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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 208 KB, 500x732, that_male_nidalee_cosplay_2013-04-15_08-46-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8970770 No.8970770 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the overall bar for men in cosplay is much lower than women simply because...

A: Men do not commonly have the skills that are commonly needed in cosplay (sewing, makeup, wig work)

B: The overall "consumers" of cosplay favor females ergo men and such men do not try as hard.

C: The quality is the same as women but due to lack of self promotion/community acknowledgement, they are ignored.

>> No.8970801

I don't know if it's that the bar is lower but it drives me nuts how many guys ruin a otherwise good cosplay by not having a wig.

Just because you and the character both have short brown hair doesn't mean you don't need a wig. You have to style it too!

>> No.8970811

Same with guys that refuse to put on make up. No one is saying you have to go the whole nine yards with falsies and contouring, just put on some goddamn concealer.

>> No.8970813

It's not that guys can't learn sewing/makeup/hair or even that they are at a disadvantage in that area. Most of the ladies I know that cosplay didn't do any of that stuff until they started cosplaying.

>> No.8970824

I know that most of the time when i go to a con, a lot of my male friends are only interested in ogling female cosplayers.
My female friends as well actually...

>> No.8970869

Women are more Bitches to other women then they are men

>> No.8970874

W-what if my character has a buzz cut

>> No.8970875

a good chunk of cosplays that are attempted involve characters with buzz cuts or have helmets thus using a wig would be a moot point

>> No.8970914
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, sword_art_online_gathering_2___party_of_kirito_by_threepwood007-d5vdu74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not talking about those obviously. No one expects Master Chief or a Gundam to wear a wig. We're talking about anime and game dudes where guys just use their own hair and it looks like shit. To be fair even if they get wigs only 25% bother to style it right across both genders.

>> No.8970921

I think most don't see the point if they don't have mad armor or prop skills. A lot of guys I know get stuck on the whole 'costume' aspect and think it's embarrassing. Most tend to zip lip when I remind them they have a 3 day pass at an anime con.
Some are lazy asses at it as well. Had a friend tell me her ex called her an an elitist bitch when she tried to inform him as gently as possible. He needed a wig for Vegeta. Kicker is moron was balding and low and behold come con time he bought the shitty party city one. I'm supposing his master plan of spiking/dying his thin balding head didn't plan out.

>> No.8970936

I've noticed if they have a dedicated gf they take it more seriously. There's that cosplay couple aicosu they both take it pretty serious. Gotta feel for them though. They get bombarded with how do you know he's not gay questions

>> No.8970995

We dont have tits. Why look at a guy in a Mysterio costume when theres tons of titty Mememe, Harleys, and other characters around?

>> No.8971217

Uuuuu as a guy i have really mixed feelings about this topic.

On one hand i will say that it's not a lack of aptitude but rather an unwillingness to learn and an unwillingness to invest in a cosplay as a serious hobby. I have had to scolded several of my guy friends into wearing foundation and wigs. I think it helps that i do it?? I might make them less self conscious?? Lot are unwilling to put in the real work that goes into a great cosplay. They just expect it to work.

I will say that there is less "payoff" when cosplaying if youre a guy. You will get fewer pictures. You're name wont have the same reach or weight. I'll be real. I like doing cosplay groups with girls because that are simply received better.

There is also this real stigma that guys in costume are kind of playing it for a joke. Even if it's not mandoka or some other crossplay. There is this sense of childishness went men do costuming. Men arent supposed to pretty themselves up, and if they do surely it's a joke. It suck but it's the truth.

>> No.8971219

Fuck I know I'm out of touch with current shit when I see the thumbnail and think Org XIII before anything else

>> No.8971222

I never sewed anything more complicated than a sit-upon (thanks, Girl Scouts) before I got into cosplay and I definitely hadn't styled a wig.

>> No.8971237

I feel that, i'm a girl and any guy friends I know who want to cosplay, the first thing I drill into them is that makeup + wig is ESSENTIAL. Otherwise you just look like a dude wearing a costume, not the actual character.

My bf has some cosplays planned with me for the future, and I've made him comfortable with the idea of wearing makeup etc., as he doesn't want to look crappy/cringey and now understands what a difference it makes.

I feel as though a lot of the things involved with cosplay have a 'gender' stigma unfortunately. Like I know plenty of male cosplayers who make outstanding armor and props, but don't know how to sew/style wigs/makeup because they're sort of reinforced as 'girl' things. Especially sewing- idk why, but some guys seem really reluctant to even try and learn, even though they're very talented at foamwork etc.
Like sewing really isn't harder or scarier than that, I assume it's just the idea that it's a 'girl' thing so they don't wanna try??

>> No.8971271

>Otherwise you just look like a dude wearing a costume, not the actual character.

Holy cow these were my thoughts. For most of the time I see women and while there are bad examples, I do see a majority of them as characters come to life.

With men, even if they're props or armor are on point, the elements just don't "mesh" together for lack of a better term

>> No.8971282

In my area guys only need to put on a dress. That's it really. That's what it takes for a guy to have a funny and ironic "cosplay". A cheap lolita dress, a maid costume, Miku, Chii or whatever it doesn't matter. And for some reason a lot of photographers are interested in photographing really ugly guys in really ugly dresses. It's like the new L cosplay for lazy guys.

>> No.8971298


An example i see all the time is Garen from LoL- I've seen AMAZING armour builds of him, so much time and detail... and then some random dude's head sticking out the top.

Just buy a wig, do a little contouring!! Anything!

I just feel like some guys think 'that dude's hair is brown, mine is a shade of brown, it'll be fine!!!'. Lots of girls do it too, and it drives me insane. They have a distinct hairstyle and distinct facial features, just do your best to replicate them!! It isn't a cosplay if you don't, it's just a costume you put on while you're technically still yourself.

>> No.8971323

>'that dude's hair is brown, mine is a shade of brown, it'll be fine!!!'. Lots of girls do it too

So many Deidara's with that tight curly dirty blonde Lithuanian hair back in the days of the Naruto/Akatsuki scourge.

>> No.8971331

There are a few excepts to the "always wear a wig" rule, and buzz cuts are one of them.

>> No.8971532

How the hell does one fake a half fade cut with a wig? I ask as the character I want to do has those but I am unable to grow any hair

>> No.8971535

You can get very short/clipped look wigs, or shave them yourself, maybe try blending them in with a bald cap/prosthetics/sfx makeup?

>> No.8971536

You can't fake a half fade unless you get into theater level makeup with bald caps

>> No.8971537

I personally love this lower bar. Yeah it means its way harder for men to be noticed but on the flip side, its way harder for a man to attract drama outside of being a total asshat. That means what ever few bits of attention I'll get are genuinely positive and I don't have to worry about haters or drama mongers starting shit and slandering my name as I'm a nobody in the scene

>> No.8971548

Men don't cut each other down over a non serious cosplay.

Women will rape your entire social presence and make shit up just because you wore the wrong brand eyeliner.

That is why OP


>> No.8971550

I've tried For years someone to teach me sewing, but never happened because it's "not a male thing". So...yeah

>> No.8971554

See that's the problem. A majority of anime/game dudes are better cosplayed by females. Men do better with co and movie related characters

>> No.8971568

go away thread-derailer-chan

Honestly, it's something you can self teach. I taught myself by starting with stuff like cushions + plushies, they give you a good understanding of how patterns work and they're easy to put together.
I just decided i wanted to make my own cosplays and progressed from there. My mum gave me a little help here and there, but she knows just the basics of sewing so it really was 99% all me in the end.
You can do it too anon, don't be scared and feel you have to rely on others to teach you! Tutorials and free patterns from the net are all you need, I hand-sewed my first plushies as I didn't have a machine at the time and it really helped me learn the basic principles. I even can even make my own patterns.

Just pick up some cheap fabric and basic thread and needle set and get started, it's the best way to get into it.

>> No.8971578

But anon speaks the truth. Don't be mad that they gave you an answer that killed the entire thread.

>> No.8971579

This is a pretty vocal minority. I have a huge group of female cosplaying friends and we enjoy our obscurity.

>> No.8971589

You're implying men don't rip apart women's cosplays just as viciously.

>> No.8971628

Oh jeez anon I did toooo

Yeah, when I started Cosplay, I didn't know how to sew either. My grandma taught me how to knit, that was the only "crafty" thing I knew how to do. Sewing, wig styling and makeup were all things that I, as a nerdy tomboy, would not have bothered to learn if it weren't for Cosplay, and I used to be terrible at them. But I practiced, now I'm not. Being a girl didn't magically bless me with these skills. So it's nothing inherent to birth, it'd just social stigma and a lack of bravery to stand up to it.

>> No.8971676
File: 73 KB, 600x615, schelmkatze_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most men are cosplaying solely for the same reason why I occasionally lurk here. It's not for the sake of cosplaying per se but rather about masturbating to cute girls. Another reason is simply that nobody is actually interested in male cosplayers because they're not cute and/or sexually attractive.

A sexy pikachu will always be considered better than a realistic pikachu in this hobby.

>> No.8971682

I think the bar is set higher for men to be RECOGNIZED. You pretty much need a big flashy suit of armor with guns and lazers or be super buff and wearing an ironic "bro" crossplay to get nearly as much attention as a Lara Croft closet cosplay nowadays.

but thats just for recognition, not average cosplay dudes.

>> No.8971685
File: 29 KB, 361x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies and slander, I'll support tubby pikachu till the day I die

>> No.8971713

>Another reason is simply that nobody is actually interested in male cosplayers because they're not cute and/or sexually attractive.
>A sexy pikachu will always be considered better than a realistic pikachu in this hobby.
I think those asian guys who cosplay as eeveelutions are cute and sexy.

>> No.8971716

For the same reason nobody gives a fuck if a guy is fat or ugly.
For the same reason a guy can walk around in a scummy wifebeater and still be considered some 'average dude.'
For the same reason a guy can have unkempt hair and a bunch of shitty tattoos.

It's socially normal for a guy to have a frumpy, dumpy, half-assed appearance. And until other men and women get half as vicious attitudes about male looks as they do female looks, this shit won't change.
Maybe it shouldn't change. Maybe people need to calm the fuck down about looks. Men seem to have it right.
After all, you can be a stupid trashy doughboy who doesn't shower for five weeks out of spite and still have a girlfriend!

>> No.8971718

Get the fuck out of here with your yellow fever, white girl. Only thing your good for is a few bangs and your purse.

>> No.8971722

Go back to tumblr with your gender norms shit

Guys who look like pedo wife beaters get cops called on them
Fat guys get made fun of more than women. Hello Tess Munster can show her obese ass despite being a straight up scammer
Guy whose got shit tats with bad hair tend to be called hipster or druggie neither are well liked

>> No.8971727

Oh shit. I've never thought about it that way before

>> No.8971735

>fat guys get made fun of more than women
Like who? There's fat male actors that get hailed as comedic prodigies, whereas fat females like Rebel Wilson and Adele get shat on relentlessly and get told how unappealing they are on a daily basis.
Also newsflash: Tess Munster is hated by fucking everybody. Yes because she's a scammer, but seriously, there's campaigns against her on YouTube that have millions of views.
Sorry for telling the truth.
>what about hipster and druggie stereotypes
>because women aren't called those things

>> No.8971743

>rants about gender shit in other anon's post
>rants using the same type of gender shit in his own post

This is bait, right?

>> No.8971746

>>Implying Rebel Wilson is actually funny

No I just find her as an offensive sack of shit that makes shitty movies and talks about her vag non stop thinking she is acting like a guy. Pro-tip: normal guys don't talk about their dicks, only frat fuckbois you shouldn't acknowledge anyway do.

>> No.8971747

Wow you're as retarded as it gets. Rebel Wilson is a shit human whose a one hit act and gets pissy when people call her on it. She'll hop from one progressive thing to the next as long as it makes her money
And no you ain't telling the truth you're regurgitating shit from tumblr
Women are catty bitches who'll ruin another for some pity points especially in cosplay

>> No.8971753

I'm a chick?

Men tend to get shit on harder for not being 'society's norm I'm just turning retard's argument on them and they don't like it

>> No.8971754

Damn, my standards of having a girlfriend must be too high. I can't even go a 2 days without showering and I'm single.

>> No.8971756

>I'm a chick?
Are you not sure?

>> No.8971758

You auto assumed anon was a dude they were being dubious

>> No.8971759

>I'm just turning retard's argument on them and they don't like it
So you're fighting stupidity by being stupid too? (Not trying to insult, I'm seriously trying to understand your argument.)

>> No.8971766

You sound like one of those edgy teen girls who say they're anti feminist.

>> No.8971767
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>Fat females get shat on relentlessly
Wow I wonder why Adele tops the charts, Melissa McCarthy constantly gets praise,and Amy Schumer is the "Comedic Genius of the year" (She's not funny, but that has nothing to do with her weight).

>> No.8971771

>being a feminist in 2016
>Not being an Egaltarian which is far less cancerous

>> No.8971772

I think they were pointing out that men are at a disadvantage in those areas and tumblr anon just wanted to be a special snowflake

I mean I somewhat agree. Chances are you see an unkempt dude in a park near kids most are already on their cellphones reporting him. Ratty looking woman tends to be assumed as a down on her luck mom Is an example I can think off the bat. We tend to assume the worst of men, and the best of women.

But back to the topic? Love how tumblrinas seem to derail these threads hard.
I find a lot of guys find it unmanly or some shit? Like thy aren't as weeb if they half ass it?

>> No.8971775
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1446766105171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971777

I think part of it is that a lot of the skills associated with looking good in cosplay (using makeup, sewing, styling wigs/hair) are considered feminine and people give men passes when they don't want to develop feminine skills.

>> No.8971789

>Adele tops the charts
Just because she sells music doesn't mean she isn't the brunt of a lot of fat jokes aimed at women. Wtf kind of logic is that?

>> No.8971791

>all of the accomplishments of the MRA:
> ........

>> No.8971797

anon you forgot to add how a ton of beauty companies are jumping the "fat is beautiful too" train as well. women get nothing but ass pats for being whales, its gross. even the fastest, most disgusting woman can still get a semi-decent man, but if you're fat or ugly as a guy you're pretty much fucked. i honestly don't want to hear anything about how bad fat women have it, because they just don't. they're so pampered. you can't even say anything about them without being harped.

>> No.8971804

Ok, and what do these legendary careers of fat comediands have to do with their weight and how many people make fun of them?

>> No.8971808

>hurr whats the difference between an Egaltarian and a Mens Rights Activist

>> No.8971809

>fat and ugly guy
If they're rich and have nice cars, they can get tons of pretty women. r9k bitches about just that all the time, which is why they hate that they're average poorfag NEETs.
>obese woman
>with an attractive guy
Under what circumstance other than the guy having some kind of fetish? I never see this happen.

You're one stupid bitch, no wonder you're an "egalitarian."
>fashion is finally capitalizing on plus size lines, most of which still are unflattering sacks

>> No.8971815

Enlighten me, what do you do and what have you accomplished as an egalitarian besides using it to whine about feminists on the internet?

>> No.8971819

>so BTFO she's getting users mixed up

>> No.8971823

>which still are unflattering sacks

you know the solution to not wearing a sack is literally just to lose weight.

>> No.8971824

Don't encourage her she'll only froth harder

>> No.8971829

I just think it's funny how you can't name one fat MALE comedian or actor that has a cameo in the form of a fat joke in social media.
>fat men are completely normalized, that's why
Women are trained to like guys for their personalities, men are tried to like women for their appearances.

>> No.8971833

Name one positive thing a modern feminist has done
Ive donated and helped build homes for the LGBT community and have endorsed equal pay for women to bring them up to mens pay which is an Egaltarian task.
Feminists is improvement for women and Egaltarianism is improvement for society as a whole, in order to get then all up to the same speed.

Why are you so against Egaltarianism? Its literally just pre modern feminism but for helping everybody

>> No.8971834

Nah, I'm assuming you're the retarded bitch typing so fast you've got nothing else to say.

>> No.8971835

My main costume is full upper body makeup and a theatre bald wig. I have sewn other costume stuff too.

>> No.8971837

>missing the entire point of the post
Good job senpai, thumbs up lol

>> No.8971838

>no feminist has ever participated in community projects or helping advance pay
Haha. Oh wow, you're deluded as hell.
You're more special snowflake than any tumblreeney I've ever seen!

>> No.8971842

Hello tumblr
Not even trying to hide the samefagging huh? Retarded feminist for you

>> No.8971843

>maybe if I shout tumblr first it will make me seem less special snowflake
Nope. Please stop trying egalitaritard.

>> No.8971847

Holy fuck this fatty is still arguing how bad she has it? Boohoo

>> No.8971848

You seem upset.

>> No.8971849

>thinking being Egaltarian is an insult

>> No.8971853

of course the post with exactly what this tumblrtard was asking for goes ignored

>> No.8971857

So this thread is officially fucked is it? Damn was enjoying the actual related contact.

>> No.8971860

>If I keep making fun of it, maybe people will think im not retarded!
sad day for retards

>> No.8971863

Its just this one retard who needs to feel victimized, I was legit trying to discuss this topic and she ruined the thread

>> No.8971870

You responded, maybe stick to the related content instead of indulging "retards"? It's your own fault.

>> No.8971872

I havent responded to her yet,just recognize her as being completely and utterly disfunctional

>> No.8971873

>keep calling tumblr
>maybe it will be tumblr

>> No.8971875

>calls other people retarded
>can't spell dysfunctional

>> No.8971878

Nah senpai, she's literally from Tumblr. find one normal person who throws a hissy fit over fat ladies not being accepted into society that isnt from tumblr

>> No.8971879

Well then trying to get back on topic, I know some guys who take cosplay as a dare? So don't give a shit how it comes out.

>> No.8971883

This is actually sad that this is what you use to make your argument, a minor spelling error

>> No.8971884
File: 19 KB, 420x319, 2147087_1320741310056.84res_420_319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in gender studies, and I’ve been involved in numerous LGBT community events, and I have over 300 confirmed homes built. I am trained in Egaltarian tasks and I’m the top endorser for equal pay for women. You are nothing to me but just another feminist. I will wipe you the fuck out with enlightenment the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Egaltarians across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, pleb. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your "modern feminism." You’re fucking dead, you SJW. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can educate you in over seven hundred ways feminism is poisonous. Not only am I extensively trained in improving society as a whole, but I have access to the entirety of tumblr and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, baka.

>> No.8971885

I don't even have tumblr but even I cringe when fat man cosplayers get asspats for their shitty cosplays and fat women cosplayers who actually put in the work get nothing but jeers about their weight.

Then again I just have common sense, I'm not out to prove how egalitarian I am by not feeling bothered by that because some ugly fat bro out there can't get a date.

>> No.8971886

Embarrassed for you

>> No.8971888

>Actually samefagging just to post this copypasta that you spent time editing
Was it autism lads?

>> No.8971890

I'm embarrassed for you boo, that's like a fifth grade spelling error. You couldn't have fucked that up unless you intended that.

>> No.8971891

Actual autism

>> No.8971892

>not finding that copypasta hilarious
Was it autism, gulls?

>> No.8971894

Not even worth replying to you anymore you literally dont have a single valid point anymore

>> No.8971896

The original is funny, all autistic edits are shit

>> No.8971897

You never had a point to argue with, so. Nothing has changed if you stop responding. Kek.

>> No.8971904

mods cleanse this shithole

>> No.8971905

That actually wasn't me who posted that. You did that to build a strawman and accuse me of samefagging.

>> No.8971909

>Le ignoring anything that refutes me

>> No.8971912
File: 442 KB, 2000x1087, vsdvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say fatty

>> No.8971913

This. It was I who posted the autistic bait edit, showcasing how everyone on this board loves to respond to obvious bait no matter how dumb it is, instead of letting shit go. Thus derailing threads from their intended topic.

>> No.8971914

What exactly have you refuted?
All you said was "Fluffy" I literally don't know what the fuck you meant by that.

>> No.8971919

Ok so you dont actually know any male comedians? good to know

>> No.8971924


>> No.8971925

>She doesnt know who Fluffy is
How old are you? 16?

>> No.8971926

No. I don't know the one comedian called Fluffy. Please explain his relevancy and how he's used as a fat punching bag to critique how fat men are not normal in society.

>> No.8971931


>> No.8971959
File: 184 KB, 2000x900, kbCWJGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people don't expect men to look nice.

people expect women to ALWAYS look nice.

so the bar is lower for men. additionally, there is incentive for men to actively avoid making themselves up. "looking nice" is seen as a necessary condition for being feminine, and men who put effort into their appearence are seen as unmasculine.

meanwhile, every woman faces pic related, cosplayer or not, fat or fit. when i started wearing foundation i was amazed at how much better i looked in photos; i am never going back.

>t. male jfashionista, ex-cosplayer

>> No.8971965

>this thread almost hit page 4
Whyd you do it senpai. Let this thread die and make a new one

>> No.8971968

cuter w/o makeup desu

>> No.8971970

because i ignore shitposts and forget that other people can't, sorry

>> No.8971976 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 900x900, cool-mens-haircuts-for-short-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My char's hair is this short. Think I can get away with freeze spray? I'm having it professionally dyed.

>> No.8971979

When 80% of the thread becomes shitposts ts best to let it die

>> No.8971982

desu that entire chart is bullshit. 90% of the time i don't wear makeup and i usually get nice comments and i've never been told i look "so tired or sick". if anyones experiencing that you're probably just ugly.

>> No.8971991

Ive been told I look upset or sick when I don't wear makeup, but thats because of my natural red tint around my eyes because I'm so pale and my freckles. Then when I put concealer one people think Im not red because instead my eyes are puffy? I don't know. Unless I'm wearing a bunch of makeup people seem to think I'm either tired or sick. It's usually allergies or my natural coloration.

Not bullshit. Really very, very common for most girls. Especially when you work with people who make their opinions obvious or go to school where their friends are honest with them or they have a concerned teacher or boss.

Also, I get compliments even if I don't wear makeup. Its a mix. A lot of people compliment my eye color or my freckles because they think they are cute. I wear makeup and suddenly I'm someone people don't remember rung them up the past 5 days in a row at the store.

>> No.8972008

So you want fatties to be nude while they lose weight??? Fucking whale fuckers

>> No.8972025

I honestly think that girls look great without makeup, but it's a matter of proper skincare? Like if you have a good scincare routine you generally have nice skin. But if you have shitty dull skin you just look tired and blah. Like, obviously not everyone is blessed with good genes but happy skin tends to perk you up more. Also just like...how you hold and present yourself. Like not throwing your hair into a greasy messy bun and wearing sweats. Just wearing jeans and a well fitting shirt but no makeup you look infinitely better than looking all sloppy. Granted, I am very impressed by other girls who wear makeup everyday.

I work retail but don't botter with makeup. My other female coworkers do but I personally do not like applying it. I think I have become much more ok with this since getting my skin under control. I spend so much time in the morning on my routine and defrizzing my hair that I simply don't have time for makeup. I'm not really sure where I am going with this, maybe it's just my preference for happy glowing skin and seeing people's natural eye shape and lashes. I am so jealous of people born with skin that looks like porcelain! Simple blush and foundation are my favorite things to see.

>> No.8972033

I'm >>8971991 anon. I do the same. All the girls I work with in retail wear makeup and winged eyeliner and shit every day. I put on some chapstick, my hair in a pony tail, and wear my dress code [of all black]. Putting on makeup is when I am going out or if I have plans after work. If I really put on something it might be concealer and powder because my allergies have made my skin super read around and nose and eyes. Otherwise, I just don't care. People ask if I'm feeling okay and I say I am find, but allergies, but then I look in the mirror and realize how bad it can sometimes look.

My skin otherwise is very nice, hydrated, minus the slight pink to my cheeks because I'm so pale, but it looks like natural blush, so it doesn't bother me too much. I can't wait for the fall and winter where I don't have allergies and my eyes go back to normal.

>> No.8972036

Im cringing at my own spelling mistakes. Holy shit. Welp, time for a nap.

>> No.8972039

Clearly the bar isn't lower if people are constantly making threads judging poor male cosplay. Both genders get the same shit if they aren't willing to try but pretend they did.

The only thing I'd say is true is that a female would have a harder time pulling off a joke/intentionally bad cosplay.

>> No.8972046

The bar is lower mostly because guys still carry the spirit of old con scene (80s/90s) cosplay with them, passed down by other male nerds.

Back when there was more of a toga party element to wearing costumes at an anime con than straight up "I'm here to make bitches jelly" thing the post cosplay.com community started to be like.

We keep it fun. And the other thing is, there just isn't as many male cosplayers as females nowadays. Girls are somewhat hesitant about getting on their case because they don't want to scare the unicorn away.

>> No.8972050

What? I see tons of male cosplayers, like all the time.

>> No.8972063

The big question then: Are they well known? Did you take pictures of them, or skip and take pictures of the female cosplayers?

>> No.8972079

I mostly work outside in another department so my main focus is sun prevention and hydration over makeup, because I am afraid of making my skin too greasy. All of the other girls work inside but they also work shorter shifts and don't do as much physical labor. But I chose my job because I make more money than other positions so it's a trade off.

I don't think I have ever gotten asked if I look sick of not because of lack of makeup at work or school. I guess I don't look as nice as other girls but I feel happy with how I look naturally, and less like I want to scrub off my face when I put on makeup. I just don't like the feel of it, I think it is definitely a preference.

>> No.8972124

It's Egalitarian, not Egaltarian. I hope you don't say it how you've been spelling it.

>> No.8972131

They probably mean Gabriel Iglesias.

>> No.8972132

>bringing up a topic from hours ago
Fuck off

>> No.8972139

Just trying to educate someone, Anon. It's embarrassing to mispronounce/misspell something you're discussing. It causes people to discount your words and hurts your credibility.

>> No.8972143

Nobody cares, let that shit die already

>> No.8972146

>men do not commonly have the skills
Make up isn't even hard, do you think girls are just born knowing how to do it? Watch youtube and practice.
Same for wig work.

As for the rest of your points you just seem like a fat neckbeard who is trying to rationalize why they can't get into this hobby, the ONLY REASON females are more "successful" is because more and more are catering to the "slut appeal"

>> No.8972158

I can name three suscessful fat women, sexism and body shaming are over.

>> No.8972166

Oh you mean the girl that consistently said she would never lose weight because it promotes negative body image and then lost a lot of weight

Also Amy isn't even fat she just has obese face.

>> No.8972212

half of them dress that way anyways

>> No.8972223
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Are you really coming back to shitpost again? Nobody cares, go back to your holes

>> No.8972417

>Do you think the overall bar for men in cosplay is much lower than women simply because

No, men just don't give a shit about eachother and want to have fun while women will more likely judge cosplay for details.

>> No.8972428

If a man's costume sucks the fellas have a laugh about it

If a woman's costume sucks all of you catty cunts get a hard on about it and lose your shit

In a nutshell men don't give a shit and just have fun and women take it too seriously

>> No.8972430

women put more effort into it because they are lecherous being preying on men and slut their shit up to gain priase

>> No.8972437


Men can be cute and sexy in a variety of ways. I'm not sure if you're aware, but women love men. So do men.

>> No.8972441

Not to mention generally there are more dudes than chicks at cons(at least the ones I've been to). SO the spectrum is much more broad.

>> No.8972453

Wait a minute...since when is sewing a basic skill?
Like, we're not talking about sewing a button back on a shirt here. How to use a sewing machine isn't common knowledge.

But you also made that "slut appeal" point at the end so.....

>> No.8972458

Women are more likely to use their cosplay as a fashion statement where guys are more likely to just have some laughs and shit. Back in high school I can't believe the amount of time that some girls put into their cosplay, usually starting half a year ahead while I would just buy something off ebay that looked pretty decent at the end of the day and would have a blast.

I don't think there is wrong way to cosplay it's just that from my experience guys are more prone to laugh off shit.

>> No.8972465

I've never been told I look sick without make up by other people, but that's because I don't wear a full face of makeup and people are use to seeing my no makeup face. However, whenever I do see someone who normally wears makeup barefaced I do think they look more tired and washed out even if they are naturally beautiful and have good skin. Without makeup their good facial features just pop out less making them look kinda dull.

>> No.8972466

go to /fa/ and tell me men don't care how other men look, and are never catty when it comes to evaluating each other's looks.

men are not "more chill" than women, they just USUALLY nitpick and criticize each other over things not related to appearence (see: just about every other board on 4chan). additionally, a LOT of the "anybody can cosplay anything, no concrit please" cosplay crowd are female. they don't have a big /cgl/ presence but they are all over the rest of the internet and make up the bulk of cosplayers at conventions.

it's not a gender thing, it's a 4chan thing. /cgl/ attracts a catty demographic because of 4chan's legacy.

>> No.8972513

>If a man's costume sucks 9/10 dudes will have a laugh about it


I've met some really stuckup male cosplayers especially around the KLK hype. It depends on the con, the size/popularity of the con, and how popular your cosplay character is. However, I agree that women will generally over analyze cosplay details more than men

>> No.8972532

There are a lot of bad female cosplayers and some amazing male cosplays too. Overall there are more good female cosplayers then male ones because there are more female cosplayers. Also girls have more access and experience to makeup.

>> No.8972663

The bar is lower for men as they;re less likely to sew, use makeup and wigs.

The fact that there are no famous male cosplayers proves that the quality is higher for women

>> No.8972675

>because more and more are catering to the "slut appeal"

Men's costumes become viral. Hell, how many facebook vids you see shared after cons of Iron Man and transformers etc. There is a deep interest in male cosplayers

>> No.8972680

Women get picky about costumes and presentation

Men will shit talk each others armor and props

>> No.8972742

I'll throw in and say that in general, guys seem to cosplay more for humorous purposes, where for girls it's more of a serious event.

Case in point, the pepe cosplayer, the Dugtriplet cosplayers, the gundam cardboard box, the crappy avengers... I could keep going on and on, but the shared characteristics (besides a humorous take on an otherwise mediocre costume) would be they're all done by guys.

>> No.8972826

Semi-retired professional male cosplayer (Basically, stopped "booth babing" as much.)

Men have a glass ceiling real bad, but it's not about skill set. If a woman puts out a good cosplay photo, men want her and women want to be her. If a man puts out a good cosplay photo, it's hard for him to market it as much. Men don't want to look at it and they are a huge consumer of cosplay images. Women may not find the image appealing or be intimidated/find the self-advertising unappealing. It was really hard "competing" as a male cosplayer when female cosplayers could wear the same outfit (non-gender-bend) and have much more success with it.

Also, pretty men get a lot of the gay/fagg0t whatever comments, that don't come with the likes/shares of hateful comments against female cosplayers.

So basically, there's no market/end-game for male cosplayers. It's expensive, we're expected to do lots of armor, there's no incentive to do simpler outfits, and we're just as replacable (put any handsome man in a female seamstress's pro outfit.)

You start rewarding males, we'll start coming out of the woodwork and then you'll complain about us like all the females you hate. Until then, we're ghosts.

>> No.8972842


Its the other way around m8.

I was on a local tiny con, and there was a cosplay part of it. Like 8 cosplays in total maybe?

Guess what, a girl in a green dress won. Thats all she had. A green fucking dress (and pointy ears), she was the chick from lotr. Meanwhile a dude in real chainmail and medival getup, and a pretty darn perfect (yet unironed) assassins creed cosplay got shit.

Second place went to another chick that cosplayed a WoW elf rogue, with a corset so tight you could be scared of her boobs popping out.

So i would say the men have to have way better cosplay to even get noticed, and if you talk about quality, its neither worse nor better from the female cosplayers.

>> No.8973059

Thanks for the encouragement!
Point is: I'm the kind of guys that needs to be told what to do when learning something...
And having a little time and no people to work with is no help at all.
I'll try to do alone a simple tunic for start, I even have my sewing machine (old one, not even sure if it works)

>> No.8973091

Absolutely not. Complete opposite:

Men must try much harder to have a cosplay agreed to be "Good".

Women: Even with a thinker body type, will always get more attention and pictures. Show some skin, you win cosplay of the year. Gender bend a character? community claps and hails it as better then canon. Donutsteel character? So pretty and creative.

Men: Skinny and lanky/fat? "Ha! Check out that fatty.". Gender bent? "lolol so fanny.". Original character design? "Fucking fedorah tipper, edgiest thing here".

Honestly women have a much lower standard to hit when it comes to cosplay. just be a nerd pin-up and you can sell merch.

This is also a far cry from the salt you get on /cgl/. We have to take into account: You judge your own gender harder then the opposite.

>> No.8973114


These posts especially.

Even if you do a great job as a male cosplayer, no one gives a fuck.

It's better to do it just for fun, and for fellow fans of the series, rather than worry about cos-fame.

>> No.8973121

Whale-san, please stop

>> No.8973125

>responding to a post from yesterday
Stop derailing fatty.

>> No.8973627

Every other guy that I've met has cosplayed for these reasons:
>Trying to bang a girl from the same fandom
>Just cosplaying as a joke/to hang out with friends.
>Just want to be a character but doesn't want to invest too much money into the costume.
>"If I'm only wearing something for a few days out of a year, I don't want to spend so much money/time on it"
I guess unless the guy wants to become E-famous or cosplays as a hobby, most just think of it as just another Halloween costume.

>> No.8973803
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>tfw I became a /fit/izen just to cosplay right for the body type most anime characters
>tfw someone criqutes the fact my body paint isn't exactly right

>> No.8974124

>unless the guy wants to become E-famous or cosplays as a hobby, most just think of it as just another Halloween costume.
this is how most cosplayers think regardless of gender. it is not a serious hobby for most.

>> No.8974458

There's no retirement in eFame, but being eFamous for video games, youtube, or streaming are easier to get into and you don't need new costumes every 2 weeks.

>> No.8974463
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This thread sucks and at least half of the people here are entitled fucks.

>> No.8974468

We recognize and value your opinion. You have been noticed.

>> No.8974472
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>> No.8974475

jesus fucking christ.
what is wrong with all of you.
Do you just fucking despise the opposite gender? Obviously you don't.
so why is it a fucking 'privilege' competition now?

Shouldn't we be celebrating how decent our lives are that we can even afford a fucking PC in the first place,

instead of literally wanting to gain respect by having a shitty life with shitty problems to deal with.

>> No.8974478

samefagging because I forgot to mention...
why don't you fucking gain respect some other way instead of having it handed to you on a silver platter because

>> No.8974509

wew lad

>> No.8974642

i like cosplay and titties.

>> No.8974708


/fa/ is basically a bunch of men acting like women though

>> No.8974756


Isn't that the point?

>> No.8974968

desu senpai

>> No.8975929

People tend to over look my regular cosplays. I've only noticed a bump in people wanting photos if I do a character that is from a popular series, wearing some sort of armor or have a big prop, my outfit lights up/glows, or I am in a decent group.

>> No.8977271

I don't think there's really a bar at all.

You either get men who cosplay whatever it is they like, do it terribly and don't care because they're not really into it. Or you get guys who cosplay seriously and are generally just pretty decent.

I don't really see any tryhard male cosplayers as far as anime and stuff is concerned. I don't really see any of those types of cosplayers at all, in fact.

>> No.8980577

I think it's worth noting just how much less variety there is in men's costumes as opposed to women's, too. There are pretty-faced young boy characters, and big tall buff guys, and really not all that much in between. A lot of why I stopped cosplaying was because I found that as I aged, there were less and less characters that suited me, and most of the ones I see these days are forgettable side characters whose costumes barely count as costumes. There's a lot more variety in terms of body and face types when it comes to female costumes, and those characters will generally have much more of a following than most male characters, too.

As somebody mentioned, there's also the issue of just how expensive and complex most male costumes are. Pretty much everything is armor or a military uniform, unless it's a "closet cosplay" kind of thing. I find myself stuck in a middle ground, because I don't have the skill or time to do really elaborate costumes, but I still want to make my own stuff and be recognized as a costume maker and not somebody who just picked stuff off the rack and threw a wig on. Having lived with female cosplayers, I've seen how many of their costumes can be made in an afternoon or a weekend (school uniforms are a good example) and there really isn't a male equivalent. Even simple male costumes tend to require a lot more work and tailoring, because they have pants instead of skirts and often have jackets that need to be lined and have sleeves that are much harder to set than blouses, etc.

>> No.8980913

It's true. We actually all hate each other unless we share blood or if we bond through mutual hatred that is greater than our hatred for each other.

>> No.8981332
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>I think it's worth noting just how much less variety there is in men's costumes as opposed to women's, too. There are pretty-faced young boy characters, and big tall buff guys, and really not all that much in between. A lot of why I stopped cosplaying was because I found that as I aged, there were less and less characters that suited me, and most of the ones I see these days are forgettable side characters whose costumes barely count as costumes. There's a lot more variety in terms of body and face types when it comes to female costumes, and those characters will generally have much more of a following than most male characters, too.

This is bullshit and you know it. There are tons of well known characters embracing multiple body types and ages that are loved in their. The issue here is that you're not looking in the right places.

Pic related: A well known male character that is not a pretty young boy, big buff man, in a simple outfit.

>> No.8981351

Because playing dress up is a thing for girls, not for boys. That means there's acceptance for the defence mechanism of "I'm dressing up, but I'm not reaaally dressing up", because nobody wants to hurt the dude, who's clearly uncomfortable about doing it the first place.

>> No.8981357
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>support tubby pikachu til the day I die
Will you, now?

>> No.8981361

What did Tess Holliday do? Deets please.

>> No.8981366

Wow, go fuck yourself.

>> No.8981658

See also the cast of One Piece, Gravity Falls, Team Fortress for just a SMALL sample

>> No.8982301

>I don't really see any tryhard male cosplayers as far as anime and stuff is concerned. I don't really see any of those types of cosplayers at all, in fact.

Those are the ones that cosplay just to get laid

>> No.8982628

because most men don't give two shits about anything. Why do you think most go half assed and wear sun glasses and claim it's for "swag"? cause they really don't give a shit about anything: the anime they make fun of, the convention they are at, the people surrounding them, everything. it's all just one huge joke.

>> No.8983442

I did a Luffy one time and it worked out okay using my natural hair. Of course it wasn't as spiky but I called my being lazy a "stylistic choice".

>> No.8983444

As a guy, I honestly cosplay in the hopes that someone out there REALLY likes my character and I'm doing them a favor by bringing it to life.

>> No.8983453

Thats why actual crossplayers are so much profesional. They don't give a fuck about sexual taboos they're more authentic persons with courage to do what they like. Thats why they actually get good at cosplaying unlike the other basic bitches. Not being a mental slave to society helps a lot, too bad independent thought is hard to come by.

>> No.8983777
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I am discouraged by how terrible most male cosplay is. I'd like to get into it, but I feel like I would have no guy friends who took the hobby as anything more than a joke.

>> No.8984089

could just be a typo you know.

>> No.8986852

Lower bar? The bar is much higher if you're looking to get any kind of recognition.

I do my own sewing, make-up, wig, and get a fraction of the attention of a women doing the same thing who are a skill tier or two down from me.

The primary consumer of cosplay at cons or online are men, guys generally don't want to recognize or take photos of other guys cosplaying.

Even if you are competing it doesn't matter how many masters rank awards you've gotten, if you don't have a rack a certain segment of the con isn't going to pay you any attention.

On the flip side of all of this guys don't necessarily catch as much flak. You can be lower tier in terms of skill and not have your shit torn apart. And some people will be more impressed that you actually know the things you'd not expect a guy to know.

>> No.8988421

this, I wonder if each one of those boring, unoriginal fucks chuckles to themselves about their amazing sense of humor when they squeeze themselves into yet another shitty store bought costume of a sailor moon

>> No.8989708

I've been to one con, and it had better male cosplays than female cosplays. More intricate armore designs, etc. The percentage of obese female cosplayers was significantly higher, too.

That one con motivated me to workout even more than I do now so I don't look as ridiculous as the fat cosplayers did.

>> No.8989877

Completely agree with this. You can be a very good male cosplayer but barely get even half of the attention of a mediocre female cosplayer. I've found the best way for male cosplayers to get a decent amount of attention is to attach their cosplay to other more popular females through couples or groups.

>> No.8990828

This might be one of the best posts ive read on this board.