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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9012293 No.9012293 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>8972319

Last thread is autosaging.

Summer ILD is coming up, let's get some coord suggestions and concrit going

>> No.9012390
File: 487 KB, 670x670, gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gargoyle-chan from last thread.

This is what I've come up with since I've decided I don't want to drop money on a new main piece.

I haven't bought the necklace or the wings yet because I wanted to get some concrit first. Is this a lost cause?
I feel like nothing really screams "gargoyle"

>> No.9012440
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 12788e45045537967b55b5dba523ffdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got these, and I'm planning to wear it with gathered chiffon. Does anyone have any pics of this being worn? How do I do this properly without looking like a fool.

>> No.9012523

I honestly don't know why they made these, they look like hooker kei.

>> No.9012797

I think if it's done right it'll really add to an ott coord, I've just never seen it done, good or bad, and I'm wondering if others have examples.

>> No.9012834

I think if you're going Gargoyle you should pick a grey jsk. I know those are rare but yeah.. grey and shiny? also maybe painting your skin as well to resemble a statue. idk, it feels like it'd be tricky

>> No.9012846

>painting your skin as well to resemble a statue.
jfc. This is why people think lolita is cosplay.

>> No.9012851

>>9012834 is either trolling or a clueless cosplayer, or possibly both. I laughed either way, to be honest.

>> No.9013184

Gargoyle anon here, yeah painting my skin sounds way too much like a homestuck cosplay.
I'm really going for a themed outfit, rather than a gargoyle costume

My biggest problem right now is that I feel like I have too much black and that you can't tell it's a gargoyle coord just by looking at it.
I really liked the mask idea someone had in a previous thread but I can't find any decently made masks for anything less than $90

>> No.9013202

I just saw the grey IW gargoyle dress up somewhere, probably CC? I can't remember exactly.
Anyways, this definitely doesn't say gargoyle to me. It's a very cute coord I just don't think it's particularly themed. If you want gargoyle you should probably get a grey dress. Or maybe even a stained glass dress?
I feel if you're going to do something this costumey you shouldn't half ass it, or it will look like a bad Halloween costume instead of OTT lolita. So like, get an exciting printed dress, throw on a stiff chiffon peplum, bring out some gargoyle wings and put weird shit on your head. You've got to own it, because a building necklace and sad bat head bow really isn't doing it.

>> No.9013985

Yeah, you're probably right but I don't have the money to spend on a new main piece right now.
I'm pretty on the fence about whether or not to dress to the theme at all, keep it, or try a different mythical creature (which is the theme of the tea party)
If I can find something that would be sweeter, it might work better because my wardrobe is 90% sweet, but I can't think of anything since I feel like unicorns, mermaids, and fairies are going to be hella overdone.

Thanks for your concrit though, I don't want to seem like a butthurt-chan, I'm just bummed my coord isn't working the way I want it to.

>> No.9014047
File: 67 KB, 400x598, Gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can totally see a cathedral print in your future anon.
I'd use DnD gargoyles as a reference and get gauntlets made personally.
Between the print, the gauntlets, showy horns, Spike shoulder things ala Alice Auaa/Visual Kei, I think it would at worse you'd be confused as a demon. But the more focused and OTT you go it should be clearer and clearer. Architecture motifs are your friend.
Because you're not supposed to see the garters anon.
Unless you're doing ero?

>> No.9014054

With that black OP, you could totally pull off a Vampire theme. It's not as creative, but still fits the theme. I hope you get to do a Gargoyle coord in the future. It's a really cool idea.

>> No.9014056

Thanks anon! Its funny how you mention DnD because thats how i camr up with the idea of the gsrgoyle to begin with.

I was looking into horns but I didn't see any I really liked, I might try to make some.
Gauntlets might be a good idea, especially because I'm not in love with the wristcuffs

Do you have any other ideas for architecture themed accessories? Other than necklaces, I'm out of ideas...
I might just go to a craft store to get some inspo for things I could DIY

>> No.9014060

Didn't see this, or that you don't want to go with a new main piece.
Gorgon? Brownie? Scylla? Titania the Seelie Queen? Valkyrie?Oh, what about a will-o-wisp?
There are SO MANY OMG things you can do with this. Unicorns and shit are boring.
You in Cali? I want to go to this meet.

>> No.9014061

Thanks! But I feel like if I did a vampire coord, I'd use my Holy Lantern jsk and we all know how sick to death people are of that print

>> No.9014078

I thought about a gorgon, but all my ideas seemed way too costumey, gargoyle seemed more do-able.
How would I make a brownie or scylla coord? I wouldn't even know where to begin. If I were to go that far, I'd honestly do a displacer beast or a blink dog since they're my favorite fantasy creatures.
My friend is already doing a valkyrie....
Will o wisp or seelie would be fun but I don't have any main pieces that would with for them.
Will o wisp I could definitely get into, I hope someone in my comm reads this and attempts it.

And no sorry, we're the comm next door

>> No.9014098

Nevada? I'm about an hour and a half from there. If Oregon then it's still do-ish-able, depending on how far off the event is.

>> No.9014106 [DELETED] 
File: 709 KB, 640x854, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am throwing a party that has a Mad Tea Party theme for a birthday, and the character I am going as is the Dormouse.

I have a large spoon I made that's gold(in case anybody is wondering where the gold is coming from, the headbow has a gold utensils hanging from it) and a big fake sugar cube to go with it, as well as a pair of ears made but I don't have any photos of those to add to this.

My main question is about the blouse, I'm thinking of going with pink but I'm indecisive on which type of collar I should go with. I'm pretty sold on the idea of shorter sleeves, but it's not impossible for me to change my mind.

>> No.9014117
File: 45 KB, 500x805, ld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for my new summer coord I ordered wrist cuffs from a toabao shop (red maria) that does not have wither lavender or white in stock. Does anyone know any other places that have wrist cuffs that would match?

>> No.9014120

AZ comm, the meetup is in Carefree but the deadline to buy tickets has already past. If you really want to make the trip, you could always message a mod and see what happens. We do Summer ILD a week later than the actual date because it always conflicts with Phoenix Comicon so it's at least a little more time to plan.

>sage for off topic

>> No.9014127
File: 43 KB, 587x323, Doughnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the real question is will you be doing doughnuts for mouse ears.

Blouse I'd go for a small peter pan collar and sleeves to suit the weather. I think pink is cute for the color.

What about a handbag?

>> No.9014132

oh my lord anon, I'm not even that anon asking for coord help but that's adorable. Where can I get a pair of donut ears

>> No.9014135 [DELETED] 

I might, anon. I was mighty tempted by it quite a few times and they're very simple to make.

I have a few bags I could use, but the party is going on in my own garden so it's not necessarily something I am stressing too much over. For the selection I have a teacup or a doughnut I would probably get for pictures. Or for shits and giggles I could tear open the sugar cube I made and turn it into a bag.

They're really easy to make anon! But you can also get them on etsy.

>> No.9014142

I don't trust myself unfortunately, but thanks for that!

>> No.9014143

Search Tokidoki Donutella Plush Headband and you can find the exact ones from the picture that anon posted.

>> No.9014186
File: 224 KB, 585x457, Texture+Stone+Spray+Paint[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon who suggested the stone mask from prev. thread here.

You can buy a stone effect spray from a hardware or craft store. There's a few different brands, not just the one in pic. Basically you spray it on and the result looks like stone.

So you could get a plastic kid-sized demon mask and spray it to look like stone, spray some cheap bangles to look like stone cuffs, etc etc. There's a mom who spray painted some clothes grey for her son's gargoyle costume, so if you want to try it on things like (cheap) purses and shoes, you could go for that as well. I know you said you're not crafty, but surely you can handle a little spray painting, put down a lot of newspaper and do it outside so you don't get anything precious stoned by accident and you should be all right.

To match the black dress, I'd recommend picking up a can of black normal spray paint and a can of grey stone effect spray paint, do the black paint first then do the grey stone, you'll get more depth from the black base.

If you're really out of ideas you could put on every single animal ear headband you own and be a chimera...

>> No.9014194

Thank you so much anon! You've been a huge help

>> No.9014245

Someone is selling a pair on LM for 20 if yall interested.

>> No.9014265

Peacockalorum- you can order custom colour wristciffs from their etsy store

>> No.9014369

teacup handbag teacup handbag!

>> No.9014370

Find a friend and one go as a gorgon, the other as a petrified lolita

>> No.9015007
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1463299997861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having difficulties deciding on how to coordinate this dress. Would a pink blouse, black ankle socks, pink shoes, and maybe something pink up on the head be okay? Or would the pink look shoehorned?

>> No.9015010

>mods deleting thread relevant posts
Did I miss something?

>> No.9015035

well the old one is 20 posts from saging...

I'd still like advice on >>9010979, what do I do with my head/hair

>> No.9015036

Mods deleted an anon asking about their coord. If you check on what anon posted there wasn't anything like vendetta or b8 so why would they delete it? The idea was pretty cute too. Why mods?

>> No.9015043

you don't have to worry about "shoehorning" when your main pieces are essentially monochromatic. I think the pink would look very nice as long as it's all the same shade

>> No.9015094

These garters are made for the tiniest Japanese person. They go above my knee and that's it. I'm not necessarily going for ero, since gathered chiffon isn't really the kind of dress for it. I'm curious as to what I can do with them showing, since I did spend $80 on them thinking it'll fit properly.

>> No.9015477

thank you!

>> No.9015480

you can't really have them showing unless you're going for ero

>> No.9015484 [DELETED] 

Mods can't do their job well, what else is new?

>> No.9015501

Wear them like sock toppers?

>> No.9015708
File: 547 KB, 481x554, Doormouse anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doormouse from Alice in wonderland idea
I couldn't remember the shoes or sock design but there is gold being worked into the accessories and headbow has gold charms.

additional doughnut ears and teacup purse cgl touches

>> No.9015723
File: 876 KB, 2048x1536, BarbershopQuartet_Disneyworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirt garters
Get a bunch of gothic and shiro lolitas, do a monochrome barbers quartet and sing Malice Mizer

>> No.9015817
File: 532 KB, 623x776, Ducky OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this dress, but I'm at a loss on how to coordinate it. Everything I come up with feels too plain and boring. Any ideas on what I can do?

>> No.9015862

this is so fucking cute

>> No.9015868

maybe an apron and a cute straw hat? I think your coord is adorable though

>> No.9015873

Thanks for the advice! It's a good idea actually. I'll tuck in the clip and use them just as toppers.

The image in my head was beautiful...I want to try this just for kicks now.

>> No.9015897
File: 370 KB, 952x1020, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister is getting married this summer and wanted me to buy a gray-blue dress to fit the wedding's colors. So I bought pic related.
I have very little idea on how to coord it tho. Here's my plans for now, any help would be appreciated.

>> No.9015903
File: 709 KB, 640x854, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! This was my original picture I included. Unclear as to why my posts got deleted.

I do actually have that bag and I'm working on making the doughnut mouse ears! I would order them but I'm worried somehow they wouldn't come in time.

The way I'm working in the gold is with the socks, jewelry, and the big spoon I made to carry around.

I'm probably overthinking my issues with the blouse because I am really excited for the party. I even convinced my SO to dress up as the Cheshire Cat and take pictures of him chasing me around.

>> No.9016051

Adding pink would be fine since the dress is black and white. I think adding a pink star clip would be a cute addition too.

I agree with the other anon about country styling.
A straw sunhat or boater decorated with flowers and either a brown bag like a satchel to match the shoe color or a rattan case would look nice. You could add some dressier elements if you'd like with white lace gloves and sheer white patterned tights under the socks. Something to match the bird pattern on the dress could also be cute like a pendant/ other jewelry or a little charm on the hat or bag.

I would advise against what you've got here since it seems like you have different white/ beige shades that don't go with the dress. I have the shoes you've pictured an they're a bit lighter than they appear there, but they are potentially workable. Personally I think a darker brown shoe may be more appropriate for this dress, but you can try them out if you have them. A simple elegant bag that matches the shoe color would be practical for a wedding.
For legwear, I would match the white shade on the dress. You could get a sheer or knit pattern or something with a print in the pink/ mauve(?) shade from the dress ribbons.
For headwear you could potentially wear a boater or bowler hat, which would match the oxford heels well, but if that's unsuitable for a wedding then a bow clip like pictured is fine. I think a ribbon in the dress's main blue or accent pink color would be nice, and then flowers in white, pink, or blue.
You could also add in some more pearl elements with bracelets or a short necklace depending on where the neckline hits.

>> No.9016133
File: 33 KB, 213x320, DSC_2068 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if the Victorian cinnamon color would match the hem of Juliette et Justine Cadre du Chat in black? It's a really ivory/beige shade that I'm having trouble matching. I would also appreciate if you can think if any blouse suggestions. Black didn't quite match underneath either, so I've ordered a JetJ cardigan that I'm hoping will work. I've been combing the used sales groups, but I don't know if I'll find anything in time for ILD.

>> No.9016135
File: 43 KB, 290x387, 3665651760_e80eaa6ab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped a word. Victorian MAIDEN cinnamon color.

>> No.9016166
File: 241 KB, 709x743, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't wear lolita to a wedding. Also this coord is horrible. If you insist on wearing this dress, try to give it a vintage 20s look. Small vintage purse, brown pumps, skin coloured tights, decorated cloche hat, wavy hair. At a wedding you should try to look elegant and not cute.

>> No.9016179

You really should not be offering critique if this is your idea of a good coord.

>> No.9016190

The dress is not a good idea to begin with. I also wouldn't call this a "coord" as I clearly stated that she should distance herself from the lolita aesthetic and try something more elegant that suits the occasion more. But hey, if it's so shitty please enlighten us with your idea on how you would make this wreck of a dress work anon.

>> No.9016197

Wearing lolita to someone else's wedding will make you look super tacky. It's the couple's day, not yours. Tone it down and wear a normal dress.

>> No.9016199

The dress is fine. You have no idea what kind of wedding it will be and obviously her sister, the bride, is supportive. I actually agree with you that it might look nice with twenties inspiration, but you're being a real bitch about it.

>> No.9016209

What's wrong with the dress? I think it's cute

>> No.9016216
File: 81 KB, 290x387, IMG_0877[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only information we know is that her sister asked her to buy a blue-grey dress for her wedding, which gives zero indication on whether or not she's supportive of lolita being worn to her wedding.

Either way I don't think the dress itself is very wedding-appropriate. If you insist on wearing lolita to a wedding, at least try to find something that could pass as fancy normalfag wear.

>> No.9016223

I'm just trying to give constructive criticism. If you don't want criticism, don't post here and don't ask for advise. Wearing lolita to a wedding is rarely a good idea, it's not just my personal opinion. In most cases there is still this unspoken rule at weddings to dress formal and elegantly and not to steal attention from the bride with some very unusual and distracting outfit. And this dress is very unusual, even more if you wear it in a lolita way. And even if her sister is okay with her wearing lolita, some other guests might find it weird and it might lead to a tense mood. Of course it are a lot of assumptions. Maybe everyone is going to be cool about it, but why risking so much in the first place when you could just try to blend in. There is so much that could also go wrong and this day is not about you but the persons who get married, so trying to blend in is always the better suggeston imo.

>> No.9016225 [DELETED] 

The dress looks fine if that tacky lace pilgrim collar is removable. I think it's a cute idea, especially if sis is supportive. Believe it or not, a lot of normies really like how lolita looks, especially classic.

>> No.9016226

The dress looks fine if that tacky lace pilgrim collar is removable. I think it's a cute idea, especially if sis is supportive. Believe it or not, a lot of normies really like how lolita looks, especially classic.
Lolita is a dressy fashion, it's not like she's wanting to wear menhera or fairy kei to a wedding

>> No.9016227

>a lot of normies really like how Lolita looks

yes, for events other than weddings and such. It's attention whore-y to wear it to someone's wedding.

>> No.9016233

Whether or not it's appropriate for her sister's wedding is between her and her family. Can we get back on track and offer coord help again? Give advice for a good coord as if she had never said wedding. Where she wears jut is none if your business. This isn't an etiquette advice thread.

>> No.9016234

She's not wearing an OTT look at me print in an OTT convention coord, it's a simple dress in a colour the bride asked for. I really don't think that screams attention whore

>> No.9016263

Thanks for the advice anons! I was planning on adding a straw hat with a duck charm of some sort, but I love the idea of lace gloves and sheer tights.

>> No.9016760

Holy shit this whole wedding-thing blew up like crazy, sorry gulls. Original wedding-poster here, it's really not that big of a deal, the bride (sister) is fine with lolita and helped to choose the dress. The whole bride's side of the family is also very familiar with the style.

Thank you for advice, I'll look into all of that.

>> No.9016898


If you're still looking for coord advice.

Whenever brides give you free rein over the dress and only specify the colour, usually they're thinking about the group photos, where the bride and bridegroom are in the middle in fully white and black, and everybody else is in one solid colour block around them. It looks messy if people are showing up in gray blue x white x pink x ivory x brown x blue x whatever colour they please.

So basically all you really needed to do was get everything in that gray-blue colour your sister asked for. Remove the pink bows from your dress (unless they match the bridal bouquet). Then get gray-blue shoes, gray-blue bag, gray-blue hairbow, white tights, and you're pretty much done. Go white if it's a small object that you can't find in gray-blue (the handbag, for eg), or go darker for the shoes if you cannot find the perfect gray-blue match. If in doubt, ask what the rest of the bridal party is wearing and try to match them. You're basically coording to sort of blend together in photos, so that the bride and groom stand out more, so you want to be similar to the rest of the bridal party (in terms of colours, anyway).

That's all you needed to do, really. Hope you enjoy the wedding.

>> No.9017219

That's solid advice, thank you. It might be hard to find the exact tone of gray-blue in accessories/bag/shoes, so I'll probably need to add a bit of white.

>> No.9020127
File: 193 KB, 1523x1200, 1913212_939577592736518_1056573711079690588_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow its been done before

>> No.9020173
File: 588 KB, 1011x715, Tartan Coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping you guys could help push me in the right direction with this. I love the dress but the Tartan itself has five colours - black, navy, dark green, yellow and pink- and this absolutely threw me.

I really like the booky/student-like aesthetic of the catalogue pics but not the things they chose to coord with. What to do anons? I'd appreciate a few pointers, thanks!

>> No.9020188

You are mixing black/navy/brown in the first coord which is... not something I would advise. In fact I would tell you to run in the opposite direction.

I like the second one a lot more. It sticks to the studenty vibe a lot better, and you are working with a color that is already present instead of adding new ones.

>> No.9020194

when in doubt go black/brown or offwhite/brown, also I find you get that IW aesthetic if you use a brown/red bow on your neck infront of the blouse it's cute

>> No.9020196

I don't think mixing black/brown/navy is the best of ideas. Ever. It's very difficult to do it correctly.

>> No.9020198

Sorry but that just looks ridiculous. It takes an outfit and just cosses the line into a costume. I'd stick with say, IW's Gargoyles print, rather than going the whole hog with grey makeup.

>> No.9020351

In general you don't want to mix black and brown, or black and navy (in non gothic styles), so just keep that in mind.
The second coord idea looks good, I think it is safest to use white or offwhite for blouse and legwear and then keep the other colors within the dress's color scheme. You could probably work with dark brown shoes and bag though. The satchel type purse matches the theme but I think oxford heel shoes might be a more fitting choice. With a beret, neck ribbon, and gold glasses I think you should have something good looking.
Since you're using a short sleeve blouse you should consider wrist wear as well though. Either matching wrist cuffs or some bracelets would be fine.

>> No.9020361

Thanks anon, the more I looked at the black and brown the more and more I disliked it, glad to have my suspicions confirmed. I'll definitely go with the navy.

Just a quick follow up question - the dress is quite heavy in terms of fabric and look, should I maybe find a lighter chiffon blouse or could I get away with the one in the pic?

I'll definitely add a coloured bow! Maybe a matched tartan or navy though, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9020371

Thank you for the advice, I think I'll try out the white and brown in the future to shake things up a bit. And I agree with you about the shoes, I'll shop around for some oxfords, I'm not sure why they didn't occur to me before.

>> No.9020417
File: 49 KB, 500x281, Good Job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have that dress and those shoes
Totally gonna copy this person

>> No.9020419

Source on dress?

>> No.9020421

Innocent World rose-something-or-other

>> No.9020456

innocent world berange rose.

>> No.9020458

*berangere whoops, well you should be able to find it anyway.

>> No.9020473

Original gargoyle anon here....this is exactly what I was avoiding...

>> No.9022296
File: 327 KB, 500x822, 512878-294-2015-11-13847841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I wanted some help in finding coords for this dress. It's a Luna Rossa, End of the Vanitas JSK.I'm not sure how to put up this one besides using a black blouse. Does anyone have examples? I tried googling, but no luck.

>> No.9022326
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 10269435_10203370565641143_6258832730666015186_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, anon.
It's a pretty dress, but not worth it's value.

>> No.9025255
File: 519 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions on shoes? I have an old pair of white Bodyline shoes (s535) but I feel like they aren't in style any more.

>> No.9025313

That's more expensive than what they are new tho

>> No.9025315


>> No.9025318

Can't you find a top that has sax instead of lavender? looks really shoehorned and doesn't match the lavender on the bag.

>> No.9025392

Sometimes people delete their own posts and it will still show in the archive and look deleted here. I've done it a few times.

>> No.9025396


>> No.9025403

Anon said later in the thread their post was deleted and they weren't sure why.

>> No.9025407

Yeah but you don't know what kind of wedding it is, so you can't really say for sure if it's appropriate or not. Not all weddings are the same and sometimes you can wear anything. It depends on who is getting married.

>> No.9025409

>attention whore-y
This mindset comes from that stupid bridezilla mentality that was popular a few years ago. I think that time has come and let's be real, if you need an entire day to be all about you, maybe you should spend some more time discovering who you are and why you think you need that much attention.

>> No.9025410

>whining about people wanting their wedding days to be focused on them


>> No.9025427

I'll try to find a sax ribbon or something to replace the lavender one. Thanks!

>> No.9026777
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x2560, 16-05-29-03-45-25-438_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LF concrit on my first coord. Just wanting to know if the color/scheme matches up. I do have an off white chiffon bolero arriving in the mail soon which I plan on using.

>> No.9026811

bag doesn't go and I think you should focus on pulling out another color. It's not balanced if you just coord it all with off white/cream.

>> No.9026824


I agree with >>9026811 bringing out another colour will balance the whole coord. It looks like there's a lot of brown in the dress, try using that. Bag is a bit too white for all that cream/off white

>> No.9027041

Uhm, honestly, I think anyone would want their fucking wedding day to be focused on them.
That's kinda the whole deal about weddings.
I'd be really pissed if I payed a shit ton of money on a dress, and someone shows up in some super attention seeking frilly outfit (unless I said that was okay of course)
If you don't understand why someone would be upset by that then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.9027403

It's not just about the bride you know.

>> No.9027416

Its certainly not about you and your super special fashion sense.

Its rude to be show offy at a wedding, not for the bride alone, but for their whole celebration. This is about them coming together, it is the bride and grooms day, not your day to pretend youre at a fashion runway.

>> No.9027423

>not just about the bride

Nope, her husband too. Other than that nobody should really expect attention that day because it's their fucking day.

>> No.9027596 [DELETED] 

Planning on wearing this dress to my next meet, not sure how to coord it well though. I really want to pair rocking horse shoes with something but I dont know if it works with this dress, I have better shoes for it anyway, just really want a reason to buy those shoes.

Not sure what to do for head dress, I have a black and white headress right now, leaning towards white instead of more black.

>> No.9027599
File: 386 KB, 1635x845, I dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped picture, oh boy

>Planning on wearing this dress to my next meet, not sure how to coord it well though. I really want to pair rocking horse shoes with something but I dont know if it works with this dress, I have better shoes for it anyway, just really want a reason to buy those shoes.

Not sure what to do for head dress, I have a black and white headress right now, leaning towards white instead of more black.

>> No.9027857

The style of those bodyline shoes are fine, but I wonder if white is really the best for this? I would actually go for bringing out the different pastel colors you have in the bag/bow/blouse.
I agree the lavender necktie doesn't quite match but replacing it with a pink one would be alright, and you could have lav wristcuffs and pink shoes with white socks perhaps. If that ends up looking too ridiculous you could definitely simplify it back to a sax/white combination with just pops of the other colors.

Ditch the shoes and bag for some in the same brown shade instead, there's too much beige going on.
Otherwise looks good, maybe you could add an extra brown accessory to your hair or hat too.

The RHS are a little iffy for me since they're more associated with sweet and oldschool than classic, but I guess you could potentially style this in more of an oldschool way? It'll be a bit unconventional but it might work.
If you went in that direction then the rhs, either the heart bag or the one to the right, and white under the knee socks would be good. You could get a black and white rectangle headdress too.
For more typical classic I would use the violin bag, the textured tights, some simpler or maybe oxford heels, and a floral or bow hair clip.

>> No.9027889

Thank you for the ideas! I think I decided to go more classic with it, although I ended up buying the rhs anyways because I apparently had to have them.

I actually managed to grab the violin purse for about 20 bucks so thats what lead to me going classic.

>> No.9027898
File: 766 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160529_005926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still building up my wardrobe, but I'd like to go to the local ILD meet without looking like a complete embarrassment in what I have.

Leaning towards the darker shoes - I like those oxfords but they're pretty plain and a lot lighter brown than the rest of it. Contemplating making a vest in a similar color to pictured (but with a more lolita cut/detailing, obv) to add some color, and matching accessories to that.

>> No.9027916


Thank you for the crit and suggestions. I'll be on the look out for a brown bag and shoes then.

The dress is >http://lolibrary.org/apparel/infanta-alice-story-jsk

So there's a fair bit of burgundy in it. I was thinking of adding more burgundy with accessories but the brown seems like the safer option.

>> No.9027920


That replica looks like it's cheap hun. Maybe scrap and start over.

>> No.9027923

It looks fine actually, and I wouldnt know if its a replica or not because I didn't buy it myself, it was given to me as a gift.

I want to make it look as good as it can for my bf.

>> No.9027934

everything in this picture looks so cheap.
and that replica is never gonna look half as good as mary magdalene.

>> No.9027939


>it looks fine

In my ever unwavering optimism, I trust you will learn in good time.

>> No.9027949

I mean the shoes are just bodyline so yeah, and the tights are just from some taobao shop like mufish, and the bags arent burando either so uh, yeah!

Also uh, duh, its not a mary magdalene dress, its some dinky off brand maybe replica (I have no idea who made it to begin with) but it was bought with love

I mean I have better dresses, I even own burando dresses, but this dress was a gift and I honestly dont think it looks bad when its on, its not the best, the fabric isnt as nice or thick as I like it to be, but its not an awful little dress

>> No.9027957

please don't anon

>> No.9027966
File: 547 KB, 2048x2048, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I match shoes to the pink hairbows? should I even get the bows? not super sure on what to do as a headpiece since I didn't get the one with the dress
white shoes? pink shoes? blue shoes??
any other crit welcome as well

>> No.9027967

also i deeply apologize for the shit quality that is this 'collage'

>> No.9028103

If you really want to make an outerwear piece I think more of a bustier or underbust style vest would be alright.
Both the shoes you have in the pick look pretty bad though, I would get a proper pair of brown oxford heels.

You could definitely add a few burgandy flowers or a ribbon if you wanted!

You could either get a large solid headbow or multiple bows in white, pink, or blue.
I would say shoe color would depend on your bag choice for this. If you want a specialty shaped bag like a pink/white candy bag then pink shoes would look good. If you just got a bag that comes in many colors you could pick your preference, blue may be nice if you use pink patterned socks like that.

>> No.9028130
File: 1.03 MB, 992x1474, tumblr_nqh55q6TVH1qcrkr7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could need some help for headwear. Any ideas on headwear that's a little more toned down and maybe otome-ish? I already have a bunch of berets and hats and berettes, but it's too warm for hats and I don't know how to wear the barettes properly. Just clip them on the side?
Head-eating bows and old-school headdresses just aren't for me and I'd love something more casual.

>> No.9028650
File: 605 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I have these sax and pink wrist cuffs. Do you think this looks better?

>> No.9028714
File: 469 KB, 1635x1200, what bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to pair a purse with this dress, not sure which one I should go to.

Also if anyone has ideas for other aspects of this dress Id love to hear them!

>> No.9028720 [DELETED] 

those are all pretty fugly.

>> No.9028726

Theyre from the 60/70's (the wooden ones) so they need a little fixing up, but theyre definitely not fugly.

Then again I love these old wooden box handbags

>> No.9028760 [DELETED] 

>definitely not fugly

we must be looking at different pictures.

>> No.9028768

So what kind of purse would you recommend then?

>> No.9028776 [DELETED] 

One that's not shit.

>> No.9028783

Well aren't you just so helpful, thanks anon I will take that and write a note so I don't forget your amazing concrit :)

>> No.9028800

I find these lovely, anon, don't take the bait
I'd say go for the third, because is quite plain, and with a little of accesorising (some ribbons, fake strawberries/flowers) it could work with other dresses for a country vibe.

>> No.9028802

Ignore anon, these are pretty cute vintage purses. They look a little impractical though, you sure you don't want something less heavy?

>> No.9028804 [DELETED] 

welcome. it's the duty of the smart to educate the retarded.

>> No.9028817

Sorry, I took the bait pretty hard, most embarrassing behavior and all that.

But thanks for the ideas and as for the heavy-ness I am not too worried about it since all I carry on me are a phone and wallet normally anyway, they shouldnt end up too bad I think.

>> No.9028825

I'm not necessarily worried about the heavy-ness. I'd imagine them bumping into things, bumping into your leg/side while carrying it and so on.

>> No.9028895

I'm in love with the first one and that dress!

>> No.9028909

Its Yolanda's Berry River JSK, theres a few for sale on LM and I think its still for sale on their taobao shop as well :)

>> No.9029400
File: 64 KB, 1024x342, vests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was originally thinking of something more like the leftmost one here, but I could definitely do a halter-neck underbust or waist-cincher style like one of the other two.

I'll poke around for better shoes, though a week may be iffy.

>> No.9029657

Looks pretty good, but the style of those particular shoes may be slightly unsuited. I feel like something sweeter like teaparties, platform heels, or rhs might look better. Those ones have more of a sweet-classic or formal look.

The first and fourth look best to me, but you could also decorate the plain rattan one how you'd like too.

>> No.9030805

... What planet do you live on? Yes, there are certain scenarios where people rightfully expect to be the focus of attention over everyone else there. Would you fault someone for wanting the attention to be more on them than their guests at something like their birthday, graduation party, or baby shower? Also, how the hell are people getting married more attentionwhorey for wanting their wedding day to be about them than some guest showing up in a huge frilly attention grabbing dress? That makes absolutely zero sense. Honestly, you come across as one of those people who are obnoxiously bitter about the concept of marriage.

If anyone needs to reevaluate, it's you. Why do you have such a problem with people wanting to be the focus if days that are supposed to be about them?

>> No.9030809

Just to clarify, I'm speaking only in the scenario that the bride and groom did not tell the guest in question it's okay for them to wear Lolita. Personally, my dream bridesmaid lineup would be entirely girls in Lolita.

>> No.9031745
File: 2.65 MB, 1564x1264, lolita coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this really cute skirt+corset pack from lace market, and i'm trying to figure out a way to coord it properly.

The colors in the image might be a little washed out, the dress and red/brown-looking ribbons show more like wine irl, and the grey/blue part of the skirt is more mint/closer to the blue in the shoes and purse.


>> No.9031754

I'm not sure what got up the other anon's ass, but those are pretty solid choices for the dress.

imo, the straw box might be best, given that you alter it a little bit. Add on some lace and strawberries, or buy a pre-decorated bag from taobao. I know https://shop73192930.world.taobao.com/?spm=a312a.7728556.2015080705.4.B7I2Fa has a lot of nice bags similar to what i'm talking about.

>> No.9031783

so if it's more mint why the fuck are you coording it with sax?

>> No.9031804

i would describe sax as mint

sax is store shorthand for a color, mint is a description of a color

>> No.9031813

The blue accessories are incredibly awful. Don't do it.

>> No.9031846

sax is a shade of blue and mint is a shade of green what the fuck have you been smoking?

>> No.9031925
File: 13 KB, 142x141, okie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get your bloomers in a twist about colors, i'm not about to actually argue color word usage

Instead of arguing, i'll clarify. Assume the color of the skirt and the color of the accessories match, even if the picture would lead you to think otherwise. After that, CCW

>> No.9031939

>assume the colors match

No thanks, I'm not an idiot like you are.

>> No.9031940
File: 142 KB, 680x1023, Hair-Romance-Braid-tutorial-half-up-with-a-bow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Easiest way to wear barettes is to tie up half your hair on the back of your head and put the barette there. Depending on the barette itself you can try out different hairstyles, the bow clips that AP makes (like the Misty Sky clips) look cute on top of a ponytail, or a more flat-looking barette could be used in an updo. Hate to sound cliched, but if you image google "barette hairstyles" you can get some ideas.

For toned down headwear, try mainstream fashion stores. If your dress is a more common colourway like black, navy, dark red, brown, it's easy to find plain headbands with bows, single-colour scrunchies (braid your hair and tie them on), ponytail ties with single-color flowers/pompoms, and so on. You may have to go to taobao or aliexpress for pastel headbands, they're less common. Give the Japanese fashion stores a look as well, axes femme often has cute hairclips in themes that are trending in Japan but not here, like stars and seashells (for eg) to match your theme.

>> No.9031942

salty as fuck

>> No.9031958

those posts indicate anon is too stupid to differentiate between green and blue and I'm salty?

>> No.9031986



Another anon here in favour of ditching the shoes and bag entirely.

- Colours aside, the shoes and bag are really sweet whereas your main piece and OTKs seem to be more classic, the styles don't quite match.

- sax vs mint is not the issue, the blue on the skirt is a desaturated, dusty blue. Your shoes and bag are too bright.

- You already have too much colour confusion going on: wine red vs brown wristcuffs, the lace on the wristcuff seem to be ivory while the cuffs are white. If you add another warm-toned mint-blue bag and one cold-toned sax blue shoes to the grey, desaturated blue skirt, yeah, that's going to be pretty messy.

So, ditch the blue shoes and the bag. Ditch the wristcuff with two different whites on it. Ditch the headdress as well, it doesn't really gel with the librarian vibe of the skirt and blouse.

Keep the bow, the OTKs, the white blouse and skirt. For bag and shoes, shoes that are lighter than socks can sometimes look a little strange, so look for dark brown or black shoes. Then get either a wine red bag, or match the bag to the shoes.

>> No.9032006
File: 57 KB, 600x450, ripped from lacemarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for the CCW anon!

The wristcuffs, headdress, and bow all are made to match the skirt and corset -- they were sold in the same collection. Pic related is a better indicator of color, sorry the coord pic has some filtered to hell pictures. The ivory/cream in the skirt and wristcuffs should match, just like the red/browns should because they were made with the intention to be worn together by the creator.

I was mainly unsure how to color coordinate the blue/sax/mint/whatever in the skirt with the red that would be better to match up, or if i should ignore it and just aim to match the white colors.

>> No.9032068

Ignore it. It's going to be a pain in the ass to find blues that match that. I recommend going with the brownish red or the ivory for any accessories.

>> No.9032109

thank you!

>> No.9032132
File: 485 KB, 554x713, aliceskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my first high waisted skirt. How do I coord it?
I have a rather large bust and it does create a kind of shelf. I prefer classic and country lolita.

>> No.9032140

Forgot to mention that my skirt does not have the big bow.

>> No.9032285


I'd start with good shapewear -- like a binder or one of those specific period corset styles that minimise the boobs/squish them against your body. If you can't find that, at least a good bra that lifts your boobs. Try wearing your petti and the skirt a little lower, sometimes having a space between the bottom of your boobs and the start of the skirt helps things look proportionate.

If you can't get a nice silhoutte in your shapewear, t-shirt and this skirt, you might want to consider just selling it on instead of buying in a bunch of things and then feeling frustrated when you put them all on and your boobs still makes the outfit look odd.

For the actual coord itself, you could go with a white or grey blouse, brown shoes and bag, and add blue accents (hairbows, bag charms, jewellery with blue stones, that kind of thing). Keeping to blue, grey, white and brown should make your coord pretty cohesive.

>> No.9032354
File: 26 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.374666596_pchd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I use these type of shoes for a country style coord?

>> No.9032367

Mori maybe, lolita no.

>> No.9032735
File: 3.17 MB, 1616x2228, magic tea party coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a bit early for christmas, but i've been thirsting over this dress for awhile. Best to start early, right? Only issue is that dark green/gold is surprisingly hard to coord. I originally would've liked greenxgold harlequinn/diamond socks with dark green shoes and a gold blouse, but I guess those colorations will only exist in my dreams.

Instead, i've drafted up a few different ideas of coording the set that are actually possible. Which is best? Anything I should change? Know any items that match the description above?

>> No.9032776

>gold blouse

>> No.9032781

Gold blouses are pretty SOP anon.

>> No.9032786


>> No.9032792

You need something a bit more old fashioned looking. Think oxfords or lace up boots.

>> No.9032809

I think the second one looks best.
Although personally I really hate green and white together so that might be why

>> No.9037253
File: 104 KB, 960x720, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am either going with gold and white socks, or plain white ones. I am leaning towards gold because the blouse has gold and white buttons.
I don't have much in the way of accessories/blouses that could go with this. Not even jewellery, I left most of mine at home.

>> No.9037255 [DELETED] 

this is pretty ugly.

>> No.9037266

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9037271

great help in the coord help thread.

The gray and blue is kind of a funky combo to work with. I would get rid of that cardigan and either wear this without one or with a sax blue one instead. Bring in the blue more with hair accessories and/or neckwear. Perhaps you could find an accessory that combines gray and blue too, like a hat with a gray ribbon and blue flowers for example. The shoes and bag look fine
For legwear you could probably just stick with white, either short ruffle socks or knit tights would look good. Otherwise white otks with a gray, blue, or other subtle pattern would work fine too.

I would avoid bringing attention to a metallic like gold, if anything I think silver would better match the colors you have. Just having the gold buttons and if the jewelry is gold that's fine, but don't go out of your way to fit gold in there.

>> No.9037280


Good lord anon.

Ditch all the ivory/off-white stuff. The blouse looks dirty and the headbow looks downright yellow because the lace and details on your skirt is pure white. This is actually a pretty good example for why one should not mix whites. That white piece of paper under your shoes goes better with your coord than the blouse or the headbow.

Choose either brown or black and stick to it. It's not about the fashion rule of mixing brown black together, your skirt is already white, grey and blue, and now you're adding brown and black, making the whole coord brown, black, grey, 2 shades of blue and 3 clashing shades of white, how many colours do you want to shovel into one coord, or are you trying to broadcast that you're slightly colour-blind and can't tell the difference between black and brown?

- swap out everything beige/cream/ivory for pure white
- chose brown or black, not both.

>> No.9037289

Have you had any luck trying to match that shade of red? I got the corset and the headdress and I'm having a hell of a time trying to match that shade

>> No.9037293
File: 104 KB, 960x720, 13384940_10208485419605852_2048154860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. It's actually a dark grey cardigan.
I'm really stuck for accessories because it is so impromptu. I tried again (the beret is my only other hair accessory that would remotely go with this), except this blouse is a bit small so I generally only wear it under jsks.
Tomorrow I will rush out and look for different socks and something for my head.

>> No.9037320



Does the smaller blouse gap when you move around? If you're really that stuck for choices, then going back to the first blouse might be a better choice, a slightly discoloured blouse is less offensive than an obviously gaping blouse front.

If you don't already have one, put skin-toned camisole on your shopping list as well, both blouses look a little sheer, and bra silhouttes are not kawaii.

If you want to add grey to the coord, you need to keep it closer to the shade on the skirt, rather than the near-black you have in your other photo. Actually a lot of the fug seem to come from choosing shades that are too far off from each other (near-black vs medium grey, beige/cream vs white). Keep that in mind when you look for socks/headwear, remember not to deviate too far from the skirt colours (if you can pack the skirt in a clear ziplock bag and bring it with you while shopping, you can check the colours on the spot, but of course that's a little troublesome to bring around. If the skirt has detachable waist ties, that's what I normally bring with me instead).

For accessories, I think it's better to keep things simple. A normal pendant necklace should be enough just to say the coord is finished. You can add earrings, bracelet if you want to after that. Remember to keep the metal consistent (eg- all gold or all silver, don't mix and match too much).

I feel you on making rushed coords with limited options. Just do your best, then focus on enjoying your friend's company. Hope you enjoy the meetup (or whatever this is for).

>> No.9037335

Thank you anon. I really appreciate the help. I just tried on the smaller blouse and it is absolutely not going to work. I'll just do the best I can and hope it is not too awful. Maybe I will switch to a different main piece.

>> No.9037609
File: 327 KB, 1367x952, TB2hdmahXXXXXXwXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!1992797956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would gold shoes work with these dresses or would it feel shoehorned in? or are there any other shoes that might work with both of them?
Otherwise I'll just get a pair of navy and black pairs for each dress, but I've already spent so much money lately, so I'd rather get only one pair if possible..

>> No.9037613 [DELETED] 

these are really ugly.

>> No.9037629


If you get your shoes and bag in exactly matching gold shades, plus maybe an additional accessory (like a necklace or hairclip or whatever, also in exact matching shade), you'll find it much easier to add that colour into your coord (so long as the colours don't directly clash) since the three items match each other and almost automatically balance themselves out throughout your coord anyway.

I mention this because the left dress has a pretty dark gold while I'm not sure if the right one is lighter gold or beige. Thinking in terms of one pair of shoes, initially it's kinda iffy whether the same pair would work out for both dresses. But if you have matching bag, shoes plus one other accessory, it's still coord-able even if the dress on the right turns out to be beige ribbon and beige print rather than gold.

>> No.9037685

Thank you for the advise anon! I was looking for a bag with gold details, but it might look better if the bag was entirely golden
I was looking at these two, but the colors seem like they would be hard to match..

I might just have to wait a white and buy two pairs of shoes instead, feels like it would work better and be much easier to coord
Thanks again for the help!
Okay? Thank you for voicing your opinion I guess

>> No.9038345
File: 96 KB, 700x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Noble Tea Party in the mail today and it's more gorgeous in person. My only problem is it makes me look huge because of my bust. Is there any way to get a more defined, less boxy look with a sack dress?

I was also thinking of going to a tailor to have detachable waist ties made. There's a ton of extra fabric on the bottom to work with. Is that an awful idea?

>> No.9038368
File: 845 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting together my ILD coord! This is h.NAOTO's "Butterfly And Rose Corsage" JSK, and it's my first time working with silver/gray as an accent color in a lolita coord. I don't have shoes in the picture, but I'll be wearing black oxford heels. As for the bag, I understand it doesn't match the overalls theme of the dress, but it's the only black bag I have that doesn't have gold accents. Any suggestions?

>> No.9038376


>> No.9038377

Hate the bag with this. Gold accents would be better than that one imo

>> No.9038385 [DELETED] 

Not sure what do with this dress, I think the blouse looks nice with the dress but beyond that, hmm.

The purse matches the green of the dress well after I cleaned it but the shoes that I bought I am starting to think are just too bright red, should I go with a darker red?

and other than the head dress that matches the dress I have no idea what else to do for accessories

>> No.9038386
File: 417 KB, 1635x1103, I dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dropped pic

Not sure what do with this dress, I think the blouse looks nice with the dress but beyond that, hmm.

The purse matches the green of the dress well after I cleaned it but the shoes that I bought I am starting to think are just too bright red, should I go with a darker red?

and other than the head dress that matches the dress I have no idea what else to do for accessories

>> No.9038390

OP: the more I look at the tights the less I like them, thinking of going with just plain crochet lace tights instead

>> No.9038396
File: 574 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a bad idea to try and coordinate this with black? I think it looks okay but I thought I could ask you guys for some last minute thoughts

>> No.9038398

Also this isn't the whole coord just a basic idea of what I'm doing

>> No.9038400

Different anon here. I agree with >>9038390 about the tights. I would try to find something that looks less synthetic/more antique, to complement the wooden purse. Like an old world fairytale look. Something like that would give an interesting contrast to the high polish shoes as well. I like where you're going with it.

>> No.9038402
File: 130 KB, 670x538, 13-028_007_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this but I have no idea how to coord it (I mostly wear sweet but i fell in love with it).

>> No.9038555

Sack dresses are a terrible idea if you're busty, you really didn't think this purchase through and it would be stupid to cut up the dress to compensate for that.
You could make detachable waist ties with a solid fabric in the main blue color or just tie a white or brown ribbon around the waist. The shape's probably still going to be off though.

I'm also not a big fan of the bag but it's better than having one with gold accents imo. If you could somehow pick up a plain black bag (like...even a black normie bag with top handles would be alright) before your ILD plans then that would be ideal. If not then just stick with this.

Does the white of the blouse match that offwhite looking ruffle under the dress's belt, or am I totally seeing it right? Might help to post your own pics of the dress since it's hard to tell the colors accurately. The shoes you have there seem a bit bright for the dress's red as well.

While it's generally a faux pas it seems to work okay with those black/bronze accessories
I wonder if cream tights with a black or brown pattern would be better though? Then you could wear black shoes and a brown hair accessory.

There's lots of colors to work with so you have some options, I'd look at coords of it for inspo. For the blouse you could use offwhite, brown, red, or navy and then base your color choices for the other pieces around that. You could also try wearing this with an underskirt in one of those colors too.
One potential combo could be a navy blouse, offwhite tights (as a base color, a pattern of some kind might be good), brown shoes and bag, and a floral headdress with red flowers and some green leaves.

>> No.9038556
File: 757 KB, 866x1300, pls dont laugh at my ps skills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is a rough draft for what I sorta kinda want my first coord to look like, but I wasn't exactly sure about some things because basically everything I'm buying sans the socks (which I will probably buy secondhand) are from taobao. Crit on the coord and info on what I'm about to buy are highly appreciated!

Here are links to the stuff if that's helpful:
JSK: https://world.taobao.com/item/532793196296.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-4754449531.30.LtBVeS
Blouse: https://world.taobao.com/item/25307620856.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.HkceL1#detail
Beret: http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/amnesic-forest-roses-crown-cross-wings-embroidery-lolita-beret-amf-2
Shoes: https://world.taobao.com/item/45626780072.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.282LHq#detail

(My photoshop skills are laughable at best so forgive me, I tried. I wanted to see what everything would look like on an actual person lol)

>> No.9038558

Whoops, apologies for the many typos.

>> No.9038563

>That face
>It's so late I can't stop laughing

>> No.9038578

I don't currently have any beige tights that would work unfortunately, and I'm not sure I could find any. Do you think it would be too black heavy to go with black shoes with those tights?

I was gonna wear a black fascinator and clip the brown bows from the dress to it to hopefully tie things together.

I also own the black version of this dress and considered switching out the black bows and ribbons but thought that might be overkill

>> No.9038608

Maybe you could use black shoes with a brown/bronze decoration to lighten it up? Like either brown shoe clips or ribbon or something.

Sweet thigh gap.
I would be careful about matching the navy of the dress to the beret; the dress looks more violet while berets are usually more of a yellow blue color. I'd wait until you have the dress onhand to confirm the color anyway, if the navy doesn't work I think white with a red ribbon would be fine too.
I think the white blouse is better than the brown here. I would be wary about the sock's red pattern and the red shoes matching though.
It might be worth it to choose a bag first and then match the shoes to it, since you could definitely use a simple brown bag or something in a specific shape.

>> No.9038620

I may ultimately end up getting a plain black purse, in that case.
Enough about the purse, then. Any more concrit/advice?

>> No.9038684

Why on earth would you buy a sack dress if you're busty?
Get a binder or sell it

>> No.9038737


If you're already contemplating taking it to the tailor's to get the bottom lopped off, I'm guessing secondhand value and keeping the dress intact isn't all that important, so you might as well ask the tailor how much it would cost to take the dress apart and resew it into something entirely different and form fitting. It's just another option for you to consider, get a price quote then go home and think it over before you commit to anything.

Methods for making the dress more form-fitting (without altering it), you need to put something around the outside of the dress. So corsets, wide belts, bustiers, vests, that kind of thing.
- Belts aren't the best option, the fabric tends to balloon out over the belt, making your bust look bigger, plus it's hard to find the right style, but you can give your local mall a shot and see if you can find anything.
- Corsets and waist cinchers work, but finding one that works for lolita and doesn't look funky is usually a difficult quest.
- Bustiers are good, but a lot depends whether the necklines of the bustier and the OP look funky when you layer them together (you could try layering more things on top/under the bustier, but that's a whole different rabbit hole).
- Vests are similar to bustiers but looser, with a similar problem of what the necklines look like when you layer them.

As for making waist ties out of the bottom, I don't think the border print suffers too much if you only chop off bottom-most lace border, definitely don't cut up the part of the print with cultery and pottery on it as that's the focal part of the print.

However, the lace border will only give you a thin, loopy bow. You might as buy some wide ribbon off taobao to use as a waist ribbon instead, or get some matching blue chiffon from a fabric shop and use those to make wider waist ties (so that you can tie big puffy bows), you can layer some white lace on top of the blue fabric/ribbon if you really like the lacey bow look.

>> No.9038771

How do I stop midlength sleeve, like elbow length, sleeves from looking stupid under a cardigan? I have a meet tomorrow and I really don't want to have to change to a long sleeved blouse.

>> No.9038836

I'll probably end up selling it. Thanks gulls for the advice!

>> No.9039087
File: 67 KB, 360x420, Magical Starry Sky Chiffon OP blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a loss for legwear and a headress for this dress. Planning on wearing it with silver glitter pumps (AP Replica)

>> No.9039105

you don't, you sell it to me instead

>> No.9039197

Isn't the metal on the blue op gold? I wonder if that would be weird with the silver shoes.

>> No.9039358
File: 995 KB, 600x800, l328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm really new to lolita. What headdress should I wear with this dress, and what purse should I use with it? I don't want to find something that I think will look good with it, only to find out the colors don't match or something.

>> No.9039473
File: 493 KB, 1280x800, msaAhd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I posted here before, but as a second measure gulls, is there anything I can improve on?

>> No.9039481 [DELETED] 

this is such an improvement anon, glad you took my advice on the bag.

>> No.9039486

Thank you!! I'm glad I listened.

>> No.9039493

As a side note, do you have a skype? You seem like a seasoned lolita and extremely helpful!

>> No.9039499

I meant to send >>9039493
to you, apologies.

>> No.9039508

Anon, you are an angel. You just gave a ton of advice that has made me make some new considerations for my stuff.
I'm not the anon you responded to, but thank you for the ideas!

>> No.9039671
File: 184 KB, 768x432, 13383404_10208578741897385_692052205_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all silver. my lighting sucks but here's a pick next to my gold time turner.

>> No.9039757

Man it photographs weird, but the glitter shoes would be cute then!

You have a number of options, but just keep it sweet looking. A big headbow, bow clips, or rectangle headdress in pink and/or white would look good. Use the same colors for the bag, I think either a Boston type bag or a heart shape would be cute.
If you don't want to keep it all pink and white you could definitely add in a different color for shoes/bag/maybe sock pattern or other accessories. Anything sweet appropriate works, I think red, brown, lav, and sax could all be options if you want to change it up.

Honestly stop posting this, your coord is going to be bad no matter what you do because of the shitty replica.

>> No.9039762

I'm the anon she responded to. I pulled out the dress again for a second look and I'm not going to alter it for sure after seeing the comments here. It's too pretty for that.

I really appreciate you taking the time to create such a detailed response. Thanks so much anon! I did try a minimizer, a belt, and a fluffy petti. It looked better but I want to try your other suggestions too.

>> No.9039944


No prob. Glad it gave both of you some ideas.

>> No.9040882
File: 114 KB, 649x430, pastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to find light-colored pastel leggings and/or tights without print on them?

I'm talking these types of hues

>> No.9040990
File: 217 KB, 522x451, 629968-9848-2016-04-18282559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've changed the socks to a pair that're more white with little bits of pink on them, so they stand out less than the pair shown here
Do you guys think the shoes pictured could go well with this outfit? I haven't been able to find shoes otherwise that I like. Would white shoes be too.... white for this coord?
Help is much appreciated, thanks so much!

>> No.9042362

Thanks for the tip on the beret! I was planning on buying the dress before anything else anyways, but if berets are typically a different shade should I just scrap the beret idea altogether, and look for a headbow with a similar color?
The blouse is all white, it's just a weird shadow from the photo I cropped it out of.
What type of bag do you suggest? A friend told me to get something kinda like a brown wicker basket to match the theme, but I wasn't sure how to tie that in color-wise into the coordinate since there's no brown on the pattern, however I like the idea. Should I go with that, or should I just scrap it and think of something else?

>> No.9042398
File: 102 KB, 480x640, MRTNellaDressSet-black_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking headdress, shoe and socks/tights recommendations for Milky Rail Train, Nella OP Set. I also own the hat from same series, but I don't know if it would be good idea to wear a top hat with this coord or not. Planing to wear it at upcomming teaparty, but I have no idea how to make decent looking coord with it.

>> No.9042472
File: 2.51 MB, 1728x1924, magic tea party coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the repost, but i'm still unsure what accessories would work better for this coord. I've reshaped the image to help visualize it better

>> No.9042534

It's fine to use a wicker bag, it's basically a neutral. If you do go with a basket type bag then you should probably ditch the beret to keep the style consistent. Instead I think a headbow or bow clips, floral headwear, or a boater hat would be cute and match better.
Otherwise a red bag of pretty much any kind would be cute and would be fine with a beret.

I actually think a top hat would be really cute with this and would match the vest and pocketwatch details well. Alternatively a pill box hat or black floral headdress would look nice.
For legwear I would go with black with a sheer/lace or white pattern. White lace may look fine as well. Sheer stripes could be an option?

>> No.9042598


>> No.9042809
File: 362 KB, 1281x798, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying hard to coord this old 2007 bodyline dress. not sure if I should be going for light pinks or dark pinks, white or ivory, or anything really.

The only picture I can find with it worn is just awful stock bodyline.

Could I wear this old school?

>> No.9042812 [DELETED] 

don't do the printed tights with this.

>> No.9042814

You could wear this as either oldschool or more updated classic, it's a nice looking dress.
I would pair it with light pink, either white or ivory, or brown for the main accessories. Either a rectangle headdress or flower clip would look nice with it.

>> No.9042834
File: 331 KB, 1281x1200, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it for classic but the more I look at it that more I want to make an old school coord out of it too.

The only picture I find of it being worn has a darker pink shoe, so Ive been staring at this shoe in dark pink for a while. The regular pink throws me off, sometimes it looks like it matches perfectly with the solid pink of the dress, sometimes it feels too pale.

I've got plenty of white at least, not sure how id bring brown into it though.

Was thinking for old school I should go with under the knee white socks, sounds about right?

>> No.9042838

Not sure why my picture decided to get longer, forgive my cropping.

>> No.9043188

Thank you anon!

>> No.9043199

The dark pink looks too dark imo..I think I'd personally go for the off white.

>> No.9043200

Interesting choice, but pretty inspired.
If you want to invoke old-school, you're going to have to make it really clear. Yes, definitely go for RHS but get them in owh to make the lace pop. UTKs in white are also good, but you'll lose the contrast from the shoes' straps--I think that's okay.
What else are you coording it with? Keep the color palette simple. I think you will get the best old school look out of it if you keep blouse/shoes/socks in white, accessories in pink, and really be mindful of the details--rectangle headdress, appropriate and high-quality blouse, etc.

>> No.9043202

just.... don't....
that skirt and the buckled shoes are ugly as sin and the purple looks really tacky
not to mention, neither of the shoes match the dress and whatever petti you're using gives the skirt a really odd shape

>> No.9043207

So, how'd it go? What did you end up wearing?

>> No.9043219
File: 505 KB, 452x588, blouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tips and im definitely going to buy the shoes in white.

I have a couple really nice thick blouses form f+f, im thinkin the blouse in this picture could work, I have another more simple peter pan collar blouse with three quarter sleeves being custom made right now, its a lot simpler in detail and pattern.

The only acessories I have that match this dress though are some pink pearls, not sure how well that would go together.

>> No.9043232

I think this blouse is a good choice! I was going to suggest something with hime sleeves if you weren't sure which way to go, but this looks excellent.
RE: jewelry--not pearls IMO, especially because they read normie and casual. If you don't have anything and you're looking to pull this off, you might have to shell out, but not in a big way.
What's the time-sensitivity on this coord? How long do you have to purchase accessories? Hit up ClosetChild and buy the accessories you need there using their cheaper shipping option if you can afford to wait a couple of weeks.

>> No.9043237

I used to have plenty of time but I had to move my meet up to the end of June, so a couple of weeks is fine, but maybe cutting it a tiny bit close.

What kind of accessories would you normally pair with an old school coord? Normally I don't see many or any at all sometimes.

>> No.9043240

I think we need some RD in this thread.

>> No.9043248

Let's see--do you have headwear? You're going to want a rectangle headdress (ick) or bonnet.

Jewelry I could take or leave personally. It doesn't seem to fit into an old-school aesthetic. If you find a cute ring, sure, why not. No necklace here, though.

If you can score a good old-school looking bag that matches well, grab that, it will elevate your coord immensely.

A jabot could really pump that dress up. My concern is that it's not going to read old-school strongly enough. If you can tastefully add some extra lace, you can go-next level with it.

Bonus points: a parasol for an outdoor meet.

EMS will be a lot faster and not too much more expensive.

>> No.9043256

I have a rectangle headress thats pink and white, but its one of those stiff like felt ones that I got as a little extra once, so Im grabbing a cheap one off bodyline with my shoes

I will probably stay away from jewelry all together

For bags I see a lot of old school coords that just totes and I see a lot that use the plush purses, other than that im not too sure what really stands out as "old school"

I know f+f has a jabot, but it doesnt come in white, do you know where else to find one? Im scouring closet child right now :)

I have my eye on a few parasols, but sadly we wont be outside, so I might save it for a later buy.

Also thank you so much for all this help! Its my birthday coord so I am so grateful to get help in pulling it off right.

>> No.9043259

Different anon, but I think a simple choker or a long chain necklace with something like a cross charm or a cameo would be good enough. I agree you don't need to many accessories for old school. Depending on your skill it might even be stuff you can make yourself.

>> No.9043268
File: 28 KB, 250x333, just_some_bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna caution you against a bodyline rectangle headdress. Don't skimp on that detail. Rectangle headdresses are kind of an ita hallmark. If you like and trust the bodyline one, go for it. I would be wary of it personally.

No particular brand recommendations for jabots except maybe AatP. Definitely check closet child though. Not something to overspend on because how the hell often are you going to wear a jabot?

For bag see pic related. You can swap the metal handle for a real one (just any old clippy strap or an actual top handle). I like it because of the puffy lace detailing and the bow + solid iconic shape.

No problem! As you're well aware, I'm just some fucko on the internet. Not an expert in old school by any means (daily lolita, I wear classic/sweet), just an enthusiastic stranger. Best of luck

>> No.9043270

Only thing ive ever bought from them is shoes so I cant say I know the quality of their headresses

I will look else where though, I do have a really nice BTSSB headress, but its just off white, no pink or anything.

Thanks for the pic to give me a sort of idea and thanks for the luck! When i find everything I will probably post a collage of it all.

>> No.9043292
File: 14 KB, 248x326, purse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry im posting so much, but I found this AP bag and I think im going to snatch it up

>> No.9043293
File: 1.19 MB, 774x1201, aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told myself I'd never get a dress with crosses on it but joke's on me and now I'm looking for some advice on how to coord this.

I don't really want to bring attention to the religious elements of the dress (says I, as I whip out my saint mary stained glass tights).

I figured the collar would be white from looking at photos, but it's much starker white irl. I only have cream pieces and I'm wondering if I can make this ivory/white thing possible without being an eyesore, or if I should just suck it up and buy white headwear and legwear? I also have plainer tights that just have subtle patterns on them.

>> No.9043300
File: 86 KB, 480x640, P10OJ227-cha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have coords of this?

>> No.9043338


White x ivory x sax blue? It could work, but you'd need to balance it carefully. That AatP canotier in your collage definitely doesn't work, the headdress looks like it belongs in another coord entirely.

I'd also be wary of the gold shoes, it could be a photo problem, but the gold clashes with everything else (in contrast, the IW bag is a much lighter gold than the dress trim, but they're both yellow gold and don't clash).

Ditch the silver bow as well (the image with the blue background), your dress is gold so I'd be wary of adding too much silver/shiny white, again it looks like it belongs to a totally different coord.

I usually do a pegasus theme with my Luminous Sanctuary to take the focus off the crosses. But then it usually involves wearing the matching jewellery from the set, apparently 4chan does not like that.

>> No.9043345

The ivory tights might work really well because it could look nice against the gold border on the bottom of the dress. If you have them both available, test it out and take some photos in good lighting. If you can pull that off, I'd say you're in the clear to go with ivory, but try to go with items on the darker side. I think stained glass is a nice compromise if you don't like wearing crosses (I don't either). Good call on the metallic gold shoes. If you go with ivory, absolutely no white accessories.

>> No.9043593
File: 234 KB, 480x416, Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 12.37.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like something is missing! (not meaning accessories like rings etc)

Also if anyone knows anywhere/anyone selling a kumakumya pochette please let me know!

>> No.9043792

I think I saw a kumakumya pochette up on LM for about 85 bucks

>> No.9043839

General tips for coording dresses without matching accessories? I mostly struggle with headwear if I don't have the matching head accessories. I always just wear some bow barrettes in colours that match but it seems boring.

>> No.9044441
File: 1.59 MB, 1914x971, which shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Im not really feeling the straps on the RHS, wondering which pair of shoes would be best for this

>> No.9044862


Anything that echoes the main colours/themes in the rest of your outfit will work. Pretty much do what you're doing with the bow barettes, but try it with headbows, berets, headdresses, bonnets, veils, hats, etc. If you get lucky you can sometimes find a hairclip or brooch in a matching theme/style, and add that to your main head wear.

General things to remember:

- Try to keep the colour balance consistent, for eg if you have a blue dress with large pink motifs and some other small bits of colours, try to keep to blue headwear, and add something pink as those two are the most obvious colours on your dress.

- You don't have to match the exact pantone shade, but the further you stray from the colour, the less they match, so definitely aim to match as closely as possible.

- Try to keep the style consistent as well, for eg if you have a cartoon bunny print by AP and a watercolour bunny brooch from IW, they're not a good match because the styles are very different, even if the theme on both is bunnies.

- if you're really at a loss, just collect as many bows/hairclips in the colours/themes that matches your dress, then arrange them on your head in whatever arrangement looks nice. The one that generally works is bows or flowers across the top of the head, or you can braid your hair and stick them in randomly.

>> No.9044872

Do the traditional straps or get them from another source. The other Bodyline ones look kind of awkward and not really suited for old school.

>> No.9044874

The wrap like in the stock pic isn't the only way to wear them.

>> No.9044877


Excuse my newb question, but how else could you? I cant seem to find any other pics of them

>> No.9044937
File: 62 KB, 313x600, 1443613721248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, for one.

>> No.9044944
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 1459739939225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can find them, this type of RHS pretty much always looks good. Bodyline makes.made them at one point but I'm not sure if they still have em.

>> No.9045557

Thanks for all of the tips! I appreciate it a lot!

I forgot to mention that the rose on the canotier is detachable and it's just a simple bow underneath. I wasn't planning on wearing it with the rose since I didn't think it'd match either, but thought it could be okay without it?

The silver bow is actually gold, but it looks worse the more I compare it to the dress anyway, so I'm gonna disregard it completely.

A pegasus theme actually sounds like it'd be super cute. I'll definitely keep an eye out for what I can do with that. Thank you!

Yeah, after you mentioned it, I think the salon de the minette tights have too much white in them, so I'll go for the ivory. I think it looks fine, but I always second guess myself somehow.

It's funny, I bought this dress because the stained glass and pegasi got the better of me, and I reasoned it with, "I guess the crosses on this one aren't that noticeable." I showed a couple of normie friends the dress and they didn't even see the crosses until I pointed them out, and that's the story of how I have fallen, haha. I'd be happy to focus more on the stained glass motif. Thanks a bunch!

>> No.9045560

How hard is it to make navy and black (with white accents) work in a coord? I know that combo can be a bit of a fashion faux pas if done incorrectly, but I'm tempted to see if I can make it work (probably because I'm a masochist or something).

>> No.9045566

lurk more newfag

>> No.9045567

It depends on the shade of navy and how dark it is; if it looks obviously (dark) blue when coordinated with black then it's fine, otherwise you could end up looking like some of your pieces are faded or that your blacks don't match and it's not a good look.

>> No.9045579

I've lurked plenty looking for examples of it done well and have come up short, but you know, thanks for the advice and all.
Good point to keep in mind--I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks!

>> No.9045697

>>9044441 here, thanks for the help everyone and now the only thing im stuck on is what petticoat to put under this thing.

Since its going to be old school I know it shouldnt be super poofy but I dont know what petticoats out there would give it the right amount. my malco modes is way too puffy for it.

>> No.9046067

You could layer a couple cheap pettis from eBay or something, I think the less fluffy Malco modes/ other square dancing type ones would be too A line.

>> No.9046120
File: 54 KB, 638x423, 18391052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to coord this meta shorts set. Help?

>> No.9046210

I would pick a blouse color and then move from there. You could do head to toe black, but a white, ivory, or wine blouse would also be nice in a high neck cut.
Match your socks to the blouse color, a pattern may be good since the main pieces are solid. Black shoes are a good choice too. I'm not super familiar with ouji style but something in black would work, a hat or mini hat I guess.
For other accessories you could also bring in silver or gold metallics in a brooch, watch, chain, glasses, etc.

>> No.9046212

*something in black for headwear, oops

>> No.9046232

I'm just worried because the big buttons suggest something sweet, but I'm not sure what sweeter collars would play nicely with the vest.

>> No.9046348

Maybe it's a bit hard to judge from these pics, a worn picture might make it easier to give advice since I was thinking like classic or gothic type styling.
I feel like the vest cut necessitates either a high or small collar that fits within the collar edges, like a pointed one or something.
I think the safest bet overall would be to go with a black and white color scheme and style it as oldschool sweet maybe?

>> No.9046924
File: 1.03 MB, 1068x478, tights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you guys are probably really tired of me, but I'd like to ask for help with that to wear for leg wear for the dress on the left
I can't seem to find any that I think match
Pic related are the only ones I've found that I feel are remotely ok, I'd be really happy if someone had some concrit or could suggest something better

>> No.9047329

I'm not usually a fan of gold shoes but I like them with this dress. Gold shoes with the gold and white purse and whitetights

>> No.9047572

Can't say I'm a fan of any of those for the dress. I think black with a gold print, especially a gold cross print, would look really nice. Check out taobao or mu-fish for some like that.

>> No.9047868

Yeah same. I'd rather not order from taobao, especially if it's only a pair of tights, but I might have to anyways
Thanks for the tip on the other store, I'll check it out

>> No.9048344

You could always check out resellers like my-lolita-dress, clobba, storenenvy and the like.

>> No.9049141
File: 20 KB, 400x278, metaskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gulls, does anyone have any ideas on how I could co-ordinate Meta's Gardening Teddy-Chan skirt in cream? I bought it because the print's cute and it was a good price but nothing seems to go with it.

>> No.9049272
File: 71 KB, 240x320, opera millefeuille white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stumped on what to do with this. I'm debating whether to coord this or buy a new jacket as my outerwear piece, or even buying a coat that this would look good under. Wanting to do an ouji style pirate themed coord for an upcoming con's theme.

>> No.9049294


It's elegant and stands on its own, coord with socks and boots, possibly a short jacket.

Or sell it to meeeeeee dream dress

>> No.9051834
File: 164 KB, 420x560, DSC_1134-420x560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really struggling to coordinate this dress. I've got deep red and gold accessories to bring out the colour of the print and i'm playing with a baroque theme, but i'm lost on what colour blouse and leg wear to pair with it. i'm quite tall as well so my options when it comes to tights is limited to plus size, someone please help!

>> No.9051916

Owh tights, either lace or with a gold design. Crosses would work.
For a blouse, go with one of those flowy chiffon ones, or skip it for a deep red bolero.

>> No.9051935

I may have an idea, can you post a floordinate of it next to white paper?

>> No.9051939
File: 717 KB, 726x686, Neverland anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, cream and gold with small hints of deep red.
Cream: blouse w/ square neck and flowy sleeves, socks/legwear and bag.
Gold: shoes and accessories
Red in accessories or small touches in head piece.
You may need to DIY a headpeice together. This BTSSB is fairly easy and can be dressed up or down.
Legwear- a sheer white tight with pattern that suits the dress. Worse case senario: http://www.sockdreams.com/products/vertically-inclined-stockings?t=8357&

Why did you get the light blue if you didn't know how you were going to coordinate it? The red, black, navy or beige are much more versitile

>> No.9051949

I have the shoes and accessories ready and I'm bringing out the red and gold in the print, with some pearl accents. When I bought it I didn't think I'd have any issues with it but when I got it it really stumped me because the colours are quite different in person. Thank you for your suggestions!

>> No.9052800

Which colourway of Promenade de Paris tights would best match the OP in mint? It looks like it would be Pink x Sax, but it claims to be sax and not mint.

>> No.9052823 [DELETED] 

r u dumb?

>> No.9053567
File: 567 KB, 600x743, sv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I'm need some ideas for Sweetie Violet.

I adore the navy colorway, but I'm actually more a casual sweetxclassic lolita. I don't have a single navy item, neither anything pink, sax or violet.
I only own black, browns, reds/wine and ivory.
Is there any way to use these colors? I know blackxnavy is a faux-pas, but this seems like the only possible color combination.

>> No.9053602
File: 279 KB, 700x1200, l145-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this skirt in sax look good with blouse l076 from Bodyline in owh? Or do I need to get a sax blouse?

>> No.9053605

Actually, would a pink blouse work too? Same anon here.

>> No.9053607

Just curious, why did you buy this if you don't own anything that matches it?

You could try coordinating it with ivory I suppose. But you will need to get something in at least one color that's in the dress to tie everything together.

>> No.9053613

I just love how the soft pastels and the dark navy work together and the polka dots make it a tad otome/retro.
I just always loved Sweetie Violet in this colorway, simply makes me really happy. I used to own the navy skirt, but it was too small for me. But now I know how it looked in person and just had to get it.

I always liked navy colorways, but I never bothered to get any dresses, since, you know, my wardrobe revolves around browns and reds. But Sweetie Violet made me buy my first navy piece.

I'm looking to get more navy dresses and staple pieces in the long run, but I've been wondering if I can wear it with my current wardrobe until I actually get more complimenting pieces.

>> No.9053646

Assuming the detailing on it (lace etc.) is off white, an off white blouse will work just fine. If you accessorize properly to balance the colors a pink blouse will work as well.

>> No.9053664

Since it's a pastel vomit sweet print, pink and offwhite will do, but the pink should match the pink pony's mane. Offwhite is a safe choice, but I'd wear some pinkish necklace or cardigan to balance the outfit.

>> No.9053676
File: 314 KB, 700x1200, l409-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll probably wear it with an off white blouse and a pink cardigan. Would this cardigan be fine?

>> No.9053930
File: 693 KB, 600x800, 3db096bb-1f51-4f32-8575-395e54826cac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice essay, dude. I wouldn't wear it with any neutral other than ivory, though. Especially not black. My suggestion, assuming it's summer where you are, is to use an ivory blouse and ivory ankle socks+shoes. Usually you'd want to work in the colors from the main piece near the feet, but you can kind of bend the rules with short socks. Pic related is kind of what I'm thinking of.
But yeah, ideally you'd have navy shoes.
Cardigan seems cute, but try to work the pink back in, ideally by wearing pink shoes. It seems like you're kind of new, so if you're into sweet, pink shoes, pink cardigan, and owh blouse are great staple pieces. You can wear virtually any pastel jsk/skirt with that combo.

>> No.9054250

I think brown and ivory could work. Maybe an ivory blouse and tights with brown shoes and bag, and DIY a headpiece using colors from the dress?

>> No.9054321
File: 68 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I'm in need of a white blouse for AX and I'm afraid all the ones on ebay will take too long to arrive. Is there any way I can get one in time? Does anyone know of any irl stores I might be able to find one in? It can be as simple as pic related.

>> No.9054446
File: 321 KB, 1000x1505, MyMelodyCoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite a lolita coord but I would appreciate some help putting together a my melody themed coord for a con, would like it to be as tacky as possible. Not 100% sure with any of the accessories to be honest but I'm open to all commentary. I'm still a bit new so please help point me in the right direction (also I know it's not lolita but not quite otome either, but I plan on wearing a petti with it anyways. Is it just normie fashion or is there a different style this would go under?)

>> No.9054464

i'd go with the light pink shoes, they match the bag better. i'd be more of a fan of the dark pink ones to bring out the darker pink in the print if not for the bag

>> No.9054465

Giant fluffy ears.

>> No.9054473

That's what I was leaning towards as well (also the only pair available in my size)

I found a pair on taobao but they were very poorly made! If someone knows where I can get some nice ones that would be great

>> No.9054534

these are the cutest old men i've ever seen.

>> No.9054573

source on the dress??

>> No.9054742

Check secondhand sales, you're bound to find something. You could try your luck at a vintage or thrift store as well.

Use an ivory blouse and socks and get some cheap navy shoes or something. You could use like a basket type bag or straw hat as well, that kind of styling may actually allow you to use brown shoes without it looking too weird.

>> No.9055289

Anyone?? I'm at a loss as to which colourway I should hunt down.

>> No.9056739

So, I've been looking for some things to match and it's actually really hard to find navy and lavender things at all, pink and sax are easier but often not my style/not sophisticated enough.

I'm trying to focus on pink and sax at the moment. A coord with pink seems a tad more childish, but sax is actually quite hard to match. My shoes of choice won't match, cause they are mint, but I like the style and have a hard time finding similar.
I'm leaning towards pink, because I already have pink bags and headbows, but I'm still not quite sure about this coord.

>> No.9056742
File: 1023 KB, 1228x794, sweetieviolet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dopped pic

>> No.9056762


Kon, or navy is trending in Japan this past year. If you take a look at shops like Axes Femme or DreamV, your chances of finding navy stuff is pretty high. Mentioning this as now would be a good time to get navy things before the colour decides to trend out of favour again.

Getting pink items from taobao needs to be treated with care. Even the lolita brands will often send you salmon pink items instead of the cool pink that you need, and these two shades usually clash pretty loudly (eg the shoes in your collage). So be on the look out for that. Unfortunately stock photos don't always tell the truth either.

As for your selection of items, I'd suggest you drop the cardigans, they're rather long which means they'll cut off most of the skirt and will billow out like a tent. Look for cropped cardis or short boleros instead since your dress is high-waisted.

I also suggest you stick to a limited colour scheme. The dress itself isn't as much of a pastel rainbow as AP's usual, so if you try and put ten different items in ten different colours, even if they're all pastels, it's going to look like a colourblind mess.

>> No.9057765
File: 371 KB, 1366x768, strawberryparlour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a collage of questionable quality as I am trying to narrow down what accessories to wear. Recommendations on headwear that aren't that headband are very much needed.

>> No.9057773

It all looks pretty terrible anon.

>> No.9057783

The shoes and cutsew are holding this coord back. Maybe red shoes would look better, strawberry themed OTK's or ankle socks, a canotier with berries on it, an ap short sleeved blouse...

>> No.9057796

Thanks for the honesty! I tried for summer friendly-casual so off again to the drawing board.

>> No.9057799

>summer friendly


>> No.9057862

I have both of those shoes and I don't think either of them would match that dress.

>> No.9057885

While I agree that anon above's suggestions are cute, I don't think there's anything wrong with the coord you have now, especially since you're going for a more casual look.

>> No.9058076

It's alright, it would probably look better on someone than as a floordinate.
Black can look good as a summer outfit, not everywhere is it a million degrees. Hell, it's winter in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.9058328

I figured these shoes won't work, I'm already looking for some with a cooler pink. Sadly the only ones I seem to find look really sweet and childish.
I actually own the cardigan in black already and I think it looks really nice with this cut (wore it with other high-waisted dresses). It doesn't look 100% lolita, but the look is more otome/casual j-fash which is what I'm going for.

I actually looked into Axes Femme, DreamV, ETc and auction sites, but navy is still hard to find. Most navy items are blouses, which wouldn't work with this dress, since it would be navy overload. Shoes, cardigans and other stuff sadly is sold-out in navy most of the time.
It's definitely trending, but hard to come by at this time of the season.

As for the color scheme, I wanted to do either blue-navy or pink-navy. I decided for pink for now. Maybe I'll build a blue coord sometime later.

>> No.9058381
File: 938 KB, 1836x3264, 20160617_114658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Gulls!
I'm having a really hard time to coordinate this dress : any suggestions?

>> No.9058386

I'd try to coord it with grey. Please don't pick up these weird brownish nudes in the bodice.

>> No.9058392
File: 1.28 MB, 1836x3264, 20160617_120309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grey looks strange with the strange brown of the bodice
//Maybe I don't have the good shade
//Please don't mind the fact that's the grey thing isn't a blouse : it's just to find the right color

>> No.9058398
File: 1 KB, 227x222, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be crazy, but is there a bluish gray in the print? That might be a better shade to try. Something like pic related...

>> No.9058408


It could be nice! I don't have anything with this shade but I'll try to find something!

>> No.9058417

Maybe ivory with light brown shoes and bag? I know it's boring but at least it shouldnt clash

>> No.9058447
File: 84 KB, 480x640, P12OJ208-sx_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this dress in the mail, wanting to do a les mis-ish themed coord. Bonnet in next post, am on phone.

>> No.9058466
File: 52 KB, 431x600, 017_1146_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is bonnet

>> No.9058473

The bonnet seems to be less grey-ish than the dress... Maybe try with a navy one ?

>> No.9058478

Yeah, the colours are way off. It will look bad.

>> No.9059912
File: 555 KB, 927x428, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, Id appreciate the help.
Im stuck as for leg wear. Im mostly tying in mint via wrist cuffs/purse and possibly hair combs because i dont want to be over nitpicked at TOO MANY pinks.
Because this op has weird sleeve length and im just generally shit with OPs im also really stuck as to what to do wtih my hair. Should i get a headbow instead? Use both mint and pink hair combs?
This was my first brand and despite owning it for 4 years i feel like i still havent done it justice mainly because i cant balance it well like i can with Jsks.

>TLDR: Ideas for legwear? Should i get a headbow instead of bow combs/bow hair ties?

>> No.9059969

For shoes And now I'd pull out the darker pink in the skirt. Not too sure about having the whole purse be that blue either

>> No.9060217
File: 1.64 MB, 1204x1080, firsttrydesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me some pointers on this? I want to make a really mean queen inspired coord but I don't know if it's balanced at all.

>> No.9060372
File: 83 KB, 604x960, thatonecoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a redux on this baby. I did this HP-themed coord for Halloween of last year and I'm coming up on a trip to the Wizarding World soon so I wanted to update it and make it less...well, dull. I feel like I just did black everything with a few gold accents here and there because I was rushed, but now I really wanna bring out the colors in this print; it's full of beautiful navys and purples. It's L'Oracle by Violet Fane, and it's a very busy print so I don't wanna overpower it too much with accessories. One thing I definitely don't wanna do is a witch hat or a hat in general really. I need headwear that looks magical without flying off on rollercoasters. A more elaborate headchain?

I'm also really on the hunt for matching legwear and shoes. The vibe for this is new divination professor I guess.

>> No.9060425

I think it looks really cute! Maybe you could add some gold bracelet or something?

>> No.9060438

Thank you! I didn't really think about accessorizing my arms yet, I'll look into some bracelets.

>> No.9060600

Is there a suggested OTK that would match or should i settle for white tights?
I was going with AP because i have them. Its the mint bag not the sax.

>> No.9061560
File: 529 KB, 788x611, Screen Shot 2016-06-19 at 1.06.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some advice on this coord, specifically legwear and wigs? Was originally going for yellow x pink as my colors, but tracking down the Candy Border OTKs in that colorway is gonna be a bitch, so I'm thinking about the polka dot tights. I'm also not sure which wig would be best. I'd like a wig that I can also work with my classic wardrobe, and I'm specifically looking for a reddish brown. For jewelry, I'm going to go with macarons and white pearls.

>> No.9062202

I feel like if you're doing a mint bag you should do mint shoes as well, or there won't be enough of the color. Otherwise use OTKs that are primarily mint.

The crown and scepter look silly, avoid them. If you're using such a detailed veil then a small crown could be appropriate. A gold crown or cross bag would be nice too.

I'm not a fan of the headchain and earrings at all. The earrings especially look weirdly modern and don't seem right for the theme to me? The headchain looks forced too. Maybe more antique looking jewelry would have a better wizard type look to it, or something rustic with like amethyst stones or something.
I think a cute piece to add could be a caplet with a hood and you could secure it with a nice brooch or ribbon.

>> No.9062566

Do you have examples of a crown that would look better?

>> No.9063058

the wig choke is wearing and socks number 2. If you cant get 2 go for 1. I think the coord is too printy for number 3. The GLW is a weird style and i dont see it fitting the lolita aesthetic

>> No.9063063

ill look for mint OTKs.
Unless you know of a good mint shoes. Im so sick of never finding the write shoes and AP teaparty shoes are a tad to small on me for me to buy another pair.