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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 20 KB, 325x210, help-comic-shout-expression-vector-text_7kyVaZ-325x210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9008531 No.9008531 [Reply] [Original]

>previous thread is on autosage

>ask all your CGL related questions here

>> No.9008547

Unanswered questions from last thread:


>> No.9008596

I can't find much information on raised detailing with sintra, but I seem to be having some troubles with my Silas cosplay for Fire Emblem: Fates/if. This is also my first time working with the material and I picked a difficult project for my first time but luckily it's working out, failing a lot but learning a lot.

Does brand of sintra matter? I seem to overheat/curl often on small detailing bits, could be that I'm impatient or my heat gun is disturbing heat unevenly (using low settings) I also seem to have problems getting it flush to the base piece
I also see that people glue the detailed bits first before forming, but I have a lot of curves in the armor so I wanted to avoid that since the diameter/length would change so I form then add the detialed bits and form on top of it.

How do you fill the seams for small detailed parts? I know bondo works well for big seams (eg. darts) but for small parts can I use bondo as well too? I'm not sure how well it can apply to small cracks. I've heard spot putty can work well from what I've researched online

I posted my progress pics on imgur in the following link


>> No.9008601
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>> No.9008603
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>> No.9008614
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>> No.9008615


It depends on the hero? Places like RPC Studio have some great suits, but they can be pricey and they don't have every hero.

>> No.9008625


Does anyone know of a good tutorial/some guidelines for crossplay (fem>male) makeup? I know there are dozens out there, but I don't want to look like trash, so just if anyone has one that they'd recommend. The character Im cosplaying is in his early teens, btw.

>> No.9008681
File: 41 KB, 457x800, 1280053356232_hz-myalibaba-web9_3250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this style have a label or name? I found this picture while looking up lolita fashion things but I know this isn't lolita.

>> No.9008684

its called ita

>> No.9008686

Beat me to it

>> No.9008691
File: 498 KB, 500x270, 031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call it lolita or wear it as lolita. I just thought the top/skirt were cute together, asie from the tacked on lolita shoes.

>mfw all the salt

>> No.9008692

You have shit taste, obviously

>> No.9008695
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>> No.9008701

could use a simpler method of connecting stuff, such as using wires with crocodile clips or a breadboard (though I'm not sure how you'd keep the electronics poking out safe)
I know there are also multicolour ones sold in strips with cool wireless colour connectors, I'll check the brand name for you tomorrow but it's probably from Euro so sorry if you're from murica

some kind of street shit, probably doesn't have any particular name

>> No.9008866

It looks like a bad attenpt at fairy kei, but as others have said this is obviously cheap ebay trash that a thirteen year old weeb would wear. Being salty has nothing to do with recognizing poorly constructed clothing as well as a lackluster outfit. Try fairy kei in darker colors, but maybe refine your eye a bit before you buy online to avoid the low quality shit

>> No.9009168
File: 84 KB, 480x280, 1462414624547-vg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to paint a particular simple design on a T-shirt? I want to copy the red design on Nagito's shirt onto a plain white T, and don't know where to start. Fabric markers seem too inaccurate so I think I'll stencil it somehow. Anyone have any experience with simple cheap printing?

>> No.9009200

Look up freezer paper fabric paint stencil tutorial.

>> No.9009254

i want to spend money on a simple(or even intricate i guess) cosplay and have money but no time or willingness to work.

is there any recommended resource to buy pre made trash that i'm only gonna wear 1 weekend? i'm looking at just <$100 usd

>> No.9009273

colour controllers* is what I meant, durr
anyway the leds used at my school are just labelled 'IPLED', which appears to be a company in the Netherlands. have a look around their page, they have a load of different strips and controllers. might give you some search terms to look at at the least

I guess you could try taobao, but that's mostly for small chinese females so if you're not in that bodytype tough shit
it's very difficult to give any advice about this if you don't tell us even any possibilities of who you might like to try

>> No.9009286
File: 33 KB, 194x142, FEF_Takumi_My_Room_Model-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly a stupid question, but do these knots have a specific name? i think i've seen a tutorial for them (or something similar) in a thread before but i can't find it again

>> No.9009299

chinese knots!

>> No.9009314


Apparently its a tassel knot. Japanese/chinese knotting.

>> No.9009319

hm all right

i still find the idea really novel so i'd really be excited for most things so selection probably won't be an issue

i'm like a 5'8 skeleton male who wants to wear a pretty anime gorl outfit

>> No.9009352

the crossplay thread at >>8982629 might be able to help but you should find a few sample charas or just drop a few char names to give an idea of what you want to go for

>> No.9009667
File: 161 KB, 1430x938, 13217393_10209474912379101_7931160446621624525_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me an estimate yardage of about how much of the darker burgundy color I would need?

>> No.9009678

absolute metric shit ton
I honestly wouldn't go less than 10m I think, convert yourself. I've never done anything with a larger skirt than a lolita skirt though so

>> No.9009954
File: 378 KB, 598x598, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really need help finding where i can but this damn shirt
i know its from Spank! but i cant find it on their website?? is it only in store?? i translated their captions and they said it was "re stock".....

>> No.9010097

Is there any good way to spice up an Emiya Shirou cosplaying without making weapon props?
I doubt I'm good enough to make good looking props.

I was thinking of some magic circuits using LEDs but I doubt I can get it bright enough to be noticeable

>> No.9010135
File: 55 KB, 456x600, lacus-clyne-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this outfit for Lacus and I'm not sure what to use for the top. I'm using a satin for the purple skirts.

>> No.9010138
File: 1.04 MB, 925x548, somebody save me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone experienced any yellow discolouration on older white wigs? I pulled one out of storage that I was planning to use and parts of it are slightly more yellowy than other parts. For comparison, the one on the left is a newer white wig and the one on the right is the older one. The pic doesn't do it justice but it's this gross neon yellow colour. Is it possible to get rid of the yellow?

>> No.9010314
File: 194 KB, 716x960, 13237806_1056049607803156_3495651547307159992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why fabric paint/marker wouldn't work honestly. I did pic related as a test run for my own marker and I think I could do that. It looks faded because it's been washed multiple times and I use it as a cleaning rag. The head of the marker is pretty versatile if you're careful with how much pressure you put on it. I hear acrylic paint works as well but I've never tried.

>> No.9010396

Can I have some /cgl/ approved makeup tutorials? I know from the bad makeup threads that a lot of supposed makeup tutorials are actually awful.

>> No.9010433


>> No.9010438
File: 45 KB, 950x514, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wig is just about done, but I still need to cut up the bangs.

I need them to be similar to the ones in the image, and right now the wig looks like a bowl cut or something. How should I cut it?

>> No.9010449

Cut vertically, not horizontally, and then clean it up with a razor comb.

>> No.9010457
File: 965 KB, 500x489, 1458873933697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks! I'm still new to this so I would have just sat here looking like a fool without even trying a vertical cut, haha

>> No.9010525

It's possible (think of white plastic shells of appliances and toys that have turned yellow with UV and time). There is nothing really to turn it back to white since the plastic fibers themselves have degraded at a molecular level. I mean, you can try to "color" it white or throw talc powder on it, but it'd be cheaper and easier and better-looking to simply get a new wig.

>> No.9010526

7-10 yds? It'll depend on scaling/proportioning the costume to yourself/the wearer and how much ruching you want to do.

>> No.9010530

I was thinking the same thing and hoping I was wrong. Fuck. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9010535

Sorry, anon. It doesn't sound like you stored it improperly (exposure to direct or indirect sunlight), so the fibers of the wig were probably of poor quality to start with to yellow so quickly.

>> No.9010690

cotton sateen maybe? The matte will balance out the shine of the skirt fabric. The stiffness will also help for the collar part but you'll need some good interfacing to make it hold it's shape like that.

>> No.9011041

I want to start making my own wristcuffs but I want to make sure that I get some good quality lace, does anyone have some personal recommendations?

>> No.9011057

Is there a skype group for /cgl/? just wonderin

>> No.9011059
File: 45 KB, 300x281, $(KGrHqF,!jEE2nUC,d4VBN07)Qb6yw--_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any experience sewing with gutermann's sulky thread? i've been trying to do some decorative topstitching with it and the thread keeps splitting and snapping in my machine, i've tried everything i can think of and it's driving me crazy.

>> No.9011193

That thread is crap for top stitching. I only use it in my embroidery machine. It breaks so easily. Get some dedicated top stitching thread and look into vertical spool holders for your machine. (My machine came with an attachment for vertical spool placement, but idk about yours.)

>> No.9011201

Since I don't really have the tools or space to make a particular cosplay weapon, where would you guys recommend commissioning it from? I'm sure that there are sites for this sort of thing, but I don't know what they would be. Cosplay.com's commission contact list looks like it hasn't been update in years.

>> No.9011501

what ss can i use to shop from online stores in Japan? thats trustworthy haha

>> No.9011521

Fucking really?

>> No.9011579

yes faggot

>> No.9011592
File: 512 KB, 245x138, emmcream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used so much Bondo, and sanded so much, and there's still crevices in my sword.

Should I just start applying Pastidip and hope for the best?

>> No.9011672

Update: Never using bondo again.

What can I use to fix this shit? It's horrible!

>> No.9011689
File: 28 KB, 335x333, 1436557980559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tall guy, average build and I'm in need of some cosplay ideas. Too lazy to make my own thread.

>> No.9011691

You're not supposed to make your own thread anyway. There's the cosplay suggestion thread: >>8919260 Good luck!

>> No.9011694

Tenso, Noppin, From Japan, etc

>> No.9011733

There must be some kind of clay or whatever.

>> No.9011763
File: 26 KB, 500x500, WHERE CAN I FIND THIS MASK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i need help finding a GOOD looking skull mask with a jaw that moves while i talk.

I found this one on Amazon but apparently it's out of stock EVERYWHERE.

I am going to cosplay for the first time ever and it's going to be Golden Bat, please i need help.

>> No.9011789

Spackle is your friend.

>> No.9011803
File: 16 KB, 217x395, 13245249965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good way to cover up and hide these edges?
I was thinking wood filler.

>> No.9011811

And that'll go on smooth? Not like this wrinkly Bondo?

God please, this is such a nightmare.

>> No.9011853

I'm working with some of that 4-way stretch fabric from the Yaya Han collection.
How do you keep the edges of the fabric from rolling up? Can I just flatten them under some books or should I iron them down or what?

>> No.9011868

I don't have any tutorials on-hand, but from personal experience:
>basic concealer/foundation
>contouring, work on your cheekbones and jawline. I personally think the jaw is the key to making you look more masculine
>fill your eyebrows a little lower than they naturally are, also don't do a big arch
>a little bit of eyeliner just to make your eyes stand out, but keep it subtle
>make your lips a little less pink, but don't make them the same color as your skin, that looks weird

>> No.9011885

I try to work with knits as fast as possible after I buy it due to the rolling hems problem.

If the fabric can be ironed, try gently ironing the hems and they'll flatten out for a little while. If you have time and patience, overcast stitch the raw hems, then iron. The stitching will help hold the flatness. Another method is to use stay tape or a similar stabilizer on the raw edges, inside of the seam allowances (stitch or iron-on according to manufacturer's instructions). I believe there is wash-away types of this stuff as well

>> No.9011912
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It appears Specter Studios (The place that produced the masks) shutdown. So these masks are really hard to find now.

Any of you guys know of any good looking overhead skull masks anywhere? Please.

>> No.9011921
File: 426 KB, 2560x1600, FEzqkBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting Reaper.
Pretty confident about the cape, and figure I'll just worbla or maybe even EVA foam for the shoes??

But what do you guys recommend for the vest? I'm extremely inexperienced in that area of sports/practical-looking clothing.

Also, what suggest you for the mask? A resin cast seems best, but I lack funding for that.

>> No.9011964

Red Nebula cosplay on Etsy makes some amazing masks, and they have a few skulls. Just shoot the guy a message and I'm sure he can help you out

>> No.9011998


Thanks for answering.
It seems they don't have full overhead masks...
Do you know of anybody else?

>> No.9012036

No, it's just like Bondo. I think? Maybe less brittle.

>> No.9012061
File: 137 KB, 474x540, gh asia class uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good pattern for this uniform?

>> No.9012211


>> No.9012227

It's a lot lighter, easier to sand, easier to damage but you're coating it with glue anyways. Have a bit of water beside you and it'll help smooth it quite a bit.

>> No.9012236

(Reposting this from the lolita general).

I got a Dreamholic wig shipped via EMS from China to the U.S, which usually takes ~3-4 days for me. It's been stuck on "Leave Qingdao to New York Kennedy Airport (transit)" since the 15th. (It shipped on the 12th)

USPS's tracking is screwed up, as well, and says it hasn't even been shipped. Who can I call about this, to check on it's status? I asked the seller to see if they could check into it for me with EMS, but they haven't answered yet. Seriously hoping it hasn't been seized for god knows why.

>> No.9012252

>you're coating it with glue anyways
I was just gonna spray on Plastidip? Does that count?

Thanks for the advice. I really don't know anything.

>> No.9012253
File: 134 KB, 500x707, Cosplay_Female_Armor_Pattern_Collection_A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a pdf copy of this book?

>> No.9012257

Doesn't that just cost $2 or something?

>> No.9012260

Any tips for applying white face paint without the cakiness/excess product? I only have the crappy white face paint in a tube that you can find from Walmart or Halloween stores. It streaks so easily, even with a sponge, and I feel like I have to apply a shit ton in order for it to look white without my skin tone showing through.

>> No.9012295

Go to Joann Fabrics/Michaels and get some Snazaroo. Its cheap and it will suck less. Wet a sponge, tap/stipple to apply. Build to the coverage you want, wait for the paint to dry in between coats.

For better results, get some Wolfe (Amazon), Mehron (the internet), Kryolan, or literally any professional brand.

>> No.9012314
File: 81 KB, 245x228, avdol-face-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /cgl/s, having some trouble with Avdol's hair. any suggestions?

>> No.9012338

Not familiar with that shop, but in my experience of buying from China, it always takes a while to show up in the US. Usually up to 2 weeks, unless you paid for faster shipping.

>> No.9012361

shave yourself, then take the caps from a dozen sharpies/dry erase markers and glue them to your head

>> No.9012381

What would be a decent material to start working on a set of horns? I'm thinking a wire/mache with wonder/styrene on top of the finished product? Or cardboard idk.
Also, what should I use to blend a prosthetic in with my skin/makeup?

>> No.9012391

>Buy brown play doh and a pasta strainer
>cut holes in strainer
>roll play doh into cylinder and the dry them
>insert play doh into strainers

Eh, you'll look a dumbass either way

>> No.9012431

Where do you normally buy eva foam in the US? Is Home Depot a good option?

>> No.9012550

What's the minimum amount of makeup a male cosplayer should wear? Also any links to good beginner tutorials would be appreciated because I have no clue about this stuff

>> No.9012571
File: 40 KB, 736x530, 64512a815b9ea5ec5f12c64dcc98a165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think gender matters when it comes to a minimum. A good foundation/concealer and you're good to go since fictional characters almost always have flawless skin even when it's "flawed". I would recommend some light eye liner and eye shadow (not goth heavy) for more effective eyes. Pic related for example.

>> No.9012675
File: 167 KB, 726x649, Tomylovelyglutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be so grateful if someone here could give me the bust measurement of their To my lovely glutton JSK. R-series page says it stretches to 100cm but qutieland says it only goes to 94cm

>> No.9012735
File: 51 KB, 560x420, Silvershoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have ideas for how I could make similar shoes with a small budget? Shoes are not my strong point, and I don't want to pay a fortune for these.

>> No.9012772

Depends on what thickness you need

>> No.9012774

You can either find a pair of plain ankle boots and paint them (I recommend floral paint and/or Leather Studio) or make covers

>> No.9012857
File: 21 KB, 152x224, 1454579172104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I guess... well I've got a couple ideas swimming around though.

>> No.9012859

Haha sorry anon.
I'd help but that seems like something natural hair might work better for.
Maybe you can get a dark bald-cap and make little peg-things to stick on it.

>> No.9012915
File: 74 KB, 640x452, hero-cha1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be attempting Eraserhead from HeroAca. I've never styled a long wig before so I was wondering if Arda's Jareth classic would work well for that. Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.

>> No.9012916

dude. I really hope you're not the same person from the last thread. Why don't you post pictures so we can see what the fuck you're doing instead of wasting time, material, and board space with your whining?

Joint compound and/or spackle

>> No.9013000

I'm cosplaying avdol too, anon and I saw that shit and bought a straight wig because I cannot fuck with that hair. Good luck to you, I hope you can figure it out.

>> No.9013005

can't help you but holy shit that is an unfortunate name

I almost feel like one of those shitty low quality ebay wigs could work here so you could easily frizz it up

bald cap covered by a turban or a turbanscarfy thing, which has nail polish bottle caps glued to it??

sage for trash suggestions, sorry

>> No.9013091

I need 2 kinds of stickers I can stick onto a shirt.

One is a white square, maybe palm sized
Other is black circle, also around that size
Would prefer them to be paper

Any ideas? Michael's? CVS? Target? Or something?

>> No.9013113

Etiquette question: is there someplace else that I should be asking >>9011201 instead? I have asked it in a couple of different Help threads thus far, and never gotten a response. It seems unlikely to me that no one on /cgl/ has EVER commissioned a weapon before instead of making it themselves, so is there some other thread I am supposed to be in instead?

>> No.9013241

if you have a printer print them yourself on adhesive paper, or look into appliques/iron on shit

commissions are pretty rare and it seems that not many people have experience with them here, I haven't gotten answers for something about commishes I've been asking every once in a while for 3-4 months. sorry mang

>> No.9013261


Hmmmm, strange. I would have thought they would be a fairly common occurrence.

Thanks for the realtalk.

>> No.9013632
File: 2.05 MB, 540x264, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I make Uraraka's shoes? I was originally going to just make shoe covers but the bottom of her shoes don't look like normal ones.

>> No.9013735

Thank you! My sword looks mad smooth now.

I think it's ready for Plastidip and paint.

>> No.9013832

So I know sock glue is water-soluble, so how well does it hold up with sweat? I'm going to an electronic music show and need to keep my socks up while dancing and am worried about sweating off sock glue

>> No.9013845

I like to see subtle contouring on face and eyes to make your facial features more resemble the character. But that's my personal preference for guys and gals. I watch Kandee Johnson's and Promise Phan's videos because they contour their facial features to more resemble other people in their transformation videos. This could easily be adapted to male cosplay without looking 'overdone'.

A light layer of sheer foundation or BB cream to perfect the skin and some liner to define eyes would be my minimum though.

>> No.9013860

You generally don't sweat through your thighs or legs. Unless you're sock-gluing stuff to your face, back, palms, armpits, or soles of your feet, you'll be fine.

Now if you're sweating so much that the sweat pours down your back and butt and drench your thighs, I think you have other issues on hand...

>> No.9013868

I've worn stockings to a concert in the summertime once.
2 hours waiting in the evening sun + 3-4 hours of the concert and they didn't slide down.

>> No.9013937
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>> No.9013972
File: 229 KB, 1690x937, Wario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a Wario helmet. Can't find a good half-helmet to use as the base. Any gen. advice?

>> No.9013986

Help! My comm is bullying me!
>ghetto ass bitchz in genreal, but
>Bodyline fags constantly accusing me of wearing replicas
>Got sick of there shit, called a girl out publicly, nearly got in a fight at a meet, wigs were thrown
>and so was shade
>To scared to show up to another meet, fb been dead silence since

>> No.9014091

have you considered making one? a dome like that shouldn't be too difficult to make

>> No.9014104

>nearly got in a fight at a meet, wigs were thrown

Pretty hardcore lolis.

>> No.9014133
File: 1.13 MB, 576x864, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas how to do those little 'wings' on the heels for kancolle cosplay? It looks like this cosplayer just glued them on but I was wondering if there are any alternative ways to make them removable? Velcro?

>> No.9014141

why do you want to make them removable? if you used velcro, you'd have to glue the velcro on anyway. as long as you can store them well it'd be best to glue them on, i think

>> No.9014151

There is a stick-on velcro

>> No.9014152

>recommendations for places to buy good lace
seconding this request

>> No.9014196

There was this ponytail tutorial swimming around ages ago that you could try incorporating into the wig. I can't find it but it involved making a stiff stub of wig hair (with glue or something else to harden it I think), and then wrapping wefts around the stub to form the ponytail. Obviously you don't need a full pony tail and you need a bunch of little sharpie marker things on your wig, but it would probably work the same. The rest is hairspray and glue for keeping the rings on. Sorry if this makes no sense.

>> No.9014709

circa 2012 hot topic

>> No.9014714

Honestly, cleaner cuts. Spend more time next time but for now id say joint compound.

>> No.9014911
File: 198 KB, 2000x2000, 5010591005624_01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need some help, and google isn't giving me anything!

I'm using contact adhesive to glue fabric to foam for armour, but I'm having trouble with the adhesive. It's really really sticky and gunky and hard to spread evenly. It's like really stiff honey.

Is trying to water it down a bad idea? Or should I be using a different glue?

>> No.9014912

Sounds like your glue container wasn't shut properly. I've had that happen and at that point it's just best to cut your losses and get a new can.

If this was a new can, try a different brand? It's thick stuff, but I wouldn't describe it as gunky, so it sounds off.

>> No.9014926
File: 21 KB, 375x750, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, this might be a silly question, but what's the size limit for Lolita? Is there an ideal weight for this kind of thing?

I'm 5'4 and 115lbs, but after researching for a while and looking at inspo, I've noticed that most of the best girls are usually very petite

I mean, I'm not overweight or anything, but my hips, thighs, and butt are on the chunky side because I don't carry it evenly

I just don't want to look frumpy and end up in an ita thread because my body looks weird honestly. Anyone have any opinions on this kind of thing?

>> No.9014929

Thanks for the reply! It was a new can, but the lid wasn't on it evenly. Unfortunately they don't seem to have any other brands in my local stores.

It looked normal inside the can, but it goes onto the foam gunky. I've tried applying it with both a palette knife and a brush. I guess I can go back to the store and ask them about it.

>> No.9014956

Get a paint stick, stir it up and seal the can again in a place with room temperature. It should be usable again by the next day.

>> No.9014971

Thanks, I'll try that.

>> No.9014974

Is this a humble brag?

>> No.9014979

Check Evil Ted Smith on Youtuibe, he uses the stuff a lot. If your glue looks the consistency of his, it's good.

>> No.9014980

Oh noooo everything that's wrong with your body is totally coveredddd. How inconvenient for you

>> No.9014997

The size limit is whatever the measurements of a dress are.
You sound like you'd be fine, maybe nearing the maximum at the most. You'll be fine.

>> No.9014999

The average Japanese adult female size M, which is about 156-158cm (5'1"-5'2"), 50kg-52kg (110-115lbs)

>> No.9015205
File: 375 KB, 500x421, galko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good tutorials for bra stuffing for this monster? I'm a C cup and would like to get to about a DD or an E for her.

Also- anyone have a glue to suggest for using for gluing primed, painted, and sealed worbla to vinyl/pleather? Neither hot glue nor contact cement works as expected. I was thinking maybe of trying E6000 but I'm not sure.

>> No.9015222

Are you a dude?
I'm glad you can go to the Big and Tall store and get jorts in whatever size you want, but when you play the Asian clothing game you're at the mercy of whatever sizes they make THEIR clothes in. (i.e. "way smaller than you")

>> No.9015242
File: 30 KB, 250x336, tumblr_np7gih2K9u1rs98sso1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to keep a headpiece secured? I'm trying to fix up my marie cosplay and when i wore it to my last con, the headpiece was very unstable. It's not really heavy at all, i just don't know how to permanently secure it to the back of my wig and ive looked around online for tips but im at a loss.

i had it pinned to the inside of the wig cap and it'll stay on for a little while but moving around loosens it so it gets a bit tedious reattaching it every ten minutes. thanks to anyone who can help. its not a huge issue, just curious if theres a trick.

for reference, its the tentacle bow on the back of her head!

>> No.9015245

You can't just sew it to the wig?

If it's more of a solid substance you could maybe look at how homestucks attatch horns to their wigs without headbands. Or maybe try sewing a hair clip to it if you need the wig for other things.

>> No.9015251

Not that anon, but
>my hips, thighs, and butt are on the chunky side because I don't carry it evenly
Are you aware that lolita dresses are poofy enough to cover this area? That's what they were referring to.

>> No.9015323
File: 974 KB, 500x667, tumblr_my4r2wdCzx1s2b8dzo1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of personal preference, if you were going to see a punpun cosplay, which version would you want to see most?

>> No.9015325

I feel like the three eyeball one is done a lot. It would be cute to see someone run around as a giant kid punpun

>> No.9015476
File: 70 KB, 614x817, 4HDfjYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you all suggest in terms of finishing this Monster Hunter weapon? At the moment, it's cardstock. My end goal would be something along the lines of this


>> No.9015488

Young punpun, back when he still had dreams

>> No.9015508
File: 39 KB, 300x416, tionishia_50483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to cosplay tio.
I have no idea what to do for the horn.

>> No.9015512

Something like this?

>> No.9015523

thank you so much!

>> No.9015529

Does it have a dowel on the inside or any other type of support?

>> No.9015533

Nope, but I can pretty easily reinforce it, that's not too much of a worry

>> No.9015535

I'm thinking of coating the outside in worbla/wonderflex after reinforcing it, then shaping that to my needs before painting it. I'm pretty confident in my ability to paint at this point, it's just getting something weird like this into shape is new to me

>> No.9015541

I've been using 18 gauge wire because I know it keeps its shape well and still fits in a bread board, but it's awful hard to work with and its thickness means it takes up a bit more space than I feel it needs to, does anyone know if 20 or 22 gauge still keeps its shape well under the weight of an LED?
I suppose if all else fails and it's not very sturdy I could just tape it all together to keep its shape, but another thing I'm worried about is the ends of wires slipping out and losing connection with the board; does anyone know if it stays in place well?
I have bad experience with 26-28 gauge wires being way too flimsy but I'm looking for something easier to work with

>> No.9015609

If you want a more hair-textured look you could try felting wool. The cylinders wouldn't be too hard if you don't mind a bit softer edges. The base I'm not so sure about.

>> No.9015782


M issue is mainly petticoats and that my calves don't look slim either. My lower body looks legitimately looks like it doesn't fit me.

Like I've said, I'm new to this and haven't even attempted wearing lolita and I don't want to drop a few hundred and look like crap anyway. Yeah, I know the dress COVERS the area, but it wouldn't hide anything.

I guess to be more specific, how would I be able to wear skirts with petticoats without making an a-line look bellshaped? What about elongating your legs?

>> No.9015813

any advice for mixing dylon machine dyes? can you do it? i've never really dyed anything before and i don't want to fuck it up.

>> No.9015832
File: 2.31 MB, 1594x1600, cloverhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to cosplay Clover from 999/Zero Escape, but I'm having a hard time deciding on what to do for the wig considering all of my previous cosplays have had simple wigs. I think maybe one of the two I picked out may work, but I would like some suggestions please.

>> No.9015851

you seem to not understand how the shape works. unless you have a freak 15kg tumour in your lower body nobody will see anything

>> No.9015861

your issues are all rhetorical because you haven't even attempted anything yet.
buy a 30 dollar bodyline dress and a cheap petticoat and test it out. we can't predict shit for you

>> No.9015865
File: 27 KB, 280x292, clover-cosplay-wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Five Wits has a specific wig for Clover.

>> No.9015886
File: 957 KB, 1200x1200, pantpto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a prompto from ffxv cosplay and I'm having problems with some of the patches, some of them are easy to make with denim and heat n bond, some I will def have to have custom made or buy but some, like the rTn one in pic I have no idea on. Should I make a patch in that shape and try to paint draw on the designs? Commission those too? Or teach myself how to embroider?

>> No.9016044

Where do gulls like to wear their Lolita? I'm thinking of strolling the mall and a park once I finish putting together my first coord

What do you guys think of small Afros with Lolita?

>> No.9016181
File: 233 KB, 450x1024, Diego_jojoeoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a pair of shingeki no kyoyin boots but they have taken an eternity to arrive. They're for Diego Brando cosplay, Where could i find similar boots in men's size? Are there any websites that don't send them from china?

>> No.9016184

So I'm attaching a worbla armband to a non-worbla pauldron to keep it held up. The problem is that the epoxy I tried didn't adhere to the worbla parts at all and the pieces separated almost instantly. And yes I let the pieces cure for 24hours. I'm now trying E6000 instead, but incase that doesn't work what should I try next? I'm leaving for the airport in three days so something that cures quickly would be awesome.

>> No.9016187

>Where do gulls like to wear their Lolita?
Just about anywhere, really. I have some "special" pieces that I save for specific occasions like meetups etc. but I wear it daily as well.
>What do you guys think of small Afros with Lolita?
Like most other hair styles, I think afros in lolita are absolutely adorable when styled and accessorized well. How small are we talking? Do you have an example pic?

>> No.9016206

First time making foam armor. Everything seems to be going okay, but I'm not sure I'm using the plasti dip right, or maybe it's expired or something. Every time I use it, my armor gets this rough, stippled texture. Does plasti dip not go on smooth or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.9016242

Please don't use those wigs. The colour is way too red. >>9015865 is much a better alternative.

>> No.9016279

that sounds like a really good way to destroy your sanity and waste expensive material. I'm assuming your card stock piece is the final shape, so adding worbla is only going to thicken it and make it look disproportionate. Just take any resin, urethane, polyester, whatever, and give the thing a couple coats. The resin will soak into the paper making it hard while maintaining shape. Any drips or the like can be sanded off.

Could be one or a combination of things.
If you're using the stuff out of the rattle can, shake the ever living shit out of it. Once you think you're done shaking it, shake it a little bit more.
Don't spray too close and don't spray too much. You should go for multiple (4-10) thin coats rather than a couple of thick coats. If by stippled you mean divots, this is probably it. If it's too thick, air bubbles that pop after the plasti dip has started to cure will leave divots.

If you're using the still stuff, same thing. Give it a decent stir, not as much as you would the rattle can as to not introduce too much air. Do several thin coats rather than a couple of thick ones.

>> No.9016282

I second the notion you should shove a dowel or stick or something in there.

Also, any process pics? I'd appreciate seeing them in like an imgur album or something.

>> No.9016286
File: 577 KB, 500x281, e46[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make giant anime tits
they must feel squishy and have that laughable gravity defying bounce- which prostetic tits don't have. I don't even know where to start.

>> No.9016306
File: 661 KB, 1048x723, Killer_Explains_Ox_Bell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the cut out shapes for this helmet? It's sort of shaped like a daft punk helmet. I know I'll probably need to cut out two parts to act as each vertical half and glue them together. It's a matter of knowing what the shape for this will be. Measurements are welcome, too, in case I want to scale up and down.

>> No.9016309

Water balloons. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.9016311

Make two bags out of nylon or lycra, then fill them with small plastic beads/sand or urethane rubber (like a gel mousepad). Will probably be really fucking heavy.

>> No.9016322

Look up Evil Ted on YouTube. He has a helmet tutorial that can help you. Just modify his pattern to fit your needs.

>> No.9016324

Thanks a bunch

>> No.9016330

Sadly, the cardstock is not quite the final shape.

I grabbed and edited the model from here: http://www.techdollogic.com/jin.jpg

Only problem is that it lacks a lot of detail in comparison to the in-game model from the HD version: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/6/60/MH3U-Dual_Blades_Render_028.png/revision/latest?cb=20140309051603

Like, the handle/guard are actually extremely on point, finishing that is no problem. The kinda backbone of the piece isn't too hard either, it's the scale-like spikes that make up the blade. Now that I think of it, I might just overlay thin craft foam for that part. I'd lay it over the white bits in this image, and line it up so that it's flush with the dark grey bits: http://i.imgur.com/JrkjIzM.png

Thanks for the help so far! Also, I'll probably jam a dowel into it for reinforcement

>> No.9016752
File: 8 KB, 300x300, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably an extremely newbie question, but is there a way to lighten the color of tights somehow? Such as using bleach or something? Pic related, they're about this color, and my body paint is a lighter shade of aqua.
I'm using them for armsocks and they're just a shade darker than the body paint I'm using.

If not, how do I AT LEAST wash them? Are they okay to go in the wash, even if I have nails attached to them? Or should I play it safe and hand was them?

>> No.9016921

bleach will ruin it, and nails are likely to come off in machine wash. without nails wash in a garment bag, 30C on gentle cycle, with nails I'd go for handwash because gluing them back would be shit hard

>> No.9017115

The only way I can think of "lightening" tights would be to stretch them further, ie. sewing the toe a couple inches higher.
But you risk ripping them.

>> No.9017147

It might be easier to darken the bodypaint in that case.

>> No.9017282

EVA foam for vest, use the rough side for the texture.

>> No.9017300

Look for Jackboots or riding boots, since that's what they look like to me. Prices will vary, with Jackboots being leather majority of the time, but expensive. Riding boots can vary in price, but you should find something that works, maybe even check etsy for second hand boots you can polish up after getting them while saving some money.

>> No.9017327

Does anyone have any tips for concealing arm hair, aside from shaving? I'm not opposed to it if that's what I have to do in the end, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any methods to conceal (or bleach if that's viable) dark hairs against light skin. Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question, I just have very limited experience with make up, and wasn't sure if there's even a product out there for this sort of thing.

>> No.9017328

just shave it

>> No.9017382
File: 95 KB, 500x714, sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a schwarzwald cosplay for mega, i have everything done, but i have no idea how to make his head pointy. I'm using furniture foam and then I'm going to cover it in stained cheese cloth.

>> No.9017384
File: 1.05 MB, 997x995, Tuning.Magician.full.1958143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea on how to make Tuning Magician's shorts? It's a jumpsuit which I'm skilled enough to make, I'm just not sure what the best way to go about making the shorts would be. I was looking into pumpkin pants tutorials, but I'm making her outfit from pleather, and wouldn't be able to put gathers in because of it, as well as there not being any on her design.

>> No.9017418

You can flatten the hairs down with hairspray and cover it in heavy makeup, or maybe use arm stockings

But really, shaving is your best bet. It'll grow back in a week or two.

>> No.9017461
File: 110 KB, 385x715, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to cosplay Elias in the future, but have never made anything like his bone head before. Could someone point me in the right direction; maybe a tutorial, or just material suggestion for what would look good? I'm basically starting from zero idea of what to do.

>> No.9017485
File: 8 KB, 350x219, wolfskull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So because I care way too much about skull shit, I looked into this character. His skull looks kind of like a simplified wolf skull but with horns.You could add horns to something like this base (If you're willing to shell it out):

Good luck!

>> No.9017492
File: 114 KB, 720x1234, UzukiG4U1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some trouble drafting the bottom part of the bodice. Any ideas to make it keep its shape and poof out like that? Maybe modify a circle skirt?

>> No.9017494

Does anyone know if "Cosplayfly" is nice enough for me to order a couple of things? It looks professional enough, but still, something is off.

And if there's a reason why I'm asking instead of searching for another website, it's because after a week of research they are the only ones who sell these couple of accessories I need for my cosplay.

>> No.9017519

ok, super newbie question but I'm making a dress, and I'm having some issues with the upper part. What's a good pattern/way to cut the fabric so it's the most formfitting? Should the front part be cut in 3 vertical strips? Should I fold it around the boobs?

>> No.9017527

What kind of dress? Why aren't you using a pattern already, if you don't know how to draft a pattern?

>> No.9017529

Google 'darts'. You can search up other methods to fit a pattern to your measurements.

>> No.9017532

Usually when you need to make a fitted top more fitting, you add darts.

You can add two of the diamond looking darts at the back. Now you might not have to make it as big of a dart as in the pictures, but that just depends on how loose fitting your dress is at the moment.

>> No.9017541

Anyone know where I can buy a good Bayonetta cosplay?

>> No.9017542

I can't seem to find an appropriate pattern, but I'm most probably not googling the right things.
Thank you, I'll look into darts!

>> No.9017549

make one pleb

>> No.9017592

ah thank you! late response but i decided to sew in some clips to the headpiece and it holds onto the wig perfectly. not sure how i didnt think of it before but thank you anon!

>> No.9017596

Oh that's way less expensive than one of the pieces I was looking at earlier! Thanks! I'd love to try making it for fun, but I also know my skills are lacking, so buying it and doing small modifications would be awesome.

>> No.9017736

Anyone have experience getting makeup out of wigs? I blocked out my eyebrows with some concealer and it rubbed off a bit on the bangs.I tried rubbing alcohol and water and Neither made much of a difference. Any guesses? The only other thing I can think of is maybe some liquid eye makeup remover.

>> No.9017737
File: 326 KB, 1500x1380, Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning a Soldier 76 cosplay for sometime in the near future, but I never made any props that weren't swords or fantasy armor.

I have an old Nerf like pic related lying around. Do you guys think I could somehow turn it into 76's rifle? Any specific materials I should use? I only ever worked with wood and EVA foam.

>> No.9017748
File: 51 KB, 400x600, 16390j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a vault dweller costume like this guy. Is there a word for those leather pouches he has around his belt? Can I buy them anywhere (cheaper the better) or is there a simple way of making them?

>> No.9017750

Make them with craft foam, paint accordingly

>> No.9017751

Honestly I'd say get a big block of that insulation foam, you can buy it at pretty much any big home improvement store, and carve it out. the nerf gun wouldn't be an awful choice but everyone would know it's a nerf gun.

>> No.9017786

But then he can go "YOU JUST GOT NERFED" and "YOU DIDN'T MAKE THE CUT"

>> No.9017792

fucking fantastic point, nevermind my post.

>> No.9017835
File: 48 KB, 400x567, Character_tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to cosplay TJ from Recess this year at AX
>put a red hat, a green bomber jacket, a dodgeball and red Chuck Taylors on my cosplay list
>forgot about the ungodly AX weather

Should I hold off on this one until at least until ALA or is the cosplay bearable in the summer heatwave?

>> No.9017858

Does anyone have a high resolution vector of the osomatsu sextuplets symbol? I haven't been able to find one that doesn't pixelate when I expand it

>> No.9017860

>i have no idea how to make his head pointy.
next sentence is an idea on how to make his head pointy. C'mon, anon.

Seriously though, that's a solid idea, except I would use muslin over cheesecloth since the latter is pretty "transparent".

>> No.9017941

Depends on your personal heat tolerance. Also refrain from going outside as much as you can.

Do you have/know someone who has Photoshop? It might be easier to make your own, since it's a simple shape.

If you didn't dye the wig, using makeup remover should be just fine.

>> No.9018013
File: 801 KB, 774x597, ss+(2016-05-22+at+08.42.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you just want the circuit and don't care how you get it you could always buy like some toy or light, break it, then take what you need out of it; for a project a while ago I needed a bright LED strip so I just bought a bike light and hit it with a hammer until I got the LEDs out of it
honestly the best thing you could do would be to find somewhere industrial to buy the individual components since that's the best place you get them cheaply because even if it is a bit of a drive it's definitely worth the value for individual components since normal retailers like Fry's and Radioshack ramp up the prices
the best one I know is right near where I live called Excess Solutions and I bought basically everything I needed to make a blinking circuit for a cosplay I'm trying to make right now for ~$6-$7, for just one led, one power source, and one switch it would cost virtually nothing
also if you really do not want to solder I'd suggest getting a breadboard and a bunch of male-male jumper cables since you can set everything up very quickly and easily and hold everything in with just glue, the only problem is you've have to find somewhere to fit the board in

>> No.9018015

you could try chicken wire

>> No.9018038

Hey anons! Looking for a galaxy seifuku that isn't too much money and isn't hiked up to hell and back on Spreepicky?

>> No.9018057

Bodyline put up some galaxy seifukus but I'm not sure about the quality of them.

>> No.9018077

Thank you!

>> No.9018078

is there a link to someone trying this? I'm terrified they would pop

>> No.9018178

Is 4kigurumi legit?
As in, do they sell the actual products shown, or do they bait and switch with a shoddier version?
There's one I have an eye on that has multiple bootleg variations yet they show the real one.

>> No.9018237

Maybe do the shoe cover idea and have it slip over the boot heel. For the pink horse shoe shape you could use thin pink foam. It wouldn't impact on walking too much

>> No.9018249

I meant how to pattern the foam, my bad. I just cant seem to get it into the right shape.

>> No.9018274

they would dont try it

>> No.9018287
File: 232 KB, 488x896, e1d99df5-afa8-47e8-8248-e16c69a14712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get rid of boobs for shirtless cosplay?

Is there a method? Is the answer just a flesh tone body stocking?

For ref, here is what i want to cosplay.
I can make it so the cape covers The Area, but if i want to pose all cool and stuff Just that wouldnt work!
(and also, my boobs are pretty small [A])

>> No.9018305
File: 23 KB, 629x366, 024823-butcher-039-s-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9018306
File: 29 KB, 139x248, 1447254111537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9018349

I think this an airbrushed bodysuit would work very well in this case since the edges would be covered.

>> No.9018506

sewing magazines, look at them

or go to your local sewing store and check out the patterns they sell

>> No.9018508

wrong, illustrator is for vectors

open chest binding is the magic words, look it up

already gave the same answer in >>9008701 buddy

>> No.9018545
File: 142 KB, 512x360, Komaeda_design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The symbol is pretty roughly painted on his character sheet so I think hand painting looks best. The way I did it was sketching with fabric chalk and then painting by hand

>> No.9018550

kudos to you for cosplaying from Recess!

>> No.9018610

The LA summer heat may be a gigantic issue though

>> No.9018614
File: 75 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to cosplay as FCLORP Soos at AX
>the boxes and (maybe) the foam should be easy to find
>see the helmet and sword might be a problem
Any adjustments you think should be made (the helmet is weirdly drawn) and how to structure the sword (read: trying to go all cardboard and foam but also trying not to make it limp like a gay man at the Playboy mansion, the hilt might be pipe based)?

>> No.9018742

well that's different. What have you done so far? If you're using upholstery foam then are you carving it? Maybe opt for thinner sheets and roll it into a cone, add a bit of thick wire to give it that curve?

If you're going to do the cone method, maybe use craft foam instead? You can get a fairly large roll for less than $10


>> No.9018762
File: 8 KB, 670x715, box helmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really see what's so weird about the helmet? Other than Soos' proportions being weird, just find a box that fits your head and cut it up. Pic is a crude drawing of what cuts you need to make. Solid red lines are cuts, the dashed red line is the fold. Take the top "flap" you cut off out of the four and glue it to the top. Glue it for stability, add tape for the look.

As for the sword, it looks like a long piece of flat wood, like a meter stick adhered onto the cardboard. I imagine it looks like the cop's ax on the side we can't see. But if you want it to look the same on both sides, just sandwich the stick between to sheets of cardboard.

>> No.9018906

I just thought it looked weird because of the curve at the bottom of Soos' helmet. It looked like it was assembled from a deformed box. But your idea works too, thanks.

>> No.9019071

I'm cosplaying Joe from Digimon Tri this weekend. I have the outfit together already, but I can't seem to find a Gomamon to use around me, and I can't find anything online that will deliver in time. Is there any alternative I can do besides learning to make one from fleece or something?

>> No.9019116

>Can't buy it
>Can't make it
Those are your only options. There is no magical wish granting prop genie.

>> No.9019135

I figured there was some place I could check to see if I could buy it. EBay and Amazon aren't the only places people can buy things.

>> No.9019150

I just checked Amazon and there's a couple that can be shipped to me by Wednesday. Not sure where you live but yeah.
Just keep in mind that you're going to have to pay a fuckload in shipping.

>> No.9019172

Is it really that bad? I'll be wearing a long sleeve shirt and thigh high socks.

>> No.9019581

I'm trying to make a costume I have no idea about how to really do it so I figured I'd try paper mache but I made way more than I needed for one night so I put it in a plastic bag and refrigerated it and I'm not actually sure if it'll still be good plus I heard after mixing it and using it that I was supposed to add salt to stop it from molding and I'm wondering if there's anyway I could still prevent it from molding because wearing a moldy cosplay is going to suck otherwise

>> No.9019585
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, ToS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to make? I looked a little bit for priest costume patterns, but didn't find anything too similar. I don't really know where to start :/

>> No.9019685

help me the chicken wire it hurts

>> No.9019691

Anyone know who the jpop band is or is it some random bs for the commercial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGcfdu9AgBs

>> No.9019697
File: 541 KB, 800x450, tmp_7800-sexy-sniper-wolf323583030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm having a really tough time figuring out just what exactly Sniper Wolf's jacket is supposed to be. It looks like some sort of take on an M65 or something, but it doesn't have the pockets up top and the collar is totally different. Does anyone have any idea how I should go about it? Every cosplayer seems to have an entirely different take on it.

>> No.9019844

Try horsehair braid in the hem, then sew the pleats together as necessary. Maybe you could make a tiny bustle pad thing like in old fashion to make it flare in the back.

>> No.9019876

know a dude who used water balloons in a misty costume for halloween and had no problem with them over the course of the night(we were at a theme park so they were subjected to quite a bit). I would just fill real balloons with water so you dont have to worry about them over stretching and popping so much.

>> No.9019981
File: 27 KB, 960x720, 13267691_10153603601528321_6519307124759093319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've attached crystals to the underside of this skirt and despite my best efforts some of the gemstone glue has seeped through to the second, visible satin layer. i've tried scrubbing it off with a warm water/sard paste mixture but no dice, does anyone have any suggestions? the only thing i can think of that might work is acetone but i don't want to pull out the big guns until i absolutely have to!

>> No.9020001

what type of glue did you use? google some removal methods based off that.

water soluble - water
acid soluble - and so on

you could test some rubbing alcohol on one and see if that helps any, if not you might be fucked.

>> No.9020014
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, BP80079247001-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used this stuff, it's water based but it stinks to high heaven. i can't find any information about removing marks from it anywhere, but worst case scenario i'll just put another fabric layer over the top.

>> No.9020028

Is there a way to get a wig to stay on if you're bald without a wig cap? Wig caps irritate my scalp, but I don't want my wig sliding around either.

>> No.9020048

you're gonna need to do that fabric layer.

From what i can tell, you basically attached them with plastic glue solution that had a chemical cure that reacted to air to cure. great for plastics, model kits, paper craft, jewelry, stones and such but not for fabric.

Next time you want to glue something to fabric you should check out a fabric glue or use a spray adhesive on the item, let it air dry till tacky, then attach.

tape or spirit gum, the gum will last longest but won't come off the cap. you could get some latex patches or moleskin and sew them in specific places to the cap then us the spirit gum on those to keep it in place.

>> No.9020054

cool well the back of the bottle says that it's intended for attaching gems to fabric so

>> No.9020059
File: 24 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is what the intention of that on the bottle was. It's fabric, but you don't have to worry about seeing the back.

>> No.9020065

ah shit, of course. thanks for your wisdom anon, i am an idiot.

>> No.9020099
File: 88 KB, 580x580, gripheadband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how well it'll work for you but I have super short hair so I tend just to use a fabric head band. If you're worried about it slipping/moving around get one with a grip on it.
pic related though I recommend either getting one close to your skin colour or close to the wig colour.

>> No.9020225

Jesus christ, learn to use punctuation.

Look up t-tunics. The part on top looks like a long piece of fabric with a hole cut for your head. Make mock-ups in cheap fabric like muslin and experiment.

Cover it with something. Paper mache, foam, fabric, take your pick.

>> No.9020280
File: 30 KB, 245x320, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Thats exactly what I was looking for

>> No.9020559
File: 149 KB, 850x893, zwidowsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of doing a widowmaker (from overwatch) cosplay. would pic related work as a good base? im worried that the product i'll receive wont be as good as whats in the picture. link to the page here: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Unisex-Metallic-lycra-Zentai-Discowear-Zip-Up-Wear-Catsuit-Bodysuit-Front-zipper-Halloween-Party-Cosplay-catsuit/928878_32671200125.html

>> No.9020594
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I had a more general kind of question. I started making my first cosplay for a con because a friend is into cosplay. I've always liked making stuff so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I realized though, that cosplay seems a bit different than prop making. I'm used to making real weapons, carpentry, etc, and that transfers over pretty well to props, but not so well to costumes unless they are full armored suits. I'm also not very social and don't have a con group I feel comfortable going with. It seems I don't actually liked cosplaying, but instead just enjoy making guns and stuff.

So my question is, if I enjoy making props more than costumes, what should I go as to a con? Specifically Dragoncon, if that matters.

>pic related
>tried making full metal gauntlet for a costume when I should have used craft foam

>> No.9020612

Go find a prop heavy costume and make it. Go to the con. Poof. You're a cosplayer.

>> No.9020651

adding to this post: >>9020559
is there somewhere better i should be buying from?

>> No.9020658

You're allowed to wear and carry cool stuff at cons without any specific character as long as it's within the rule limits. Though those gauntlets look like they would be perfect for Jakob from Fire Emblem Fates except you would have to get the rest of the costume made

>> No.9020700

I think metal gauntlets would break the rules at most cons though.

>> No.9020745

Is trueswords a good site for cosplay? are their swords good? on a scale 1-10 how much?

>> No.9020792

You could possibly look into drag queen padding for hips rather than trying to achieve the bubble shape from gathers perhaps?

>> No.9020801

you may want to check out zentai zentai or zentai zone if you're worried ! also it looks like a great base

>> No.9020956

>used painter's tape to get clean edges on my sword
>some are smudged anyway

How fix?

>> No.9021041

I need an a line lolita petticoat for a con next weekend, does anyone have a shop that ships super fast?

>> No.9021128

what do you guys think of the mesh fabric chainmaille alternative to real chainmaille? i feel as if the real thing would give me too much bulk on a costume that has three layers in total (top layer is going to be lined, so it's even a tad thicker than normal).
i read about the sweater alternative, too; but once again: I want to avoid bulk and the con is happening in summer: a time when i do not want to be wearing any type of sweater.

this happens all the time, anon; you can always try getting a tape with greater adhesion and try again or you can use a sturdy piece of flat plastic (like an old credit card) and firmly hold it to the clean edge you want while you carefully hand paint it with a pointed brush.

>> No.9021142
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, Gambol_Shroud_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the thread I needed. I'm gonna be up front with you, I am completely new to cosplaying, but I want to make pic related as a prop for a con I'm going to, and was wondering if there was a certain kind of foam that would be best to make it out of.

>> No.9021177

>hand paint it with a pointed brush
I'm afraid I won't be able to match the color of the spray paint.

>> No.9021180

Eva foam.
Same stuff kiddie playpens are made of so materials can easily be thifted.

>> No.9021187

Thanks Anon!

>> No.9021226

Figure /k/ would be better for this, but does anyone know of a good place to find chest rigs/carriers?

>> No.9021341
File: 203 KB, 682x1024, 7954084352_4d18371ca4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya folks.

I was wondering how I could possibly go about making a garment or 'form' that would give me the sort of bottom heavy look as pictured. I'd prefer, if I'd be making/altering some pants, that they aren't shorts. I'm cosplaying a character that I am sort of stylizing too look more cute & dumpy looking.

The 'roundness' doesn't have to be as dramatic as pictured, but something along those lines. Sorry if I'm asking for a lot but I honestly don't know where to begin with this.

>> No.9021359

You won;t be able to get a shape like that if you're just altering pants. You'd need to draft a new pattern with much more volume in the leg.

>> No.9021361

this is a stupid idea. Buy pleather from a fabric store and google pouch pattern. Sew like 15. Craft foam would look like shit. Or you could cut rectangles out of EVA foam and fold the pleather around that to make it look like a pouch.

>> No.9021392
File: 415 KB, 1506x1046, 1455138774391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah son, you can definitely make craft foam look like leather. If anon can then find a good pattern they're set.

>> No.9021395
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x1920, 1455793707757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How craft foam leather anon made it look like leather.

>> No.9021411

Not >>9021361, but anon, anon, no. This method is last resort if you are absolutely disastrous at sewing. Otherwise, the fake leather route is a quicker and will look better.

>> No.9021415

So lets say I've just stumbled on this board and really like the idea of cosplaying at some point.

lets say I'm a /fit/izen and I'm going to be pretty swole in around 3 years, during which time I can acquire the skills and money to build a costume.

>What would be a good costume for a stronk man with zero concept of shame? I just have a feeling that a buff dude transplanted into a girly outfit would be fucking hilarious.

I'm thinking something reminiscent of pic related, but KLK was a show of swordsmen with the power of gods where even the twinky boys had fantastic abs, so seeing the gender bent characters swole feels fitting and totally in place. I want to stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.9021417
File: 55 KB, 500x669, BocZGZPCMAAD9uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly I have brought shame upon my family.

>> No.9021420

>3 years to get swole

Ok. That'll happen.

Just do DBZ or some shit.

>> No.9021422

Oh, and also I have very deep voice that has made people double take when they hear it coming from my cake hole.

>> No.9021426
File: 247 KB, 500x314, 460240672476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't help it.

>> No.9021429

Yeah ,people like this a lot, and you'll get lots of pictures. I personally think it's dumb. Like, "hahaha it's an attractive man in women's clothes!" and that is about as deep the joke goes.

It's mostly just a subtle way for you to seek attention and validation over your looks. Maybe, even subconsciously, you think you'd get laid this way. Girls do this and men hate it, guys do this and everyone loves it, so IDK.

>> No.9021432
File: 1.19 MB, 1366x768, F45jCnK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of my posts was that craft foam does not necessarily have to look like shit, anon. If they can find pleather, if it's not too expensive etc. they're free to do so.

>I just have a feeling that a buff dude transplanted into a girly outfit would be fucking hilarious

Eh. It's been done a LOT at this point and frequently pops up on "what trends should die" type of boards. In the end you'll probably get some cheap laughs at the con itself and if that's your thing, go for it.
>zero shame and stronk man
>talk about KlK
>not even considering Gamagori
>cmon son!

>> No.9021449

Dang it, that's a shame, I'll have to come up wiht something original or something.

And yeah it's totally a peacocking move, but when I'm as swole as I intend to be for the joke, I don't think I'll need any help getting laid.

I don't have Mr ironworks' skin colour, and his body is more along the line of 10 years away, possibly with some test involved, so trying to pull him off would make me feel just like the pudgy girls trying to pull of... really any character. Now that I think about it, perhaps I'm interested in going as a tinie wenie girl because I wouldn't have to compete and be compared to the implausibly cut character's on screen bodies. I'm getting a little too deep inside my own head here senpai.

>> No.9021559

You can still apply the pray paint with a brush. Just spray a good amount on a piece of scrap and scoop it up with a brush. However, you have a very small window to work with as the spray paint will dry quickly on the scrap.

>> No.9021603
File: 170 KB, 459x320, boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me ID these shoes? Or does anyone know where I can find similar?
I've tried aliexpress but I haven't found anything

>> No.9021610

You can go for it, get a random schoolgirl outfit or something, but we're just saying, the "buff guy cosplaying a character that's definitely not buff" is a really stale meme to any seasoned con goer. Every convention has at least 3 guys that do this.

>> No.9021634


>> No.9021733

Starting college this year and want to wear lolita on campus(nothing too OTT, just simple coords) and I need help with choosing a bag that would be suitable to carry a folder, pens etc. while also suiting the lolita aesthetic. It doesn't have to be super fancy and ideally should be black but other than that I'm pretty open to ideas.

>> No.9021844

Can you use wood glue to prime MDF? I would prefer not to buy a spray primer.

>> No.9021880

I'm making a 1920's inspired mens swimsuit (those navy striped one pieces) and I'm having a ton of trouble with the material gathering a ton at my crotch, any suggestions on how to not get this to happen?

>> No.9021881

I just put new tape on and repainted it. Looks great!

But now the whole thing is kind of sticky. Is there something I should use to seal the paint?

>> No.9021885

How do I keep my cosplays organized in my suitcase?

>> No.9022004

I pulled some stretch fabric out of my stash to make something with and it's weird. I guess at one point it was stretch pleather, because it's become very very tacky and sticks to itself. I soaked it in water and pulled it all apart, and it's a little better.
Should I keep washing it, or is there something more effective I could do to get rid of the tackiness?

>> No.9022073

no idea how good/bad they are but some are sold on amazon

these are oversized pumpkin pants and you will probably have to alter a pattern
if you need it to poof out at all times you could try heavy lining or using some horsehair braid to keep the shape all the time

just get a cute basic three way bag, shouldn't be too hard to find one on taobao/ali especially if you don't mind replicas
if you want to go full weeb you can get a randoseru but they're shit expensive and don't always fit even a4 folders

pictures would help a lot

if it's tacky there's honestly no point in trying to salvage it for anything more elaborate than some sort of sewing experiment, that sounds like the fabric has gotten fucked up from being stored

>> No.9022196
File: 640 KB, 925x989, P4D_Hatsune_Miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best material for this without dying in hear?
The skirt and stockings I mean.
Most of my cons are in summer.
Probably Jersey fabric?

>> No.9022217

heat woops

>> No.9022254

I put all small accessories/parts in a quart size plastic bag and then place that and the main pieces which are on a hanger, into a garment bag. (A trashbag with a hole poke through the bottom for the hanger would work if you don't want to buy a garment bag.)

For wigs it depends. If there are fragile parts, I will pack it in it's own litle cardboard box with packing material like batting, packing paper, packing peanuts etc. If it doesn't require careful handing, it goes in its bag in the costume garment bag.

I also tape a list of all costume parts to the outside of the garment bag to make sure I pack everything.

>> No.9022260

I had looked at some but noped the fuck away when I saw the prices. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep an eye on taobao.

>> No.9022265

Let it dry well and then apply some laquer
Male sure the laquer has the right finish for you. (Matte or gloss)
Or you can also use mod podge

>> No.9022282
File: 232 KB, 670x504, kaneda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where to get a jacket that looks like Kaneda's, id buy one of the replica ones off of ebay but i dont trust that they'll be good quality

>> No.9022295

another option I just thought of is to rock a cute tote bag in combo with a regular/larger purse, and you can fold up the tote bag and shove it in the purse if you don't have to carry some full sized folders or smth

>> No.9022299

artsmoo for custom jackets, I don't know if they offer any styles exactly like this but it's worth a shot to check

>> No.9022321


>> No.9022325

You'll have to google it. Arts-"what animal does moo?".

>> No.9022336

Ultimo Leather, they have a ton of awesome jackets, they were selling Kaneda's for awhile, genuine leather to.

>> No.9022427

What if I don't? Will the paint come off the Plastidip?

>> No.9022430

Never been to a con and I'm scared

do I flake out or go

>> No.9022441

The hell are you scared of

I mean, maybe take a friend to make it more fun, but there's nothing really scary at cons.

>> No.9022654
File: 546 KB, 1024x1534, i72moxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys any idea of how can I do the spiked ball?
For Rem cosplay from Re-Zero

>> No.9022662

the easiest would probably be pulling one off of an inflatable meteor hammer, you can find them online

>> No.9022665

>inflatable meteor hammer,
Thank you anon!!

>> No.9022790
File: 8 KB, 258x195, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to identify what model helmet this guy's wearing? Attempting a Homicyle cosplay and I've had no luck finding anything similar myself.

>> No.9022924

How would one cosplay a character with a peg leg when they've got both of em?

>> No.9022929

Commit anon. Chop one of 'em off.

>> No.9022932
File: 500 KB, 500x492, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny's feather.

>> No.9022935

That's a big commitment

>> No.9022989

I want to make a fallout 4 vault dweller cosplay, but I have no idea what material to use. I read that boiler suits are good but they're too baggy for the new style of suit in fallout. Other materials are way too shiny, and so on. I don't really what to do to make the main blue body piece. :^(

>> No.9023007

you could probably find some leather bondage suits or leather motorcycle suits that would work, id recommend spraypaint to make the colors match but i dont know how well spraypaint does with leather

>> No.9023017

anything cheaper since I'm a poor collegefag? Leather is so expensive, but I agree it does work best

>> No.9023030

i cant think of any alternatives, but there are pre-made ones on etsy so maybe you could buy one of those or contact whoever made them and ask them what shit they used

>> No.9023087

the name is considered spam on cgl so yeah, >>9022325

idk it'd probably look distorted as hell proportions wise, but you could try making a sort of mould/form that goes around and covers your leg? that you stick your leg into and then limp around

coloured pleather

>> No.9023244
File: 169 KB, 1279x723, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to make the charm dangling from the hairstick? I was thinking of making it out of resin but it'd be pretty tedious.

>> No.9023761

I'm not sure if this is the rest place to ask this but I'll ask anyway. Does anyone have any advice on bringing a large prop to a con? I'll be cosplaying for the first time soon and I plan on going as Sophie Hatter from How's Moving Castle and I wanted to make a Turnip Head to go with my cosplay. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight or experiences they could share.

I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on how to stay cool at cons during the summer? Especially when the outfit isn't made of thin material. I don't want to pass out from heatstroke.

Sorry for asking such newbie questions. I just want to make sure I'm well prepared for my first time cosplaying at a con!

>> No.9024087

Painted wood. A lot of craft stores have a ton of light, thin shapes to choose from that would be pretty easy to paint over and make a pretty final product.

>> No.9024562

Just make a peg leg that straps around your kneecap. Here's a super realistic, and accurate diagram I drew up.
1 is the peg leg. 2 is the strap, either some elastic band or velcro/any other closure. 3 is your foot, just claryifying because the diagram is just so realistic and well drawn.
When it's picture time, just bend your leg. Granted this only works if you're taking a picture head on. You could always wear a black legging on that leg for the "invisible stage hand, don't notice me" effect.

If you're flying, large props are a giant hassle. Build your props in a way where you can take them apart so they fit in a luggage bag.
When you fly, that's a must. If you're driving, it's still solid advice.
Large/and or heavy props also get really exhausting to carry around. A lot of people make the mistake thinking "five pounds isn't very heavy. I'll be fine" but after an hour or two it's not going to be comfortable. Try to minimize on weight, or understand you'll need to take frequent breaks.
For over heating, just drink plenty of water. Don't go outside. Learn the signs of heat exhaustion (which leads up to heat stroke). Learn to tell people "stop taking pictures I'm dying so I'm going back to my room". And have a place really close by you can safely change out of/store your cosplay. Your car a quarter mile walk away in the sun doesn't count.

>> No.9026170
File: 610 KB, 3200x1800, 46541e70-f454-0133-8033-0e31b36aeb7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you even get started on something like this?

All those details...

>> No.9030576

learn how to get really good at sewing