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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 357 KB, 600x600, Black Knight Greatsword 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9001614 No.9001614 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/

I'm curious, how do you prefer to handle cosplay weapons of ludicrous size? Is there anything you can make them out of that isn't ungodly heavy but doesn't look like styrofoam or snap in half in a strong wind?

I ask because I want to finish off an existing Dark Souls armor I have, which I have already worn to some cons, with an iconic weapon from the franchise. Ideally this would be the Black Knight Greatsword I have pictured, but I'm not 100% set on that since it might not be realistically practical.

>> No.9001649

I've glued styrofoam blocks together and cut them into shape, using wood as the core and handle. it was sure light but it also bent really easy and I have to be careful when waving it around. But I mean as long at you dont rest your weight on it and you try to stop people being FUCKING IDIOTS AND GRABBING IT AND TRYING TO HIT PEOPLE LIKE FUCKING SPURGLORDS you should do fine.

>> No.9001665


What was the finish like on your weapon? Did you just paint the styrofoam, or did you cover it with something like a layer of plastic or something? The picture might not carry it across very well, but the blade of the weapon in the game is very glossy, almost glass-like in appearance.

I doubt I can replicate that level of detail, but it would be nice to try. I am also a bit worried that, if I do my weapon the wrong way, it will clash heavily with the rest of my costume. With a couple of small exceptions, the rest of my armor set is actual metal and some leather belts and such. Obviously an actually metal sword is impossible for a bunch of reasons, but Im worried that if I don't use the right materials I could end up sinking a lot of time and money into a weapon that doesn't really work with the rest of my costume.

>> No.9001782

I covered it in woodglue and then plastidipped it with the spray kind. If you're this new to armor and prop building i suggest going to the help thread.

>> No.9001802

post pic of armor

>> No.9001852
File: 3.84 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a good bit of oversized props. My Burial Blade measured around 7 ft extended, but the trade off was that it was collapsible and could be placed on my back. I started using a few sheets of foam core, then I wood glued the whole thing to seal it, then fiberglassed it all together. The handle was all made using heat shaped PVC.

>> No.9001871
File: 3.38 MB, 2432x4320, Elite Knight Armor - Pre Con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its been modified slightly since this pic was taken, but this is the grand scheme of things.


Roger that.

>> No.9001984

ha! ha!
you look good m8

I'm doing a solaire cosplay. I can't show any pics because its just chainmail right now. Maybe in a few weeks

I hope to do some fastrolls with you sometime

>> No.9002017
File: 2.44 MB, 4320x2432, PRAISE THE SUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice! Hope that goes well for you.

>> No.9002050

I think that Sun is suspicious of your tree

>> No.9002128
File: 450 KB, 838x1488, 20160220_164228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit being a pussy unkindled bitch and make your props out of 32 lbs. of 100% Actual Wooden Wheel™ like I did, anon.

In all seriousness, >>9001649 is spot on. Pink insulation foam, sanding, and layers of primer or wood glue before painting are the key ingredients.

Vote to make this official FromSoft thread?

>> No.9002134

Check out Adam Savage's Hellboy Sword video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcDCZ2TmTck)) for ideas on how to get a smooth, metallic finish on a big sword. He uses aluminum HVAC tape and washes to make something that looks like real aged metal.

>> No.9002190
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> wheelskelly

>> No.9002268

Most conventions have rules about weapon sizes, even if they're made of a lightweight or seemingly harmless material. Even if wherever you're going doesn't have any explicit rules about it, it's always best to err on the side of caution. Don't be that oblivious fuckhead who isn't aware of their surroundings and swings their fuckhuge sword into some unsuspecting congoer's face.

>> No.9002339
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>> No.9002778
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Excuse the shitty properties of it, but I only have a picture of my first attempt.

I use the pink sheets of insulation foam from home depot. They come 1 inch thick and up. Light weight, reliable, seal nicely.

>> No.9002824

You can thank monster hunter, because dark souls is its Goddamn baby... Try looking at MH weapon tutorials or what people do for Cloud's g sword

>> No.9002825

dude you're supposed to go over the top of it with paper mache or something

>> No.9002826

>not using spray foam

>> No.9002834


>> No.9002841

this was my first attempt yeaaaaaars ago, and the only pic I had on my phone. Have since remade it for a con a couple years ago. Since then I've gotten the technique down. This was my first attempt with modge podge and spray paint. Which brings me to a first time mistake to avoid: Arisol cans and spray paint ect can melt portions of the foam. I have since bought an air brush kit and my stuff comes out much nicer.

>> No.9002867

That does not work. It's too heavy and it curing causes air bubbles that never give you a good surface.

>> No.9002887

You can always cover it with resin and fiberglass

>> No.9003043

Not that anon but it sounds to me like you used it wrong. I've used spray foam a lot and you have to go really slowly and spread it.

>> No.9003321

hello I'm new to this cosplay con going thing
why not use metal and make it very obvious blunt looking?

>> No.9003347

Because a 7 foot metal sword would be heavy as shit and no fun to carry around. Plus most cons have a weapons policy that wouldn't allow things like that.

>> No.9003379

Most cons have rules/will ban people who bring real metal, yes, even if it'd blunt and obviously not a weapon. It's still 4-7 feet of solid metal.

>> No.9003490

usual rule is "If you hit someone hard with your weapon, what breaks first: The person or the weapon?", if the former, you need to rethink your weapon.

>> No.9003505

Here's some very beginner friendly tutorials on how to make a basic giant weapon light and strong using inexpensive materials



>> No.9003514

The trick it to make a really solid light frame out of wood and then use insulation foam on either size for the bulk. And it has to be insulation foam coated with some other things. Ive explained this to people and they come and show me their giant swords make with crumbling white styrofoam. Don't be that fucker.

>> No.9003858
File: 89 KB, 800x774, HugeAssSwordHellYeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is much appreciated!

Does anyone have any recommendations of how to go about the top of this anime-ass sword?

>> No.9003984

Hand sculpt it out of insulation foam, in fact, make the entire thing out of it. Get a hand rasp, a dremel, sandpaper, and a drywall saw and go to town.

>> No.9005443
File: 1.03 MB, 1767x2500, may-acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No experience with making weapons, what's the best material for making May's anchor?

>> No.9005519
File: 120 KB, 800x1159, bleach_7344949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9005664

Couldn't you always use chicken wire to hold the Styrofoam? And have part of the object spine be Aluminium or something?

>> No.9005665

Hollow baseball bat.

>> No.9005961
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a Gundyr cosplay. What do you guys recommend for making his halberd? I really don't want it to break or bend while at the con

>> No.9007657

How did you do the tabard?

>> No.9007660

Steel would be best.

>> No.9007663

Make the handle out of wood, make the blade out of insulation foam.

>> No.9007665

thanks i'll try that out!

>> No.9007682

Chicken wire rarely works in any part of cosplay because it bends too easily. Some people add thin metal rods to the core of their weapon but you have to make sure they are fully covered with other materials because a lot of cons will allow zero metal

>> No.9007723

Do they reject things that feel somewhat dense/heavy, like say the size of an arm's length tree branch? Or do they just not like the aspect of metal because it's potentially sharp if formed poorly?

>> No.9007727

I think because metal can be used as a weapon? Generally wood used in cosplay is light (e.g balsa) so it's not a threat, but you could stab/hit someone pretty hard with metal.

>> No.9007744

Every con has their own set of rules. Always check them ahead of time when making your props. Anything that's as tall as you are is usually fine. Length restrictions usually only start at 7 ft+. Typical con prop bans:

>Anything metal. Including blunted spikes
>Real bows or anything that closely resembles a real bow. Clearly fake ones like hte Heartseeker Lol stuff is fine
>Anything that looks like a real gun. Even orange caps and airsofts
>Whips, paddles, cat-o-nine tails nad general bondagey stuff
>Really really tall props or anything that's so huge it could block halls or accidentally break a ceiling light
>Baseball bats and wooden swords
>Metal chains

And bonus round: Carrying signs your character doesn't actually have. No "free hugs" or "Will Yuri for Yaoi" signs basically

>> No.9007878
File: 184 KB, 853x960, 1459884210421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive had luck using spray foam and shaping it. Of course id throw on a layer of masking tape, followed by paper mache, and finally some celluclay. This works out well for any hammer/stone weapons you may think of making, but shaping could be a bitch

Been meaning to substitute the final layer of celluclay with plastidip to see if it would work for short swords but it doesnt sound like it would work too well.

However for large swords I use some balsa wood and add thin eva foam and shape that with a dremel tool. I'd suggest making a buster sword if you want to try it out. May be a bit too heavy, but its usually what i go for. My only issue with large props is transportation
Pic somewhat related to anyone who ever has a large spear and want a removable head for transporting.

>> No.9008760

Girlfriends looking to do a Crowfeather cosplay from Bloodborne, any idea where to start on that?

>> No.9008873
File: 2.29 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0300 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my twin blades using ABS plastic. Any plastic sheeting would work for them. The mask I had to sculpt out and mold though.

>> No.9009778
File: 59 KB, 480x720, PBTM01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Insulation foam, resin, and PVC.

SmoothOn makes an impact resistant coating for foam called Epsilon. It's a 16 hour cure time and still needs some clean up but it's pretty boss. This is foam and another resin but the least practical thing I've ever built (it transforms).

>> No.9009797
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, namelessking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this has sort of become a From Soft thread:

What kind of fabric do I use for the scarf and what's the best way to hold it up? Wiring?

>> No.9010101
File: 87 KB, 422x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys go about making Guts' dragonslayer? Or his Band of the Hawk sword, for that matter? My boyfriend is a spitting image for Guts and wants to cosplay him but he's dead set on making the sword from wood, which I know is going to turn out awfully heavy. He's against foam because he's convinced it won't look like metal and instead will look like it's obviously foam. What can we do to combat that? are there any examples of ginormous sword props that look metal that I can use to show him that foam will work?

>> No.9011154

>Foam will not look like metal
>Implying wood will
He seems really out of it if you ask me. Even if he wants to make it out of wood he is planning on treating and modifying the surface. In this thread alone there are multiple suggestions of what to cover the surface of foam with before painting. Woodglue, plastidip, gesso, just read this thread you just posted in. I don't have any example pictures, but holy hell, as long as you get rid of the texture anything can be covered in metallic paint.

Why do you need examples of large foam swords looking metallic when you can look up any foam prop that's been treated right?

>> No.9012083

Omg, this is so good. Thank you

>> No.9012106


no point cosplaying guts anymore, berserk is flavor of the month bullshit now

>> No.9012215

what? since when?

>> No.9012256
File: 593 KB, 540x482, Hello Bah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just ordered my hauberk, gorget, and small spaulder for my Elite Knight set

>> No.9014172

Since 2004.

>> No.9014641
File: 446 KB, 1920x1021, chang-gon-shin-darksoul-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do you guys deal with carrying around your massive props? I started working on Artorias and I've realized I'm not super excited about carrying that thing around for 3 days in crowded areas. I was thinking of using magnets in the sword and a harness on my back, provided the magnets are strong enough (the sword isn't too heavy its just a wooden dowel and carved eva foam).

>> No.9014731

if you are confident in the build of it you could literally drag it around like he did, just reinforce the area most likely to be drug

>> No.9014855

alternatively you could use a pvc pipe 3-4cm diameter with a thickness of 3mm will be sturdy but hollow

Also consider making it a two parter by fashioning a screw joint so that you can pull it apart for easy travelling

>> No.9014865

some rare earth magnets are really strong and quite cheap http://aussiemagnets.com.au/product/-25-x--25-x---5mm-Block-%28Rare-Earth%29.html

this is one example

>> No.9014920


Sadly I did not. My sewing skills are not up to snuff, so I had a friend of mine who is a trained seamstress do it for me. All I did was provide design input and pay for materials, including help selecting the gold brocade ribbon.

The panel on the front of the tabard acts as a cover for the fasteners keeping the jacket closed, and then has a second layer of fasteners the got up the side to keep the panel from flapping about.

>> No.9014928


Sweet! From where?

Also, how are you doing the helmet?

>> No.9015390
File: 77 KB, 355x344, Just Call Me ''Oscar''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medieval Collectibles. The "48-inch Mail Hauberk" looks pretty close to the one on the EKS. The Steel Markward Pauldrons, both large and small, are passable for the in-game ones, and I needed to order the "Markward Gorget" to actually hold them on. Not accurate to the game, but the tabard will cover it. The helmet's a bit of a tricky issue, considering I sorta ordered the Mask Of The Father already. If I DO get the helmet, however, I'll probably order the "Closed Tudor Helmet", pic related.

I don't suppose your seamstress friend could e-mail me a pattern?

>> No.9015418

I've done Guts before. Foam is more than fine for a Dragonslayer as long as you treat it with woodglue and gesso. It also allows you to take the time and shape out the blade with all the dings and dents you'd think it would have collected over time.

Also, hammered metal spray paint is your friend.

>> No.9018715

This is relevant to the thread. Working on zabuzas big old meat knife and used da pink insulation foam.

>> No.9018720
File: 1.75 MB, 5248x1906, IMG_20160523_115621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress pic after gesso.

>> No.9018841
File: 139 KB, 720x1280, death13scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently made an over sized prob for the first time so I figured I'd share!

It's over 7ft tall and the top blade part is detachable for easier transportation (I seriously reccommend making your large prop in several pieces if you can)

materials used are foam,PVC, sintra for the blade, & aquarium tubing. Originally wanted to use Foam or MDF for the blade but it would've been either too floppy or too heavy.

>> No.9020405
File: 845 KB, 1600x1600, P1160960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished up my White Sign Soapstone. Which is actually quartz, because I couldn't find soapstone.

>> No.9020420

YuYuYu!! Do post photos when you're done, anon.

>> No.9020450

You wrapped a quartz up with a bit of burlap...

>> No.9020454


>> No.9020460

I have a couple large swords made for larp that could be painted for a cosplay. Ask the larp thread. I wonder if any cosplayers would want to buy my stuff, it's pretty light and nice, just needs a fancier handle

>> No.9021590

Related, I guess:

I am currently getting the Greatsword of Artorias made on commission. Their price is reasonable, but it looks like I have two options: EVA foam, or fiberglass. The fiberglass version costs about $250 more because they have to make the mold for it.

How worth it is it to upgrade to fiberglass? I don't have a lot of experience with cosplay props, so its hard for me to tell the difference without seeing them with my own eyes.

The sword is 4.5 feet long, if that impacts anything.

>> No.9021646
File: 208 KB, 722x722, IMG_20160524_221444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my cosplay Abyss Watcher, sword is made of foam. Any thoughts? Suggestions before upcoming Fanime?

>> No.9021670

Ali chain, nice!

I build my props to be light.

PVC pipe + camping mat layered over it. Paint with latex and acrylic mixed together and before each con give it a light dust with baby powder.

It's the only way my energy sword will last :)

>> No.9022476
File: 446 KB, 922x528, 11709635_483659995143896_2435318411385649232_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good! I made pic related to hand out as trinkets when I hosted the From photoshoot at Otakon last year.

>> No.9022640

You wrap the PVC pipe (what I assume is the grip) in camping mat? Or you use the camping mat as the actual blade parts?

>> No.9022754

dont wear jeans and a button up

>> No.9024083
File: 680 KB, 1200x1600, P1160989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9031874

What's a good wig to use for The Nameless King?

>> No.9031887

if you don't want it to break/bend, make the core of the blade out of a pretty thin sheet of plywood, like 1/4 inch

>> No.9032009

I want. How and where.

>> No.9032779

Yo question where did you get that chainmalle and what material did you use on the blue part?

>> No.9032905


I got the chain shirt on Ebay from a company that was, I believe, in India. It is an aluminum chain shirt, and I got it for around $60. Much cheaper than other chain shirts I have seen advertised online.

The good news was that it was inexpensive and, since its aluminum, it is like 1/3rd the weight of a steel chain anything.

Downside: aluminum isn't as sturdy. The first couple times you wear it, you will 'stretch' the shirt as it conforms to your body and you move around in it. This involves a bunch of rings being torn and falling off the suit, in my case this was mostly around the armpits, which now have holes in them. But after that wearing-in period passed, my arms had a greater degree of freedom of movement and I haven't had any rings come off it recently so I think the situation stabilized.

My costume keeps the holes in the armpits of the chain shirt from being noticeable because I am wearing stuff over it. If you want the chain shirt to be on display, that might not work out as well for you.

I'm overall happy with it, though. Especially since the alternative is twice the price or more.

The fabric used for the tabard was Medieval Cobalt Blue. I can't recall the exact fabric material, though hopefully that color name helps you track it down. I just picked it up at a Joann's fabrics.
On top of that are some brocades I got on Ebay and some gold fabric. I didn't assemble it myself, a friend did it for me. I just bough the materials.


Sadly, no pattern for it exists. My friend cobbled it together by eyeballing it. That Closed Tudor Helm is what I used for my costume, though. It only mildly tickles my autism that the vent design isn't the same as the Elite Knight, in all other respects its a fantastic helmet.

>> No.9033061

Thanks for the info maid, I want to try my hands on the firelink armor that's why. again thanks for info really helps.

>> No.9035201

SilverIceDragon on etsy.

No biggie, senpai. I'm doing the same thing. I also didn't think of getting aluminium chain. The stuff I'm wearing in the pic above is fucking steel. It's weighs almost as much as any girl that I've ever dated.

>> No.9036184


Look on the bright side: if some autistic weeaboo starts swinging around his newly bought wallhanger katana in the middle of a con like an idiot (I have seen this happen TWICE) you have nothing to fear. You armor is heavy as shit, but it can actually serve as armor.

Aluminum chain isn't going to stop shit. Not that I am planning on that mattering, mind you.

Also, little known benefit of chainmail costumes: if you wear a thin layer of cloth over your chainmail (which your costume likely includes anyway) your armor actually acts as a radiator! For the amount of shit you will be wearing, you should find yourself surprisingly cool instead of overheating like a sonuvabitch like most costumes. The metal rings will absorb your body heat, and airflow through the rings (causes by you moving around and shifting the thin cloth) will cool them down.


>> No.9036188

> firelink armor

In that case, I feel it is my duty to inform you that this exists:


I'm not entirely sure its worth the price, thats twice the cost of my Tudor closed helm, but it is a firelink set helm if you are having trouble figuring out how to make your own.

>> No.9036193


And for the record, Etsy is a surprisingly good place to pick up armor piece to cobble together a set. This is the pauldron I used for the Elite Knight armor, and there is a damaged version of it that might fit well with Firelink set.


>> No.9036194
File: 1.26 MB, 537x1223, Darkmoon_Knightess_Concept_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got any more info on the people you ordered the chain shirt from?
I have been after some chain link for my darkmoon knightess costume but all the stuff I found was way to heavy for me to wear.

>> No.9036220


Like I said, got it on ebay. Just search for 'Aluminum Chainmail Shirt' and you get a bunch of hits, just checked. And hey, everything looks even cheaper than I remember it being! Looks like you might be able to grab something under $40, including shipping.

I checked my emails, and the seller that I ordered from was diesel-injector-nozzle-tester. They have a few different options just under that name.

Regardless of who you order from, make sure you order something the right size. When in doubt, get something a little bigger than you think you need.

Think about what you want your costume to look like, because let me tell you, long sleeved chainmail shirts are not very common. Everyone makes short sleeved chainmail, not long. If you really want long sleeved chainmail, you might have to go with costume chainmail pattern shirt like you might find at party city. This isn't real chainmail, but it does the job and is both very cheap and not heavy at all.

Decide whether you want to wear a gambeson (a sort of padded arming jacket) under you chainmail BEFORE you order it, because the gamebson is going to bulk up your measurements and if you armor wasn't designed with it in mind it might not fit.

How much of the darkmoon knight costume do you have already, if I may ask? When doing a costume, the first thing I tend to work out is how the hell I am going to do the helmet, and only order anything after I have that underway. The last thing you want to do is pay a bunch of money on pieces of a costume only to realize that you don't actually think you can make one of the important parts that brings the whole thing together. Because then you have a bunch of stuff for a costume you likely won't complete.

>> No.9036221

No 100% I am a newb but if anyone knows better correct me, make ot out of styrofoam then put a thin layer of wood over each bit and coat it in metal? Might be a lot of work but im sure it could work some how you cant coat syrofoam straight cause it will melt instantly, so maybe a ceramic one? Like hollow ceramic and coat it

>> No.9036306

i'd probably use foam and the laminate it with resin in a matrix mold-esque fashion.

>> No.9036369


Thanks for info, but I think it might be cheaper and better looking if I make it myself.

>> No.9036440
File: 74 KB, 433x600, 5ee191ac1bafd5d13b6328dbf9a80fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of oversize and FromSoft cosplays, I'm working on my 5th SoulsBorne cosplay right now that I REALLY hope to finish by Otakon.

I am building articulated stilts to wear underneath my Vicar Amelia cosplay. I'm a lil shorty to begin with so I want to be able to tower over people a bit. It'll be tough. Right now I'm struggling to be motivated enough to get it done. Not sure how to go about the hands, feet, and claws. I did buy a shitload of dark gray leathery material I hope to use as the skin. I'm thinking for the feet, I will have to go about doing a sort of upholstery foam fursuit feet technique (though not nearly as cartoony), and these will slip on over the stilts or be otherwise integrated with them. Pic related's got the right idea, though those look to be latex.

Unless anyone has any better ideas?

I'm also >>9002128

>> No.9037144

I'm actually ordering that pauldron ASAP. You're a good man, EliteKnightAnon. Come to Massachusetts, so we might partake in some Jolly Co-Operation!

>> No.9037424
File: 50 KB, 720x960, sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9037429

didn't finish the shirt in time

>> No.9037442

I started with the helm first since its the biggest pain for me to get the right shape. I messed up the first time round due to bad materials but got the shape and fit down now thanks to that mess up.

The rest of the armor was on hold till I could work out the helmet first any way since with big armors I start with the piece I hate the most to make.

The chain mail on the costume was the only thing I had never dealt with before. I looked up plastic and other methods but they seemed to never look how I wanted. I even thought I might end up knitting a cheap wool chain mail pattern but the parts on the legs looked like shit.

I have been planning this for ages but had it on hold due to lack of desire. I am still looking for advice on good helm making materials outside of molding or metal. Since at the moment it is a mix of plastics/foam shaped to fit.

The chain you mentioned sounded better than what I have been looking at and a lot lighter. All my previous armors were full foam and fairly light but even so the heat is still bad after an hour or 2. I have no metal work experience, to shit to go that route sadly.

I just wanted to see what other alternatives I have really with armors/materials.

>> No.9037529


For that helm, maybe this will help.


I have never done a pepakura armor piece myself before, but from what I understand of the process you download the file, print out the folding instructions, and assemble a papercraft version of the helmet by cutting, gluing, and folding the sheets as instructed.

Then you user the papercraft as a base, layering paper mache or fiberglass/bondo on it until you have something solid enough to wear.

In theory, you can take even a small pekapura and turn it into a wearable armor piece by just scaling up all the images until you end up with a helmet large enough for you to wear.

Alternatively, the etsy link in >>9036188 is a seller that looks like they have made 4 different Dark Souls helms already. Perhaps you could commission them to make the darkmoon helmet for you?

>> No.9037538

Thank you for the link. I have the program to print pepakura but sadly not a good enough printer. atm. They are very handy for me since I use them in part to get the shape if the parts I am after are a bit complicated.

Sadly I am still trying to find a good supplier in the UK of something like bondo. I can't use Fiberglass in my place and have been looking for good materials near me that are similar. ( which is why my first helm was so bad since I took bad advice and ended up ruining a really good base).

I don't really like asking people for commissions since I am so used to making everything by hand. That being said the stuff they have is really nice so I might ask for the odd small item in future if I am stuck.

Thanks again.

>> No.9037713

>When doing a costume, the first thing I tend to work out is how the hell I am going to do the helmet, and only order anything after I have that underway. The last thing you want to do is pay a bunch of money on pieces of a costume only to realize that you don't actually think you can make one of the important parts that brings the whole thing together.
I'm glad someone else thinks the same way I do. I really want to do Ornstein. I found a pepakura file for his helm; I think that would be the easiest way. But I'm worried about sizing it correctly, because it's not like it's easy to throw together a test pepakura. I also worry about how it will lay on the rest of the armor since it extends down to the chest. I need to just bite the bullet and start sometime.

>> No.9038068
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Greave just came in

>> No.9038219

What are some characters with big props to make?
I wanna make a huge prop but not armor since I have traumatic experiences with armor at cons

>> No.9040931

>choosing aluminium chainmail over steel
what the actual fuck

looks like shit
breaks easily
you look like tincan knight

building/using an armor that breaks apart by itself

also bump

>> No.9041038
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Colossalcon 2016

>> No.9041041
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>> No.9041047
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>> No.9041050
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>> No.9041051
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>> No.9041053
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>> No.9041057
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>> No.9041061
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>> No.9041211
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Just wanted to share this picture we got back from Anime North as Emerald Herald and Chosen Undead in Elite Knight Armor.

Wow that armor looks great!

>> No.9041268

Ah you were the one elite knight? I'm glad you took a shot of my helmet, albeit the paint looks awful in that one haha.

>> No.9042013
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I thought you were 4chan but I didn't want to call you out

>> No.9042099

You sound retarded and entitled as fuck.

>> No.9042105


That's a really impressive helmet. Did you make it yourself?

If so, do you have any advice on how to make the visor? I have no blacksmithing experience whatsoever, but I do have the same Tudor Closed Helm pictured here >>9015390 and while it is 90% right the fact that the vents are different is a constant source of annoyance for my autism.

In theory, if I can make a new visor then I can replace that part of the helmet with the new one, since it is held in place by screws. But I'm not sure if it is practical to actually do or not.

>> No.9042201

>If so, do you have any advice on how to make the visor?

Remove the visor from your helmet and trace its shape onto a piece of cardboard as best you can. Then cut out the cardboard attach it to the helmet to make sure you got the shape right. You might have to iterate this process several times to make sure you traced all the curves and edges correctly. I always store and process the tracings on computer files to make things easier; do this if you know how to.

Use 16 or 18 gauge mild steel (also known as low carbon steel). It's a soft structural steel that doesn't require any heat to form. It's what my entire armor is made from. I buy my steel from a local steel source, Alro Steel. They do big company jobs and end up having leftovers; they sell leftovers at discount to individuals. You can buy it online if necessary. It's very cheap steel.

Trace the cardboard on the metal sheet, then cut out the pattern. There are different ways to cut steel sheet; look them up. it is possible to do it by hand with a Dremel and file if you have no access to special tools; but this is slow and painful. Finish and sand the edges so they aren't sharp.

Cut the vents out on the visor. I did this by tracing rectangular holes on the metal then 1) roughly drilling out most of the metal, 2) then using a Dremel to roughly remove more metal, and 3) then using a small file to finish and square up the holes.

The shaping part is probably the easiest. Get a solid plastic teardrop mallet, a ball peen hammer, and a rubber deadblow mallet. Hammer your visor against things like wood stumps, logs, edges of metal tables, etc... until it is the right form. Hammer shaping is a skill like bicycle riding that can't be expressed in words very well; you just have to fuck around.

The visor piece alone took me less than a week to make. If you have no experience in any of this, it might take you 2 weeks which isn't bad.

>> No.9042208


I just noticed that your Tudor Closed Helm visor is a single piece. The Elite Knight Helm actually uses a two visor setup; top and bottom. You will need to cut the visor of your helm into two pieces. These are my build photos for my helm; they might help.


>> No.9042499
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>> No.9042500
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>> No.9042558
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>that Solaire

>> No.9042576

I have no problem admitting it haha. Been on this site for far too long.

>> No.9042931

The legend never dies.

>> No.9042982

how do heat shape?

>> No.9043511

I usally post on other boards
they talk like that there

>> No.9045119

it just depends on what you want to do m8. You'll probably find your most oversized shit in highly stylized video games or cartoons, but just go hunting in the things you already like, you'll probably find something.

And it doesn't always have to be the obvious either. Small iconic set pieces, gibbed bodies, mooks, attack/interface effects, there is a lot you can do. Just pick something and think outside the box, you'll have an idea in no time.

>> No.9045123

Hold either a heat gun or propane torch on an area going back and forth for a bit until it becomes pliable.

>> No.9045371

pretty shit solaire incoming

>> No.9045375
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>> No.9045383


Eh. Could do with a more accurate helmet, but otherwise not bad.

>> No.9045410

feather and no brass right

>> No.9045415

What's wheelskelly from?

>> No.9045434

bonewheel skeletons

>> No.9045477


Yeah, those are the obvious differences.

Alternatively, this


>> No.9045628

Anyone got any tips on transporting big swords? I'm halfway through a Cloud at the moment, but I don't even think I'll make a Buster Sword because it'll be so hard to carry anywhere and take up so much space.

>> No.9045663
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You have to design the sword from the beginning so that it breaks down into several manageable pieces. Otherwise; you're in for misery.

>> No.9046563


Get one that fits in a guitar bag. That's how I transport all my props for larp + any con that calls for swords.

Otherwise cardboard holsters work a treat.

>> No.9047243
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big weapons are so much fun to make but i haven't made on in a while :c
i think using styrofoam isn't an issue as long as you have the patience to make it look not like styrofoam. the one on the left is pink insulation foam and the one on the right is styrofoam (i obviously ran out of patience with that oops). they held up really well!

>> No.9047379

those look really shitty

>> No.9047836

don't finish it

>> No.9047847
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too late

>> No.9047854

actually that looks brety good
so you have an chain body suit?
steel or alu?
hows the weight ratio of your chain legs? Does it pull in the front?
and how is your movement impaired

I'm building my own Solaire armor after historic infos. I carry the chain legs with an belt connected to 3 straps in the front. Theres a lot of pressure on my pelvis but so far it's ok

>> No.9047856

all steel currently in the process of blackening the chausses and coif, the body piece is probably 50-60 pounds and the chausses are maybe 10lbs a leg while the coif is a light 8lbs

>> No.9047857

also I double the belts a canvas belt under a leather belt so the chausses don't give me much of a problem

>> No.9047858

why blacken them?
solaire is a very bright guy
I have shiny chainmail and wear a white cloth under it

another big problem with black chainmail would be the sun. you'll heat up much faster and I gues to higher temperatures if you stand to long in the sun

>> No.9047859

I'm doing a soul of cinder cosplay next

>> No.9047860

whats the inner diameter of your rings and how thick are they

is your chainmail conic adjusted to your body ?
looks a bit loose on the arms

>> No.9047863

normal 6mm rings for the coat and 7 for the coif and legs, I like the loose arms those floppy fuckers absorb a lot when i get whacked I just bunch em up and use a belt to hold it

>> No.9047897

I took a picture of you at MAGFest! I loved how you would chase off anyone who dared to insult wheel skellies, gave me a good laugh. Good luck with your doggo cosplay.

>> No.9049554
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Currently making Quelaag's Furysword out of wood. The sword itself isn't too heavy (~10-15lbs) but all the weight is at the tip which makes it hard to handle (the sword is well over 6ft long).

My best suggestion for large weapons is to make the pommel actually functional as a counterweight. Yes, adding weight might be the last thing you want to do, but you'll be surprised how much easier it is to handle if you can bring the balancing point close to the handle.

PS: I'd appreciate a fabric id on this gold hemmed set I'm making. I'm thinking cotton or a cotton/polyester quilting fabric, but I couldn't find any sheets with a pronounced texture.

>> No.9051995


>> No.9052074

Not that anon but another suggestion is PVC pipes, one a size over the other. You can also make a lock function by cutting two L-shapes in one of the pipes, and adding a wire across the opening for the other.

I think there might be a few in Shaman King if I remember correctly? But in general, just look for anime-looking fighting games.

>> No.9052328


What if you got some kind of normal grey fabric, and then added in the texture artificially? Use super-glue to add rigidity and hole some of the 'folds' in place so it maintains the right shape, and then use charcoal/ash to darken some parts and lighten others. Spray it with a sealant when you are done to keep the charcoal from smearing off, and to further lock in the 'shape' of the cowl and such.

Its unconventional, and I would test it on a small piece of fabric first to see how it works out, but I think it could accomplish what you are going for.