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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8996659 No.8996659 [Reply] [Original]


Last AX thread (>>8970434) hit bump limit

We're now less than two months away from Anime Expo.

Cosplay plans?
What are you hyped to see?
Thoughts on the latest news?

>> No.8996666

>It appears that they've shut down comments on both their YouTube videos.
>I've noticed that there were a lot of dislikes one of them.

they've also been viewed less than a thousand times combined so I have a feeling no one actually gives a shit about the program unless you shove it in their face like they are with all the artists, press, and exhibitors.

>> No.8996669

I'll be cosplaying as a Death Korps of Kreig and Mega Melf (mega milk version of DnD's Melf). I'll be in lolita either monday or whenever the local comm's meet is.
Super stoked about the apartment I'm renting, stupid cheap for what I'm getting. Airbnb 4 lyfe.

>> No.8996689

How much and how far was the place you snagged? I took a look at the possibility and if you could get a few friends to split the prices looked pretty good compared to a hotel.

>> No.8996714
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Quads for truth.

I feel that no one really cares about this other than the 50 dollar fee.

>> No.8996723

I'm wary of the fact that they want your SSN and it is shared with the third-party channeler (god knows who they'll sell your info to).

Those affected by the fee may reduce staff and customer service and organization will take a nosedive when that happens, and you know how much Americans love their customer service. It's more important for customer loyalty and reviews than the actual quality and price of the product.

>> No.8996724

Fri-mon is $186 per person split 5 ways. We're within 5 blocks of the center, so walking distance.

>> No.8996748

That's a great deal, especially with the way parking is down there. Your walk from your airbnb is going to be as far as I walk from my parking space.

>> No.8996760

Yeah, so far I've had really good luck with airbnbs in SF, so I'm really looking forward to seeing LA for the first time. I've only been I the outskirts, like Hollywood and Anaheim.

>> No.8996765

I will be slumming it from a friend's house out in North Hollywood. 30 min drive, plus 10 minute walk from parking. My only note is that you'll probably break a sweat by the time you reach the convention center in the morning but it's hard to avoid that with any mode of transportation minus parking in the convention center itself

>> No.8996766

the only thing ax responds to is bitching ie. when it was hot as fuck and people were dying in the heat so they had pallets of water shipped in

>> No.8996769

In theory you could take the Red Line down there, especially since there's a NoHo station, if you wanted to and avoid parking and stuff.

For what it's worth though, I live right near the next station down the line (Universal) and I've long since given up on that route though, I'll be driving down in the comfort of my own car and will just deal with parking.

>> No.8996770

Lyft it is then, no fucks given.
So is there gonna be a gull meet? Will it be a sausage fest? I want my beachside romance.

>> No.8996777

I've done that before and it kind of sucks to have zero contact with the outside world when you're in the subway. Once you hit that tunnel it was like going into a void. That was back when I wasn't driving to my friend's place from norcal and he had to pick me up though.

>> No.8996779

Pick me up (and drop me off) from the North Hollywood station that is.

>> No.8996780

There is nothing wrong with safe spaces in Anime Expo. A convention that promotes acceptance and can give people a location to be away from microaggression is a good thing.

If anything, the whole convention should be a safe space.

>> No.8996783

2/10 for making me reply.

>> No.8996789

This. Safe spaces will improve the con, and will give me a place to relax when people trigger me.

Good job, SPJA.

>> No.8996791

Are they seriously fucking adding safe spaces? Fucking really?

>> No.8996806

>Those affected by the fee may reduce staff and customer service and organization will take a nosedive when that happens

Doesn't look like anyone cares or are unaffected. Kinda sucks.

>> No.8996807

They're also requiring artists, guests (and anyone in their group), staff, volunteers, panelists, and performers to go through mandatory youth safety training. Press, exhibitors, and vendors are also encouraged to also do said training.

This is also on top of the background checks and $50 fee for said background check.

>> No.8996808

If you'd like to waste time reading the guidelines and requirements:


>> No.8996812

They should do background checks on all attendees. Especially photographers, you never know what kind of history they have.

>> No.8996825

Funnily enough the photographers being in the general category would not need a background check. If they think they could manage to do that they would. Of the two cases I know of in California they wouldn't even have been caught by a background check because what they did wouldn't have shown up since it was never reported until afterward. I'm actually surprised the latest one never showed up on 4chan but then again that guy wasn't known to most people.

>> No.8996826

Talking about the TouhouCon guy?

>> No.8996830

Yeah. We should just leave it at that since he's never going to be seen again.

>> No.8996832

>This is also on top of the background checks and $50 fee for said background check.

To clarify this fee is not mandatory at all which is why it doesn't seem like anyone gives a shit. The paid background check is only necessary if the company you are with cannot provide documentation that you are cleared.

Obviously, this rule only benefits businesses. If you are AA, you're SOL.

>> No.8996842

That also assumes said businesses have done a check on you. A lot of the smaller shops as well as any larger company utilizing volunteers/friends/etc wouldn't have done background checks on them. And as you said AA, and most press outlets, and everyone else, probably haven't done a check either. Because of the proximity to the event it may not even be possible to shop around and find a cheaper check than the one they are using.

I know with some of the larger companies they may just swap badges around their crew. Is AX going to be doing stings to see if the people in the booth at any given time were actually listed as having a background check done? If you want to have one of your friends man your AA booth while you go to the bathroom or see a panel will they get spot checked?

>> No.8996843

A lot of the exhibitors are losing out as well since it's typically not a job that needs a criminal background check, to be able to promote merchandise, answer customer questions, and man a cash register.

I feel worse for the volunteers though. How many are volunteering for AX on promise of a free badge that is no longer free now and if you have to pay to get in, you might as well get a regular badge instead of trading your time for work.

And for th background check at least, I believe there is now a clause that you MUST be 18 towork exhibitors or vendor since you can't take responsibility for your criminal record if you're underage. Is it true for AA?

>> No.8996845

What cosplays are you not looking forward to?

Personally, I'm afraid the con is gonna be flooded with Undertale cosplays.

>> No.8996861
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Are we having fun yet?

>> No.8996875
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Because at Anime Expo, we're all about fun.

And getting people to cancel their tables. If you're on the waiting list (is there one?) then you're in luck!

>> No.8996880

What scares me is that other cons will emulate this type of bullshit AX is pulling- the local con in my backwater might very well pull the same sort of stunt, since they're already paranoid about any sort of negative publicity...

>> No.8996888

>Is it true for AA?
I would assume so

>> No.8996890

This background check thing seems like such a knee-jerk reaction to something that was never a problem in the first place.

>> No.8996892
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No, nothing big like that. We're just going to need some nude photos for artistic reference. It'll be clinical.

>> No.8996955

It wouldn't surprise me if photographers are the reason why they make all volunteer staff go through background checks. Especially because of what happened a couple of weeks ago with that California photographer.

>> No.8996965

Wait whats going...?

>> No.8996982

>what happened a couple of weeks ago with that California photographer.


>> No.8996983

Anyone can be a creeper and can easily avoid the background check by not being one of the roles that require a check. All the person you are talking about would need to do is decide not to apply as one of those groups. In fact, even if he did apply before this was released, all he'd have to say is "I do not wish to give you my personal info because I am not comfortable with you having it" which is a completely valid reason for not going through with the check. He would be dropped from the application process but could still attend normally.

You have to give all your information up if you want to be press, staff, volunteer, guest, exhibitor, etc. SSN, addresses, all that fun stuff.

>> No.8996986

Guy was creepy for a while. People finally said something about it after months. Guy disappears never to be seen again because there wouldn't be a place for him in the community after that. End of story. You'll note the similarities to previous stories.

>> No.8996991

> photographers

And they're in the category that can just waltz in without any of this background check bullshit, hah

>> No.8997014
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>> No.8997020

I'm glad I dropped this con years ago. Fuck flying cross-country to this shitshow

>> No.8997021

Which is the disgusting part, they should add photographers to this mandatory background checks. Add a "photographer" badge, and force all of them to get background checked.

Problem solved.

>> No.8997030

Anyone can be a photographer now since most people are armed with a smartphone and will take photos for their own amusement. If a Photographer badge is added with mandatory background check, the photographers will just register for a regular badge and say they're doing photos for funsies. What's AX to do, crack down on every single teen with a cellphone, which is impossible?

>> No.8997035

They should just make the con 18+ and ban all children. Problem solved.

>> No.8997039

Fuck kids, they can get the he'll out of my cons.

>> No.8997040

Guy with a cameraphone? Photographer. Guy with a point-and-shoot? Photographer. Guy with a disposable he picked up at the airport? Photographer.

But how else will AX get money if irresponsible parents don't let their kids go to conventions without teaching them a thing or two?

>> No.8997046

Guest too!?

>> No.8997048

Full policy here:

People who must undergo background check, hand over SSN, pass training test, watch videos, pay fees:
>a. Employees & Volunteers
>b. Panelists, Performers, Guests of Honor, & Guest of Honor or Performer Entourage
>c. Artist Alley Participants
>d. Exhibitors
>e. Press
>f. Vendors

>> No.8997049

Build a wall around the convention. Make the kids pay for it.

>> No.8997050

I can easily see someone stealing the papers and running off with everyone's identity.

>> No.8997053

That's one of the concerts people are having. Privacy.

>> No.8997054

The Chinese have my number, but I get what makes these folks nervous.

>> No.8997057

>Hand over my SSN

This is going to end well.

>> No.8997059

On one hand, I trust medical professionals, credit card companies, and background checkers with my SSN. People who don't are paranoid whackjobs. Trust me, I worked customer service for a credit card company, and some of THE WORST customers were those who got defensive about their SSNs.

...on the other hand, why are we doing background checks on everyone BUT the attendees at an anime convention? And why are we making them pay for it?

>> No.8997060

I sure as fuck don't trust AX with anything after seeing how they work in the back end.

>> No.8997064

>$50 charge to use a camera
I can't tell if you're being serious or being retarded on purpose.

You know your SSN is basically public information, right? If you can search public records, you can find it.
Go ahead, Google it. Be horrified.
It's not like anybody can do anything with that information, anyways. SS cards aren't accepted as forms of ID.

>> No.8997065

Satire. If it sounded absurd that was the point. Heck, why stop at just making anyone with a camera get a background check. Any officers of the law walk through the door? Yeah, going to need a background check. A current one. Medical emergency? Background check. That bum over there? Sir, we're going to need a background check from you too.

>> No.8997067

What I really want to know is WHERE that $50 fee is going. Who is this "third-party retained by SPJA" that will handle the background checks? I really don't want to find out that AX will pocket 50% of that fee (and the CEO gets a fat paycheck raise) and the Chinese will run off with my SSN.

>> No.8997080

So from chatting with friends who are also going to AX, it appears that AX is only demanding the $50/person fee from Exhibitor staff and volunteers, NOT Artist Alley people.

Why this discrepancy? Is it because they know AA is mostly broke as shit and industry is more likely to cough up?

>> No.8997082

>implying people volunteers aren't broke as well
Nah, the policy sounds stupid all around.

>> No.8997086

I'm getting the feeling the SPJA did not focus group this policy at all because of all the feedback I've seen on the internet so far it's all been negative

>> No.8997094


Come on you have to read this like a billionaire filling out his taxes

>d. Exhibitors
>e. Press
>f. Vendors

>r e p r e se n t an d w a r r a n t t h a t a ft e r h av in g b e e n S cr e e ne d , a ll pe o p le t h a t t h e y d e s ig n ate to be present at SPJA events and activities are deemed eligible to work at an event where youth are present, and would not be disqualified from service or participation at SPJA events under Section 5 (Disqualifying Criteria).

Oh look, AX made an exception. They don't have to do a background check. They just have to claim they have. lol

wait wait wait, in true favor the business over the individual there's an asterisk:

>Press who are freelance or self-employed, or those whose employers will not comply with this
policy, must:
• c o n s e n t to a c r im in a l h isto r y b a c k g r o u n d c h e c k c o n d u c t e d b y a t h ir d p a r t y v e n d o r retained by SPJA,

oh okay, basically if you are a blogger or don't work for ANN you're fucked.

>Employees & Volunteers
employees will get it for free for sure. No way the board of directors would want to pay!
volunteers at con may or may not. Don't know if any volunteer has actually even been asked to go get a background check? Anyone get any emails? Who volunteers for AX anymore these days?

>>b. Panelists, Performers, Guests of Honor, & Guest of Honor or Performer Entourage

Guests of Honor/Performers will have their managers and GR handle fill out a form. If they are from Japan, it's a technicality and likely will skip it without telling the public. The actual guest will likely never even be aware this policy happened.

Sucks to be a panelist if you don't have connections!

>>c. Artist Alley Participants
Well you're kinda fucked there you aren't a company. Sucks for you!

>> No.8997100

I feel so bad for my artist friends...

Godspeed, all of you. I hope the profits from this con at least make it worth it

>> No.8997104

And if you want to be full on tinfoil hat conspiracy theory person, because of the exceptions, the only people this actually affects are people who don't do direct business with the SPJA

>Freelance and self-employed press
>Artist Alley
>Panelists that aren't recruited by SPJA

It's a move to basically wipe out anyone who isn't a commercial interest that falls in line with SPJA's agenda, whatever the fuck that might be.

>> No.8997107

As freelance and employed by an exhibitor, this may be the first and last year I ever go to AX. It's not like $50 is beyond my budget to pay up, but it leaves a bad taste for business conduct. This is a poor way to start the con before it has even began.

>> No.8997109

Indeed. It's what, an hour at work? Maybe two or three or four depending on your job? The hotel and travel costs more. Having to pay for it, when we never requested it in the first place, is what makes it a horrible idea.

>> No.8997128


>> No.8997144

>look at course list out of curiosity
>regret immediately

>let's take a course!
>they're fucking videos
>this course is 28 slides
>after each video you have to click a box and then another box to say you watched the video
>a quiz at the end
>100% without watching any of the videos


>> No.8997147
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>> No.8997244

So three things I happen to know about AX

The last guy that ran it has been kicked out

The Japanese Gov't wants an exceptionally heavy hand in the con, I have heard consistent rumors of them wanting to turn it into a Japanese culture promotion type thing and with that come will come the banning of hentai or anything deemed to be similar to hentai at the con. This will basically be a con killer, as I'm sure you're all aware.

Press is going to be treated the same way they are at Comic-Con meaning no front of the line access, and we all know how fun it is to wait in line for panels at AX.

Just out of curiosity, who is going to cosplay the new icon and walk around with pedobear?

>> No.8997249


>> No.8997254

People I know that have worked the con, are currently working with the con and work with other Japanese cultural things around Los Angeles.

Also press that regularly has gone to AX for the past 5 years or so.

The Japanese Gov't gets their hands in these things because they fund them, some more than others but they do give out a lot of funding.

>> No.8997257

The best part would be announcing all of that after people submit money for their background checks.

>Press is going to be treated the same way they are at Comic-Con meaning no front of the line access, and we all know how fun it is to wait in line for panels at AX.
i've been dreading that day. twill be very little reason to wait in line for hours for coverage so me and my group are going to stop bothering with panels looks like. certainly frees up the day, i guess?

>The Japanese Gov't wants an exceptionally heavy hand in the con, I have heard consistent rumors of them wanting to turn it into a Japanese culture promotion type thing and with that come will come the banning of hentai or anything deemed to be similar to hentai at the con. This will basically be a con killer, as I'm sure you're all aware.
RIP yaoi guy
also lol at cd being a banner sponsor

perez was definitely kicked out from the wording. you don't walk away from a 100k job like that unless you have an even better 100k job waiting.

>> No.8997258

This is what my friends who are press are going to do, just walk around the exhibit hall and talk to whomever is out there on the floor, industry or otherwise, and completely abandon panels.

>> No.8997259

AX's 25th anniversary is heading towards bust right now

>> No.8997260

supposedly some panels will offer special press access if contacted before the con.

>> No.8997261

the last remaining thing will be interviews. if they stop with that then covering the con as a whole is going to be much less of a priority. press junkets are dumb and i veg out during them.

are they going to do something stupid like limit your total number of requests like it was tickets? "you asked to get into five panels, we can only accommodate two, sorry"

i mean yeah there's a bunch of fly by night press guys in anime cons but that's why AX is supposed to vet them when you submit...

>> No.8997264

no idea, it's probably going to be a panel by panel basis meaning you'd have to contact each company that has a panel yourself before the con and have them put you on a list where you pick up an access pass before the panel.

>> No.8997266

more legwork and still dumb but at least i have a decent network built up

i'm more interested in how much trainwreckery occurs this AX than hyped about AX itself

>> No.8997267

when has AX not been a train wreck?

>> No.8997277

this is new levels of trainwreckery
they should be getting better, not worse, for something of its size and age (then again fanime has the same problem)

>> No.8997278

dude they can't even let people pick up their tickets in a timely manner

>> No.8997279

they fixed that last year so as long as they don't change it they should be okay

panels is the big problem. LACC sucks total ass for panels. there's no way to unfuck panels without moving out of LACC

>> No.8997281

didn't it still take people like 2-3 hours to pick up their shit?

I went the night before so I wouldn't have to deal with it

>> No.8997283

people were saying 15 mins but i got mine through press so i didn't deal with that to begin with

>> No.8997406

Isn't that what DragonCon is?

>> No.8997422

These new policies are a good thing. It keeps children safer at the con. Unless you're a pedophile, what's not to like?

I think only pedophile and sex offenders would be opposing it.

>> No.8997434

but they're not screening attendees though. who's to say pedos can't pay for weekend and do the pedo thing freely?

>> No.8997470

>The Japanese Gov't wants an exceptionally heavy hand in the con, I have heard consistent rumors of them wanting to turn it into a Japanese culture promotion type thing and with that come will come the banning of hentai or anything deemed to be similar to hentai at the con. This will basically be a con killer, as I'm sure you're all aware.
That would suck for AX considering cosplay deviants is one of their huge sponsors this year

>> No.8997475

I got mine immediately but my grandma who goes with me to the con is disabled and we get to go in special assistance lines because of it

This bait isn't even good bait.

>> No.8997541


"SafeSpace Locations during SPJA events. SafeSpaces are areas within SPJA events and activities where attendees can go if they feel unsafe at any time, or would like to step away from the main event areas for a period of time."

There better be trigger warnings before all panels or I will be pissed.

>> No.8997542

>Cosplay plans?
Murlynd from Greyhawk, Warhammer 40k Techpriest, Some Drunk guy (That goes under every costume I wear.) I was also thinking of Tacticool Robert Baratheon, but, I dunno. Getting a decent plate carrier and rig all set up in 2 months is a lot to ask.

>What are you hyped to see?
-AMV Competition, hopefully BakaOppai is there, because that's the dude I've been following on Youtube the longest, he seems pretty chill.
-The Cosplays, because they're cool.
-Any Latex because pic related.
-Other 40k cosplayers and people looking to have a good time.
-A decent bartender. I was thinking of carrying a bag of Rum+Coke or Rum+Something, but I dunno. That's a lot of work.

>Thoughts on the latest news?
As someone who is interested in InfoSec, Jesus Christ they're doing a horrible job. I get the idea that you want to protect people, but really, hire experts, don't try to take everyone's personal data and sift through it. There's companies out there that vet people with secure servers and guaranteed safeguards.

Also; Mouthy Techpriest is gonna trigger some Applefags. That's all there is to it. Good thing they have Safe Spaces™.

>> No.8997612

whenever a post like this is made I can't tell if it's bait or some really shitty attempt at trying to rationalize it. the background checks that you have to pay for are what people are really against. the policy itself no one gives a fuck about because everyone is just going to pretend it doesn't exist at the con. you're supposed to help or look out for kids but no one is going to go out of their way "because the policy says they should." if they help, they help because they want to help.

>> No.8997621

Children aren't likely to be assaulted by randos at a con, most assaults come from people they know and family friend. Parroting bullshit statistics won't help your case.

They're inflicting undue cost on the participants that make their con as popular as it has been, namely the content creators and staff.

Besides, as >>8997434 said, they're not screening attendees, so the whole point is moot at best, counterproductive is more like.

>Muh Chillren, think ov the chillrun!
Fuck that. If you're too terrified to let your children out in public, you are more than welcome to not bring the little shitbags to a large convention in the first place. It'll be a better place without both of them there.

>> No.8997628

That's the thing, I think that most convention incidents are underage attendees who are in thier teens. I can't recall any incidents of children at cons in California, but I have heard of photographers and general attendees creeping on the 13-17 year old girls.

So "we have to protect the children" is more like "we have to protect the teenagers"

>> No.8997631

And background checks on the artists running the show help that how? Yeah, it's great if someone's being a creep to step in and help out, but "Sensible Regulation" is a slippery slope to a shitshow in the fastest possible way.

I get why they're appeasing the Tumblr Mops, but to charge the people who bring in conventionbux for something ineffective or useless is beyond me.

>> No.8997688

What fucking artist is gonna have time to creep on kids anyway? They're gonna be at their booths for most of time

>> No.8997697

As a random seagull from Europe I have no reason to be in this thread normally, but all that weird background check drama is great.

But I seriously feel sorry for artists that invested into AX already and now are canceling it.

>> No.8997807

I think part of the reason for the training is because AX want you to be unpaid guards for them and look out for the children. The background checks are completely unnecessary for most of the people required to get them.

>> No.8997818
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>Unnecessary regulations taking place in Commiefornia

>> No.8997868
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From the AA thread. It all makes sense. A SJW law firm from San Francisco.

>> No.8997883

>flat out saying social justice

Haha holy shit

>> No.8997887

Does the PC stand for political correctness?

>> No.8997888
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>literal safe spaces at AX

>> No.8997891

We won guys, AX is now our con.

>> No.8997893

We TumblrCon now

>> No.8997896
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Group cosplay, guys

>> No.8997904

Man you have no idea about making these eLearning courses, because the quality of a course is directly related to how much money they put into it to make it.

If it's a joke like you said they probably spent at least a couple thousand dollars for hosting the course on a server PLUS the course itself all for some stupid BS compliance

Source: I've been doing eLearning course creation for CVS and Sony entertainment.

>> No.8997912

No, it's for Personal Computers.

>> No.8997932

get fucked, tumblrina

>> No.8997934


>> No.8997944

This website is a literal scam. The whole thing screams scam. Someone call the bar association to investigate these fuckers.

>> No.8997947

I feel the same about the East Coast.

>> No.8997967

Show an example, oh knower of everything

>> No.8997975

>The Japanese Gov't

Bait spotted

>> No.8997979

Go work on getting as fat as Marc, Chiang

>> No.8997997


Says the outsider

>> No.8998005

Not him but I'm in SF and the state along with the city has plenty of stupid stuff. It's happens when you have a one party echo chamber

>> No.8998006

anyone can file a report. WOW, EVEN YOU!

>> No.8998024
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>That guy isn't drinking the kool-aid! GET HIM!

>> No.8998096

I believe they went cheap because the videos are all hosted on youtube and embedded to the page. All videos are identical in quality to the one on the press release. If you haven't seen the video (don't waste your time) it's basically powerpoint with a hastily done voiceover of questionable recording quality. Clip art images everywhere. Videos range from one minute to five minutes (possibly longer with the other courses) and I definitely did not give enough of a fuck to watch through them in detail. I don't know if you get retries if you guess incorrectly on the quizzes but I was able to get 100% without watching the videos.

>> No.8998110

Just like the south, right? Definitely. Man, things are much better over there.

>> No.8998126

Where did I say having an echo chamber was a good thing?

>> No.8998151

Nah bruh. That law firm has already won some fairly big cases for Sony Entertainment and The United Farm Workers Union.
But what they've been doing with AX is complete unnessisary bullshit.

>> No.8998169

supposedly Japan gives out a bunch of money to places under their "Cool Japan" directive and Creative Industries Promotion Office has a big budget to spend on things. Last year's concerts were labeled as being the Cool Japan festival so that's probably where the money for those came from.

>> No.8998185

It literally looks like some weeb built it right out of college. I would not trust this law firm with my own cases.

>> No.8998192

>But what they've been doing with AX is complete unnessisary bullshit.
what HAVE they been doing with AX?

>> No.8998218

Sac fag here, from the South. This place is run surprisingly ass backwards. It's really funny to be honest, because East Coast only ever hears about how great Cali is, and how progressive it is.

>> No.8998224
File: 251 KB, 2038x1221, balmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the very least they're the law firm AX uses. according to someone in the AA thread they say they're also why we have the bag checks and shitty peacebonding

they also received almost $300k from AX in 2014 according to tax forms. I wouldn't be surprised if they "suggest" things to the SPJA as a way to get more money from them. Kind of the same idea as copyright/IP lawyers actively hunting for infractions for their clients. One thing that comes to mind is metallica's lawyers suing a metallica tribute band for using a logo that looked similar to metallica's. In the same way Balmy is probably looking for things they can foist onto the SPJA as good ideas so they can get more billable hours.

image and emphasis courtesy coscom

>> No.8998255

>they also received almost $300k from AX in 2014 according to tax forms.

Holy shit. I've seen Otakon's budget before and while they aren't as big as AX, that is still an insane amount of money to spend on legal counsel.

>> No.8998274

also of note is that 50 Balmy was not on 2012 or 2013 tax forms, or if they were being paid during those years they were less than 100k

someone got sold a bill of stupid

>> No.8998456


AX has simply gotten too big to be a simple "con" run by fans. It needs all this legal crap now to even keep itself running and badge prices will reflect this in coming years. more notably affecting the 12~18 year old bracket where kids are having to ask parents for the cash.

I kinda hope AX implodes back to about 2008 levels after some horrible incidents affect attendance numbers.

>> No.8998466

SDCC has a shitload more money and people and they don't list a legal firm in the 100k and up catagory. let's say they're at 99k for whatever law firm they use. AX would be spending almost three times as much as they would be and SDCC is bigger by 50% attendeewise and brings in three times the revenue

>> No.8998511

Joke's on you, I'm not flying from the East Coast.

>> No.8998512

>banning of hentai
Last year they had Bosshi and the director of Urotsukidoji as guests..

>> No.8998527

>have a massive Japanese convention with an entire day dedicated to adult goods
>have tons more conventions that sell a lot of hentai too
>want to promote Japanese anime without hentai
>fakku (AX exhibitor)
>cosplay deviants (AX sponsor)
>this website exists
>the internet exists

Good luck finding anyone who hasn't found hentai yet, Japan.

>> No.8998559

Wait does this ban Vic mceggnog from attending AX?

>> No.8998566

nah, they'll let him in because he's a 'good christian man'

>> No.8998570

Shakeup is true, Japanese interest as a babby Comicon rather than an overgrown fan meet is true, Japanese giving a shit about tiddy isn't.

The driver is IDG not really knowing what the fuck they've wrapped their tentacles around, and wanting to minimize potential liability until they do/yeah probably get kickbacks (just like registration moved from volunteers to paid employees.)

>> No.8998613

IDG is the ones behind it? are you shitting me?
they're supposed to only facilitate their convention, not create policies

>> No.8998631

They've been part-owners for several years, in addition to making operational decisions (and as dumb as these particular decisions are they ARE operational, conduct commitments and "you must read the following" have been things forever.)

>> No.8998643

Yeah i did see a lot of heavyhanded "we will eject you if you do not comply" wording throughout the documents I've received

>> No.8998654

My understanding is they're where the $40 for event tickets on top of the con badge comes from, since they're trying to milk it for money after bailing the con out from debt.

>> No.8998663

I figured that was Lattanzio because they started charging for concerts in 2010 when they had a nice surplus from 2009

also just wanted to say thanks for posting info like that and that you will continue to do so as long as it does not endanger your position, whatever it might be.

For having such an interest in running things behind the scenes you'd think I would have joined a convention by now

>> No.8998954

Protip: open your Amazon account and look at the places you've shipped things to.

They have mine, too. And my fingerprints.

>> No.8999334

This. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

>> No.8999364

The only people who don't have anything to hide are babies.

>> No.8999371

I'm in a dozen government databases for security clearances and I still don't like the idea of AX requiring a background check

>> No.8999552

what about illegal babies?

>> No.8999586

Fuck off SJW piece of shit.

>> No.8999711

Agreed on the Amazon tip. Only way I was able to figure out what my old dorm addresses were.

>> No.8999765

Where is everyone getting this $50 background check fee from? I just finished all my requirements and I wasn't charged. I'm in the AA. Did they make an exception for artists or something?

>> No.8999778

>safe spaces

only your hotel room should be your personal safe space, otherwise fuck off and deal with the madness that comes with a huge con.

I hope AX doesn't go through with the safe spaces, I don't want to feel like I am walking on egg shells just becomes one stupid sjw's feelings would get hurt and feel triggered.

>> No.8999779

>I'm in AA
They're telling exhibitors to go get people checked on their own and list the ncsi as a convenient source of a background check. they do not say what would qualify as being sufficient in terms of a background check if you choose to go elsewhere.

AA is under the AX account which is what that number they gave you is for

>> No.8999783

They're going to have safe spaces with resources for helping anyone who does not feel safe. Volunteers and staff are supposed to know the location of the nearest safe space so they can bring people there. I'm not making this up. I watched the videos because I am required to.

>> No.8999792

The $50 fee is what was quoted and charged to exhibitors (and exhibitors' booths' volunteers and employees). I don't know why they're charging us money but not on the Artist Alley folks.

>> No.8999796

As for safe spaces, it doesn't seem that crazy of an idea. If it's just a quiet room with nice chairs to be away from the hustle and bustle, I think we would all benefit from using it.
yeah most backgroud checks I've had to do were under $35

>> No.8999811

that's a break room. they're posing them as safe spaces which is a total sjw thing

>> No.8999874

There are lolitas walking around with loaded guns under their petticoats. If any dumb fuck feels a safe room is going to protect them, they deserve to die in a Lolita rampage.

>> No.8999895

>As for safe spaces, it doesn't seem that crazy of an idea. If it's just a quiet room with nice chairs to be away from the hustle and bustle, I think we would all benefit from using it.
Until a bunch of people want in the room at the same time

>> No.8999901

lmfao do you know how much of a pain in the ass that would actually be to access
you either go through the waistband that might be inaccessible if you're wearing an op or a jsk, or you lift your skirt and dig around and both are way too ridiculous to actually make hiding a gun in your petti a real thing

>> No.8999915

Thigh holster is the best option.
I already went over this with /k/ to find a tactical solution to a lolita problem.

>> No.8999964

just be like the guys in desperado with the machine guns and rocket launchers hidden in their guitar cases. in this case it would be your parasol or petticoats. imagine the number of things you could hide in a nice petti!

"I love your coord! What brand are you wearing?"
"HK, CZ, and Izmash"

>> No.8999972

There are those bags shaped like violin cases :v

>> No.8999979

>lolita who carries in a thigh holster under her JSK

Holy shit, are you looking for a husband?

>> No.9000001

I'm taken by a fa/tg/uy anon.
Happy hunting!

>> No.9000281
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That almost roll though.

>> No.9000379
File: 81 KB, 763x540, Nervous Statement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got an email that the hotel I'm waitlisted for is sold out, so they have the option of switching me to DoubleTree.

The thing is, as a backup plan, I have a reservation at the Best Western Dragon Gate Inn, which includes a continental breakfast, at $208.20 a night INCLUDING all taxes and fees. The price the email lists for DoubleTree is $289 (I'm assuming per night, and I'm assuming that doesn't include any taxes or other fees).

DoubleTree will probably have shuttle service to the convention center, while Best Western definitely will not.

Does anyone familiar with cons know if Uber is viable for getting back and forth from the convention center? I don't want to spend $80+ dollars more per night (and lose the continental breakfast in the process), but if it's the only way we'll actually get reliable access to the con (and back to the hotel), there's not much choice.

Can anyone help me?

>> No.9000404

Uber depends on three things: distance, time, and surge. For a three mile trip at around 15 mins that is going to be about $10. If it's surge (busy time period) that could be anywhere from $15-20, maybe more. I don't think you'll exceed $80 a day but that's still pretty high. For the cheapest you'll want to go during slower hours. Since it is downtown and it is a holiday weekend surge might be a large chunk of the day/night.

If you've never used Uber find a code for a free ride up to a certain amount of credit. You will also want to use lyft which has its own free ride codes. That should cover one day's worth of transit

>> No.9000409

you must own a lot of bodyline if you dont own any pieces with pockets.

>> No.9000423

Forgot to mention that surge can go a lot higher than double. If it's really busy you'll want to pass on Uber. If you must take Uber, do it when it's not busy but if you're going at a time where everyone else is going to our coming from things can add up.

>> No.9000535

From Little Tokyo it was usually $6.00 a trip

>> No.9000573

exhibitor friend of mine said that exhibitors are just being told that they have to sign something saying they got bg checks on their employees at the con, and that the con has said they wont be enforcing it on them.

more evidence this is nothing but a shit show to cover their own asses, as they give zero fucks about attendees

>> No.9000656

>>8997107 here,
If that's the case, thank god. I'm still waiting to hear back from my employer and handler. I summarily agreed to them in private since it's not professional to complain or ask them to cover the fee.

>> No.9000659
File: 178 KB, 600x509, 1445270618562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$85 for 4-day

I have no one to blame but myself

>> No.9000872

>tfw $50 4-Day military discount

>> No.9000902
File: 150 KB, 600x340, SKSV_02-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9000906

How does that work? My friend is a vet but how do you go about purchasing that ticket?

>> No.9000935

I don't know if it'll work for anyone other than active duty, but you buy it wt the door basically and show your military ID

>> No.9000986

Jokes on you, no1curr

>> No.9001044

This badge can only be purchased onsite. Must bring Active Duty or Veteran Military ID to be eligible for the discount.

>> No.9001057

Cool thanks for the details.

>> No.9001154

would this be against the AX volunteer CoC????
asking for a friend

>> No.9001377

There's a section in one of the training courses that says you won't say or undermine the youth protection policy and mocking it probably counts

>> No.9001387

>As an SPJA employee or volunteer, I will NOT:

> - Say, do, or post anything--in person or online--that is contrary to or that undermines SPJA's Youth Protection Policy

> - Solicit or participate in sexual activity with any underage participant at SPJA events and activities

> - Ignore conduct or behavior that I believe is contrary to SPJA's youth protection goals and policy

> - Support or promote any activity--in person or online--that is contrary to or that undermines SPJA's Youth Protection Policy

I'm already breaking it

>> No.9001415
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>> No.9001622

I can smell the white girl fat.

>> No.9001883

I want people to cosplay Trump walls and block off the safe spaces

>> No.9001981
File: 29 KB, 480x457, wewlads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX is usually a trainwreck but holy shit this year is an absolute meltdown. I sure am glad I'm not going to this shit show this year. Plus the guests are looking pretty garbage.

>> No.9002166
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>> No.9002262
File: 43 KB, 640x340, rrrreally_ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So AX has stated that staff, volunteers, AA, and guests do not have to pay for their background checks. They still haven't posted much to assuage people's issues with the background checks, answer people with questions, or talk about it in general. This twitter post which is buried in a conversation with someone else is the only post they've made about the background checks and paying for them. The script they do have seems to involve linking people to the youth protection program page and hoping people do their own research.

Whoever is running AX's PR needs to be fired. Whoever made this whole thing up in the first place needs to be fired.

>> No.9002271
File: 38 KB, 455x313, yanderemisako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really just sounds like a lot of bitching and moaning over absofucking-lutely nothing.
I'm just going to try my level best to ignore additional posts from artists/vendors, avoid the safe spaces, and ignore tumblr.
There is nothing that will keep me from having a good time, so help me, oh Lord Bacchus.

>> No.9002291

The problem is that AX has put zero effort into responding to people or trying to convince people that it's needed. Getting information out of them is like pulling teeth. They launched this almost a week ago and only now are we getting information like how AX is paying for most background checks and that unofficially the agreements that exhibitors and press can sign will be enough to cover them and that AX will not be checking past the fact that they have a piece of paper that says you got background checks. If they had information available to begin with or people answering questions via phone or email they could have mitigated a lot of the public reaction.

>> No.9002398

Someone should ask why the Exhibitors and their volunteers/employees have to pay for the background check.

>> No.9002432
File: 136 KB, 639x1618, rrrreally_axpt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because AX doesn't want to pay for it which is why they sent in the email to exhibitors another page where you sign it and that counts as you having gotten background checks. At least you claim you did which is enough legally.

This is some of the conversation that tweet was from.

>> No.9002820

They made exhibitors sign an addendum to the contract without giving them the option to cancel if they did not agree with the addendum. It's horse shit.

>> No.9003060
File: 874 KB, 1483x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm in my attentionwhore uniform, I was in a hurry and had to leave for work.
Kagas' bow and quiver came in today! More than impressed.
I thought it was gonna be smaller because of the box but it's actually compressed into two parts and you click the two pieces together to make it bigger.
Haven't looked at the quiver yet because like I said I was pressed for time but I'll look more into it tonight. I've been ordering all my props from Ezcosplay and except for the shoes (I'm gonna have to edit them so I can actually walk in them) be been more than impressed with everything.
All that's left is to figure out how the fuck to do make up (never went through that make up phase not have I ever cared to wear any) but I feel like my face looks too plain with such an intricate outfit that is Kagas'.
Also, I didn't order the bows so I'm going to have to make them myself, so that should be interesting.
Anime expo is so close I can't wait!

>> No.9003088

bring some flats along as a backup plan

>> No.9003090

Isn't that illegal? I want someone to threaten to take then to court.

>> No.9003109

Attention whore outfit? Fuck that, be proud to wear it! The only people that should be calling it an attention whore outfit are terrorists and triggered sjw's lol.

>> No.9003130

It probably depends on the original text of the agreement.

There's probably also an arbitration clause so enjoy never getting to court.

>> No.9003133

Definitely. These shoes as I've said before are impossible lol
And I get what you're saying hahah, but in the military we make fun of people who wear their uniforms out in public because in reality, these uniforms suck and are hot as hell and as soon as we get off work the first thing we do is change out of it. I also hate when people make it obvious their in the military or bring it up for no related reason just because they're fishing for the "thank you for your service" comments and "you're so badass" when 75% of the military is pretty lame as fuck lol
You'd be surprised how much military people get off to people giving them attention for their uniforms, it's kinda silly actually

>> No.9003598
File: 884 KB, 2460x3473, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised the quiver even comes with a harness for her metal clip that her quiver is attached to on her back. I think the only way to make it look right though would be to cut a hole in the shirt to let it fit through that way, but I feel like I'll either mess up or it won't look right or something.. Otherwise I was impressed I have the option.

>> No.9003638
File: 234 KB, 874x894, 1377457562270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be proud of it
Absolutely Heretical. Great to serve, but Digicam is pig disgusting..

>> No.9003822

Did my background check, was free.

>> No.9003850

How did the process work?

>> No.9003851

The problem is that the SPJA allowed speculation to run rampant by not being up front with information. I'm not sure why they had to have the "it is free" in the FAQ that was sent to artists and not just in the email itself. They also failed to mention how they would be providing the background checks free for staff and volunteers which was another thing people were wondering and still haven't mentioned if they will or not for some of the other groups of people

>> No.9003861

whoa nelly
/v/ told me kinuko was a sjw whore that supports censorship. What's going on here?

>> No.9003866

people tend to change their tune once they start actually getting affected by something

>> No.9003871

Still not free for exhibitors. I'm a volunteer for exhibitor's booth and it sucks.

>> No.9003875

It all started with "Cosplay is not consent", which is fine since who wants to be gropped by a fat smelly neckbeard, althought the problem was motly voiced by fat tumblirinas jealous because they weren't getting attention from their hot sempais. You allowed the SJW cancer to remain at the cons, and now it has finally reached to this point.

>> No.9003901

you give them info on yourself
7 years of address history, which can be found on your tax documents if you don't remember
that's it. They might call you for more info, but it's been three days and no phone call.

I googled the company before going through with it and apparently lots of company use them. Anyway, if any of my info gets leaked to unsavory characters I could always get big $$$ from lawsuits

>> No.9004123

You don't get money from your info leaking. You get money from the background check company using sub-standard reporting procedures where they mix your name up with someone who has a load of convictions, and then you join a class action suing them for violations of the FCRA and getting statutory damages.

>> No.9004288

Yo You guys get how to the hotel thing works for staffers?

Todays the last day trying to snag a room. How does this work exactly rooms say available does that mean it needs 4 people?

the other ones say [2 postions] or [2 total] etc.

> Cosplay plans?
What are you hyped to see?
Thoughts on the latest news?

subaki from fates, gonna work on it when i'm done with classes in a month.

what news?

>> No.9004316

SJWs are actually doing good for the world, unlike you losers on 4chan who only harass woman all day.

>> No.9004348

This bait is as terrible as your usage of plural nouns

>> No.9004401

>harass woman
Ahh yes, my favorite pastime. Harassing woman. You know the one.

>> No.9004418
File: 65 KB, 1024x682, 1463055748987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name ONE (1, singular) thing that SJW did that's actually good and haven't fucked up or are trying to do that has a precedent of beiing a fuck up

>> No.9004443

I'm so sick and tired of the "Cosplay Senpai" announcements. It's annoying how AX puts them up as super important announcements when we barely have any real guests so far. But leave it to them to always have their big announcements 2 hours before the con

>> No.9004489
File: 1.68 MB, 250x140, 1444430029311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and all sjw's are mentally ill. If you think otherwise then you should see a psychologist.

>> No.9004568


Cosplay photographers are scared to death being called creepers, so they actually respect cosplayers. We have safe spaces and people getting background checks. We are stopping fat shaming, republicans and racism in cons.

The conventions are getting better and better. We need to spread tolerance and love, and stop hate.

>> No.9004574
File: 2.12 MB, 282x285, 1461011920325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9004576


>> No.9004596

I don't see any correlation between the two posts

>> No.9004610

Selected the wrong post at first. Corrected myself self with the one below with the following post.

>> No.9004700

For anyone who gets stuck like i did. you can go on the calendar page, and next to the people icon, there should be a drop scroll menu. it should be set on shift view. switch it to shared view and you can see the names of the people in the room. that should give you confirmation of the amount of people in the room.

>> No.9004703

Tfw can't tell if bait or not.

>> No.9004788

Agreed. Nobody at all really gives a shit about "cosplay senpais"

>> No.9004846

>you losers on 4chan who only harass woman all day
on the board with mainly female users
>SJWs are actually doing good for the world
Social justice is good for the world, SJW are literally cancer on society.

>> No.9005546

I'm done preparing and ready to fuck.

>> No.9006399
File: 716 KB, 2460x2460, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made an attempt at making Kagas' arrows. I definitely made them too big but it was fun as a first try making props. Not too bad but I definitely have more and more growing respect for people who make everything themselves.

>> No.9006418

It's time consuming for sure.

Have you gotten to try everything together yet?

>> No.9006738

Out of curiosity, how tall are you? I'm not familiar with the character, but this bow looks a lot like one I could use, and I couldn't find any height specifics for it on that site ( unless their mobile site just doesn't have that and the main one does ).

>> No.9006822

I'm 5'3 and a half, but I'm wearing my boots which add about two inches.
I just measured the bow for you and it's roughly around 64-65 inches.
Hope that helps!

>> No.9007149

I think you're supposed to put the harness on over your gi then the the tasuki around it and clip in the quiver. The kaga cosplay is looking good so far. Great job on the arrows.

>> No.9007204

Do you have any pics of you in your Kaga cosplay from the last time you wore it? I'm curious to see how you made yours.

>> No.9007321
File: 979 KB, 2460x2460, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now was I officially able to try everything on together. This has been a long pain in the ass, but it was totally worth it in the end. I'm like a life sized Kaga! My shoes I can go -5mph In so I'm definitely gonna bring an extra pair for normal walking. This has been fun. If you guys see me totally stop me and ask me for a picture!

>> No.9007329
File: 51 KB, 340x394, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just realized her quiver is on the wrong side.

>> No.9007394

>literal safe spaces at AX



>> No.9007528

You might have to untie the bow hun. Some cons don't allow it since anything can become a projectile.

Let me assist you anon! fuck this SJW shit.

>> No.9007679

Can I get a confirmation on the "safe space" thing so we can be sure our outrage is justified and we weren't just being trolled hard?

I am absolutely not a fan of this development either but let's not tilt at windmills.

>> No.9007687

You know, if ax really wants to protect all minors, like they are claiming they are doing. Why don't we just make minors badges huge oversized "blah blah is not consent" signs in the shape of stop signs. Then they get their own special zones where no one with that type of badge can enter, ergo, they are not allowed to leave special zones since they are endangered wildibeasts and must be protected at all costs from greasy man children coming to steal their innocence.

>> No.9007688

It's basically a break room that's being called a safe space

>> No.9007697

that they exist on paper?


SafeSpace Locations during SPJA events. SafeSpaces are areas within SPJA events and activities where attendees can go if they feel unsafe at any time, or would like to step away from the main event areas for a period of time. SafeSpaces are located throughout SPJA events, and SPJA’s new Youth Protection Mascot, Chikara is featured at every SafeSpace.
Youth Protection Program Mascot, Chikara. Chikara is a confident young girl who represents youth protection and safety for all event attendees. Chikara is featured at every SafeSpace location.

They still haven't fixed the fucking images.

>> No.9007712



>> No.9007732

Did I miss something?

>> No.9007738

Thanks for doing that, I think this'll work out after all.
And yeah, like a other anon mentioned, you'll have to find an easy way to string / unstring it when necessary so con staff doesn't lose it's shit on you.
That aside if I happen to run into you I'll say hi.

>> No.9007740

okc wrecked the spurs
that's the only thing I can think of

>> No.9007741

sliding knot that allows you to slacken/tighten the rope so you can pop it on and off the bow?

>> No.9007787

The rope that's used as the bow is this super weak stretchy cord that has no "weight" on it whatsoever. It literally has less elastic strength than a hair tie, and kinda feels like, I don't know, a toy a elementary schooler would use. Pretty sure they intentially made it like that so its "con safe".

>> No.9007788
File: 20 KB, 200x200, 1459180727102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for someone who's to cheap to pay for a hotel and might sleep in their car?
Like where's a good place to park overnight, and will i need a knife just in case?

>> No.9007793

As someone who adamantly opposes and despises "safe space" culture I really can't find anything wrong with this besides the incredibly unfortunate name.

Now, if the aforementioned background checks consisted of scrutinizing the volunteers' social media history for evidence of 'problematic' terminology or being on the wrong side of the brooding gamergate culture war and then banning them from the convention, which is what this shit initially sounded like, then AX deserves to burn to the ground but I don't think this is the case.

>> No.9007796

street parking
shopping mall
whether you need a knife depends on which you go to

you could get prepaid parking in one of the lots in the area and never move your car and that'd probably be safe

>> No.9007802
File: 13 KB, 266x220, 1457048942496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there ever been a caravan type thing with a bunch of people who are to cheap and sleep in their car?

>> No.9007837

I don't know about one for AX specifically but it's been done many a time elsewhere
you have a plan for showering, right?

trust me, you're going to need it

>> No.9007855

Los angeles is really hot in the summer. I live in Santa Monica and I fucking hate the heat. It's pretty bad. You're going to sweat amd smell. Also you're not going to want to do overnight parking in dtla. It gets pretty bad in some areas. Find a motel nearby and just stick with that.

>> No.9007856

Ohh you hot

>> No.9007863

I got the shower aspect covered. I go to crunch gyms and I get access to all their locations. So I'll find one in the area amd Ill just shower there.

>> No.9007877

So you got restrooms covered as well. Just food water and basic hygiene and you're set I guess. But definitely drive some distance away from that area if you're going to sleep in a car.
I did some night time photography there with friends. Someone broke my mirror.

>> No.9007890

Could I wear the same cosplay two days in a row?

>> No.9007893

Yes, but whether or not it's comfortable is up to you. Did you sweat a lot the first day? Is it skin-tight/form fitting? Does it feel weird or sticky on your skin? Does it smell?

Just walking from the car to the convention center is going to make you sweat all over again, honestly.

>> No.9007894

I'm wearing my Kaga cosplay the entire time so I would think so lol

>> No.9007912

never underestimate the strictness or stupidity of con peacebonding

>> No.9007943

Ho ho ANN stepping in

>> No.9007965

Anybody need a room? Big group of friends and acquaintances are gonna split 2, possibly 3 rooms and a portion of us are gonna spring for the cheaper options. So if you need a place to crash, lIll let you guys know later next month

>> No.9007966

Thank you for your service ;_;7

Is this what you wanted ???

>> No.9007969

surprised it took them this long to write something

>> No.9007995

Because they were championing the policy till it bit them on the ass and revealed one of their staffs sexual assault charge.

>> No.9008007

>tfw I joined the Navy just to be an irl kancolle
>rather than a lame airforce strike witch
>cosplaying a kancolle
>realized my dreams finally came true without me even noticing it

T-Thanks anon, I didn't even realized it.

>> No.9008223

Shots fired

>> No.9008731

Plz do not bully strike witches
They are good girls

>> No.9009127
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Does anyone know of a promo code, or am I stuck with $85 right now

>> No.9009148
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You're stuck pall

>> No.9009153

sucks. Between this and a trip to vegas, I'm prepped to become homeless after this summer

>> No.9009164

Question: this is my first con. were we supposed to get a receipt? I got it when ti was like $40 for Black Friday. Or are those things not sent out yet

>> No.9009206

Drop one thing or both then. Trips and cons are luxuries while a residence is a necessity.

>> No.9009212

I was exaggerating. I'm fine. My fun-buck savings is just going to be empty

>> No.9009253
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What's the Ritz like?

>> No.9009258

Is every hotel in the block gonna have the wrist band policy? I'm in a group of 5 people and we don't really take in strangers after we got shit stolen one time

>> No.9009267

Newfag here. Gonna cosplay for once. Should I go as M.Bison or as a Bancho?

>> No.9009268

I mean if you get a room outside the convention blocks as well

>> No.9009322

i'm not sure how they're going to enforce it when you might just happen to be in the area assuming you're wearing plain clothes

>> No.9009347

Never heard about that. any links anon?

>> No.9009359

he's making shit up
AX does not have results from background check providers unless they used the NCSI and the group code for AX which would allow the con to see whether a person is given a go/no-go as to their safety and since ANN is press they are not using the group code. Even at that point AX is not given the details. The only thing that ANN would have to sign is an agreement that they got background checks and that all of their staff would not be in violation of anything that would cause them to receive a no-go. The veracity of that agreement is not followed up on.

>> No.9009418

>Airbnb 4 lyfe.
just be careful
LA is supposed to vote on whether to ban Airbnb this summer sometime.
I suspect it wont happen until august, but you never know. City councils are evil that way.

>> No.9009425

>Is it true for AA?
Pretty sure you have to be 18 to sign a contract (artist alley contract) anyways.

>> No.9009433

The code for the bg check is a group code? If it's true, I am so relieved because I never got the email with the code and I'm supposed to be helping my friend in Artist Alley and AX hasn't replied to my contact form that I sent Friday (I wasn't holding out hope after one anon said getting anything out of them is like pulling teeth) and I was gonna call the SPJA about it lol.

>> No.9009434

Awaiting official public (or private) announcement from AX on Wednesday now about the fate of guests, exhibitors, vendors, and all those affected by the policy. I expect them to backpedal and say that everyone just needs to sign a piece of paper, real checks and such be damned for this year.

I feel sorry for those who have already submitted to the background check and gone through the "training" videos.

>> No.9009450

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Fuck airbnb. Hope LA follows Santa Monica's lead and stop realtors from running what are basically fucking hotels and jacking up my rent in the process.

>> No.9009482

So how generalized is AX? Is it usually just anime cosplays+homestuck+undertale, or can I expect to see other genres making an appearance as well? First year going and I'm very curious.

>> No.9009493

99% chance they won't even bother to check whether or not you got the background check when you're at the con

private announcements have already been done on a case by case basis. It's most likely what they tell you when they say on twitter "contact ____@idg for help" when people bitch hard enough. you'll note that the bitching stops after that point.

the training you can fast forward but it's still annoying in that you have to click a lot. you can guess on the quizzes and I don't think there's any repercussion to taking it over and over until you pass. it also tells you what you got wrong

not sure how feasible it would be but they should make it so the homeowner must be present every x days. like those guys who are renting out a room while they live in the rest of the house is fine. those are the kind of guys airbnb was made for. the unofficial hotels is an unfortunate side effect.

>> No.9009501

It's up to the hotel.
Honestly, even if they try I think they'll quickly realize it's not a good idea. JW Marriott quit after the first day last year.

>> No.9009510

>giant chokepoint at the elevators
>normal people are stuck behind all the congoers getting checked
>no one can get in or out
>everyone complains to management
>wristband checkers silently disappear the next day

>> No.9009512

Anime/manga is primary, video games secondary. Random people in western stuff. Homestuck/undertale etc are well represented but not as bad as the one year where the homestuck gathering was twelve deep and blocked the entire outer pathway between the two main hall lobbies. that pathway is probably 20 people wide.

>> No.9009985

Every time they've had that policy I haven't had any issues, nor have I been forced to really show a wristband or even gotten one at check in. I mean, it probably helps if you're not acting like an absolute idiot enough to make them suspicious enough to check you.

>> No.9010068

>mfw working for anime company this year as full time employee
>said company is attending anime expo
>registered sex offender status for a false accusation
>this bg check is probably going to affect my employment

uhhh... So how fucked am I guys?

>> No.9010074

Was it proven false?

>> No.9010082

A 16 year old cosplayer accused me of raping her when I kicked her out of my hotel room around 6 years ago.

She admitted that she did it all to "get back" at me, but refuses to take back the claim.

I don't have the money right now to afford a lawyer...

>> No.9010083

Ya know the first step to progression is accepting your mistake. The only person you're fooling is yourself.

Looks like no more raping for you at AX.

>> No.9010094

The problem is, this is going to AFFECT my career.

>> No.9010104

Should have thought about that before performing the deed.

>> No.9010107

I knew AX would eventually turn into SDCC for anime.
enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.9010109

Okay your best option is to not attend. Make something up. I don't care what. You need to avoid the background check. I'm a little surprised they didn't do a check already because that would have turned up.

Get it expunged asap. Good luck. Do you have her on record saying it was bs?

>> No.9010118

Your other option is not really in your control and involves your company not giving enough fucks to actually get background checks and just say they did.

Writing was on the wall every year attendance went up. 60k attendees was bad enough. The current location is unsustainable

>> No.9010134

>false accusation

Which you either pled guilty to or were found guilty of.

>> No.9010248

Is there much to do outside of the con. Like SDCC has tons of booths outside that you can fuck off in and do shit that usually ends up being better than the con itself. Is it the same for AX?

>> No.9010253

No. AX doesn't sell out of badges so there's no threat of split days (ie Thurs Sunday) so no unused hotel days. It also doesn't attract all the casuals on the level sdcc does

>> No.9010283

There also isn't much to do in the area of LA where AX is, so people tend to stay at the convention center instead of wandering.

>> No.9010289

You pretty much have to drive everywhere
It's nothing like the gaslamp

>> No.9010299

For what it's worth, I really like the convention center, but AX has pretty much outgrown it. I mean shit, even Wondercon this year barely fit.

>> No.9010444

Holy fuck all those music guests just announced

>> No.9010452

>All those meh music guests
>ClariS will never perform here

Makes me sad

>> No.9010453


>> No.9010454


>> No.9010467

>interested in one or two music guests
>already agreed to work a booth

>> No.9010512

I feel you.

I don't give two shits about anybody but one of them on that list and I'm working that day. T_T

>> No.9010538

Might be able to convince your agency to let you work with the guests or artists at AWM?

I'm hoping the concert will be on the night of July 3 so that I can get out of booth duties to attend that.

>> No.9010569

isn't the LACC one of the top 5 convention centers in the US, I mean only Chicago, DC, San Deigo and Nevada have bigger centers by volume

>> No.9010571

Were you that dude that was drunk and recording video? Because yeah, fuck that chick.

>> No.9010573


>> No.9010574

yeah I was on hotels.com and half the hotels are fucking outright apartments, and that bothered me. I'm willing to take public transit/uber/taxis so I am several miles out (oh no 8 miles) crom the con but yeah
>fellow sailor
...will you be on my navy fireteam with me sempai?

also it is tempting the shit out of me to put this on shit my lpo says shipmate

>> No.9010579

What new series cosplays do you hope to see?

>> No.9010586


>> No.9010595
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Little Armory, Konosuba, more Overlord because there can never be enough. Hoping for a resurgence in Rosario+Vampire as well since it's been on Netflix so long and it's simple enough.

I just want a pic with muh waifu.

>> No.9010607

Hai-Furi or just about anything from this season that is well-done, not a half-assed or Sexy Version cosplay.

>> No.9010612

>Cute Blu-Mer's running around

Take my money. Take all of it.

>> No.9012377
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Main hotel attempted it for Youmacon a couple years back. Hotel manager did an incredibly shit job but hell, it's a huge headache no matter how anyone tries to handle it.

There were bands getting too damaged to stay on someone's wrist, last minute volunteers without a name officially attached to a room who had to track roommates down before even being allowed a band, and at least one case of someone in a wheelchair being denied elevator access.