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9005857 No.9005857 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about things you love in lolita fashion and and lolita things that makes you feel warm inside.

(Will post mine tomorrow. I am super tired but i wanted to have a lovely thread to wake up to. Love you /cgl/)

>> No.9005872

when kids ask me if I am a princess. it makes me really happy to see them look so excited and in awe just from seeing a "real life princess."

the fact my clothing can make others happy like that makes me happy, like I'm doing my part to spread smiles

I know it's cheesy bullshit but I really like that about Lolita

>> No.9005879

Seeing my lifelong love of beautiful stained glass windows being incorporated into a fashion.

>> No.9005880
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>giant and majestic full pettis
>soft and comfortable light pettis
>cute shoes that are a little uncomfortable but you ignore it
>being very conscious of how you walk
>looking down at your pink shoes, pink phone, pink nails, pink purse all covered in rhinestones
>trying to subtly look at yourself whenever possible

>> No.9005885

The poof. I love the poof in lolita. When I got a nice petti poof going on I'll always stare at it in the mirror for a few minutes and bounce around. And I really enjoy looking at the poof on other girls dresses, especially in person. The poof is so cute.

>> No.9005889


>> No.9005893

Being able to dress up in general, and actually put effort into my looks. During the weekday I'm just so exhausted I can't bring myself to do anything but throw on clothes and walk out the door. It's almost meditative getting to pamper yourself one day a week. Also, getting to see another lolita in the wild.

>> No.9005899

>Being stared at with such awe by little kids, like I'm a Disney princess or some shit
>Getting the sweetest compliments from the most unlikely of people (i.e. extremely burly middle aged men)
>The whole ritual of getting dressed, doing makeup and doing hair
>Looking at my wardrobe crammed with beautiful things whenever I want
>Cute handbags

>> No.9005900

>elderly ladies getting excited about my petticoat

>> No.9005919

I love the magic of feeling disconnected from the world around me, like I'm in my own little bubble of petticoat fluff and embody a bit of happiness in a shit world.

>> No.9005925

Scissoring in your best lolita friend after a meetup when your bf is not at home.

>> No.9005932

>wearing cute undergarments to match
>having a pretty vanity or luxury makeup
>getting sweet compliments from people
>daydreaming about having lolita best friends to do cute and fun stuff with like sleepovers in cute nightgowns with tea sets and small pastries and makeovers, watching romantic period films or japanese movies, getting to respectfully try on everybody else's burando while gossiping or talking about brand releases and dreamdresses
>gazing at my wardrobe
>feeling slightly uncomfortable but the feeling of being cute and beautiful is so overwhelming it doesn't even matter

>> No.9005936

When random people tell me I've brightened their day, or better yet inspired them to dress more adventurously themselves.

Looking down and admiring the pretty detailed lace on your hem or cuff.

Catching your reflection when you're twinning with a friend and your petticoats are bobbing in sync.

>> No.9005943

>Grannies thrilled by your clothing. Especially ones that remember dressing up their children like that.
>Someone knowing the exact print you're wearing because they love it so much but have never seen it in person.
>Taking photos with little kids.
>Opening packages you receive in the mail. I love opening mail anyways but opening a box to a pile of frills is even better.

>> No.9005950

>trying that new dress that just arrived
>the way your skirt and petti bob around when you walk
>occasionally glancing at your perfectly silhouetted shadow while you walk
>the perfect bell shape in general

>> No.9005956

Sensory fag here:
>the sound your dress and petti makes when you walk and twirl around
>the sound of your tea parties clacking on the pavement
>looking at my kawaii ass shadow

>> No.9005977

>coords that are well put together while managing to look effortless
>perfectly tied waist ties

>> No.9005994
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>Excited older ladies
>Cute photo shoots
>Just the delicate elegance of the clothes and coords

>> No.9005997

>the sound of your tea parties clacking on the pavement

I fucking love this, you get me anon

>All of the poof, bell shaped, a line I don't care. Just all of it
>Taking the time to dress up in the morning
>2009 style sweet lolita coords. It holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.9005999

>farting into your petticoat after greasy food and then shaking it out at strangers on the subway and playing it off as "adjusting" your petticoat

>> No.9006005
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>> No.9006006

>the bounce of poof every time you take a step
>looking down at your delicate details when wearing lolita
>walking in a flock of poofy pettis when with a comm

I miss having lolita friends in my city.

>> No.9006034


>> No.9006041

>feeling more beautiful than basics
>brand jewelry
>pretty hats

>> No.9006045
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>> No.9006095
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I can hear the "swish swish swish" just thinking about it.

>> No.9006097

Walking out of your hotel room and off the elevator and onto the con floor, feeling like Cinderella descending the staircase to the ball. After all the effort of getting ready, that grand entrance feeling is like nothing else.

>> No.9006104

I love that it is not just a fashion, but a hobby as well.
I love rsvp'ing to an event an the excitement and anticipation that ensues.
I love getting lolita things in the mail.
I love making lolita items.
I love having an excuse to wear fashion inspired by historical styles.

>> No.9006110

When you're traveling in a flock at a meetup or con or whatever and you see everyone in the group in shop windows.
Cute shoes going click clack
Curls bouncing
Waist tie bows all tied up nicely
everyone looks cute af.
Being with your cute friends for the day.

>> No.9006115

I love the fact I look like an entirely different person in lolita, that I can walk past someone from my comm when I'm in normal clothes and they won't even second glance me.

>> No.9006125

You get me, anon.

>the contrast of your style against the modern world
>when you catch your reflection in a store window
>the swish when you turn suddenly

>> No.9006146

>having nicer posture because confidence
>cute socks, shoes, cutsew to mix with normie on your off days
>feeling like youre finally apart of something even when you have no local comm
>dress inflates like a fucking blimp when you walk down stairs quickly
>bloomers are cozy af
>something that actually feels worth spending money on

>> No.9006200

I giggled at the blimp comparison.

>> No.9006239

I like how great lolita makes my fat arms look. Likke I know I can never wear puff sleeves yeah, but normie fashion hasn't worked out that long sleeves look better for fatties

>> No.9006274

A question for lolitas who have been to Otakon in Baltimore: are there usually any vendors selling lolita items? I am going all 3 days this year, and it is my first con ever. I just want to know how much spending money I should set aside.

>> No.9006275

shit wrong thread :X

>> No.9006278

I love how lolita hides my fat gut and highlights my thin waist. I love how cute and happy I look and feel in it. I love that I'm pretty good at coordinating and it makes me feel like I'm talented at something.

>> No.9006321

>thinking back to how small my wardrobe used to be compared to how it is now
>actually watching said wardrobe grow through the years
>the intricate prints that have me finding something new every time I look at them
>checking your make up in a train with a cute compact mirror
I don't know what it is about ^ this one, but it makes really happy for some reason
>crossed straps on shoes
>bows on shoes

>> No.9006334

>dressing cute feels great
>has motivated me to get fit so I can wear more brand
>have learned more about hair/makeup and coordinating fashion in general

Good confidence booster in general. I don't know if I'll wear Lolita forever, but I do know I'm loving every second I stay in the fashion, and appreciate how much it has done for me in developing into more of a girly girl. Feeling truly feminine is the best!

>> No.9006386
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>getting dream dresses you have been admiring from afar for so long, seeing its beauty and details irl up close and your heart grows three sizes
>walking with glorious poof gives an extra spring in your step
>seeing friends and people you like having the same dresses as you
>when your coord comes together and looks perf
>when OTT lolitas look like a fantasy character or a painting coming to life

>when people start acting more polite and making way for your poofy self as to not disturb the kawaii

>> No.9006388

>light, airy chiffons
>plush velvets
>yards and yards of multiple types of thick cotton lace
>pintucks and heirloom sewing techniques.
>custom lace/buttons/findings
>textural elements: shantung, chiffon, velvet, sateen
>material drape

The materials, the detailing, the lace, the sheer amount of everything that goes into the dresses makes me swoon.

>> No.9006424

>striped socks
>gigantic pettis
>rectangle headdresses
>bxw oldschool dresses
>natural hair
>RHS and chunky shoes
>hanging out with my awesome comm
>wearing lolita whenever the fuck I want for no reason at all
>trying to learn to be ladylike
>nice imported oolong tea

I guess that's about it. I love pretty much everything about lolita, other than ageplayers and sissies

>> No.9006429

Meeting people and making friends.

>> No.9006443

> getting compliments from non-lolita friends
> putting together a coord
> walking around the city with lolita friends
> someone recognizing that you're wearing lolita fashion and getting genuinely excited
> dreaming about the next time you get to wear lolita, whether it's at a meetup, con, or anywhere else
> when someone says "I love your outfit!" instead of "I love your costume!"

>> No.9006444

> when you open the package you ordered and everything fits and looks perfect on you

>> No.9006448
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Furiously masturbating while wearing an outfit.

>> No.9006517

>The excitement of finally owning piece
>The feeling when you open up a box for the first time
>The first time you look over your pretty things to make sure it's perfect
>Fixing a stitch or button
>Washing an item and making it truly yours
>That moment when you see the perfect silhouette for the first of many times

>> No.9006536

>Spooky prints
>Navy and mint colorways
>Seeing gorgeous coords
I'm aware I'm scum.
>Chocolate prints
>Strawberry prints!!!

>> No.9006584

The fact that a lot of bags are shaped like objects

>> No.9006588

I also love this!
I was blown away when I saw the cute bags, it had never occured to me that they came in shapes other than lumpy before.

>> No.9006627

are you me anon

to add to that:
>ringlet wigs
>the patterns in crocheted lace
>sharing clothes with my best friend
>making my surroundings as pretty as my wardrobe
>basically everything about old school
>coords/dresses in styles I would never wear but still admire and study all the details

>> No.9006640

>>trying to subtly look at yourself whenever possible

omg I thought I was the only one who loved this. Nothing like seeing a beautiful lovely thing in an empty shop window and realising it's your own reflection looking rad.

>> No.9006727

>when me and my friends outfits are on point, walking trough the streets like an army of frills
>poodle prints
>the creaitivty
>yellow pony bags
>that its an ice breaker for people to talk to you!

>> No.9006772

Same anon, it's a great feeling seeing small kids so excited about our outfits.

I remember when I went to at the mall after a super lame convention in OTT sweet, a little girl ran to her dad and said, "look daddy, she's a princess!" It was so adorable and made my day so much better.

>being poofy and in bright pastel outfits
>the actual confidence boost whenever i wear lolita

>> No.9006950

>modifying an accessory to make it more creative
>finding the perfect something to add to a coord and the color matches
>having others marvel at how much brand you've accumulated in a short period of time.
>losing enough weight that a dress fits you better.
>being told someone thought you dress good enough to be a brand elitist, then they get to know you and think you're so nice and friendly.
>putting on eyelashes the first try
>getting your nails done to match a print
>your organized closet, legwear drawer, and hair accessories.
>moving something from wishlist to closet on lolibrary

>> No.9006956

Seconding the fuck out of everything about old school.

>> No.9006969

>funky purses
>wearing a poofy skirt and fluffy petti
>wearing cute socks or tights and dainty shoes
>looking down at myself and seeing my legs with cute socks and shoes stick out from under a big floofy skirt
I have to stop myself from posting too many leg pics to my social media because I worry about attracting foot fetishists or something but goddamn my legs are so fucking cute when covered in burando

>> No.9007750

oh yes, purses!!!!!

>> No.9011695

>thread on the last pages
I won't let it die!
>All the pretty tiny details on lace or prints or fabric.
>fucking pockets
>feeling like an animu character
I know i'll get hate for that last one but CLAMP design addict 13yo me would cry tears of joy at the idea to wear pretty frilly dresses like in her animu/mango

>> No.9011703

things i love in lolita
scalloped edges
princess sleeves
long sleeved OPs
huge petticoats

>> No.9011724
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>old school lolita
>high quality cotton lace
>odd bags like Usakumya and the Honey Cake handbag
>brand novelty items
>dresses entirely made of lace a la Meta

>i know i'm an old school ita oldfag idgaf

>> No.9011745

are you me anon?

>no one will ever know that between this thin waist and slender ankles lies a gut pooch and thunder thighs.

>> No.9011776
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It sounds narcissistic but my favourite thing is walking down the street and seeing myself reflected in the store windows. The swish-walk-swish silhouette is really cute to me

>> No.9012485

Nah man CLAMP is bomb

>> No.9012695

I actually like being active on secondhand sales, both buying and selling. It's often tiring and frustrating, but there's nothing more satisfactory than sending and receiving cute thank-you notes from all over the world.

And poof, obviously.

>> No.9012711

>knowing no-one can see my huge hips
>having clothes that actually fit my boobs as well as look good on my short body
>the shoes, even if they're just plain mary janes
>feeling like a doll in oldschool
>the gorgeous lace
>all the bows

>> No.9012734
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pockets 'n poof, niggah
Also feeling extra kawaii and not giving a damn about the girls sneering at me. Back in highschool i was so conscious about what girls would tell about me but now i just don't give a fuck. After all these years I finally feel good about myself and they must be pretty damn insecure themselves to yell "hey ugly" at some random girl

>> No.9019492

supporting sustainable garment manufacture and never going back to fast fashion again

>> No.9019756

the hips thing x100.

>> No.9019760

Waist ties. An outfit just doesn't feel complete until I struggle to tie a fluffy bow behind my back.

>> No.9019842

My Princess Room.
Getting into lolita fashion inspired me to turn one spare bedroom with a double closet into a beautiful frilly poofed-out-to-the-max sanctuary. Not only do I feel like an actual princess getting ready in there every morning, it's completely freed me from the urge I sometimes used to have to 'lolify' things in other parts of the house so my overall decorating tastes have widened and gotten better. Our bedroom has no real poof, it's a bit arty and bohemian, a style that my husband and I both love in there, I have a beautifully minimalistic and easy-to-clean art studio and still have the overflow of frills I crave, it's just confined in that one room of our house.
Best decision ever.

>> No.9019907

>Jacquard & gobelin
>Pintucked high collar blouses
>Ornate buttons
>Tight ringlets

>> No.9019924

That, unlike in other fashions, matchy-matchy is fine in lolita.

>> No.9019937

>People walking along seemingly in a daze then doing a double take (ESPECIALLY if they say an exclamation like 'Holy shit!' or 'Whoa!')
>Seeing people inside shops from outside react at your outfit in the limited time they have to see it
>Elderly people admiring my outfit
>People trying to be discreet when they glance at you but then beaming when you wave back with a smile
>People asking for pictures politely
>That swish a JSK does move
>Poofy petticoats
>Children saying 'Look! It's a princess!' or something similar
>That semi-loud clack heels make on pavement as if to declare 'I'm here, bitches.'
>People in cities giving you more room as they walk past or towards you

>> No.9019940
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I get you anon. You feel like a modern spoopy vampire princess.

>> No.9019954

I wish I could be a lolita ;~;

>Fuzzy face.
>Fuzzy chest.
>Manly face.
>Weightlifting build.

Sometimes I wish I was a waifish and thin twink instead of a burly, manly bear, so I could wear frilly, cute, outfits.

>> No.9019988

> Bloomers. With lovely sturdy lace and a good length.
> weird and creepy girls get to feel less weird
> We're all weeaboo to some extent when we're importing obscure japanese subculural clothing to wear in OTT ensembles and it's ok.
> Yearning over old dresses(hawase doll, meta's Apple print) for far too long!

>> No.9020005

holy shit that pic is gorgeous, pink is my favourite HL

>> No.9020056

My favourite thing about wearing lolita, or really any more decorative alt fashion, is 100% the way it just boosts my pride and confidence through the roof. The sense of pride when you look in the mirror and you're wearing something really ornate and pretty looking, all the bows, the incredibly cute and feminine silhouettes, and of course the huge poofy pettis.

>> No.9021839

Looking in the mirror and thinking "holy shit, that's me. When did I get this cute?"

>> No.9021886

I like walking outside in a park or garden with a parasol and gloves as part of the coord. It feels really elegant.