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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 760x475, flex-design-muscle-suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9008824 No.9008824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any tips/tricks for making realistic looking fake muscles for cosplay?

I am a skinny female but need a pair of manly arms for a manly cosplay.

>> No.9008848 [DELETED] 

help thread newfag

>> No.9008918 [DELETED] 


>> No.9009053 [DELETED] 

see >>9008848


>> No.9009073 [DELETED] 

Your petty tribalism is duly noted.

>> No.9009084


Can the twelve year old that keeps samefagging in every thread not in a megathread gtfo? No one thinks you're cool and it's not helping you fit in better, sweetheart.

Are your arms going to be covered or bare? If covered then you can always go with a (relatively cheap) muscle suit, most theatre or costuming shops will have them to buy secondhand or rent.

>> No.9009174 [DELETED] 

Stop helping people who kill threads for cosplay questions that are easy to google, this shit is getting so old.

>> No.9009220
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all this talk about thread killing lately? This is a slow board, any thread that gets knocked off here was already dead, the carcass is just getting cleared away.

While I usually direct people to the help thread, this could actually be worthy of it's own discussion. Muscle suits and airbrushing for costumes are interesting.

>> No.9009283

I'm one of those people who usually does that, but this is retarded
this thread could easily be a very interesting and specific one, you faggots are just suffocating the last of this board's creativity

found some links for you anon
you could probably do some cross between arm socks and any of these tutorials

>> No.9009308

>this thread could easily be a very interesting and specific one, you faggots are just suffocating the last of this board's creativity
there are creative threads few people participate in. the reaction thread asked for OC and people mostly posted old stuff. the chemo challenge has been limping along with rolls but no posts. even the art and craft threads see a lot of timidity around participation. i think the general lack of creative seagulls willing to post and discuss their work is what keeps the board slow.

a board full of threads with under 10 posts (which this one would have been if no one called newfag and annoyed other seagulls into helping) doesn't make it any faster.

calling someone a newfag and pointing them to a help thread is pretty standard. when they are directed to a help thread, but choose instead to bump their own thread less than two hours later, completely ignoring the one person who responded to them, that's just retarded. there is nothing creative or interesting about that kind of poster.

if you want to go through the effort of doing more than just spoonfeeding OP, then bless your patient and constructive soul. if you can make this thread blossom into a lively discussion about fake muscles, that would be awesome, and i mean that with 0 trace of irony. but would you have been even impelled to try if you weren't first offended by the rudeness of other gulls?

>> No.9010919


>> No.9011038


>> No.9011048

cause they're still trying to make this happen

go to the help thread next time, op

>> No.9011093

Your tantrum posts already got deleted. Give it a rest.

>> No.9011612
File: 110 KB, 736x695, marinetimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011655
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, kowai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011754
File: 127 KB, 700x527, Insovietrussiateenagerrapeyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tren can do amazing things.

>> No.9011764

Do you think this would be believable for huge fake boobs under a bodysuit? I need to keep the waist small and have a nice, seamless look underneath

>> No.9011765

She can destroy me any day of the week <3

>> No.9011828

Compared to her arms, her legs don't look very good

>> No.9011841

Kek, thinking only one person can think this shit is a bad thread.
Seriously, look at it. There's literally 2 posts of merit. Everything that needs to be said about the topic could have been said in the help thread too.
>inbe4 autist, tumblr, reddit, buzzwords

>> No.9011959
File: 1.67 MB, 250x142, 1406402332509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap. Is this real?