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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 741 KB, 3000x3000, Cali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8999340 No.8999340 [Reply] [Original]

>Cons are either super expensive guest fest or frat boy parties
>Japanese guests rarely seen
>More dub/cosplay nonbodies booked at "guests of honor" at high profile events
>Bad management plagues 90% of cons that enforce policies that either cripple the information flow or just dick attendees and staff

What the hell is happening to CA cons?

>> No.8999356

I believe this sort of con happened at DashCon. Although I may be wrong. There was a con in Fresno at one point, which was fun.

>> No.8999359

AX has the Japanese part covered most of the time but that abortion of a safety policy sours it

>> No.8999402

omg noo i just moved to california... please don't tell me that the con scene here isn't as crappy as the cons in florida

>> No.8999410

They're really starting to turn to shit around here desu

>> No.8999597

Conventions are only as shitty as the scene that comprises it. The very people complaining about Cali cons are as much the problem themselves as the staff that manage them.

We're good at basically pointing out things that aren't to our shit taste, but people who read this should take what is said with a grain of salt because you never know what kind of autistic opinion someone has.

I mean, all you really have to do is look at any random sample of people you see at a california con to get a good idea of the kinds of people. Could you really imagine the type of people that are anons on /cgl/ to have the people skills to organize an event?

>> No.8999692

From what I've heard about FL cons, CA cons aren't that bad.

Basically, the people make it. Yeah, there's always a ton of drama leading up to the con, especially the bigger ones, but CA also has tons of cosplay and party communities that frequent cons, so it's fairly easy to find a niche and mesh with it. Yes, there's drama, but there are enough people that you can find a group of homies to avoid it.

CA's greatest strength is just the sheer number of people who both attend and run conventions. Regardless of your niche, you'll find it. How it turns out is pretty much up to you.

>> No.8999696

as someone who moved to cali about 3 years ago, they're way better not to mention more frequent then most of the cons on the east coast.

>> No.8999799

Yeah except East Coast cons draw better guests (including those from Japan) and even have high profile cosplay events as they give them the main stage.

CA cons are just crowded con centers with tons of people making their own fun as the con gives them fuck all to do

>> No.8999902

For the northern half of the state we only really get Sac Anime, and it's a shit fest, but it's cheap compared to hotel and travel fair for any of the other "northern cali" cons that are all below San Fran. Seriously I think people forget how big this state is, cause the majority of Northern Cali shit happens in the bay which is more like the middle of the state. I feel bad for people in Redding and anything else closer to Oregon.

It seems Cali cons are either huge with too many people/guests, or tiny with too few things to do.

Sac Anime will usually do really good at 1 thing and fail at 4 other things it used to do okay, and it changes each con for what they're going to do. That masquerade mess of last summer for example, then the winter one goes fairly well but dropped the majority of the awards that mattered and dropped being required to check in-TO BE JUDGED ON CRAFTSMANSHIP drives me insane since my group got stuck in the 5 hour summer hell that didn't let us leave at all.

>> No.8999913

>Northern California
>Only get Sac Anime

Is San Jose considered central CA because Fanime is amazing and we also get Animation on Display, Apparently Silicon Valley Comicon now, and if it's your scene there's GaymerX and Yaoicon

>> No.8999931

>only really get SacAnime

SacAnime can barely be considered a decent con. It's still too weeby for older people to have actual fun at for more than 2 hours and is still too overrun with the Homestuck crowd to be taken seriously despite some decent guests in recent years. Fanime, for all its problems, is still the premier con of NorCal and still pulls 1-2 really high profile guests that puts it leagues out of SacAnime's reach. I don't want to toot the Bay Area's horn too much, but there's literally a con for every demographic here.

fuck you mean "SacAnime is all we got" leave the shitty goddamn valley for a day and you'll know that isn't true.

>> No.8999943

I lived in Sac for 4 years, and SacAnime was fucking terrible. I went once to check it out and pledged to never go again, and then my (now ex) GF got begged to be a masq judge a few years later so we went back for that.

That second time was fucking insane too. I'm not sure what was worse, weebs running up behind us in the dealer's hall and trying to yank our wigs off, or the fact that we couldn't get to the judging table at masq time because the 300 person long pokemon theme conga line wouldn't get the fuck out of the way.

>> No.8999955

>conga line
omg anon, I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean. Except, you are in the conga line, and there is no escape.

>> No.8999959

Haha, was it at that one outdoor hotel in West Sac, 2011 or 2012 or something? It was probably the same conga line if so.

>> No.9000347

are you talking Anijam? or Zappcon? or another one like ani-me?

>> No.9000466

well that sucks.. :(

I'll keep that in mind..

Yeah well i think since theres such a huge diverse amount of matins and hispanics over there everyone's egos are immeasurable. I do avoid as much drama as possible, i don't really make a big thing about everyone's drama i attend the cons to have fun and see all the cool people and costumes.

That's great! i've been wanting to go to sdcc since i started cosplaying a few years back. i can't wait to start making more costumes.

i can't wait to attend some of the cons over here.

I've actually attended many small cons it just depends on the people you attend with if you're responsible and enjoy yourself.

>> No.9000492

Dude SDCC is freaking PACKED because it's so mainstream. When you go in cosplay you can barely move and will be bumping into everyone not to mention I'd summer in San Diego therefor HOT

>> No.9000918

San Jose is a 6 hour drive from where I'm at. Trust me I know the other lower down cons are better. I'd be a idiot not to, but when it requires 2 cars stuffed full of you and your friends to do a weekend con, with no recovery day after the con you kind of don't want to travel 6 hours. By sunday of a con I just want to be home and take a real show and have a real bed.
By north cali I mean Sac to the border with Oregon. We get jack shit other than sad Sac con bullshit. Bay area gets the good cons, but not willing to dish another $200 for travel fees in our shit cars to do it.

>> No.9000967

SDCC isn't worth it honestly. The lines are too long, it's way too crowded, and there are more normies than cosplayers.
You're best just hanging outside of the con and going to specific cosplay gatherings.

>> No.9000982


>> No.9001405
File: 31 KB, 191x234, 1319465204920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the Fanime thread but I'd figure I'd ask here too.

Anybody driving from the Los Angeles area to Fanime on the Friday and could use a carpooling buddy? I'll split your gas fees and buy you whatever fast food you'd like.

Canuck visiting LA for a few months and I don't know a whole lot of people or own a car. Female, if that makes a difference. Let me know!

>> No.9007046

Normies ruin everything... reeeee

>> No.9007050

We currently have a car of 3, heading up from San Jose but picking up through the LA area, if you want to be the fourth! We're probably leaving at midnight, gonna be in LA around 5, and at Fanime by morning. Left my email if you're interested.

>> No.9007053

*San Diego fuck

>> No.9007062

Sacwin had popular SU guest so you can imagine the shitty crowd that came with it but I had fun being drunk anyway. Made a few friends, it was pretty okay

Fanime is going to be fun, it always is but only if you know a lot of people going ig? The night life is fun, there's a lot to do since it's a 24 hour con and I'm not just talking parties, the late night panels are pretty cringey so you should go if you want a good laugh. idk if you're sociable the Cali con scene can be pretty fun, but the cons themselves are kinda lacking in interesting guests and are usually poorly organized.

>> No.9007223

Sent you an email!

>> No.9009702

SDCC has less to do with comics now

more to do with mainstram tv shows movies and rarely video games

but most of the time it's walking dead panels, big bang theory and generic marvel movie summer 20XX edition

>> No.9009898

what these anons said. I went to SDCC for 4 years and honestly, I regret it. It's hot and humid and its more of a TV show and retro comic convention. If you don't care about either of those I'd recommend not going. If you REALLY want to check it out, ghost the con. I would end up hanging around outside because that's where most of the party is anyway, plus people hand out free shit occasionally and a lot of photographers/news crews are outside of the con anyway.

If you're still keen on going, good luck not getting fucked by badge registration lol