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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 241 KB, 1024x772, tumblr_nurhkqrbvR1s0s3nuo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8994914 No.8994914 [Reply] [Original]

Post a piece that you can't find the name of and hope some kind anon will share their wisdom with you and tell you the name of it! Pic related. My friend sent this picture to me wanting to know the brand but I can't find anything on it. I tried reverse image searching it but all that came up was reposts of the photo set with nothing about the dress.

>> No.8994919

Pretty sure it's some chinese indie brand. You can try their lolibrary:
It's kinda patchy and not up to date, but might help.

>> No.8994922

Hey, its better than nothing! Thanks! I had thought maybe it was Mary Magdalene or something

>> No.8995048

The hem is too puckered to be Mary Magdalene.

>> No.8995058

nice, this is probably the prettiest amalgamation between Victoriana and EGA I've ever seen
and I've been around the fashion for years oops
even the mulberry colour HNNNNGGG
thanks to OP for post and anon for clarification, never knew I needed an op til now

>> No.8995073

The site won't load for me. Anyone know of similar OPs? I'm in love, it's so elegant and mature

>> No.8995076

Based on what I found from the weibo that came up in a reverse image search, it's handmade and this was just part of a photo session someone did

>> No.8995082
File: 182 KB, 495x700, 7722d61dgw1eo4v19ksymj20dr0jg0xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the model's weibo, she tagged chuchau (surface spell) for the skirt and red maria for her headpiece. scrolled back in surface spell's archives and found this pic. I don't think it's up for sale anywhere now, though.

>> No.8995262

Reminds me of akane & alois

>> No.8995372
File: 178 KB, 1042x632, IMG_3794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has any ideas for the name of this Victorian Maiden skirt, I would appreciate them. It also has one long waist tie/belt.

>> No.8995420

Anon, you make me laugh whenever you post this.

>> No.8995481
File: 1.57 MB, 300x200, 1441802398601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad. I just want to see a stock image so I can know how I'm meant to tie this bizarre gathered waist tie.

>> No.8995482

>dat shoop alien face
China why

>> No.8997633
File: 3.99 MB, 2552x3508, paper dolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard the one on the right is jane marple? i really want to know its name too

>> No.8997744

Could someone tell me what series are infamous AP's piss OTKs from?

>> No.8997747

What do the waist ties look like? I think I may have the skirt, just a different pattern.

>> No.8997766
File: 340 KB, 1398x995, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8997776

>piss socks
>drink me

10/10 AP

>> No.8997780

Any idea which magazine that's from? Mostly looking for some kind of date to look back from for you.

>> No.8997791

the only info i have is that its in the old school lolita thread right now and that it may be form 2002 kera issue 45? i have no clue how to search for this stuff, i sorta just scrolled lolibrary for a bit before giving up

>> No.8997990

Sorry anon. Can't seem to find much from back then. I only found similar items like the golden goose jacquard series and a velveteen Alice lace skirt.

The best I found was someone's geocities site that had old pieces on it.

>> No.8998152


It's from Kera 45, which is the June 2002 issue,
page 85, yes.

Kera doesn't feature JM. The wayback machine doesn't go far enough back, and the GLB doesn't feature it either.

You need to either A: find some really old Geocities page where someone has recorded the name of the item (they usually don't record the names even if they have photos). B: find a 2002 or earlier JM catalog that happens to have this in it, or C: Find another magazine that has JM, and find the right issue to find this.

Not saying this to be mean; that's legitimately the best advice I can give. It's not something that is going to be easy to find, and the info may not be out there anymore, unfortunately.

>> No.8998161
File: 1020 KB, 540x1044, AP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance IDing this? Couldn't find it on Lolibrary..

>> No.8998174

It's old. Very old. I can tell you that just from the tag.

>> No.8998195
File: 188 KB, 743x1049, glb10_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I think it's in the GLB #10. Let me pull my hard copy, and then I can transliterate the caption; the scans I have of this issue are low res.

>> No.8998207

holy shit, how good is your memory

>> No.8998213

You're talking to /cgl/'s Oldschool Keeper of the Keys anon. In most oldschool threads RD is the head nigga posting.

>> No.8998222

Add it to lolibrary when you find out please anon!

>> No.8998225
File: 340 KB, 920x665, IMG_20160508_0022b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go, a much more clear scan.

Looks like the name is ハイウエストスピンドルスカート

So High Waist Spindle Skirt?

GLB 10 was October of 2003, so AP's Fall '03 line.

15,800 yen.

Note: Spindle / Spin Doll is one of those phrases / terms that doesn't really translate properly. It shows up when we see the xxxxx corset lacing ribbon pattern as a decoration. Baby and AP both use the same phrase, thought the spelling changes a little, I think?

>> No.8998237


Here we go: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/high-waist-spindle-skirt

I know there is only a thumbnail; I need to reboot my PC because I can't get the image upload to work. I'll edit it in.

>> No.8998252
File: 158 KB, 980x735, IMG_8798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has three gathered spots. I assume you wear it with the middle one over the hip, but I'm not sure.

>> No.8998275

Not nearly as good as people tend to assume, actually. I don't have everything memorized. It seems like it a lot, but I'm just fast, not all knowing or anything, lol.

What it comes down to more often are patterns and facts. I know time range (roughly) of AP tags. I know anytime they have block letters, we are looking 2004 at the very latest, and the time frame between AP just using PRETTY and them switching to the spikeyer tag with the crown is really short. That means roughly a dozen GLBs, each with only 1 or 2 AP feature pages.

I know that certain things influence the names of AP pieces. Like shirred straps with bows at the bases are "shoulder ribbon", the xxxx corset lacing is spindle, they have a way of writing tiers on older things. a yolk of white often means the name has switching.

Knowing these types of things + the right time period based on the shape, the fabrics, the colors, the trims, means you can pick the right source. 2007 and earlier, you hit the blogs. Before that, you hit the GLB, or the wayback machine.

And knowing what AP bases their names off of, means you know what words to shove into a search to quickly narrow down your image results into what you need.

It's a lot of just know where to look, and what is important about the piece.

>> No.8998285
File: 38 KB, 290x387, andollop_sai_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what you asked, but maybe similar in concept

>> No.8998286
File: 39 KB, 290x387, andollop_sai_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998287
File: 39 KB, 290x387, andollop_sai_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one more of that dress

>> No.8998302


>> No.8998306

This isn't the same right? Your belt is more tame?

>> No.8998310

Wait, is it just the Victorian プリーツスカート?

>> No.8998325
File: 46 KB, 720x720, m387955354_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an old school BTSSB OP. I have no idea what the name is. I googled. I even did an image search. Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.8998329

Definitely AP. Here is the link to all those items on Lolibrary.

>> No.8998344

Where is the photo from? (also, do you own it? Can you verify that it is Baby, or is that based on someone saying "baby" in an auction title?)

>> No.8998354

I think it is the Victorian Pleat Skirt. It is really similar to the Dolly Pleat skirt and that one has some really great shots of how the belt sits/should be shaped. Thank you so so much for this! I really appreciate it.

>> No.8998357

No problem, happy to help! I'm surprised it was that simple, actually; solid black, overly simple stuff like that is usually a lot harder to work with.

>> No.8998392
File: 34 KB, 240x320, ShirringGinghamCheckOP-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know it's baby from a tag photo, or because you own it, I'd be happy to dig around, but as it stands, my best guess is that this photo was a sales photo where the person selling it listed Baby as a keyword, like someone listing and offbrand doll might use "barbie". I don't really think this is baby. The lace is too small; old school baby used heavy lace. It's not in enough places. The shirring looks to only have 3 channels, that's pretty light for old school, fully shirred baby. This fabric is busy; AP used a fabric like it. So did MAM... but I can't think of a single Baby piece that uses a fabric like this. There are no other details on this other than two rows of ruffles and a little thin lace that doesn't look like the cotton laces Baby favored. It's too simple, and too loud.

My best guess for this is actually Handmade, or possibly very old MAM, Bodyline, PRETTY, Meta, Milk or HeartE.

If you do own it, can you snap photos of the Baby tag and the wash tag (both sides please, if possible). That would help me place it in time.

I could be wrong, but... it's just so out of character for baby.

>> No.8998423
File: 39 KB, 552x738, FB_IMG_1453331353282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I know is that it's baby's

>> No.8998476


>> No.8998484


Yesss! Thank you! Ill upload some pictures to it too!

>> No.8998503

I am impressed and creeped out

>> No.8998614
File: 833 KB, 1001x449, AP_zps6h97j6rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, I love finding and IDing new things.. makes me feel like we are doing something great for Lolibrary when the new content gets added!!

Hmm, what about this one? I was going to purchase it on Y!A but I couldn't ID it. But it's also not on Lolibrary.. Any chance its in the GLBs you have, it has the short printed label?

>> No.8998652

You didn't try at all

>> No.8998736
File: 7 KB, 176x234, image:23629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have been digging around and I found out that this is Garden OP but Lolibrary doesn't have it. I have no clue of the year so if somebody knows I would appreciate it.

>> No.8998752
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 1452106334338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is that it's Baby but if anyone can find the year I'd be grateful

>> No.8998766

Soooo lazy. Why can't you check Lolibrary for yourself?

>> No.8998790
File: 17 KB, 399x400, 1462227097422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not dress, but may be anon-chan knows the name of those shoes. Look like AatP replica in my opinion

>> No.8998806

I'm >>8998736 and would appreciate the link because I have searched everything and this particular dress didn't come up as I stated in my original post.

>> No.8998984
File: 38 KB, 720x720, m387955354_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already bought the dress. Waiting on it to arrive. I got it on Mercari. The dress has a Baby label and the close ups were legit Baby lace. This is probably just not the most flattering photo. Here is a label pic.

>> No.8999024

Wow, I definitely stand corrected. It's certainly a unique piece. I'll see what I can dig up!

>> No.8999149


>> No.8999193


Not Oldschool Anon but the JM skirt on the right is known as Skip Girl Applique. I believe it's from 2003/4. It comes in red, dark beige/kinari and black

>> No.8999252

Agree with >>8998766, seriously it took me one search phrase input and 2 clicks to land on its lolibrary page. I genuinely recommend using online research methods you learned from school work and try again yourself.

>> No.8999253

Wow. You should teach a Fashion History course. I'm not even joking, I'd honestly pay college course amounts of money to listen to you talk.

>> No.8999437
File: 68 KB, 413x273, glb-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it. It's supposed to have a big detachable collar. That's why the neckline is weirdly simple. Let me scan a bigger version of this really quick and then I'll write up the details.

>> No.8999450
File: 56 KB, 500x500, w-00040-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering if someone could help me find more information on this dress? I have it in white (bought secondhand) and this listing is the only mention of it that I can find online. It's AP and seems to be part of the Strawberry Chiffon series, but I can't find what year it's from.

>> No.8999451
File: 267 KB, 773x557, ichigoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most disappointing name ever.

Strawberry OP

19800 yen

from GLB 5, 9/5/2002

>> No.8999453


>> No.8999456

Baby's Schoolgirl Tartan Check Lucky Pack JSK

I don't think it's in lolibrary, but here is an old EGL post about it. Sorry, photos are dead. I'll lolibrary it up in couple mins

>> No.8999569
File: 54 KB, 240x240, 127541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. So totally not your skirt, but I found the stock photos of a baby skirt in the same fabric randomly on my computer while looking for the other person's pink skirt

>> No.8999595

Thanks Anon! Seems that is was added only a few months ago, which explains why I couldn't find it when I bought the dress.

>> No.8999602

I've considered doing a lolita fashion history panel at a con, but it would require a lot of prep work, and I get tired very easily, so I tend to just do panels that I can do more off the cuff like lolita 101. Maybe I'll work on something and put in for a panel somewhere; IDK.

>> No.8999640

I might be wrong, but there is a skirt that is called Double Ruffle Pintuck Skirt from 2005, which is my best guess on the year for this, and going just by the name it sounds really darn close: https://web.archive.org/web/20050408053516/http://www.angelicpretty.com/catalog_2005/S/52S-1094/52s-1094.html

>> No.8999663

If I'm anywhere close to you, I'd break my streak and attend my first panel.
You do Lolita 101s? What cons have you done this for?

>> No.8999675


Im pink skirt as well haha. Damn though, I like the Baby one a lot more than the AP one!

Thanks for that info though, Ill have a look around the internet and see if I can find anything..!

>> No.8999690
File: 71 KB, 410x237, doubleruffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out Double Ruffle Pintuck is actually this, unfortunately.

>> No.8999702

Otakon a couple years ago. Was supposed to do a repeat the year after and got the plague. I did a godawful panel at katsucon on buying lolita this year where I couldn't get the slides up because they couldn't get me a working cord and they were using my computer while trying to get it up, so I did the whole thing without notes or slides and it was so bad.

I did a panel at rufflecon last year and this year that was basically just a game.

Honestly, I have horrible luck with running panels now that I think about it....

>> No.9000031

Can you link me to it please? I haven't found a release which came in florals. Unless it's not just listed in Lolibrary. Lolibrary says it only came in solids, and this dress has many versions made of it. Searching with the stock photo didn't help either.

>> No.9000089


>> No.9000093

There is also thsi from 2004...can't tell if it's the right one, as I can't really make out the florals in your tiny picture.

>> No.9000119
File: 72 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this Meta dress but I can't find it on lolibrary.

>> No.9000163

Thanks so much.

>> No.9000168
File: 46 KB, 602x420, IMG_1702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this skirt have an actual name? I own it but when trying to search for it I've only seen it listed as "Crown Label Skirt." It's not on Lolibrary, either.

>> No.9000189

Crown Label is actually Meta. I didn't have any luck placing the skirt either, hopefully a scan-anon will find it!

>> No.9000708
File: 26 KB, 300x400, 103205110089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks a lot like this JSK? Maybe a re-release in another fabric? Unfortunately, I only have the item number for this one, but I can dig around a little.

>> No.9000713

It's not the right one; the photo she posted is from that 2010 blog post on the baby blog.

>> No.9000722

I'm obsessive with the AP tag timeline, so I'll spew what I know and see if you agree with it:

1. First tags were just Pretty; block letters, dark pink over lighter pink (sometime in the 90's to mid 2001)
2. Next came ANGELIC PRETTY in block letters, most often red over white (2001, possibly into early 2002)
3. Old English looking letters came next, most often Angelic over Pretty, square-ish shape, red on white (2002)
4. Next came the Angelic (crown) Pretty tags, long and thin, white over pink (2003-2004)
5. Here's where I get a bit fuzzy, next came the same tag as above, but with pink over pink. I thought that this was a 2005-2006 thing, but I got a confirmed 2004 release recently that has the pink over pink
6. They switched to that ribbon tag that they used for a few years, through much of the pastel vomit phase, and at that point I stopped caring so I don't know the exact variations/years on those.

>> No.9000758
File: 132 KB, 1645x2048, 12891788_1157999374210962_1190513706481337373_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID this dress?

It's from BTSSB, I've found a lot of similar JSKs, but not this exact one.

>> No.9000828


Lolibrary is offline, which makes this really complicated, but does this help at all?

>> No.9000834


Yeah, thanks! That certainly does match up with what I remember. Is this your blog and are you looking for more tags? I've got a few very slight Meta variations from 2000 on and a couple "Pretty" items I could send photos of to you, if it's yours and you're adding them.

>> No.9000847

That would be very helpful; I've misplaced my old folder of tag photos (lost with a HD crash I think).

>> No.9000848
File: 36 KB, 360x480, OP - 1Black (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for the name of this Meta set, it's a vest and a skirt. All the other Meta dresses with cross lace are from 2001 - 2003, so I guess the set is from that timeline too.

>> No.9000861

Cool, I'll take some high-quality photos later this week and send them to you! (Not sure if you want to leave an email or I can crawl around the blog and find contact info)

Holy shit, that's gorgeous. Much envy if you own this set; it's stunning.

>> No.9001219

there should be contact info on the blog post now. Sorry, I don't know how to do the thing people do with emails that are in the post. I really only post in dress ID threads and post old school photos when I'm scanning stuff.

>> No.9001901

It's from a lucky pack, I'm not sure which one, still looking around. I don't follow baby as close as AP or IW.

>> No.9002103
File: 21 KB, 300x400, 106205050059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, being less lazy today, let me deconstruct some item numbers

510214 is meta's 2005 lovely alphabet skirt, and the stock photos was named
105102140089.jpg (random item)

So the formula is drop the 10, drop the last 4 numbers.
(by the way, the last 4 numbers are a color code, I think? 0059 is red, 0019 is black, 0029 is white, 0039 is cream, 0069 is pink, 0089 is sax)

So for this red dress, 106205050059.jpg goes to 106205050059, drop the 10 to 6205050059 drop the last 4 numbers, and that makes the item number 620505

first digit = last digit of the year (Note: at some point the 10 we dropped becomes a 12, around 2008 or so... 12 comes after 10, so a 10 number is pre 2009 and a 12 number is post 2009. This is how you determine 2012 from 2002, lol)

So we know the red dress is from 2006, because our number starts with a 6.

pop into the wayback machine for 2006, go to JSK, and we get this page. Top of the right column is this dress: https://web.archive.org/web/20060505192658/http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/onlineshop/dresses.php?ssid=$ssid

And it's called 共フリルピンタックティアードJSK(コシボチリメン)

Google translate gives us Co-frills pin tuck Tiered JSK (Koshibochirimen)

Koshibochirimen would be the fabric; that may not be the right word in english; but I don't know fabrics well enough and it's not in jisho or wikipedia

The gif on the wayback machine page is named 106205040069, so that matches this stock photo.

SO! Your dress is 共フリルピンタックティアードJSK
It may be from 2006, but it might not be; there might have been other re-releases of this. Does that help?

>> No.9002114

Have a lolibrary entry!

>> No.9002174


hey RD! I'm the otome-anon earlier (who ID'ed the JM).

I think we might be friends.... and I won your rufflecon game by id'ing something that had double releases with different names. I'll love to run a history panel with you.

>> No.9002179


Meta's 2006 pintuck tieredJSK. Comes in bordeaux, navy and black too. Made of chirimen. Chirimen is a type of kimono fabric, a lot of pieces that year was made of that (including the famous pleats OP)

the pastel versions are a newer re-release from 2007?summer. >>9000708

>> No.9002186


also the pastel versions (saxe, pink, ivory, navy) are not in chirimen but polyester crepe de chine. the chirimen versions are heavier and more expensive.

>> No.9002232

Hey anon, if you want a Meta cross lace skirt, there's one on WW.

>> No.9002806
File: 67 KB, 600x800, 621870-17039-2016-04-08222877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got home this one a while ago, it has detachable sleeves, and it's from BtSSB, but I really can't ID it.

>> No.9002868

gosh, that's really pretty...congrats anon!

>> No.9005706
File: 82 KB, 426x640, 16_4_3_83_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a hard time finding the actual name for this Meta skirt. it is on CC as "Cherry Chiffon" but neither lolibrary or google can corroborate.

I'd love to check out this series as a whole--does anyone know offhand?

>> No.9009315
File: 2.58 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the person on the right wearing?

>> No.9009362

agnes put your tongue back in your mouth, it's ugly

I couldn't find it on lolibrary but here's something kinda similar/you might like it if you like the one on OP http://lolibrary.org/apparel/royal-poodle-applique-skirt

>> No.9009460

The cutsew is AP's Mode Girl, I'm not sure about the skirt, yet.

>> No.9009515
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is that it's F+F, I think from 2009? But I honestly have no idea about the year.

>> No.9011303
File: 21 KB, 232x313, a9f5d08c16b035d402648dfe1d4cea8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the name of this AP Camisole? I can't even find it with reverse image search

>> No.9011458
File: 2.13 MB, 2134x1660, needIDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the collage but I've been trying to figure out the names/years of these dresses for awhile now. The most I know about them is that they're Baby, so any info would be appreciated!
The first JSK is built kind of like a shirring JSK, but it's not quiet the same since it lacks some of the skirt detail.
And the other JSK I know is a shirring JSK, but I can't for the life of me figure out the year. Plus it has some different bodice details that other shirring JSKs don't have. I think I heard somewhere once that the brown was a lucky pack color one year, but I'm not sure.

>> No.9011478

the brown floral jsk is baby's fleur rose jsk http://lolibrary.org/apparel/fleur-rose-jsk

>> No.9011569

Holy... I've been looking for this dress a while.

Any chance you're willing to sell?

>> No.9011958 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 333x250, gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the Mode girl skirt....

>> No.9011972

Strawberry Patch camisole

When ever you see a blouse or any type of top from AP, look at the skirt. This is a fruits parlor skirt, which makes it 2008.

Now, if they pictured it with fruits parlor and it has berries on it, it's really likely that it was on an AP blog within a few days of fruits parlor or coorded with it.

So we grab Fruits Parlor in Japanese from lolibrary: フルーツパーラ
And camisole from another AP camisole from lolibrary: キャミソール

then restrict to an AP blog.

So this is what I googled:

フルーツパーラ キャミソール site:yaplog.jp/ap-tokyo/

then I looked at the image results to find it.

>> No.9011975
File: 9 KB, 766x152, fjuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I could find related to that cutsew is a dead Hellolace link. Good luck on your search.

>still goddamn bitter the HelloLace chick deleted the whole website instead of handing it over to someone
>all those old lolita pieces cataloged are just gone

>> No.9011985
File: 107 KB, 240x240, 131513-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's try this again. This time I won't state the obvious (wrong) answer. (sorry!)

This look about right? If so, it's from Baby, item number if 131*513

>> No.9011987
File: 84 KB, 240x240, 131513-che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011999
File: 292 KB, 1247x815, lalalala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahem. sorry. must have inhaled something bitter or something.

What were we talking about?

>> No.9012005




>> No.9012033

This is meta's cherry chiffon: https://web.archive.org/web/20120710170646/http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/onlineshop_eng/dresses/120210240029.htm

The skirt pictured either is something else, or has the same name as another print