>> No.9032529 [DELETED] 

>newfag who clearly doesn't know anything about jfashion told to lurk more


>> No.9032532 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 600x802, 1460122070181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032536 [DELETED] 

you don't have to become aggressive if you dont know the answer for a question, anon. does your inferiority complex help with coording menhera?

>> No.9032540 [DELETED] 

but literally anyone who has lurked knows what gurokawa is

>telling someone to lurk more

this has to be b8.

>> No.9032550 [DELETED] 

I've been lurking since last November and I don't know if there is a difference between them, proving you wrong. Thank you.

>> No.9032555 [DELETED] 

well I don't know what to tell you other than you might be literally retarded.

>> No.9032559 [DELETED] 

>calls someone retarded
>unable to give a simple yes or no answer and starts this retarded argument instead

>> No.9032560 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9032561 [DELETED] 

That gave me a good giggle.

>since last November and I don't know if there is a difference between them, proving you wrong

You sound pretty proud of being that stupid. Maybe its just not for you.

>> No.9032564 [DELETED] 

I googled it my dear watson. There wasn't any satisfying results that's why I asked here. Seems like you have no idea either though.

>> No.9032566 [DELETED] 

I wasn't expecting trips with it, but I'm glad it happened

I'm not giving you an answer because you could have googled this and gotten your answer instead of embarrassing yourself like you are

>> No.9032569 [DELETED] 

>I'm retarded
>so others must be just as retarded


not my fault you can't even use google right

>> No.9032570 [DELETED] 

Really is it so hard of a question that anybody has no idea? I thought people here liked fashion kek

>> No.9032573 [DELETED] 

Are you able to read? >>9032564

>> No.9032575 [DELETED] 

>not looking at the posting time

that settles it, you're actually retarded

>> No.9032576 [DELETED] 

>posting before getting an answer

you don't have to be this enthusiastic about being salty anon

>> No.9032577 [DELETED] 

>you don't have multiple people telling you you're an idiot

>> No.9032579 [DELETED] 

You do realize there are a few people saying you're new and need to lurk more right?

>> No.9032582 [DELETED] 

There is nothing wrong with posting times though? Do you have a slow connection or something?

>> No.9032584 [DELETED] 

you realize I posted only half of the replies here right

>> No.9032585 [DELETED] 

They are 8 seconds apart, clearly anon hasn't refreshed the page when posting.

>> No.9032588 [DELETED] 

Well replies generally appear without requiring me to refresh so idk

>> No.9032589 [DELETED] 


>> No.9032593

Some say gurokawa is Japanese for creepycute and some say they are different and creepycute is some tumblrshit, I remember gulls fighting over this multiple times. Don't mind other anons desu. I don't think anything wrong with your question.

>> No.9032594 [DELETED] 

>spoon feeding summer

You should be culled.

>> No.9032597 [DELETED] 

so witty >>9032550

I remember same thing but honestly i wasnt frequent on menhera threads before

>> No.9032602 [DELETED] 

We must protect our reputation for being salty eh? God sometimes I believe every person here is a mentally unstable jealous bitch.

>> No.9032604 [DELETED] 

>every person

so you included.

>> No.9032606 [DELETED] 


Why would anon be jealous of not knowing what gurokawa is?

>> No.9032612 [DELETED] 

I have my part of jealousy and I do not deny it.
Jealousy doesn't necessarily have much about this topic. Saltiness, on the other hand, has a lot.

>> No.9032777 [DELETED] 

calm down.

>> No.9032954

Just google "グロかわ" and all your questions answer themself.

>> No.9033482 [DELETED] 

Dude... Not everyone knows japanese...

>> No.9033497 [DELETED] 

no, but everyone should know how to google.

>> No.9033506

What would you guys think of a sort of casual menhera coord? not so much of a coord as it would be an edgy normie outfit but i feel like it'd be really cute. I love the style of menhera but I feel like a lot of the j-fashion elements don't work for my body type or practical purposes
for reference: i'm 5'2" and pretty busty (34DDD) so it's hard for me to pull off the boxy silhouette without looking tubby (which i am not)
>fitted menhera-style t-shirt
>destroyed black shorts
>thigh highs and black oxfords
>maybe some subtle accessories like choker, earrings, bracelet
>appropriately sickly cute makeup
does this count as menhera or would it be more "menhera inspired"? i'm thinking i'd go for a more dark color scheme what with the shirt/thigh highs/accessories, like reds and blacks

>> No.9033509 [DELETED] 

>ribcage is 34 inches
>not chubby


>> No.9033527 [DELETED] 

well if you want to look at it like that, it's 32DDDD but that's not a size that's easy to find

>> No.9033529 [DELETED] 

No, at that point it becomes E. Do you not know how bra sizes work?

>> No.9033531 [DELETED] 

She's too busy stuffing her face to realize you don't just keep adding Ds to bra sizes.

>> No.9033533 [DELETED] 


>> No.9033539 [DELETED] 

Wow. Over half this thread is just autistic children arguing back and forth.

>> No.9033540 [DELETED] 

yeah well american bra sizing isn't consistent with where they draw the E line. some places call a DDD an E
my point still stands that it's easier to find 34 triple than a 32E/F
you people are just catty and mean for no reason :(

>> No.9033546 [DELETED] 

my point still stands that if you can wear that band width and have it not be somewhat loose you can stand to sweat off a few pounds and your height.

I'm 5'6" and my bra size hasn't ever gone above 32(and that was before I lost weight). I don't know what the fuck you're doing at your height that you can wear a 34.

>hurr u r mean :(

welcome to 4chan

>> No.9033562 [DELETED] 

>hurr welcome to 4chan
alright edgelord, i asked about an outfit idea and instead got called fat over my bra's band size.
i'm 130 lbs on a good day, yes i could stand to sweat off about 10 pounds
have you maybe considered that other girls have different skeletal structures? not only that but bra sizing and whether or not one fits isn't always exclusively "oh your rib cage is x size so that has to be your band size 100% of the time", there's more leeway the larger your chest is because the band will sit differently on you than someone smaller
jesus, what a way to ruin someone's mood

>> No.9033567 [DELETED] 

>said you weren't fat
>now backtracking saying you could lose 10 pounds cause you're fat
>this mad

I did a good job

>> No.9033572 [DELETED] 

>being able to lose 10 lbs = fat
yes i'm this mad
i am extremely fucking mad
there was no backtrack
kill you're self

>> No.9033577 [DELETED] 

Anon, it's time to stop posting.

>> No.9033579 [DELETED] 

How about we stop shitposting?

>> No.9033581 [DELETED] 

i am livid

>> No.9033582 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 500x434, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>able to loose 10 pounds and be a healthy weight
>not fat


>kill you are self


>> No.9033583 [DELETED] 

>kill you're self
I see you've let all that fat suffocate your brain.

>> No.9033589 [DELETED] 

spat out my ginger tea laughing

>> No.9033593 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 400x308, 1426247673394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill you're selves both.

>> No.9033595 [DELETED] 

according to the BMI calculator you are very close to being undeniably overweight. anon, I'm 5'6" and you weigh 23 pounds more than I do. how does that make you feel?

>> No.9033600 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 500x321, 1431401282014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9033607

Don't get angry, it's just /cgl/ being assholes. Don't take it seriously, I'm sure you're a cute chub. If it makes you feel any better, I'm 126 at 5'4", so I'm also petty chubby.

I think menhera isn't so much a full sub style as much as it is an element itself (but I might be wrong, so maybe others will comment). So your outfit does sound menhera, though subtle than many of the examples I've seen throughout the last few threads. It sounds cute. I say go for it.

>> No.9033612 [DELETED] 

you should lose weight too, your tits will start to point towards the ground and look like an old ladies

>> No.9033613 [DELETED] 

"there is no such thing as a different body type"
look i'm already triggered and ashamed that i even took the bait buddy
i'm mad as fuck
your work is done, go home

>> No.9033616 [DELETED] 

>body type accounts for you being fat as sin

kek. I guess it's hard to form an argument between gobbling down bigmacs

>> No.9033621

thank you for the actual response!
subtlety was what i was going for, i'm not sure i trust myself to bring on the theme strong without being tacky about it. i agree about the element, i think, but it's pretty strongly defined in what it is and isn't

>> No.9033624 [DELETED] 

you already have the mental illness part down pat with your obvious binge eating disorder so it works out great, huh fatty patty?

>> No.9033631 [DELETED] 
File: 3.23 MB, 445x247, laughinggirls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9033633 [DELETED] 

shut up, skinny maroney.
pic related. your face

>> No.9033636 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 259x195, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9033640 [DELETED] 

>too retarded to attach a pic without fucking up

I guess this explains why you don't understand caloric intake either right? had a stroke from all that fast food and now you're literally retarded?

>> No.9033641
File: 186 KB, 892x1280, 1463535249538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray never.

I understand! I think early on, you should definitely start subtle until you're more comfortable with it and see how those around you react.

>> No.9033643 [DELETED] 

it's gonna happen if you keep shoveling food into your fat fuck face

>> No.9033662
File: 83 KB, 400x400, tumblr_o7dnz5uxx81ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casual menhera coord
you do know this is a casual fashion right?

>> No.9033668 [DELETED] 

clearly she doesn't know that, or how to eat properly

>> No.9033669 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 640x508, 37ef1cf257f1565179cee612574eece8b3d39291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9033678 [DELETED] 

this would be perfect for fatty-chan so she stuffs her face with something other than food

>> No.9033682
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, failgun5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anon, please.

>> No.9033687

I wanna see an OTT menhera coord. What would that sucker look like?

>> No.9033696
File: 71 KB, 400x533, tumblr_o5mvcwtDjY1ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce on this shirt?

>> No.9033700

I have this book and can confirm - smells like delicious plastic

>> No.9033751
File: 132 KB, 1200x797, tumblr_o3491k20iV1ujjt1yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the outfits where actual medical clothes are worn count as that, nurse ones seem common.

>> No.9033772
File: 149 KB, 600x800, CNtmtZeVAAIpCC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a collab that was only avaiable for very limited time on Nemutai Company's shop as well as Park's local store.

>> No.9034209 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 1851x1851, Autism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034215 [DELETED] 

You sound like you have zero idea. I'm even shorter than that and I used to wear 34 band because it is nearly impossible to find smaller. And I'm certainly not fat at 100lbs.

>> No.9034219 [DELETED] 

>being an autist who shits a perfectly nice thread
>good job

>> No.9034230 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 621x480, menhera fans be like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a surprise, the fucking menhera thread keeps being the shittiest one on the board, good job, tards

>> No.9034231 [DELETED] 

This thread is cancer. I've never seen this many retards in one place before.

>> No.9034297 [DELETED] 

>tfw skinny but boobs are still really big and almost sagging
Time to commit sudoku :^)

>> No.9034345 [DELETED] 

It's always the same person shitposting.

>> No.9034383 [DELETED] 

Not any of the previous dramu anons.
There's a difference between wearing what's available and wearing what fits. I used to wear 34B and alter the back to fit, and didn't get why the cups were both too big, didn't cover my nips and practically in my armpits. Then bought bras online, I wear 26E, cups right in the middle where they belong. Point being, my size was always 26E. My ribs are roughly 25in. At 5'6", I have no idea how someone can wear a band size of 34" and it both be the right size for a short person, and said short person not being fat. Gotta say, most women wear the wrong size though. My roommate is 5'1" and her ribs are 28", and she still thinks 34 is her size despite nicely fitting my bras on the loosest band setting.

>> No.9034387
File: 25 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are we still on this retarded shit

Pic for anon who wondered about OTT menhera

>> No.9034412

That's not Menhera, that's shit. If you look like an abuse victim you are doing it wrong, all articles regarding Menhera, included the japanese ones, say this is the point where you make fun of a fashion that is about a serious topic.

>> No.9034418

It's elfgutz BJD shit, yeah.

>> No.9034419

>unfitting makeup
>bad quality
>not even close to the theme
Anon plz.

>> No.9034447

Thats a shitty elfgutz cosplay.

>> No.9034450

This isn't even menhera. Might pass for gurokawa, but I dont see anything OTT about this

>> No.9034456 [DELETED] 

In all seriousness, large breasts will sag eventually. That's just gravity. Breasts are going to surrender to weight.

>> No.9034463 [DELETED] 

Idk man the autism is pretty over the top

>> No.9034464
File: 522 KB, 500x667, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anon you're replying to, but can you seriously shut the fuck up so she stops responding? This thread is going to shit, please get back on topic.

>> No.9034465
File: 122 KB, 1024x683, Cj3NplPUgAES4so.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to this anon:

>> No.9034468 [DELETED] 

if you really wanted to get the thread back on track you wouldn't have responded to a post that hasn't been discussed in 12 hours

but I'm back so don't worry retard

>> No.9034490
File: 84 KB, 642x642, 1554241558_2099647263_copy_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034510 [DELETED] 

please fuck off no one wants you around

>> No.9034524 [DELETED] 

make me faggot

>> No.9034557

yeah casual was definitely the wrong phrasing, but I was really wondering how subtle one could go while still having it be menhera

>> No.9034560 [DELETED] 

you can't, this had been discussed before. even normies will pick up on the medical themes

>> No.9034561

I like this a lot.

>> No.9034562
File: 53 KB, 400x401, tumblr_o48c3k4ACP1ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon but it is definitely possible considering a lot of outfits have the focus only on the printed top piece and quite a lot have the medical part not visible at first glance, pic related.

>> No.9034570 [DELETED] 

>a giant pill isn't noticeable at first glance

I don't know if you're really this stupid or you just don't give others credit for picking up on things but it is definitely very noticeable.

>> No.9034597 [DELETED] 

A coord like >>9034464 might be less subtle, it's still menhera because it has those elements and a print of Menhera chan, but anyone that doesn't know about Menhera chan will just think that it's any other animu grill

>> No.9034598 [DELETED] 

Actually no, they don't. I have this shirt and every normalfag thinks it's a spinkle because it's so small.

>> No.9034602 [DELETED] 

>normal people lack the ability to look at a picture of a common object and identify it

They are probably being polite and or trying to scope out if you're mental/a druggie. once again, I'm not sure if you're dumb/autistic and you don't realize people pick up on things or you just assume everyone else is literally retarded.

>> No.9034604 [DELETED] 

You can't even see that thing unless you are closeup infront of a person, you really try too hard to keep shitposting.

>> No.9034607 [DELETED] 

Can we get a pic dump to get this thread back on track, or should we let it die?

>> No.9034611 [DELETED] 

maybe if the shirt is folded and it is obscured, but if you look at it its front and center and not "small" like is being claimed. are people in menhera threads really this socially inept that they assume nobody can recognize a common symbol? honest question.

>> No.9034614 [DELETED] 

It's thumb sized, that's far away from big and can you please stop shittposting? It's getting annoying.

>> No.9034618
File: 212 KB, 600x600, lf_joy_bear_parfait_tee_blue_main_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034619 [DELETED] 

You're acting like its microscopic. If someone is a normal talking distance away they are most certainly going to notice a thumb sized pill and be able to recognize it unless they are mentally retarded. I get that you want to be a special snowflake who is in some seekret menhera club normies totes have no idea about but any idiot can identify a common symbol.

>> No.9034621
File: 29 KB, 500x500, NEOAPP-40901_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034622 [DELETED] 

I bet anon thinks people could look at these and not pick up on the medical theme

>> No.9034625
File: 133 KB, 600x800, CjECSHyVEAA5iSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034633
File: 81 KB, 600x767, CjDxCibVEAADtMJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to some japanese artist, like this?

>> No.9034646
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 2fabdd14d8e344418f47f2d77f867b34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034647
File: 23 KB, 564x564, b1d1557ba5149f296e67796868dd74ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034653 [DELETED] 

>trying this hard to save a pile of shit

>> No.9034662
File: 72 KB, 640x640, tumblr_o72xcq6fMX1ujjt1yo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034665
File: 156 KB, 667x1000, 1463672748221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034666
File: 58 KB, 600x600, tumblr_nzabd6q1KV1ujjt1yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034668
File: 128 KB, 720x480, DSC_0330-thumb-720xauto-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9034670
File: 37 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o59xw5zc1Q1ujjt1yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034672
File: 62 KB, 600x600, 1461984395131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034735
File: 185 KB, 640x640, happybag06_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic semi related, listen flavour currently has summer happy bags, not specially medical though :/

and US anons, do you feel weird wearing the star of david that they have on so many of their clothes? I can do the crosses, idk why the star makes me uncomfortable

>> No.9034741 [DELETED] 

because the hall of cost

>> No.9034743 [DELETED] 

Those aren't menhera. They can be used in menhera coords but on their own none of them classify as menhera.

>> No.9034751 [DELETED] 

Those are only examples for what can be inside, just saying.

>> No.9034753 [DELETED] 

But none of them are menhera. With menhera you have to have a theme of medical/mental illness related things.

>> No.9034775 [DELETED] 

Considering that includes pieces of the spring collection and both the eyepatch bunny and pill cupcake are part of it, you are wrong.

>> No.9034780 [DELETED] 

>still thinking Menhera is about mental illness
>now knowing Listen Flavor's medical shit

>> No.9034783 [DELETED] 


>> No.9034786 [DELETED] 

But non of those pieces that were shown were.

It's not strictly, but it does have to have medical themes.

>name literally is mental health
>nothing to do with mental health


>> No.9034796 [DELETED] 

Did you even read the previous post or do you really not know what the word EXAMPLES means?

>thinks Menhera means mental health
>thinks mental health means mental illness and not well-being in japanese
Newfag confirmed

>> No.9034797 [DELETED] 

So the themes of suicide and self harm totes have nothing to do with mental illness am I rite?

>> No.9034801 [DELETED] 

Menhera is about negative thinking but why do I even talk to a shitposting newfag.

>> No.9034804 [DELETED] 

>negative thinking
>not part of mental illnesses

I'm convinced you are retarded

>> No.9034807 [DELETED] 

Super evolved Menhera chan

>> No.9034808 [DELETED] 

Totally forgot that everyone not happy is mental ill, thanks for reminding me!

>> No.9034810 [DELETED] 

cuz mental illness is so fashionable :p

>> No.9034812 [DELETED] 

Didn't say that, but the people who cut themselves and kill themselves are for sure with 0 doubt mentally ill. You can try to argue they aren't but that would just prove you're a troll

>> No.9034815 [DELETED] 

You do know that part of what's behind menhera is the Japanese protesting the way the mentally ill are treated right?

>> No.9034818 [DELETED] 

But art about negativity isn't "people", more so when it is puns that are supposed to be funny.

>> No.9034823 [DELETED] 

No, it's not.
Lurk more newfag.

>> No.9034824 [DELETED] 

Are you high?

>> No.9034830 [DELETED] 

Said the person who wants to put logic into art.

>> No.9034832 [DELETED] 

But you are trying to argue people who kill/cut themselves aren't mentally ill.

>> No.9034835 [DELETED] 

2D animu isn't people.

>> No.9034836 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 600x1068, tumblr_o7wbjiJdGC1ujjt1yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still saying example shown are not menhera pieces
>not listening when other anon said those are examples of pieces you can get
>not knowing what a happy pack is

You are either new or really dumb.

>> No.9034837 [DELETED] 

ngl, this would be a fun cosplay to do.

>> No.9034838 [DELETED] 

There are girls in the fashion who self harm and use it as accessories for the fashion. You tellin me they ain't bonkers?

>> No.9034840 [DELETED] 

>backpedaling this hard
First you say Menhera is mental illness themed, now you say /some/ girls that are into Menhera are mental ill while mental ill people exist in every fashion. Lolita sure must be about ageplay then considering some people use it for their ageplay!

>> No.9034842 [DELETED] 

I said the mental illness themes were there or medical themes. you can go back and read my posts if you need to, I didn't say it was the only requirement.

>> No.9034845 [DELETED] 

All thread is about people having different bodies, do you really see a point in dragging this argument? My height is 5'1 and I'm 100 lbs and my underbust is 70 cms which is 32 band size. 34 band size is only 75 cms. I know I'm not fat and someone with 75 cm ribcage is totally not fat either.

>> No.9034846 [DELETED] 

You said Menhera=Mental Health=Mental Illness, can't you even remember your own posts anymore few minutes?

>> No.9034847 [DELETED] 

was my first post. congrats on being retarded

>even said medical before mental illness

>> No.9034849 [DELETED] 

But there is no mental illness.

>> No.9034852 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 243x200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooses and depictions of girls cutting themselves have absolutely nothing to do with mental illness

>> No.9034860 [DELETED] 

>implying a kind of theme of negativity that only makes 1% of the fashion is all what the fashion is about
Oh you.

>> No.9034865 [DELETED] 

I didn't say that, once again I'm going to refer you to the post where I stated medical themes as the number one priority in menhera

>> No.9034868 [DELETED] 

That's not how / is used.

>> No.9034873 [DELETED] 

I bet you're the person who looks at a picture of a rose garden and says it has nothing to do with flowers

>not how / is used

Look, we're both just arguing for the sake of shitposting but could you at least make your posts more entertaining and give me more to go off of?

>> No.9034924 [DELETED] 

Janitors can keep deleting these posts but holy shit you're all retarded.
Summerfags need to get out and olderfags need to stop taking the bait.

>> No.9034926 [DELETED] 

Actually 70cm is 28 band size as 70cm=27 1/2 inches.
You do not need to add extra inches to the band as they're all elastic now :^)
The adding inches thing is a hold over from before elastic was invented.
Don't listen to Victoria's Secret.
Sage for OT

>> No.9034939 [DELETED] 

oh my lord.
newfags need to lurk.

SO anyway.
I've got a few customers for pill earrings at the medical clinic. Its pretty cool.

>> No.9034964 [DELETED] 

i think you need to lurk seeing as you confused a fashion style with actual mental health...

>> No.9034966 [DELETED] 

shut up

>> No.9034982


Okay so you seem confused.
I make menhera jewelry, including pill capsule earrings.

I'm a weekly visitor to the health clinic, and some of the nurses wanted to buy some of my jewelry.

Next you'll be saying CherryCheezy's stuff isnt menhera.

>> No.9034986
File: 2.04 MB, 1294x2153, f28acac99b9619c3d44a0d6cc9c6927550475fdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034992 [DELETED] 

mods just kill the thread already, the shitposting isn't going to stop.

>> No.9035009
File: 95 KB, 638x640, 768747d1eedcb6a3f6651422f39252d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035020
File: 107 KB, 943x940, 661063935a226b828736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035033

Probably because crosses are mass produced on everything from jewelry to house decorations while Jewish religious symbols are far less so. Seeing crosses so much being on just about everything makes you not really think twice about wearing it even if you aren't religious but given the decidedly jack of the Jewish symbols everywhere plus the history where Jews were branded with the star to mark them for persecution and death as opposed to the cross basically being the symbol for "Ey we're gonna come fuck your shit up unless you convert" it means it more uncomfortable to wear casually.

>> No.9035351 [DELETED] 

does anyone remember that one retard who was talking about how the hime cut is now the menhera cut? are there caps of that?

>> No.9035366 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nkdu39hFzr1qb7w7bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shitting up the thread

>> No.9035370 [DELETED] 


>> No.9036444

Make up is a part of all fashion.

>> No.9036445

right, part of. not the entirety.

>> No.9036446


>> No.9036447

Okay so if it's part of it, then that could qualify for gurokawa which is what I tagged it as.

>> No.9036453

No, you can't just call makeup alone gurokawa(let alone shitty elfgutz makeup) because it's a fashion, which includes more than just makeup. M

>> No.9036458

For me it's the opposite, I feel weird wearing crosses but fine wearing the star of David. Maybe because I'm Jewish.

>> No.9036637
File: 47 KB, 600x600, Cj86yCLUoAQinh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9036868
File: 72 KB, 720x900, 13346625_1119940131412807_6205652733609519717_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too shitty?

>> No.9036871

I'll give you honest critique:
The ribbon looks cheap and I'm not a fan of the seed beads filling the syringe. I feel resin or liquid would look better

>> No.9036873

Makeup is a PART of fashion but isn't the sole thing that defines it. Byojaku doesn't automatically equal menhera anymore than black lipstick automatically equals goth

>> No.9036876

Should I try replacing the bow with some other type of ribbon? The backing was a bit of a last resort to try and cover up the blue part of the syringe.
I'm not very familiar with using resin to fill/make things so I had to settle with beads for the moment. Thought I would have really loved to have filled it with something else!

>> No.9036898 [DELETED] 


>> No.9036910
File: 59 KB, 600x450, CH8Qyt3VAAE71mN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For DIY syringe inspiration, I suggest looking at https://twitter.com/yuk1nk0_bijou as she made them a lot for her indie brand before disappearing into the nowhere.

>> No.9037148

this thread is 50% menhera and 50% shitpost
mfw no gurokawa

i'd post if I had any inspo

>> No.9037187

>mfw no gurokawa
Are you blind?

>> No.9037191
File: 136 KB, 600x800, Cjn7xmNUoAAfOsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9037197
File: 61 KB, 600x600, CjeYYncUUAEzrm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already feel like if Listen Flavor produces a new print each week considering how often the designer posts new previews (pic related is going to be another Gurokawa top).

>> No.9037384
File: 55 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9037406

Sometimes I see people putting liquid in syringes. I don't think it's water, mineral oil maybe? Although I'm not sure how you can dye that. Go through the trims section at your local fabric store and see if you find ribbons that are more matte

>> No.9037411

another anon here, maybe if you're going the bead route, make the really nice quality, like nice glass seed bead, yours just looks like you made it from a childs section at the moment

and for filling instead of resin you can use oil snd an oil based dye to colour it (I think gel food dyes work)

>> No.9037573

This looks like a cheap pen for children.

>> No.9037647

Have you never seen the average japanese without makup? Don't forget crocked teeth are a beauty ideal there.

>> No.9037659
File: 766 KB, 540x716, 12733979_992076847548715_2746389535550431685_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone here from Aus? How much does shipping usually cost? Also, are there any western-based menhera stores?

Sorry for being such a noob, bumping w/ photo

>> No.9037664

Lurk more.

>> No.9037672

Everything I've found requires a shopping service, anon. I didn't mean to upset you by asking a question.

>> No.9037682

>japanese underground fashion
>outside of Japan
Are you new to /cgl/ by any chance?

>> No.9037690

Yes I have. I'm just weirded out by that face she's making
And that part about crooked teeth is seriously such a weird thing. Like, I used to have really fucked up teeth, and it's the worst

>> No.9037746

>everything I've found requires a shopping service

lurk more

>> No.9037755

how about you guys shut the hell up god damn

>> No.9037763

I'm currently working on some menhera themed art etc., and I'm looking to sell it on shirts and so forth.

I'm poor atm so I can't have them custom printed myself- would people here consider purchasing stuff off Redbubble for example? Or is there another similar site that you would prefer to use?

Until I have the funds to custom print and sell myself I have to use some kind of service (e.g Redbubble). However I want to get good reach with the right audience and also have prices people can afford.
tldr; would you gulls buy menhera clothing through sites like redbubble etc. or is there a similar alternative you would prefer?

>> No.9037779

>this mad at being told to lurk more

lurk more

>> No.9037956
File: 260 KB, 900x1200, CkC9-5lVEAAn4PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9037961

You maybe should research what printing quality you like best, Spreadshirt and Zazzle are popular too but each got different issues when it comes to dark shirts.

>> No.9038071

Id be totally cool with buying of redbubble! Depending on how good the art is ofc
Id love to see an example of your art if you feel like posting

>> No.9038298

Which brand is this again? Sorry I forget oops

>> No.9038335

Lurk more

>> No.9038353

...it even says the brand in the image...

>> No.9038607
File: 88 KB, 573x468, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing! it's still in the lining stage here haha

That's really good advice actually, thankyou! I'll investigate printing quality before i make a decision.

>> No.9038610

looks cute would most certainly buy it if it was up on redbubble or the like

>> No.9038631

You can still do what cheezy does and do preorders. Use the money you get from that to cover for the production costs (and of course then some for reasonable profit)

>> No.9038682

Aww thats really cute
Seconding what the other anon said about preorders. Its more work but you'll probably make a bigger profit
Also maybe less risk of art theft?

>> No.9038701


You guys have a good point about the preorders

However I want to establish that i'll have some form of customer base before I commit to custom printing etc.
I think for now I'm gonna settle on using Society6 as the print quality has good reviews, and i'll hopefully develop from there!

>> No.9039104

Your art style is really cute! If you sold your designs as stickers I'd totally buy from you

>> No.9039172
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, CkF7VuvUkAAoyzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9039251


>> No.9039253

lurk more

>> No.9039256 [DELETED] 


if you like lazy and terrible quality I'm sure this does look pretty cute

>> No.9039263

Okay, my apologies.

>> No.9039326

Artist here

Can I know what you think is bad about it if you dislike it so much? It's a departure from my regular style as I was hoping to try something cuter, but if it doesn't work I'd like some genuine concrit

>> No.9039333 [DELETED] 

your proportions are really bad. did you ever learn them properly? her head should not be that large on her shoulders, neck shouldn't be that thin, arm shouldn't be that thick, etc.

don't even get me started on the pose. is her back broken?

>> No.9039345 [DELETED] 

forgot to mention, why the fuck is her head at an upright position but her face looks like it is tilted? or is her chin purposefully jutted out?

>> No.9039378 [DELETED] 

you sound really smart and well inforemed aon Aart. I Too am Huge Artest i love Dtaw all things CORRECT and ANATAMOICALLY ABSOLUTELY. ALL THINGS.. neck twisty... back crooked, head tilty... absolutely never permitted in th realm of Art world.

I Met Picasso

>> No.9039394 [DELETED] 

It's HWC. Please ignore and report.

>> No.9039399

Depends on the shopping service, weight, etc
That's what the shoplist in OP is for, international shops ARE in fact supposed to be included but you only find one because most other shops are resellers of Listen Flavor or shitty *cough* KawaiiGoods's prints *cough*.

>> No.9039401 [DELETED] 

>this mad someone can tell your art is shit


>> No.9039402

Okay anon is being sort of a dick-I say because there's a lot of "iffy" menhhera animu art that no one says anything about including the beloved CherryCheezy's (who you cannot say is proportional)-but they are right about the tilt of her face not matching the tilt of her head. Another 2 things is that her left leg is nearly straight up and down, which makes the pose seem stiff (at first I thought her leg was part of a box) and her right arm doesn't match up with where her shoulder is. It is cute and most people won't notice those kinds of things but maybe find someone willing to redline mistakes for you if you want to improve.

>> No.9039403 [DELETED] 

Go fuck your self crystal <3

I'm a dick but I'm right and you know it

>> No.9039407

sauce on this I'm in love

>> No.9039414
File: 417 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9039415 [DELETED] 

i did nnot draw th...nm all my Art amazing and goo d quality anatomically correc i trace frrom th. From picture so nvever rwrong. Leg and arm same length. Croch slit

>> No.9039423 [DELETED] 

are you having a stroke m8?

>> No.9039433 [DELETED] 

Harsh but thankyou anyway!
Thanks also for the critique, I felt it wasn't really fluent/too boxy looking

Also, I tend to draw stuff very 'animu' proportions so I guess the proportions are a bad habit. However that's no excuse, I'll try work over it in my usual style and hope that works out the kinks :)

1. This isn't me and 2. Do you need a doctor

>> No.9039444 [DELETED] 

I know people are acting like I'm a dick and I'm probably abrasive as all hell but I believe that's the best way to see your flaws. I don't think it's terrible, but I do think you could stand to study some things more before charging people

>> No.9039463

Source on the bag?

>> No.9039888

Beware of autoplay.

>> No.9039898


>> No.9040113

If anyone is looking for this kind of thing in a particularly good range of sizes I found this on Aliexpress: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Partial-lapel-collar-stand-pink-winter-nurse-clothing-long-sleeve-autumn-work-wear-wireless/32597875075.html

>> No.9040263
File: 41 KB, 639x578, bbbbbbbbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't usually do this and I haven't drawn in quite a while so take this with a grain of salt.
It looks awkward because you've matched the arms and legs up. People don't usually sit with one hand on each leg like that, it comes across very unnatural and stiff (especially including the perfect right angle and her arm being glued to her thigh. It's strangely geometric). Obviously I don't know what's going on off the right side of the canvas for her legs to go up like that, but if you wanna keep it you'll probably want to lay her down, scooch her bum back, or lean her back on her hand or something; it'll be easier to see what's going on and she'll look less stiff. Otherwise, drop a leg down and give her some room to breathe.
There's also an odd tangent between her hair, back sock and bottom of her right hand, be careful of matching lines like that.
I think the way you cropped it really isn't helping the whole broken back thing. Something's definitely weird there though it's hard for me to tell what you've done (whether the back's long and the angle is too sharp/legs coming back too far, or if you've made it curve into a U). I know I draw things really fucking long, but hopefully you can get something out of it anyway

>> No.9040297

come on guys,try harder

>> No.9040415
File: 77 KB, 452x602, Ceoc6InXEAEfIj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9040419 [DELETED] 

>bawleting my actual relevant criticism of someone's art

great job giving into some cunts who can't take criticism reporting me mods

>> No.9040439 [DELETED] 

It may have been valid criticism, but you delivered it like a salty bitch without any reason. Artist-anon asked nicely and you took a dump on them :/ there was no need to be so harsh when it's the first time they've asked for crit. If they'd been asking and ignoring, sure. But come on. Just because you're anon it doesn't mean it's time to shit on undeserving people.

>> No.9040452 [DELETED] 

I didn't take a dump on them, I told them what was wrong with their mediocre art without sugar coating it

I'm not here to give out asspats, especially to people who aren't up to the level of skill to sell their work for more than $5 a pop

I've actually worked as a full time artist before and I would have been fired if I showed up with something like that to be produced, I know menhera is a small market but you shouldn't be willing to buy trash just for the sake of it being menhera

>> No.9040459 [DELETED] 

Asking someone "what the fuck is wrong with her neck?" ain't telling them what's wrong without sugar coating it -- it's being a bitch. As someone who was once a full-time artist, you should know how to give proper fucking concrit and that WASN'T proper concrit. Mods know what they're doing.

>> No.9040468 [DELETED] 

go cry in a fucking corner, there's no reason for you to be this upset over someone giving VALID(which you admitted yourself) criticism. I never had the fucking nerve to put something that bad out there and say I intended to charge people for it. In fact I think it's insulting she would charge for that level of quality.

Am I saying there's no talent? no, not at all. But she needs to fucking practice her posing and proportions before charging people T-shirt prices for this mediocre attempt at art.

unless you are the artist who I gave crit to I legit don't understand why you are this pissed.

>> No.9040473
File: 117 KB, 500x500, NEOAPP-38591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall really fucking suck,shut the fuck up and contribute

>> No.9040474 [DELETED] 

What gave you the impression that I was super upset, anon? Unneccessarilly harsh critique is just a pet peeve of mine. There wasn't any reason to jump down her throat because you were "insulted" that she wanted to get paid for her work.

She wants to charge for mediocre work, let her. She'll learn what sells and what doesn't and improve like that. Jeez.

>> No.9040475 [DELETED] 

also, if I really wanted to shit on her I sure has shit would have done a better job at picking it apart more than just proportions and posing

my phrasing was abrasive, I will say that. but if you can't handle legitimate criticism that will improve your art you need to fuck off back to tumblr where you will get attention for just drawing sharted out fan art

>> No.9040476 [DELETED] 

It's not unnecessarily harsh you fucking pansy. if I was I would have pointed out a lot more that was wrong instead of sticking to two major issues with it

go back to tumblr

>> No.9040482 [DELETED] 

And I was the one getting upset? Calm your tits.

>> No.9040486 [DELETED] 

but it wasn't "unnecessarily harsh". like if you get offended at harsh criticism what the fuck are you even doing on 4chan?

we don't have trigger warnings here

>> No.9040501 [DELETED] 

You were the one bitching because your comment got deleted, dude. I don't think I'm the one who's ~*offended*~ here.

>> No.9040505 [DELETED] 

but you're the one who responded saying I was ~totes~ unfair u w u and that I shouldn't be such a big bad buwwy because I might hurt someone's feelings

suck a spike you whine cunt, if you think my posts were harsh /cgl/ isn't for you.

>> No.9040522


artist again
chill out and stop going off topic guys
i tried a different style and it didn't work out, i'm chill with it, honest concrit is better than no concrit
I've gone back to redoing it in my usual style, i was worried it wasn't fitting for cutesy kind of art but it's coming along nice.

regardless this is the menhera thread, don't derail
that's why i've stopped replying as I don't want to pull it this far off topic, calm your shit

>> No.9040527 [DELETED] 

I wonder why this other anon is shitting her pants over my crit when you took it gracefully like a champ

just so I don't get accused of being a bitch for replying to your post,

you have talent, but need practice on posing and proportions. don't get discouraged and keep at it because I do think you could be good

>> No.9040574 [DELETED] 

If it was at least well-traced but tracing this bad is just sad.

>> No.9040695


>> No.9040802

listen flavor,that set seems to be sold out though.

>> No.9040843

damn thanks though

>> No.9040868 [DELETED] 

I'm glad it sold out and you don't get it you newfag

>> No.9040974

Obviously it would be sold out considering it is two years old.

>> No.9041064

This would look a lot better with higher-quality ribbon. Maybe one that matches the color of the beads inside?

>> No.9043464


Thank you so much anon. Which service would you recommend?

>> No.9043472
File: 49 KB, 900x675, CkU76R3UUAAoCCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use Chibi Tenshi and Tenso for large orders.

>> No.9043981
File: 83 KB, 700x900, costume243-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Bodyline's Nurse Outfits work for Menhera?

>> No.9044039
File: 61 KB, 600x773, 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the right accessories and/or modifications, sure.

>> No.9045678
File: 303 KB, 900x1200, CkcHibdUgAAigyF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9045770

The print of that one backpack that was posted in the early threads got a tee version now.

>> No.9047899
File: 84 KB, 640x640, CklOKTkUoAAal8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen Flavor's new collection is going online at the 18th, lots of Menhera and Gurokawa again apparently.

>> No.9047904
File: 87 KB, 640x640, CklOlCjUUAAAw--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pants this time.

>> No.9050136
File: 36 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. I'm getting them in purple and blue for sure, possibly red. I just wish they didn't say Lolita Syndrome, but they're fucking cute and I doubt strangers will hone in on that particular detail.

Excited for more Taobao (lolita) brands to capitalize on menhera.

>> No.9050138

Sauce: https://world.taobao.com/item/530363340114.htm?spm=a312a.7929832.0.0.Ou3n1l

>> No.9050152
File: 122 KB, 640x854, CksDMmYUUAEppPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9050388

This feels more like uchuu-kei

>> No.9050394

>cyclops ita bag
Are you new?

>> No.9050408
File: 116 KB, 500x749, 1436819297331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that eye
>all those stars and sparkles
>not uchuu
There's nothing gory, scary or sick about this, so yeah, I'd consider it uchuu, since cyclopes are kinda a theme in uchuu too

>> No.9050445
File: 62 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nwu2mmm15S1ujjt1yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyclopets are a Gurokawa doll collection and guess what, there ia kawaii in Gurokawa for a reason and no, cyclops girls are NOT uchuu but Gurokawa like all monsters.
Gurokawa=japanese name for Creepy Cute

>> No.9050447

Itabags have almost always a glitter transparent layer, nothing uchuu about it.

>> No.9050883

Am I blind cause I don't see anything menhera about this? Super cute though

>> No.9050948

Hard to see, but the bear is wearing an eyepatch.

>> No.9051186

Backing the other anon up, this doesn't look gurokawa by itself, but it has a lot of uchuu vibes. I assumed it was a misfire honestly

>> No.9051812

Newfag detected, there is nothing uchuu at this. Neither monsters or itabags have anything to do with retro-future.

>> No.9052005

This feels very pastel goth (especially the purple ones) and takes me back to 2012. I like it in a nostalgic sort of way

>> No.9052013

Looks uchuu to me, the monster looks more like an alien

>> No.9052052
File: 43 KB, 250x334, conjured_twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyclopets are just as much uchuu as Monster High dolls, they are themed after cute body horror.

>> No.9052056

>cyclops girls are NOT uchuu but Gurokawa like all monsters
A monster isn't automatically gurokawa. Cyclopses fit in great with uchuu since like >>9052013 said, they look like aliens. Especially the one in the bag.
They might have some creepy aspect to it because they only have one eye, but it's not really enough to be gurokawa on its own
Would the bag have other things in it, like eyeballs or other more creepy motfits, then yeah, sure, I'd call it gurokawa, but with all the sparkles and the stars in the eyes, and the stickers that the person added, it looks much more like uchuu.

>> No.9052063

Oh boy, time for another back-and-forth about "is it" or "isn't it"

Monster is cute and/or (kind of) creepy: hey it works for gurokawa
Monster looks alienish, has clear alien references: hey it works for uchuu

stop trying to apply Lolita Laws™ to all jfash because it doesn't work and it makes you look stupid trying to hold on to your little rules so hard; overlap happens, deal with it

>> No.9052107 [DELETED] 

>Cyclopes look like aliens

how do you know?

>> No.9052116
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, Ck00fiBVEAEu0EX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbf people call this uchuu too.

>> No.9052215

How stupid are you?

>> No.9052219

Go back to /x/

>> No.9052243 [DELETED] 

do you not know what jokes are or?

>> No.9052850
File: 130 KB, 747x748, ss+(2016-06-14+at+11.24.32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyo guys, artist anon from a while back again!

also, not looking to start more wild discussion like earlier, more just looking for simple yes/no answers.
I've updated the shirt design and i'm wondering if people here would consider it purchase worthy? I'm in the process of recieving manufacturing quotes, so i can't give a ballpark figure on what they would cost, just curious to see if I would have a potential market for shirts like this (pic related obviously)

>> No.9052858

eh. the style and anatomy on that illustration is really wonky, so im gonna have to say no. the rest of the shirt is pretty cool but the deviantart-quality anime girl is really holding it back

>> No.9052991

I would buy it if the girl's feet/legs weren't so odd looking plus I think the dress on her is too clashing with everything else to work. I love the overall design of your shirt though, it's cute.

>> No.9052994 [DELETED] 


learn 2 anatomy and proportions before selling your stuff

>> No.9052998

This, also the pose is also really similar to another menhera shirt that was posted in these threads (I think it was of a nurse girl? I didn't save it) and I'd be interested to see an overlay if anyone has it the other picture.

>> No.9053115

If there was no animu girl it would be a nice t-shirt.

>> No.9053132

character looks really cheap. If you're gonna make the pose so stiff, at least really over stylise the character to give it something interesting

>> No.9053137 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 268x237, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give concrit about pose and proportion
>anon doesn't change shit
>later on asks how much people would buy it for
>people complain the pose is stiff and it looks like shit

I feed off of shit like this

>> No.9053165

The whole thing is actually traced from >>9027059 but the mods decided to delete the callout posts.

>> No.9053174

That's not the pic I was talking about, and from what I can see it's not close enough to be traced from the one you linked because the image you referred to actually has, you know, depth

>> No.9053176

i think you mean 'copied'. yeah overall it's a pretty unimaginative design, if you're gonna make a menhera waifu do it right

>> No.9053180
File: 231 KB, 792x793, 1460941073286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it in the archive, this was the picture I was talking about
the angles/stiffness are much more similar to this than the one you linked

>> No.9053303
File: 97 KB, 800x900, neck-muscles-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did change the pose in response to critique, it's obvious to anyone who knows anything about drawing. Doubt it's traced, it's just an extremely common "kawaii" pose.

Anatomywise, issues I see: first, the outline of her collarbones is off (I'm assuming that's what those lines are below her neck). The "v" should be the meeting of two muscles coming from her neck, as pictured. Second, the bloomers make her legs look odd (which is why people see your anatomy as messed up but can't pinpoint why). You drew her bloomers as if they are separate/not one piece, and her legs are already "disconnected" from her body by the fact that they emerge out of her dress at an angle (if that makes sense). If you connected the bloomers/not separated them down the middle, it would look worlds better.

The final thing is more a personal preference, but maybe someone else want to comment on this- her outfit is a bit uninteresting. The elements are menhera, but they don't seem connected to one another. Maybe her choker could have a syringe on it to match her tights, or repeat the wing motif somewhere on her clothes. It's a little hard to say whether I think her outfit is too plain or too busy without the background included. Could you post a picture of the whole design (the one on the shirt) blown up?

Also, I've seen shittier menhera art. I've seen shittier anime shirt sell in general. You shouldn't let that make you aim low, obviously, but this is a solid start. I like the general design for the t-shirt (the giant pills are super cute), though I'm not sure how I'd feel about the border prints or the grid. With the manufacturer, is the shirt gonna be fitted or just baggy?

>> No.9053315 [DELETED] 

>caring this much

>> No.9053335

You can see in her "WIP" that it originally was a bad copy >>9040263

>> No.9053355
File: 170 KB, 838x1200, Ck5RCXWUoAApguS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably because it had a lot of overlap with Gurokawa in the early days.

>> No.9053403
File: 222 KB, 1200x896, Ck5dHhOUYAEvktO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9053502

Id prefer it in a lighter color, like pastel pink or something. Also, the details in the back are cute, but they're probably gonna make it more expensive since you've gotta print both sides.

>> No.9053524

wow, I love this outfit a lot, it only the skirt was pleated and not just a petti, seeing pettis as skirts ruffles mine.

>> No.9053606
File: 157 KB, 1200x900, Ck5oOr0UgAEwzfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9053615 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1080x649, 20160614_085318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna name her because of the no drama rule but is she ok? I don't want people like this in the menhera community

>> No.9053802

You don't want mentally ill people in the menhera community? I get that post is kind of weird and off-topic from the fashion itself but just block her or blacklist her name.

>> No.9053839
File: 87 KB, 430x300, 29592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

syringe mechanical pencils at daiso

>> No.9053855

Source please

>> No.9053977

Top left is by Biblio-Biblia, top right by Broken Doll, bottom left by Mitragyna and bottom right is by Iroha_co_to (only avaiable via vvstore.jp).

>> No.9054013
File: 62 KB, 600x600, Ca5ktT5VIAIFOuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9054052
File: 143 KB, 1000x1000, 0e4a168ac60cc8157d2295670219408c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9054126

Helpful. Figured it out tho, no thanks to you c:

>> No.9054128

thanks bruh I didn't see it down there

>> No.9054137

any idea where the shirt's from?

>> No.9054206

cherrycheezySHOP on etsy

>> No.9054211

Lurk more.

>> No.9055380
File: 141 KB, 900x1200, Ck1U7ZpVEAQcAJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9056239

when people think you have all day to be on cgl

>> No.9056243

lurk more

>> No.9056523

Speaking of, where else is there a place to talk about this fashion? I'm desperate enough to go to reddit at this point.

>> No.9056536 [DELETED] 

Lurk more

>> No.9056751

Nobody outside of the japanese community, Tumblr and /cgl/ knows about Menhera. There is a Menhera chat but nobody is ever online, same thing would happen to a forum.

>> No.9056753
File: 27 KB, 400x400, tumblr_nwxvooonNs1ujjt1yo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know there is no other place. I would love for another platform too desu. Even if it was just a shitty livejournal or facebook group.

>> No.9056802

Sorry but the syringe necklace and jar necklace are ugly. I hate to see Cherry's shirt ruined like that

>> No.9056909

I'd be worried of the jar popping open, no matter how "well glued" it is, spilling beads everywhere.
The syringe isn't the best, but it's better than >>9036868.

>> No.9056919

I'm really reaching for this but source on this shirt?

>> No.9056952


>> No.9057045

Doing god's work, thanks so much!

>> No.9057309

Yeah definitely better than that. I'm not feeling the gold charm on the syringe.

>> No.9057393

Sad. I know about tumblr but there isn't much discussion there aside from the usual shit and then just etsy people, which is fine but I'd want something like this on another site.
I have some invites for a site called imzy, but I can't post them here cause trolls.

I can try to come up with a screening questionaire to give invites via email.
I can create a group there for it and if you-know-who tries to get in I can ban her on that site and she won't be able to get another invite code.

Anyone interested?

>> No.9057433


I've never heard of it but I would give it a go

>> No.9057439

I'd try it

>> No.9057442

I'd like to try it too.

>> No.9058005

I would totally try it out desu

>> No.9058040

Great! I have free time tomorrow to do all of this and will report back with a throwaway and the questionaire will be all open ended questions about the fashion as to rule out anyone who can't actually discuss topics.

>> No.9058297
File: 115 KB, 540x557, tumblr_o5ztjvohTD1uihxd6o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you anon. thanks for doing this.

>> No.9058318

Sign me up!

>> No.9058438
File: 159 KB, 800x1000, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to take part too!

>> No.9058465

I'm just learning about menhera, but I'd love to be able to interact more with others about it.

>> No.9058676
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>> No.9058682
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>> No.9058707

Awesome. I'm glad people want in on this. I on have 5 invite codes but once you join you get 5 as well that you can get other people to join as well.

>> No.9058709

Finally, crocks I'd wear.

>> No.9058719
File: 95 KB, 1023x682, ClKNtkTUsAEuUPv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking the same when I was stalking the Twitter of Firework's designer.

>> No.9058721

>I sure showed it this anon by insulting her!!

>> No.9058835

Don't respond to trolls.

That stuff is cool I'm checking it out.

>> No.9058844


Here is the throwaway for this and I will send you a five open ended questionnaire for screening purposes.

Also note I can only pick five people because I only got five invites. Once you join you can get your own five invites and do whatever you please with them.

>> No.9058850

Should have written that as 5 questions that are open ended. I'm a little rushed because now I do have an event later today but I can access the emails from my phone.

>> No.9058860

If anything, I'd say it's different because you're importing it from a Japanese native speaker and they're the ones getting the money out of the transaction so you're not robbing anyone.

If it's someone on etsy throwing out 500 pieces of merch with ニャ or かわいい or some notice me sempai, not only is that more than likely appropriated, but also nauseating to look at. Sempai is a good one because it kinda shows the distortion that comes out of appropriation because a respectful term really got turned around and now represents something more like "daddy~" in context to much of the western internet.

>> No.9058955
File: 91 KB, 800x1100, 9.dark-pink87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

email sent!

>> No.9059255

Sent email

>> No.9059264 [DELETED] 

Sent an email. Hopefully I wasn't too awkward about it.

>> No.9059268

Sent an email.

>> No.9059274 [DELETED] 

If anyone has invites for that, email me!

>> No.9059278

If anyone has invites for the imzy thing, email me!

>> No.9059459

Sent in case you still had some invites.

>> No.9059803

I was so excited to read the menhera-chan translations but it's pretty much just a madoka copy with wrist cutting.

>> No.9059812


>> No.9059848
File: 253 KB, 727x1019, 57391859_p11_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have been pretty ovbvious that magical girl stories are going to be like magical girl stories and twin-tailed magical girls are not rare in the first place and the story isn't deep at the first few chapters. I really like the chapter (6) where she explains why she did react so badly to people wrist-cutting for attention purposes as her mother committed suicide when she was a child. The author often uses the topic of "self-harm for attention" in his Twitter offspins because it pisses him off a lot, the japanese Menhera hashtag got people like this once a while in it.

>> No.9061140

Is there a group up yet? I can't seem to find it and I'm on Imzy.

>> No.9061314
File: 185 KB, 1200x900, ClRyOffUYAE6TqT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9061321

Silly author, her mom should have gone down the road not across the street. This breaks the immersion and I can no longer take it seriously.


>> No.9061594

But that's how most people do it.

>> No.9061604

that's how you do it if you want attention, not to kill yourself

>> No.9061634

Yet that's how most try to kill themself.

>> No.9061636

I love how cute but simple this is

>> No.9061640

and it fails most of the time. that's the whole joke of the down the road not across the street

are you autistic?

>> No.9061649

No but that joke is already so overused that you should feel bad for using it.

>> No.9061650

>this mad over being too autistic to just accept a joke as a joke
>having to pick it apart if you knew it was a joke

I feel bad that you take everything so seriously

>> No.9061653

>menhera fags making light of self harm and suicide
i'm shocked.

>> No.9061694

why are you even in this thread?

>> No.9061718
File: 158 KB, 798x1199, CkkCVntWgAEYUHt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9061725

Maybe any anons that get their own imzy invites could post a throwaway?
Or should we make a googledoc of the throwaway emails that want to join so that people can just consistently work down the list?


>> No.9062525
File: 191 KB, 900x1200, ClYYkltUsAE7SUz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9063628

I only gave out two invites and I gave the link to those two people. I have three more invites if you guys want them. But please, go through the screening process. Three people never filled out the questions for me.

>> No.9063632

Menhera-chan translate anon here. I've been busy with exams and stuff, but after this week I'll be free to focus on the manga translations, so hopefully by next week I'll have chapters 3 and 4 ready and on the imgur page.
Sorry for the wait!

>> No.9065896

Thanks anon, looking forward to it! No need to apologize for taking the time you need; it's okay to have a life lol. Your work is always much appreciated it.