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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8969519 No.8969519 [Reply] [Original]

Any Irish gulls ever been? How is it? I looked up some links on youtube and saw a lot of youngins. Im 23. Is it generally a younger con?

>> No.8969732

Its all ages really, there are a far few older people but they tend to stick with their own groups and not mingle much. Eirtakon is the biggest one so you do get a lot of cosplay first timers there.

>> No.8971706

When is it?

>> No.8971710


>> No.8971736

Its so so young. Makes you feel old and sad. would not recommend.

>> No.8971751

It's not that bad unless you fling yourself into the midst of the youngins. There are even events geared specifically towards 18+ (not that everyone 18+ acts older than 12 but that's cons for you).

It depends on what you're going to a con for. The panels are hit and miss, I've been to great ones and I've been to ones so badly organised that I don't know how they got past the application stage. The trade hall is improving, there's some mediocre art in the artist alley but also a few fantastic artists who normally attend which makes up for it.

>> No.8972159

I have never been to a con but I really really want to go to one.

Only problem is I have no one to go with.

What are solo experiences like at Eirtakon?

>> No.8973390

I don't know if it's supposed to be me or me mate who booked the hotel, and it might be too late now anyway.

>> No.8973404

went in 2011 or 2012, can't remember

was shit quite frankly

>> No.8976157

Why was it shit?

>> No.8977205 [DELETED] 
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What is she doing now?

>> No.8978788

I noticed a lot of families starting to attend its cool seeing a whole family cosplaying. It's improving as it goes on but they need to add a bit more since they have a lot more space since it moved to croke park

>> No.8978805

cosplaying families are adorable, and a lot of the kids seemed pretty well behaved and like they were enjoying themselves instead of just being dragged along because mammy and daddy were going.

I really dislike the "circle" that croker goes in for a con because everything feels really far away and the whole con is a corridor, but they definitely have extra space they should be using.

>> No.8978971 [DELETED] 
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Will our queen be back for this year's Eirtakon?

If not, don't bother going.

>> No.8978981

I also think that since the space is there and most people get ID'd for the over 18 pass they should get more stalls for more adult products,,,there's plenty of space to have a whole hall for stalls selling more mature items and have some more events for adults so anyone who is over 18 can mingle without having to worry about ending up in prison. I've seen some really haggard looking teens there It's scary seeing guys that are balding at 16. I've seen my fair share of trainwrecks attending.

>> No.8978984 [DELETED] 
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How many cats do you thinks she own?

>> No.8978985

>selling more mature items
I'm pretty sure there was a guy there the year before last from the states selling hentai stuff and his stall flopped, barely anyone bought stuff and he was really shocked because apparently it's popular in the US. After that, I wonder if such an area would be worth it? There'd also be loads of edgy 13 year olds trying to sneak in anyway, but I guess that's a risk with everything.

>> No.8978991

>went last year and brought my passport because it's the only photo ID I have right now
>didn't get asked for it because I have a beard
>mate who's 28 (3 years older than me) gets ID'd instantly
>doesn't have her ID on her but the lad at the desk lets it slide because she has a bank card and only adults have bank accounts

kek. Glad we both got the bands without issue, though. Whiskey tasting is class.

>> No.8978992

I hope there's never an Eirta without Whiskey tasting, yer man is a legend.

>> No.8978993

Hope it doesn't get cut short again, we had a really great time at it last year. Wanted to go to the cocktail one again but it was sold out very early on the Saturday afternoon

>> No.8978999

The reason the hentai guy flopped was because all his stuff wasn't in English I heard a lot of people complaining about it

>> No.8979000

Yeah it was a shame, the guy (Michael? I think that was his name) was so lovely about it though. I just imagine him scouring the country for enough Japanese whiskey to bring along. I've gone twice now and it's just really good fun.

What's the cocktail one like? I don't know anyone who has gone so I've never heard much about it.

>> No.8979001

>I've seen some really haggard looking teens there It's scary seeing guys that are balding at 16
Do you know where you are? We're hardly known for being tall, dashing and slim (post-1900s at least). Or aging well, for that matter.

My Polish friend has an elderly aunt who looks younger than most of the poor mingers I've seen in secondary school

>> No.8979008

I've only gone to the one in 2014 but it's much the same. Bartender was really sound, had lots of stories about how he acquired a lot of his exotic alcohol from every corner of the world, plenty of trivia and it all tasted great.

>> No.8979081

any decent cosplayers going? Has anyone seen any WIP pics or plans yet?

>> No.8979091
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I'm going as a ghost.

R8 my cosplay skills.

>> No.8979123

Thinking as going as Sans lt's my first time cosplaying. l wouldn't even of taught of it if my GF hadn't talked me into it

>> No.8979843
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Thinking of doing Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill but I'm not too sure yet since I don't want to get kicked out but I've seen girls wearing a hell of a lot less before. I'm not going to be an idiot and do serious amounts of underboob but I've seen landwhales wearing next to fuck all and they got away with it.

>> No.8979845

>I'm not going to be an idiot and do serious amounts of underboob

Fuck that, do it. Underboob is a miracle of this universe

>> No.8979847

I've done cosplays with a bit of boob going on I was Fem Sanji back in 2014

>> No.8979996

Do it lad. They can't kick ya out if you've pasties, can they?

>> No.8980030

Pics? For homework of course

>> No.8980062

Seconding this

>> No.8980077

I was thinking of wearing pasties as a precaution I don't have massive knockers unfortunately I'm only a 30 Double D I doubt I'd have too much to worry about nip slip wise and even if it happens I have a good nip to tit ratio.

>> No.8980090

Nice repeating digits.

And sounds like they're nice knockers. Have you cosplayed before?

>> No.8980108

>30 Double D
That's still more than a handful

>> No.8980113

Yeah I usually cosplay male characters because I've never feel attractive enough to do a lot of female characters. I don't want to be one of those girls that looks like an utter trainwreck but thinks they're sexy because the character is sexy.

I've been a neko maid
Ed Elric from Full Metal Alchemist
C.C From Code Geass
Hanji From Attack on Titan
Fem Sanji One Piece
Fem Ken Kaneki From Tokyo Ghoul
Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler
and Alois Trancy from Black Butler

>> No.8980148

Sounds good, I've only ever cosplayed twice.

Do you have a Tumblr/Insta with any photos?

>> No.8980172
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I don't post on tumblr or instagram I just do the con and do the photo shoots. I don't try to whore myself out as professional. I just do it for fun.

>> No.8980177

That's the best attitude to have about it! I mean no hate on people with cosplay pages/instas, but there's a lot to be said for just doing a cosplay for fun.

>> No.8980178

Kawaii, anon.

I didn't mean you had to do it professionally but a lot of people use tags during and after Eirtakon to find photos of themselves that other people took.

>> No.8980195
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Rate my genderbent James Bond cosplay, lads

>> No.8980197
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I tag myself but I haven't bothered doing a cosplay page or anything I do want to do a photoshoot at some point though . This is my fem Sanji my boobs are covered in this thankfully

>> No.8980204


More boobs are always a good thing

>> No.8980269
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>> No.8980271

ask your waifu instead >>8980195

>> No.8980275 [DELETED] 
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>No trans autistic gypo loving GF

>> No.8980513 [DELETED] 


I shouldn't have to say it but that's a slur, and not even directed at the person you're trying to make fun of.

>> No.8981062 [DELETED] 
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Thnx for reminding me to czech my prevelige ;)

>> No.8981135 [DELETED] 

Potsy is a gyppo lover, though. She has a fetish for them.

>> No.8981140

Not even relevant to the con scene. Stop picking the scab and trying to get the thread deleted.

>> No.8981204

Sooooooooooooo, anyone going to Brocon? Limmers lads, get in here

>> No.8981322

I went once and it was shit. Watched as someone stole a bunch of shit from the sellers easily. They just picked stuff up to look at and walked around with it in their hand to look at something else then walked off.

>> No.8981539
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>> No.8982781

I probably will end up doing Ryuko Matoi in the uniform and the Senketsu armour I'll just tape the boobs and bring spare panties and booty shorts.

>> No.8982855

Do not tape the boobs

>> No.8982919

I get so bitter when I see cosplayers with a ton of likes and their cosplayers are terrible...its just boobs...its so depressing and demotivating.

>> No.8982922 [DELETED] 
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The Queen Bee doesn't have tits and she's still the face of Irish cosplay

>> No.8983341

Did you go to her picnic?

>> No.8983347


>> No.8984572

Anyone go to iDig today? Wasn't half bad surprisingly. I could actually get near the consoles and the panels were like mini versions of video games live. Actually looking forward to a few panels tomorrow

>> No.8984636

Too late to book the hotel?!
Isnt the con in November though???

>> No.8984655

Yeah Eirtakon is on early November this year

>> No.8984657

Yeah but thats 7 months away!

>> No.8984743

Femanons, any store in Ireland/UK/EU that sells anything resembling himekaji/roma gyaru?

>> No.8984779


>implying the majority of the board isn't female

H&M and F21 is your best bet locally. Thrifting sometimes comes up with some j-fashion-able stuff. Honestly though, you could probably get more suitable and cheaper from ebay or taobao.

>> No.8984877

I know, but most of the posters here seem to be /int/ rejects. And I normally order from taobao, but now I only need a single item so I was wondering.
Thanks though, I'll root through some charity shops and see what comes up

>> No.8985239

>le /int/ boogeyman meme

And it's painfully obvious you and a lot of the other delicate flowers here don't browse any other boards except this one

>> No.8985284

And why should we? Unlike you, we have lives.

>> No.8985286
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>goes to anime conventions and pisses away thousands of euro a year dressing up like a doll
>talking down to someone else about having a life

>> No.8985287

>delicate flowers
We just want threads that aren't dragged off-topic by people posting irrelevant shit and either ending up with the thread deleted or useless.

>> No.8985288

Potsy and Amy King shitposting is a staple of any Irish thread and is never irrelevant.

>> No.8985289

It's the reason threads get deleted.

>> No.8985290

We Irish are used to the persecution. It's just another burden we have to bear.

>> No.8985309 [DELETED] 

anyone brave enough to add potsy on snapchat and ask him for dick pics?

>> No.8985333
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You do know half of the /int/ illustrious shit posters are normies and Reddit

>> No.8985334

Slee has a snapchat?

>> No.8985335

>those trips


>> No.8985336
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>Those almost trips
Maybe next time lad :3

>> No.8985338 [DELETED] 

yeah I'm facebook friends with him and he keeps begging people to add him it's roseweave (constantly re-using the same usernames is what got him into such deep shit on kiwifarms and he still hasn't learned) if anyone's curious

>> No.8985342

>FB friends
Jesus, does slee just add anybody?

>> No.8985346

Yes. Several people on the farms regularly post screenshots of ses FB wall ramblings be cause slee has them added and doesn't know who's doing it so can't delete everyone

>> No.8985351
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and slee adds randomers who are 90% likely to be a troll. My God, You're a dense gimp Potsey.

>> No.8985359

Potsy isn't relevant to the con scene anymore, hasn't been for a long time, stop shitting up the thread, take it to the farm or something.

>> No.8985382

Just ignore the Potsy posting eejits

>> No.8985512 [DELETED] 
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Who would win in a free-for-all scrap, lads?

Pot Noodle, Lizard Lady, Amy "Legs For Dayz" King or Nathan Kealy?

>> No.8985540

Me ;)

>> No.8985669

Actually I wouldn't mind anyone posting links for reliable clothing sites I have some nice stuff from cutesy kink.

>> No.8985782
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>bf finally popped the dreaded question after months of being together last night
>wants to do dd/lg in my burando

Guess it's time to dump him. Knew it was too good to be true ;_;

>> No.8985787

Oh god anon, I'm so sorry. I was with someone who was really pushy about dd/lg shit and I really wasn't into it at all and it was awful. I kept telling him I wasn't interested in it and he kept trying to coax me into it, so glad I got out of that one.

Hope it works out for you okay, I'd be particularly sad to know my bf sees burando as something for ddlg stuff

>> No.8985818

Cutesykink mark their stuff up a lot. Keep an eye on the taobao/aliexpress threads on here, people dig up a lot of really good stores (there should be a doc in the thread OP which should be helpful in finding what you want!). Places like Cutesykink are pretty much just selling taobao/aliexpress stuff at a markup so you'd save money and get a better selection.

What style are you interested in in particular? If you're the same anon above who likes gyaru/himekaji, you're out of luck for stores here. Your best inexpensive option would be either the taobao route, or checking out places like DreamV/Yumentenbo (Rakuten) or gyaru second hand sales groups on FB.

>> No.8985832

I like to experiment with looks sometimes I just wanted a few links that won't fuck me over with scams or anything I've been lucky but I've heard horror stories of people ordering hundreds of Euro worth of clothes and cosplays then getting sweet fuck all. I can't really wear j fashion where I'm from because well if you look different or have your own style you're a target for a slap.

>> No.8985837

I feel that, used to wear Lolita in a small town and it was a struggle.
Taobao is usually safe enough. Stores have ratings and stuff and reviews so it'd be safer than a lot of the storenvy """"missing"""" parcel disasters I hear about. Also make sure you're always using paypal, then if someone tries to pull a fast one you can get your money back.
Anywhere with feedback, even ebay, is better than a store with none.

>> No.8985838
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Same, I also used to order a bunch of stuff that ended up being paper thin and crap quality.

I've been looking for a maxi dress kind of like the himekaji gals wore a few years back, but I can't seem to find any not covered in manky paisley and leopard print.

>> No.8985840
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Anybody else stalling to Videogames Live tomorrow night?

>> No.8985853

I still wear my clothes fuck the knob heads. I don't look my age so I can pull off a lot of the cute and Lolita clothing. I wear my j fashion when I feel shitty sometimes you just need to wear a cute skirt with some sweet socks.

>> No.8985856

You're right too, I used to wear it anyway. I got more hassle than I get in the city, but I didn't really care because most of the time I had headphones on or whatever.

>> No.8985865

I actually find cities kind of easier you actually get some compliments mixed in. I make sure I'm not on my own though I'm only 5ft 1 and people seem to like trying to attack short arses and I guess I'm kind of jaded from the shit I put up with when I younger.

>> No.8985868

Shortarse here too, same height actually. I used to have adults shout stuff at me when I was like 15 starting out, it was weird but I'm glad it didn't put me off.
There's such a different mix of people in the city that you're always more likely to get more good reactions. Even the youngins have a higher ratio of nerd/alt/anime kids who'd be more likely to think it's cool than throw shit at you.

>> No.8985872

Just out of curiosity, how do you anons manage to find normie clothes that fit you? I'm 5'4'' and even though a lot of stuff 'fits' me it still looks slightly frumpy unless it's skin-tight, which I don't wear.

>> No.8985878

Admittedly I wear a lot of deliberately frumpyish stuff as normie wear. I deliberately buy jumpers a size too big and I like shorts and skirts with tights instead of pants.
Topshop do a petite line which might be worth looking into. It's generally pretty cute, depending on the season.

>> No.8987042


>> No.8990136
